Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Firyabi said: Sufyan al-Thawri said to me one day when people had gathered around him [to seek knowledge]: O Muhammad, you see these people, how many they are!
A third of them [will] die, a third will leave of what you hear [i.e leave og seeking knowledge], and from the remaining third, how few are those who will come out excellent!
Abu Dawud al-Tayalisi said: I was one day at the door of Shu'ba, and the mosque was full, so Shu'ba came out and leaned on me,
and said: O Sulayman, do you think that all of these people will come out as Muhadditheen? I said: No. He said: You are right, not even five. I said: Five! [in suprise, at the low number]
He said: Yes, one of them writes when he is young, then when he grows old he stops, and one of them writes when he is young, then when he grows old he engages in evildoing.
He said: So he kept repeating this to me.
Abu Dawud said: Then later I checked, and not five of them came out (as Muhadditheen).
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