TTPU Dean's office @ttpudeanoffice Channel on Telegram

TTPU Dean's office


Official channel of TTPU Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office (English)

Welcome to the official Telegram channel of the TTPU Dean's office! Here, you will find all the latest updates, announcements, and important information regarding the activities and programs of the Dean's office at TTPU. From academic events to student services, we are here to keep you informed and engaged with everything happening at our institution. Whether you are a current student, alumni, faculty member, or simply interested in learning more about TTPU, this channel is the perfect place to stay connected. Be sure to turn on notifications so you never miss out on any important news or opportunities. Join us today and be a part of the vibrant TTPU community!

TTPU Dean's office

24 Jan, 13:25

List of students for the Exam on Linear algebra and geometry 2

25/01/2025 11:00

TTPU Dean's office

24 Jan, 10:21

Following students

You are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

24 Jan, 06:54

🔈 Caltech SURF Program - Eligibility and Guidelines 🔈

Are you ready to enhance your research experience through Caltech's Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program? 🌟 Here's what you need to know to get started:

For Caltech Students:
✔️ Be a continuing undergraduate student with a GPA ≥ 2.0
✔️ Complete your 3rd term at Caltech or an approved school
✔️ Eligible for fall term registration before starting SURF (by July 1)
✔️ No academic or disciplinary sanctions

For Visiting Students:

✔️ Be a continuing undergraduate student with a GPA ≥ 2.5
✔️ Complete your 2nd semester/3rd quarter at your university
✔️ Eligible for fall term registration (degree-seeking undergraduates only)
✔️ No academic or disciplinary sanctions

🌍 Additional Info for International Students:
- Eligible to participate at Caltech campus (JPL only for U.S. citizens/permanent residents).
- Secure F-1 (CPT/OPT) or J-1 (Academic Training) authorization before starting.
⚠️ OPT applications may take 3+ months—start early!

⌛️ Program Expectations:
- Devote full effort to a 10-week in-person project (no remote work)
- Submit interim reports, a final abstract, a technical report, and deliver an oral presentation
- Abide by Caltech’s Honor Code

🔗Learn more and apply: Caltech SURF Info

💡 Questions about eligibility or employment authorization? Contact your international student advisor or reach out to Caltech's International Student Programs (ISP) or Equity and Title IX Office at [email protected].

Let’s make your research ambitions a reality! 🚀

TTPU Dean's office

24 Jan, 05:56


The following students are asked to contact the Dean's Office (71 246 63 48) IMMEDIATELY.


TTPU Dean's office

24 Jan, 05:34

The following students are requested to come to the Dean office as soon as possible,


TTPU Dean's office

24 Jan, 04:20

🔆Добрый день!

‼️🚸Вниманию спортсменов, тренеров и родителей юных спортсменов.

🕕24 января 2025 года в 18.00, комитет картинга NAFKU будет проводить собрание для участников в спортивных гоночных дисциплинах картинга,🏎 картинг слалом и картинг индюранс.

🔋Будут обсуждаться вопросы развития спортивных дисциплин, получение лицензий, календарный план 2025г., отбор в сборную команду, технический регламент и правила проведения соревнований, экипировка гонщиков и другие темы.

Собрание будет проводить председатель комитета картинга Авазматов Х.Х. Надеемся на Ваше активное участие.

🏁Место проведения Туринский политехнический университет, аудитория Б1.

TTPU Dean's office

23 Jan, 13:41

List of students for the Exam on Fluid mechanics

24/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

23 Jan, 13:41

List of students for the Exam on Physics I

24/01/2025 11:00

TTPU Dean's office

23 Jan, 06:16

🔺Joriy yilning 23-yanvar kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida jurnalist, huquqshunos, bloger va aktyor Otabek Mahkamov tomonidan TTPU talabalari uchun ochiq muloqot o'tkaziladi.

Tadbir davomida Otabek Mahkamov shaxsiy rivojlanish va ijodiy faoliyatda muvaffaqiyat qozonish haqidagi ma'lumotlar berib, sayohat qilish borasidagi o'zining boy tajribasi bilan o'rtoqlashadi. Shuningdek, tadbirda talabalar o'zlarining qiziqtirgan savollariga soha mutaxassisidan ma'lumot olish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladilar.

🗓Sana va vaqti: 23.01.2025, 14:30
📍Joy: TTPU, Yellow Hall

🔺On January 23 of this year, an open discussion for TTPU students will be held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent by journalist, lawyer, blogger and actor Otabek Mahkamov.

During the event, Otabek Mahkamov will share insights on personal development and achieving success in creative endeavors, as well as his extensive travel experiences. In addition, students will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive information directly from an expert in the field.

🗓 Date and Time: January 23, 2025, 14:30
📍 Venue: TTPU, Yellow Hall

Follow us on:

TTPU Dean's office

22 Jan, 13:39

List of students for the Exam on Structural mechanics

23/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

22 Jan, 13:39

List of students for the Exam on Industrial Plants and Project Management

23/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

22 Jan, 13:39

List of students for the Exam on Mathematical analysis II

23/01/2025 11:00

TTPU Dean's office

22 Jan, 05:04

TTPU Dean's office pinned «*️⃣IMPORTANT NOTES ON ONGOING EXAMS*️⃣ 1. All students must have original documents providing your identity (passport, identity card, driving license, etc.). 2. To come prepared (with pen/ pencil) and on time.»

TTPU Dean's office

22 Jan, 05:03


1. All students must have original documents providing your identity (passport, identity card, driving license, etc.).

2. To come prepared (with pen/ pencil) and on time.

TTPU Dean's office

21 Jan, 13:37

List of students for the Exam on Fundamentals of machine design

22/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

21 Jan, 13:37

List of students for the Exam on Computer sciences

22/01/2025 11:00

TTPU Dean's office

20 Jan, 16:17

Following students

Tomorrow, You are asked to come to Room 106 to write a letter of application for Tutor points.

TTPU Dean's office

19 Jan, 13:19

List of students for the Exam on Experimental Statistics and Mechanical Measurements

20/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

19 Jan, 13:19

List of students for the Exam on Linear algebra and geometry 1

20/01/2025 11:00

TTPU Dean's office

19 Jan, 13:19

List of students for the Exam on Geotechnics

20/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 13:56

List of students for the Exam on Manufacturing processes

18/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 13:56

List of students for the Exam on Automatic controls

18/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 13:55

List of students for the Exam on Introduction to geographic information system

18/01/2025 14:00

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 13:55

List of students for the Exam on Mathematical analysis I

Note: Those students who are in red are not allowed to take exam due to low attendance

18/01/2025 11:00

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 12:42

The students who attended the Chemistry exam on January 16, 2025, are requested to come to room 209 on Monday, January 20, at 2:00 PM for the oral examination in Chemistry.

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 10:19


You are asked to come to Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

17 Jan, 07:35

Dear students,

Please be informed that due to scheduled event, the canteen will begin operating from 1 PM on Monday, 20.01.2025.

Thank you for your understanding.

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 15:25

‼️Dear BM 3rd and 4th year students,
Please, take into account the following changes for tomorrow's exam schedule:

For BM1-21, Management Information System exam has been moved from Blue/Green Hall to the Room 303 at 11:00.

For BM-22, Logistics exam has been shifted from 12:30 to 11:00 in Room 304.

Social Media Marketing exam does not change its original schedule.

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 15:16

TTPU Dean's office pinned «Dear students who is taking the Physics II exam, please note that it will begin 30 minutes earlier than scheduled, at 10:30.»

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 15:15

Dear students who is taking the Physics II exam, please note that it will begin 30 minutes earlier than scheduled, at 10:30.

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 14:08

List of students for the Exam on Hydraulic infrastructures

17/01/2025 14:00

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 14:08

List of students for the Exam on Hydraulic infrastructures

17/01/2025 14:00

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 14:08

List of students for the Exam on Physics II

17/01/2025 10:30

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 10:32

Dear BM students

Today's exam on Econometrics has been postponed to 16:30

TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 04:59

Dear BM 2nd year students,

Please note that your Econometrics final exam 1 is scheduled as follows:

📆 Date: 16th January, Thursday at 15.30
📍Location: Library

❗️Exam rules:
Allowed: pen, pencil, calculator, formula sheet, blank paper
Not allowed: no electronic devices, lecture notes.


TTPU Dean's office

16 Jan, 04:01


The interview will take place in B1 Auditorium.

TTPU Dean's office

15 Jan, 13:59

List of students for the Exam on Circuit Theory

16/01/2025 15:00

TTPU Dean's office

25 Dec, 14:53


The following students, who have enough credits to progress academically to the next year, have either paid less than 25% of their tuition fees or haven't paid at all.

If you do not pay at least 50% by 08/01/2025, you will be expelled from the University.

If you have already paid, please disregard this message. If you have any issues and questions, please stop by Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

25 Dec, 14:21

Dear SE/AD/BM students

Winter exam schedule will be announced next week. Please, be patient.

TTPU Dean's office

25 Dec, 14:21


Dear Italian tracks students, please find the tentative schedule for the Winter Exam Session for 24-25 AY. Registration will be opened tomorrow.

*️⃣Important Notes*️⃣

1. Students must pay 50% of their tuition fees in order to participate in the upcoming session otherwise you will be blocked in Didattica.

2. You must have original documents confirming your identity (passport, ID card, driver's license, etc.).

3. Come prepared (with pen/ pencil) and on time.

*️⃣Additional Rules*️⃣

If students are caught with electronic devices, tickets or other mean of cheating during the exam:

First Time: You will be blocked from attending exams for 4 exam weeks or fined 5
minimum wage according the the regulations.

Second Time: You will be barred from participating in the corresponding exam session according the the regulations.

Thank you for your cooperation. Good luck with your preparations!

TTPU Dean's office

24 Dec, 07:42


Following students are asked to come to Dean's office IMMEDIATELY

TTPU Dean's office

22 Dec, 06:45

Dear BM-22 students!
Principles of Marketing midterm will be held on Tuesday, December 24 at 9.30 am.

📆Time: 9:30
📍Venue: Library

TTPU Dean's office

20 Dec, 12:57

📣Dear students of TTPU📣

Please find updated Academic Calendar for 2024-2025 A.Y.

*️⃣Please note

For the First Year students (except Business Management) the classes of the second semester will start on January 13th, 2025. For the First Year BM students the Exam Session will start on January 13th, 2025.

For the other students the Exam Session will start on January 13th, 2025. In addition, starting January 8th, 2025 there will be advising hours scheduled for some courses to prepare students for the exams.

TTPU Dean's office

20 Dec, 07:43

Dear Students of
ME-23, CIE-23, IT-23, ASE-23

An additional CS Midterm exam will be held on Monday (December 23) at 9:30 in the Library for those who were unable to attend the previous exam due to payment or enrollment issues.

TTPU Dean's office

18 Dec, 17:17

⭕️ #tanlov #elon #sport

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida “Armrestling” sport turi bo‘yicha musobaqa o‘tkazilish vaqti va joyi belgilandi.

📆 20-Dekabr, Juma
📍Universitet sport majmuasi

Ro‘yhattan o‘tish uchun havola

Barcha ishtirokchilarga omad tilab qolamiz! Qolganlar ham ishtirokchilarni qo‘llab quvvatlash uchun tashrif buyurishlar mumkin.

Qolgan ma'lumotlarni ushbu telegram guruhdan olsangiz bo‘ladi @armwrestling_ttpu

TTPU Ma'naviyat va ma'rifat bo‘limi:

TTPU Dean's office

18 Dec, 12:28

📣 Academic Calendar Announcement 📣

Dear Students,

To help you stay informed about your academic journey, we would like to remind you that the academic calendar contains all the important information about:

▶️Semester start and end dates,
▶️Exam periods,
▶️Other significant academic events.

Additionally, please note that 1st-year (EXCEPT Business Management students) students will not have any exams until May, with all their exams scheduled during the spring session.

For detailed information about your academic calendar, please feel free to contact the Dean’s Office.

TTPU Dean's office

18 Dec, 10:58

Uzbek and Russian versions are available. Choose one of them for your convenience

TTPU Dean's office

02 Dec, 11:32


Abdukarimov Ilhom Abdumalik o'g'li
Meyliyev Samariddin Farhodovich

You are asked to come to Dean's office.

TTPU Dean's office

02 Dec, 07:56

Announcement: for the attention of 1st year students.
A chemistry midterm will be held on Tuesday, December 3 at 3:00 PM. Location: Library

TTPU Dean's office

30 Nov, 06:07

27- noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universitetida o’tkazilgan "Eng Yaxshi Dasturchi" tanlovida IT1-21 guruhi talabasi Abdulaziz To’laganov g'olib deb topildi. Bu tanlovda universitetmizning 10dan ziyod iqtidorli talabalari o’z bilimlarini sinab ko’rishdi.

Eslatib o’tamiz,
ushbu 1-o'rin sohibi hududiy doirada o'tkaziladigan 2-bosqichga yo'l oladi. Asosiy respublika doirasida o’tkaziladigan 3-bosqich gʻoliblarining mukofot jamgʻarmasi:
💲 1-o‘rin uchun — 15 000 000
💲 2-o‘rin uchun — 10 000 000
💲 3-o‘rin — 8 000 000 ni tashkil etadi.

Shuningdek, maxsus nominatsiyalarda ham gʻoliblarga mukofotlar bor.

TTPU Dean's office

29 Nov, 07:38

Dear SE/AD students following exams have been rescheduled to 3PM

-Data Structures and Algorithms
-Building Planning and Design 1

TTPU Dean's office

28 Nov, 12:55

TTPU Dean's office pinned «❗️To the students of following groups❗️ CIE-21, ME-21, IT2-22,AD-22, ME-23, ASE-23, CIE-23, AD-24, SE2-24 Tomorrow, you are asked to come in classic uniform STRICTLY. Tomorrow classes will start from 09:00 AM for above mentioned groups»

TTPU Dean's office

28 Nov, 12:55

❗️To the students of following groups❗️

CIE-21, ME-21,
ME-23, ASE-23, CIE-23,
AD-24, SE2-24

Tomorrow, you are asked to come in classic uniform STRICTLY. Tomorrow classes will start from 09:00 AM for above mentioned groups

TTPU Dean's office

28 Nov, 09:55

📣 Important announcement all students 📣

Dear Students,

Please take note of the following important updates for Friday, 29th November 2024:

Dress Code Reminder
On this day, all students are kindly requested to adhere to a classic dress code.

For gentlemen: formal trousers, a shirt, and a tie are highly encouraged.

For ladies: elegant blouses, skirts, or dresses suitable for a formal setting.

This is a great opportunity to showcase your professionalism and respect the formal tone of the day.

Canteen Closure
Please be advised that the university canteen will not be operational on Friday.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring this day runs smoothly. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to seeing you dressed to impress!

TTPU Dean's office

28 Nov, 09:55

Dear Students

Please note that tomorrow's Computer Science exam has been postponed to 16:00.

TTPU Dean's office

28 Nov, 04:14

Dear BM 2-3-4 year students,

This is a reminder that the Midterm Exam II on Mathematics will be held on Monday, 02.12.2024, at 9:00 AM in the Library. Please ensure you arrive on time and bring all necessary materials.

TTPU Dean's office

27 Nov, 14:23

Dear all students

Due to some changes, we ask you to check timetable to attend right classes

TTPU Dean's office

27 Nov, 09:14

Aziz yoshlar, endi o‘z iqtidorlaringizni namoyish qilish vaqti keldi!

🔺Joriy yilning 28-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida IT platformasi taqdimoti bo'lib o'tadi.

ITSkills - bilim va amaliy ko'nikmalarni real vaqtda baholagan (Real-time coding challenge) holga, iqtidorli yoshlarni kelajakda ish bilan ta'minlab berishga mo'ljallangan platforma.

Bilimingizga ishonasizmi? Unda taqdimotda platforma testlaridan o'tib ko'ring.

🗓 Sana va vaqti: 28-noyabr, soat 14:30
📍 Joy: TTPU, Yellow hall

Tadbir davomida eng faol va iqtidorli talabalar ITIC sovg'alariga ega bo'ladilar! 🎁

Dear youth, it's time to showcase your talents!

🔺On November 28, the presentation of the IT platform will take place at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

ITSkills is a platform designed to assess knowledge and practical skills in real-time coding challenges and aims to provide talented youth with future employment opportunities.

Confident in your knowledge? Then take part in the presentation and try out the platform's tests.

🗓 Date and time: November 28, at 2:30 PM
📍 Venue: TTPU, Yellow hall

During the event, the most active and talented students will receive gifts from ITIC! 🎁

Follow us on:
📱Facebook | 📷Instagram | 🌐Web | 📹YouTube

TTPU Dean's office

27 Nov, 08:54

🚀 Transform Your Ideas with “Product Ideation, Design, and Management” 🚀

📣Ready to bring your product idea to life? Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) and Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) have joined forces to offer an exclusive, no-cost course designed for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators. Open only to TTPU and WIUT students, this program provides a unique opportunity to turn your ideas into real-world solutions!

💻Whether you’re aiming to launch a tech product or develop a small business, this program will guide you through each essential step.

Course Highlights:
🟢Generate and refine impactful ideas
🟢 Dive into product design, including 3D modeling for prototypes
🟢 Develop your product journey: Prototype > MVP > Market-Ready Solution
🟢 Master one-page marketing plans and business model canvases
🟢 Analyze market segmentation and industry trends
🟢 Benefit from one-on-one mentorship with industry professionals
🟢 Network with local and international experts, entrepreneurs, and like-minded people

Why choose this program?
🟢 Free, practical experience with real-world case studies
🟢 Access to a joint network of mentors, investors, and industry resources
🟢 Proven strategies for successful product management

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Fill out the form below, and our team will contact you to begin your entrepreneurial journey!⬇️

📅 Deadline to apply: 28 November 2024 11:00 a.m.

🎉 Mark Your Calendar!
The introductory session for this course will be held on November 29th at 11:00 a.m. in the SHB Building (Student Zone) at Westminster International University in Tashkent.
📍Location: Yandex Maps

⚠️Important: Only registered students will be allowed to attend the introductory session. Make sure to register by the deadline to secure your spot!

Follow us on:
📱Facebook | 📷Instagram | 🌐Web | 📹YouTube

TTPU Dean's office

26 Nov, 06:18

📣 Following students

You are asked to come to Dean's office

Abdualiyev Saidazimxo'ja Shuxratxo'jayevich
Abdusattorov Abdurazzoq Abduqodir o'g'li
Abduvoxidov Muxamaddiyor Abrorjon o'g'li
Abduxalilov Shaxboz Alisherovich
Akromov Fayzullo G'olibbek o'g'li
Alimov Bobirmirzo Saidbek o'g'li
Aliyev Azizbek Valijon o'g'li
Anvarxo'jayev Azizxo'ja Yashnar o'g'li
Axmedov Ubaydulloxon Oybek o'g'li
Botirov Abdullox Boriy o'g'li
Choriyev Komronbek Elbek o'g'li
G'olibxonov Og'abek Azizbek o'g'li
Imomaliyev Dilshodbek Qaxramon o'g'li
Karimova Nozimaxon Ozodjonovna
Maxamadjonov Ulug'bek Baxodir o'g'li
Murodov Abduazim Dilshod o'g'li
Nosirov Muxammadjon Nodirjonovich
Nurmaxamatov Muhammadamin o'g'li
Pirjanova Nodirabegim Asomiddinovna
Qayumov Ibroxim Olimjon o'g'li
Sadriddinov Abbosxon Alisher o'g'li
Sarvarova Sevinch Otabekovna
Shamsudinov Anis Olimjonovich
Shokirov Xumoyun Shuxratovich
Tohirov Abdurahmon Olimovich
Umarjonov Muhammadiyor Sanjar o'g'li
Usmonjonov Bekzodbek Baxromjonovich
Zoirov Izzatilla ismatilla o'g'li

TTPU Dean's office

26 Nov, 05:57

"Eng Yaxshi Dasturchi" tanlovida qatnashing!

27-noyabr kuni “Eng Yaxshi Dasturchi” tanlovining 1-bosqichi doirasida Universitetning eng yaxshi dasturchisi aniqlanadi hamda ushbu 1-o'rin sohibi hududiy doirada o'tkaziladigan 2-bosqichga yo'l oladi.

Asosiy bosqich gʻoliblarining mukofot jamgʻarmasi:
💲 1-o‘rin uchun — 15 000 000
💲 2-o‘rin uchun — 10 000 000
💲 3-o‘rin — 8 000 000 ni tashkil etadi.

Shuningdek, maxsus nominatsiyalarda ham gʻoliblarga mukofotlar bor.

TTPU Dean's office

25 Nov, 14:43

Dear Students,

Please note that the Structural Mechanics examination originally scheduled for November 27 has been rescheduled to November 28 at 11:30.

Thank you for your understanding.

TTPU Dean's office

25 Nov, 12:45

📣Announcement Midterm on Public Speaking for BM-23,
The Midterm on Public Speaking and Communication will be held November 28 in the Library.
Below is the timeline for the following groups:
BM4-23 at 9:30 AM
BM2-23 at 11:00 AM
BM1-23 at 2:30 PM
BM3-23 at 2:30 PM

TTPU Dean's office

25 Nov, 12:45

🚀 Transform Your Ideas with “Product Ideation, Design, and Management” 🚀

📣Ready to bring your product idea to life? Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) and Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) have joined forces to offer an exclusive, no-cost course designed for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators. Open only to TTPU and WIUT students, this program provides a unique opportunity to turn your ideas into real-world solutions!

💻Whether you’re aiming to launch a tech product or develop a small business, this program will guide you through each essential step.

Course Highlights:
🟢Generate and refine impactful ideas
🟢 Dive into product design, including 3D modeling for prototypes
🟢 Develop your product journey: Prototype > MVP > Market-Ready Solution
🟢 Master one-page marketing plans and business model canvases
🟢 Analyze market segmentation and industry trends
🟢 Benefit from one-on-one mentorship with industry professionals
🟢 Network with local and international experts, entrepreneurs, and like-minded people

Why choose this program?
🟢 Free, practical experience with real-world case studies
🟢 Access to a joint network of mentors, investors, and industry resources
🟢 Proven strategies for successful product management

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Fill out the form below, and our team will contact you to begin your entrepreneurial journey!⬇️

📅 Deadline to apply: 28 November 2024 11:00 a.m.

🎉 Mark Your Calendar!
The introductory session for this course will be held on November 29th at 11:00 a.m. in the SHB Building (Student Zone) at Westminster International University in Tashkent.
📍Location: Yandex Maps

⚠️Important: Only registered students will be allowed to attend the introductory session. Make sure to register by the deadline to secure your spot!

Follow us on:
📱Facebook | 📷Instagram | 🌐Web | 📹YouTube

TTPU Dean's office

25 Nov, 10:27

📣Dear all BM students,
Who have already registered for the Final 7, the exams have been scheduled in November 28-29, 2024. Please find attached Detailed Exam Schedule.

You must complete the following steps:
1. You have to pay UZS 500 000 per each registered course by Cash Desk office in the 2nd floor of TTPU.
2. Then, you have to bring your receipt to the #Room 309 (Gulchehra) for the confirmation. The receipt will be copied and saved for reporting.

3. Be on time, well prepared, follow the rules and bring your ID.


TTPU Dean's office

24 Nov, 11:00

❗️Dear Software Engineering and Architecture and Design students❗️

Please find the tentative schedule for Call 7 Exams.

You must complete the following steps:
1. You shouldn't have tuition fee debts for 2023/2024 A.Y.

2. You have to pay UZS 500 000 per subject (due to the cost associated with technical and student database maintenance, exam organization) by Cash Desk office in the 2nd floor of TTPU.

3. Then, you have to bring your receipt to the Dean Office for the confirmation. Dean office will approve your payment with your registered course names and put official stamp on your receipt.

4. Be on time, well prepared, follow the rules and bring your ID.

- Paid exams don't guarantee successful passing of the exams.

- Before exams you must pay and deliver the payment receipt to the Dean Office by Friday to have an access to the exams.

❗️P.S. Using mobile phones is not allowed during the exams❗️

In addition, please find the following credit threshold for transferring from one year to another:

- From 1st Year to 2nd Year - 30 credits.
- From 2nd Year to 3rd Year - 60 credits.
- From 3rd Year to 4th Year - 90 credits.

Those students who doesn't earn the credits above during this session will repeat the corresponding year.

TTPU Dean's office

22 Nov, 04:14

🔥💥Dear ME students

✈️ Prof. Massimo Zucco took a flight from Turin Italy to Tashkent and it is 7 hours flight to teach you how to measure and hold a caliper.
The distance is almost 5 000 ( five thousand ) km.

🧑‍🔬Please, Attend the classes of ESMM of professor Massimo Zucco. As from the next week it will be subjects related to the exam.

📌PS. just to note the exams will not be as last years it is completely different teacher and subject now

TTPU Dean's office

21 Nov, 05:00

Dear students,
We are pleased to announce that the "Startup Fest" event will take place at Inha University in Tashkent on November 21 at 14:00. This is a great opportunity for talented innovators to showcase their projects and compete for the “Startup Garage Coaching Service” scholarship.

Venue: University Building B, Conference Hall B-304.

Students with startup projects or an interest in this field are warmly invited to attend.

🔤 🔤 🔤

Hurmatli talabalar,
Joriy yilning 21-noyabr soat 14:00 da, Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida “Startup Fest” tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tadi. Unda iqtidorli innovatorlar o’z loyihalarini taqdim etib, “Startup Garage Coaching Service” stipendiyasini yutib olishlari mumkin.

O‘tkazilish joyi: Universitetning B-binosi, B-304 konferens zali.

Startup loyihalari mavjud va ushbu yo’nalishga qiziqish bildirgan talabalar taklif qilinadi.

TTPU Dean's office

20 Nov, 05:39


"Ziyo Forum" xalqaro jamg‘armasi Sergeli tumani hokimligi bilan hamkorlikda 35 yoshgacha bo‘lgan ijodkor dizaynerlar, me’morlar va rassomlarni yangi sayyohlik ko‘chalari Sug‘diyona va Jaloyir uchun noyob va funksional san’at obyektlarini yaratish bo‘yicha tanlovda ishtirok etishga taklif etadi!

🌟 Tanlov maqsadi
Sergeli tumanining o‘ziga xos qiyofasini namoyish etadigan, aholi va mehmonlar uchun qulay va funksional inshootlarni yaratish.

💡 Ish mavzusi:
Tarix va madaniyat: Hududning boy merosini simvol va mavzular orqali aks ettirish.
Zamonaviylik va kelajak: Ekologik toza va inklyuziv yechimlar.
Funksionallik: Shahar muhitining amaliy elementlari, masalan, o‘rindiqlar va chiroqlar.

🎨 Ish shakllari:
Interaktiv zonalar: Dam olish joylari, fotozonalar, tadbir maydonlari.
Funksional haykallar: O‘rindiqlar, soyali joylar, ijodiy veloparkovkalar.
Ekologik inshootlar: Yashil maydonlar yoki qayta ishlangan materiallardan yaratilgan tuzilmalar.
Kichik arxitektura elementlari: Belgilar, pavilyonlar, arkalik tuzilmalar.

📜 Qanday murojaat qilish mumkin:

1️⃣ Yosh talabi: 35 yoshgacha.

2️⃣ Ilova materiallari:

Eskizlar (kunduzi va tungi ko‘rinish).
Konsepsiya tavsifi (ramziylik va funksional maqsad).
Taxminiy smeta.
Texnik chizmalar (murakkab dizaynlar uchun).

3️⃣ Arizalarni topshirish muddati: 1 dekabr 2024

🏆 Mukofotlar:
Eng yaxshi loyihalarni moliyalashtirish va amalga oshirish.
Mualliflik huquqining tan olinishi.
Professional arxitektorlar bilan hamkorlik qilish imkoniyati.

📌 Ariza yuborish uchun:
✉️ [email protected]

🌍 Sergeli tumanining yangi qiyofasini yarating va shahar tarixida o‘z izingizni qoldiring!


TTPU Dean's office

19 Nov, 13:11

❗️Dear 1 year students❗️

Please check your timetable, there are some changes

TTPU Dean's office

19 Nov, 12:50

Dear BM students,

Registration is open now for paid retake exam in November.
The students who have not obtained required credits will have last opportunity for 2023-2024 AY to participate in the additional exam session - paid retake exam (you have to pay 500,000 UZS per subject due to the cost associated with technical and student database maintenance, exam organization), which will take place in the next week of November 2024.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Paid exams don't guarantee successful passing of the exams.

You can find the registration link in the following pages of LMS platform:
[BM-23 I] News - for 1st year students
[BM - 23 - II] News - for 2nd year students
[BM - 23 -III] News - for 3rd year students

If you do not register and pay, you will nit have a right to re-sit on the paid retake exam.


Deadline: November 21, 2024, 23:59

TTPU Dean's office

19 Nov, 04:26

Dear new students of 2024-2025 A.Y.

We ask that you check your LMS accounts to see if everything is OK. If there is a problem, please come to the Dean's office.

TTPU Dean's office

19 Nov, 03:20

❗️❗️❗️ Attention to the students of ME and CIE

Today's Classes on Thermodynamics are canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Sorry for any inconveniences❗️

TTPU Dean's office

18 Nov, 13:00

O'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta'lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi tashabbusi bilan talaba-yoshlar o'rtasida “Jadidlar jasorati — millatimiz faxri” hamda “Jadidlar: milliy o‘zlik, istiqlol va davlatchilik g‘oyalari” mavzularida insholar tanlovi o'tkazilmoqda.

Tanlov 2 bosqichda o‘tkaziladi:

1 - universitet bosqichi;
2 - yakuniy respublika bosqichi.

Siz ham ushbu tanlovning 1-bosqichida faol qatnashing va golib bo'lib pul (mehnatga haq to‘lashning 1 barobari miqdorida) mukofotini hamda yakuniy respublika bosqichiga yo'llanmani qo'lga kiriting!

Tanlov shartlariga ko'ra yakuniy respublika bosqichi g'oliblari quyidagi tartibda:
“Jadidlar jasorati - millatimiz faxri” mavzusida
1-o‘rin — 8 000 000 so‘m;
2-o‘rin — 6 000 000 so‘m;
3-o‘rin — 5 000 000 so‘m,

“Jadidlar: milliy o‘zlik, istiqlol va davlatchilik g‘oyalari” mavzusida
1-o‘rin — 8 000 000 so‘m;
2-o‘rin — 6 000 000 so‘m;
3-o‘rin — 5 000 000 so‘m miqdorda pul mukofotlari bilan taqdirlanadi.

Ishtirokchilarni ro'yxatga olish joriy yilning 5-dekabriga qadar amalga oshiriladi (104-xona).

Tanlov Nizomi bilan tanishish uchun #Insholar_tanlovi ga bosing.

TTPU Dean's office

18 Nov, 07:43


You are asked to come to Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

15 Nov, 15:25


You are asked to be in the Conference hall at 13:00. DON'T BE LATE

TTPU Dean's office

15 Nov, 05:22

Dear BM-21 students.
This is a kind reminder about tomorrow’s (November 16) Midterm Exam on Management Information Systems, which will be held in Room 305 at 13:00. Please arrive on time.

TTPU Dean's office

14 Nov, 09:48

Dear Students of
ME-23, CIE-23, IT-23, ASE-23

This is a kind reminder about tomorrow’s (November 15) Midterm Exam on Computer Science, which will be held in the Library at 2:30 pm. Please arrive on time and don't forget to bring your ID

TTPU Dean's office

14 Nov, 08:05

📣Dear Students,

Looking for an adventure that combines career growth with unforgettable travel experiences? The Work and Travel Romania program offers just that! Spend your time gaining hands-on experience, immersing in Romanian culture, and creating memories that last a lifetime!
🌏 Program Benefits:
- Guaranteed Free Housing & Food:
- Guaranteed Internship Placement: Gain real-world experience in your field.
🌅Competitive Stipend: Earn while you learn and support your journey!
🏝Flexible Travel Dates: Choose travel dates that work for you and enjoy flexibility with your return trip.
🏜Discover Romania: From vibrant cities to breath-taking landscapes, explore all that this incredible country has to offer. Ready to kickstart your Romanian adventure?
USTravel agency can support and guide you in the application process.
In order to get more detailed information, please participate in the face to face meeting with UStravel agency staffs.

📆 Date: 18.11.2024, at 16:00
📍 Room: Yellow Hall

TTPU Dean's office

14 Nov, 05:41

Dear all students who is going to participate ceremony

On Friday you are all asked to come to the Conference hall at 15:00. There will be preparations for the ceremony.

TTPU Dean's office

14 Nov, 04:32

Following Italian track students

You will not be able to take any exams until your tuition fee debt is paid. Your personal accounts have been blocked.

If you won't pay the debt by Monday, 18.11.2024, you will be excluded from the university.

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 15:52

Following Uzbek track students

You will not be able to take any exams until your tuition fee debt is paid. Your personal accounts have been blocked.

If you won't pay the debt by Monday, 18.11.2024, you will be excluded from the university.

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 11:56


You are asked to contact Dean's office 712466348 as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 06:51

Following students

You are asked to come to Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 05:53

⭕️ #Yil_talabasi #tanlov

"YIL TALABASI" Respublika ko‘rik tanlovining universitet bosqichi boshlandi.

Tanlov quyidagi nominatsiyalar bo'yicha o‘tkaziladi:

1) “Yilning o‘z mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha eng bilimdon talabasi”
2) “Yilning eng faol targ‘ibotchi talabasi”
3) “Yilning eng faol ixtirochi-innovator talabasi”
4) “Yilning eng faol sportchi talabasi”
5) “Yilning eng faol iqtidorli talabasi”
6) “Yilning eng faol ijodkor talabasi”
7) “Yilning eng faol tadbirkor talabasi

❗️Tanlovda kunduzgi shaklda tahsil olayotgan 2, 3, 4-bosqich talabalari qatnashishi mumkin. Bu yilgi tanlovda oldingi mavsumlarda ishtirok etib (1, 2 va 3-o‘ringa sazovor bo‘lgan) g‘oliblikni qo‘lga kiritgan nomzodlar ishtirok eta olmaydi.

- Tanlovning universitet bosqichi 18-noyabrga qadar o‘tkaziladi.

Tanlovda ishtirok etish uchun yoshlar bilan ishlash bo'limiga (104-xona) murojaat qiling.

TTPU Ma'naviyat va ma'rifat bo‘limi:

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 05:10


You are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 04:45

Hurmatli 4 bosqich talabalari, Sizdan Joriy yilning 22-noyabr sanasiga qadar havolasi orqali o‘tkazilayotgan ijtimoiy -sotsiologik so‘rovnomada faol ishtirok etishingizni so’raymiz.
(O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2024-yil 20-yanvardagi “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi huzuridagi Talaba va o‘quvchilarning ijtimoiy faolligini oshirish markazi faoliyati samaradorligini oshirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”gi 36-sonli qarorida talaba va o‘quvchilarning muammolarini doimiy o‘rganish bo‘yicha ijtimoiy tadqiqotlarni o‘tkazish hamda tahlil qilish vazifasi belgilangan.)

TTPU Dean's office

13 Nov, 04:40

‼️ Attention,
English Olympiad will start at 10:00 in the B1 auditorium.
Further instructions will be given in B1 auditorium.

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 13:32

Dear Foundation year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the beginning of 24/25 A.Y..

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 13:32

Dear 2nd year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the 24/25 A.Y..

If you don't find your name in the list please stop by Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 13:31

Dear 1st year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the beginning of 24/25 A.Y..

If you don't find your name in the list please be patient , stop by Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 12:16

Tomorrow, these students are asked to come to Grey hall at 14:30

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 11:54

Following students

You are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 06:13

Hurmatli talabalar,
Oliy ta'limda ta'lim sifatini yaxshilash uchun o'z takliflaringizni ushbu form havola orqali to'ldirib berishingizni so'raymiz.

Уважаемые студенты,
Мы просим вас поделиться своими предложениями по улучшению качества высшего образования, заполнив форму по следующей ссылке:

Dear students,
We kindly ask you to share your suggestions for improving the quality of higher education by filling out the form at the following link:

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 04:41

Dear BM-3-4-year students,
This is a reminder that the Midterm Exam on Engineering physics I will be held on Wednesday (13th November) at 14:30 in the Library. Please ensure you arrive on time.

TTPU Dean's office

11 Nov, 03:21

‼️ Dear BM Second-Year Students!

Please be informed that the schedule for Groupwork project presentations for Econometrics class in teaching week 10 (11.11.2024-16.11.2024) is as follows:
BM4-23: Monday at 14:30
BM2-23: Tuesday at 14:30
BM1-23: Tuesday at 16:00
BM3-23: Thursday at 09:30

Important Reminders:
1. The presentation is strictly limited to 10 minutes. Please manage your time accordingly and Be prepared for Q&A.
2. Ensure that you bring your PowerPoint slides with you, either on a USB drive or accessible via cloud storage, and check that everything is working properly beforehand.
3. Failure to present your work in front of your professor will result in an automatic fail.

Make sure to arrive on time and be fully prepared for your presentations. Should you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out to your professor.

TTPU Dean's office

08 Nov, 12:46

Dear BM 2nd year students!
There was a technical issue in previous submission page for Econometrics class. We fixed the error and we kindly ask you to re-submit your works once again even though you submitted your work earlier. Please submit your works once again on time. If you have any problem, let professors know via messaging in LMS. So that I can help you to fix it.
Thank your for your understanding.

N.B. Deadline has been extended to November 09, 2024 at 11:59 a.m..

TTPU Dean's office

08 Nov, 10:13

Dear BM 1st year students,

Please note that your Principles of economics exam is scheduled as follows:

📆 Date: 8th November, Friday at 16.00
📍Location: Library

❗️Exam rules:
Allowed: pen, pencil, calculator, blank paper
Not allowed: no electronic devices, lecture notes.


TTPU Dean's office

07 Nov, 14:29

Требуется преподаватель робототехники:

🏢 Офис: RoboEngineering LAB
📚 Технология: Arduino, Lego MindStorm
🇺🇿 Телеграм: @zub90
📞 контакт: +998 948427997
🌐 место: Toshkent shahar
🕰 Время подачи заявки: 7:00 - 22:00
🕰 Рабочее время: вы можете установить время занятий в удобное для вас время
💰 Зарплата: 4.500.000 - 7.500.000
‼️ Дополнительный:
Школе нужен опытный преподаватель, способный преподавать предметы по робототехнике и информационным технологиям на русском языке.

TTPU Dean's office

07 Nov, 12:25


Tomorrow, you are asked to come to Room 506 at 14:00

TTPU Dean's office

06 Nov, 07:26

TTPU Dean's office

06 Nov, 06:07


You are asked to come to Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

04 Nov, 10:25

Following students

Tomorrow, 05.11.2024, You are asked to come to B1 Auditorium at 09:00 o'clock

TTPU Dean's office

04 Nov, 09:43


You are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

04 Nov, 07:50

Dear new students of 24/25 A.Y.

If you haven't paid your tuition fees yet, please do so immediately. The deadline is the 8th of November.

If you have already paid, please skip this message.

TTPU Dean's office

04 Nov, 05:46

Following 3rd level students of Italian tracks

You are asked to pay tuition fees-payments for 2024-2025 A.Y. ( + debts for last year if applicable) by the 8th of November. Please be reminded, that not paying tuition fees on time can be resulted in the exclusion from the university.

TTPU Dean's office

02 Nov, 09:43

💥The Scientific Seminar on "Modeling of Natural Hazards, Epidemics, Social and Economic Systems" (Seminar Leader - DSc Jasur Kholkhujaev) at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is holding a regular face-to-face meeting. 

🧑‍🔬Speaker: DSc Matrasulov Davron
🧑‍💻Seminar is intended for Professors, Teachers, PhD Students, Master Degree students and for any interested people.

📆Date: November 4, 2024  
⏱️Time: 11:00-12:00
🚀Room: B2

#Seminar #Scientist #MAE #MechanicalAndAerospaceDepartment

TTPU Dean's office

01 Nov, 06:52


You are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

01 Nov, 06:50

"17-noyabr Xalqaro talabalar kuni" munosabati bilan “Armrestling” sport turi bo'yicha musobaqa o'tkaziladi.🏆

Tanlovda qatnashing va o'z qobilyatingizni namoyon qiling. Albatta tanlov g'oliblari munosib taqdirlanadi. 🥇🥈🥉

Tanlovga quyidagi havola orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting.


Savollar bo'yicha yozish uchun: @arsen_atl

TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 13:44

Dear 2nd year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the beginning of 24/25 A.Y..

If you don't find your name in the list please be patient , stop by Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 13:43

Dear 1st year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the beginning of 24/25 A.Y..

If you don't find your name in the list please be patient , stop by Dean's office

TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 12:30


Dear Students,

We are glad to introduce "INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS" optional courses for ME and CIE 3rd level course students.

At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand the operational procedure of spatial data development, design a geodatabase, spatial data query and display, geo spatial data analysis and modeling, cartographic mapping and dynamic visualization.

Registration link is

- Course will be held as offline form
- Course will start from 1.2 sub semester
- Attendance is COMPULSORY after your registration
- 6 Credits will be given to this course

Deadline: November 4, 2024

TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 08:25

"17-noyabr Xalqaro talabalar" kuni munosabati bilan universitetimizda "Tasviriy san'at" 🎨 tanlovi o'tkaziladi!

Tanlovda qatnashing va o'z qobilyatingizni namoyon qiling. Albatta tanlov g'oliblari munosib taqdirlanadi. 🥇🥈🥉

Tanlovga quyidagi havola orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting.


TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 07:27

🚀 Last chance! Registration for ICT Competition 2024-2025 ME&CA closes soon!

Huawei invites students from Uzbekistan to join the ICT Competition, an international event uniting over 750,000 students from 80+ countries. Learn cutting-edge technologies, compete, and stand a chance to win exciting prizes!

🗓 Deadline for application: October 31, 2024


⁉️For more details, visit: @uzbekistanictacademy
For questions, contact: @AyubxonK

🚀 So‘nggi imkoniyat! ICT Competition 2024-2025 ME&CA uchun ro‘yxatga olish jarayoni yakunlanmoqda!

Huawei O‘zbekiston talabalarini AKT sohasida 80+ mamlakatdan 750 000 dan ortiq talabalarni birlashtirgan tanlovga taklif etadi. Eng yangi texnologiyalarni o‘rganib, musobaqada qatnashing va turli qiziqarli sovg‘alarni yutib olish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

🗓 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish muddati: 2024-yil 31-oktabr


⁉️Batafsil: @uzbekistanictacademy
Savollar uchun murojaat qiling: @AyubxonK

🚀 Последний шанс! Регистрация на конкурс ICT Competition 2024-2025 ME&CA скоро заканчивается!

Huawei приглашает студентов из Узбекистана на глобальное мероприятие, объединившее более 750 000 студентов из 80+ стран. Изучайте передовые технологии, участвуйте в соревновании и получайте шанс выиграть различные призы!

🗓 Крайний срок подачи заявок: 31 октября 2024 г.


💠 #ICTacademy #ICTheFuture #HuaweiUzbekistan

⁉️Подробнее: @uzbekistanictacademy
По всем вопросам обращайтесь: @AyubxonK

TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 05:53

TTPU Dean's office

30 Oct, 04:20


Dear Students,

We are glad to introduce "environment management engineering for industrial activities" optional courses for ME and CIE 3rd level course students.

This course discusses:
>to collect data about flows of materials, energy and natural resources;
>to analyze complex data in an effective and interconnected way;
>to develop a matrix of Environmental Impacts based on data collected and ecosystem services analysis;
>to implement a simplified SWOT Matrix;

- Course will be held as offline form
- Course will start from 1.2 sub semester
- Attendance is COMPULSORY after your registration
- 6
Credits will be given to this course
Registration link is here

Deadline: November 4, 2024


Further details, will be announced under the comments soon.

TTPU Dean's office

29 Oct, 12:44

Авазов Элёр Эркинович
Акмалов Асадбек Алишерович
Атаханова Самира Элмурадовна
Бобомуродов Абдувохид Фазлиддин угли
Досмухамедова Фахрия Давроновна
Ибрагимов Файёзбек Тулкин угли
Каримов Абу Бакр Нуриддин угли
Кудратов Дилшодбек Урол угли
Мухаммадраупов Шухратбек Эркинжон угли
Орифова Камола Орифовна
Розикова Сожида Дилмурод кизи
Сатторов Азизбек Нодиржон угли
Свечникова Анастасия Викторовна
Толибоев Абдуллох Алишер ўғли
Турабаева Шахноза Фуркат кизи

Tomorrow (30/10/2024), above mentioned students are asked to come to Room 203 at 12:30

TTPU Dean's office

25 Oct, 12:24

🌍 Работа на летний период в США! 🇺🇸
👩‍🎓 Студенты, мечтающие о летней практике в Америке!

💼 Программа Work and Travel — это отличный способ получить международный опыт, улучшить английский и завести новых друзей!

📋 Что мы предлагаем?

Полное сопровождение в регистрации на программу.
Подробную информацию о программе.
Ответы на все ваши вопросы
💵 Стоимость услуги в профиле: @work_trUS

Важно: Мы не гарантируем получение визы. Это зависит от вашего интервью и посольства США в Ташкенте.

✉️ Готовы начать? Пишите в личные сообщения для получения более подробной информации!

Не упустите шанс! ⭐️

🌍 Summer Work Opportunities in the USA! 🇺🇸

👩‍🎓 Students dreaming of a summer internship in America!

💼 The Work and Travel program is a great way to gain international experience, improve your English, and make new friends!

📋 What we offer?

- Full support in registering for the program.
- Detailed information about the program.
- Answers to all your questions.

💵 Service fee details in profile: @work_trUS

Important: I cannot guarantee visa approval. It depends on your interview and the US Embassy in Tashkent.

✉️ Ready to start? Please message me for more detailed information!

Don't miss this opportunity! ⭐️

TTPU Dean's office

24 Oct, 12:08

Dear Students

Please be informed that all card games, including UNO, are strictly prohibited on campus premises. Additionally, smoking of any kind, including electronic cigarettes (vapes), is not allowed in all campus areas.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a focused and healthy environment for everyone

TTPU Dean's office

24 Oct, 06:41

TTPU Dean's office

23 Oct, 13:09

Dear BM 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students,

Last year's assignments have been re-opened for those students who are failed on General Psychology course.
Please, go to the course page, find the assignment rules and deadlines. Submit your reports on time and take your chances.
Deadline November 5, 2024.

Kind regards,
Aziza Tulyaganova

TTPU Dean's office

23 Oct, 04:04

Following 4th year students of 23/24 A.Y.

You are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible.

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 14:17

Dear 2nd year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the beginning of 24/25 A.Y..

If you don't find your name in the list please be patient , we update lists daily until you all find your group

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 14:17

Dear 1st year students

Please, find the group distribution and ID numbers for the beginning of 24/25 A.Y..

If you don't find your name in the list please be patient , we update lists daily until you all find your group

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 12:59

Following students are asked to come to Green hall at 14:30 on October 24

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 11:51


Both students are asked to come to Dean's office as soon as possible

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 07:15

PhP Developer (1 month paid internship)
#удаленка #middle #junior
Company: TTPU
Salary: TBD
Position Overview:
We're searching for a middle/junior PHP Developer 🧑‍💻 with a strong grasp of APIs 🔗 to be a vital part of our mobile app development team 📱. You'll act as the link 🤝 between our existing LMS platform ( 📚 and the mobile app 📱, ensuring smooth integration and functionality. Your main focus will be to clearly explain our platform's APIs 📢, help the mobile team understand the documentation 📖, and conduct thorough testing to ensure seamless data exchange 🔄.
Key Responsibilities:
— Work closely with the mobile development team 🤝 to understand their API needs 📱.
— Clearly explain and document how our platform APIs work 📝.
— Guide and support the mobile team in using the APIs effectively 👨‍🏫.
— Develop and run tests to make sure the APIs are reliable and perform well 🧪.
— Troubleshoot any API problems that come up during mobile app development 🕵️‍♂️.
— Good understanding of PHP and experience working with APIs (RESTful APIs preferred) 🐘
— Familiarity with API documentation standards and best practices 📚
— Great communication and teamwork skills to work effectively with the mobile team 🗣
— Experience with testing methods and tools 🛠
— Knowing Moodle LMS is a bonus, but not required 😉
What We Offer:
— Chances to grow and develop professionally 🌱
— Discount on Tuition Fee 💰
— Flexible work hours and the option to work remotely 🕰🏡
— OR
A dedicated workspace with a PC and reliable internet connection 🖥🌐
How to Apply:
Leave your CV in the comments 📝, and we'll be in touch after the selection process 📞.

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 06:42

TTPU Dean's office

22 Oct, 05:37

📣Ҳурматли ходимлар ҳамда талаба-ёшлар! 📣

«Беғараз донор бўлиб, инсонларга ҳаёт туҳфа қилинг!»


📌Университет 202 Тиббиёт хонасида

🗓25 октябр куни соат 8.30 - 14.00 гача ўтказилади.

Бу хайрияда иштирок этишингиз куплаб бемор болаларини хаётини сақлаб қолишга ёрдам беради!
СИЗГА олдиндан чексиз миннатдорчилик билдирамиз!🙏❤️

☎️ Маълумот учун телефон: 90-353-88-89.

TTPU Dean's office

21 Oct, 06:07


You are asked to come to Dean's office IMMEDIATELY

TTPU Dean's office

18 Oct, 13:22

Dear colleagues and students,

We are excited to announce that Professor Jeon Heung-seok from the Computer Engineering Department of Konkuk University will be visiting Turin Polytechnic University on October 22, 2024. He will provide informations to talented students for Master's and PhD programs in his department.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about advanced research opportunities at Konkuk University and discuss potential scholarships and research collaborations. If you are interested in pursuing further studies in software and computer engineering, come to the meeting.

Event Details

Date: October 22, 2024
Time: 11:00
Venue: 2nd floor, Meeting room
To attend this event, please register via the link below.

We look forward to your participation!

TTPU Dean's office

18 Oct, 13:22


Hurmatli talabalar, ertaga, 19 oktyabr “Hyatt Regency Tashkent” mehmonxonasida sizlarni istiqboldagi rejalaringizni ro'yobga chiqarishga ko'maklashuvchi tadbir o'tkaziladi.

“TALENTforBIZ” xalqaro karyera tadbirida “Aselsan”, “Chalık Holding”, “Halkbank”, “Kontrolmatik Technologies”, “Turkish Airlines” va “Turkish Aerospace” kabi ish beruvchilar bilan uchrashish va qiziqarli karyera imkoniyatlari bilan tanishish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lasiz. Shuningdek, tadbir davomida turli seminar va treninglar o‘tkazish reja qilingan.

To‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri bog‘lanish va bo‘sh ish o‘rinlarini o‘rganish uchun orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘ting.

Tadbir soat 09:00 dan 17:00 ga qadar davom etadi. Sizlar shu vaqt oralida o'zingizga qulay paytda borishingiz mumkin.

Yoshlar bilan ishlash boshqarmasi

Mehmonxona manzilini ushbu havola orqali ko'rishingiz mumkin.