Articles with Islombek


đź“ŚIn this channel, I provide daily articles.

All the good things in us are from Allah, all our shortcomings are from ourselves.‌ ‌


Articles with Islombek

18 Oct, 12:28

Unlocking the Hidden Benefits of Helping Others

The “Helpers’ High” is real. If you’re ready to channel your inner do-gooder, here are some things to think about as you maximize the positivity potential of giving back to others.

Articles with Islombek

17 Oct, 11:36

Virtual Currency: Definition, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages

Virtual currencies are digital representations of value whose transactions occur in online networks or the internet.

Articles with Islombek

16 Oct, 06:41

Kanalda maktabda o'qiydigan qizlar bormi?đź‘€ (15-17)

TechGirls dasturiga qabul boshlandi!!!

Articles with Islombek

14 Oct, 18:25

Consumerism and the Environment: Is Shopping

What is the connection between consumerism and the environment? Is shopping really that bad for the planet?

Articles with Islombek

13 Oct, 14:53

How to Identify Fake News

Fake news refers to false or misleading information which masquerades as legitimate
news. Generally, fake news falls into two categories...


Articles with Islombek

12 Oct, 17:56

Credits: @Stud1ous


Articles with Islombek

11 Oct, 18:16

Benefits of Renewable Energy Use

Wind turbines and solar panels are an increasingly common sight. But why? What are the benefits of renewable energies—and how do they improve our health, environment, and economy?

Articles with Islombek

10 Oct, 09:18

Credits: @Stud1ous


Articles with Islombek

10 Oct, 07:34

Why do we collect things? 🤷‍♂️

It is one of our basic human instincts. We like to collect things.

Articles with Islombek

09 Oct, 16:23

By the way, we will continues our articles from tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Articles with Islombek

09 Oct, 16:22

Assalomu alaikum. Ingliz tilidan darslarimizga qatnashmoqchilar uchun quyidagi ONLINE guruhlar bor:


đź“ŚElementary (oxiri)



đź“ťKursga yozilish uchun: @Uzb1804

Articles with Islombek

30 Aug, 23:02

Anyone waiting for the second part of "100 days" challenge ? đź‘€

If yes, leave a + in the comments 👇

Articles with Islombek

24 Aug, 19:37

Articles with Islombek pinned «Articles map Set one Set two Day 61 Space exploration Day 62 International relations Day 63 Rich countries/ climate Day 64 Social media usage Day 65 Food production Day 66 Road systems Day 67 Criticism & Feedback Day 68 Love Day 69 Obesity Day 70 Animal…»

Articles with Islombek

24 Aug, 17:39


Soniya, I don't know you personally, but thanks for the appreciation. 🙌.

Articles with Islombek

24 Aug, 17:33

Welcome aboard newcomers!

Qayerda recommend bo'ldi kanalimizđź‘€?

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 13:30

How Does the World’s Largest Library Decide What Becomes History?

Today the U.S. Library of Congress continues the tradition of conserving knowledge with one of the largest library collections ever compiled. It is home to more than 175 million works humans have produced, from e-books to ancient scrolls, which it aims to preserve for future generations.

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 12:30

Games Rule the World—And Always Have

For something that often gets dismissed as trivial, games are a serious part of our lives.

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 11:30

What the Google Search Monopoly Ruling Means

An antitrust expert explains Monday’s landmark legal decision that Google illegally cemented its dominance in Internet search

Articles with Islombek

15 Aug, 10:30

No, You Can’t See the Great Wall of China from Space

When I was a mere lad, probably in middle school, I remember a friend telling me that the Apollo astronauts could see the Great Wall of China from the moon.