Pearls of the Salaf @pearlsofthesalaf Channel on Telegram

Pearls of the Salaf


درر السلف
❝Knowledge is what Allāh, His Messenger ﷺ and the Companions said, as they are the most knowledgeable.❞
-Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله
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Pearls of the Salaf (English)

Are you looking to enrich your knowledge and deepen your understanding of Islamic teachings? Look no further than 'Pearls of the Salaf' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to sharing insightful quotes and wisdom from the Salaf, the pious predecessors of Islam. The Salaf were known for their deep understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, and their teachings continue to inspire and guide us today. By joining 'Pearls of the Salaf', you will have access to a treasure trove of knowledge that will help you strengthen your faith and improve your practice of Islam. The channel's username, @pearlsofthesalaf, reflects its commitment to sharing the valuable insights and wisdom of the Salaf with a wide audience. The channel's description includes a powerful quote from Ibn al-Qayyim, reminding us that true knowledge comes from Allah, His Messenger, and the Companions. In addition to the daily dose of wisdom shared on the Telegram channel, 'Pearls of the Salaf' also has an Instagram account where you can find even more inspiring content. You can follow them on Instagram at Feel free to share anything you find on 'Pearls of the Salaf' with your friends and family, as there is no need for credits. Join us on this journey of enlightenment and let the teachings of the Salaf guide you towards a deeper understanding of Islam. Subscribe to 'Pearls of the Salaf' today and start your journey towards spiritual growth and knowledge!

Pearls of the Salaf

01 Feb, 02:21

Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up a bad deed with a good one, it will wipe it out, and behave well towards others.

— Tirmiḏẖi no. 1987

Pearls of the Salaf

31 Jan, 00:51

Please take a moment to watch this video. You won’t regret.

Pearls of the Salaf

30 Jan, 00:33

'Ā’ishah رضي الله عنها reported:

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to remember Allah at all times!”

[Sahīh Muslim: 373]

Pearls of the Salaf

26 Jan, 00:35

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah رحمه الله:

Whoever finds in himself any hasad (envy) towards another, he has to try to neutralize it by means of taqwa (piety, consciousness of Allāh) and sabr (patience). So he should hate that (the feeling of hasad produced by satan is) in himself…

But the one who does wrong to his brother by word or deed (acting upon that envy stirred by satan) will be punished for that.

The one who fears Allāh and is patient, however, is not included among the wrongdoers, and Allāh will benefit him by his taqwa.

📓-[Majmoo al-Fataawa Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) , 10/125 and his book Amrad al-Qulub (diseases of the heart)]

Pearls of the Salaf

24 Jan, 09:12

Perhaps a supplication that one of us offers with a present heart at the time of response; relieves a worry, removes distress, brings down good, or pushes away evil.

So seek out the hour of Friday for your supplications, and think well of your Lord, for the Generous One does not turn away the one who asks.

Pearls of the Salaf

23 Jan, 02:12

What should one do if invited to attend relatives’ wedding parties that include forbidden acts?

Pearls of the Salaf

22 Jan, 00:10

al-Hasan رحمه الله:

'Were a person from the first generation resurrected today, he would not recognise anything of Islam except this prayer.'

Then he said, 'I swear by Allāh that if he were to live to these evil times, he would see the innovator calling to his innovation or the individual engrossed in worldly life calling to his worldly affairs.

Then if Allāh, Mighty and Magnificent, protected him, his heart would long for that which the pious predecessors were upon, he would follow their footsteps and traverse their path; for him there will be a great reward.'

[ibn Waddah, al-Bid'ah: 74]

Pearls of the Salaf

20 Jan, 03:19

“You will never be able to please everyone, rather rectify what is between you and Allah and do not care about the people.”

— Imam ash-Shafi رحمه الله
توالي التأسيس 168

Pearls of the Salaf

19 Jan, 00:45

Uplift your heart!

من ترقية القلب وتقويته دوام اللهج بذكر اللهﷻ، والإعراض عن ذكر الناس، لأن ذكر الله يقوي القلب وينفعه ويمده بأسباب القوة،

One of the ways to uplift and fortify the heart is to constantly engage in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ and to turn away from the remembrance of people. Remembering Allah empowers the heart, benefits and nurtures it with means of strength,

وذكر الخلق يشقي القلب ويضعفه، فينشغل العبد عن الله ويصير محجوبا بالخلق عن الحق،

while remembering the creation harms and weakens it. It distracts the servant from Allah, making him veiled from the Creator by the creation.

‏ فمن أدام ذكر الخلق شغلوه عن ذكر الله، ومن أدام ذكر الله شُغل به عن ذكر الخلق.

Whoever persists in mentioning creation will be preoccupied by them from the remembrance of Allah. But whoever persists in the remembrance of Allah will be preoccupied with Him from mentioning creation.

Pearls of the Salaf

17 Jan, 00:01

حين تبدأ صباحك بالقرآن؛ ستجد في يومك البركة، والتيسير، وانشراح الصدر، وطمأنينة القلب، ورضا النفس.

When you begin your morning with the Quran, you will find in your day barakah, and ease. And opening of your chest, and rest and tranquility in your heart and peace and pleasure of your soul.

Pearls of the Salaf

16 Jan, 01:56

A man said to Imām Ahmed رحمه الله:

“How are you Abu Abdillah?

He رحمه الله replied: I am in good health.

So, the man said: (I heard) you had a fever last night

Imām Ahmed رحمه الله said: If I said to you I am in good health, then it suffices for you. Don’t lead me to what I dislike.” (Complaining to the creation and reducing his reward for his Sabr)

[مختصر منهاج القاصدين ٢٧٤]

Pearls of the Salaf

14 Jan, 02:22


Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله said:

When a person is at home then it is from the Sunnah, that for example he makes his own tea, cooks if he knows how to and washes up that which needs washing, all of this is from the Sunnah.

If you do this then you get the reward of following the Sunnah, with imitating the Messenger [ ﷺ] and in humbling yourself for Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic.

This also brings about love between you and your wife. When your family sense that you help them in their chores they will love you and your value to them will increase, therefore, this will end up being a great benefit.

[Sharh Riyadh As-Saliheen, (3/529)]

Pearls of the Salaf

13 Jan, 01:21

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

When you burden the heart with (deep thoughts over) worldly concerns and grief, and are careless (negligent) when it comes to the devotion of Dhikr which is what (truly) gives the heart strength and life,

then you are like a traveller who overburdens his riding animal while depriving it of food.

Quickly will it collapse, unable to continue the journey.

[al-Fawa’id | pg. 66]

Pearls of the Salaf

11 Jan, 00:36

In this world, the believer is like a stranger passing through a land that he does not live in,

his goal is to go home and his concern is to return to it.

With this in mind, he takes only that amount of provision as would allow him to reach his destination,

he does not compete with the people living in that land for nobility or honour

and neither does he despair at any humiliation he faces from them.

[The Journey of the Strangers | pg. 90]

Pearls of the Salaf

10 Jan, 01:16

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

“Guidance and Tawhīd are from the greatest ways to achieve happiness, whereas Shirk and misguidance are from the greatest causes of misery and constriction.

From the affairs that cause happiness is the light that Allāh places in the heart of the servant, which is the light of Īmān (faith). Indeed, this brings happiness to the breast and expands it, and it brings joy to the heart.

If this light is lost from the servants heart, then it is miserable and annoyed and it ends up in the most distressful and difficult of prisons.”

[The Keys to Happiness by Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله pg. 25]

Pearls of the Salaf

09 Jan, 01:16

You Must Do This To Enter Jannah!

Pearls of the Salaf

07 Jan, 02:02

قد تجد من طلب العلم في كبر سنه ويبلغ في العلم مرتبة لم يبلغها الذكي الصغير، لأن الكبير أقبل على الله وألح في سؤال العلم فآتاه الله مالم يؤت الصغير.

You might find one seeking knowledge in their old age and reaching a level in knowledge that a young, intelligent person does not attain,

that is because the older one turned to Allah and persistently begged for knowledge, so Allah granted him what He did not grant the younger one.

Pearls of the Salaf

06 Jan, 00:04

The Destructive Potential of Sins

The world, if lost can be regained, but the religion, if a person breaches it perhaps may lead them to a fatal situation that destroys them and takes them completely out of the religion,

as it has been said by Ibn al-Qayyim: “Sins are wounds, and perhaps a wound may prove fatal.” mentioned in Al-Fawaid.

الدُّنيا إذا ضاعت فإنَّها تعود، لكنَّ الدِّين إذا أخلَّ به العبد فرُبَّما جرَّه إلى مَقتلةٍ يَهلك بها ويخرج من الدِّين بالكُلِّيَّة؛

كما قال ابن القيِّم :"الذُّنوب جِراحاتٌ، ورُبَّ جُرحٍ أصاب مَقتَلًا"؛ ذكره في كتاب الفوائد.

[شرح فتح الرَّحيم الملك العلَّام]

Pearls of the Salaf

04 Jan, 13:39

Salāh is nūr (light). nūr for the heart of the slave of Allāh, for his face, for his grave and for his body.

and for this reason, you will find that that the people with the most nūr on their face are those who are consistent and are often praying with concentration and humility purely for Allāh.

likewise, it’s nūr for the heart of man, it opens for him the door of knowledge of the rulings, attributes, actions and names of Allāh, Exalted is He.

— Imām muḥammad bin ṣāliḥ al-ʿuthaymīn | sharh riyāḍ al-ṣāliḥīn 1/190

Pearls of the Salaf

02 Jan, 03:31

Sisters who would like to join this group may send their voice notes to @umtxqwa in order to receive the link.

Pearls of the Salaf

31 Dec, 19:03

There are no specific acts of worship in this month!

Pearls of the Salaf

31 Dec, 18:53

لقد دخلنا شهر رجب، وهو أحد الأشهر الحرم في الإسلام. الذنوب في هذا الشهر أعظم من باقي الأشهر، وكذلك الحسنات.

We have entered the month of Rajab, one of the sacred months in Islam. Sins in this month are greater than in the other months, as are good deeds.

Pearls of the Salaf

31 Dec, 01:10


Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه saw two men, so he said to one of them,

"Who is this to you?".

He said, "My father."

So he said, "Do not call him by his name, and do not walk in front of him, and do not sit before he does."

Bukhari, al-Adab al Mufrad

Pearls of the Salaf

29 Dec, 23:55

اللهم هوِّن برد الشِّتاء على أهل غزّة

Ya Allāh, ease the cold of winter for the people of Gaza.
آمــيــن يا رب

Pearls of the Salaf

29 Dec, 01:21

How to implement Tawhid?

Implementing Tawhid is by purifying it from impurities of shirk, bid’ah and sins.

Implementing Tawhid has a high status. A man may be upon Tawhid but hasn’t implemented it and has a deficiency in that.

Implementing Tawhid is a high station; whoever implements Tawhid enters Jannah without being questioned or punished.

Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan حفظه الله | Recording

Pearls of the Salaf

27 Dec, 00:02

Health tip | Honey & Water

“The Prophet ﷺ used to drink honey mixed with water on empty stomach, and this is the secret of maintaining good health that no one can understand except one who is intelligent and blessed.”

— Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله [Zaad al-Ma'aad | 34]

Pearls of the Salaf

26 Dec, 06:51

Whoever wishes to attain the levels of the strangers, let him bear with patience the harm he will meet from his parents, his wife, his brothers and relatives.

If one were to ask, how can they harm me seeing as I am beloved to them and they to me?

It was said in reply:

You have opposed them in their love of this world and their great desire for it. They, in order to attain this world, do not care what they lose of their religion; if you follow them in this, they will love you; if you oppose them and instead traverse the path to the Hereafter by following the truth, they will behave coarsely towards you.

Your parents will be pained and angry at your actions, your wife will vexed at you and seek separation, and your brothers and relatives will rarely meet you.

You will be, amongst them, saddened and disturbed, and it is then that you will look at yourself with the eye of a stranger and you will understand the circumstances of all strangers like yourself, you will feel isolated from your brothers and relatives, and you will find yourself alone traversing the path to Allah.

Be patient for just a few days, bear the ignominy of this world for a few minutes, partake scarcely of this lowly life, you will find that this leads you to the Abode of well-being, its land is pure, its gardens resplendent, its fruits bountiful and its rivers sweet; therein will you have all the soul desires and all the eye takes delight in, therein will you abide for eternity.

📖 The Journey of the Strangers pg 42-43

Pearls of the Salaf

25 Dec, 13:02

Memories are the ruins of the past imprinted in our souls, and they - both sweet and bitter - generate sorrows.

We grieve over the sweet ones: why didn't they last?

And over the bitter ones: how did they pass?

The best way to benefit from them is through contemplation and remembrance, drawing lessons and learning from them.

شيخنا: صالح بن عبد الله العصيمي (حفظه الله)

Pearls of the Salaf

23 Dec, 14:33

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

“The Prophet ﷺ established a relationship between the fear of Allah and good character, because fearing Allah improves the relation between the servant and Allah, and good character improves the relation between a person and others.

Therefore, fearing Allah makes it possible for Allah to love him, and good manners make it possible for people to love that person.”

📖 al-Fawā’id - A Collection of Wise Sayings pg. 85

Pearls of the Salaf

22 Dec, 13:48

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin رحمه الله said:

“The delights of this world are like tranquillisers, as soon as their effect wears off, the pain returns even more severely.”

[شرح الكافية الشافية 4/473]

Pearls of the Salaf

21 Dec, 00:30

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

When the veil has been lifted on the Day of Judgement revealing the value of good deeds for the people they'll not see any action better in reward than the remembrance of Allāh (Dhikr).

At that time a group of people who will sigh because they missed out and say:

"There was nothing easier for us than dhikr and yet we did not do it."

[al-Waabil al-Sayyib | 11]

Pearls of the Salaf

19 Dec, 12:02

Ibn al Jawzi رحمه الله said:

"O seeker of knowledge, humble yourself while seeking knowledge.

For verily when the sand humbly accepted the sole of the feet,

it became pure for the face (in tayammum)."

[Kitab Al Lataif]

Pearls of the Salaf

18 Dec, 11:22


The word Haya', meaning shame and modesty, is derived from hayah, meaning life. The rain is called haya because it brings life to the land, plant and livestock. The life of the world and the Hereafter is known as haya'; anyone who has no shame is dead in the world and wretched in the Hereafter.

Between the sins and lack of shame and jealousy there is attachment; each one of them requires the other and looks earnestly for it.

Anyone who feels ashamed of Allāh at the time of committing a sin will feel ashamed of His punishment on the Day he meets with Him; anyone who does not have shame from disobedience of Allāh will not be ashamed of His punishment.

[Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Da' wa 'l-Dawa']

Pearls of the Salaf

16 Dec, 11:21

Abud-Darda’ رضي الله عنه:

When a servant engages in sins in private, Allāh puts hatred for him in the hearts of Muslims and he does not even know why."

[Hilaayatul Awliyaa’, 1/215]

Pearls of the Salaf

15 Dec, 00:10

Are you falling short?

Shaykhul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله stated:

Whoever senses shortcoming in his speech, his actions, his general state, his provisions, or the instability of his heart, upon him is Tawheed and seeking the forgiveness of Allah (istighfar); for the cure is within them (i.e., in Tawheed and Istighfar), if they are held onto with truthfulness and sincerity.

[Majmoo’ Al-Fatāwa, 11/698]

Pearls of the Salaf

13 Dec, 11:17

Ibn al-Jawzi رحمة الله:

"The ship of your lifetime is approaching the coast of the graveyard. What is the matter with you that you are busy inside the ship trying to acquire goods?"

[Ikram Hawramani, The Sayings of Ibn al-Jawzi]

Pearls of the Salaf

11 Dec, 23:50

Shaykh Ibn Uthyameen رحمه الله:

"It is from stupidity that you come to the grave of someone who has rotten away and become dust, and call upon and worship him, while he is in need of your supplication!"

[AI Qawl al Mufeed 1/11]

Pearls of the Salaf

11 Dec, 00:02

Ibn Mas’ūd رضي الله عنه:

“Verily Allāh did not make your cure in what He made Harām for you!”

[Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah: 8/96]

Pearls of the Salaf

08 Dec, 23:45

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله:

"Do not despair, Don’t say:
I made du'ā, and I didn’t find iman, and I didn’t find khushu’, and I didn’t find certainty.

Don’t give up, keep asking Allāh (repeatedly), indeed Allāh loves those who are persistent in du'ā.

Maybe it is that Allāh has prevented it the first time for your own benefit so that He knows the truthfulness and sincerity in your request, because the truthful one in his request persists, and if it (the response) is late, he perseveres, and if Allāh knows the sincerity of your intention, then He, by Allāh, is more generous than you."

[Explanation of al-Kafiyah: 4/462]

Pearls of the Salaf

07 Dec, 11:32

اقتربَتْ الساعةُ ولا يزدادُ الناسُ على الدنيا إلا حِرْصًا، ولا يزْدادُونَ من اللهِ إلا بُعدًا

‎The (Final) Hour has approached and people have not increased with Dunyā except in greed and they have not increased with Allāh except in distance.

—the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ
صحيح الجامع ١١٤٦

Pearls of the Salaf

05 Dec, 23:40

Imām ash-Shāfi’ī رحمه الله:

"There is nobody except that he has someone who loves him and someone who hates him.

So if that’s the case, let a person be with the people who are obedient to Allāh as they love and hate for the Sake of Allāh and they are not unjust."

[Hilyat al-Awliyā’: 9/124]

Pearls of the Salaf

21 Nov, 23:55

Narrated ‘Abdullah:

I asked the Prophet (ﷺ) “Which deed is the dearest to Allah?”

He ﷺ replied, “To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times.”

[Sahih al-Bukhari 527]

Pearls of the Salaf

21 Nov, 07:06

ʿAmr reported:

"al-Ḥasan used to say: 'Son of Ādam, beware of procrastination.

You are involved in today and not tomorrow.

If you reach tomorrow, then be wise tomorrow as you are today and if you have no tomorrow, then you will not regret what you missed today.”'

[Ibn Abī ʾl-Dunyā, Qaṣr al-Amal 1/144]

Pearls of the Salaf

19 Nov, 12:08

﴿ يا أيُّها الَّذينَ آمَنوا اذكُروا اللَّهَ ذِكرًا كَثيرًا ﴾

‌‏• سُبحان الله
‏• الحَمد لله
‏• لا إله إلَّا الله
‏• الله أكبر
‏• أستغفرُ الله
‏• لا حَول ولا قوة إلَّا بالله
‏• سُبحان الله وبحمده
‏• سُبحان الله العَظيم
‏• اللهُم صلِّ وسلم على نبينا مُحمد

Pearls of the Salaf

17 Nov, 01:15

Destiny is decreed, and the unseen is concealed, so do not grieve over what has passed or worry about what is to come. Do good deeds and maintain good thoughts about your Lord, for destiny is His decree, the unseen is His concealment and you are His servant. Those who stand at His door and seek refuge with Him are never let down. The outcome is for those who are mindful of Him, and the Hereafter is better and more lasting.

‏القدر مقدور، والغيب مستور، فلا تحزن لما فات، ولا تغتمَّ بما هو آت، واعمل صالحًا، وأحسن ظنَّك بربِّك، فالقدر: حكمه، والغيب: سِتره، وأنت عبده، ولا يخيب من وقف ببابه، ولاذ بجنابه، والعاقبة لمن اتَّقى، والآخرة خيرٌ وأبقى.

Pearls of the Salaf

15 Nov, 11:40

‏اللــهُـم فـي يـوم الجـمعـة
‏اكُــتــب لـنـا الخـــــيـــــر
‏فــي الــدنــيــا والأخـــــرة
‏وارزقنــا رضــاك والجـنه‏.

O Allāh, on this Friday, write for us goodness in this world and the Hereafter, and grant us Your pleasure and Paradise.

Pearls of the Salaf

08 Nov, 04:19

اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد

Pearls of the Salaf

31 Oct, 07:26

Shaykh ibn Uthaymin رحمه الله:

"I am free to do whatever I want"— this is incorrect.

We say: You are not free to disobey Allah.

Rather, if you disobey your Rabb, you can no longer call yourself a slave of Allah, because you have become enslaved to Shaytan and to whims and desires.

[Majmu’ Fatawa 3/81]

Pearls of the Salaf

29 Oct, 01:28

The smallest grain of goodness—even if it seems insignificant—carries weight in the balance. So do not neglect it, nor belittle any act of kindness, for perhaps a single grain may save its doer from the fire.

ذرة الخير - وإن خفت - تعد في الميزان، فلا تفرط فيها، ولا تحقرن من المعروف شيئًا؛ فرب ذرَّةٍ خرج بها صاحبها من النار.

Pearls of the Salaf

21 Oct, 02:51

Shaykh al-Fawzan حفظه الله said:

"Dua is the key to the treasures of Allah. Therefore, when you want to open up the treasures of Allah, make abundant Dua."

شرح منظومة الآداب 53

Pearls of the Salaf

18 Oct, 13:12

نصف الراحة عدم مراقبة الآخرين
Half of mental peace and comfort lies in not monitoring closely other people

ونصف الأدب عدم التدخل فيما لا يعنيك
And half of good manners lie in not poking your nose in what doesn't concern you

ونصف الحكمة الصمت
And half of wisdom lies in silence.

Pearls of the Salaf

10 Oct, 03:16

Pearls of the Salaf pinned an audio file

Pearls of the Salaf

10 Oct, 03:13

Strengthen your heart!

Pearls of the Salaf

09 Oct, 03:31

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,

"‏إنه ليغان على قلبي، وإني لأستغفر الله في اليوم مائة مرة‏"‏ ‏(‌‏رواه مسلم‏)‌‏.

"Sometimes I perceive a veil over my heart, and I supplicate Allah for forgiveness a hundred times in a day."

[Riyad as-Salihin 1869]

Pearls of the Salaf

08 Oct, 02:36

“Punishment may be delayed and come at the end of one's life. What a bad life this would be at old age for one to suffer due to his sins during his youth!”

— Ibn al Jawzi رحمه الله | Sayd Al Khaatir 315

Pearls of the Salaf

07 Oct, 02:08

Increase in seeking forgiveness, for it is a shield from the fire. Through it, the servant is saved from its flames and distanced from its blaze. A request for forgiveness may be answered, wiping away one's sins entirely. So seek forgiveness, for indeed your Lord is Ever-Forgiving.

أكثروا من الاستغفار؛ فإنَّه حجابٌ من النَّار، به ينجو العبد من لظاها، ويتباعد عن سناها، رُبَّ استغفارةٍ أُجيب صاحبها في دعائه بها؛ فذهبت بسيئاته كلِّها، فاستغفروا إن ربَّكم كان غفَّارًا.

Pearls of the Salaf

27 Sep, 22:02

Three trades that never have a loss.

Verily, those who recite the Book of Allâh (this Qur’ân), and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and spend (in charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, they hope for a (sure) trade-gain that will never perish. ٢٩سورة فاطر | آية

○ Recitation of the Qur'ān
○ Salah (prayer)
○ Charity

Pearls of the Salaf

19 Sep, 12:06

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

“From Allah’s mercy upon His servant is that He tests him with a trial which he can't disclose to others nor can he find anyone who can understand it properly so that his heart doesn't become attached to anyone else instead of Allah Who he goes and complains to.”

الوابل الصيب 35

Pearls of the Salaf

18 Sep, 06:09

It is better for you to be disliked by people while you clarify the truth to them than to be loved by them while you beautify falsehood for them.

Sheikh Abdus-Salaam As-Suhaymi حفظه الله

Pearls of the Salaf

15 Sep, 01:42

Sheikh Ibn Baaz رحمه الله said,

“Loving Prophet ﷺ is not to organise his birthday (Mawlid), rather loving him requires following him, holding onto his Shariah, defending it, calling to it and being firm upon it, this is real love for Prophet ﷺ.”

-[فتاوى نور على الدرب الجزء الأول]

Pearls of the Salaf

15 Sep, 01:42

Prophet ﷺ said,

“Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allāh and His Apostle”

[Bukhari 3445]

Pearls of the Salaf

30 Aug, 01:36

The wise believer always reflects on the existing blessings and thanks Allaah for them. It may even reach a point where they thank Allah for the lost blessings, knowing that Allah is the One who gave and withheld them. Indeed, if He gives, He gives out of grace, knowledge, and wisdom, and if He withholds, He withholds with justice, knowledge, and wisdom.

So, there is no way, O believer, to be saddened by the world.

Instead, always be content and happy, for when you combine this with tawhid, avoiding sins, abundant remembrance of Allaah, and repentance, your heart will be wider than the world.

Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله | 𝕏 account

Pearls of the Salaf

28 Aug, 18:06

Sheikh al Utahymeen رحمه الله said,

“If a person is guided and aided to have a wife who’s sound in her religion and intellect, then that is the best of worldly provisions.”

[Sharh Riyadh as Salihin 3/136]

Pearls of the Salaf

26 Aug, 02:16

Looking for relief through patience is an act of worship since tribulation never remains forever.

Patiently bear every calamity, take heart Knowing that harm never endures forever. Be patient, just as the nobles were patient: It is a fleeting event; here today, gone tomorrow.

The Prophet‎ صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"Know that great good lies in bearing with patience what you dislike."

[Ahmad 2803 | Book: The Legacy of the Prophet ﷺ p:4]