Articles with Islombek @articles_with_islombek Channel on Telegram

Articles with Islombek


πŸ“ŒIn this channel, I provide daily articles.

All the good things in us are from Allah, all our shortcomings are from ourselves.β€Œ β€Œ


Articles with Islombek (English)

πŸ“Œ In this channel, Articles with Islombek, you will find daily articles covering a wide range of topics. From motivational pieces to informative articles, there is something for everyone in this channel. The admin, Islombek, curates the content to provide valuable insights and inspiration to the readers.

All the good things in us are from Allah, all our shortcomings are from ourselves. If you are looking for a source of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration, then this channel is the perfect place for you. Join Articles with Islombek today and start your journey towards personal growth and self-improvement.

Join now and be part of a community that values learning and personal development. Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your horizons and enhance your knowledge. Follow @articles_admin for more updates and stay connected with like-minded individuals.

For more information, contact @IslombekZ.

Articles with Islombek

27 Jan, 08:15

Articles with Islombek pinned Β«πŸ“£Articles map 2025 DAY 1. Globalization and its impact on Indigenous cultures DAY 2. The power of storytelling DAY 3. Urbanization in the 21st century DAY 4. The digital art revolution DAY 5. Overpopulation DAY 6. Impact of Tourism on local Community DAY…»

Articles with Islombek

27 Jan, 08:15

πŸ“£Articles map 2025

DAY 1. Globalization and its impact on Indigenous cultures
DAY 2. The power of storytelling
DAY 3. Urbanization in the 21st century
DAY 4. The digital art revolution
DAY 5. Overpopulation
DAY 6. Impact of Tourism on local Community
DAY 7. The disposable cup crisis
DAY 8. Loading...

Articles with Islombek

27 Jan, 07:36


By the way, this is also my channel. We usually organize sports events in Tashkent. If you are into sports and want to be a part of our community, join the channel.

P.S This week on Sunday, we are organizing basketball and Volleyball.

Articles with Islombek

27 Jan, 06:26

While drinking my hot black tea that I ordered, I got curious about the impact of these disposable paper cups on the environment. Therefore, I found out one very informative article by The Guardian. I will share it after a while.

Stay tuned!


Articles with Islombek

24 Jan, 05:54

Let's be active guysπŸ˜…. Share the article and challenge with your friends. I will then try my best to send vocabulary sheets as well.

Articles with Islombek

24 Jan, 04:22

Hali artikl o'qimaganlarga savol:

- Sizga nima qarshilik qilyapti?

Articles with Islombek

16 Dec, 09:53

While I was going through an application, I came across this. Hope these marital status words will be of some help for your English or understanding of marital status.

1️⃣ Common law - a legal union created without a formal ceremony or license. There is another word to describe this marital status - cohabitation. Tha main difference between the two is that common law partners must have lived together for at least one year, while cohabitating couples do not have the same legal rights and obligations as married couples.

2️⃣ Divorced - a person whose marriage has been legally ended.

3️⃣ Married - a person who is legally united to another person as a spouse.

4️⃣ Separated - a couple who are living apart from each other, but have not yet finalized a legal divorce.

5️⃣ Single - me πŸ˜…

6️⃣ Unknown - the marital status of an individual is not known or has not been disclosed.

7️⃣ Widowed - a person whose spouse has died.


Articles with Islombek

11 Dec, 11:13

The Power of β€˜Why?’ and β€˜What If?’

So what was the problem? β€œThey’re not asking enough questions,” she said.

Articles with Islombek

10 Dec, 15:08

πŸŽ‰ Join Our Speaking Club for an Exciting Friday Session! πŸŽ‰
Are you ready to elevate your English speaking skills and connect with fellow language enthusiasts? πŸ—£οΈ
This Friday, December 13th, at 10:00 AM, room 103.
We're hosting a dynamic session filled with
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» engaging discussions

πŸ’ͺinteractive activities

πŸ—£opportunities to practice your English in a supportive environment.
Why join us?
🎯Boost Your Confidence: Gain the skills to speak fluently and confidently in any situation.
πŸ“š Expand Your Network: Connect with like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships.
✨Enhance Your Communication Skills: Learn effective communication techniques .
Don't miss this chance to grow and learn together!
Let's make this Friday a memorable one!
Spots are limited ❗️
Register now

Articles with Islombek

05 Dec, 07:49

Why β€˜Brain Rot’ Is 2024’s Word of the Year
The phrase β€œbrain rot” spiked 230 percent from 2023 to 2024, according to the makers of the Oxford English Dictionary


Articles with Islombek

05 Dec, 06:20

Assalomu alaikum guys. Finally, I'm back to this channel as well. Last month, I did not manage to send articles daily. So, hopefully we will be active again with daily dose of readings. Currently, I'm running 3 channels and now back to work. You make check them out below:
- @IslombekZ
- @IELTSgram_Islombek

So, let's get down to business then. I will send the article today! So, Stay tuned)

Articles with Islombek

29 Nov, 17:45

Demak uzoq kutilgan shartimizni e'lon qilamiz 🌝

😎Ushbu shartimiz ko'proq omadga bog'liq.

@UM_s_TEAM kanaliga obuna bo'lasiz. Va buni tasdiqlovchi screenshotni ushbu postning izohiga yuborasiz.

Soat ❀❀:❀❀ da tasodifiy raqishda (random orqali) g'olibni aniqlaymiz.

Hammaga omad, qani ketdik, kitobxonlar πŸ’«

Articles with Islombek

27 Nov, 02:50

Morning guys!

Dekabr IELTS topshiryotganlar bormiπŸ‘€? Leave a + in the comments πŸ‘‡.

Yangiliklar bor.

Articles with Islombek

20 Nov, 17:48

British Council ishlaganlar bormi exam invigilator bo'lib? Muhim savol bor edi. Ishlagan tanishizlar bo'lsa ham bo'laveradi

Articles with Islombek

20 Nov, 17:47

Guys, what's up? Long time no see

Articles with Islombek

17 Nov, 02:19

@wellness_routine kanalida 100 ta obunachidan keyin ikkinchi 100 talik Articles challenge qilvorish plani turibdiπŸ‘€

Articles with Islombek

17 Nov, 02:04

Assalomu alaikum do'stlar!

O'quvchilarim judayam ajoyib loyihaga start berishibdi. Sog'lom hayot turmush tarzini targ'ib qilish maqsadida endi bu kanalda doimiy HEALTH TIPS berib boriladi.

Bundan tashqari sizlarni bir biridan qiziq challengelar kutib turibdi.

Demak, kelinglar hammamiz @wellness_routine ga a'zo bo'lamiz hamda o'quvchilarimning loyihasini SUPPORT qilamiz. Let's goooo

Articles with Islombek

17 Nov, 02:00

Assalomu alaykum, azizlar.
Ushbu kanalda sizlar uchun  foydali bo'ladigan  sog'lom turmush tarziga oid  ma'lumotlar berib boriladi.
Bizni kuzatishda davom eting.
Mehr bilan


Articles with Islombek

13 Nov, 13:54

Misha, IELTS atmen. TOEFL topshiramizπŸ₯Έ

Articles with Islombek

13 Nov, 13:42

TOEFL ibt topshirgan tanishingiz bo'lsa, username qoldira olasizlarmi commentda? Rahmat guys πŸ™Œ

Articles with Islombek

13 Nov, 13:24

O'zi birinchi savol TOEFL ibt topshirganlar bormi bo'lish kerak edikanπŸ˜…

Articles with Islombek

13 Nov, 12:10

Hi guys, what's up?

TOEFL ibt imtixonidan yuqori ball olganlarni ham puli compensation bo'ladimi?

Oramizda topshirib compensation olganlar bormi?πŸ‘€

Articles with Islombek

10 Nov, 17:11

Kanaldan chiqib ketishibdiyu a ko'pchilik😁. No problem, hali qaytib kelishadi.

Guess why?😎

Articles with Islombek

30 Oct, 14:59

Is Everyone Around You Dumb?

Maybe you’re driving down a highway thinking nobody else deserves to drive. Maybe you’re on a work call thinking you can do your co-worker’s job better and in half the time.

Articles with Islombek

29 Oct, 16:51

Why do I sleep so much? 😴

Most adults need seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night. So what’s another hour or two? Getting more than nine hours of sleep isn’t bad, right? Wrong.

Articles with Islombek

28 Oct, 17:01

UM project is organizing one day trip to SamarkandπŸ”₯πŸ”₯. Anyone who is willing to accompany this group is welcome. An amazing experience is awaiting for you guys.

πŸ“ŒA few seats left.

Date: 3.11.2024 (Sunday)
For more information, contact @Uzb1804

Articles with Islombek

28 Oct, 16:55

I have great news for you guysπŸ‘€

Articles with Islombek

28 Oct, 16:09

You may ask any questions here. I would appreciate if you suggest any topics you want to read in the channel. Thanks.

Articles with Islombek

28 Oct, 16:08

12 Reasons Why Teamwork Is Important in the Workplace

The traditional workplace hierarchy is evolving. Individual efforts on factory lines or in office cubicles are becoming less common, as group work rises to meet the needs of the 21st-century economy.

Articles with Islombek

27 Oct, 19:13

Effects of Urbanization That Will Make you Think!

As the world becomes more and more urbanized, it's important to understand the effects this has on both people and nature. Cities are engines of growth, but they also come with a cost.

Articles with Islombek

26 Oct, 17:19

Death penalty. Is it good or bad?

Practiced for much, if not all, of human history, the death penalty (also called capital punishment) is the β€œexecution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense,” ...

Articles with Islombek

18 Oct, 12:28

Unlocking the Hidden Benefits of Helping Others

The β€œHelpers’ High” is real. If you’re ready to channel your inner do-gooder, here are some things to think about as you maximize the positivity potential of giving back to others.

Articles with Islombek

17 Oct, 11:36

Virtual Currency: Definition, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages

Virtual currencies are digital representations of value whose transactions occur in online networks or the internet.

Articles with Islombek

16 Oct, 06:41

Kanalda maktabda o'qiydigan qizlar bormi?πŸ‘€ (15-17)

TechGirls dasturiga qabul boshlandi!!!

Articles with Islombek

14 Oct, 18:25

Consumerism and the Environment: Is Shopping

What is the connection between consumerism and the environment? Is shopping really that bad for the planet?

Articles with Islombek

13 Oct, 14:53

How to Identify Fake News

Fake news refers to false or misleading information which masquerades as legitimate
news. Generally, fake news falls into two categories...


Articles with Islombek

12 Oct, 17:56

Credits: @Stud1ous


Articles with Islombek

11 Oct, 18:16

Benefits of Renewable Energy Use

Wind turbines and solar panels are an increasingly common sight. But why? What are the benefits of renewable energiesβ€”and how do they improve our health, environment, and economy?

Articles with Islombek

10 Oct, 09:18

Credits: @Stud1ous


Articles with Islombek

10 Oct, 07:34

Why do we collect things? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

It is one of our basic human instincts. We like to collect things.

Articles with Islombek

09 Oct, 16:23

By the way, we will continues our articles from tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Articles with Islombek

09 Oct, 16:22

Assalomu alaikum. Ingliz tilidan darslarimizga qatnashmoqchilar uchun quyidagi ONLINE guruhlar bor:


πŸ“ŒElementary (oxiri)



πŸ“Kursga yozilish uchun: @Uzb1804

Articles with Islombek

30 Aug, 23:02

Anyone waiting for the second part of "100 days" challenge ? πŸ‘€

If yes, leave a + in the comments πŸ‘‡

Articles with Islombek

24 Aug, 19:37

Articles with Islombek pinned Β«Articles map Set one Set two Day 61 Space exploration Day 62 International relations Day 63 Rich countries/ climate Day 64 Social media usage Day 65 Food production Day 66 Road systems Day 67 Criticism & Feedback Day 68 Love Day 69 Obesity Day 70 Animal…»

Articles with Islombek

24 Aug, 17:39


Soniya, I don't know you personally, but thanks for the appreciation. πŸ™Œ.

Articles with Islombek

24 Aug, 17:33

Welcome aboard newcomers!

Qayerda recommend bo'ldi kanalimizπŸ‘€?

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 13:30

How Does the World’s Largest Library Decide What Becomes History?

Today the U.S. Library of Congress continues the tradition of conserving knowledge with one of the largest library collections ever compiled. It is home to more than 175 million works humans have produced, from e-books to ancient scrolls, which it aims to preserve for future generations.

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 12:30

Games Rule the Worldβ€”And Always Have

For something that often gets dismissed as trivial, games are a serious part of our lives.

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 11:30

What the Google Search Monopoly Ruling Means

An antitrust expert explains Monday’s landmark legal decision that Google illegally cemented its dominance in Internet search

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 10:30

No, You Can’t See the Great Wall of China from Space

When I was a mere lad, probably in middle school, I remember a friend telling me that the Apollo astronauts could see the Great Wall of China from the moon.