The Bored Therapist @boredtherapist Channel on Telegram

The Bored Therapist


For the love of ideas and justice among the human species.


The Bored Therapist (English)

Are you bored and in need of some thought-provoking discussions? Look no further than The Bored Therapist Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to fostering a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about ideas and justice among the human species. Whether you are looking for a place to share your thoughts, engage in stimulating conversations, or simply expand your knowledge, The Bored Therapist has something for everyone. Join us as we explore diverse topics, challenge conventional thinking, and strive to make a positive impact on the world. Who is The Bored Therapist? We are a group of individuals who believe in the power of ideas and the importance of seeking justice in all aspects of life. What is The Bored Therapist? It is a platform where members can engage in meaningful discussions, share their unique perspectives, and connect with others who are passionate about creating a better world. So, if you are ready to embark on a journey of personal growth, intellectual stimulation, and social change, join The Bored Therapist Telegram channel today. Together, we can make a difference!

The Bored Therapist

03 Jan, 18:59

I feel lucky that my first big social media appearance is about justice - justice against gender based violence! 🤗

Long way to go!

The Bored Therapist

29 Dec, 06:50

"ያቤፅ ሰለሞን ይባላል። የ8ኛ ክፍል ተማሪ ነው። የሚኖረው የካ አባዶ ሲሆን  ካጋጠመው የኩላሊት በሽታ የመጨረሻ ደረጃ ላይ ስለደረሰ ወደ ውጪ ሀገር ሄዶ transplant ማድረግ እንዳለበት ለቤተሰቦቹ ተነግሯል። ለህክምናውም ወደ 5 ሚሊየን ብር ያስፈልገዋል። አባቱ የቤተክርስቲያን አገልጋይ ሲሆን ሌላ የገቢ ምንጭ ስለሌለው ልጁ እንዲታከም እርዳታ ጠይቋል።
ስለዚህ የዚህ ብላቴና ህይወት ባለን አቅም በመደገፍ እንታደግ!"

ለመደገፍ የምትፈልጉ:
Account Holder: Solomon Alemayehu (Yabets’ Father)
CBE: 1000057164143
Awash: 01320037587500
Abyssinia: 102845781
Cooperative: 1000072492677

Go fund me:
Phone: 0911670476/0962157832

The Bored Therapist

26 Dec, 16:47

One Thing I Learned: People Know

People know how to text, they know how to respond, they know how to call or to pick up a call, they know how to let go of their ego, they know how to notice unintentionally committed mistakes, they know how to be humble, they know how to cool down after getting mad, they know how to apologize if needed, they know how to let you apologize or express your side, they know how to make efforts, they know how to solve problems, they know you're a human, they know you can make mistakes, they know how to consider all the good times, they know how to appreciate all your burdens, they know how to notice your constant efforts, they know how to make things work. They do know all these and more. They don't need to be taught. You don't need to tell them. They know how to hold on to someone they value.

Warning: Avoid generalizing and don't be blind for your responsibilities.

The Bored Therapist

19 Dec, 17:01

They don't want you to laugh. They want you to laugh for their joke.

The Bored Therapist

10 Dec, 18:18

The Bored Therapist

09 Dec, 08:52

words from the gbv activism march

ለከፋ መብት አይደለም

ፈቃዷ ይጠየቅ መብቷ ይከበር

ካልፈለገች አልፈለገችም ነው፣ እምቢ ማለት እምቢ ነው

አጭር ቀሚስ ሰበብ አይደለም፣ የትኛውም ሰበብ በቂ አይደለም

ባህል ይፈተሽ፣ ልማድ ይፈተሽ፣ ሕግ ይፈተሽ፣ ትምህርት ይፈተሽ

ጥቃት ደርሶባት ዝም በይ አትበሏት

ግድ ይለናል፣ ዛሬም ያመናል

ዝም አልልም

ዝም አትልም

ዝም አንልም

ፍትሕ ለሄቨን

ፍትሕ ለጫልቱ

ፍትሕ ለደራርቱ

ፍትሕ ለፋጡማ

ፍትሕ ለሐና

ፍትሕ ለሃይማኖት

ፍትሕ ለጽጌሬዳ


some of the slogans..

Men of quality respect gender equality

Her story is our strength

እኔ የእህቴ ጠባቂ ነኝ

ጥቃትን አለማድረስ በቂ አይደለም፣ ጥቃትን መቃወም ነውር አይደለም

She's someone's daughter, sister, wife, mother

It's so bad even the introverts are here. (my favorite)


Anyways, what if creating a better society for our children becomes one of our biggest goals? Early marriage, FGM, catcalling, rape, femicide, domestic violence and pedophilia are not just concepts or past history. They are every day terrors killing hundreds of dreams and breaking a thousand hopes and we need to fight them in every possible way and at all levels.

The Bored Therapist

01 Dec, 15:50

some rare moments of relief... unbelievable because you're used to incessant demand on your energy and time... you take some time to actually understand and believe you're actually free... that there isn't something you have forgotten... that there isn't somewhere you have to go... that there isn't something to get lost inside... that you can just rest... that you can breathe in fresh air and breathe out contentment... those rare moments of relief... something heavy rolled off your shoulders... some yoke put away from your back... you can stand up straight... you can walk lightly... you can be yourself... you can be wanted and appreciated for who you are not what you give... you can meet up with friends... you can pick up a book from your to-read-list... you can simply lay on bed with no care in the world... you can go somewhere you can feel alive... feel connected with nature... in those rare moments of relief... they don't last long... but they seem to make life worth living...

The Bored Therapist

30 Nov, 17:31

አየሽ ምንትዋብ እኔ አንድ ነኝ፡፡ እናንተ ግና የፍቅር ዐይነት እያላችሁ አስር ቦታ ትከፋፍሉኛላችሁ። ፍቅር ማለት ሕይወት ማለት ነው። ሞትንም ስንኳ በፍቅር ማሸነፍ ይቻላል። ግና ፍቅር ለናንተ ሲያልቅ ያልቃል... ሲያረጅ ያረጃል። ካንዱ ቀንሳችሁ ለሌላው ታበዛላችሁ። ለምሳሌ አሁን አንቺ ለልዥሽና ላገርሽ ያለሽ ፍቅር ልብሽን በሙሉ ስለገዛ ራስሽኝ ችላ ብለሻል፡፡ ስለዝህ ሕይወት ሙሉ ትርጉሟን ልትለግስሽ አልቻላት አለ፡፡ ጭንቀት ሲፈታተንሽ ውሎ አደረ፡፡ የጎደለሽን አውቀሻል፡፡ ለምን እንደሆነ ግና ማወቅ አልሆነልሽም፡፡ እኔ ነግርሻለሁ፣ የመጣሁተ ልዝህ ነውና፡፡ አንቺ ሰላማዊና ለጋሥ ሰው ነሽ፤ ሰርክ ምትጨነቂው እንዴት እንደምታስተዳድሪ ነው፡፡ ይኽ ርግጥ ታላቅነትሽንና ለሌላው ያለሽን ፍቅር ያሳያል፡፡ እንዴት ልኑር ብለሽ ባትጠይቂም እንዴት ላስተዳድር ብለሽ መጠየቁ ራሱ እንዴት መኖር እንዳለብሽ ማወቅሽን ያመለክታል፡፡ ያወቅሽው ግን ለሌሎች ነው፡፡ እነሱን ስለምትወጂ ለራስሽ ብታስቢ ኽነሱ ምትቀንሺ መስሎሻል፡፡ አሁን እኔ የመጣሁት ለራሰሸም ሆነ ለሌሎች ሚሆን ፍቅር ነፍስሽ መያዟን ልነግርሽ ነው፡፡

ምንትዋብ፣ ታሪካዊ ልብ ወለድ፣ ሕይወት ተፈራ

The Bored Therapist

30 Nov, 17:28

ይሔ ሁሉ ስለምንድር ነው?” ሲል ጠየቃት፣ ኢያሱ።
“ዛሬ ካህናቱንና ሊቃውንቱን ጉድ ሠራለሁ።”
“እንዴት አድርገሽ?... ደግሞስ ስለምን?”
“እነሱ ሁልግዝየ በቅኔው፣ በተረትና ምሳሌውና በመጠጥ ያቸንፉኛል። ዛሬ ግን እኔ አቸንፋቸዋለሁ ብዬ ተነስቻለሁ።
ሳቀ ኢያሱ።
ከቅዳሴ በኋላ፣ ከየደብሩ የተጋበዙት ካህናትና ሊቃውንቱ ወደ ቤተ መንግስቱ ተመሙ። ሠዓሊዎችና ሙዚቀኞችም ጎረፉ፡፡ የግብር ሥርዓት ተጠብቆ ምግብ ተበላ፡፡ የወይን ጠጅ ተቀዳ። የካህናቱና የሊቃውንቱ ዋንጫ ሲጎድል አጋፋሪዎች በታዘዙት መሠረት እየተመላለሱ ሞሉ፡፡
እንግዶቹ ፊኛቸው አስቸገራቸው። ሊወጡ ፈልገው ቢነሱ ከፊት ከኋላ በሩ ዝግ ነው። ተጨነቁ፣ ተጠበቡ። እየተያዩ መቅበጥበጥ ብቻ ሆነ፡፡ በመጨረሻ መለኛው ሊቅ አለቃ ኢሳይያስ ተነሥተው እናትና ልጁን እጅ ነሱና፣ “እቴጌ አንድ ነገር እንድጠይቅ ይፈቀድልኝ” አሏት።
“ይበሉ ይጠይቁ።”
“እቴጌ አምስት መቶና አምስት መቶ ስንት ነው?”
ያልጠረጠረችው ምንትዋብ፣ “ምን ያለ ጥያቄ ነው? ይኸ ሊያቅተኝ? ሽ ነዋ!” አለች።
አለቃ ኢሳይያስ፣ “እቴጌ ‘ሽናዋ’ ብለዋል” ሲሉ ያ ፊኛው አስጨንቆት የነበረ ሊቅና ካህን ሁሉ የተቀመጠበትን ከህንድ ሃገር የመጣ ስጋጃ አረሰረሰ፡፡
ምንትዋብ በመሸነፏ ሳቀች፣ ተንኮሏ እንዳልሠራ ተገነዘበች፡፡ በእርግጥም ሊቃውንቱን ማሸነፍ እንደማትችል ተገነዘበች፡፡ አለቃ ኢሳይያስን ለብልሐታቸው ሸለመቻቸው፡፡ አዲሱ የግብር አዳራሽም በሕዝብ ዘንድ “ሽናዋ” የሚል ስያሜ አተረፈ፡፡

ምንትዋብ፣ ታሪካዊ ልብ ወለድ፣ ሕይወት ተፈራ

The Bored Therapist

28 Nov, 13:27

what's the point of polls anyway? if we're gathering information google forms or actual research questionnaires are helpful but polls? just random numbers you don't know how to make any meaningful connection with who chose what on this one and who chose what in the next... dear telegram channel owners.. polls don't matter much.. use something more meaningful that you can analyze and make sense of.. 50 people choose 'I have depression' and 40 people chose 'I have a good family'.. what do you do with this if the questions are separately posted? I mean... you know. knowing 50 people have depression is good but not worth much if you can make no connection.

The Bored Therapist

19 Nov, 03:00

The Bored Therapist

08 Nov, 17:27

train your daughter not to tolerate shit.

The Bored Therapist

08 Nov, 14:51

I wanna live in a world
Where people don't get hurt
Where everybody has got enough money
And nobody ever gets sick
Or has to skip a meal
I wanna live in a world
Where Santa's real. 💔

• Sasha Sloan

The Bored Therapist

06 Nov, 15:55

The Bored Therapist

03 Nov, 16:34


The Bored Therapist

03 Nov, 16:34

A psychology major who’s skinny and poor? Wow, you’re really going for that triple threat of insecurity! At this point, your wallet might be the only thing thinner than you! But don’t worry, one day you’ll be rich in wisdom... just not in cash! 😂

The Bored Therapist

03 Nov, 16:31

A psychology major, huh? So you're basically studying how to analyze your insecurities about your friendships while still managing to be the skinniest guy in the room! At least you'll have a PhD in understanding why your friends hang out with the more muscular guys instead! 😂 But hey, just remember: it's not the size of the biceps; it's the size of the heart!

The Bored Therapist

02 Nov, 15:42

አቡበከር አሊ ይባላል። ሐዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በጆርናሊዝም ባለፈው ዓመት ተመርቋል። ያወቅኩት ግቢው ውስጥ በሚንቀሳቀስ ምክንያታዊ ባለራዕዮች ክበብ (RVC) በሚሰናዳ ዝግጅት ውስጥ ሀሳቦችን ሲያነሳ ነው። በግሌ ጥራዝ ነጠቅነትን እፈራለሁ። ኩምሽሽ ያደርገኛል። አፍራለሁ። አቡኪ ሲናገር ግን አዋቂ ነው። ቃላትን ይመርጣል። ጠልቆ ያልገባበትን እና ከብዙ አቅጣጫ ያላብላላውን ሀሳብ ሊደሰኩር አይነሳም። አንብቤአለሁ ማለት ሳይጠበቅበት ብዙ ማንበቡ ይታወቃል።

የሰውን ሀሳብ በአግባብ የባለቤቱን ስም እየጠቀሰ በተገቢው ቦታ ሁሉ እያሰናዳ ይተርካል። ሲናገር ከጥልቅ ስፍራ አውጥቶ ከብዙ በኩል አይቶ እና እንዴት ያሉ ቃላትን እንደሚጠቀም አስልቶ ይናገራል። ስካርፍ ጣል ሲያደርግ በእጁም መጽሐፍ ይዞ ሲራመድ ሕይወቱን እየኖረ እንጂ ምስል ሊፈጥር እየጣረ አለመሆኑ ያስታውቃል። በፈተና ሰሞንም ቢሆን መጽሐፍ ገዝቶ ሲያነብ ሊገኝ ይችላል። አሁንም ሕይወቱን እየኖረ እንጂ በፈተና ሰሞን መጽሐፍ የሚገዛው ልጅ የሚል ስም እየፈጠረ አይደለም። ከእንደዚህ ያለ ከንቱነት ርቆ ሄዷል። በምረቃው ዋዜማ ብቻውን ከአዳዲስ መጻሕፍቱ ጋር ተቀምጦ አግኝቼዋለሁ። ይህ ባህሉ ትምህርቱን በጥሩ ውጤት ከመጨረስ ወደኋላ አላደረገውም። ግቢው ላይም ብዙዎችን ለሀሳብ እና ለንባብ አነሳስቶ በመልካም አሻራ ቆይታውን ጨርሷል።

ምን አልባት እንዲህ ያለ ሰው ከቁብ ባይቆጥረንም አይደንቀንም። በሌላ ዓለም እየኖረ እኛን ሰነፎችን ሲመለከት ራሱን ማግለል እና መኮፈስ ይጠበቅበት ይሆናል። አቡኪ ግን ስሜን ጠይቆ ይዞ አልረሳም። (ቢረሳም ምንም አይደለም ድጋሚ ይጠይቃል) ሁሉን ሰው ከልብ ሰላም ይላል። በትንሽ ነገር ይደሰታል። አብሮት ያለ ሰው ራሱን ከፍ ሲል ያገኛል እንጂ አይሸማቀቅም። ጊዜ ሰጥቶ ከሁሉም አይነት ሰው ጋር በግልጽ ቋንቋ ያወራል። አለማንበባችንንም ሳይኮንን ባልዳበረ አንደበት በምንናገረው ውስጥ ለመሳቅ ለመደሰት እና ጥሩ ነገር ለማፍለቅ አይከብደውም።

አሁን ከሥራ ጎን ለጎን ዩቱዩብ ቻነል ከፍቶ የሀሳብ እና የፍልስፍና ፍቅሩ አነሳስቶት በሚድያ በኩል እያቀረበ ነው። እዩኝ ሳይሆን አብራችሁኝ እዩ በማለት ሰዎችን ወደ መጻሕፍት፣ ወደ ሀሳቦች፣ ወደ ጥያቄዎች እየጋበዘ ነው። "ጉድ ጉድ፣ የእገሌ ድብቅ ነውር ተጋለጠ" በሚል የብዙዎችን ቀልብ መሳብ፣ የሰውን ከንቱነት እንደ ዕድል ተመልክቶ መነገድ ቢቻልም ሕሊናው የፈቀደለት ግን ቀስ ብሎ ትክክለኛ ወይም በትክክለኛ ነገር የሚሳብ ማህበረሰብ መፍጠርን ነው። ይህ አድካሚ ነው። ከጎኑ ብንሆን እኛ እንጠቀማለን። (በግሌ ቁጭ አድርጎ ቢያስተምረኝ ከስኮላርሺፕ ዕድል አሳንሼ አላየውም።) ከእኛ መጠቀም ባለፈ ማሕበረሰብን ለመጥቀም የሚያደርገውን ጥረት እንደግፋለን።

አቡኪ ትልቅ ሰው መሆንህ በእውቀትህ ብቻ ሳይሆን ራስህን በመሆንህ እና በሰው አክባሪነትህ ይታያል ደግሞም አንድ ቀን ትውልድ ይለወጣልና በርታ!




The Bored Therapist

02 Nov, 15:41

The Bored Therapist

24 Oct, 17:29

English For Ethiopia:

Confidentiality is not about confidence. It is about keeping secrets.


Confidentiality is actually about the confidence you have of the information not being passed on to a third person.

The Bored Therapist

23 Oct, 17:40

Claudia had hoped that Christian visitors would comfort her by bringing some perspective on what she was going through. But their voices proved confusing, not consoling.

A deacon from her church solemnly advised her to reflect on what God was trying to teach her. “Surely something in your life must displease God,” he said. “Somewhere, you must have stepped out of his will. These things don’t just happen. God uses circumstances to warn us, and to punish us.What is he telling you?”

A few days later Claudia was surprised to see a woman from church whom she barely knew. Evidently, this plump, scatterbrained widow had adopted the role of professional cheerleader to the sick. She brought flowers, sang hymns, and stayed long enough to read some happy psalms about brooks running and mountains clapping their hands. Whenever Claudia tried to talk about her illness or prognosis, the woman quickly changed the subject, trying to combat the suffering with cheer and goodwill. But she only visited once, and after a while the flowers faded, the hymns seemed dissonant, and Claudia was left to face a new day of pain.
Another woman dropped by, a faithful follower of television faith healers. Exuding confidence, she assured Claudia that healing was her only escape. When Claudia told her about the deacon’s advice, this woman nearly exploded. “Sickness is never God’s will!” she exclaimed. “Haven’t you read the Bible? The Devil stalks us like a roaring lion, but God will deliver you if you can muster up enough faith to believe you’ll be healed. Remember, Claudia, faith can move mountains, and that includes Hodgkin’s disease. Simply name your promise, in faith, and then claim the victory.”
The next few mornings, as Claudia lay in the sterile cobalt treatment room, she tried to “muster up” faith. She wondered if she even understood the procedure. She did not question God’s supernatural power, but how to go about convincing God of her sincerity? Faith wasn’t like a muscle that could be enlarged through rehabilitation exercises. It was slippery, intangible, impossible to grasp. The whole notion of mustering up faith seemed awfully exhausting, and she could never decide what it really meant.

Perhaps the most “spiritual” woman in Claudia’s church brought along some books about praising God for everything that happens. “Claudia, you need to come to the place where you can say, ‘God, I love you for making me suffer like this. It is your will, and you know what’s best for me. And I praise you for loving me enough to allow me to experience this. In all things, including this, I give thanks.’”

As Claudia pondered the words, her mind filled with rather grotesque images of God. She envisioned a figure in the shape of a troll, big as the universe, who took delight in squeezing helpless humans between his fingernails, pulverizing them with his fists, dashing them against sharp
stones. The figure would torture these humans until they cried out, “God, I love you for doing this to me!” The idea repulsed Claudia, and she decided she could not worship or love such a God. Yet another visitor, Claudia’s pastor, made her feel she was on a select mission. He said, “Claudia, you have been appointed to suffer for Christ, and he will reward you. God chose you because of your great strength and integrity, just as he chose Job, and he is using you as an example to others. Their faith may increase because of your response.You should feel privileged, not bitter. What we see as adversity, God sees as opportunity.” He told her to think of herself as a track star, and to view adversity as the series of hurdles she would need to leap over on the way to the victory circle.

Philip Yancey, Where is God When It Hurts (1990), p15


The Bored Therapist

22 Oct, 16:19

Abusive relationship alert: I love you so much that if you don't love me back, I have a dark room downstairs that I prepared just to torture you with electricity.

Girls, don't marry such a guy if you find one. 😊

The Bored Therapist

18 Oct, 17:50


A mother took her five-year-old son shopping at a large department store during the Christmas season. She knew it would be fun for him to see all the decorations, window displays, toys, and Santa Claus. As she dragged him by the hand, twice as fast as his little legs could move, he began to fuss and cry, clinging to his mother’s coat. ‘Good heavens, what on earth is the matter with you?’ she scolded impatiently. ‘I brought you with me to get in the Christmas spirit. Santa doesn’t bring toys to little cry-babies!’
His fussing continued as she tried to find some bargains
during the last-minute rush on 23 December. ‘I’m not going to take you shopping with me, ever again, if you don’t stop that whimpering,’ she admonished.

'Oh well, maybe it’s because your shoes are untied and you are tripping over your own laces,’ she said, kneeling down in the aisle to tie his shoes.
As she knelt down beside him, she happened to look up. For the first time, she viewed a large department store through the eyes of a five-year-old. From that position there were no baubles, bangles, beads, presents, gaily decorated display tables, or animated toys. All that could be seen was a maze of corridors too high to see above, full of giants moving about on legs as large as trees. These mountainous strangers, with feet as big as skateboards, were pushing and shoving, bumping and thumping, rushing and crushing!
She took her child home and vowed to herself never to impose her version of a good time on him again.

(Source Unknown)


Jan Sutton & William Stewart , Learning to Counsel (3rd ed.), p35

The Bored Therapist

16 Oct, 16:50


Dr. Curt Richter, A psychologist from Johns Hopkins University, used two wild rats in a rather perverse experiment. He dropped Rat One, the “control” animal, into a tank of warm water and timed the reaction. Since rats are good swimmers, the creature paddled and thrashed around for sixty hours before it finally succumbed to exhaustion and drowned. Richter added a step with Rat Two, holding the animal tightly in his hands for a few minutes until it ceased struggling. When he dropped it in the water, it reacted very differently. After splashing around for a few minutes, Rat Two passively sank to the bottom of the tank and died. Richter theorizes that it simply “gave up.” The futility of the struggle in his hands had convinced the rat that its fate was hopeless even before it hit the water. In effect, Rat Two died of resigned helplessness.
Other experiments demonstrate that the feeling of helplessness, like fear, can actually change physiology.Two different groups of rats are subjected to the same electrical shocks. The animals in Group One, which have a measure of control, soon learn to turn off the current by manipulating a lever. Group Two, however, has no lever.After a while, simply because of stress—the voltage is harmless—the immune system carried by their blood undergoes radical changes, and rats in the second group become much more vulnerable to disease.
Experiments on humans, not quite so perverse, likewise show that the feeling of helplessness alters not merely a person’s psychological attitude but the actual perception of pain itself. The threshold of pain can be raised as much as forty-five percent by simple diversion tactics.
In one series of experiments, researchers tried to divert the subject’s attention by ringing bells, repeatedly touching his hand, reading an adventure story aloud, and having the subject read a column of numbers. When the scientists used such tactics during a test of heat tolerance, they had to apply forty-five percent more heat for the preoccupied subject to notice the pain. The researchers were startled to see blisters swelling up unnoticed on their subjects’ arms as those subjects concentrated on counting from fifty to one, backwards. On the other hand, if the subject had nothing to do but think about his pain (as is true in many hospitals and nursing homes), he showed much greater sensitivity.

Philip Yancey, Where is God When It Hurts (1990), p153

The Bored Therapist

15 Oct, 20:39

Modern society greatly compounds this problem of a sense of place, for it has no natural “place” for sick people. We put them out of sight, behind the institutional walls of hospitals and nursing homes. We make them lie in beds, with nothing to occupy them but the remote control devices that operate the television sets. They live according to other people’s schedules, not their own: a nurse wakes them up, the hospital decides when to feed them, visitors drop by, a nurse turns out the light at night. (For this reason,many patients who welcome visitors prefer that they call first before dropping by—it gives them more a feeling of control over their schedule.)

I have made a kind of study of card racks, sometimes visiting new drug stores and card shops just to browse. The cards for sick people fall into distinct categories: schmaltzy cards with pictures of flowers and treacly poems, racy cards with messages about all the wild parties the recipient is missing, sincere cards with a solemn expression of sympathy, clever cards illustrated by New Yorker cartoonists. All have the same implicit message, expressed in their title: “get-well cards.”
One card has on the cover, “Get well soon,” and then inside, “otherwise somebody might steal your job.” Another says, “Everybody hopes you feel better soon, except me,” and inside, “I hope you feel better right now!” “This is no time to be sick,” says one of Boynton’s hippos from a hospital bed, “the weekend’s coming up.” What complaint could I have against these clever expressions of sympathy? The subtle, underlying message: You are out of commission, useless.You don’t fit, at work, at parties. You are missing out. You are not OK. Only get well, and then you can rejoin life. My friends in the Make Today Count group, none of whom will likely get well, impressed upon me that something as innocuous as a greeting card can deepen the devastating sense of feeling out of place, with no valid role in life. I sometimes dream of producing my own line of get-well cards. I already have an idea for the first one. The cover would have huge letters, perhaps with fireworks in the background, spelling out CONGRATULATIONS!!! Inside, this message: “. . . to the 98 trillion cells in your body that are still working smoothly and efficiently.”
I would look for ways to communicate the message that a sick person is not a sick person, but rather a person of worth and value who happens to have some bodily parts that are not functioning well.

Philip Yancey, Where is God When It Hurts (1990), p155


The Bored Therapist

08 Oct, 19:10

I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who never became who they thought they'd be
I wish I could live a little more
Look up to the sky not just the floor
I feel like my life is flashing by
And all I can do is watch and cry
I miss the air, I miss my friends
I miss my mother, I miss it when
Life was a party to be thrown
But that was a million years ago

_ adele, million years ago 🖤

The Bored Therapist

05 Oct, 16:23

I don't know how to handle myself some days. Existing becomes suffocation. Suicide feels like a rude and foolish escape. I just tell myself to hold on.

The Bored Therapist

05 Oct, 16:18

"...When the pain cuts you deep
When the night keeps you from sleeping..."


The Bored Therapist

30 Sep, 12:25

*have no money, just want to sit there looking cool*

Me: ከወገብ በላይ አፕል ከስር በግራ ብርትኳን በቀኝ ሎሚ ያለው ሻይ አምጣልኝ

Waiter: አባዬ የለንም

Me: ምን ማለት ነው?

Waiter: አልቆ ነው ሌላ ምን ይምጣ

Me: እንዴት አይኖራችሁም?

Waiter: ይቅርታ ደንበኛችን ማኪያቶ ይሁንልዎ?

Me: አይሁን

Waiter: እባክዎትን ምን ይሁንልዎ

Me: በቃ ትንሽ ተቀምጬ ላስብ

Waiter: እሺ ክቡር ደንበኛችን ወንበሩ ካልተመቸዎ ይቀየራል

The Bored Therapist

21 Sep, 15:50

If you're in a situation where you are constantly demanded or made to feel sorry when in fact you're the one being wronged, now is the time to acknowledge this as nothing other than gross manipulation and either speak up and try to see if it will change or immediately leave the situation.


The Bored Therapist

15 Sep, 14:26

Stupidest questions in the alive 😅

The Bored Therapist

11 Sep, 10:32

🌻 መልካም አዲስ አመት

"ውነግደትበንሰመ" 🌻

2017 ዓ.ም.

The Bored Therapist

24 Aug, 16:48

ጥያቄ አለኝ፣ ሙሉ ኃላፊነት እወስዳለሁ

በቅርቡ የተሰማው ጉድ ሁሉን አስቆጥቷል። ሊያስቆጣም ይገባል። የሀገራችን ሕዝብ ለሕጻናት ይሳሳል። ስለ ሕጻናት ይቆጣል። ደግ! አንድ ሰው ነበር በፌስቡክ አጉል አስተያየት በዚህ ጉዳይ የሰጠ። በሱም ብዙዎች ተቆጥተዋል። የአዲስ አበባ ወጣቶች ፈልገው ካለበት አግኝተው ቀጥተውታል። በሕጻናት፣ በሴቶች፣ በልጆቻችን፣ በሚስቶቻችን፣ በእናቶቻችን የመጣ ሰው ዋጋውን ያገኛል ብለው ብዙዎችን ያረካ ሥራ ሠርተዋል። ሶሻል ሚድያ ነው ተብሎ አፍ ያመጣው ሁሉ እንደማይለፈለፍ አሳይተዋል። ልጁ እያለቀሰ ደም እየተፋ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ እና ሴቶች በሙሉ ይቅርታ ጠይቋል።

አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ። ሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ የትኛዋ ናት? ስለ ሕጻናት እንዲህ ተንሰፍሳፊ? የሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ ወጣቶች የትኞቹ ናቸው? በእህታቸው፣ በልጃቸው፣ በሚስታቸው፣ በእናታቸው በሴት ልጅ ሲመጣ የማይወዱ? ሴት እዚህ ሀገር ብቻዋን መራመድ ትችላለች ወይ? ሩቅ ሳትሄድ እዚያው ሰፈሯ ላይ ብትንቀሳቀስ እሷን ማሸማቀቅ ደንብ አይደለም ወይ? ለከፋ ወግ አይደለም ወይ? ጠለፋ ዛሬም ድረስ ስርዓት አይደለም ወይ? ተደፋሪ ሴት ምትጠየቀው የለበሰችውን ቀሚስ አይነት ነው። ልጆች የሚሠሩት ከአቅማቸው በላይ አይደለም ወይ? ብዙ ጣጣ የሚያስከትለው እና አላስፈላጊነቱ ብቻ ሳይሆን ጉዳቱ የተመሰከረለት ግርዛት አሁንም ባህል አይደለም ወይ? ቀድሞ አፋችን የሚመጣው ትልቁ ስድባችን ሴትን ብቻ ሳይሆን አምጣ የወለደች የተሰቃየች እናትን የሚያስነውር አይደለም ወይ? ሠራተኛ መተናኮስና መደብደብ መብት አይደለም ወይ? በየቤቱስ ስንት ጉድ ነው ያለው? ጓዳ የተደበቀ እልፍ ጉዳት አለ። ያልተነገረ ያልተሰፈረ ብዙ ዕንባና ሰቆቃ መኖሩ ሳይታለም የተፈታ ነው።

ሀገሬን እወዳለሁ። በጥሩ ባህል አምናለሁ። እንዲያውም ወግ አጥባቂ ነኝ። ሴት ረዘም አድርጋ ስትለብስ ደስ ይለኛል። ጨዋ እመቤት ሳገኝ እኮራለሁ። የሥራ እና የትምህርት የፖለቲካም ሜዳው እንዲፎካከሩበት ለሁሉም መከፈቱ ግልጽ ነው። ጥሩ ነገር አለ። የሀገራችን ወጣት በሴት ሲመጡበት አይወድም። መልካም። ብዙ ሥራ ግን ይቀራል። የባህል እርሻ ውስጥ የተዘራ ብዙ እንክርዳድ አለ። የመጨረሻ መዳረሻው ሲታይ ሁሉን የሚያስጮህ ወደዚያ የሚወስድ ብዙ አውራ ጎዳና አለ። መንገዱን ወዶና ለምዶ በመድረሻው መጮህ ይቻላል? መጮሀችን መልካም ነው። እዚያ አለመድረስ ግን ይቻላል።

ጥያቄ አለኝ። ለጥያቄዬ ተጠያቂ ነኝ። ሀገራችን የትኛዋ ናት? አሳቢ ለመሆን እየሞከርኩ አይደለም። እኔም የራሴ ድርሻ አለኝ። 😊
