Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi @abuzakriyya Channel on Telegram

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi


Imam al-Awzai رحمه الله said:

“Hold fast to the narrations of the Salaf, even if people were to abandon you.

(And) beware of the opinions of the people, no matter how much they beautify it with their speech.”

سير أعلام النبلاء 7/120

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي (Arabic)

تهدف قناة "ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي" إلى نشر الفكر والتعاليم الدينية بناءً على تعاليم السلف الصالح. الإمام الأوزاعي رحمه الله قال: "امسك بأخبار السلف ولو توانى الناس عنك، واحذر اقتراحات الناس مهما زيّنوها بكلامهم". مع مراجعة سير أعلام النبلاء، نجد أن القناة تسعى إلى إثراء المعرفة الدينية بما يتماشى مع الفهم التقليدي للإسلام. إنضم إلينا اليوم واستمتع بالمحتوى القيم والتعاليم القيّمة التي تقدمها قناتنا. انضم الآن وكن جزءًا من مجتمعنا المتميز!

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

19 Feb, 03:00

O my dear brother and sister, may Allah have mercy upon you, bless you with steadfastness upon His religion, and illuminate your heart with the light of the Sunnah. May He safeguard you from the trials that misguide, grant you sincerity in seeking the truth, and keep you firm upon the straight path until you meet Him.

Know that we live in times where truth is overshadowed, clarity is clouded, and falsehood is given prominence under deceptive labels. The darkness of innovation and fabrication has spread, and the foolish ruwaybidah—those unworthy of speech—have taken to platforms, poisoning the minds of the people. They adorn their misguidance with the garments of Sunnah while carrying the corruption of the Khawarij, disguising their Surooriyyah under the noble banner of Salafiyyah. Yet Allah has promised victory to His religion, the methodology of prophethood, and His righteous allies. The promise is certain, but it is upon the people to take the means.

So hold tightly to the scholars of Sunnah, those who are known for their steadfastness upon the Salafi methodology, whose banner is raised high in defending the Sunnah of Al-Mustafa ﷺ. Be with them, cling to their guidance, and do not precede them with opinions, for true safety lies in adhering to their understanding. The major scholars of Sunnah are the beacons of clarity in these turbulent times, so do not be deceived by those whose reality has become exposed to every sane person—those who praise the Khawarij, associate with them, and link their students to them.

Cling to the principles of Sunnah, for they are a shield against misguidance. Beware of falling into hypocrisy, deceit, and falsehood, for these are the paths of destruction and deviation. Be sincere, be firm, and seek the truth with humility. Beg Allah for guidance, for He is the One who turns the hearts.

And know that when the dust settles, clarity will emerge. Many are deceived by what appears before them, but time will expose all realities—will you find yourself upon a noble steed, steady upon the path, or will you realise too late that you were merely riding a donkey? The difference lies in whom you follow and which path you choose. May Allah guide you, protect you, and grant you the honour of upholding His religion with sincerity and truth.

-Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

18 Feb, 20:52

A Great Scheme Unveiled: The Hidden Plot Against Saudi Arabia

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Al-Hajiri حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

18 Feb, 17:50

اللهم احفظ الشيخ العلامة الإمام ربيع بن هادي المدخلي، واشفه شفاء تاما لا يغادر سقما، وارفع عنه الضر، وألبسه لباس الصحة والعافية. اللهم اجعل مرضه كفارة له، ورفعة في درجاته، وزيادة في حسناته. اللهم عافه واعف عنه، وطهره من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس. اللهم متعه بالقوة والصحة، وأطل عمره على طاعتك، وبارك له في علمه وعمله، واجعله ذخرا للإسلام والمسلمين. اللهم احفظه من كل سوء، وأعده إلى أهله وأحبته سالما معافى، وأجره في مصيبته، واخلف له خيرا منها. آمين
O Allah, preserve the noble scholar, the Imam, Rabi’ bin Hadi al-Madkhali, and grant him complete healing that leaves no illness. Remove harm from him and clothe him in the garments of health and well-being. O Allah, make his illness an expiation for him, an elevation in his ranks, and an increase in his good deeds. O Allah, grant him well-being and pardon him, and purify him from sins and misdeeds just as a white garment is cleansed of filth. O Allah, grant him strength and health, prolong his life in obedience to You, bless him in his knowledge and deeds, and make him a source of benefit for Islam and the Muslims. O Allah, protect him from all harm, return him safely and sound to his family and loved ones, reward him in his affliction, and grant him better than it. Ameen.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

18 Feb, 17:26

You Want to See a Man from the People of the Fire? Look at Him: The Bedouin’s Encounter with the Prophet ﷺ

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

18 Feb, 16:55

The Power of Determination in Ramadan: If You Can Quit Sinning for 30 Days, Why Not After Ramadan?

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

18 Feb, 03:15

قال الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله:
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

اطلب قلبك في ثلاث مواطن:
Seek your heart in three places:

١- عند سماع القرآن.
1. When listening to the Qur’an.

٢- وفي مجالس الذكر.
2. In gatherings of dhikr (remembrance of Allah).

٣- وفي أوقات الخلوة.
3. In times of seclusion.

فإن لم تجده في هذه المواطن؛
If you do not find it in these places;

فسل الله أن يمن عليك بقلب، فإنه لا قلب لك.
Then ask Allah to grant you a heart, for indeed, you have no heart.

الفوائد صـ١٤٨
Al-Fawa’id, p. 148


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

17 Feb, 17:33

Glad Tidings of the Noble Month: The Arrival of Ramadan

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

17 Feb, 16:56

Ramadan Fasting: What You Absolutely Must Know

The Nullifiers of Fasting: Intending to Break the Fast

Sheikh Muhammad Sa'eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

17 Feb, 15:46

You Are Capable of Abandoning Sin and Obeying Allah: Ramadan Teaches Us That We Can!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

17 Feb, 13:11

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله:
Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

ليس حب النبي ﷺ أن تفعل البدعة بدافع المحبة، فتفعل ما لم يفعل، ولكن الحب أن تلزم طريقه، وتحب فعله، وتكره البدعة كما كان يكرهها.
• Love for the Prophet ﷺ is not that you commit an innovation out of love, doing what he did not do. Rather, love is that you adhere to his path, love his action, and hate innovation just as he hated it.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

16 Feb, 21:41

Question: Whoever sees the crescent moon of Ramadan alone, and the ruler does not accept his testimony, is he required to fast and differ from the group in their breaking of the fast, or to break fast with them in agreement?

Answer: He must act upon his knowledge. If he sees the crescent, then it is obligatory upon him to act upon his knowledge, even if the people and the ruler do not obey him. However, it is preferable that he conceals his matter and hides his fasting and breaking of the fast so that people do not become doubtful and disorder does not occur.



Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

16 Feb, 21:41

Question: Does a woman's sighting of the crescent moon of Ramadan suffice?

Answer: She herself must fast, and what appears to be the case is that it is not obligatory for the Muslims to fast based on her sighting. They have fasted based on the sighting of a man. However, the testimony of a man is equivalent to the testimony of two women—this is what appears to be the case.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

16 Feb, 21:41

Question: What is the Day of Doubt and what is the ruling on fasting it?

Answer: The Day of Doubt is the thirtieth of Sha'ban, and the people are in doubt whether it is from Ramadan or from Sha'ban. Some people fast it as a precaution: “Whoever fasts on the Day of Doubt has disobeyed Abu al-Qasim (ﷺ).”


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

16 Feb, 21:41

Question: Is it permissible for a person who doubts the beginning of Ramadan to fast a day before it?

Answer: Some of the Hanbalis say that it is permissible, but the correct view is that it should not be fasted, as it is established from the Prophet ﷺ who said: “Do not advance Ramadan by a day or two.”
It has been narrated from Ammar ibn Yasir (رضي الله عنه): “Whoever fasts on the Day of Doubt has disobeyed Abu al-Qasim.”
Thus, the correct ruling is that it should not be fasted, and the Prophet ﷺ says: “Fast upon seeing it (the crescent) and break the fast upon seeing it. If it is cloudy, then complete the count of Sha'ban as thirty days.”

There is nothing left after this clarification.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

16 Feb, 21:41

Question: Is the testimony of a woman accepted regarding the sighting of the crescent moon of Ramadan, and likewise the sighting of the crescent moon of Shawwal?

Answer: What has been narrated is that an Arab came to the Prophet ﷺ and testified that he saw the crescent moon, so the Prophet ﷺ commanded the people to fast.
As for the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Shawwal, two witnesses came and testified.
Therefore, what appears to be the case is that her testimony is not accepted in this regard. However, if she herself sees the crescent, if she sees the crescent of Ramadan, she fasts for herself, and if she sees the crescent of Shawwal, she breaks her fast. The people are not obligated to act according to her actions.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

09 Feb, 02:02

قال العلامة ابن عبد البر رحمه الله تعالى:
Al-‘Allamah Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

فعليك يا أخي بحفظ الأصول والعناية بها
So, my brother, upon you is to memorise the foundational principles and give them due care.

واعلم أن من عني بحفظ السنن والأحكام المنصوصة في القرآن، ونظر في أقاويل الفقهاء فجعلها عونا له على اجتهاده، ومفتاحاً لطرائق النظر، وتفسيراً لجمل السنن المحتملة للمعاني
And know that whoever concerns himself with memorising the Sunnah and the rulings explicitly stated in the Qur’an, and examines the statements of the jurists—using them as an aid for his ijtihad, a key to the methods of reasoning, and an explanation of the general Sunnah texts that carry multiple meanings—

ولم يقلد أحداً منهم تقليد السنن التي يجب الانقياد إليها على كل حال دون نظر، ولم يرح نفسه مما أخذ العلماء به أنفسهم من حفظ السنن وتدبرها
And he does not blindly follow any of them in the way that the Sunnah must be followed—where submission is required in every case without examination—nor does he seek ease for himself by neglecting what the scholars obligated upon themselves of memorising the Sunnah and pondering over it,

واقتدى بهم في البحث والتفهم والنظر، وشكر لهم سعيهم فيما أفادوه ونبهوا عليه، وحمدهم على صوابهم الذى هو أكثر أقوالهم، ولم يبرئهم من الزلل كما لم يبرءوا أنفسهم منه
Rather, he follows their example in research, comprehension, and reflection, appreciating their efforts for what they have imparted and pointed out, praising them for their correctness—which comprises most of their statements—without declaring them free from error, just as they did not declare themselves free from it,

فهذا هو الطالب المتمسك بما عليه السلف الصالح، وهو المصيب لحظه، والمعاين رشده، والمتبع لسنة نبيه وهدى صحابته
Then this is the seeker of knowledge who adheres to what the righteous predecessors were upon, and he is the one who attains his portion, perceives his guidance, and follows the Sunnah of his Prophet ﷺ and the guidance of his Companions.

ومن أعف نفسه من النظر، وأضرب عما ذكرنا، وعارض السنن برأيه، ورام أن يردها إلى مبلغ نظره؛ فهو ضال مضل
As for the one who spares himself from examining, turns away from what we have mentioned, opposes the Sunnah with his opinion, and seeks to restrict it to the limits of his own reasoning, then he is astray and leads others astray.

ومن جهل ذلك كله أيضاً وتقحم في الفتوى بلا علم، فهو أشد عمى، وأضل سبيلاً
And the one who is ignorant of all this and plunges into issuing fatwas without knowledge, then he is even more blind and further astray.

صحيح فقه السنة وأدلته وتوضيح مذاهب الأئمة، ص ٦١
Sahih Fiqh al-Sunnah wa Adillatuhu wa Tawdhih Madhahib al-A’immah, p. 61


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

08 Feb, 20:49

He Ate Thinking That Fajr Had Not Yet Appeared: What Should He Do?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

08 Feb, 20:14

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله:
Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

نصيحة من القلب لكل مسلم ومسلمة:
A heartfelt advice for every Muslim, male and female:

- اجعل لك في كل يوم وليلة وردًا من القرآن لا تتركه أبدًا، واجعل مقداره ما تستطيع أن تداوم عليه، وإن قل، فإن نشطت يومًا لأكثر فذاك خير لا يُترك.
• Make for yourself a daily and nightly portion of the Qur’an that you never abandon, and make its amount what you are able to maintain consistently, even if it is little. And if you become more energetic one day to increase it, then that is good and should not be abandoned.

- اجعل لك في كل يوم وليلة وردًا من الأذكار، من أذكار الصباح والمساء (ولا يلزم أن تستوعبها) وما بعد الصلوات، فإن نشطت لزيادة من الأذكار فذلك نور على نور.
• Make for yourself a daily and nightly portion of dhikr from the morning and evening supplications (and it is not necessary to say all of them) and from the supplications after the prayers. And if you become more energetic to increase in dhikr, then that is light upon light.

- لا تُخْلِ يومك من صدقة، ولو بقليل من المال.
• Do not let your day be devoid of charity, even if it is with a small amount of money.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

08 Feb, 20:07

The Qur’an: The Key to Blessings in Time and Obedience – A Light for Your Path and a Treasure for the Hereafter!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

08 Feb, 17:39

Why Are You Afraid? Everything Is in the Hands of Allah!

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Al-Hajiri حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

08 Feb, 14:33

The Swift Punishment for Being Undutiful to Parents: Worries, Sorrows, and Lost Blessings!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

07 Feb, 18:38

The Hidden Secret of Wealth: This Simple Habit Is Stealing Your Blessings!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

07 Feb, 17:08

A Response to the Wicked Enemy of Allah Donald Trump: The Zionist Satanic Plot to Expel and Erase Palestinians!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

07 Feb, 13:46

The Greatest and Most Virtuous Deed on the Best of Days: Sending Peace and Blessings Upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

06 Feb, 19:12

The Devil’s Tricks Between Husband and Wife: If This Occurs, Seek Help Through Patience and Prayer!

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Al-Hajiri حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

06 Feb, 16:34

The Reality of the Barzakh: Bliss, Punishment, and the Test in the Grave – The Fate of the Believer and the Disbeliever

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

06 Feb, 15:07

The Ruling on Eating When the Time of Fajr Enters: If the Fajr Adhan Is Called While Eating and Drinking, Must You Stop?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

05 Feb, 19:52

Your Protection Is in Accordance with Your Piety: Whoever Is With Allah, Allah Will Be With Him!

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Al-Hajiri حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

05 Feb, 18:21

An Urgent Call to Every Muslim: Repent Before Ramadan – Enter with a Clean Heart, Free from the Shackles of Sin!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

05 Feb, 16:12

The Destructive Consequences and Evil of Backbiting: A Hastened Punishment in This World and a Tormenting Fate in the Hereafter!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

05 Feb, 15:54

The Beginning and End of Fasting: Can You Rely on Timetables or Radio Broadcasts to Break Your Fast?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

04 Feb, 19:44

The Fallacy of Claiming the Prophet ﷺ Is Alive and Present: A Refutation of Barelwi and Sufi Deviance

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Al-Hajiri حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

04 Feb, 17:43

The Greatest Success of the Believer and the Criterion of Salvation: Adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

04 Feb, 16:13

The Danger of Social Media and Broadcasted Homes: Fear Allah, Safeguard Your Privacy and Homes—The Evil Eye is Real!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

04 Feb, 14:25

The Conditions for the Obligation of Fasting in Ramadan: Should Children Fast?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

03 Feb, 17:51

The Countdown to Ramadan: Will We Fulfill Our Promises This Ramadan? Preparing for a Transformative Ramadan!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

03 Feb, 15:47

The Danger of Speaking Ill of the Rulers and Backbiting Them: A Grave Matter in the Sight of Allah!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

03 Feb, 14:12

Knowledge Without Refining the Soul and Nurturing the Heart: A Path to Arrogance and Self-Admiration

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

02 Feb, 21:46

Revealing the Heart: The Pitfalls of Questioning Someone’s Worship

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

02 Feb, 18:28

“Madkhali” “Jami” – A Badge of Honour: How Blessed It Is by Allah to Hold to the Light of the Sunnah!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

02 Feb, 16:27

Seek the Pleasure of Allah, Even if the People Are Displeased with You: The Path to Allah’s Pleasure and the People’s Contentment!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

02 Feb, 14:32

None Knows Except Allah: Will We Witness Another Ramadan?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

01 Feb, 23:04

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله:
Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

شعبان ترفع فيه الأعمال إلى الله الرفع السنوي
Sha’ban is the month in which the annual deeds are raised to Allah.

والله عند عرض الأعمال عليه يغفر لكل عبد إلا لمشرك أو مشاحن
And Allah, when the deeds are presented to Him, forgives every servant except a polytheist or a person with rancor.

وللصيام عند عرض الأعمال مزية
And fasting has a special merit when the deeds are presented.

فعن أسامة قال قلت يا رسول الله لم أرك تصوم من شهر من الشهور ما تصوم من شعبان فقال هو شهر ترفع فيه الأعمال إلى رب العالمين وأحب أن يرفع عملي وأنا صائم
As narrated by Usama, he said: “I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I have not seen you fasting in any month as much as you fast in Sha’ban.’” He ﷺ replied: “It is a month in which the deeds are raised to the Lord of the worlds, and I love that my deeds are raised while I am fasting.”


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

01 Feb, 22:10

The Season of Mercy: The Great Month of Ramadan – A Month Like No Other!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

01 Feb, 18:08

O My Sister, Beware of Neglecting This Great Right Upon You: You Will Not Find the Sweetness of Faith Unless You Fulfill It!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

01 Feb, 16:46

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله:
Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

عجبت من أقوام يسعون في طلب الرزق ولا يعلقون قلوبهم بالرزاق ولا يتوكلون عليه حق التوكل، وعجبت لأقوام يستيقظون لطلب الرزق ولا يستيقظون لطلب رضا الرزاق.
I am amazed at people who strive in seeking provision but do not attach their hearts to the Provider nor rely upon Him with true reliance, and I am amazed at people who wake up to seek provision but do not wake up to seek the pleasure of the Provider.

إن أردت طيب الرزق وطيب الحياة مع الجزاء الأحسن، فابدأ يومك بطلب رضا الرزاق، وبأن تكون في ذمته سبحانه بصلاة الفجر في وقتها، وبصلاتها مع الجماعة إن كنت رجلًا، وحقق توكلك على الله مع بذل الأسباب.
If you want pure provision and a good life along with the best reward, then begin your day by seeking the pleasure of the Provider, by being under His protection—exalted is He—through praying Fajr on time, and by praying it in congregation if you are a man, and establish true reliance upon Allah while taking the necessary means.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi

01 Feb, 16:02

The Phenomenon of Pregnancy Parties and Gender Reveals: Fear Allah! Blessings Do Not Return Once They Are Taken Away

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

09 Jan, 01:20

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله
Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

يا طالب العلم عليك بقيام الليل وكثرة الاستغفار والدعاء في آخر الليل وأكثر في صلاتك ودعائك من الاستعاذة بالله من شر الفتن تُعَن على الخير وتكفى شر الفتن فقد استيقظ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذات ليلة فقال: سبحان الله، ماذا أنزل الليلة من الفتن، وماذا فتح من الخزائن، أيقظوا صواحبات الحجر.
O seeker of knowledge, it is upon you to perform the night prayer, to increase in seeking forgiveness, and to supplicate in the last part of the night. Increase in your prayer and supplication with seeking refuge in Allah from the evil of the trials. You will be aided in doing good and protected from the evil of the trials. Indeed, the Prophet ﷺ woke up one night and said: “Subḥān Allāh! How many afflictions Allah has revealed tonight and how many treasures have been sent down (disclosed). Go and wake the sleeping lady occupants of these dwellings up (for prayers).”

ويا طالب العلم لا يكن همك ما يرضي الناس ويُكَثِّرهم حولك وليكن همك ما يرضي رب الناس من بث العلم والدعوة إلى الخير وكسر الشر ورد الخطأ بعلم وعدل وعقل وحكمة وبالتي هي أحسن، على سبيل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ففي ذلك الخير لك والرفعة الحقيقية ولو انفض عنك أكثر الناس ولو خسرت كثيرا من الدنيا.
And O seeker of knowledge, let your concern not be what pleases people or gathering many around you. Rather, let your concern be what pleases the Lord of the people—spreading knowledge, calling to good, breaking the evil, correcting the mistake with knowledge, justice, intellect, wisdom, and in the best manner, following the way of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. In that is goodness for you and true elevation, even if most people turn away from you or if you lose much of this world.

وإذا سُلِّط عليك سفهاء الناس مع استقامتك فاعلم أن ذلك لخير يريده ربك بك فاثبت واستغفر الله وأكثر من قول لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله.
And if the foolish ones of the people are given authority over you while you remain upright, know that this is for a good that your Lord desires for you. So be steadfast, seek forgiveness from Allah, and increase in saying: “There is no power and no strength except by Allah.”


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

08 Jan, 23:59

قال الشيخ مقبل بن هادي الوادعي رحمه الله
Shaykh Muqbil bin Hādī al-Wādīʿī, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

كفانا كتاب الله وسنة رسول الله ﷺ، ولن يعزنا الله إلا إذا تمسكنا بكتاب الله وسنة رسول الله ﷺ، وما حصل للمسلمين من ذل وتقهقهر فبسبب ذنوبنا،
The Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ are sufficient for us, and Allah will not honour us except when we hold fast to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. What has befallen the Muslims of humiliation and decline is due to our sins.

بينما آباؤنا افتتحوا بلاد الكفر، وأسلمت أمم لا يُحصي عددها إلا الله، ونحن في قعر دورنا أصبحنا نخاف من أمريكا ونخاف من غيرها!
While our forefathers opened the lands of disbelief, and nations whose number only Allah knows embraced Islam, we, in the depths of our homes, have become fearful of America and others!

إننا مسلمون وإن الله أعزنا بالإسلام، ووعدنا إحدى الحسنيين: الجنة أو النصر والفوز..
We are Muslims, and Allah has honoured us with Islam. He promised us one of the two good things: Paradise or victory and success.

فعلينا أن نتقي الله، ونتمسك بهذا الإسلام الذي اعترف أعداء الإسلام أنه لا يُصلِح البشرية إلا هذا الإسلام.
So we must fear Allah and hold fast to this Islam, which the enemies of Islam have acknowledged is the only thing that can reform humanity.

الجامع الكبير (٢/٢٠١)
Al-Jāmiʿ al-Kabīr (2/201)


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

08 Jan, 23:05

The Tale-Bearer is More Dangerous Than the Sorcerer: The Story of How a Tale-Bearer Caused a Man to Kill His Own Wife!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

08 Jan, 19:54

If a Sufi believes in this, report him to drug enforcement authorities: for he most likely swallowed four kilos of cannabis!

Shaykh Ibrahim Al-Muhaymid حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

08 Jan, 16:47

You Bearded Ones Scare Children: A Bearded Man’s Quick-Witted Response to a Humorous Accusation

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

08 Jan, 02:32

قال الشيخ مقبل بن هادي الوادعي رحمه الله
Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi’i, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

وإنني أقول لإخواني الدعاة إلى الله في جميع البلاد الإسلامية: عليهم أن يشمروا عن ساعد الجد، وعليهم أن يقصدوا بدعوتهم وجه الله، لا لأجل الكراسي، ولا لأجل المناصب، ولا لأجل حطام الدنيا، إن الله لا يقبل من العمل إلا ما كان خالصًا لوجهه.
I say to my brothers who are callers to Allah in all the Islamic lands: They must roll up their sleeves with seriousness and determination. They must intend in their da’wah the Face of Allah alone—not for chairs, not for positions, and not for the fleeting gains of this world. Verily, Allah does not accept any deed except what is sincerely for His sake.

الدعوة إلى الله أرفع من الكراسي، وأرفع من المناصب، وأرفع من حطام الدنيا، {ومن أحسن قولاً ممّن دعا إلى الله وعمل صالحًا وقال إنّني من المسلمين}.
Calling to Allah is loftier than chairs, loftier than positions, and loftier than the fleeting gains of this world. Allah says: “And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah, does righteous deeds, and says, ‘Indeed, I am of the Muslims’” [Surah Fussilat 41:33].

مقتل جميل الرحمن ٧٧.
Maqtal Jamil ar-Rahman, page 77.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

07 Jan, 20:02

The Secret to a Loving and Happy Marriage: Exchanging Gifts with Your Wife!

Shaykh Ali bin Zayd Al-Madkhali حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

07 Jan, 17:50

The Mercy of Allah upon the Servant: Having a Sin and Recognising It – The Two Benefits of Recognising One’s Sin

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

07 Jan, 16:00

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله
Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

كثرة ذكر الله عمل يحبه الله، وكلما زدت في ذكر الله عظم ثوابك، وهنيئًا لمن أكثر من ذكر الله حتى صار لسانه رطبًا من ذكر الله من تتابع الذكر.
Frequent remembrance of Allah is an act beloved to Allah, and the more you increase in the remembrance of Allah, the greater your reward becomes. Glad tidings to the one who frequently remembers Allah until his tongue becomes moist with the remembrance of Allah due to continuous dhikr.

فعن عبدالله بن بسر رضي الله عنه أن رجلاً قال: يا رسول الله إن شرائع الإسلام قد كثرت علي، فأخبرني بشيء أتشبث به. قال: “لا يزال لسانك رطبًا من ذكر الله.”
It is narrated from ʿAbdullāh bin Busr (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, indeed the rulings of Islam have become numerous for me, so tell me something to hold fast to.” He said: “Let your tongue remain moist with the remembrance of Allah.”

وعن مالك بن يخامر أن معاذ بن جبل رضي الله عنه قال لهم: إن آخر كلام فارقت عليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن قلت: أي الأعمال أحب إلى الله؟ قال: “أن تموت ولسانك رطب من ذكر الله.”
And it is narrated from Mālik bin Yukhamir that Muʿādh bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) said to them: “The last words I parted with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ were when I said: ‘Which deed is most beloved to Allah?’ He said: ‘That you die while your tongue is moist with the remembrance of Allah.’”

وعن عبدالله بن بسر رضي الله عنه قال: جاء أعرابيان إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقال أحدهما: يا رسول الله! أي الناس خير؟ قال: “طوبى لمن طال عمره، وحسن عمله.” وقال الآخر: أي العمل خير؟ قال: “أن تفارق الدنيا ولسانك رطب من ذكر الله.”
And it is narrated from ʿAbdullāh bin Busr (may Allah be pleased with him) that two Bedouins came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. One of them said: “O Messenger of Allah! Who are the best of people?” He said: “Glad tidings to the one whose life is long and whose deeds are good.” The other said: “Which deed is the best?” He said: “That you depart from this world while your tongue is moist with the remembrance of Allah.”


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

07 Jan, 15:29

The Salaf and the Adhan: Elevating Prayer Above All Worldly Affairs

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

06 Jan, 23:28

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله
Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

الخوارج الذين يكفرون المسلمين بغير مكفر ويستحلون فيهم السيف ويرون الخروج على الحاكم المسلم بالسيف، أهل شر على أنفسهم وعلى المسلمين حتى في دول الغرب وأمريكا وغيرها، ويشوهون الإسلام بأفعالهم والإسلام من أفعالهم بريء، وإني أكرر دعوتي لكل من تلوث بهذا الفكر أو بشيء منه أن يراجع الحق ويتوب إلى الله منه.
The Khawarij, who declare Muslims to be disbelievers without a valid reason for disbelief, deem their blood lawful, and believe in revolting against the Muslim ruler with the sword, are a people of evil upon themselves and upon the Muslims, even in Western countries, America, and elsewhere. They distort Islam through their actions, and Islam is free from their actions. I repeat my call to everyone who has been tainted by this ideology or any part of it to return to the truth and repent to Allah from it.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

06 Jan, 23:28

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله
Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

علماء أهل السنة بحار علم زاخرة، وأشجار خير مثمرة، وقمم جبال عالية، مارام أحد عبر الزمان انتقاصهم إلا كان منتقصا لنفسه ومسقطا لها، فكيف بكبارهم ممن شهد له الحاضر والباد، وأحيا الله بعلمهم البلاد ونفع به العباد، كالإمام الأصولي الفقيه المتفنن الذي ماتكلم في فن إلا أسر ألباب العالمين به، وعلَّم الجاهلين به الإمام محمد بن صالح بن عثيمين رحمه الله.
The scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah are vast seas of knowledge, fruitful trees of goodness, and high mountain peaks. No one who attempts to belittle them throughout time has done anything except belittle themselves and degrade their own soul. So how about their great scholars, those whom both the present and past testify to, and through whose knowledge Allah revived the lands and benefited His servants, such as the jurist and scholar of principles, who never spoke in a field except that he captivated the hearts of the world with it and taught the ignorant, the Imam Muhammad bin Salih al-‘Uthaymīn, may Allah have mercy on him.

وعلماء أهل السنة منتقصهم لا يخلو من ثلاثة أحوال
And those who belittle the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah are not free from three situations:

الأولى أنه يكذب عليهم ويفتري
The first is that he lies about them and fabricates falsehoods.

والثانية أنه يذمهم بما هو مدح في ميزان الشرع
The second is that he criticises them for what is actually praiseworthy in the measure of the Shari’ah.

والثالثة أنه جاهل بأقوالهم ويحكم على ما يسمع عنهم لا على أقوالهم وعلمهم
The third is that he is ignorant of their statements and judges based on what he hears about them, not on their actual words and knowledge.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

06 Jan, 22:48

The Prophet ﷺ’s Compassion and Firmness: A Glimpse into His Kindness and Leadership in Marriage

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

06 Jan, 20:06

You Will Regret Your Hours and Your Neglect of the Qur’an: The Consequences of Wasting Time on Your Mobile Phone!

Shaykh Abdullah An-Najmi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

06 Jan, 17:43

Have You Transgressed Against Yourself and Repented? If So, Rejoice in These Two Glad Tidings!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

06 Jan, 01:25

O Muslim, reflect deeply upon your state. How often has your phone drawn you into heedlessness, filling your heart with darkness and worries? How often has it taken away your peace and tranquility, leaving you burdened with stress? Yet, here lies the Qur’an, the words of Allah, calling you to its light, its peace, and its guidance.

Know, dear soul, that the Qur’an is the speech of Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Is it not sufficient as a virtue and greatness that you are reading the very words of Allah? It is His message to you, His guidance for your heart. It was spoken by Allah, conveyed by the best of angels, Jibreel عليه السلام, to the best of creation, our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, during the best of nights—Laylatul Qadr.

The Qur’an does not enter a heart except that it purifies it, beautifies it, and makes it among the purest of hearts. So, turn away from what darkens your soul and immerse yourself in the words of your Lord. Let the Qur’an be the balm for your worries, the light for your darkness, and the guide for your confused heart.

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله said in his book At-Tabsirah:

يا من يعاتبه القرآن وقلبه غافل، وتناجيه الآيات وفهمه ذاهل، اعرف قدر المتكلم وقد عرفت الكلام، وأحضر قلبك الغائب وقد فهمت الملام.
“O you whom the Qur’an reproaches while your heart is heedless, and whom the verses address while your understanding is absent! Recognise the greatness of the Speaker, for you have come to know the words; and bring your absent heart to presence, for you have understood the reproach.”

(At-Tabsirah, p. 304)

He also said:
تلاوة القرآن تـعمل فـي أمـراض الفؤاد ما يعمله العسل في عِلل الأجـساد، مواعظ الـقـرآن لأمـراض القلوب شافية، وأدلة الـقرآن لطلب الـهدى كافية.
“The recitation of the Qur’an works on the diseases of the heart as honey works on the ailments of the body. The admonitions of the Qur’an are a cure for the diseases of the hearts, and the evidences of the Qur’an are sufficient for those seeking guidance.”

(At-Tabsirah, p. 63)

So, dear brother or sister, let go of what has preoccupied your heart and stolen your peace. Return to the Qur’an. Let it be your constant companion, your source of serenity, and the means by which you draw closer to Allah. For in it lies the purest of guidance, the greatest of wisdoms, and the most beautiful of reminders. Let the words of Allah illuminate your heart and life.

🖋 Abu Zakariyya Ahmed Al-Hudaydi


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

05 Jan, 20:10

To You, O My Mother

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

05 Jan, 18:23

An Uplifting and Emotional Reminder for Those Struggling with Hidden Sins: Keep Striving, Never Lose Hope—Allah’s Mercy and Help are Near

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan Al-Hajiri حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

05 Jan, 16:30

The Great Affliction of the Mobile Phone: Breaking Free from Its Distractions and Purifying the Heart

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

05 Jan, 14:41

The Key to Salvation, Happiness, and Success: A Profound Question Answered by the Prophet ﷺ

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

04 Jan, 23:29

الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله
Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:

الأحداث لا تغير الأحكام وليحذر المسلمون من الذين يستغلون ما حدث في سوريا لتحريض الناس على حكامهم المسلمين ولزعزعة الأمن في البلدان المستقرة، من دعاة الثورات، والفرقة القافزة على الأحداث دائما المسماة بجماعة الإخوان المسلمين.
The events do not change the rulings, and Muslims should beware of those who exploit what happened in Syria to incite people against their Muslim rulers and to destabilise security in stable countries. This includes the advocates of revolutions and the faction that always jumps on every event, known as the Muslim Brotherhood.

المتقرر عند أهل السنة أن الحاكم المسلم الذي لم يظهر منه كفر بواح قام عليه البرهان ولم يحكم العلماء الربانيون بكفره لا يجوز الخروج عليه بالسنان ولا باللسان ولا يجوز تحريض الناس على الخروج عليه تصريحا أو تلميحا.
It is established among the people of the Sunnah that the Muslim ruler, who has not shown clear disbelief and against whom the scholars have not ruled as disbelieving, should not be opposed with force or speech, nor is it permissible to incite people to rebel against him, whether explicitly or implicitly.

وأما الحاكم الكافر الذي ظهر منه الكفر البواح وحكم العلماء الربانيون بكفره وكان على بلد إسلامي وكان عند المسلمين قدرة على تغييره وقدرة على ضبط الحكم بعده فيجب تغييره.
As for the disbelieving ruler, who has shown clear disbelief and the scholars have ruled him as disbelieving, and if he is ruling an Islamic country, and the Muslims have the ability to change him and to maintain the governance after him, then it is obligatory to remove him.

أما إذا لم يكن عند المسلمين قدرة على تغييره أو كان عندهم قدرة على تغييره لكن يغلب على ظنهم عدم ضبط الحكم بعده بل تكون هناك فوضى وفتن فيجب عليهم الصبر حتى يحدث الله أمرا فيه الفرج للمؤمنين.
However, if the Muslims do not have the ability to change him, or they have the ability but believe that after him, there will be instability in governance, then they should exercise patience until Allah brings about a matter that will relieve the believers.


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

04 Jan, 22:08

Allah Gives According to One’s Intention: A Profound Reminder

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

04 Jan, 20:40

🔸 Translated into English 🔸

📚 The Methodology of Tamyee and Its Principles 📖

🖋 By His Eminence, the Scholar/ Rabi' Bin Hadi Al-Madkhali May Allah preserve him

📒 For the book in English, click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w13zVKrGXgYfxVMRccSwEBnuj_D1ttoB/view?usp=drivesdk


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

04 Jan, 19:42

The Prophetic Sunnah of Saying ‘I Love You’ to Your Muslim Brother: Learning Love and Noble Character from the Prophet ﷺ

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

04 Jan, 17:38

How One Dirham of Charity Surpassed One Hundred Thousand: The Greatness of Intention When Dealing with the Almighty Allah

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

04 Jan, 16:43

الشيخ عبدالرزاق البدر حفظه الله
Shaykh Abdul Razzaq al-Badr, may Allah preserve him, said:

فماذا ترجو المرأة سواء في دنياها أو في أخراها عندما تتبرج، وعندما تبدي زينتها، وعندما تخالط الرجال، وعندما تعمل قصدًا على فتنهم ولفت أنظارهم إليها ؟!
What does a woman hope for, whether in her worldly life or in the Hereafter, when she adorns herself, exposes her beauty, mingles with men, and deliberately works to tempt them and draw their attention to herself?!

أي خير ترجوه بمثل هذه الأعمال وأي فضيلة تؤملها ؟!
What good does she expect from such actions, and what virtue does she anticipate?

إنه والله الخسران العظيم، والشر الكبير، والبلاء المستطير.
Indeed, by Allah, it is the great loss, the immense evil, and the widespread trial.

أما المرأة العاقلة فإنها بعيدة كل البعد عن هذه الأعمال، خائفة من الله رب العالمين ذي الجلال والكمال، حريصة على طاعة الله ونيل رضاه.
As for the wise woman, she is far removed from such actions, fearful of Allah, the Lord of all worlds, the Possessor of majesty and perfection, eager for His obedience and seeking His pleasure.

موعظة النساء ١/٤٩
Mawʿidhah al-Nisāʾ (1/49)


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

27 Dec, 03:40

قال الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله:
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

“إقبال الليل عند المحبِّين، كقميص يوسف في أجفان يعقوب.”
“The coming of the night for the lovers (of Allah) is like the shirt of Yusuf in the eyes of Ya’qub.”

بدائع الفوائد ٣/٢١٩
Bada’i’ al-Fawa’id 3/219


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

26 Dec, 21:58

حَدَّثَنَا محمد، ثَنَا أبو يعلى، ثَنَا عبد الصمد، قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ الفضيل يَقُولُ:
Muhammad reported to us, Abu Ya‘la narrated to us, and Abduṣ-Ṣamad said: I heard al-Fuḍayl say:

قَالَ ابن المبارك: “استعد للموت ولما بعد الموت.”
Ibn al-Mubārak said: “Prepare yourself for death and what comes after death.”

فشَهِقَ علي شَهْقَةً، فَلَمْ يَزَلْ مَغْشِيًّا عَلَيْهِ عَامَّةَ اللَّيْلِ.
Then he (al-Fuḍayl) gasped deeply and continued to be unconscious for the remainder of the night.

[حلية الأولياء ٨/١٦٨]
Hilyat al-Awliyā’ 8/168


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

26 Dec, 20:02

قال ابن حزم رحمه الله:
Ibn Ḥazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“من أعلن باتباع كلام الله عز وجل، والسنن المأثورة عن رسول الله ﷺ، وإجماع المسلمين، فذلك دليل على طيب سريرته، ومن أعرض عن القرآن والسنن وعادى أهلها واتكل على التقليد، وخالف الإجماع، فهذا برهان على خبث سريرته وفساد بصيرته، ونعوذ بالله من الخذلان.”
“Whoever openly adheres to the words of Allah, the Exalted, the Sunnah transmitted from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and the consensus of the Muslims, then that is evidence of the purity of his inner self. But whoever turns away from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, shows hostility to their followers, relies on blind imitation, and opposes the consensus, this is proof of the wickedness of his inner self and the corruption of his insight. And we seek refuge in Allah from disgrace.”

رسائل ابن حزم
Rasā’il Ibn Ḥazm (3/121–122)


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

26 Dec, 20:02

أحرق المعتضد بالله عباد بن محمد صاحب إشبيلية كتبا لابن حزم، فقال ابن حزم رحمه الله:
Al-Mu‘tadid Billah ‘Abbad ibn Muhammad, the ruler of Seville, burned some of the books of Ibn Ḥazm. Upon this, Ibn Ḥazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“فَإِنْ تُحْرِقُوا القِرْطَاسَ لَا تُحْرِقُوا الَّذِي … تَضَمَّنَهُ القِرْطَاسُ بَلْ هُوَ فِي صَدْرِي”
“If you burn the parchment, you will not burn what it contains, for it resides within my chest.”

“يَسِيرُ مَعِي حَيْثُ اسْتَقَلَّتْ رَكَائِبِي … وَيَنْزِلُ إِنْ أُنْزِلْ وَيُدْفَنُ فِي قَبْرِي”
“It travels with me wherever my mounts rise, it descends when I descend, and it will be buried in my grave with me.”

“دَعُوْنِيَ مِنْ إِحْرَاقِ رَقٍ وَكَاغَدٍ … وَقُولُوا بِعِلْمٍ كَي يَرَى النَّاسُ مَنْ يَدْرِي”
“Leave aside burning scrolls and parchments, and speak with knowledge so people may see who truly knows.”

“وَإِلَّا فَعُوْدُوا فِي المَكَاتِبِ بَدْأَةً … فَكَمْ دُوْنَ مَا تَبْغُونَ لِلهِ مِنْ سِتْرِ”
“Otherwise, return to the schools from the beginning, for what you seek is shielded by Allah’s covering.”

“كَذَاكَ النَّصَارَى يُحْرِقُوْنَ إِذَا عَلَتْ … أَكفُهُم القُرْآنَ فِي مُدْنِ النَّغْرِ”
“This is like the Christians, when they gain power, burning the Qur’an in the cities of Andalusia.”

سير أعلام النبلاء (205/18)
Siyar A‘lam al-Nubalā’ (18/205)


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

26 Dec, 19:32

Do you love the Messenger of Allah ﷺ?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

26 Dec, 17:57

The Greatest Expiation of Sins: Sorrow and Grief, A Divine Blessing from Allah!

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

26 Dec, 16:10

Wives, Beware of Harming Your Husband with Your Tongue: The Hur al-‘Ayn Curse Women Who Do So!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 22:04

بكى سفيان الثوري ليلة إلى الصباح
Sufyan al-Thawri wept the entire night until morning.

فلما أصبح
And when morning came,

قيل له: كل هذا خوفا من الذنوب؟
It was said to him: “Is all this because of fear of sins?”

فأخذ تبنةً من الأرض وقال: الذنوب أهون من هذا، وإنما أبكي من خوف سوء الخاتمة
He took a piece of earth and said: “Sins are less than this, but I weep out of fear of a bad ending.”

وهذا من أعظم الفقه أن يخاف الرجل أن تخذله ذنوبه عند الموت، فتحول بينه وبين الخاتمة الحسنى
And this is from the greatest understanding, that a man fears his sins will forsake him at the time of death, preventing him from a good ending.

الداء والدواء صـ412
Al-Dā’ wa al-Dawā’ p. 412


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 21:06

You Learnt This Sunnah: But Where Is It in Your Life?!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 18:55

The Sole Desire of the Inhabitants of the Graves: To Return to the World and Remember Allah Once!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 17:19

قال الشيخ عبد الرزاق البدر حفظه الله
Shaykh ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Badr - may Allah preserve him said:

As for the perfecting and completing of Tawḥīd (ie: monotheism), which is the highest level of Tawḥīd,
أما التوحيد تحقيقه وتتميمه الذي هو أعلى مقامات التوحيد،

it is to purify Tawḥīd from the impurities of shirk (ie: associating partners with Allah), innovations, and sins.
وهو تصفية التوحيد من شوائب الشرك والبدع والمعاصي،

As for the hindrance of shirk (ie: associating partners with Allah), salvation from it is by dedicating Tawḥīd to Allah alone.
وأما عائق الشرك فيكون الخلاص منه بتجريد التوحيد لله،

As for the hindrance of innovation, salvation from it is by adhering exclusively to following the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
وأما عائق البدعة فيكون الخلاص منه بتجريد المتابعة لرسول الله ﷺ،

As for the hindrance of sin, salvation from it is through repentance from committing sins and a sincere determination not to return to them.
وأما عائق المعصية فيكون الخلاص منها بالتوبة من فعل الذنوب والعزم الصادق على عدم العودة إليها.

Taʿlīq ʿalā Bawāʿith al-Khalāṣ min al-Dhunūb 1 / 59:34
تعليق على بواعث الخلاص من الذنوب ١ / ٥٩:٣٤


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 17:07

The celebrations of this Ummah are three!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 16:35

The Greatest and Heaviest Deed on the Scale on the Day of Resurrection: The Statement of Tawheed – La ilaha illa Allah

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 15:42

قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله:
Shaykh Sulaymān al-Ruḥaylī, may Allah preserve him, said:

أيها المؤمن
O believer,

‏هل تهنئ أحدا لو احتفل بالكذب على عظيم عندك،
Would you congratulate anyone if they celebrated lying against someone great in your sight,

أو احتفل بمصيبة في بلدك، أو احتفل بظلم؟
or celebrated a calamity in your land, or celebrated an act of oppression?

‏أعرفت أنهم يحتفلون بأعظم ظلم وأقبح كذب؟
Have you realised that they are celebrating the greatest act of oppression and the most heinous lie?

‏قال ربنا:
Our Lord has said:

تَكَادُ السَّمَاوَاتُ يَتَفَطَّرْنَ مِنْهُ وَتَنشَقُّ الْأَرْضُ وَتَخِرُّ الْجِبَالُ هَدًّا () أَن دَعَوْا لِلرَّحْمَٰنِ وَلَدًا
“The heavens almost rupture therefrom, and the earth splits open, and the mountains collapse in devastation, that they attribute to the Most Merciful a son.”
(Surah Maryam: 90-91)


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

25 Dec, 00:30

Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
قال ابن رجب الحنبلي رحمه الله:

And in some narrations, it is also mentioned that when the servant supplicates to Allah while He loves him, Allah says:
وفي بعض الآثار أيضًا أن العبد إذا دعا الله وهو يحبه قال الله:

“O Jibreel, do not hasten to fulfill his need, for I love to hear his supplication.”
“يا جبريل، لا تعجل بقضاء حاجته، فإني أحب أن أسمع تضرعه”.

Majmūʿ Rasāʾil al-Ḥāfidh Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī
مجموع رسائل الحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي


Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

24 Dec, 20:56

Ingratitude: A Trait of the Arrogant and Those Who Lack Virtue

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

24 Dec, 18:38

Adhere to the Qur’an: A Source of Light, Healing, and Blessings for Your Heart and Life

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

24 Dec, 16:35

The Love for the Prophet’s Companions: A Love Embedded Deep in the Heart of Every True Believer!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abu Zakariyya Ahmed al-Hudaydi

24 Dec, 13:48

A Clarification on the Prohibition of Participating in the Festivals of Polytheists – Part 1

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

07 Dec, 00:08

Question: What is your opinion on the supplication at the end of the Qur'an? Please provide a detailed explanation, mention the evidence, and address the objections raised by those who cite the narration attributed to Anas (may Allah be pleased with him). Also, what is the authenticity of the book of supplication at the end of the Qur'an attributed to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him)?

Answer: The supplication at the end of the Qur'an is not established from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It is known that Jibril (Gabriel) would review the Qur'an with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) once every year, and in the year of his passing, Jibril reviewed it with him twice. However, there is no report that they would make this long supplication after completing the Qur'an.

Likewise, what is written at the end of some copies of the Qur'an is not from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It is important to make supplication at all times. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Supplication is worship." As narrated by al-Nu’man ibn Bashir in Sunan Abu Dawood and Jami’ at-Tirmidhi. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also recited the verse: "And your Lord says, 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell in disgrace.'" [Ghafir: 60].

So, supplication is a form of worship and one of the best acts of devotion, but specifically associating it with the completion of the Qur'an has not been established from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

As for what was reported from Anas, it is not an evidence. Additionally, I am not recently engaged in researching what has been narrated from Anas, but even if it is authentic, it does not serve as a valid proof.

Allah says in His Book: "Follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies. Little do you remember." [Al-A'raf: 3].

We challenge them to prove that this long supplication was reported from Anas. What is authentically reported is that the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever introduces something into this matter of ours that is not part of it, it is rejected."

He also said: "Indeed, Allah has concealed repentance from every innovator until they abandon their innovation." The best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Similarly, the supplication attributed to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah is questionable. Shaykh al-Islam was among the most diligent in following the guidance and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Even if it were proven, it would not be considered a valid proof, and we regard blind following as prohibited. However, it has not been established from Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.



Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

06 Dec, 18:56

Do Not Pursue the Faults of Others, for Allah Is Al-Hayyiy (The Most Modest) and As-Sittir (The Concealer): A Powerful Reminder!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

06 Dec, 15:02

How Old Have You Become? The Urgent Reminder You Need to Hear!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

05 Dec, 19:34

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Al-Awza’i (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Whoever conceals his innovation from us, his companionship will not be hidden from us.” He also said: “A man is recognised in three places: by his companionship, in his gatherings, and in his speech.”

Ibn al-Mubarak (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Whoever’s innovation is hidden from us, his companionship will not be hidden from us.”

Al-Ghulabi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “It used to be said: ‘The people of desires conceal everything except their companionship and friendships.’”

This is abundantly mentioned in the words of the Salaf. So how about one whose innovation is apparent on the platform (X), and his companionship has also been exposed? Thus, both matters are combined.

There is a vast difference between someone around whom the people of the Sunnah gather, while the people of innovation distance themselves from him, insult him, attack him, and criticise his methodology and intentions, and someone whom the people of the Sunnah avoid while the people of innovation flock to him.

Indeed, truthful is the one who said: “The platform (X) is a documenter, a revealer, and an exposer.”


Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

05 Dec, 19:18

Return to Allah, and He Will Love You: A Powerful Reminder

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

05 Dec, 17:05

The Cycle of Deeds: What You Do to Others Will Be Done to You!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

05 Dec, 15:27

Do Not Despair of Allah’s Mercy: O Sinner, Haven’t You Heard This Verse? A Message of Hope for Every Sinner

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

05 Dec, 00:16

Question: Is there any explicit evidence, aside from the verse, that one is sinful before Allah, exalted is He, for not reciting the Quran with tajweed?

Answer: The Prophet ﷺ said, as reported in al-Sahihayn from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah: "Allah has not listened to anything as He listens to a prophet with a good voice reciting the Qur’an melodiously."

He also said, as reported in Sunan Abi Dawood from the hadith of Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas: "Whoever does not recite the Qur’an melodiously is not one of us."

And in Sahih al-Bukhari: "He is not one of us who does not recite the Qur’an melodiously," or words to this effect. However, I do not use the hadith in al-Bukhari as evidence because it is one of the criticised narrations, which al-Daraqutni critiqued, and his critique is valid.

The Prophet ﷺ heard Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hudhayfah, reciting the Qur’an, and he was pleased with his recitation and said: "Praise be to Allah who made someone like him in my Ummah." He also heard Abu Musa al-Ash’ari reciting at night, stopped to listen, and said: "Abu Musa has indeed been given one of the flutes of the family of Dawud." The next morning, he said: "O Abu Musa, if you had seen me as I listened to your recitation!" Abu Musa replied: "Had I known you were listening, I would have beautified it further for you."

Thus, reciting the Qur’an with tajweed (measured and beautiful recitation) is recommended, and the person is rewarded for it. However, the exaggeration of many practitioners of tajwid distracts from pondering the Qur’an.

For example, al-Jazari's statement:

"Applying tajwid is a binding obligation;

Whoever does not perfect the Qur’an’s tajwid is sinful.

For it is how the revelation was sent down,

And so it has reached us in this form."

This statement is incorrect, that he is sinful. As the Prophet ﷺ said: "The proficient reciter of the Qur’an will be with the noble and righteous scribes, and the one who recites it and stumbles over it, finding it difficult, will have two rewards." Our point here is the phrase: "and stumbles over it, finding it difficult."

Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned in Talbis Iblis and Ibn al-Qayyim in Ighathat al-Lahfan that preoccupation with the articulation points of letters distracts from pondering the Qur’an.

We are commanded to ponder the Qur’an: "Do they not then ponder over the Qur’an, or are there locks upon their hearts?" [Muhammad: 24].

Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned that a person might spend up to forty days on Surah al-Fatihah, involving excessive effort, swelling of veins, and other unnecessary burdens, which have no basis in the religion.

Imam Ahmad and others disapproved of Hamzah’s recitation style and forbade worshippers from using it in prayer because of its excessive prolongation and exaggerated assimilation (idgham).

The truth is that tajwid and beautifying the voice are recommended within limits. However, exceeding those limits is disliked by the scholars, such as some recordings by ‘Abdul-Basit, where excessive prolongation and preoccupation with articulation points distract from pondering the Qur’an.

I advise reading Ighathat al-Lahfan and reviewing Talbis Iblis. I was informed that Imam al-Dhahabi, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned something similar in al-Muqizah, stating that preoccupation with articulation points and assimilation distracts from pondering the Qur’an. And Allah knows best.



Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

04 Dec, 20:24


Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

04 Dec, 20:11

The Virtue, Greatness, and Significance of Tawheed!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

04 Dec, 17:58

What Is the Ruling on Traveling to Syria and Palestine for Jihad? A Dire Call and Urgent Warning to Muslim Men and Women!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

04 Dec, 15:50

Hellfire and Jannah: How a Single Moment Changes Everything!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

03 Dec, 21:14

The Fruits of Knowledge: Patience, Perseverance, and Dedication – Adding Benefit to Benefit Until You Become a Scholar!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

03 Dec, 19:51

Never Neglect Supplication and Asking Allah for His Help: A Reminder of How Much We Desperately Need Him!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

03 Dec, 18:14

No Matter How Dutiful You Are, You Can Never Fulfill a Mother’s Right: The Story of Ibn ‘Umar and the Man Who Carried His Mother Around the Ka’bah

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

Abū Zakariyyā Ahmad al-Hudaydī

03 Dec, 15:14

A Question to Everyone: Do You Supplicate for Your Parents in Every Prayer? By Doing So, You Fulfill Their Rights!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Nov, 20:00

The Virtues of Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Nov, 19:58

Make Your Family Love Steadfastness: A Message to the Youth!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Nov, 17:21

The Righteous Woman: A Key to Righteous Children

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Nov, 15:59

The Importance of Reflecting, Contemplating, and Memorising the Qur’an: The Easiest Way to Memorise!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Nov, 15:07

Before Doing a Good Deed or Committing a Sin, Reflect: This Good Deed Could Lead to Paradise, This Sin to the Fire!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Nov, 07:27

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

They learn the Qur’an but do not act upon it, and the righteous predecessors (Salaf as-Salih) greatly feared this.

Abu al-Darda’, may Allah be pleased with him, used to say: “The thing I fear the most from my Lord on the Day of Resurrection is that He will call me before the entire creation and say: ‘O `Uwaymir!’ So I will reply: ‘At Your service, my Lord.’ Then He will say: ‘What did you do with what you knew?!’”

The Prophet ﷺ also said: “The feet of a servant will not move on the Day of Resurrection until he is asked about his life and how he spent it, about his knowledge and what he did with it, about his wealth—where he earned it and how he spent it—and about his body and how he used it.”

So you, O student of knowledge, will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection before your Lord, when Allah, exalted and glorified is He, speaks to His creation directly, with no interpreter between Him and them. You will be questioned before Allah, exalted and glorified is He, about your knowledge—what you did with it. Thus, knowledge must be accompanied by action.

[Al-‘Ilm Wasaa’iluh wa Thamaraatuh, p. 17-18]


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Nov, 19:52

Test and Seek Your Heart in Three Places: If You Fail, Ask Allah for a New Heart!

Shaykh Ali bin Zayd Al-Madkhali حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Nov, 16:48

Has the Meaning of Death Been Lost in the Hearts? Reawakening the True Significance of Death

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Nov, 15:07

Do Not Be Lazy, O People of the Sunnah: Spread the Salafi Creed, the Sunnah, and Beneficial Knowledge!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Nov, 07:26

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

The Prophet ﷺ clarified—while warning—some of the corrupt intentions in seeking knowledge, which are corruptions that enter the hearts. Among them is that the seeker of knowledge intends, by his pursuit of knowledge, to compete with the scholars, to attend their gatherings, and to speak as they speak, or to argue with the foolish, thereby overpowering them and achieving worldly victory, or to choose the best seat in a gathering due to it (i.e., the knowledge which he has learned).

For it has been authentically reported from the Prophet ﷺ that he said: “Whoever seeks knowledge to compete with the scholars, or to argue with the foolish, or to turn the faces of people toward him, Allah will admit him into the Fire.” And he said: “Do not seek knowledge in order to show off in front of the scholars, or to argue with the foolish, and do not choose the best seat in a gathering due to it (i.e., the knowledge which you have learned). For whoever does that, the Fire, the Fire (awaits him).”

[Al-‘Ilm Wasaa’iluh wa Thamaraatuh, p. 14.]


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

19 Nov, 22:54

Shirk: The Greatest Form of Reviling Allah

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

19 Nov, 22:54

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

The greatest form of reviling Allah, exalted and glorified is He, is shirk (associating partners with Him).

Some people, if they were to hear a man revile the religion, would find this repugnant—and it is indeed extremely repugnant, without a doubt—but then they go to a grave and slaughter (an animal) for it. What they are doing is a greater reviling of Allah than the reviling of that person, because shirk with Allah is the greatest form of reviling.

Thus, the greatest form of reviling and the gravest sin is to set up a rival to Allah while He is the One who created you!

[إرشاد المريد ٢٥٤/١]


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

19 Nov, 22:20

Question: This person is asking about combining prayers for someone who is residing without a valid excuse.

Does anyone among the people of the Sunnah do this? This is the practice of the Rafidah. The people of the Sunnah do not combine prayers without a valid excuse. The Rafidah have only three times for prayers at all times—if they even pray at all. The people of the Sunnah do not combine prayers without a valid excuse.

Whoever prays a prayer outside its appointed time, even if combined with the prayer that follows it without a valid excuse, has committed a major sin. I mentioned to you in the lesson on Kitab al-Kaba'ir by Al-Dhahabi that whoever deliberately delays a single prayer beyond its time without a valid excuse has committed a major sin. If he does so without the intention of ever praying it, even as a makeup prayer, then the sin is even graver.

So, whoever combines Dhuhr and Asr without a legitimate reason has removed Dhuhr from its prescribed time without a valid excuse and has thus committed a major sin. I also mentioned to you that some scholars hold the view that such an act constitutes disbelief in and of itself, though I do not favor this opinion. Therefore, beware—beware of combining prayers without a valid reason. As for a resident combining prayers due to an excuse, the more correct view is that it is permissible, and there is no harm in it.


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

09 Nov, 17:41


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

09 Nov, 17:36

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhaily حفظه الله

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Women may be married for four things : their wealth, their lineage, their beauty and their religious commitment. Choose the one who is religiously-committed, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e., may you prosper).”

The Prophet ﷺ informed us that the motivations for marrying a woman are her wealth, beauty, lineage, and religion, and clarified that the one who attains success and victory is the one who attains a woman with religion.

How beautiful is the saying of the one who said:

“A woman is not valued for her wealth and beauty, nor for the boasts of her ancestors, but rather for her chastity, her purity, her righteousness for her husband and children, her fulfillment of her household duties, and her care for you in prosperity and adversity. Oh, how I wonder, where are such women found under the blue sky?!”

They are women sought with the water of gold, rather, they are sought with treasures of gold.

And the chosen Prophet ﷺ said: “If there comes to you one whose religion and character you are pleased with, then marry him. If you do not do so, there will be tribulation on earth and widespread corruption.”


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

09 Nov, 17:10

O Youth, if You Are Able, Get Married & Don’t Delay: Advice for Young Men and Women

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

09 Nov, 12:20

The Remembrance Of Allāh
ذكر الله عز وجل-

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

09 Nov, 00:01

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

A great supplication that the Prophet ﷺ used to pay great attention to, to the extent that he would begin his night prayer with it. How much we are in need of making this supplication with sincerity and certainty. So, I call myself and the believing men and women to frequently supplicate it with sincerity and certainty, especially in the last part of the night:

Narrated by Abu Salamah bin Abdur-Rahman bin Awf, who said: I asked Aisha, the Mother of the Believers: 'With what did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ begin his prayer when he stood up at night?' She replied: 'When he stood up at night, he began his prayer with:

"O Allah, Lord of Jibril, Mika'il, and Israfil, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the seen, You judge between Your servants in that which they used to differ. O Allah, guide me to the truth in that which was disputed, for indeed, You are the One who guides whom You will to a Straight Path."'

(اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ جِبْرَائِيلَ، وَمِيكَائِيلَ، وإسْرَافِيلَ، فَاطِرَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأرْضِ، عَالِمَ الغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ، أَنْتَ تَحْكُمُ بيْنَ عِبَادِكَ فِيما كَانُوا فيه يَخْتَلِفُونَ، اهْدِنِي لِما اخْتُلِفَ فيه مِنَ الحَقِّ بإذْنِكَ؛ إنَّكَ تَهْدِي مَن تَشَاءُ إلى صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ)

Allahumma Rabba Jibril wa Mika'il wa Israfil, Fatirus-samawati wal-ard, 'alim al-ghaybi wash-shahadah, anta tahkumu bayna 'ibadika fima kanu fihi yakhtalifun. Ihdini limakhtulifa fihi min al-haqq; innaka tahdi man tasha' ila siratin mustaqim.


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

08 Nov, 21:08

A Portion of the Night Prayer: A Must for Every Student of Knowledge

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

08 Nov, 20:08

What Settles in the Heart Appears at the Time of Death: A Sobering Reminder

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

08 Nov, 14:37

The Hour of Response on Friday: The Strongest Opinions Explained

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

08 Nov, 06:16

The Virtues of Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

07 Nov, 17:46

Ruling On Masturbation (Secret Habit) | Sheikh Sulayman Ruhayli

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

07 Nov, 16:20

How Hard Are the Hearts!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

07 Nov, 12:36

What is Tawheed of Lordship (Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah)?

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli
حفظه الله

The Tawheed of Lordship is to affirm the Oneness of Allah, exalted is He, in His actions, such as creation, provision, giving life, causing death, and disposing the affairs.

Thus, the Tawheed of Lordship here means that the servant acknowledges and believes that Allah, exalted is He, is the Creator with no partner, and that He, glorified is He, is the Provider with no partner, and that He, glorified is He, is the Giver of life, and that He, glorified is He, is the Causer of death.

And this Tawheed, the Tawheed of Lordship, is an obligatory duty upon every Muslim; however, adhering to it alone is not sufficient for entering into Islam. It is an obligatory duty for the Muslim to affirm Allah’s Oneness in His Lordship, but if a person affirms Allah’s Oneness in Lordship alone, can we say that he is a Muslim by mere affirmation of Lordship? The answer is no; that alone does not enter him into Islam, as he has not brought forth the key whose explanation will come, in sha’ Allah. The disbelievers at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) affirmed the Tawheed of Lordship and believed that the Creator is Allah, the Provider is Allah, and the Giver of life is Allah; yet that did not enter them into Islam. Allah, exalted is He, said: “Say: Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth, or who controls hearing and sight, and who brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living, and who disposes the affairs? They will say, ‘Allah.’ So say: Will you not then fear Him?” [Yunus: 31].

Glory be to Allah, my brothers, you notice here that affirming the Tawheed of Lordship necessitates Tawheed of Worship; hence, Allah, exalted is He, said at the end of the verse, “So say: Will you not then fear Him?!” Since you affirm that Allah is the One who provides, that Allah is the One who gives life, and that Allah is the One who causes death, then how do you not fear Him?!

Therefore, the Tawheed of Lordship is an obligatory duty; however, adhering to it alone is not sufficient for entering into Islam and considering a person to be a Muslim.

[Explanation of Kitab at-Tawheed by Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله]


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

25 Oct, 17:47


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

25 Oct, 17:25

It’s All Your Fault!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

25 Oct, 15:06

The Greatest Blessing: The Blessing of Mentioning the Prophet ﷺ

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

24 Oct, 17:54

The Salafi Creed: Tracing Back to the Prophet ﷺ and the Companions

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

23 Oct, 20:01

What is the greatest sin you have committed in your life?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

23 Oct, 19:51

Beware of Those Who Deceive with False Visions of Angels and the Prophet

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

23 Oct, 17:16


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

23 Oct, 16:50

The Manners Of Dua And What Every Muslim Should Know

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

23 Oct, 16:41

If Your Parents Have Passed Away, You Still Have a Chance to Be Dutiful: Seek Forgiveness for Them!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

22 Oct, 19:33

A Supplication for Our Brothers and Sisters in Palestine from the Prophet’s Mosque

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

22 Oct, 17:07


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

22 Oct, 16:34

The Danger of Speaking About Allah Without Knowledge – A Warning for All

Shaykh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Oct, 22:55

Question: There is a theory that says the origin of humans is from apes, and then over time, they evolved until they became humans. What is the ruling of Shariah on this statement, as they call it Darwin’s theory?

Answer: This theory is considered disbelief (kufr); Allah, the Exalted, says: "Indeed, We created man in the best of stature" [Surah At-Tin: 4]. "O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous, Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you? In whatever form He willed has He assembled you" [Surah Al-Infitar: 6-8]. The Qur'anic verses regarding the creation of Adam, and likewise the hadiths, as in Sahih Muslim regarding when he (Adam) was created from clay, and Iblis would pass by him and see him hollow, so he desired to tempt him.

Likewise, in both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. It is mentioned that when Allah created Adam and then breathed into him the soul, He said to him: Go to those angels and greet them.

And the Lord of Might says in His Noble Book: "O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women" [Surah An-Nisa: 1]. And He, the Exalted, also says: "It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein" [Surah Al-A'raf: 189].

The point is that this theory is considered disbelief (kufr), and it is absolutely forbidden (haram) for the children of Muslims to study it.



ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Oct, 18:14

Return to Allah!

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Oct, 17:30

The Beautiful Virtues of Waiting for Prayer After Prayer: A Believer’s Key to a Good Life and a Good Ending

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

21 Oct, 16:32

O Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Just, envelop our brothers and sisters in Palestine with Your protection. O Allah, grant them strength, patience, and steadfastness in the face of their trials. Ease their suffering, comfort their hearts, and fill them with hope. O Allah, safeguard their homes, families, and land, and grant them victory over the oppressors and those who transgress. Let Your mercy descend upon them, and grant them a peace that only You can bestow.

O Allah, raise their ranks in Jannah, reward them for their perseverance, and relieve them of every pain and difficulty. Unite the hearts of the Ummah in support of them, and make us among those who aid and remember them in our prayers. Ameen.

O Allah, deal with the Jews who spread corruption and oppress our brothers and sisters in Palestine. O Allah, destroy their plans, weaken their strength, and bring down their tyranny. Scatter them and leave them powerless against the believers. O Allah, expose their plots and remove their control over the oppressed.

O Allah, they have orphaned the children, so orphan their children. O Allah, they have widowed the women, so widow their women. O Allah, they have killed the men, women, children, and elderly, so kill their men, women, children, and elderly. O Allah, they have burned the Muslims, so burn them with a tormenting fire before the Fire that is promised for them.

O Allah, cleanse the land of Palestine from their oppression and grant victory to the people of truth. Ameen.

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Oct, 20:05


ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Oct, 17:08

Can You Spend the Night with a Pure Heart Towards All Muslims?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

ابو زكريا احمد الحديدي

20 Oct, 16:18

Whoever Abandons Prayer Has Disbelieved in His Lord and Has Turned Away from the Remembrance of Allah

Shaykh Ahmed Taleb حفظه الله