| At-Tibyān 📚| @abumuaathedge Channel on Telegram

| At-Tibyān 📚|


At-Tibyān 📚| A Resource for Comprehensive and Illuminating Islamic Benefits Derived from the Quran, Sunnah, and the Salaf's Interpretation

Twitter: @Edge1130

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@At-Tibyan

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AtTibyan

At-Tibyān 📚 (English)

At-Tibyān 📚 is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing a comprehensive and illuminating resource on Islamic benefits derived from the Quran, Sunnah, and the interpretation of the Salaf. The channel, managed by abumuaathedge, aims to educate and enlighten followers about the teachings and wisdom found in Islamic scripture. With a focus on deepening understanding and fostering spiritual growth, At-Tibyān 📚 offers insights, reflections, and practical guidance for living a fulfilling and meaningful Islamic life. Followers can also stay updated on related content through the channel's Twitter account @Edge1130, YouTube channel At-Tibyan, and support the channel's mission through Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/AtTibyan. Join At-Tibyān 📚 for a journey of learning, reflection, and inspiration in the path of Islam.

| At-Tibyān 📚|

13 Feb, 14:12

يسر يقين لنقد الإلحاد المعاصر أن يرحّب بكم في الدورة الرابعة من برنامج يقين التدريبي (١٤٤٦ هـ) والتي بعنوان:

📍رحلة إلى اليقين: البراهين العقلية النقلية على وجود الله ووحدانيته وكماله📍

•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
🔗رابط التسجيل:

‏•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
📝 مميزات الدورة:
▪️قصر مدة الدورة (خمسة أيام)
▪️دورة تعليمية عن بعد (online).
▪️الاشتراك مجاني.
▪️منح شهادة - لمن يجتاز الاختبار - من الجمعية العلمية السعودية لعلوم العقيدة والأديان والفرق والمذاهب.
•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
📝 أبرز محاور الدورة:

1. مدخل إلى الإيمان بالله وأدلة اليقين
2. براهين وجود الله
3. دلائل كمال الله المطلق
4. حجج توحيد الربوبية
5. بينات توحيد الألوهية

•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
رابط قناة الدورة في التلجرام:

| At-Tibyān 📚|

07 Feb, 15:29

📢 The long-awaited moment has arrived, dear brothers and sisters!
You’re invited to join The Ultimate Guide to Becoming from Ahlul-Quran Program by the People of the Quran Academy! 🎉
🌙 With the blessed month of Ramadan - the month of Quran - fast approaching there's no better time to transform your relationship with Allah's Book.⁣

📅 Starting: Saturday, 8th of February⁣
🎙️Delivered by: Ustadh Muhammad bin Abdilwali (Master's student at King Saud University)⁣
💲Cost: 100% Free⁣

🚀 Join Now: https://tally.so/r/3jJEea?source=tg

What is The Ultimate Guide Program?⁣
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming from Ahlul-Quran Program is based off the L.A.C.E. framework (Learn, Act, Convey, Endure). ⁣
This unique framework integrates the seven fundamental rights of the Quran by providing practical methodologies to fulfil these rights in your daily life so that you can ultimately become from the People of the Quran.⁣ Built upon Ustadh Muhammad's experience of 20+ years in Quran education, it serves as a blueprint for the upcoming People of The Quran Academy's programs and tiers.

🌟 Tell Me More About the People of the Quran Academy?⁣
The People of the Quran Academy is an initiative with one goal: to support Muslims worldwide towards becoming from Ahlul-Quran. We aim to offer a holistic Quranic education inspired by the Noble Companions, who used to prioritise deep understanding and practical application of the Quran before memorising its words.⁣
As outlined in the Hadith of the Sahabi Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, who said:
”When a man amongst us learned ten verses [of the Quran], he would not move on [to the next verses] until he had understood their meanings and how to act by them."⁣🌟 What Our Students Say
Hear from graduates of our recently concluded 📖 Kun min Ahlil-Quran Program 📖

"Allahuma Baarik! speechless never seen a program this organised and easily understandable, accessible, beneficial”
– Ahlaam, Finland

“The life-changing constant reminder of the importance of acting upon the Quran. Very grateful for this program and the way it had a real impact on my life as I am now more careful with what I do and I reflect upon the Quran a lot more than before.” – Adela, Montenegro

📚 Program Lectures:⁣
1. Beyond Memorization: How To Build a Lasting Connection with the Quran
2. ⁠Unlocking Tafsir: A Practical Guide to Study and Note-Taking
3. ⁠Spreading Light: Effective Ways to Convey Quranic Knowledge
4. ⁠Path to Transformation: Bridging Knowledge and Action Through Meaningful Tadabbur

🎯 Program Objectives:
By the end of this program, insha'Allah, you will:⁣
Understand the importance of building a transformative connection with the Quran
Develop practical skills to study Tafsir of the Quran effectively
Master strategies to confidently convey Quranic knowledge to others
Bridge Quranic knowledge with actionable change

🗂️ Learning Resources:⁣
🔸 Engaging Live Lectures and Recorded Replays⁣
🔸 Detailed Lecture Notes and Study Guide⁣
🔸 Interactive Flashcards & Quizzes⁣
🔸 Weekly Assignments and Worksheets⁣
🔸 … and more⁣

💎 Imagine finally understanding the Quran’s core message, establishing a daily connection with Allah’s words, and truly becoming from the People of the Quran. Think about the difference that would make in your life and worship during Ramadan and beyond. Now... stop imagining! Why wait when you can start your journey now?

🚀 Join Now: https://tally.so/r/3jJEea?source=tg

🎁 Share the Khair & Earn some Ajr! Forward to groups, channels, statuses... Be part of this effort that connects our Muslim brothers and sisters with the Quran!⁣

🤲🏽 May Allah accept your efforts & make this program a means of drawing closer to Him and His Book. آمين!

| At-Tibyān 📚|

01 Feb, 19:11


| At-Tibyān 📚|

18 Dec, 09:09

Coming soon inshaa Allāh

| At-Tibyān 📚|

30 Nov, 16:59

الإخوة والأخوات:

الدال على الخير كفاعله، وفي زمن تزداد فيه الشبهات وتشتد الحاجة إلى نشر العلم واليقين، تأتي هذه الدورة لتعالج أهم قضايا الفكر الإلحادي وتفتح آفاقًا جديدة لتعزيز الإيمان.

شارك الإعلان مع من تحب، لعل كلمة تصل بفضل الله فتكون سببًا لهداية شخص أو تثبيته.

الدورة قصيرة المدة، تعليمية، مجانية، وتُمنح شهادة من جمعية مرموقة. إنها فرصة فريدة في باب من أبواب الخير العظيم.
فكن سببًا لنشر نور العلم في قلوب الآخرين.

| At-Tibyān 📚|

30 Nov, 16:59

يسر يقين لنقد الإلحاد المعاصر أن يرحّب بكم في الدورة الثانية من برنامج يقين التدريبي (١٤٤٦ هـ) والتي بعنوان:

📍تفكيك الإلحاد ونقد أسس الملحدين📍

•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
🔗رابط التسجيل:

‏•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
📝 مميزات الدورة:
▪️قصر مدة الدورة (أربعة أيام)
▪️دورة تعليمية عن بعد (online).
▪️الاشتراك مجاني.
▪️منح شهادة - لمن يجتاز الاختبار - من الجمعية العلمية السعودية لعلوم العقيدة والأديان والفرق والمذاهب.
•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
📝 أبرز محاور الدورة:

1. حقيقة الإلحاد: بين الفكر والوهم
2. أدلة وجود الله: رحلة إلى نور اليقين
3. المادية تحت المجهر: هل المادة هي كل شيء؟
4. نقد العلموية: حدود العلم وما وراءه
5. التشكيك في الدين: تفكيك أوهام الملحدين

•••═══ ༻✿༺═══ •••
رابط قناة الدورة في التلجرام:

| At-Tibyān 📚|

07 Nov, 14:42

Your Daily Dose of Knowledge | Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al Badr حفظه الله

| At-Tibyān 📚|

27 Oct, 17:40

How Many Shayātīn Enter Your Home and Eat With You? Shaykh 'Abdurrazzāq al-Badr حفظه الله

| At-Tibyān 📚|

21 Oct, 01:51


| At-Tibyān 📚|

12 Oct, 14:25


| At-Tibyān 📚|

10 Oct, 15:11

📢 The moment has arrived, dear brothers and sisters! You’re all invited to attend the introductory course for the People of the Quran Academy! 🎉

🚀 We are thrilled to kick off this blessed journey with a special program titled:
📖 Kun min Ahlil-Quran (Be from the People of the Quran) 📖

📅 Starting: Saturday, 12th of October
🎙️Delivered by: Ustadh Muhammad bin Abdilwali (Master's student at King Saud University)
💲Cost: 100% Free

📱 How to Join:
Benefit from this free program by joining the dedicated WhatsApp groups:
Brothers Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IJGjrOhHCeeGN1l4rtsQXw
Sisters Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/ETedpzKANSV0flSTrlkc4g

What is the People of the Quran Academy?
The People of the Quran Academy is an initiative with one goal: to support Muslims worldwide towards becoming from Ahlul-Quran. We aim to offer a holistic Quranic education inspired by the Noble Companions, who used to prioritise deep understanding and practical application of the Quran before memorising its words.
As outlined in the Hadith of the Sahabi Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, who said: When a man amongst us learned ten verses [of the Quran], he would not move on [to the next verses] until he had understood their meanings and how to act by them."

🌟 Tell Me More About This Program
This introductory four-week program serves as the perfect introduction to our three-year Tafsir program. It is designed to provide the essential tools for your transformative journey to becoming from the People of the Quran – those whom our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ described as "Allah's own people and those who are closest to Him."

📚 Program Lectures
1. Kick-Off Lecture: The Quran: Its Status, Virtues and Our Relationship With It.
2. The People of the Quran and Their Distinguishing Characteristics.
3. The Virtues of the People of the Quran: Allah’s Special People.
4. How to Become from the People of the Quran; A Step by Step Guide.
5. The Ultimate Quran Learning Blueprint: from Note-taking to Memorization.

🎯 Program Objectives
By the end of this program, insha'Allah, you will:
Develop a deeper understanding of the Quran's significance in your life.
Recognise the qualities that define the People of the Quran.
Be motivated by the immense rewards awaiting those who engage with the Quran.
Learn practical steps to strengthen your connection with Allah's words.
Gain a comprehensive blueprint for your Quranic journey.

🗂️ Learning Resources
🔸Engaging Live Lectures and Recorded Replays
🔸⁠Revision Notes with Clear Action Steps
🔸Assessments & Quizzes
🔸… and more

🚨 Don't miss this opportunity to transform your relationship with the Quran!

💎 Suppose you were finally able to understand the Quran’s core message, establish a daily connection with Allah's words, and truly become from the People of the Quran. What difference do you imagine that might make to you?

Now……stop imagining! Why wait when you can start right now!

🌍 And you can even invite your family, friends, and anyone who else who might benefit. Forward to groups, channels, statuses... Be part of this effort that connects our Muslim brothers and sisters with the Quran!
🎁 Share the Khair & Earn some Ajr!

🤲🏽 May Allah make us all from the People of the Quran and grant us success in this world and the next!

📌 P.S. Don't forget to join the WhatsApp group for your gender to start this transformative journey. Let's embark on this path to become from the People of the Quran together!
Brothers Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IJGjrOhHCeeGN1l4rtsQXw
Sisters Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/ETedpzKANSV0flSTrlkc4g

| At-Tibyān 📚|

03 Oct, 14:29

كلام من ذهب لفضيلة الشيخ الدكتور فهد الفهيد حفظه الله

| At-Tibyān 📚|

25 Sep, 17:45


| At-Tibyān 📚|

20 Sep, 13:24

🔴 بدأ البـث المباشـر:
📍من المسجد النبوي (حلقة ٢)

📚«شرح دليل الطالب لنيل المطالب»

•• كتابُ الصّداق ••

🎙لفضيلة الشيخ:
أ.د. سليمان الرحيلي -وفقه الله-

🔗رابط البث المباشر:


🎧الدروس المسجلة:

🔹دروسُ المدينة النبويَّة🔹

| At-Tibyān 📚|

14 Sep, 13:38

The One Affair that Removes Sorrow & Hardships | Shaykh Abdurrazzaq al-Badr حفظه الله

| At-Tibyān 📚|

09 Sep, 18:14

Alhamdulillah, the goal has been reached!

May Allāh bless you all for your contributions.

Please keep the brother and his family in your supplications. May Allāh cure him.

| At-Tibyān 📚|

09 Sep, 17:40

Alhamdulillah, less than £250 is left to reach the goal of helping the brother currently battling cancer. May Allāh cure him and make it easy for him and his family.

Jazak Allāhu khair to all who have contributed, even if it was just by spreading the message.

It is truly a blessing to see such great community backing.

| At-Tibyān 📚|

08 Sep, 19:17

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Brothers and sisters, there is a British student of knowledge who was part of our community here at Imam Islamic University of Riyadh, studying for his master's degree.
Unfortunately, he has recently been diagnosed with cancer and had to leave his studies to seek medical care in Pakistan. He used to attend lessons with scholars and was known for his good character. Now, he is back in Pakistan with his wife and 3 kids and is in desperate need of financial assistance.

The Prophet ﷺ said:

Whoever removes a difficulty from a believer in this world, Allāh will remove one of his difficulties on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever alleviates the financial burden of a needy person, Allāh will alleviate his burden in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allāh will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. Allāh will continue to aid a servant as long as the servant continues to aid his brother.”

If you would like to help, here is the link to support the brother. May Allāh reward you.


| At-Tibyān 📚|

06 Sep, 16:46


| At-Tibyān 📚|

05 Sep, 03:28

True Manhood

It was narrated from ‘Ubaid bin Ummi Kulab that he heard ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allāh be pleased with him, delivering a sermon to the people, and he stated:

“Do not be impressed by a man’s outer appearance and his eloquent speech, but whoever fulfills the trust and refrains from violating people’s honor, he is the man.”

– Az-Zuhd by Ibn Al-Mubarak (295).

Explanation of Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al Badr:

Do not be deceived by a man’s outward charm or his well-embellished words. True manhood is found in fulfilling trust, not neglecting it, and refraining from wrongfully speaking about people’s honor and reputation.

| At-Tibyān 📚|

29 Aug, 14:09


| At-Tibyān 📚|

23 Aug, 13:05

بث مباشر

المجلس الثالث

شرح لمعة الاعتقاد


| At-Tibyān 📚|

23 Aug, 12:37

🆓 Join us for an eye opening lecture titled: Introduction to the Science of Balaghah and its Connection to the Miraculous Nature of the Quran.

🎙️Delivered by Ustadh Muhammad Abdilwali.

📅 It will take place on Saturday, August 24th, at 5 PM Makkah time (3 PM UK) on Zoom. It will also be recorded and shared with registered attendees.

🔗 Link to Register: https://lu.ma/8yox87t3

Main Points covered:
♦️What Is the Science of Balaghah?
♦️How Can Studying al-Balaghah of the Quran Transform Your Life?
♦️How To Unlock the Balaghah of the Quran?
♦️What You Should Do Next?

🚀 This event coincides with the launch New Arabic Courses, and we will also briefly talk about plans for the People of the Quran Academy.

📣 Join the dedicated WhatsApp groups for announcements, updates and support.

Brother’s Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IjqMX4saGEY6OG7Dk09jxP

Sister’s Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IFA1HP2lVSoG68sWOuRDeq

💠 Brothers and Sisters, we invite you to this beneficial lecture. It will cover crucial information every student should know about the Science of al-Balaghah. You'll discover why it's so essential, its connection to other Arabic language sciences, and how it can elevate your love for the Quran.

🔗 Link to Register: https://lu.ma/8yox87t3

🔁 Please share with anyone who might benefit, privately and in groups.

🎁 Share the Khair & Earn some Ajr!