Salafi Center Nigeria @salafinigeria Channel on Telegram

Salafi Center Nigeria


Salafi Center Nigeria (English)

Welcome to Salafi Center Nigeria, a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading the teachings of Salafism in Nigeria. If you are interested in learning more about the pure and authentic teachings of Islam, then this channel is perfect for you. Salafism is a movement within Sunni Islam that seeks to adhere strictly to the practices and beliefs of the first three generations of Muslims, known as the Salaf. This channel provides educational resources, lectures, and discussions on various topics related to Salafism, including Tawheed (monotheism), Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), and the importance of following the Quran and Sunnah. Salafi Center Nigeria aims to promote unity, brotherhood, and a deeper understanding of Islam among Muslims in Nigeria. Join us on this journey of seeking knowledge and strengthening our faith. Visit our website at for more information and resources. Together, let's strive to follow the true path of Islam and become better Muslims. Join Salafi Center Nigeria today and be a part of a community dedicated to spreading the message of Islam in Nigeria.

Salafi Center Nigeria

21 Feb, 07:49

The Fiqh of Ramadān 2️⃣

Salafi Center Nigeria

20 Feb, 02:43

💰Donate and encourage others to donate 👇

📥GofundMe (£)

Local Transfer (N)
Alternative Bank:
Acc. # 0505993510

May Allāh facilitate it, Amin.

بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله خيرا

Salafi Center Nigeria

15 Feb, 13:06

The Advice of Shaykh Rabīʿ Bin Hādī Regarding Tawḥīd, Sincerity, Taqwā, Unity and Brotherhood (2013)


And you must build brotherly union in [all affairs] between yourselves, go hand in hand (with each other to achieve unity), and cooperate upon righteousness and piety and (you must) keep far away from separation all of its causes. The person who comes to the Salafi Daʿwah must adopt this methodology, he should keep away from all the ways that kindle differences and separation.

There are some people who stir up the causes of separation, they stir up tribulations and thereby tear up the Salafis, rupturing them [into pieces]. This is not from the correct methodology, and nor from the Salafi way, and nor from the methodology of the Ṣaḥābah and Tābiʿīn. Some people (deliberately) seek out and find ways which split and tear apart. Such people are not to be trusted with respect to the dīn of Allāh, the Blessed and Exalted...

Read article:

Salafi Center Nigeria

14 Feb, 03:02

What Can and Cannot be Done for the Deceased

📌 Gathering in a Mosque or a hired hall etc., after someone’s death (after the Janāzah and burial) to receive condolences is not from the Sunnah or the practice of the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) — it is an innovation (bid’ah) and prohibited.

As for the legislated condolences such that a man visits his brother to console him in his house, or when he meets him in the street, at the masjid, at a shop, or the farm, etc., then there is no harm in his brothers visiting him to console him concerning the loss of his father, his brother or his mother (etc).

As for preparing food for visitors, or calling reciters who recite for the deceased or other affairs that are done for the deceased upon his death for three days, or after forty days, or after a year, then all of these [events] have no basis in Islam.

Likewise, gathering people at a Masjid or hall to receive condolences and making congregational du’ās (supplications) for the deceased, then this is an innovation in the Religion not practiced by the Prophet (salallāhu ’alaihi wasallam) or his Companions and followers.

Rather, du’ā (supplication) should be made for the deceased: du’a to Allah for his forgiveness and mercy. Also, charity is given on his behalf with what is easy to give, at any time, even if it is years after his death. Giving sadaqah (charity) benefits the deceased, du’a benefits the deceased, likewise making Hajj and ‘Umrah on his behalf and paying off his debts – all of this benefits the dead person.

Imām Ash-Shāfi’ī (d.204H) said in Al-Umm (1/248):

“I hold the Mātam (gathering for mourning and lamenting) to be hated, even if they do not cry, for it is a revival of grief, and is a burden on provisions, alongside conflicting with what has been stated in the narration.”
It is as if he is referring to the hadeeth of Jarīr Ibn Abdillāh.

Ibn Al-Humām likewise declared the practice of hosting people after a burial at the home of the deceased and making food (for guests) to be something hated and he said, “It is an ugly innovation (bid’ah).” (See Sharhul-Hidāyah 2/565)

From the deplorable innovations is to remove furnishings from the home of the family of the deceased in order to make space for the people to gather for mourning and receive condolences, and to remain in that state for seven (or three) days – and then to return back the furnishings. (See: Al-Madkhal 3/279-280 and Ahkām al-Janā’iz of Al-Albānī, pp. 210, 211, 320)

The term mātam is commonly used by the common people who claim that to gather (for mourning) is a part of their culture, even though there is no proof for it, and it contradicts the Sunnah.

The Imam of Hadeeth and Sunnah, Shaikh Al-Albānī (may Allah shower him with mercy) stated: It is necessary to avoid two matters:

1. Gathering to receive condolences in a specified location such as a house, or the cemetery or a masjid.
2. Preparation of food by the household of the family for those coming to give condolences.

This is due to the hadeeth of Jarīr Ibn Abdillāh Al-Bajali (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) who said, “We [the Companions] would consider gathering to visit the house of the deceased and making food after their burial, both to be from wailing over them.” (Ahmad, 6905 and Ibn Mājah 1/490 – its chain of narration is authentic upon the conditions of Bukhāri and Muslim)

So, please pay attention to these matters. May Allah bless you.

By Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid.

Date: Wednesday 12 February 2025 / 13 Sha’bān 1446.

Salafi Center Nigeria

14 Feb, 03:01

“Valentines Day” has no basis in Islam.

Valentine was a priest of Rome killed in the 269CE; the tradition is rooted in Christian Sainthood.

Salafi Center Nigeria

13 Feb, 16:25

ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه): "No one concealed something [in his heart] except that Allāh (عز وجل) makes it appear [outwardly] through the expressions of his face and the slips of his tongue." Al-Ādāb al-Sharīʿah (1/136).

Daniel Haqiqatjou appeared on the scene many years ago presenting as someone who refutes atheists and defends Islām. After he built up a sizeable audience, he began to reveal his inner biases, resentments, hatreds and animosities towards the people of Tawḥīd and Sunnah, bit by bit. He is a man full of ignorance and contradictions, but his reality can be summarised in one image.

Read more:

Salafi Center Nigeria

11 Feb, 04:23


📃 كلمةٌ في حق الأخوين الفاضلين (محمد كبير إبراهيم) و(بدماسي ألفا عمر) من بلاد نيجيريا.. وفقهما الله

🎙 لفضيلة الشيخ
نزار بن هاشم العباس
-حفظه الله ورعاه-

بتاريخ: ١١/ شعبان/١٤٤٦
الموافق: ١٠/ فبراير/ ٢٠٢٥

📲 لسماع الصوتية:

🌍 الصفحة الرسمية للشيخ على التلجرام:

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Feb, 07:28

🎥 يسر قناة ميراث الأنبياء المرئية 🎥

أن تضع بين أيديكم

تسجيلًا لشرح: كتاب الصيام من بلوغ المرام
للإمام الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني -رحمه الله-

🎙️ شرح فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور:
-حفظه الله تعالى-

▫️ عدد الدروس: (3)

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Feb, 05:42


💠 كلمة توجيهية لطلبة العلم في مصر ونيجيريا

👤 الشيخ محمد بن عمر الفلاني التشادي - حفظه الله -

🎥 قناة يوتيوب لمسجد ابن عثيمين بلوكوجا

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Feb, 01:53

Distribution of Inheritance - An Introduction in Diagrams - Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl حفظه الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

05 Feb, 17:53

🔊صوتية جديدة:

🎙️الأحكام المتعلقة بشهر شعبان

📜 ألقاها فضيلة الشيخ أبو يوسف مصطفى مبرم (حفظه الله) يوم السبت الثاني من شهر شعبان 1446هـ (الموافق ٢٠٢٥/٢/١م)

🎙️[New Audios Upload - Arabic & English]:

📜Rulings of the Month of Sha’bān

👤Shaykh Mustafa Mabram (حفظه الله)

Salafi Center Nigeria

05 Feb, 10:50

Masjid Ibn ʿUthaimīn, Lokoja Is Pleased To Announce This Tele-Link Lecture In Preparation For The Month of Ramaḍān, Titled;

💠 Ramaḍān, The Month of Rectification (Along With Words of Advice For Newly Practising Muslims)

👤 Ustādh Abū Qaylah Rasheed Barbee - حفظه الله -

🗓️ Friday, 8th Shaʾbān, 1446 (هـ) | 7th February, 2025 (م)

🕰️ 8 PM - Nigerian Time | 9 PM - Egyptian Time | 2 PM (EST) - Durham, CA Time

💠 Live On MIU Telegram Channel: ⁩

إن شاء الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

04 Feb, 03:56

شعبان أحكام وفضائل - الشيخ د. خالد الظفيري

Salafi Center Nigeria

03 Feb, 06:13

‏صورة من محمد كبير إبراهيم عمر

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Feb, 20:44

The Salafi Dawah has been moving steadily in Africa for many years. Alhamdulillaah!

May Allaah increase and strengthen it.

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Feb, 20:26

Live stream finished (55 minutes)

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Feb, 19:30


The translation in English of the lecture titled:

📝 The Rulings Partaining to the Month of Shabān

الأحكام المتعلقة بشهر شعبان

👤 Original lecture delivered by Shaykh Mustafa Mubram (حفظه الله)

Listen Live:

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Feb, 19:30

Live stream started

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Feb, 18:22

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Feb, 18:17

Salafi Center Nigeria

18 Jan, 18:06

💰⏳️Alhamdulillah, over 20% of the target have been raised

♻️Support the Masjid to complete the about 80% remaining.

May Allāh reward Salafi Masājid and Marākiz for the overwhelming support.

This is the brotherhood our Mashaayikh have nutured us upon.

{وَتَعَاوَنُوا۟ عَلَى ٱلۡبِرِّ وَٱلتَّقۡوَىٰۖ}

💰Donate and encourage others as well to donate 👇

📥GofundMe (£)

Local Transfer (N)
Alternative Bank:
Acc. # 0505993510

May Allāh facilitate it, Amin.

بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله خيرا

Salafi Center Nigeria

15 Jan, 06:00

Sh Rabee said, "two evil traits I hate: arrogance and lying"

How about if they are both in one person?
Autho billah

Salafi Center Nigeria

15 Jan, 04:20

Masjid Al-Allāmah 'Ubayd Al-Jābirī

🔗Social Media Accounts:

WhatsApp Channel

Telegram Channel

Facebook page:

X Page:

Donate to the Masjid Project👇
📥GofundMe (£)

Local Transfer (N)
Alternative Bank:
Acc. # 0505993510

Salafi Center Nigeria

14 Jan, 02:17

Al-Allamah Ubayd in 2000 had 6 students in his lessons where he taught many books in Masjid al Jābirī. Never did it deter him from teaching nor did he scorn those that were absent. In 2007, 100s attended in person and 100s online. Same humility was displayed.
رحمه الله ويتقبل منه

Salafi Center Nigeria

14 Jan, 02:15

*Andrew Tate’s Comments Regarding ‘Islamic Crimes’ in Britain*

On 7 January 2025, the online celebrity known as Andrew Tate posted some comments on his Twitter (X) account in which he spoke of “Islamic crimes”, “rape”, “illegally invading and occupying lands” and other affairs. What follows below is constructive criticism and bruverly advice which is never rejected or scorned by possessors of masculinity and bravery.

Read article:

Salafi Center Nigeria

14 Jan, 02:13

Brother and sisters, please take a slow, careful read of this sincere open advice from Dr. @AbuIyaadSP to @Cobratate. It is important not to get caught up in the hype of red pill vs blue pill and this ism and that ism. These are the same schools of theory that brought us modernism, postmodernism and post-postmodernism. This is the nature of debate and argumentation (Ahl al-Kalām). Without humbling oneself and returning back to our Lord, seeking out and following his command and guidance, one is left to slither around in the tabloid arguments of the day, trying to 'invent' meaning and purpose.

Additionally, try to break the creeping addiction of rapid scrolling of micro-videos that dumb and numb the brain (as emerging research is showing). Instead, get a cup of tea, a handful of dates, and sit and read an article like this which is rich in knowledge and insights. Watching cats fall off bannisters won't accomplish this. Subscribe to the Telegram channels of @AbuIyaadSP, @AbuKhadeejahSP, @IbnAkhdar @hikmahpubs etc. and try to tune out the 'For You' tabs on X in which Musk and his musketeers try to algorithmically program your knowledge base. No need for TikToking and other video glaring zombie pursuits. Sit, read, study - build your attention span and cut out the noise (and misguidance).

Salafi Center Nigeria

12 Jan, 06:41

Sh Abdullah AlBukhaari today said the one who talks too much his mistakes are many.

The best speech is that which is concise and accurate

Salafi Center Nigeria

12 Jan, 03:02

Allah blesses the humble, sincere, pious student and his dawah. He is accepted by those around him and by those that meet him.
As for the arrogant, self amazed one is despised and looked down upon.

As you treat others you shall be treated
كما تدين تدان

Salafi Center Nigeria

10 Jan, 13:19

Important links:

Masjid Al-Allāmah 'Ubayd WhatsApp Channel

Masjid Al-Allāmah 'Ubayd telegram Channel

Donate to the Masjid Project👇
📥GofundMe (£)

Local Transfer (N)
Alternative Bank:
Acc. # 0505993510

Salafi Center Nigeria

10 Jan, 13:19

No Authentic Narration that Specifies Fasting Particularly for the Month of Rajab

Al-Imām Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalī (d. 795H) stated:

As for (specific) fasting (in the month of Rajab), there is nothing authentic that is narrated regarding the virtue of specifying fasting particularly for the month of Rajab, not from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) nor from his companions.

Source: Laṭhāif al-Ma'ārif, Dārul Ibn Jawzī (Saudi) Print, pg 278.


‏قال ابن رجب الحنبلي(رحمهالله) (٧٩٥هجري):
وأما الصيام فلم يصح في فضل صوم رجب بخصوصه شيء عن النبي صلى الله عليه ولا من أصحابه.

لطائف المعارف، ص ٢٧٨ ط. دار ابن الجوزي السودية

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Jan, 13:18

‏قال ابن رجب الحنبلي (رحمه الله) (٧٩٥ هجري):
فأما الصلاة؛ فلم يصح في شهر رجبٍ صلاةٌ مخصوصة تختَصُّ به، والأحاديث المروية في فضل صلاة الرغائب في أول ليلة جمعة من شهر رجب كذبٌ وباطلٌ لا يصح، وهذه الصلاة بدعة عند جمهور العلماء.

لطائف المعارف، ص ٢٧٨ ط. دار ابن الجوزي السودية

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Jan, 05:26

📜New Upload

📝 Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah on Solātur-Raghā’ib

"The Messenger of Allāh never offered this prayer (Solāt ar-Raghā’ib), nor did any of his companions, nor did the taābi’een (followers of the Companions), nor did the great Imams of the Muslims, offer it."

♻️ Continue reading👇

Salafi Center Nigeria

04 Jan, 06:43

🎥New Video Upload

Advice For Those Who Return To AI Programs (#MetaAI, #ChatGPT, etc.) For Fatāwa (Legislative Rulings) - Shaykh Dr. Abdullāh adh-Dhafairi @abdulahaldafiri (May Allāh preserve him)

Salafi Center Nigeria

04 Jan, 05:06

Advice For Those Who Return To AI Programs (Meta AI, ChatGPT, etc.) For Fatāwa (Legislative Rulings) - Shaykh Dr. Abdullāh adh-Dhafairi (May Allāh preserve him)

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Jan, 21:07

Knowledge is sought to be implemented
May Allāh not make our knowledge a proof against us
A truely needed lesson by our Shaykh @uwaysT
We encourage brothers and sisters to tune in for the lesson
⏰️At 8:30pm local time
📡 Live via

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Jan, 21:06


Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Jan, 20:46

🎙️Lecture - Reasons That Prevent a Person from Implementing Their Knowledge.

👤 Shaykh Uways

🗓 Friday at 7.30pm
(8:30pm Nigeria Time)

📍💻 Live at Masjid Daarussunnah & on | All Welcome

Salafi Center Nigeria

01 Jan, 16:51

🆕 Complete Playlist Uploaded - including ‘Advice to Newly Married Couples’

📚 Treatment Between The Spouses

👤 Shaykh Uways Taweel @uwaysT

📒 A Selection of Benefits from Sharh Al-Mumti' of Al-Allāmah Muhammad Bin Sāleh Al-Uthaymīn رحمه الله

الشرح الممتع على زاد المستقنع ـ العلامة العثيمين

باب عشرة النساء


Salafi Center Nigeria

01 Jan, 16:50

❄️ PLAYLIST - “ The Path to Cultivation of the Family in Islam” - SalafiPublications Winter Conference 2024


🎙️ Shaykh Mustafa Mabram
🎙️ Shaykh @Abdulilah_UK
🎙️ Shaykh @uwaysT
🎙️ Shaykh @AbuKhadeejahSP
🎙️ Shaykh @IbnAkhdar
🎙️ Shaykh @AbuIyaadSP
🎙️ Shaykh @AbuIdrees

Salafi Center Nigeria

30 Dec, 17:16

Advice to the New Salafi.

Salafi Center Nigeria

30 Dec, 08:28

Support the establishment of Masjid Al-Allāmah Ubayd Al-Jābirī رحمه الله

♻️Your contributions will lay the foundation for the establishment of this Masjid, In Shaa Allāh. A Great Sadaqatun Jāriyah

🟢Contribute with the hope of receiving the reward from Allah (al-Ihtisāb).

"Whoever builds a masjid for Allah, then Allah will build for him a house in Jannah" (Bukhārī & Muslim)

Support this project by donating via:

📥GofundMe (£)

Local Transfer (Naira)
Alternative Bank:
Acc. # 0505993510

May Allāh facilitate it, Amin.

Salafi Center Nigeria

27 Dec, 10:11

🆕️ Lesson - A Selection of Benefits from Sharh Al-Mumti' of Al-Allāmah Muhammad Bin Sāleh Al-Uthaymīn (Rahimahullāh)

‎الشرح الممتع على زاد المستقنع ـ العلامة العثيمين

📚 Chapter: Treatment Between The Spouses

‎باب عشرة النساء

🎙Shaikh Uways At-Taweel ⁦ @uwaysT ⁩
‎[Live In Person] إن شاء الله

🗓 Fri 27th December 2024
🗓 Sat 28th December 2024
🗓 Tues 31st December 2024
🗓 Wed 1st January 2025

🕗 7:45 PM UK
🕗 2:45 PM USA
🕗 10:45 PM KSA

🕌 Masjid Bin Bāz East Road London E15 3QR

🌐 Listen Live
‎⁦ ⁩

👥 All Welcome

Salafi Center Nigeria

24 Dec, 10:34

Shaykh Dr. Abdullāh Ibn Sulfēq adh-Dhafairī – may Allah preserve him – said¹:

From the Tawfēq (Blessing) of Allāh عز وجل upon a student of knowledge is that he presents what he has written and that which he intends to write to the Scholars so that they can correct his mistakes and review what he writes. For indeed humans are weak; no matter the extent of intelligence and knowledge the student of knowledge is bestowed with, his need for persistent connection with the Scholars is from the greatest need.

Continue reading 👇

Salafi Center Nigeria

24 Dec, 04:58

📢 We call upon the Salafis in Nigeria to tune in with their writing materials and make great benefit of the @SalafiPubs Winter Conf. '24 with our beloved Mashaayikh starting today at 12 noon Nig. time.

🔊Live via

Nigeria is 1hr ahead

Salafi Center Nigeria

23 Dec, 17:06

📌 Please share the schedule with friends and family.

💯 If you’re in the UK, attend in person if you can.

Bārakallāhu feekum!

Salafi Center Nigeria

21 Dec, 19:00

Jesus Christ, the son of Maryam (peace be upon them) never said he was God or son of God. He wasn't born on the 25th December. His mother was eating ripe dates when she gave birth to him. The 25th of December was chosen because the pagans were worshipping the sun on that day.

Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Dec, 14:50

GET READY! - Winter Conference 2024 Schedule!

🕚 We start at 11am - Tuesday 24th December Inshā Allāh!

🏡 “The Path to Cultivation of the Family in Islām”

🎙️ @Abdulilah_UK
🎙️ @uwaysT
🎙️ @AbuKhadeejahSP
🎙️ @IbnAkhdar
🎙️ @AbuIyaadSP
🎙️ @AbuIdrees

📍 @MasjidSalafi - Birmingham - B10 9SP

Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Dec, 14:49

When you know in your heart that you are wrong, humble yourself, learn good manners, return to the truth and repent to Allah.

The Prophet said: “Piety is good manners; and sin is that which wavers in your heart and you hate that people should find out about it.” (Muslim 2553)

Salafi Center Nigeria

13 Dec, 06:30

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #13 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #70

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 13th Jumādal Akhirah, 1446H (14th Dec., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

10 Dec, 03:04

The Prohibition of Taking Part in the Festivities of the Unbelievers – Uways at-Taweel

Some points discussed:
– The disbelief of the Christians as mentioned in the Qur’an
– How Christians have imitated idol worshippers and the pagan roots of Christmas
– Proofs from the Qur’an and Sunnah prohibiting witnessing, attending and participating in non-Muslim festivities in any way or fashion
– The severe prohibition of congratulating the non-Muslims on their festivities

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Dec, 04:32

The Ruling of Foodstuffs that are Distributed During Christmas and Christian New Year Festivals - Sh. Abdullāh Ad-Dhafirī

▪️For the latest edited version of this translation, please visit:

Salafi Center Nigeria

09 Dec, 04:32

💥Celebrating the Slander of One's Mother - a Lesser Similitude to Celebrating Christmas

👤Sh. Abu Iyād حفظه الله

♻️ A must listen

💫 Share with friends, relatives, and contacts.

Salafi Center Nigeria

07 Dec, 08:22

Live on Mixlr

Shaykh Uways @uwaysT
Hadeeth of Hafsah #238 from Umdatul-Ahkam on the types of Hajj

Salafi Center Nigeria

07 Dec, 08:08


📝 'Umdatul-Ahkaam - Lesson 69
📚 Chapter: Book of Hajj - Class 12

🎙 Sh. Uways at-Taweel (حفظه الله)

Listen Live:

Salafi Center Nigeria

06 Dec, 09:30

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #12 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #69

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 6th Jumādal Akhirah, 1446H (7th Dec., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

05 Dec, 07:31

📹 NEW UPLOAD - Those who claim Salafi Publications are disconnecting the people from the Scholars

🎙By Sh. Abdulilah Lahmami حفظه الله

‎Link 👉🏽 ⁦⁩

Salafi Center Nigeria

28 Nov, 03:01

Have a look at the structural plan of the Masjid of Al-Allāmah Ubayd (رحمه الله), insighful and well planned - Alhamdulillah. May Allāh establish it and make it successful
Proposed Masjid Plan - Masjid Al-Allāmah 'Ubayd

Keep donating, and share with families and friends.

Bāraka Allāh fēkum

Salafi Center Nigeria

27 Nov, 09:21

📡Naseehah (Video)

Advice to the Salafis in @ Nigeria
By Shaykh Dr. Abdullāh Adh-Dhafairī @abdulahaldafiri حفظه الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

26 Nov, 18:25

Donation Channels:

1️⃣Donate now @ gofundme:

2️⃣International Donation – Pound £:
Account Number: 63918768
Account Name: Dar ul-Hadith
Sort Code: 30-95-42
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Donation Ref.: SCNigeria Masjid

3️⃣Local Bank Donations – Naira:
Account Number: 0505993510
Bank Name: Alternative Bank
Account Name: Salafi Educational Centre Nigeria

4️⃣International Bank Transfer Donations – Currency: US Dollars ($)
Account Number: 0505993541
Bank Name: Alternative Bank
Account Name: Salafi Educational Centre Nigeria
[For more details please contact
+2348098602607 on WhatsApp]

Salafi Center Nigeria

26 Nov, 12:26

A must read on the importance of establishing Masjid

Support Salafis in Nigeria towards establishing Masjid Al-Allāmah Ubayd

The Contribution of the Mosque to Family Life and Towards Building a Community in the West by Shaykh @AbuKhadeejahSP حفظه الله

Some of the important roles of a Masjid in a community, as highlighted by Shaykh @AbuKhadeejahSP, include:

1. The centre of community life
2. The Madrassah
3. Festivals and pillars
4. Weddings, divorces, and funerals
5. A place for young people
6. Advice and support

Excerpt of the conclusion of the Shaykh:

"So the mosque is truly a treasure in any community so long as it adheres to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Companions and the Pious Predecessors of the Ummah."

Salafi Center Nigeria

26 Nov, 07:41

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم "من لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله"

*He who is not grateful to the people is not grateful to Allāh*

Jazākum Allāh khayrah for the overwhelming support.

Keep Donating
Allāh will build a house for you in Paradise

Share with others

Salafi Center Nigeria

24 Nov, 13:11

📡 GofundMe donations 👇

Donate and spread the news
Let's establish Masjid Al-Allāmah Ubayd Al-Jābirī رحمه الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

23 Nov, 19:21

Masjid Al-Allāmah 'Ubayd Al-Jābirī Project (Phase 1)

Recognizing the dire need for a Salafi Masjid in Lagos that calls to At-Tawheed, the Manhaj, and the pure Sunnah, we aim to establish a Masjid for the People of Sunnah by the Permission of Allāh.

We have named the Masjid after the Noble Shaykh Al-Allāmah 'Ubayd Ibn Abdullāh Al-Jābirī (رحمه الله).

We are seeking the support of Ahlus Sunnah around the globe in establishing this masjid. جزاكم الله خيرا

The project is in two phases
Phase 1: Land Acquisition
Phase 2: Masjid Construction

Bank Name:
The Alternative Bank
Account Name: Salafi Educational Centre, Nigeria
Account Numbers:
Naira (N) account: 0505993510
Dollar ($) account: 0505993541

Phase 1:
Target Amount
N 100 million [$60,000]

Amount Raised
N 912,750 [$ 554]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: " Whoever builds a mosque (masjid) for Allāh, then Allāh will build for him a house in Paradise." (Agreed Upon)

Salafi Center Nigeria

21 Nov, 18:05

📢 Weekly Lesson (Thursdays)- Tonight, inshaa'Allaah

📜Readings from the Explanation of Usūl-us-Sittah of Shaykhul Islām Muhammad Ibn Wahhab by Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān حفظه الله

🗓️ Thursday (19th Jumada I - 21st Nov.)

⏱️8:30pm NGN, 10:30pm KSA/East Africa

👤Abu Tayyibah Sādiq

🛜 Broadcast via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Nov, 17:12

Birmingham Winter Conference
Dates: Tue 24th & Wed 25th December 2024
Theme: “The Path to Cultivation of the Family in Islam”
Venue: The Salafi Masjid

🎙️ Confirmed speakers:


Invite your family and friends.

Salafi Center Nigeria

15 Nov, 20:26

This is of paramount relevance at a time when individuals who are misguided, with corrupt 'Aqeedah, and astray, leading others astray, are gathering in our lands under the guise of unity to spread their venom.

Beware, O Muslims, you are warned! They would corrupt your religion!

Salafi Center Nigeria

15 Nov, 20:26

A refutation of Yasir Qadhi:

―his allegiance to ahlul-Bid'ah
―his revilement of ahlus-Sunnah
―his doubts about Islam
―his venom towards the rulers
―his belittlement of the Sunnah
―his attacks upon the scholars
―his hatred of the Manhaj of the Salaf

via X:

Salafi Center Nigeria

10 Nov, 18:08

This is clear. If there's doubt, then certainty is not removed by doubt. From the principles of the sharia, if you're certain that you have wudu, then certainty is not removed by doubt, especially in the case of an individual that suffers from wiswās. So, they perform wudu and go to pray, thinking they've broken wind or passed gas, and this happens repeatedly. Wiswās of the shaitan. Make wudu, alhamdulillah, and don't pay any attention to doubt. Unless, if you are doubtful, as we find in the hadith:

أَخَرَجَ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ أَمْ لَا

unsure if anything has come out

فَلَا يَخْرُجَنَّ مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ

then they should not leave the masjid (to perform wudu)

حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ صَوْتًا، أَوْ يَجِدَ رِيحًا

until they hear a sound or perceive a smell

If they have doubt and it's not the case, they should continue to pray. This is the way to overcome wiswas. This is very important. The cure for wiswās, the whisperings of the devil, is not paying attention to it and seeking refuge with Allah. We ask Allah to grant us success.

وَجَزَاكُمُ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا، وَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ فِيكُمْ

Salafi Center Nigeria

10 Nov, 18:08

الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وبعد:

Question 181: I struggle with differentiating between actually passing gas and the gas sensations I feel during prayer, which is compounded by my existing digestive issues. When I bend or sit in sujud, I often feel bubbly sensations or air passing through, leading to intense doubt about whether I’ve actually passed gas. I usually have to repeat my wudu countless times. How can I manage these doubts effectively while adhering to the guidance of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم regarding prayer and wudu?

Answer: With regards to this question, I will first talk about the matter of wiswās (whisperings of the devil), because I've had many questions relating to this topic. So, I think this is a good point and juncture, inshAllah ta'ala, to discuss this issue. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us all success.

The Prophet ﷺ directed us to the cure and remedy for wiswās, the cure and remedy as it relates to the whisperings of the devil. We find in the authentic hadith in Bukhari and Muslim 📚:

«فَإِذَا بَلَغَهُ فَلْيَسْتَعِذْ بِاللهِ وَلْيَنْتَهِ»

📚 صحيح البخاري - 3276

"If this happens to them, if they experience this, then they must seek refuge with Allah and refrain from paying attention to it."

It's important for us to understand, brothers and sisters, that the objective of the shaitan, the devil, when presenting these doubts and whisperings is to create anxiety, confusion, and difficulty for the person, possibly leading them to refrain from doing good and beneficial acts, causing them distress and worry, because shaitan is the enemy to mankind.

And the cure that we find in this hadith of the Prophet ﷺ:

«فَإِذَا بَلَغَهُ فَلْيَسْتَعِذْ بِاللهِ وَلْيَنْتَهِ»

"If they experience this, then they must seek refuge with Allah."

So, the first cure is what? To seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil, the shaitan, and its plots and plans. The Prophet ﷺ commanded that the individual seek refuge with Allah because if Allah protects you, then nothing can harm you. Success is from Allah alone, and the plots and plans of the devil are weak.

The second thing that we find in this hadith is:


"They should ignore these whispers and pay no attention to them whatsoever." Do not act upon them nor allow them to hinder you from good. Ignore them.

Individuals who may have asked me about these things in person know, alhamdulillah, the way that we've managed by the tawfiq (success) of Allah Azza wa Jal to get over these types of occurrences. Success is from Allah Azza wa Jal alone, Tabaraka wa Ta'ala, by implementing what we find in the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.

So, what we find in this hadith is a general cure and remedy as it relates to this illness, this wiswās, that affects many people, إِلَّا مَن رَّحِمَ اللَّهُ.

Also, as it relates to this question specifically, in this situation highlighted in the question, we can offer further advice based upon the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. And the best guidance is the guidance of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This shows the importance of seeking knowledge, طلب العلم.

It comes in the authentic hadith, narrated by Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased with him., that the Prophet ﷺ said:

عَنْ ‌أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ :

«إِذَا وَجَدَ أَحَدُكُمْ فِي بَطْنِهِ شَيْئًا، فَأَشْكَلَ عَلَيْهِ أَخَرَجَ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ أَمْ لَا، فَلَا يَخْرُجَنَّ مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ صَوْتًا، أَوْ يَجِدَ رِيحًا»

📚 [صحيح مسلم - 362]

"If one of you feels something in their stomach, and is unsure if anything has come out, then they should not leave the masjid (to perform wudu) until they hear a sound or perceive a smell."

Salafi Center Nigeria

07 Nov, 16:28

📢 Weekly Lesson (Thursdays)- Tonight, inshaa'Allaah

📜Readings from the Explanation of Usūl-us-Sittah of Shaykhul Islām Muhammad Ibn Wahhab by Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān حفظه الله

🗓️ Thursday (5th Jumada I - 7th Nov.)

⏱️8:30pm NGN, 10:30pm KSA/East Africa

👤Abu Tayyibah Sādiq

🛜 Broadcast via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

05 Nov, 18:11

How seeking status can lead to destructive jealousy

By Shaykh @UwaysT حفظه الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Nov, 07:10

Inshaa'Allaah, classes with Shaykh Uways at-Taweel (may Allāh preserve him) would resume next week Saturday, 7th Jumada al-Ula 1446 (9th November 2024) .

We encourage brothers and sisters to use the time to review the highly beneficial lecture of Shaykh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله, entitled The Muslim in Times of Challenges:

Salafi Center Nigeria

26 Oct, 08:09

🔊 Live Now

📝 Virtues of Tasbeeh (Glorifying Allâh) and it's Status

📖 Abu Tayyibah Sadiq


Salafi Center Nigeria

26 Oct, 07:48

Shaykh Uways at-Taweel حفظه الله excuses himself from today's class due to an emergency.

May Allah reward him abundantly with much good for all his efforts and preserve him.

Inshaa Allaah, brother Abu Tayyibah Sadiq would be reading from a Khutbah of Shaykh Dr. Khalid adh-Dhafeeree (may Allāh preserve him) regarding the Virtues of Tasbeeh (glorifying Allah).

Salafi Center Nigeria

25 Oct, 10:29

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #11 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #68

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 23th Rabi'ul Thānī, 1446H (26th Oct., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

22 Oct, 14:21

Salafi Center Nigeria

22 Oct, 14:20

Salafi Center Nigeria

22 Oct, 13:29

Shaykh Abu Khadeejah AbdulWāhid – may Allah preserve him – also answered and shared some Advice to the Muslims pertaining to Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin

Salafi Center Nigeria

22 Oct, 13:24

The Muslim in Times of Challenges - Shaykh Abu Khadeejah AbdulWāhid (May Allāh preserve him)

Salafi Center Nigeria

20 Oct, 18:45

May Allāh عز وجل reward our Shaykh @AbuKhadeejahSP and preserve him. His Naseehah earlier tonight to the Muslims in Nigeria to return to Allāh in these times of challenges (not isolated to Nigeria) is very insightful and beneficial. Recording would be out soon, In Shaa Allāh.

Salafi Center Nigeria

20 Oct, 17:42

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Salafi Center Nigeria

20 Oct, 16:39

Live stream started

Salafi Center Nigeria

20 Oct, 16:34

🔊 Live Now

📝 The Muslim in Times of Challenges - Economic, Social, Psychological, Marital, etc.

🎙️ Sh. Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (may Allah preserve him)


Salafi Center Nigeria

20 Oct, 15:43

‼️ Today's lecture, starting in less than an hour, insha'Allah:

📝 The Muslim in Times of Challenges - Economic, Social, Psychological, Marital, etc.

🎙️ Sh. Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (may Allah preserve him)

🕛 5:30pm Nigeria/UK | 7:30pm Saudi | 4:30pm Ghana


Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Oct, 20:20

🔊 SalafiNigeria is pleased to invite you to a lecture (online) titled:

📜 The Muslim in Times of Challenges - Economical, Social, Psychological, Marital, etc.

👤By Shaykh Abu Khadeejah AbdulWāhid حفظه الله

🗓️ Sunday, 17th Rabi'ul Thānī, 1446 - 20th October, 2024

5:30 pm Nigeria/UK
4:30 pm Ghana/Gambia
7:30 pm KSA/East Africa


♻️For updates, visit:


X Handle:

إن شاء الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Oct, 08:48

Live stream finished (3 minutes)

Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Oct, 08:44

Live stream started

Salafi Center Nigeria

19 Oct, 08:05


📝 'Umdatul-Ahkaam - Lesson 67
📚 Chapter: Book of Hajj - Class 10

🎙 Sh. Uways at-Taweel (حفظه الله)

Listen Live:

Salafi Center Nigeria

18 Oct, 18:12

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #10 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #67

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 16th Rabi'ul Thānī, 1446H (19th Oct., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

16 Oct, 18:34

This weekend lessons (online) with our Mashaayikh (حفظهم الله), all invited.

1. Saturday (Weekly Lesson) - Expl. of Umudatul-Ahkām - The Book of Hajj by Sh. @uwaysT

2. Sunday (Public Lecture): The Muslim in Times of Challenges by Sh. @AbuKhadeejahSP

See flyers for details

Salafi Center Nigeria

14 Oct, 01:18

Sunday: 17th Rabi'ul Thānī 1446H - 20th October 2024

Salafi Center Nigeria

13 Oct, 19:24

🔊 SalafiNigeria is pleased to invite you to a lecture titled:

📜 The Muslim in Times of Challenges - Economical, Social, Psychological, Marital, etc.

👤By Shaykh Abu Khadeejah AbdulWāhid حفظه الله

🗓️ Sunday, 17th Rabi'ul Thānī, 1446 - 20th October, 2024

5:30 pm Nigeria/UK
4:30 pm Ghana/Gambia
7:30 pm KSA/East Africa


♻️For updates, visit:


إن شاء الله

Salafi Center Nigeria

12 Oct, 08:07


📝 'Umdatul-Ahkaam - Lesson 66
📚 Chapter: Book of Hajj - Class 9

🎙 Sh. Uways at-Taweel (حفظه الله)

Listen Live:

Salafi Center Nigeria

11 Oct, 05:31

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #9 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #66

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 9th Rabi'ul Thānī, 1446H (12th Oct., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

07 Oct, 11:08

We still have some spaces left on our January 2025 Umrah package with:


— our last group in August was amazing!

100% of our guests answered that they would come with us again!

Click this link to speak to us on WhatsApp:

Salafi Center Nigeria

04 Oct, 13:04

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #8 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #65

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 2nd Rabi'ul Thānī, 1446H (5th Oct., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

03 Oct, 15:11

📢 Weekly Lesson (Thursdays)- Tonight

📜Readings from the Explanation of Usūl-us-Sittah of Shaykhul Islām Muhammad Ibn Wahhab by Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān حفظه الله

🗓️ Thursdays (30th Rabi'ul I - 3rd Oct.)

⏱️8:30pm NGN/UK, 10:30pm KSA/East Africa

👤Abu Tayyibah Sādiq

🛜 Broadcast via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

02 Oct, 19:32


📝 Readings from
📚 *The Explanation of the The Conditions, Pillars, and Obligations of As-Solāt (الشرح الممتاز) by Al-Allāmah 'AbdulAzīz Ibn Bāz رحمه الله*

🎙 Abu 'Umar 'AbdulHakeem

Listen Live:

Salafi Center Nigeria

28 Sep, 08:11


📝 'Umdatul-Ahkaam - Lesson 64
📚 Chapter: Book of Hajj - Class 7

🎙 Sh. Uways at-Taweel (حفظه الله)

Listen Live:

Salafi Center Nigeria

27 Sep, 10:12

🔊@SalafiNigeria Weekly Lesson

Class #7 of Explanation of The Book of Hajj, Umudatul-Ahkām - Lesson #64

👤Shaykh Uways at-Tawēl @UwaysT حفظه الله

Saturday, 25th Rabi'ul Awwal, 1446H (28th Sept., 2024).

9 AM NIG/UK | 11 AM KSA/East Africa

📢 Broadcast Live on:

إن شاء الله

Keep updated via:

Salafi Center Nigeria

27 Sep, 02:44

🔊 Free Online Arabic Course (Introductory Level)

📜Madeenah Arabic Book 2 (Brothers' Section)

🗓️ Saturdays, from 25th Rabi'ul I, 28th Sept.

6 pm NGN/UK | 8 pm KSA/East Africa

إن شاء الله تعالى

Salafi Center Nigeria

26 Sep, 02:01

📢 Weekly Lesson (Thursdays)

📜Readings from the Explanation of Usūl-us-Sittah of Shaykhul Islām Muhammad Ibn Wahhab by Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān حفظه الله

🗓️ Thursdays (23rd Rabi'ul I - 26th Sept.)

⏱️8:30pm NGN/UK, 10:30pm KSA/East Africa

👤Abu Tayyibah Sādiq

🛜 Broadcast via: