Are you tired of all the fake news and misinformation circulating on social media platforms? Look no further, as we present to you the Telegram channel titled 'FUCKFAKESHIT//// тёма'! This channel is dedicated to debunking fake news, exposing false information, and providing users with reliable and accurate news updates. The username '@babygivemedrug' behind this channel is committed to promoting truth and transparency in the online world. With a strong emphasis on fact-checking and verification, you can trust that the information shared on this channel is credible and trustworthy. Whether you're looking to stay informed on current events or simply want to avoid falling for fake news, this channel is the perfect resource for you. Join the conversation and become part of a community that values honesty and integrity. Don't miss out on the opportunity to become a more informed and discerning consumer of news. Follow 'FUCKFAKESHIT//// тёма' on Telegram today and take a stand against fake news and misinformation!
28 Nov, 14:59
19 Nov, 15:05
12 Nov, 21:12
02 Nov, 10:47
02 Nov, 10:41
28 Oct, 12:41
16 Oct, 19:29