‏التذكير لأهل السنة @ahulsunnah Channel on Telegram

‏التذكير لأهل السنة


‏أسأل الله أن يجمعنا مع النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge and sincerity seeking the face of Allāh and the hereafter.

Feel free to take whatever of benefits and share it بارك الله فيكم

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

30 Jan, 03:15

We are in a time where the
callers of the Sunnah are few!

Shaykh Muhammad b. Hadi al-Madkhali

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

29 Jan, 12:07

Beware of changing
colors in the religion!

Shaykh D. Ahmad Umar Bazmūl

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

28 Jan, 18:52

The arrogant will be resurrected as
small particles in the form of men
then dragged into the hellfire !

Fearful aHadith may Allah protect us!

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

28 Jan, 18:50

Allah treats the sinner in
opposition to what he intended!

Shaykh Hamad al-Ateeq

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

27 Jan, 20:26

Shaykh D. Abdussalam b. Burjis [رحمه الله] said:

“Criticism of scholars originates
from one of two types of people:

1. A corrupt hypocrite who harbors enmity toward Islam and its teachings, with malicious intent. These individuals include, in our times, the children of secularists, communists, and members of deviant parties such as the Ba’ath Party and some of the innovators, and so on.

2. A deceived and misled individual, to whom falsehood is presented in the guise of truth, leading him to believe it is genuine. This includes those raised under the influence of the people of innovation, such as the Khawarij and others who have deviated from the correct path.”

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

27 Jan, 07:14

‏• صلاح القلب بتعلُّقه بالله!

‏متى تعلق القلب بالمخلوق، عُذِّب به. فالله خلق هذا القلب، وركَّبه تركيبًا؛ بحيث لا يصلُح بحال من الأحوال إلا إذا تعلَّق بربه ومليكه..

يقول شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية:

«كلما ازداد القلب حبًا لله، ازداد له عبودية، وكلما ازداد عبودية، ازداد حبًا وفضَّله عما سواه».

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

27 Jan, 07:14

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية:

‏"القلب إذا ذاق طعم عبادة الله والإخلاص له لم يكن عنده شيء قط أحلى من ذلك ولا ألذّ ولا أمتع ولا أطيب"

‏العبودية ص ٩٠

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

27 Jan, 06:55

قال الإمام مالك رحمه الله :

‏"من أحبّ أن تفتح له فرجة في قلبه
‏وينجو من غمرات الموت وأهوال القيامة ؛
‏فليكن عمله في السرّ، أكثر منه في العلانية".

ترتيب المدارك للقاضي عياض 2/51.

Imam Malik [رحمه الله] said:

“Whoever desires their heart to be filled with clarity, and wishes to be saved from the throes of death and the terrors of the Day of Judgment, let their private deeds exceed their public ones.”

Tarteeb al-Madaarik by Qadi Iyad, 2/51.

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

26 Jan, 05:04

لما اُدخل شيخ الإسلام السجن

‏قال ابن عبد الهادي :

‏"وجد المحابيس مشتغلين باللعب مع تضييع الصلوات، فأنكر الشيخ عليهم، وأمرهم بالصلاة، وعلمهم السنّة ،
‏حتى صار الحبس خيرا من المدارس،
‏وصار خلق من المحابيس إذا أطلقوا
يختارون الإقامة ، وصار السجن يمتلئ منهم".

العقود الدرية: 178

When Shaykh al-Islam
Ibn Taymiyyah was imprisoned:

Ibn Abd‘ al-Hādi said:
[student of Shaykh al-Islam]

“He found the prisoners preoccupied with idle games and neglecting their prayers. The Shaykh rebuked them, commanded them to perform their prayers, and taught them the Sunnah. Until, the prison became better than the schools, and many of the inmates, upon being released, preferred to remain. Until the prison became filled with them.”

Al-’Uqud al-Durriyyah, p. 178.

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

26 Jan, 04:42

Animosity between the Muslims
causes Shirk to spread!

Shaykh Abdussalam b. Barjas

رحم الله الشيخ عبدالسلام وغفر له وأسكنه الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

25 Jan, 16:49

Never forget! Be sincere to
Allah with your entire heart!

Shaykh Raslan

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

25 Jan, 14:41

[Series: Purification of Aqeedah]

SubhanAllah. There are people whom the Prophet ﷺ described as the worst of creation in the sight of Allah, yet many ignorant individuals today regard them as the best of creation!

They are those who glorify domed graves & shrines and venerate their Shuyukh among the Shia and Sufis. The Prophet ﷺ said:

"When a righteous man among them dies, they build a place of worship over his grave and adorn it with images. These are the worst of creation in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgment."
[Narrated by al-Bukhari]


‏التذكير لأهل السنة

25 Jan, 14:41

Shaykh Rabee’ al-Madkhali said:

"For hearts to be purified and souls to be refined, one must surrender to Allah, hold firmly to the rope of Allah, and possess awareness and understanding of the evil consequences of division, which Allah has warned against."

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

25 Jan, 12:42

Shaytan’s Trap!
The dangers of innovations!

Shaykh Abdussalam Barjas رحمه الله

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

24 Jan, 15:10

Shaykh Salih as-Usaymi [حفظه الله]:

"Following the [Salaf] righteous predecessors in appearance, name, word, and action is our religion to which we adhere outwardly and inwardly, in public and in private, equally. We do not follow whims and desires, and we endure patiently whatever trials we encounter. No harm from an attacker will shake us, nor the opposition of a misery [deviant] person."

‏التذكير لأهل السنة

24 Jan, 14:37

[Manhood] The husband must
take responsibility, and the wife
doesn’t have to spend a dime!

Shaykh Uthaymeen رحمه الله