Beza International Church @bezachurch Channel on Telegram

Beza International Church


Beza International Church is a nondenominational Christian fellowship located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The church was founded with the vision "Redeeming Nations in Righteousness!"

To connect with us, please reach out - @bezaconnect

Beza International Church (English)

Welcome to Beza International Church, a nondenominational Christian fellowship based in the vibrant city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our church was founded with the powerful vision of "Redeeming Nations in Righteousness!" This vision drives everything we do, from our worship services to our community outreach programs.

At Beza International Church, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where people from all walks of life can come together to worship, learn, and grow in their faith. Whether you are a long-time believer or simply curious about Christianity, you are always welcome at Beza.

Our church community is built on the values of love, compassion, and service to others. We believe in the power of coming together to make a positive impact on the world around us. Through our various ministries and programs, we seek to spread the message of hope and love to everyone we encounter.

If you are interested in learning more about Beza International Church or getting involved in our community, we invite you to connect with us on Telegram at @bezaconnect. You can also visit our Linktree page at to learn more about our upcoming events and services.

Join us at Beza International Church and be a part of a community that is dedicated to spreading the message of God's love and redemption to the nations. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms!

Beza International Church

03 Feb, 06:16

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  Pastor Zerubbabel: "With God all things are possible!" "በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ሁሉ ይቻላል!"                          Your Monday Morning (February 3, 2025) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥር 26/2017) https://mailchi.m…»

Beza International Church

03 Feb, 03:39

Vision 2.0 Part 3 By Pastor Zerubbabel Mengistu Feb 2 2025

Beza International Church

03 Feb, 02:59

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  Pastor Zerubbabel:

"With God all things are possible!"

"በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ሁሉ ይቻላል!"                         

Your Monday Morning (February 3, 2025)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥር 26/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

02 Feb, 10:14

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

02 Feb, 10:13

☕️ Announcements

1. 🎉 Celebration Joint Service 🙌

🗓 Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: Tabernacle

Join us for a special Celebration Sunday Service as we come together in praise and thanksgiving!

We are rejoicing in God’s faithfulness:
For helping us complete the new church building
For allowing us to celebrate Africa Arise 2025 in this beautiful new space

Let’s gather with joyful hearts to give God the glory He deserves for all He has done!

📖 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” – Psalm 150:6

2. Seminar on Singleness, Dating, and Pre-Marriage:

🗓 Date: March 2
Time: 2:30 PM

Are you single, dating, or preparing for marriage? This seminar is for YOU! Join us as we dive into what you need to know before taking the next big step.

💡 What to Expect:
Practical insights and biblical principles
A safe space to ask honest questions
Engaging discussions and a touch of fun

Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and learn together! Let’s prepare our hearts and minds for the future.

📍 See you there!

3. VIP: We’re excited to invite you to our VIP Class (Vision Impartation Class) Today at 4PM in the Tabernacle.This class is an opportunity to learn and connect with the vision of our church, helping us all walk together in alignment and purpose. Don’t miss this important session as we grow together in understanding and unity. See you there!

4. Africa Arise volunteers: The Africa Arise team is recruiting volunteers!
You can go to the link or sign up at the connection center starting today.

5. Africa Arise 2025: Beza International Church is thrilled to announce the dates for the highly anticipated 2025 Africa Arise Conference and the Grand Opening of the Africa Worship Centre!

🗓 Dates: February 12–16, 2025
Stay tuned for updates and details by visiting our website:

Mark your calendars and join us for this historic celebration and powerful conference!

6. Africa Arise 2025: Registrations for Africa Arise 2025 are now open! Go to to register. Check out for more information.

7. Beza kidz: we will not be having Sunday School for the Celebration joint service on Feb. 9th or for Africa Arise. Please enjoy these services together as a whole family.

8. Fasting and prayer: We will be having our regular Beza 3-day fasting and prayer program here at the Beza Tabernacle starting this coming Wednesday February 5- 7 from 10 am to 6 pm. Please mark your calendar and let us come together as a body to seek the face of the Lord!

9. Baby Dedication: We have started registering for baby dedications. If you have an infant you want to have prayed over and dedicated unto the Lord, please go to the connection center or register by texting the Beza phone 0907700007 or send a message through our telegram handle @Bezaconnect the name of the father, mother and children. The program will be on February 9.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Beza International Church

19 Jan, 07:00

Live stream started

Beza International Church

19 Jan, 06:42

☕️ ማስታወቂያ

1. ቪአይፒ፡ ጥር 25 ከቀኑ 10፡00 ጀምሮ በታበርናክል የቪአይፒ ፕሮግራምን ለመካፈል ተጋብዛችኃል። ይህ ክፍል የቤተክርስቲያናችንን ራዕይ የምንማርበት እና የምንገናኝበት እድል ነው፤ እንዲሁም በዓላማ እንድንራመድ ይረዳናል። በመግባባት እና በአንድነት አብረን እያደግን እንድንሔድ ይህ ጠቃሚ ፕሮግራም እንዳያመልጣችሁ። ከጀርባ በሚገኘው የመገናኛ ማዕከሉ መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ።

2. የአፍሪካ ተነሺ አስተባባሪ ቡድን: ለኮንፍራንሱ በጎ ፈቃደኞችን እየመዘገበ ነው! በዚህ ሊንክ/ድረገፅ ወይም በመገናኛ ማዕከል ይመዝገቡ።

3. አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025: ቤዛ ዓለም አቀፍ ቤተክርስቲያን እጅግ ደስ ብሎናል፤ በጉጉት የምንጠብቀውን የ2025 አፍሪካ ተነሽ ጉባኤ እና አዲሱን የአፍሪካ የአምልኮ ማዕከል ታላቅ የመክፈቻ በዓልን ስታስተዋውቅ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው::
🗓 ቀን: ከየካቲት 5-9,2017 ዓ/ም ሲሆን ለበለጠ መረጃ

4. አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025: የ2017 የአፍሪካ ተነሺ ምዝገባ ተጀምሯል! ለመመዝገብ - ለበለጠ መረጃ -

የአምልኮ ሰዓት:- የእሁድ የአምልኮ ሰዓት፦

የአማርኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ2:45 - 4:457
የእንግሊዝኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ5:15 - 7:15

የልጆች የሰንበት ትምህርት ፕሮግራም ፦

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እስከ 11 - በ3:15 ሰዓት ይጀምራል
ዕድሜያቸው 12 እስከ 14 እድሜ - በ2፡45 ሰዓት ይጀምራል

የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም:-  የቤዛ የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም ዕድሜያቸው ከ 15- 23 ለሆኑ በየሳምንቱ እሁድ በአዲሱ ሕንጻ ቤዝመንት ከ 3:00- 5፡00 ይካሄዳል።

የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት:- የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት እሁድ በታበርናል ከጠዋቱ 4፡45 እስከ 5፡45 ሰዓት ይካሄዳል። እሁድ መውሰድ የማይችል ማንም ሰው የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት መውሰድ ከፈለገ በሌሎቹ ቀናት ፕሮግራም ስለምናዘጋጅ የምትፈልጉ እባካችሁ በዚህ ቁጥር "0907700007" አጭር የጽሑፍ መልክት በመላክ ወይም በዚህ የቴሌግራም አድራሻ "@bezaconnect" ይመዝገቡ።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት ላለፈው ወር በርትቶ እየቀጠለ ነው። በቤዛ ቤተክርስቲያን የተጀመረው የፀሎት እንቅስቃሴ በየሳምንቱ እየቀጠለ ስለሆነ ይምጡና ለሃገራችንና ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ማልዱ። በአዲሱ ህንፃ ምድር ቤት ለፀሎት በተዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ነው።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት መርሃ-ግብር፦

ሐሙስ - ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት - 11 ሰዓት
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 5:00 ሰዓት - 7:00 ሰዓት (የእህቶች ፕሮግራም)
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 10 ሰዓት - ምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት (የእንግሊዘኛ ፕሮግራም)
ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1 ሰዓት- 2 ሰዓት በቴሌግራም (ለመግባት በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (@bezachurch) ከላይ JOIN የሚለውን በመጫን በቀላሉ ፀሎቱን መቀላቀል ትችላላችሁ።)
እሁድ - ከጠዋቱ 1:30 ሰዓት – 2:30 ሰዓት

አሥራትና መባ

ለእግዚአብሔር የምንሰጠው ስጦታ እንደ መልካም መዓዛ እንደሆና አገልግሎታችን እንደሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል እንደሚያስተምረን በዚህ ጊዜ በታማኝነት ስጦታዎን እየሰጡ ስለሆነ ጌታ ይባርኮት ማለት እንፈልጋለን፡፡ በእነዚህ መንገዶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡-ppp

በንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ

አዋሽ ባንክ

ብርሃን ባንክ

ንብ ባንክ

አቢሲኒያ ባንክ

ሕብረት ባንክ

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ

ኤቲኤም፣ ዴቢት ወይም ክሬዲት ካርድ መጠቀም የሚችሉበት የፓዝ ማሽን መገናኛ ማዕከል ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

Merchant በሚለው አጭር ኮድ 513048 ወደ ቴሌብራችን መላክ ወይም ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናልp ቸርች Fundraising ክፍል ላይ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

ታበርናክል በቤዛ በፋይናንስ ክፍል በመምጣት

ለዓለምአቀፍ ስጦታ፦

በአለም አቀፍ ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ ለመስጠት፦

ንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ ቻይና አፍሪካ አደባባይ፣ አዲስ አበባ

ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን

አካውንት ቁጥር፡ 1000008965106


ማስታወሻ፦ የባንክ ወይም የሞባይል ትራንስፈር ለምትጠቀሙ፣ እባካችሁን ናሬቲቩ ላይ አስራትና መባ ወይስ ለህንፃው መሆኑን ለይተው ይፃፉ።
ቼኮችን ሲጽፉ ለ "ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን" ብለው ይፃፉ።

Beza International Church

18 Jan, 12:27

Hello Beza Family,

Tomorrow is the Ethiopian Epiphany (Timkat)! Please note that some roads will be closed due to the festivities. However, we have alternative routes to ensure smooth access to and from the church.

Here is the update on road access:
• In the morning, most of the main roads will be open.
• After 12:30 PM, please use the following alternative routes:
1. Feyelbet Road
2. Bole Main Road
3. From the church to Bole Road
4. Meskel Square Road

Psalm 122:1 reminds us: “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”

Have a blessed weekend!

Beza International Church

18 Jan, 05:01

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

18 Jan, 04:02

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችንን ጀምረናል፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም ይቀላቀሉ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

18 Jan, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

18 Jan, 03:59

Live stream started

Beza International Church

17 Jan, 13:03

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 17:07

Live stream finished (37 minutes)

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 16:30

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 16:29

Live stream started

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 11:13

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  Pastor Zelalem: "It all begins in the home!" "ሁሉም ነገር ከቤት ይጀምራል!"                          Your Monday Morning (January 13, 2025) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥር 5/2017)…»

Beza International Church

13 Jan, 11:04

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ፣ የቤተሰብ ኘሮግራማችን ዛሬ ከምሽቱ 1:30 ላይ ይኖረናል፡፡ እንደ ቤተሰብ በመካፈል አብረን እንደግ፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም መካፈል ትችላላችሁ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

06 Jan, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

06 Jan, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

06 Jan, 04:19

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  pastor Zerubbabel: "Settlers don’t win!" "የሚቀመጡ አያሸንፉም!"                          Your Monday Morning (January 7, 2025) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ታህሳስ 28/2017)…»

Beza International Church

06 Jan, 04:14

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  pastor Zerubbabel:

"Settlers don’t win!"

"የሚቀመጡ አያሸንፉም!"                         

Your Monday Morning (January 7, 2025)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ታህሳስ 28/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

06 Jan, 03:00

The Glory and the Race By Pastor Zerubbabel Mengistu Jan 5 2025

Beza International Church

05 Jan, 09:25

☕️ Announcements

1. Africa Arise 2025:
Beza International Church is thrilled to announce the dates for the highly anticipated 2025 Africa Arise Conference and the Grand Opening of the Africa Worship Centre!

🗓 Dates: February 12–16, 2025
Stay tuned for updates and details by visiting our website:

Mark your calendars and join us for this historic celebration and powerful conference!

2. Africa Arise 2025: Registrations for Africa Arise 2025 are now open! Go to to register. Check out for more information.

3. English Kidz: There wont be Sunday school this Sunday. Sunday school will resume on January 12.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

05 Jan, 06:42

☕️ ማስታወቂያ

1. አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025: ቤዛ ዓለም አቀፍ ቤተክርስቲያን እጅግ ደስ ብሎናል፤ በጉጉት የምንጠብቀውን የ2025 አፍሪካ ተነሽ ጉባኤ እና አዲሱን የአፍሪካ የአምልኮ ማዕከል ታላቅ የመክፈቻ በዓልን ስታስተዋውቅ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው::
🗓 ቀን: ከየካቲት 5-9,2017 ዓ/ም ሲሆን ለበለጠ መረጃ

2. አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025: የ2017 የአፍሪካ ተነሺ ምዝገባ ተጀምሯል! ለመመዝገብ - ለበለጠ መረጃ -

3. እንግሊዝኛ ኪድዝ፡ በዚህ እሁድ ሰንበት ትምህርት ቤት አይኖርም። ሰንበት ትምህርት ጥር 4 ይጀመራል።

የአምልኮ ሰዓት:- የእሁድ የአምልኮ ሰዓት፦

የአማርኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ2:45 - 4:457
የእንግሊዝኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ5:15 - 7:15

የልጆች የሰንበት ትምህርት ፕሮግራም ፦

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እስከ 11 - በ3:15 ሰዓት ይጀምራል
ዕድሜያቸው 12 እስከ 14 እድሜ - በ2፡45 ሰዓት ይጀምራል

የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም:-  የቤዛ የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም ዕድሜያቸው ከ 15- 23 ለሆኑ በየሳምንቱ እሁድ በአዲሱ ሕንጻ ቤዝመንት ከ 3:00- 5፡00 ይካሄዳል።

የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት:- የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት እሁድ በታበርናል ከጠዋቱ 4፡45 እስከ 5፡45 ሰዓት ይካሄዳል። እሁድ መውሰድ የማይችል ማንም ሰው የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት መውሰድ ከፈለገ በሌሎቹ ቀናት ፕሮግራም ስለምናዘጋጅ የምትፈልጉ እባካችሁ በዚህ ቁጥር "0907700007" አጭር የጽሑፍ መልክት በመላክ ወይም በዚህ የቴሌግራም አድራሻ "@bezaconnect" ይመዝገቡ።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት ላለፈው ወር በርትቶ እየቀጠለ ነው። በቤዛ ቤተክርስቲያን የተጀመረው የፀሎት እንቅስቃሴ በየሳምንቱ እየቀጠለ ስለሆነ ይምጡና ለሃገራችንና ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ማልዱ። በአዲሱ ህንፃ ምድር ቤት ለፀሎት በተዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ነው።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት መርሃ-ግብር፦

ሐሙስ - ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት - 11 ሰዓት
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 5:00 ሰዓት - 7:00 ሰዓት (የእህቶች ፕሮግራም)
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 10 ሰዓት - ምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት (የእንግሊዘኛ ፕሮግራም)
ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1 ሰዓት- 2 ሰዓት በቴሌግራም (ለመግባት በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (@bezachurch) ከላይ JOIN የሚለውን በመጫን በቀላሉ ፀሎቱን መቀላቀል ትችላላችሁ።)
እሁድ - ከጠዋቱ 1:30 ሰዓት – 2:30 ሰዓት

አሥራትና መባ

ለእግዚአብሔር የምንሰጠው ስጦታ እንደ መልካም መዓዛ እንደሆና አገልግሎታችን እንደሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል እንደሚያስተምረን በዚህ ጊዜ በታማኝነት ስጦታዎን እየሰጡ ስለሆነ ጌታ ይባርኮት ማለት እንፈልጋለን፡፡ በእነዚህ መንገዶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡-ppp

በንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ

አዋሽ ባንክ

ብርሃን ባንክ

ንብ ባንክ

አቢሲኒያ ባንክ

ሕብረት ባንክ

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ

ኤቲኤም፣ ዴቢት ወይም ክሬዲት ካርድ መጠቀም የሚችሉበት የፓዝ ማሽን መገናኛ ማዕከል ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

Merchant በሚለው አጭር ኮድ 513048 ወደ ቴሌብራችን መላክ ወይም ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናልp ቸርች Fundraising ክፍል ላይ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

ታበርናክል በቤዛ በፋይናንስ ክፍል በመምጣት

ለዓለምአቀፍ ስጦታ፦

በአለም አቀፍ ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ ለመስጠት፦

ንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ ቻይና አፍሪካ አደባባይ፣ አዲስ አበባ

ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን

አካውንት ቁጥር፡ 1000008965106


ማስታወሻ፦ የባንክ ወይም የሞባይል ትራንስፈር ለምትጠቀሙ፣ እባካችሁን ናሬቲቩ ላይ አስራትና መባ ወይስ ለህንፃው መሆኑን ለይተው ይፃፉ።
ቼኮችን ሲጽፉ ለ "ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን" ብለው ይፃፉ።

Beza International Church

04 Jan, 05:01

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

04 Jan, 04:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችንን ጀምረናል፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም ይቀላቀሉ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

04 Jan, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

04 Jan, 03:59

Live stream started

Beza International Church

03 Jan, 13:01

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

01 Jan, 09:29

Happy New Year!

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

As we step into this new year, may the Prince of Peace guide your heart, the Mighty God strengthen your path, the Everlasting Father provide your every need, and the Wonderful Counselor lead you with wisdom and grace.

May this year be filled with His joy, hope, and blessings!

Beza International Church

30 Dec, 13:00

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

30 Dec, 13:00

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

30 Dec, 06:31

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  pastor Zerubbabel: "The Gospel is more than information!" "ወንጌል ከመረጃ በላይ ነው!"                          Your Monday Morning (December 30, 2024) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ታህሳስ 21/2017) https://mailchi…»

Beza International Church

28 Dec, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

27 Dec, 13:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

27 Dec, 09:45

Overnight Prayer and Worship Night

Join us Today, December 27, from 9 PM to 6 AM at the Tabernacle for a powerful night of prayer and worship!

Together, we will:
• Offer thanksgiving to the Lord
• Intercede for our nation

Let’s seek God’s presence and stand in unity. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of what God is doing!

Come expectant!

Beza International Church

25 Dec, 06:41

To our beloved international community, this Christmas, let us rejoice in the promise of Isaiah 9:6:
‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.’

May the Wonderful Counselor guide us, the Mighty God strengthen us, the Everlasting Father embrace us, and the Prince of Peace fill our hearts and nations with His perfect peace. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, may His light shine brightly across every land, uniting us in His love and grace.
Merry Christmas to all!

Beza International Church

23 Dec, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

23 Dec, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

23 Dec, 07:29

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  pastor Zerubbabel: "The Gospel was to be preached with intestinal passion!" "ወንጌል መሰበክ ያለበት ከአንጀት በሆነ ጥልቅ ፍቅር ነው!"                          Your Monday Morning (December 23, 2024) የሰኞ ጠዋት…»

Beza International Church

23 Dec, 03:21

Bring Back the Ark part 2 By pastor Zerubbabel Mengistu Dec 22 2024

Beza International Church

23 Dec, 03:01

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by  pastor Zerubbabel:

"The Gospel was to be preached with intestinal passion!"

"ወንጌል መሰበክ ያለበት ከአንጀት በሆነ ጥልቅ ፍቅር ነው!"                         

Your Monday Morning (December 23, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ታህሳስ 14/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

22 Dec, 09:12

☕️ Announcements

1. Overnight Prayer: We will be having a Prayer and Worship night, on Friday, December 27 from 9pm- 6am at the tabernacle. We will be coming to the Lord in thanksgiving and to intercede for our nation!

2. Africa Arise 2025: It is with great pleasure that Beza International Church announces the dates for the 2025 Africa Arise conference, and the GRAND OPENING of the AFRICA WORSHIP CENTRE.
February 12th -  16th 2025. Please be sure to check the website at to keep updated.

3. Beza  Amharic youth: will be hosting a grand opening on Saturday January 4th from 12:00 PM to 5:30 PM! Our youth service is moving from Sundays to Saturday afternoons to the tabernacle. We would love for you to join us as we fellowship over lunch, play games, receive blessings from elders in our church and have a wonderful time of worship.

4. Evangelism: According to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” churches in the area are united in spreading the gospel of Christ to everyone in their area throughout December. Accordingly, this coming Thursday, December 26, 2024, we plan to start this evangelism work from our church. We invite all of you who are burdened with evangelism, our church ministers, home care members, and members in general to participate in this sacred work and to be on time.

Date: Thursday, December 26, 2024
Start: Beza International Church (Tabernacle)
Start Time: 8:00 AM

Please register at the Connection Center to help us with this event!

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

07 Dec, 13:47

Get fired up, everyone! Tomorrow is just around the corner, and it’s time to gear up for an electrifying day ahead!

Beza International Church

07 Dec, 13:45

Happening now

Beza International Church

07 Dec, 05:00

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

07 Dec, 04:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችንን ጀምረናል፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም ይቀላቀሉ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

07 Dec, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

07 Dec, 03:58

Live stream started

Beza International Church

06 Dec, 13:02

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

06 Dec, 05:08

🎉 Exciting News! The Annual Church Bazaar is Here! 🎉

📣 Beza Bazaar will start tomorrow, and we couldn't be more excited!

On Saturday, 📅 December 7, and Sunday, 📅 December 8, 2024, our community will come together for a weekend filled with fun, celebration, and purpose. Don't forget to mark your calendars and tell your friends and family about this wonderful event.
doors will be open at 9:00 am 📍 Location: []

We can't wait to see you there and share this special time with you.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
+251 91 169 9504 (Werkaferw) or
+251 907700007 (Beza Phone).

Let's make this Beza Bazaar a memorable and meaningful experience for all. Join us in spreading the word and using the hashtags
#BezaBazaar2024 #CommunityJoy #Africaworshipcenter.
See you there!

Beza International Church

02 Dec, 15:11

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

02 Dec, 15:11

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

02 Dec, 06:56

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Moses: "Serving will give you so much joy!" "ማገልገል ብዙ ደስታን ይሰጣል!"                          Your Monday Morning (December 2, 2024) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ህዳር 23/2017)…»

Beza International Church

02 Dec, 03:32

All in By Pastor Moses Mukisa December 1 2024 English

Beza International Church

02 Dec, 03:32

All in By Pastor Moses Mukisa December 1 2024 Amharic translation

Beza International Church

02 Dec, 02:59

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Moses:

"Serving will give you so much joy!"

"ማገልገል ብዙ ደስታን ይሰጣል!"                         

Your Monday Morning (December 2, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ህዳር 23/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

01 Dec, 09:43

Beza International Church

01 Dec, 09:43

We are excited to announce the release of Tishu Feleke's first new album! You can now download it on Telegram using this bot. We hope you will share and enjoy the amazing music that has been blessed by God and put together by Tishu herself. Thank you for your support!

Beza International Church

01 Dec, 09:23

☕️ Announcements

1. Fasting and prayer: We will be having our regular Beza 3-day fasting and prayer program here at the Beza Tabernacle starting this coming Wednesday December 18- 20 from 10 am to 6 pm. Please mark your calendar and let us come together as a body to seek the face of the Lord!

2. Seminar on Singleness, Dating and Pre-Marriage: On December 8, 3PM we will be having a seminar on what you need to know before marriage. If you're single, dating or on your way to marriage, this seminar is for you. You will have an opportunity to ask honest questions and have some fun. Let’s come and learn!

3. Our International Community Fellowship (ICF): is having a Meet and Greet fellowship meeting to people in the international community feel welcome and want to encourage those who have never joined us to come to the meeting on December 7 at 10am at the Tabernacle. Come and fellowship with us!

4. English Discipleship Ministry for Adults: is excited to announce the launch of a new session on Sunday, December 8. This ministry is designed for new believers and anyone over the age of 17 who wishes to deepen their relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. If this message doesn't apply to you, please consider sharing it with your loved ones and friends.

The English Discipleship classes will be held in the classrooms located in the basement of the new building, running from 9:45 AM to 10:50 AM.

We encourage you to register today at the Connection Center or feel free to reach out to our ministers for more information.

5. Africa Arise 2025: It is with great pleasure that Beza International Church announces the dates for the 2025 Africa Arise conference, and the GRAND OPENING of the AFRICA WORSHIP CENTRE.
February 12th -  16th 2025. Please be sure to check the website at to keep updated.

6. Beza Bezaar: On Saturday, December 7 and Sunday December 8, 2024 we are going to have a Beza bazaar. Please save the date and start donating items that can be sold on the bazaar at the connection center. We will have a fun day and finish the building.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

01 Dec, 08:25

☕️ ማስታወቂያ

1.የቤዛ ጾም ፀሎት: እዚሁ ቤዛ ታበርናክል ረቡዕ ከታህሳስ 9- 11 ከጠዋቱ 4 ሰዓት እስከ ምሽቱ 12 ሰዓት መደበኛ የ3 ቀን የጾም ፀሎት ፕሮግራም ይኖረናል። እባካችሁ ቀኑን መዝግቡት እና የጌታን ፊት ለመፈለግ እንደ አካል እንሰባሰብ!

2. ላላገቡ፣ በመጠናናት ላይ ላሉና የቅድመ-ጋብቻ ሴሚናር፦ ህዳር 29 ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ከጋብቻ በፊት ማወቅ ያለባችሁን ነገሮች ሁሉ የምናወራበት ሴሚናር ይኖረናል። ካላገባችሁ፣ በመጠናናት ላይ ከሆናችሁ ወይም ወደ ጋብቻ መስመር ላይ ከሆናችሁ ይህ ሴሚናር ለእናንተ ነው። በግልጽነት የምንጠይቅበትና የምንወያይበት ጊዜ ይኖረናል። ኑ ና እንማር!

3.አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025፡ በቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን በየዓመቱ የሚካሄደውን የ2025 የአፍሪካ ተነሽ ኮንፈረንስ እና የአፍሪካን የአምልኮ ማዕከል ታላቅ የመክፈቻ ቀንን ስታስታውቅ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው። ከየካቲት 5 - 9 2017 በአዲሱ የአፍሪካ የአምልኮ ማዕከል የሚካሄድ ይሆናል:: ለተጨማሪ መረጃ ይህን ድህረ-ገጽ ይጎብኙ,

4. የቤዛ ባዛር: ቅዳሜ ህዳር 28 እና እሁድ ህዳር 29, 2017 የቤዛ ባዛር ይኖረናል። ቀኑን መዝግቡት እንዲሁም ለባዛሩ የሚሆኑ እቃዎችን በመገናኛ ማዕከሉ ማምጣት እንዲጀምሩ እንጠይቃለን። መልካም ጊዜ እያሳለፍን ሕንፃውን እንጨርስ!

የአምልኮ ሰዓት:- የእሁድ የአምልኮ ሰዓት፦

የአማርኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ2:45 - 4:457
የእንግሊዝኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ5:15 - 7:15

የልጆች የሰንበት ትምህርት ፕሮግራም ፦

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እስከ 11 - በ3:15 ሰዓት ይጀምራል
ዕድሜያቸው 12 እስከ 14 እድሜ - በ2፡45 ሰዓት ይጀምራል

የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም:-  የቤዛ የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም ዕድሜያቸው ከ 15- 23 ለሆኑ በየሳምንቱ እሁድ በአዲሱ ሕንጻ ቤዝመንት ከ 3:00- 5፡00 ይካሄዳል።

የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት:- የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት እሁድ በታበርናል ከጠዋቱ 4፡45 እስከ 5፡45 ሰዓት ይካሄዳል። እሁድ መውሰድ የማይችል ማንም ሰው የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት መውሰድ ከፈለገ በሌሎቹ ቀናት ፕሮግራም ስለምናዘጋጅ የምትፈልጉ እባካችሁ በዚህ ቁጥር "0907700007" አጭር የጽሑፍ መልክት በመላክ ወይም በዚህ የቴሌግራም አድራሻ "@bezaconnect" ይመዝገቡ።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት ላለፈው ወር በርትቶ እየቀጠለ ነው። በቤዛ ቤተክርስቲያን የተጀመረው የፀሎት እንቅስቃሴ በየሳምንቱ እየቀጠለ ስለሆነ ይምጡና ለሃገራችንና ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ማልዱ። በአዲሱ ህንፃ ምድር ቤት ለፀሎት በተዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ነው።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት መርሃ-ግብር፦

ሐሙስ - ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት - 11 ሰዓት
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 5:00 ሰዓት - 7:00 ሰዓት (የእህቶች ፕሮግራም)
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 10 ሰዓት - ምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት (የእንግሊዘኛ ፕሮግራም)
ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1 ሰዓት- 2 ሰዓት በቴሌግራም (ለመግባት በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (@bezachurch) ከላይ JOIN የሚለውን በመጫን በቀላሉ ፀሎቱን መቀላቀል ትችላላችሁ።)
እሁድ - ከጠዋቱ 1:30 ሰዓት – 2:30 ሰዓት

አሥራትና መባ

ለእግዚአብሔር የምንሰጠው ስጦታ እንደ መልካም መዓዛ እንደሆና አገልግሎታችን እንደሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል እንደሚያስተምረን በዚህ ጊዜ በታማኝነት ስጦታዎን እየሰጡ ስለሆነ ጌታ ይባርኮት ማለት እንፈልጋለን፡፡ በእነዚህ መንገዶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡-

በንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ

አዋሽ ባንክ

ብርሃን ባንክ

ንብ ባንክ

አቢሲኒያ ባንክ

ሕብረት ባንክ

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ

ኤቲኤም፣ ዴቢት ወይም ክሬዲት ካርድ መጠቀም የሚችሉበት የፓዝ ማሽን መገናኛ ማዕከል ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

Merchant በሚለው አጭር ኮድ 513048 ወደ ቴሌብራችን መላክ ወይም ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቸርች Fundraising ክፍል ላይ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

ታበርናክል በቤዛ በፋይናንስ ክፍል በመምጣት

ለዓለምአቀፍ ስጦታ፦

በአለም አቀፍ ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ ለመስጠት፦

ንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ ቻይና አፍሪካ አደባባይ፣ አዲስ አበባ

ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን

አካውንት ቁጥር፡ 1000008965106


ማስታወሻ፦ የባንክ ወይም የሞባይል ትራንስፈር ለምትጠቀሙ፣ እባካችሁን ናሬቲቩ ላይ አስራትና መባ ወይስ ለህንፃው መሆኑን ለይተው ይፃፉ።

ቼኮችን ሲጽፉ ለ "ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን" ብለው ይፃፉ።

Beza International Church

30 Nov, 05:00

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

19 Nov, 09:57

Beza Bezaar:
We’re excited to announce that on Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, 2024, we will be hosting a Beza bazaar! We invite you to save the date and consider donating items that can be sold at the bazaar. You can drop off your donations at the connection center or bring them to the new building throughout the week. Your support means so much to us, and together we can create a joyful event while working towards completing our new space. We can't wait to share a wonderful day with you!

Beza International Church

19 Nov, 09:52

የቤዛ ባዛር: 
ቅዳሜ ህዳር 28 እና እሁድ ህዳር 29, 2017 የቤዛ ባዛር ይኖረናል። ቀኑን መዝግቡት እንዲሁም ለባዛሩ የሚሆኑ እቃዎችን በመገናኛ ማዕከሉ ወይም በስራ ቀናት ማምጣት ለምትችሉ በቤዛ ቤተክርስትያን አዲሱ ህንፃ ውስጥ ማምጣት የምትችሉ መሆኑን በአክብሮት እንገልፃለን።
መልካም ጊዜ እያሳለፍን ሕንፃውን እንጨርስ!

Beza International Church

18 Nov, 11:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

18 Nov, 11:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

18 Nov, 05:35

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Zerubbabel: "We are transformed not by doing better, but by thinking better!" "የምንለወጠው የተሻለ በመስራት ሳይሆን የተሻለ በማሰብ ነው!"                          Your Monday Morning (November 18, 2024)…»

Beza International Church

18 Nov, 03:01

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Zerubbabel:

"We are transformed not by doing better, but by thinking better!"

"የምንለወጠው የተሻለ በመስራት ሳይሆን የተሻለ በማሰብ ነው!"                         

Your Monday Morning (November 18, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ህዳር 9/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

18 Nov, 02:01

The Blood of Jesus and the Conscience part 4 BY Pastor Zerubbabel Mengistu

Beza International Church

17 Nov, 09:14

☕️ Announcements

1. Overnight Prayer: We will be having a Prayer and Worship night, on Friday, November 29 from 9am- 6am at the tabernacle. We will be coming to the Lord in thanksgiving and to intercede for our nation!

2. Africa Arise 2025: It is with great pleasure that Beza International Church announces the dates for the 2025 Africa Arise conference, and the GRAND OPENING of the AFRICA WORSHIP CENTRE.
February 12th -  16th 2025
የካቲት 5 - 9 2017
Please be sure to check the website at to keep updated.

3. Beza Bezaar: On Saturday, December 7 and Sunday December 8, 2024 we are going to have a Beza bazaar. Please save the date and start donating items that can be sold on the bazaar at the connection center. We will have a fun day and finish the building.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

17 Nov, 06:39

☕️ ማስታወቂያ

1. አዳር ፀሎት:- ዓርብ ህዳር 20 በታበርናክል ከምሽቱ 3 ሰዓት እስከ ጠዋት 12 ሰዓት የአዳር ፀሎት ፕሮግራም ይኖረናል። በምስጋናና በምልጃ ስለ ምድራችን ወደ ጌታ የምንቀርብበት ጊዜ ስለሆነ መጥታችሁ አብራችሁን የጌታን ፊት ፈልጉ!

2. አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025፡ በቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን በየዓመቱ የሚካሄደውን የ2025 የአፍሪካ ተነሽ ኮንፈረንስ እና የአፍሪካን የአምልኮ ማዕከል ታላቅ የመክፈቻ ቀንን ስታስታውቅ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው። ከየካቲት 5 - 9 2017 በአዲሱ የአፍሪካ የአምልኮ ማዕከል የሚካሄድ ይሆናል:: ለተጨማሪ መረጃ ከታች ያለውን ድህረ-ገጽ ይጎብኙ::

3. የቤዛ ባዛር: ቅዳሜ ህዳር 28 እና እሁድ ህዳር 29, 2017 የቤዛ ባዛር ይኖረናል። ቀኑን መዝግቡት እንዲሁም ለባዛሩ የሚሆኑ እቃዎችን በመገናኛ ማዕከሉ ማምጣት እንዲጀምሩ እንጠይቃለን። መልካም ጊዜ እያሳለፍን ሕንፃውን እንጨርስ!

የአምልኮ ሰዓት:- የእሁድ የአምልኮ ሰዓት፦

የአማርኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ2:45 - 4:457
የእንግሊዝኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ5:15 - 7:15

የልጆች የሰንበት ትምህርት ፕሮግራም ፦

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እስከ 11 - በ3:15 ሰዓት ይጀምራል
ዕድሜያቸው 12 እስከ 14 እድሜ - በ2፡45 ሰዓት ይጀምራል

የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም:-  የቤዛ የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም ዕድሜያቸው ከ 15- 23 ለሆኑ በየሳምንቱ እሁድ በአዲሱ ሕንጻ ቤዝመንት ከ 3:00- 5፡00 ይካሄዳል።

የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት:- የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት እሁድ በታበርናል ከጠዋቱ 4፡45 እስከ 5፡45 ሰዓት ይካሄዳል። እሁድ መውሰድ የማይችል ማንም ሰው የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት መውሰድ ከፈለገ በሌሎቹ ቀናት ፕሮግራም ስለምናዘጋጅ የምትፈልጉ እባካችሁ በዚህ ቁጥር "0907700007" አጭር የጽሑፍ መልክት በመላክ ወይም በዚህ የቴሌግራም አድራሻ "@bezaconnect" ይመዝገቡ።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት ላለፈው ወር በርትቶ እየቀጠለ ነው። በቤዛ ቤተክርስቲያን የተጀመረው የፀሎት እንቅስቃሴ በየሳምንቱ እየቀጠለ ስለሆነ ይምጡና ለሃገራችንና ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ማልዱ። በአዲሱ ህንፃ ምድር ቤት ለፀሎት በተዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ነው።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት መርሃ-ግብር፦

ሐሙስ - ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት - 11 ሰዓት
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 5:00 ሰዓት - 7:00 ሰዓት (የእህቶች ፕሮግራም)
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 10 ሰዓት - ምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት (የእንግሊዘኛ ፕሮግራም)
ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1 ሰዓት- 2 ሰዓት በቴሌግራም (ለመግባት በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (@bezachurch) ከላይ JOIN የሚለውን በመጫን በቀላሉ ፀሎቱን መቀላቀል ትችላላችሁ።)
እሁድ - ከጠዋቱ 1:30 ሰዓት – 2:30 ሰዓት

አሥራትና መባ

ለእግዚአብሔር የምንሰጠው ስጦታ እንደ መልካም መዓዛ እንደሆና አገልግሎታችን እንደሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል እንደሚያስተምረን በዚህ ጊዜ በታማኝነት ስጦታዎን እየሰጡ ስለሆነ ጌታ ይባርኮት ማለት እንፈልጋለን፡፡ በእነዚህ መንገዶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡-

በንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ

አዋሽ ባንክ

ብርሃን ባንክ

ንብ ባንክ

አቢሲኒያ ባንክ

ሕብረት ባንክ

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ

ኤቲኤም፣ ዴቢት ወይም ክሬዲት ካርድ መጠቀም የሚችሉበት የፓዝ ማሽን መገናኛ ማዕከል ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

Merchant በሚለው አጭር ኮድ 513048 ወደ ቴሌብራችን መላክ ወይም ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቸርች Fundraising ክፍል ላይ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

ታበርናክል በቤዛ በፋይናንስ ክፍል በመምጣት

ለዓለምአቀፍ ስጦታ፦

በአለም አቀፍ ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ ለመስጠት፦

ንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ ቻይና አፍሪካ አደባባይ፣ አዲስ አበባ

ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን

አካውንት ቁጥር፡ 1000008965106


ማስታወሻ፦ የባንክ ወይም የሞባይል ትራንስፈር ለምትጠቀሙ፣ እባካችሁን ናሬቲቩ ላይ አስራትና መባ ወይስ ለህንፃው መሆኑን ለይተው ይፃፉ።

ቼኮችን ሲጽፉ ለ "ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን" ብለው ይፃፉ።

Beza International Church

16 Nov, 05:02

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

16 Nov, 04:02

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችንን ጀምረናል፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም ይቀላቀሉ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

16 Nov, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

16 Nov, 03:59

Live stream started

Beza International Church

15 Nov, 13:01

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 16:54

Live stream finished (49 seconds)

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 16:53

Live stream started

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 16:53

Live stream finished (23 minutes)

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 16:30

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 16:29

Live stream started

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 11:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ፣ የቤተሰብ ኘሮግራማችን ዛሬ ከምሽቱ 1:30 ላይ ይኖረናል፡፡ እንደ ቤተሰብ በመካፈል አብረን እንደግ፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም መካፈል ትችላላችሁ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

11 Nov, 07:55

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Zerubbabel: "No amount of good behavior can adequately justify us before Him" "የቱንም ያህል ከፍ ያለ መልካም ባህሪ ቢኖረን በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ሊያፀድቀን አይችልም!"                          Your Monday Morning (November…»

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 03:01

The Blood of Jesus and the Conscience part 3 Pastor Zerubbabel Mengistu Nov 10 2024

Beza International Church

11 Nov, 02:59

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Zerubbabel:

"No amount of good behavior can adequately justify us before Him"

"የቱንም ያህል ከፍ ያለ መልካም ባህሪ ቢኖረን በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ሊያፀድቀን አይችልም!"                         

Your Monday Morning (November 11, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ህዳር 2/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

10 Nov, 09:18

☕️ Announcements

1. Africa Arise 2025: It is with great pleasure that Beza International Church announces the dates for the 2025 Africa Arise conference, and the GRAND OPENING of the AFRICA WORSHIP CENTRE.
February 12th - 16th 2025
የካቲት 5 - 9 2017
Please be sure to check the website at to keep updated.

2. Family Zoom (Only in Amharic): Tomorrow Monday November 11 evening from 7:30 – 8:10 PM, we will have a time of teaching, discussions and prayer regarding marriage, parenting and other family issues. So let us all build on families by participating in these programs. Click the link to join the program.  Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

3. Beza Bezaar: On Saturday, December 7 and Sunday December 8, 2024 we are going to have a Beza bazaar. Please save the date and start donating items that can be sold on the bazaar at the connection center. We will have a fun day and finish the building.

4. Seminar on Singleness, Dating and Pre-Marriage: Today at 2:30PM we will be having a seminar on what you need to know before marriage. If you're single, dating or on your way to marriage, this seminar is for you. You will have an opportunity to ask honest questions and have some fun. Let’s come and learn!

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

10 Nov, 06:30

☕️ ማስታወቂያ
1. አፍሪካ ተነሽ 2025፡ በቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን በየዓመቱ የሚካሄደውን የ2025 የአፍሪካ ተነሽ ኮንፈረንስ እና የአፍሪካን የአምልኮ ማዕከል ታላቅ የመክፈቻ ቀንን ስታስታውቅ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው። ከየካቲት 5 - 9 2017 በአዲሱ የአፍሪካ የአምልኮ ማዕከል የሚካሄድ ይሆናል:: ለተጨማሪ መረጃ ከታች ያለውን ድህረ-ገጽ ይጎብኙ::

2. የቤተሰብ ዙም: ነገ ህዳር 2 ከምሽቱ 1፡30- 2፡10 ድረስ የቤተሰብ ትምህርት፣ የውይይትና የፀሎት ጊዜ በዙም ይኖረናል። ስለዚህ ሁላችሁም ቤተሰባችሁ ላይ ለመስራት ጊዜያችሁን ሰውታችሁ እንድትካፈሉ እናበረታታችኋለን። ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም መካፈል ትችላላችሁ። Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

3. የቤዛ ባዛር: ቅዳሜ ህዳር 28 እና እሁድ ህዳር 29, 2017 የቤዛ ባዛር ይኖረናል። ቀኑን መዝግቡት እንዲሁም ለባዛሩ የሚሆኑ እቃዎችን በመገናኛ ማዕከሉ ማምጣት እንዲጀምሩ እንጠይቃለን። መልካም ጊዜ እያሳለፍን ሕንፃውን እንጨርስ!

4. ላላገቡ፣ በመጠናናት ላይ ላሉና የቅድመ-ጋብቻ ሴሚናር፦ ዛሬከቀኑ 8:30 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ከጋብቻ በፊት ማወቅ ያለባችሁን ነገሮች ሁሉ የምናወራበት ሴሚናር ይኖረናል። ካላገባችሁ፣ በመጠናናት ላይ ከሆናችሁ ወይም ወደ ጋብቻ መስመር ላይ ከሆናችሁ ይህ ሴሚናር ለእናንተ ነው። በግልጽነት የምንጠይቅበትና የምንወያይበት ጊዜ ይኖረናል። ኑ ና እንማር!

የአምልኮ ሰዓት:- የእሁድ የአምልኮ ሰዓት፦

የአማርኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ2:45 - 4:457
የእንግሊዝኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ5:15 - 7:15

የልጆች የሰንበት ትምህርት ፕሮግራም ፦

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እስከ 11 - በ3:15 ሰዓት ይጀምራል
ዕድሜያቸው 12 እስከ 14 እድሜ - በ2፡45 ሰዓት ይጀምራል

የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም:-  የቤዛ የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም ዕድሜያቸው ከ 15- 23 ለሆኑ በየሳምንቱ እሁድ በአዲሱ ሕንጻ ቤዝመንት ከ 3:00- 5፡00 ይካሄዳል።

የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት:- የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት እሁድ በታበርናል ከጠዋቱ 4፡45 እስከ 5፡45 ሰዓት ይካሄዳል። እሁድ መውሰድ የማይችል ማንም ሰው የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት መውሰድ ከፈለገ በሌሎቹ ቀናት ፕሮግራም ስለምናዘጋጅ የምትፈልጉ እባካችሁ በዚህ ቁጥር "0907700007" አጭር የጽሑፍ መልክት በመላክ ወይም በዚህ የቴሌግራም አድራሻ "@bezaconnect" ይመዝገቡ።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት ላለፈው ወር በርትቶ እየቀጠለ ነው። በቤዛ ቤተክርስቲያን የተጀመረው የፀሎት እንቅስቃሴ በየሳምንቱ እየቀጠለ ስለሆነ ይምጡና ለሃገራችንና ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ማልዱ። በአዲሱ ህንፃ ምድር ቤት ለፀሎት በተዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ነው።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት መርሃ-ግብር፦

ሐሙስ - ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት - 11 ሰዓት
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 5:00 ሰዓት - 7:00 ሰዓት (የእህቶች ፕሮግራም)
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 10 ሰዓት - ምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት (የእንግሊዘኛ ፕሮግራም)
ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1 ሰዓት- 2 ሰዓት በቴሌግራም (ለመግባት በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (@bezachurch) ከላይ JOIN የሚለውን በመጫን በቀላሉ ፀሎቱን መቀላቀል ትችላላችሁ።)
እሁድ - ከጠዋቱ 1:30 ሰዓት – 2:30 ሰዓት

አሥራትና መባ

ለእግዚአብሔር የምንሰጠው ስጦታ እንደ መልካም መዓዛ እንደሆና አገልግሎታችን እንደሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል እንደሚያስተምረን በዚህ ጊዜ በታማኝነት ስጦታዎን እየሰጡ ስለሆነ ጌታ ይባርኮት ማለት እንፈልጋለን፡፡ በእነዚህ መንገዶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡-

በንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ

አዋሽ ባንክ

ብርሃን ባንክ

ንብ ባንክ

አቢሲኒያ ባንክ

ሕብረት ባንክ

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ

ኤቲኤም፣ ዴቢት ወይም ክሬዲት ካርድ መጠቀም የሚችሉበት የፓዝ ማሽን መገናኛ ማዕከል ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

Merchant በሚለው አጭር ኮድ 513048 ወደ ቴሌብራችን መላክ ወይም ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቸርች Fundraising ክፍል ላይ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

ታበርናክል በቤዛ በፋይናንስ ክፍል በመምጣት

ለዓለምአቀፍ ስጦታ፦

በአለም አቀፍ ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ ለመስጠት፦

ንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ ቻይና አፍሪካ አደባባይ፣ አዲስ አበባ

ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን

አካውንት ቁጥር፡ 1000008965106


ማስታወሻ፦ የባንክ ወይም የሞባይል ትራንስፈር ለምትጠቀሙ፣ እባካችሁን ናሬቲቩ ላይ አስራትና መባ ወይስ ለህንፃው መሆኑን ለይተው ይፃፉ።

ቼኮችን ሲጽፉ ለ "ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን" ብለው ይፃፉ።

Beza International Church

09 Nov, 05:03

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

09 Nov, 04:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችንን ጀምረናል፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም ይቀላቀሉ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

09 Nov, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

09 Nov, 04:00

Live stream started

Beza International Church

08 Nov, 13:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

04 Nov, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

04 Nov, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

04 Nov, 04:08

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Michael: "God is majestic!" "እግዚአብሔር ግርማዊ ነው!"                          Your Monday Morning (November 4, 2024) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥቅምት 25/2017)…»

Beza International Church

04 Nov, 03:01

እግዚአብሔር ትልቅ ነው በመጋቢ ሚካኤል ተፈራ ተሰማ ጥቅምት 24 2017

Beza International Church

04 Nov, 03:01

God is Great By Pastor Michael Tefera Tesema Nov 3 2024

Beza International Church

04 Nov, 02:59

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Michael:

"God is majestic!"

"እግዚአብሔር ግርማዊ ነው!"                         

Your Monday Morning (November 4, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥቅምት 25/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

03 Nov, 09:19

☕️ Announcements

1. Beza Bazaar: On Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, 2024, we are going to have a Beza bazaar. Please save the date and start donating items that can be sold on the bazaar at the connection center. We will have a fun day and finish the building.

2. Seminar on Singleness, Dating and Pre-Marriage: On November 10, 2:30PM we will be having a seminar on what you need to know before marriage. If you're single, dating or on your way to marriage, this seminar is for you. You will have an opportunity to ask honest questions and have some fun. Let’s come and learn!

3. Amharic youth: Today parents of Beza Youth are invited to come to a workshop that discusses relevant parent-child issues within our homes. After the workshop, parents are invited to treat their kids to lunch at the Beza Cafe for a time of fellowship and open conversation.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM
Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7 PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8 AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

03 Nov, 06:35

☕️ ማስታወቂያ

1. የቤዛ ባዛር: ቅዳሜ ህዳር 28 እና እሁድ ህዳር 29 2017 የቤዛ ባዛር ይኖረናል። ቀኑን መዝግቡት እንዲሁም ለባዛሩ የሚሆኑ እቃዎችን በመገናኛ ማዕከሉ ማምጣት እንዲጀምሩ እንጠይቃለን። መልካም ጊዜ እያሳለፍን ሕንፃውን እንጨርስ!

2. ላላገቡ፣ በመጠናናት ላይ ላሉና የቅድመ-ጋብቻ ሴሚናር፦ ህዳር1 ከቀኑ 8:30 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ከጋብቻ በፊት ማወቅ ያለባችሁን ነገሮች ሁሉ የምናወራበት ሴሚናር ይኖረናል። ካላገባችሁ፣ በመጠናናት ላይ ከሆናችሁ ወይም ወደ ጋብቻ መስመር ላይ ከሆናችሁ ይህ ሴሚናር ለእናንተ ነው። በግልጽነት የምንጠይቅበትና የምንወያይበት ጊዜ ይኖረናል። ኑ ና እንማር!

3. አማርኛ ወጣቶች: ዛሬ የቤዛ ወጣቶች ወላጆች በቤታችን ውስጥ ስላሉ ወላጅ እና ልጅ ጉዳዮች በሚወያይበት አውደ ጥናት ላይ እንዲገኙ ተጋብዘዋል። ከአውደ ጥናቱ በኋላ ወላጆች ልጆቻቸውን በቤዛ ካፌ ምሳ እንዲያስተናግዱ ተጋብዘዋል።

የአምልኮ ሰዓት:- የእሁድ የአምልኮ ሰዓት፦

የአማርኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ2:45 - 4:457
የእንግሊዝኛ አገልግሎት፦ ከ5:15 - 7:15

የልጆች የሰንበት ትምህርት ፕሮግራም ፦

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እስከ 11 - በ3:15 ሰዓት ይጀምራል
ዕድሜያቸው 12 እስከ 14 እድሜ - በ2፡45 ሰዓት ይጀምራል

የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም:-  የቤዛ የወጣቶች ፕሮግራም ዕድሜያቸው ከ 15- 23 ለሆኑ በየሳምንቱ እሁድ በአዲሱ ሕንጻ ቤዝመንት ከ 3:00- 5፡00 ይካሄዳል።

የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት:- የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት እሁድ በታበርናል ከጠዋቱ 4፡45 እስከ 5፡45 ሰዓት ይካሄዳል። እሁድ መውሰድ የማይችል ማንም ሰው የደቀመዝሙርነት ትምህርት መውሰድ ከፈለገ በሌሎቹ ቀናት ፕሮግራም ስለምናዘጋጅ የምትፈልጉ እባካችሁ በዚህ ቁጥር "0907700007" አጭር የጽሑፍ መልክት በመላክ ወይም በዚህ የቴሌግራም አድራሻ "@bezaconnect" ይመዝገቡ።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት ላለፈው ወር በርትቶ እየቀጠለ ነው። በቤዛ ቤተክርስቲያን የተጀመረው የፀሎት እንቅስቃሴ በየሳምንቱ እየቀጠለ ስለሆነ ይምጡና ለሃገራችንና ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ማልዱ። በአዲሱ ህንፃ ምድር ቤት ለፀሎት በተዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ነው።

ያልተለመደ ፀሎት መርሃ-ግብር፦

ሐሙስ - ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት - 11 ሰዓት
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 5:00 ሰዓት - 7:00 ሰዓት (የእህቶች ፕሮግራም)
ዓርብ - ከቀኑ 10 ሰዓት - ምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት (የእንግሊዘኛ ፕሮግራም)
ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1 ሰዓት- 2 ሰዓት በቴሌግራም (ለመግባት በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (@bezachurch) ከላይ JOIN የሚለውን በመጫን በቀላሉ ፀሎቱን መቀላቀል ትችላላችሁ።)
እሁድ - ከጠዋቱ 1:30 ሰዓት – 2:30 ሰዓት

አሥራትና መባ

ለእግዚአብሔር የምንሰጠው ስጦታ እንደ መልካም መዓዛ እንደሆና አገልግሎታችን እንደሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል እንደሚያስተምረን በዚህ ጊዜ በታማኝነት ስጦታዎን እየሰጡ ስለሆነ ጌታ ይባርኮት ማለት እንፈልጋለን፡፡ በእነዚህ መንገዶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡-

በንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ

አዋሽ ባንክ

ብርሃን ባንክ

ንብ ባንክ

አቢሲኒያ ባንክ

ሕብረት ባንክ

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ

ኤቲኤም፣ ዴቢት ወይም ክሬዲት ካርድ መጠቀም የሚችሉበት የፓዝ ማሽን መገናኛ ማዕከል ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

Merchant በሚለው አጭር ኮድ 513048 ወደ ቴሌብራችን መላክ ወይም ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቸርች Fundraising ክፍል ላይ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

ታበርናክል በቤዛ በፋይናንስ ክፍል በመምጣት

ለዓለምአቀፍ ስጦታ፦

በአለም አቀፍ ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ ለመስጠት፦

ንግድ ባንክ ቅርንጫፍ ቻይና አፍሪካ አደባባይ፣ አዲስ አበባ

ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን

አካውንት ቁጥር፡ 1000008965106


ማስታወሻ፦ የባንክ ወይም የሞባይል ትራንስፈር ለምትጠቀሙ፣ እባካችሁን ናሬቲቩ ላይ አስራትና መባ ወይስ ለህንፃው መሆኑን ለይተው ይፃፉ።

ቼኮችን ሲጽፉ ለ "ቤዛ ኢንተርናሽናል ቤተክርስቲያን" ብለው ይፃፉ።

Beza International Church

02 Nov, 05:02

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

26 Oct, 05:00

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Beza International Church

26 Oct, 04:01

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችንን ጀምረናል፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም ይቀላቀሉ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

26 Oct, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

26 Oct, 03:59

Live stream started

Beza International Church

25 Oct, 14:00

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

25 Oct, 12:02

Pray and worship with us today at 9pm at the tabernacle.

Beza International Church

21 Oct, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

21 Oct, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

21 Oct, 05:46

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Professor Biruk: "Jesus’ blood cannot be depleted. It's enough to cleanse all sin!" "የኢየሱስ ደም ሊቀንስ ተሟጦ ሊያልቅ አይችልም፤ ኃጢአትን ሁሉ ለማንፃት በቂ ነው!"                          Your Monday Morning (October…»

Beza International Church

21 Oct, 03:05

የኢየሱስ ደም በፕሮፌሰር ብሩክ ላምቢሶ ጥቅምት 10 2017

Beza International Church

21 Oct, 02:59

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Professor Biruk:

"Jesus’ blood cannot be depleted. It's enough to cleanse all sin!"

"የኢየሱስ ደም ሊቀንስ ተሟጦ ሊያልቅ አይችልም፤ ኃጢአትን ሁሉ ለማንፃት በቂ ነው!"                         

Your Monday Morning (October 21, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥቅምት 11/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

20 Oct, 09:11

☕️ Announcements

1. Overnight Prayer: We will be having a Prayer and Worship night, on Friday, October 25 from 9am- 6am at the tabernacle. We will be coming to the Lord in thanksgiving and to intercede for our nation!

2. Amharic youth: On November 3, parents of Beza Youth are invited to come to a workshop that discusses relevant parent-child issues within our homes. After the workshop, parents are invited to treat their kids to lunch at the Beza Cafe for a time of fellowship and open conversation. So, please your mark calendars.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 3 – 5 PM
Friday 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Beza International Church, [7/28/2024 2:47 PM]
Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through

Beza International Church

19 Oct, 04:00

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

18 Oct, 13:01

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ!

እንደተለመደው የቅዳሜ ማለዳ ፀሎታችን እንደተጠበቀ ነው።

ጠዋት ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ ይጠቀሙ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

ቅዳሜ ከጠዋቱ 1-2 ሰዓት ድረስ እንገናኝ።፡

የጌታ ስም ይባረክ!

(ፕሮግራሙ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ብቻ እንደሆነ እናስታውቃለን [For Amharic Speakers only])

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 17:12

Live stream finished (45 minutes)

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 16:30

Live stream scheduled for

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 16:26

Live stream started

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 12:59

Dear Beza, please find here the discussion material for this week for your homecares. To inquire about homecares: (English: +251983390076 and Amharic: +251955984641)

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 12:59

የተወደዳችሁ የቤዛ ቤተሰቦች፣ እባካችሁ የሆም ኬር ሕብረት ማጥኛ እዚህ ያግኙ፡፡ በሆም ኬር ዙሪያ ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ፦ (ለአማርኛ፡+251955984641 ለእንግሊዝኛ፡+251983390076)

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 11:02

ሰላም የቤዛ ቤተሰብ፣ የቤተሰብ ኘሮግራማችን ዛሬ ከምሽቱ 1:30 ላይ ይኖረናል፡፡ እንደ ቤተሰብ በመካፈል አብረን እንደግ፡፡

ከታች ያለውን አገናኝ በመጠቀም መካፈል ትችላላችሁ።

Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)


Beza International Church

14 Oct, 08:42

Beza International Church pinned «Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Zerubbabel: "The Gospel requires two legs!" "ወንጌል ሁለት እግሮችን ይፈልጋል!"                          Your Monday Morning (October 14, 2024) የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥቅምት 4/2017)…»

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 04:09

Feast of Tabernacles Pastor Zerubabel Mengistu October 13 2024

Beza International Church

14 Oct, 02:59

Here’s the Monday Morning Newsletter for our Sunday service by Pastor Zerubbabel:

"The Gospel requires two legs!"

"ወንጌል ሁለት እግሮችን ይፈልጋል!"                         

Your Monday Morning (October 14, 2024)
የሰኞ ጠዋት ንባብዎ (ጥቅምት 4/2017)

For prayer or to connect with Beza, reach out
ለፀሎት ወይም ከቤዛ ጋር ለመገናኘት በዚህ ያግኙን


Beza International Church

13 Oct, 09:14

☕️ Announcements

1. Family Zoom (Only in Amharic): Tomorrow Monday October 14 evening from 7:30 – 8:10 PM, we will have a time of teaching, discussions and prayer regarding marriage, parenting and other family issues. So let us all build on families by participating in these programs. Click the link to join the program. Click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch)

2. Overnight Prayer: We will be having a Prayer and Worship night, on Friday, October 25 from 9am- 6am at the tabernacle. We will be coming to the Lord in thanksgiving and to intercede for our nation!

3. VIP: VIP is for anyone who’s interested in learning about the vison of the church and becoming a co-laborer with our church. The program will be Today at the tabernacle at 4pm.

4. Seminar on Singleness, Dating and Pre-Marriage: today at 2:30PM we will be having a seminar on what you need to know before marriage. If you're single, dating or on your way to marriage, this seminar is for you. You will have an opportunity to ask honest questions and have some fun. Let’s come and learn!

5. Beza Kidz: We are looking for new volunteers for our BezaKidz ministry. Come invest in the next generation and teach or assist once per month in our Sunday School classes. Please sign up today at the connection center.

Worship Schedule:  worship schedule for our Sunday services:

Amharic service: 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM
English service: 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM

Children’s programs:

Ages 3 – 11 – begins at 11:45 AM
Ages 12 – 14 – begins at 11:45 AM
English High schoolers- begins at 11:45 AM

Discipleship classes: Discipleship classes will be held every Sunday in our classes here at the Tabernacle on 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Prayer Unusual is a going strong. The prayer movement that started at Beza Church is a program where we come and intercede for the nation and for our personal needs. It is being held at the hall dedicated in the basement of the new building for prayer.

Schedule for Prayer Unusual:
Thursday 3 – 5 PM
Friday 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM (Women’s Fellowship)
Friday 4 – 7PM (English Program)

Saturday 7 – 8AM Online via Telegram click JOIN on the top of our Telegram Channel (@bezachurch) and join the prayer.
Sunday 7:30 – 8:30AM

Tithes and Offering
The word of God teaches us that the gift that we give is a sweet fragrance unto the Lord and our ministry. We want say God bless you for giving your tithes and offering faithfully at this time of need. You may give in one of these ways:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Berhan Bank

Awash Bank

Beza International Church, [7/28/2024 2:47 PM]
Hibret Bank

Abyssinia Bank

NIB Bank

Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Use ATM, Debit/ Credit card
Available at the connection center.

Tele- Birr
Short code 513048 under Merchant ID or directly find Beza international Church on the 'Fundraising' section.

Give in person, Beza Finance office at the Tabernacle.

Give online locally through