ማስታወሻ:- የ12ኛ ክፍል ተማሪ ትምህርት የለም: መምህራን አይመጡም: ተማሪ የለም የሚል ውሸት ለወላጆቻችሁን እያጭበረበራችሁና የት/ቤቱን ስም በማጉደፍ ቅዳሜን እየቀራችሁ መሆኑን አረጋግጠናል!!! ከዚህ ድርጊታችሁ ተቆጥባችሁ ትምህርታችሁን እንድትማሩ እናስጠነቅቃለን!!!!
Welcome to Holy Trinity Secondary School, Ethiopia 2012 Telegram Channel, managed by user @a130759. This channel is dedicated to sharing information, updates, and news related to Holy Trinity Secondary School in Ethiopia, established in the year 2012. Whether you are a current student, alumni, parent, or simply interested in learning more about the school, this channel is the perfect place for you. Stay connected with the school community, get notified about upcoming events, and engage with other members through discussions and announcements. Join us on this journey to celebrate the rich history and achievements of Holy Trinity Secondary School, Ethiopia 2012. Be part of the conversation and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for education and learning. Come join us today and be a part of our vibrant and engaging community!
14 Feb, 12:44
09 Feb, 15:04
22 Jan, 03:48
21 Jan, 14:49
19 Jan, 13:38
16 Jan, 15:42
13 Jan, 18:18
05 Jan, 15:37
27 Dec, 11:57
26 Dec, 05:52
26 Dec, 05:52
19 Dec, 14:30
18 Dec, 07:22
16 Dec, 09:55
14 Dec, 12:06
12 Dec, 11:59
12 Dec, 08:12
12 Dec, 04:09
26 Nov, 20:23
20 Nov, 13:50
19 Nov, 16:48
15 Nov, 10:57
04 Nov, 09:15
04 Nov, 09:15
04 Nov, 09:13
04 Nov, 09:13
04 Nov, 09:12
04 Nov, 09:12
04 Nov, 09:12
04 Nov, 09:12
30 Oct, 10:53
22 Oct, 11:04
18 Oct, 20:25
18 Oct, 14:50
15 Oct, 07:13
14 Oct, 09:05
14 Oct, 07:16
09 Oct, 14:30
08 Oct, 16:37
20 Sep, 07:39
16 Sep, 19:51
15 Sep, 15:00