Turin Students' Union @turinyu Channel on Telegram

Turin Students' Union


Official channel of the Students’ Union in Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 🇺🇿

Turin Students' Union (English)

Are you a student at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent? Looking to stay updated on the latest events, news, and opportunities within the university? Look no further than the official Telegram channel of the Turin Students' Union - @turinyu! This channel is the go-to place for students to connect, engage, and stay informed on everything happening at the university. From important announcements to social events, the Turin Students' Union channel is your one-stop-shop for all things related to student life. Join us today and become part of a vibrant community of students who are dedicated to making the most of their university experience. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to stay connected with your fellow students and make the most of your time at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Join @turinyu now and be a part of the Turin Students' Union family! 🇺🇿

Turin Students' Union

22 Nov, 10:23

Объявление! 📌

Уважаемые студенты!

В скором времени состоятся выборы Президента Студенческого Совета. После утверждения кандидатов со стороны Студенческого совета и администрацией университета будет опубликована дополнительная информация, включая списки кандидатов и дату выборов.🗓

На собрании первичного совета был избран Глава Избирательной Комиссии Студенческого Совета (ИК СС). Им стал независимый представитель — Авазхонов Азамат Шераматович. 🇺🇿

Следите за обновлениями!🔖

Dear Students,📌

The elections for the President of the Student Union will soon take place. After the approval of candidates by SU and the university administration, further details, including the list of candidates and election date, will be announced.🗓

During the preliminary council meeting, the Head of the Student Union Election Commission was selected. The independent representative, Mr. Azamat Sheramatovich Avazkhonov, was elected to this position.🇺🇿

Stay tuned for updates!🔖

Turin Students' Union

21 Nov, 11:10

🌍Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at COP29! 🌍
We are proud to announce that the Advisor to the President of the Students Union is representing our university at the COP29 conference in Baku, Azerbaijan!

This prestigious event brings together world leaders, experts, and youth activists to address global climate challenges and create solutions for a sustainable future.

Stay tuned as we share updates, insights, and highlights from their participation at this significant international platform! 💡

#TTPU #COP29 #Sustainability #YouthLeadership

Turin Students' Union

18 Nov, 12:02

🥇 Поздравляем команду SU team с победой на турнире TURIN CUP!

В финале против BM-2 они одержали победу со счётом 2-1! ⚽️👏

Спасибо обеим командам за отличную игру, а также всем болельщикам за поддержку! 🙌 Турнир был ярким, и мы уверены, что это только начало новых спортивных достижений! 🏆

До встречи на следующих турнирах! 🔥

🥇 Congratulations to SU team on their victory at the TURIN CUP!

In the final, they triumphed 2-1 against BM-2! ⚽️👏

Thanks to both teams for the fantastic game, and to all the fans for their support! 🙌 The tournament was exciting, and we are confident this is just the beginning of many more sports achievements! 🏆

See you at the next tournaments! 🔥

🥇 SU team jamoasini TURIN CUP turnirida g‘alaba qozonishi bilan tabriklaymiz!

Finalda BM-2 jamoasini 2-1 hisobida yengishdi! ⚽️👏

Har ikki jamoaga ajoyib o‘yin uchun, shuningdek, barcha muxlislarga qo‘llab-quvvatlaganlari uchun rahmat! 🙌 Turnir juda hayajonli o‘tdi va biz ishonamizki, bu yangi sport yutuqlarining boshlanishi! 🏆

Keyingi turnirlarda uchrashguncha! 🔥

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Turin Students' Union

17 Nov, 13:00

Не пропустите самый важный матч года! 🏆
BM - 2 сразится с SU TEAM в решающем поединке за титул.

🗓 Дата: 18 ноября 2024 года
Время: 13:30
📍 Место: Turin Polytechnic University

Приходите поддержать свою команду и насладиться потрясающей игрой! 💥

Don’t miss the biggest match of the year! 🏆
BM - 2 will face SU TEAM in the ultimate showdown for the title.

🗓 Date: November 18, 2024
Time: 1:30 PM
📍 Venue: Turin Polytechnic University

Come and support your team while enjoying an incredible game! 💥

Yilning eng muhim o‘yini o‘tkazib yubormang! 🏆
BM - 2 va SU TEAM chempionlik uchun kurash olib boradi.

🗓 Sana: 18-noyabr, 2024-yil
Vaqt: 13:30
📍 Joy: Turin Polytechnic University

Jamoangizni qo‘llab-quvvatlash va ajoyib o‘yindan bahramand bo‘lish uchun tashrif buyuring! 💥

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Turin Students' Union

17 Nov, 11:45

🎓 Сегодня в учебном центре INTERNATION прошла презентация Туринского политехнического университета в Ташкенте. Наши ребята достойно представили университет, рассказав о его возможностях, образовательных программах и преимуществах! ⭐️

Большое спасибо всем участникам за интерес и внимание. Надеемся, что это мероприятие вдохновило многих на новые образовательные достижения! 🙌

🎓 Today, a presentation of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent was held at the INTERNATION educational center. Our team proudly showcased the university, highlighting its opportunities, academic programs, and benefits! ⭐️

A big thank you to everyone who participated and showed interest. We hope this event inspired many to pursue new educational goals! 🙌

🎓 Bugun INTERNATION o‘quv markazida Toshkentdagi Turin Politexnika Universitetining taqdimoti bo‘lib o‘tdi. Bizning jamoamiz universitetning imkoniyatlari, ta’lim dasturlari va afzalliklari haqida mahorat bilan taqdimot o‘tkazdilar! ⭐️

Tadbirda ishtirok etgan va qiziqish bildirgan barcha uchun katta rahmat. Umid qilamizki, ushbu tadbir ko‘pchilikni yangi ta’lim marralarga ilhomlantirdi! 🙌

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Turin Students' Union

17 Nov, 09:03

🔎 15 ноября прошёл захватывающий квест в мистической тематике, в котором приняли участие наши студенты 🧩💭
🏃🏻‍➡️ Их задача заключалась разгадывать загадки и находить следующие, иследуя всю территорию университета.
Но самой главной целью было хорошо провести время и повеселиться 🎉

🔎 On November 15th, an exciting quest with a mystical theme took place, and our students participated in it 🧩💭.
🏃🏻‍➡️ Their task was to solve riddles and find the next clues while exploring the entire university campus.
But the main goal was to have a great time and enjoy themselves 🎉.

🔎 15-noyabr kuni mistik mavzudagi hayajonli kvest bo'lib o'tdi, unda bizning talabalarimiz ishtirok etishdi 🧩💭.
🏃🏻‍➡️ Ularning vazifasi jumboqlarni yechish va universitet hududini o‘rganib, keyingi manzillarni topish edi.
Ammo eng asosiy maqsad yaxshi vaqt o'tkazish va zavqlanish bo'ldi 🎉

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Turin Students' Union

17 Nov, 05:10

🎓 Дорогие студенты! Поздравляем вас с вашим праздником!

🚀 Пусть каждый день приносит новые открытия и возможности, а все трудности превращаются в ступеньки к вашим великим достижениям! С Днем студентов!🥳

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Студенческий Совет🫶

🎓 Dear students! We congratulate you on your special day!

🚀 May each day bring new discoveries and opportunities, and may all challenges turn into stepping stones towards your great achievements! Happy Student’s Day! 🥳

With best wishes,
The Students' Union🫶

🎓 Qadrli talabalar! Sizlarni ushbu bayramingiz bilan tabriklaymiz!

🚀 Har bir kun yangi kashfiyotlar va imkoniyatlar olib kelsin, barcha qiyinchiliklar esa sizning ulkan yutuqlaringizga olib boradigan poydevor bo'lsin! Talabalar kuni bilan! 🥳

Eng yaxshi tilaklar bilan,
Students' Union 🫶

Turin Students' Union

16 Nov, 18:27

🎉 Поздравляем выпускников!
Сегодня мы отмечаем достижения наших выпускников бакалавриата и магистратуры! Ваш труд и усердие привели вас к этому моменту. Пусть это станет началом многих будущих успехов. ⭐️

📅 16 ноября 2024 г.

🎉 Congratulations, Graduates!
Today, we celebrate the achievements of our Bachelor’s and Master’s degree graduates! Your hard work and dedication have led you to this moment. May this be the beginning of many more successes to come. ⭐️

📅 November 16, 2024

🎉 Tabriklaymiz, Bitiruvchilar!
Bugun biz bakalavr va magistratura bitiruvchilarining yutuqlarini nishonlayabmiz! Sizning mehnatingiz va qat’iyatingiz sizni shu kunlarga olib keldi. Bu ko‘plab kelajakdagi muvaffaqiyatlaringizning boshlanishi bo‘lsin. ⭐️

📅 2024-yil 16-noyabr

Turin Students' Union

16 Nov, 16:35

🤩 Делимся моментами из экскурсии для учеников "Sehriyo School"! 🎓

Мы показали им наши лаборатории, спортивные заведения и уникальные проекты студентов. 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬
Ребята узнали, как мы готовим специалистов для будущих технологий и инноваций! 🚀

🤩 Sharing moments from the excursion for the students of "Sehriyo School"! 🎓

We showed them our laboratories, sports facilities, and students' projects. 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬
The youngsters learned how we prepare specialists for future technologies and innovations! 🚀

🤩 "Sehriyo School" o'quvchilari uchun ekskursiyadan lahzalarni baham ko'ryabmiz! 🎓

Biz ularga laboratoriyalarimizni, sport komplekslarimizni va talabalarning loyihalarini ko'rsatdik. 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬
Yoshlar kelajak texnologiyalari va innovatsiyalar uchun qanday mutaxassislar tayyorlayotganimizni ko'rdilar! 🚀

Turin Students' Union

14 Nov, 09:29

🚀 IT Enthusiasts Alert! 🚀

Join us for an exciting IT conference where experts, innovators, and tech enthusiasts gather to share insights, ideas, and the latest in technology!

🔹 Who should attend?
• Aspiring developers
• Software engineers
• Data scientists
• Everyone interested in the future of tech!

📌 Yellow Hall

📅 Today


Get ready to network, learn, and be inspired. See you there!

Turin Students' Union

12 Nov, 11:47

🔍 Мистический квест в ТТПУ! 👀

Приглашаем вас в захватывающее приключение!

🗓 Когда: Пятница
🕖 Время: 16:00 
📌 Где: Yellow Hall

Соберите команду из 4-х человек и разгадите загадки! 🧩💭

🔗 Регистрация: Заполните форму

Не пропустите! Ждем вас!


🔍 Mystical Quest at the TTPU! 👀

We invite you to an exciting adventure!

🗓 When: Friday 
🕖 Time: 4 PM
📌 Where: Yellow Hall

Gather a team of 4 people and solve the riddles! 🧩💭

🔗 Registration: Fill out the form

Don't miss it! We are waiting for you!


🔍 TTPUda Mistik Kvest! 👀

Sizni qiziqarli sarguzashtga taklif qilamiz!

🗓 Qachon: Juma 
🕖 Vaqt: 16:00 
📌 Joy: Yellow Hall

4 kishilik jamoa to'plang va jumboqlarni yeching! 🧩💭

🔗 Ro'yxatdan o'tish: Formani to'ldiring

O'tkazib yubormang! Sizni kutamiz!

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Turin Students' Union

08 Nov, 14:20

Идеи для коворкинг зоны в С - Building! 💡

Дорогие друзья!
Мы хотим обустроить новую коворкинг зону и ждем ваши идеи и предложения 🙂

⬇️ Пишите нам в аккаунт:

Ideas for the Co-working Zone in C - Building! 💡

Dear friends!
We want to set up a new coworking area and we are waiting for your ideas and suggestions 🙂

⬇️ Write to us in the account:

C - Building'da Co-working Zonasiga G'oyalar! 💡

Aziz do'stlar!
Biz yangi coworking zonasi tashkil etmoqchimiz va sizning g'oyalaringiz va takliflaringizni kutyapmiz 🙂

⬇️ Bizga yozing:

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