TROID @troidorg Channel on Telegram



Toronto daʿwah org. and NPO, established 1998. Websites, publications, masjid, daʿwah centre, conferences and lectures.

Official channel. Any other channel is unauthorised and may be operated by content thieves, platform diversion agents.

TROID (English)

Welcome to TROID - Toronto daʿwah org.! Established in 1998, TROID is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the message of Islam through various platforms. From websites to publications, from a masjid to a daʿwah centre, TROID has been actively involved in promoting knowledge and understanding of Islam in the community.

As the official channel of TROID, this telegram channel serves as a hub for all the latest updates, events, conferences, and lectures organized by the organization. By joining this channel, you will have access to exclusive content and be among the first to know about upcoming programs and initiatives.

It is important to note that this is the only authorized channel of TROID. Any other channel claiming to represent TROID may be operated by content thieves or platform diversion agents. Make sure to subscribe to the official channel to stay connected with TROID and be a part of the daʿwah efforts in Toronto and beyond.


25 Jan, 18:57

📚 Tonight after Salātul ‘Ishā’ (6:50pm) إن شاء الله

To be covered:
• The vigorous battle of the Messenger ﷺ against shirk and its people using sound reasoning and establishing proofs, indicating the futility of directing worship to other than Allāh, the Most High.


18 Jan, 20:04

📚 Tonight after Salātul ‘Ishā’ (6:50pm) إن شاء الله

• Chapter: The Great Importance Given to the Aqīdah of Tawhīd in the Madinan Period


15 Jan, 03:11

🚨🍁 Canada Webinar Series

Feb. 8th, 2025 1100 PT | 1200 MT | 1400 ET

The Keys to Happiness
Shaykh Anwar Wright (إن شاء الله)

Community Meet-up Locations and Full Details:


15 Jan, 02:13

🍁 Canada Webinar Series: You Will Not Enter Paradise Until You Believe and You Will Not Believe Until You Love One Another - Abū Ināyah

An explanation of the ḥadīth of the Messenger (ﷺ): “You Will Not Enter Paradise Until You Believe and You Will Not Believe Until You Love One Another.” Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim: 54


12 Jan, 23:37

Andrew Tate’s Comments Regarding ‘Islamic Crimes’ in Britain

On 7 January 2025, the online celebrity known as Andrew Tate posted some comments on his Twitter (X) account in which he spoke of “Islamic crimes”, “rape”, “illegally invading and occupying lands” and other affairs. What follows below is constructive criticism and bruverly advice which is never rejected or scorned by possessors of masculinity and bravery.

Read article:


12 Jan, 23:37

Brother and sisters, please take a slow, careful read of this sincere open advice from Dr. @AbuIyaadSP to @Cobratate. It is important not to get caught up in the hype of red pill vs blue pill and this ism and that ism. These are the same schools of theory that brought us modernism, postmodernism and post-postmodernism. This is the nature of debate and argumentation (Ahl al-Kalām). Without humbling oneself and returning back to our Lord, seeking out and following his command and guidance, one is left to slither around in the tabloid arguments of the day, trying to 'invent' meaning and purpose.

Additionally, try to break the creeping addiction of rapid scrolling of micro-videos that dumb and numb the brain (as emerging research is showing). Instead, get a cup of tea, a handful of dates, and sit and read an article like this which is rich in knowledge and insights. Watching cats fall off bannisters won't accomplish this. Subscribe to the Telegram channels of @AbuIyaadSP, @AbuKhadeejahSP, @IbnAkhdar @hikmahpubs etc. and try to tune out the 'For You' tabs on X in which Musk and his musketeers try to algorithmically program your knowledge base. No need for TikToking and other video glaring zombie pursuits. Sit, read, study - build your attention span and cut out the noise (and misguidance).


11 Jan, 19:29

📚 Tonight after Salātul ‘Ishā’ (6:50pm) إن شاء الله

To be discussed:
• Chapter: The Torture Endured by the Companions Because of their Adherence to Tawhīd
• Chapter: The Great Importance Given to the Aqīdah in the Madinan Period


09 Jan, 16:57

NOTE: Time Corrected.


09 Jan, 02:14

Double-sided TROID business cards from the pre-digital everything era. Spotted @TawheedCa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 1000s of these cards were printed in 2004 to promote and, included in TROIDStore shipments, prison da’wah packages and brought to different countries and left in masajid.


09 Jan, 02:06

A beautiful gathering with some of the Salafi brothers in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We look forward to hosting events in-person in the Pacific Northwest this June إن شاء الله.


09 Jan, 00:59

🚨Reminder: 🍁 Canada Webinar Series Returns This Saturday

Ustādh Abū Ināyah
Jan. 11th, 2025 1200 PT | 1300 MT | 1500 ET

Explanation of the Ḥadīth: “You will not enter Jannah until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another”

Community Meet-up Locations and Full Details:


05 Jan, 20:00

❄️ Annual Winter Islamic Knowledge Day and Dinner

It was a pleasure to host the approximately 200 brothers and sisters who came out for the annual winter knowledge day and dinner. Each year, this event draws Muslims in the community, young and old, in which key topics are discussed regarding maintains one's Islamicity. We thank everyone who came out and all who participated in the food preparations. Note that we have a weekly lesson each week. We look forward to seeing you there إن شاء الله:

The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allāh by Shaykh Rabī’ Bin Hādī Al-Madkhalī حفظه الله ورعاه

Time: Saturdays after Salātul ‘Ishā’
🛍️ Purchase your copy at the bookstore for $30


05 Jan, 19:19

📣The New Orleans Attack: Skip Past the Propaganda and Just Give Daʿwah

A man drives into a crowd of people: Islamist.

A man blows up a car at a hotel: mental health challenges.

The reality is that anyone who seeks to murder innocent people in the name of religion, politics or any other ideology is a maniac. The western world has seen a sharp uptick in violence, from people being set ablaze or shoved onto tracks at train stations, to Muslims being run over by a car in London, Ontario to revellers being rolled over in New Orleans, Louisiana. Islam condemns all acts of indiscriminate murder and violence. Allah mentions in the Qurʾān concerning those who kill the innocent:

"It would be as if he killed the whole of mankind; and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind." (5:32)

In times like this, propaganda swirls and those with agendas slither from the woodwork. Labelling a mass murderer as an ‘Islamist’ is one of the great lies of our time. Social media is filled with hyperbole, seeking to stir emotions and promote extremist views. On one hand, kharajis piggyback indiscriminate acts of murder, on the other hand Islam haters scream out: Religion of Peace!!! (seeking to taint the public perception of Muslims). Both factions seeking to drive the people apart further.

In reality, this is a time for calm, civil discourse, that invites to Islām with wisdom and intelligence. Allah does not order us to be divisive, to troll and antagonise, but to be resolute in giving daʿwah, He says:

“Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allāh, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allāh.” (3:64)

Unfortunately, those lacking the requisite Islamic wisdom and intelligence tend to get lippy, lapping up the controversy. Muhammad Hijab and other Muslim “influencers” (or jesters) have instead began engaging in bickering and trolling, serving up a back and forth tennis match with other “influencers” who wish to attack Islām. Instead of promoting the justice and balance of Islam citing ayat and hadith and condemning extremism (amongst Muslim and non-Muslim factions alike), they foolishly waste the opportunity to engage people in a polite and modest discussion about Islamic: beliefs, manners, morals and behaviour.

We remember on 9/11, we took the corner of Weston and Lawrence (in Toronto) mere hours after the event. We set up a table and some leaflets and began engaging our fellow Canadians. We found them interested, sympathetic even, and they applauded our willingness to stand up and engage their fellow citizens. On one hand it showed that we cared. On the other hand it showed that we wouldn’t stand for extremism. Most importantly, we clarified the Islamic belief. This is quite contrary to the sons and daughters of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Canada (MAC et al.), poisoned with ikhwanī principles, who now form the splintered reminiscence of the Qutbi/Kharaji movement of the 80s and 90s in Canada (pre-9/11), those who remain silent about many extremist factions as they agree with them in principle (sharing the same methodology of takfir and revolution in the Middle East) whilst they simply plot out a more political (Bannawī) path for their objectives (infiltrating masjid shurahs and seeking secular election in boarder society).

So take this time to speak to your neighbours, colleagues etc. and share with the many leaflets on Islam produced and distributed by @salafipubs, @germantownmasjid and @troidorg. We ask Allah for safety.


04 Jan, 16:11

Mazin Abdul-Adhim: The Hizb al-Tahrīr “Khalīfah” Propagandist Who Calls Young Canadian Muslims to the Destructive Path of the Khawārij


Hizb ut-Tahrir, a revolutionary organisation banned throughout the Muslim world, was started by a Ba'thist Nationalist (Taqi al-Din al-Nabahani) and heavily influenced by the revivalists of the kharajite methodology in the 20th century, Sayyid Quṭb and Ḥasan al-Banná (the Muslim Brotherhood). Their ideologies, often foreign to traditional Islamic values, amount to ex-communication (takfīr) of Muslim rulers, states and their subjects. In Canada, under the leadership of a man named Mazin Abdul-Adhim, they continue to centre their call on “khilāfah” (Islamic rulership) around overthrowing governments and calling for bloodshed. They often wrap these slogans in the ḥijāb of Quranic verses, fooling uneducated young Muslims with fiery rhetoric. Recently, they have created quite a stir (as is their way) by organising a khilāfah conference in…not Riyadh, not Islamabad, not Damascus, but Mississauga. This has caught the attention of the media, various levels of government and beyond, leading to the cancellation of their venue. We warn our fellow Muslims in Canada against these types of events as they are rooted in emotional propaganda rather than authentic Islamic principles.

Hizb ut-Tahrir possess several deviant beliefs that take them outside the fold of Ahl al-Sunnah. They reject the concept of "Khabar al-Āḥād" (singular narration) in ʿAqīdah, they dismiss authentic Ḥadīths in matters of belief such as the punishment of the grave, the Dajjāl, and the descent of the Messiah, which leads them astray from orthodox Islamic teachings. They also accuse Ahl al-Sunnah of being Jabariyyah in the matter of al-Qaḍāʾ wa-al-Qadr, misrepresenting the stance of Ahl al-Sunnah wa-al-Ḥadīth. Hizb ut-Tahrir also focus excessively on reviling the Muslim leaders and highlighting their supposed mishaps, diverting attention from the true Islamic approach to societal change, which is centered on calling people to tawḥīd and the Sunnah. This group is known to follow the path of deviation and counted among the 72 sects threatened with the fire. They consistently demonstrate an alarming lack of understanding of the religion they claim to represent. May Allāh rid us of their evils.

Our first encounter with one of their Canadian figureheads (Mazin Abdul-Adhim) occurred in 2012. He gatecrashed a lecture series organized by TROID in London, Ontario, seeking to sidetrack the discussion by making loud accusations against the guest speakers, hoping to derail the discussion towards his tahrirī principles. He was deftly handled by UK-based speakers Shaykh Abū Khadījah and Shaykh Abū Iyāḍ, diffusing his spectacle and refuting his claims. When asked to name even a single book of ʿaqīdah that he had studied, he was unable to provide an answer. His complete ignorance left him humiliated, and he scurried off like a rat exposed by the daylight.

This incident serves as a clear example of the type of individuals Hizb at-Tahrir elevates to positions of leadership and influence. Their da’wah is built not upon tawḥīd but upon empty slogans and emotional manipulation. Rather than calling to the Qur’ān and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf, following the path of the Saḥābah who unanimously agreed against revolting against the Muslim ruler, instead, they lead their followers down the dangerous path of innovation and deviation, one that often ends with a youth in a bunker in the Middle East, dying for some power hungry, self-proclaimed khalīfah who wants to sit in the presidential palace on the blood of young Muslims. Such people (Khawārij), described in the prophetic narrations as the "dogs of Hellfire" bring harm to themselves and others by straying far from the path of truth.

A detailed website dedicated to refuting Hizb at-Tahrir and their founder by Shaykh Abū ʿIyāḍ:


04 Jan, 15:16

Projet achat de la mosquée Dhoun-Nourain à Montréal (Canada)

The Dhū al-Nurayn Masjid Project in Montreal, Canada.


02 Jan, 23:37

TROID pinned «Join Us This Saturday at TROID (Masjid al-Furqan)! 🗓️ Date: Saturday, January 4th 🕋 Starting from Maghrib 📖 Theme: Fear the Dunya 🗣️ Talk 01: Dangers of the Tongue and the Private Parts - Ustādh Muhammad Shākir [Graduate from the Islamic University of Madinah]…»


02 Jan, 23:35

Join Us This Saturday at TROID (Masjid al-Furqan)!

🗓️ Date: Saturday, January 4th
🕋 Starting from Maghrib
📖 Theme: Fear the Dunya

🗣️ Talk 01: Dangers of the Tongue and the Private Parts - Ustādh Muhammad Shākir [Graduate from the Islamic University of Madinah]

🕌 Break for Isha Prayer

🗣️ Talk 02: The Evils of Chasing after Wealth and Status - Brother Samī

🍽️ Community Dinner: Enjoy a delicious meal with fellow attendees after the talks.

📍 Location: TROID (Masjid al-Furqan), 874-A Weston Rd.

Don’t miss this night of beneficial reminders and community bonding!
📢 Bring your family and friends.

Free Entry | All Are Welcome


30 Dec, 13:12

‎A legacy of progress: Germantown Becoming Muslimtown with the efforts of the community ⁦ @GtownMasjid⁩ ما شاء الله


30 Dec, 12:38

The moral of this story for the legacy seekers (old and young), the raising of a man is from Allāh. It is Allah who raised the likes of Shaykh Muqbil, Shaykh al-Albānī, Shaykh Ibn Bāz etc. From the East to the West, it is a matter of decree. As for those who seeks status, recognition and titles, they lack sincerity and Allāh knows best. When have we heard our scholars complain about their rank, their status, or to “put some respect on my name”. A person may spend his life believing “it’s my time to shine” yet his legacy is naught but the dullness of arrogance and misguidance. Meanwhile, a man small in stature, slight in build, in a remote valley in Yemen, not seeking a title, a podcast, a blue check or a cashed cheque, is ubiquitously famous from sea to sea, decades after his death. A lion of the Sunnah, revered by Ahl al-Sunnah, feared by Ahl al-Bidʿah. So how futile is it that a man whines about how others have been raised and he hasn’t, and how unfair it all is is, all the while oblivious to the reality that it is Allāh that raised those scholars and their students and it is Allāh that dulled your “legacy” whilst simultaneously you belittle the callers to the Sunnah. If the world gathered together to conspire against Imām al-Albānī, they would not be able to suppress his daʿwah, and Allah knows best - many a man did try unsuccessfully. If a man had the support of every ḥizbi, billions in funding, if Allah wills, he will be disgraced, worth less than dust. We ask Allāh to make us sincere. May Allāh bless and reward our noble scholars, the inheritors of the prophets, the beacons of sincerity and upright character:

Narrated by al-Ṭabarānī on the authority of Jābir (رضي الله عنه), the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Every creature seeks forgiveness for the one who teaches the people goodness, even the whales in the seas.” It was also narrated on the authority of al-Barāʾ ibn ʿĀzib (رضي الله عنه), that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets. They are loved by the denizens of the heavens. The whales in the sea seek forgiveness for them should they die until the Day of Judgement.”

The Beloved Status of the Students of Knowledge: The Animate and Inanimate Seek Forgiveness for Them - Imām Ibn Rajab


30 Dec, 12:38

📣 A Remedying Reminder for the Legacy Seekers

From the many benefits of the annual winter conference @gtownmasjid was the reminder in the khutbah that Allah al-Razzāq gives the dunyā to whoever he wills (Muslim or non-Muslim) but he only gives īmān (true faith) to those who he loves (the believers). What a blessing it is to simply traverse the path of salafiyyah, believing in and implementing Islam as the earliest generations did. Furthermore, in the lectures, we were reminded of the importance of having a sound heart (قلب سليم).

The goal of traversing the path of knowledge is none other than to be a better Muslim, gaining closeness to Allah, seeking His Face. The heart of this illustrious path is sincerity (إخلاص). How strange is it then that we find two people at either end of the spectrum moaning about legacy.

Firstly we have the elder who complains that he isn’t given his due (of status, fame and notoriety)

Secondly, the impatient youth, full of pride, demanding his seat whilst nary a grey hair exists yet in his beard

They would do well to examine the texts of the Sunnah surrounding patience, sincerity and decree. Let us take example from another road trip in pursuit of knowledge:

Some years ago, we set out to visit the noble elder shaykh and Egyptian scholar, Hasan ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Banná (rahimahullah), during his visit to @MasjidAsSahaaba in Columbus, OH. Without GPS data, we took a wrong turn and ended up heading west to Chicago rather than east to Ohio. By the time we realised our mistake, we were an hour off-track and in the wilderness of Michigan. So we stopped at a gas station along the I-94. As we entered, we were greeted by an Arab, short in stature and full of welcome. He asked us where we were from and soon we asked him likewise. When we determined he was Yemeni, we asked him if he knew Shaykh Muqbil (raḥimahullah). His face lit up, he told us (in Arabic): “Of course, he was the imam of Yemen. Before him, there was nothing but Shīʿah and Sufis. He revived the Sunnah in Yemen, he and his students. He went around the land and called to the Sunnah.”

So this man, who was perhaps struggling with his īmān (selling alcohol, cigarettes etc.) was nonetheless exposed to the LEGACY of Shaykh Muqbil. He knew he was a scholar. He knew his call was the call to the authentic Sunnah. This is how far-reaching the daʿwah of Shaykh Muqbil was, such that it reached the average man in Yemen and beyond. This discussion occurring in an remote part of America, more than 20 years after his return to Allah. May Allah have mercy upon him....


29 Dec, 23:19

What a blessing. More than 100K raised for the demolition and restoration. الحمد لله


29 Dec, 00:51

May Allah reward those who contributed. جزاك الله خيرًا


28 Dec, 00:32

❄️ Winter Is the Spring of the Believer - Imām Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī


27 Dec, 20:01

🚨 The blessings of Islamic guidance are unquantifiable

Sat on a flight from Minneapolis to Philadelphia, blessed with the opportunity to review the works of Ibn Taymiyyah - a quick gaze around and one finds a grown man button-mashing on a video game, another sipping on alcohol, then another reading fictional lies (novel). As the aeroplane hits turbulence, gliding through the air at 35,000 ft, suspended only by Allah’s leave, a Muslim’s senses are heightened, pronouncing the shahadah, making dhikr, making du’a. Why? Because he fears the meeting with His Lord, he understands the fragility and temporariness of his existence, he hopes for a good end and knows he will assuredly meet his Lord. The disbeliever, as he sways to and fro in his seat is oblivious, continuous in his frivolity, joking, goofing, headless and reckless, wasting the time away. It reminds us of the ayah:

أمْ تَحْسَبُ أَنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ يَسْمَعُونَ أَوْ يَعْقِلُونَ ۚ إِنْ هُمْ إِلَّا كَالْأَنْعَامِ ۖ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ سَبِيلًا
Or do you think that most of them hear or use their reason (in order to comprehend what they are being called to)? They are but like cattle (who only hear a call without applying reason). Rather, they are even more astray from the path (than cattle, who at least respond to the call of their owner). (Al-Furqān, 25:44)

We thank Allah for his guidance and we encourage our brothers and sisters to give da’wah. Speak to your colleagues and those who you interact with. As the scholars have explained, many would enter Islam if they only knew its reality. Many of your brothers and sisters today were intoxicated, button-mashing disbelievers yesteryear, someone likely sparked a conversation with them about Islam, and so their beautiful journey upon tawhid began.

More Astray than Cattle – Understanding the Misguided Status of the Disbelievers 
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim


27 Dec, 17:10

More than an hour before Jumu’ah and Germantown Masjid is filling up. Ground floor - filled, 1st floor - filled, 2nd floor - filling. The da’wah of Ahl al-Sunnah continues to grow by the mercy of Allah. Don’t listen to negative nellies on socials, moaning, groaning doomers. Smiles everywhere, Islamicity everywhere, a coolness to the eyes.


25 Dec, 20:35

Canadians en route to the annual winter conference @GtownMasjid إن شاء الله

Always a pleasure to be with our American brothers.


24 Dec, 22:40

Advice to Communities Without Students of Knowledge - Abū Ukāshah

A brief discussion on what communities without students of knowledge should do when seeking to learn their religion - who they should take from and how they should grow. The author speaks about the manhaj of the Salaf in seeking knowledge and of the pioneers of the daʿwah in our time (the scholars and their students).


24 Dec, 22:18

⚠️Muslims: Stop Vibing the "Christmas Spirit"

For those of us who are former Christians, converts to Islām, it is both astonishing and utterly disappointing to find Muslims sharing in Christmas festivities, attending parties and vibing the whole Christmas scene. When we accepted Islām, the pinnacle of this was to state the shahādah (testimony of faith) which clearly declares that NONE but Allāh is to be worshipped and that Muḥammad is the final messenger. This is day one of the Muslim convert experience. From that very moment, we understood that our shahādah declared our tawḥīd and that we outrightly reject all other deities to be worshipped alongside Allāh. We stopped attending Christmas dinners, we stopped exchanging gifts, we stopped attending parties. We left this immediately and happily for the sake of Allāh. Our loyalty was to Allāh, not our relatives or kinsfolk. We sometimes took a battering for this but it only increased us in īmān.

To see some of our Muslim brothers and sisters gleefully blend in with the Christmas season, trivialising tawḥīd, pacifying shirk, and somehow amounting this to being forward thinking and tolerant?! What will your excuse be if you are called to account by Allāh on the Day of Judgement for venerating the call of the devil (polytheism)? Let's have some jealousy for the religion of Allāh and uphold the banner of tawḥīd. If someone asks you why you don't celebrate Christmas, sit them down and explain it to them with kindness and gentleness, citing the verse of the Qurʾan that forbid shirk and the worship of Jesus, the noble messenger of Allāh whom we love.


24 Dec, 21:53

This is the daʿwah of Ahl al-Sunnah - calling, teaching, and remaining steadfast upon it. It breads growth, communities, aiders and helpers from near and far. This is the mode of Imām Muqbil ibn Hādī al-Wādiʿī, Imām al-Albānī and the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah. Never fearing the blame of the blamer, not being negligent, not being extreme. It is not the daʿwah of the muṣāfiqah, the hajāwirah, those whose call centres upon attacking scholar and their students. The fruits of the salafī daʿwah are evident and all praise is for Allāh, we ask Him to bless us with the blessing of remaining from Ahl al-Sunnah.


24 Dec, 15:20

❄️Fasting in Winter Is an Easily Acquired Reward - Shaykh Musa Shaleem Muhammad


23 Dec, 19:27

📌 Please share the schedule with friends and family.

💯 If you’re in the UK, attend in person if you can.

Bārakallāhu feekum!


23 Dec, 02:10

Whomever Allāh Wants Good For He Gives Him Understanding of the Religion - Ustādh Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān

🍁 Canada Webinar Series


21 Dec, 20:35

📚 Tonight after Salātul ‘Ishā’ (6:50pm) إن شاء الله

To be discussed:
• The efforts of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in calling to Tawhīd.
• Lessons learned from his ﷺ da’wah to his companions.


15 Dec, 20:52

We are getting ready for our second event in the Canada Webinar Series, here in Vancouver and across Canada إن شاء الله


08 Dec, 01:40

The Prophet ﷺ said: لاَ نِكَاحَ إِلاَّ بِوَلِيٍّ (There is no marriage without the permission of the walī). Sunan Abī Dāwūd 2805, ṣāḥīh (al-Albānī).

Ikhwanis: Parent/guardian can be present in a marriage sit-down, but they are requested not to interfere with the sessions.

So the guardian cannot "interfere", and as to add to the humiliation, he should pay a fee to "observe", whilst his daughter is in a "rotational setting" meeting other men. He is the walī, he should be jealous over his ward and not exhibit beta-male energy.

For the people who lazily proclaim: Why do you Salafis busy yourself with refutations?

This is why. We observe nonsense like this daily and out of love for Kitāb and Sunnah and love for the truth to be upheld, we speak out. This is the vigilance every Muslim should have in defending the Sunnah and uniting the people upon it.

Porting speed dating concepts into Islamic marriage meet-ups is humiliation and ignorance, adopting the methods of the disbelievers. It reminds us of the narration:

Abū Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The Hour will not be established until my Ummah will take the ways of those generations (nations) that preceded them, following them handspan by handspan, cubit-length by cubit-length.” They asked: “O Allah’s Messengers! Such as the Persians and Romans?” He replied: “Who else except for them.” (al-Bukhārī, no. 7319)

We ask Allāh for safety.


07 Dec, 21:36

Take note, Greater Edmonton Area.


07 Dec, 18:49

📚 Tonight after Salātul ‘Ishā’ (6:50pm)

To be discussed:
• The efforts of Yūsuf عليه السلام in calling to Tawhīd, even whilst imprisoned unjustly.
• The correct understanding of the verse: (whosoever does not judge by what Allāh has revealed, such are the disbelievers) 5:44
• Refutation of those who look down upon the callers of Tawhīd & warners of Shirk.


07 Dec, 14:00

The Manners and Invocations of Rising Up from the Rukūʿ - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


06 Dec, 14:00

How Are Men Known?


05 Dec, 14:00

The Humility of the Messenger of Allāh


04 Dec, 14:00

Utilising Music and Songs to Misguide the Muslims
Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān


04 Dec, 04:07

Maktabah Salafiyyah Islamabad

We only recommend the known marākiz and masājid of Sunnah and Salafiyyah in Pakistan, and those Du’āt who work with them to aid the da’wah, helping with charity projects for the poor, and in teaching the people.

From them... (read on)


03 Dec, 15:13


03 Dec, 14:00

The Ignorant Corrupts More than He Rectifies - Shaykh Muḥammad Amān ʿal-Jāmī


02 Dec, 14:00

Three Essentials for Happiness


01 Dec, 23:33


01 Dec, 14:00

Qurʾanic Translation in Prayer
Al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd al-Jābirī


30 Nov, 22:14

Do Not Seek to Be a Social Media Addict - Instead, Work on Your Imān Daily

Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī on the importance of working out a routine to enact righteous actions daily. This advice is especially pertinent in the social media era which constantly mediates a person with endless notifications and invitations to evil and time wasting.

From the 2023 Canadian Summer Conference: The Daʿwah of the Noble Messenger (ﷺ).


30 Nov, 16:23

Saturday Activities @ TROID

📕 Arabic Lesson: Madinah Book 1
• Time: after maghrib (4:43pm)
• Brothers only

📚 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah by Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله)
• Time: shortly after Isha prayer (6:50pm)

All are welcome!

📍Masjid Al-Furqān, TROID
874-A Weston Rd.


30 Nov, 14:00

The Obligation of Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ)

Mobile and desktop leaflets.


30 Nov, 05:18

Canada Webinar Series:
Sat. Jan. 11, 2025
1200 PT | 1300 MT | 1500 ET
w/ Ustādh Abū Ināyah (إن شاء الله)
Topic: TBD

Community Meet-Ups:
Vancouver, BC
Calgary, AB
Edmonton, AB
Fort McMurray, AB
Winnipeg, MB
London, ON
Toronto, ON
Ottawa, ON
Montreal, QC

Contact us to set up a meet-up in your city/town in Canada.


29 Nov, 15:48

کیا عورت کے چہرے کا پردہ واجب ہے؟ – شیخ ابو حفصہ کاشف خان
Is it obligatory for a woman to cover her face? – Kashif Khan

Follow and share the @SalafiMaktabah X account for benefits in Urdu. An excellent resource for those who have family members who are native Urdu speakers.


29 Nov, 14:00

The First Commandment of the Bible “You Shall Have No Other Gods But Me”- Shaykh Abū Khadījah

Mobile and desktop leaflets.


29 Nov, 02:26


A look at SOME of the written works, compilations and translations of the works of the scholars over the years.

These works are the fruits of efforts to connect Muslims to the Qur’an and Sunnah, with the understanding of the Salaf.

While critics raise various objections and fabrications, the question remains: where are their contributions and efforts to educate, benefit, and uplift the Ummah?

Actions speak louder than words.


24 Nov, 21:12

Lovely and beneficial sittings in Makkah with our elder and teacher Shaykh
once again just like old times. May Allah protect us and him from the plots and schemes of the disingenuous.


24 Nov, 16:12


24 Nov, 14:00

The Invocations of Rukūʿ- Bowing in Prayer - Imām Muḥamad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


23 Nov, 19:35

Saturday Activities @ TROID

📕 Arabic Lesson: Madinah Book 1
• Time: after maghrib (4:46pm)
• Brothers only

📚 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah by Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله)
• Time: shortly after Isha prayer (6:50pm)

All are welcome!

📍Masjid Al-Furqān, TROID
874-A Weston Rd.


23 Nov, 15:46


23 Nov, 14:00

The Ruling on Utilising Medication in the Month of Ramaḍān to Prevent the Onset of Menses - Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá al-Najmī


23 Nov, 04:02


22 Nov, 14:00

Loving and Hating for the Sake of Allāh - Shaykh Ṣāliḥ ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān


22 Nov, 02:08

Happiness Is Based on Īmān - Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī

A khuṭbah discussing the means to a happy life including sincerity, patience upon worship, avoiding sin and righteous companionship towards enjoying life, being full of hope (in Allāh) and fear (taqwá). This is contrasted with the hopelessness, meaninglessness (nihilism) and aimless wondering of the people devoid of īmān (the disbelievers).


21 Nov, 14:00

Refuting Claims That the Salafī Methodology Is Unsuitable
Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī


21 Nov, 04:48

Topic: Whoever Allāh Wants Good For, He Gives Him Understanding of the Religion


20 Nov, 16:05

🍁 Canada Webinar Series

Next Event: Sun. Dec. 15
1300 PT | 1400 MT | 1600 ET
w/ Ustādh Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Hilāl (إن شاء الله)
Topic: Whoever Allāh Wants Good For, He Gives Him Understanding of the Religion

Community Meet-Ups:
Vancouver, BC
Calgary, AB
Edmonton, AB
Fort McMurray, AB
Winnipeg, MB
London, ON
Toronto, ON
Ottawa, ON
Montreal, QC

Contact us to set up a meet-up in your city/town in Canada.


20 Nov, 14:00

Building a Community Requires Striving and Steadfastness upon the Sunnah - Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī


20 Nov, 02:43

Get caught up on previous lectures in the Canada Webinar Series:


20 Nov, 02:25

📹 Say I Believe in Allāh and Remain Steadfast - Abū ʿUkāshah

An explanation of the ḥadīth in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, on the authority of Sufyan b. ʿAbdullāh who said: "I said, 'O Messenger of Allāh, tell me something about Islām which I can ask of no one but you.' He(ﷺ) said, 'Say "I believe in Allah" — and then be steadfast.'" From the 2024 Canada Webinar Series


19 Nov, 14:00

The Story of the Man Who Attended the Janāzah of Bishr al-Marīsī


19 Nov, 04:52

📹The Daʿwah of the Noble Prophet (ﷺ)

Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī & Shaykh Anwar Wright

Discussing points from the book of Imām Muqbil ibn Hādī al-Wādiʿī – Our Daʿwah and Call.


18 Nov, 22:02

Birmingham Winter Conference
Dates: Tue 24th & Wed 25th December 2024
Theme: “The Path to Cultivation of the Family in Islam”
Venue: The Salafi Masjid

🎙️ Confirmed speakers:


Invite your family and friends.


18 Nov, 14:00

The Objective to Water Down the Salafī Daʿwah to Facilitate Ahl al-Bidʿah


17 Nov, 22:57

A brilliant effort by our brothers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. 24 attendees (12 brothers / 12 sisters) came out to benefit from the lecture by Ustadh Abu Ukāshah. Lunch and refreshments were served after. Some books and TROID pamphlets were available also. May Allah bless and strengthen their efforts. We hope to visit them one day soon إن شاء الله.


17 Nov, 14:00

What To Do If One Drops One’s Belongings During Prayer
Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


16 Nov, 23:35

Study notes from today’s lecture with Ustadh Abu Ukāshah: Say I Believe in Allāh and Remain Steadfast

Courtesy of @fmsalafis


16 Nov, 18:54

Getting ready for the Canadian Webinar Series with Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Winnipeg, London, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal in a few minutes إن شاء الله


16 Nov, 17:13

Saturday Activities @ TROID

🎙️Webinar: Ustādh
Abū Ukāshah -Say, I Believe in Allāh and Remain Steadfast (2:00pm)

📕 Arabic Lesson: Madinah Book 1
• Time: after maghrib (4:56pm)
• Brothers only

📚 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah by Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله)
• Time: shortly after Isha prayer (6:50pm)

All are welcome!

📍Masjid Al-Furqān, TROID
874-A Weston Rd.


16 Nov, 16:15

A reminder for those attending the Canada Webinar Series today in Surrey, BC, contact @VancouverDawah (on X) for information on where to meet (lobby), sisters access, parking and more. We look forward to seeing you إن شاء الله


16 Nov, 14:00

How to Display Thankfulness for Allāh’s Blessings - Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān


15 Nov, 14:00

How to Deal with Innovations at the Janāzah - Imām Muqbil ibn Hādī al-Wādiʿī


15 Nov, 10:39

Calling our Canadian brothers and sisters in the @troidorg community and elsewhere!

There’s not long left to lock in your spaces on the January 2025 package with @AbuKhadeejahSP and @AbuHafsahKK

Get in touch now before it’s too late!

You can contact us on Telegram and WhatsApp!



Or +447355963647


15 Nov, 02:42

For those in Surrey and the BC Lower Mainland, join us this Saturday at: Locale at Century City for the Canada Webinar 1st Floor (party room) 9873 King George Blvd., Surrey

Contact @vancouverdawah (X) by DM as they will need to meet you at the building entrance. Covered pay parking available in the building. Free parking available on 98A Ave. (3 min walk).

A great opportunity to meet brothers and sisters upon the Sunnah in British Columbia.

🍕 Pizza will be served for lunch afterwards.

Full details:


14 Nov, 02:54

Calling our Canadian brothers and sisters in the
community and elsewhere!

There’s not long left to lock in your spaces on the January 2025 package with

Get in touch now before it’s too late!


14 Nov, 02:49

Brothers and sisters in Edmonton, AB. Take note of the event location for this Saturday's Canadian Webinar, hosted by


13 Nov, 18:18

We compiled and translated this article based on two very important observations:

1. We found that many people do not give importance to hosting travellers or guests, often leaving guests to fend for themselves, not seeking out the tremendous reward for such kindness.
2. We found that in some cases, the traveller or guest would expect to be excessively “wined and dined” as the expression goes, expecting a five-star experience, burdening his host’s time and wealth unnecessarily.

We hope that this article sheds light on the important of being a beautiful host and a humble easy guest.


13 Nov, 14:00

The Manners of the Host and the Manners of the Hosted
Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn, Imām Ibn al-Qayyim, al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān, Al-ʿAllāmah Najm al-Din al-Maqdisī


12 Nov, 14:00

The Prophet’s Guidance Regarding Fasting - Imām Ibn al-Qayyim


12 Nov, 01:05

For brothers and sisters in Fort McMurray, AB - please follow @FMSalafis on X, they also have a Telegram channel:


12 Nov, 00:43

Canada Webinar Series:

Say I Believe in Allāh and Remain Steadfast w/ Ustādh @Abu_Ukkaashah

Sat. Nov. 16th, 2024 - locations across Canada

1100 PT | 1200 MT | 1400 ET


12 Nov, 00:21

Trust the mean those who named Covid mutants (variants, scariants): Eris (Greek goddess of chaos), Pirola (vulgar for male anatomy) and Fornax (Roman goddess)

That Science eh.

A Refutation of Darwinian Virology, Its Weaponisation for Plunder and Profit, and Its Use in Promoting Unwarranted Fear and Superstition Which Detract from the Perfection of Tawḥīd
@AbuIyaadSP (circa 2021)


11 Nov, 14:00

Should the Muslim Criticise Food?


10 Nov, 22:41

Donate today:

11% of target reached in a matter of days. Be a sponsor of the daily daʿwah publications that benefit 1000s everyday إن شاء الله.

19 x $1000
38 x $500
76 x $250
178 x $100


10 Nov, 14:00

The Blessing and Precedent of Converting Churches into Mosques
Shaykh Muḥammad Ādam al-Atyūbī


09 Nov, 16:08

Saturday Activities @ TROID

📕 Arabic Lesson: Madinah Book 1
• Time: 5:30pm
• Brothers only

📚 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah by Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله)
• Time: shortly after Isha prayer (6:50pm)

^note the time change بارك الله فيكم

All are welcome!

📍Masjid Al-Furqān, TROID
874-A Weston Rd.


09 Nov, 14:00

The Moderate Path of Practising Islām - Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Saʿdī


08 Nov, 14:00

Refuting the Tablīghī Principle of Belief in the ‘Good Word’: Their Abandonment of Negating Ṭaghūt in the Testimony of Faith
- Shaykh Ḥammūd al-Tuwayjirī


08 Nov, 02:46

Canada Webinar Series
Returning Nov. 2024 (إن شاء الله),

We will be conducting a monthly webinar series with students of knowledge, connecting communities across Canada from east to west.

First webinar: Ustādh Abū Ukāshah

Sat. Nov. 16th at:

1100 PST
1200 MST
1300 CST
1400 EST

Join locally in your community in Vancouver, Calgary, Fort McMurray, Toronto, London, Ottawa Montreal.

More cities TBA. If you would like to help organise a meet-up for this event for your city, please contact us.

More details to follow إن شاء الله


07 Nov, 14:00

The Rejection of the Sincere Repenter - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


06 Nov, 14:00

Trust the Science?! - Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Saʿdī


05 Nov, 15:16

The Death of Imām al-Bukhāri


05 Nov, 10:03


Join Abu Khadeejah and Abu Hasfah Kashiff Khan.

The package is from the 11th to the 22nd of January 2025 (inshā’-Allāh) and includes the following:

- Flights on Qatar Airways.
- Tourist Visas or Electronic Visa Waivers will be processed by us.
- 4 nights at the top-rated Jabal Omar Marriot hotel in Makkah.
- 6 nights at the excellently-situated and lovely Frontel Al-Harithia Hotel in Madinah.
- The Frontel Alharithia is situated only a couple of minutes walk from the Masjid An-Nabawi, and is very close to the women's prayer areas of the mosque.
- The Marriot Jabal Omar is likewise just a few minutes walk to the white marble courtyard of Al-Masjid Al-Harām.


04 Nov, 15:08

Take note of the new prayer times (EST) for Masjid al-Furqān at TROID.


04 Nov, 14:00

The Qurʾan Effect
Mālik b. Dinār


04 Nov, 00:21 Daily Daʿwah: Yearly Digital Sponsorship


Bismillāh al-ḥamdullilāh wa-al-ṣalat al-salām ʿalá rasūlillāh
Al-ṣalāmu ʿalaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh,

Dear brothers and sisters, we are seeking to raise a modest sum in support of Islamic digital magazines for Muslims (, non-Muslims ( and new Muslims ( Currently, we publish new content daily, in the form of articles, cards, audios and videos. Our updates are pushed to 10s of 1000s of people across multiple social platforms (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Telegram []. Each morning at 9AM ET we push out an update.

For the past quarter century, we have striven to deliver high quality publications in a user-friendly experience. All of this is provided FREE to English-speaking Muslims around the planet. We ask you to share in this benefit by helping us with our expenses related to this: hosting, backup, hardware, software and content production. In doing so, you have the opportunity to be a part of each and every daily update we push out, to be a part of the digital da'wah yourself. is one of the largest authentic Islamic websites in the world and is approaching 2500 publications and counting. The digital magazine features articles, audios, cards and videos. It is currently in it 26th year of existence الحمد لله. is a website designed to teach non-Muslims about Islam. It was first launched in 2006 and is currently in the process of re-development and modernisation, scheduled for launch by Dec. 31 إن شاء الله is an upcoming project to present new Muslims with the very basics they need to get started on their new journey upon tawḥīd. We currently run a Community Outreach Programme (COP) to keep in touch with new and young Muslims. will be a simple resource for 5-10 items for new Muslims specifically إن شاء الله

These projects provide free material daily. There are no pay-walls, no subscriptions, no monetisation - just fresh new daʿwah, from 1998 to 2024. We ask you to support these noble efforts which reach 1000s of people freely across the world every day.

May Allāh continue to facilitate it and may He reward you greatly.

جزاك الله خيرًا

Your brothers,
TROID Digital Team



03 Nov, 14:00

Why We Refute Misguidance: The Corrupt Creed Hardens the Hearts
Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Saʿdī


02 Nov, 17:47

Saturday Activities @ TROID

📕 Arabic Lesson: Madinah Book 1
• Time: 5pm
• Brothers only

📚 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah by Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله)
• Time: after Maghrib prayer (6:08pm)

All are welcome!

📍Masjid Al-Furqān, TROID
874-A Weston Rd.


02 Nov, 14:00

The Male Awrah and the Pathways to Homosexual Thought - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


01 Nov, 14:00

Saying: Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


31 Oct, 20:30

🕰️Weekly Arabic lesson timings:

Thursdays and Fridays: 7:00pm
Saturdays and Sundays: 5:00pm

(In-person, Brothers only)

@TROID 874A Weston Rd.


31 Oct, 14:00

Following Weak Fiqh Positions - Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Saʿdī


30 Oct, 16:43

Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī: Women Should Not Be Involved in al-Jarḥ wal-Taʿdīl

Quote: "We make notification of a matter which is that many women enter the field of disparagement and appraisal (al-jarḥ wal-taʿdīl), and this is a mistake for [a number of reasons]..."

Read article:



30 Oct, 14:00

Who are the Living Dead?
Ḥudhayfah b. al-Yamān


29 Oct, 14:00

Hour by Hour: What Have You Prepared? - Imām al-Awzāʿī


28 Oct, 14:00

Backbiting Devours Good Deeds
Imām Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī


28 Oct, 14:00

Effects of Evil: The Loss of Shyness
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim


28 Oct, 01:24


Halloween is approaching (Oct. 31). Muslims should not participate in this devilish festival. They should not give/take sweets (in Halloween candy trays in schools, offices etc.) just because they feel for a mars bar.

The reenactment of an ancient festivals steeped in paganism is not just some harmless goofy fun: "It was traditionally believed that the souls of the departed wandered the earth until All Saints' Day, and All Hallows' Eve provided one last chance for the dead to gain vengeance on their enemies before moving to the next world. In order to avoid being recognized by any soul that might be seeking such vengeance, people would don masks or costumes".
Bannatyne, Lesley. Halloween: An American Holiday, an American History. Pelican Publishing, 1998. p. 9

These customs and traditions contradict a person's tawḥīd and are steeped in shirk and superstition. Teach your children that they should not fear 'ghosts and goblins', to worship Allāh, fear Him and depend on him, such that that which is seen and unseen may not harm them.


27 Oct, 14:00

Is it Zuhd to Avoid Doing Business?


26 Oct, 16:16

Saturday Activities @ TROID

📕 Arabic Lesson: Madinah Book 1
• Time: 5pm

📚 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah by Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله)
• Time: after Maghrib prayer (6:18pm)

All are welcome!

📍Masjid Al-Furqān, TROID
874-A Weston Rd.


26 Oct, 14:31

Ḥāfiḍh Ibn Ḥajar, Shaykh al-Albānī and Shaykh al-Luḥaydān: Prayer, Remembrance and Pure Reliance in Preservation of Health and Repelling Illness

Statements from the scholars affirming and noting the importance of prayer, supplications and remembrances as independent means which Muslims should adopt and to leave off medications and treatments, in favour or pure reliance, when they are not a) definitive and certain in their success or b) overwhelmingly believed to be so.

Read article:



26 Oct, 14:00

What Is True Zuhd?
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim


25 Oct, 14:00

The Caller Is Not Fazed by the Majority Nor Disheartened by Being in the Minority - Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī


24 Oct, 21:07

Ustadh Abu Ukāshah reflects on a recent lesson with Shaykh Abu Iyād


24 Oct, 14:00

Nationalism, Tribalism and Sectarianism Is Pre-Islamic Ignorance - Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah


23 Oct, 14:00

Failing to Warn Against Misguided Callers - Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān


22 Oct, 14:00

The Elevated Status of the Scholars - Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Saʿdī


21 Oct, 14:00

A Marriage of Respect or Dominance? - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


20 Oct, 14:00

Remaining Silent May Decrease Errors - Al-Hāfidh al-Mizzī


19 Oct, 16:50


📕 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allāh by Shaykh Rabī’ Bin Hādī Al-Madkhalī حفظه الله ورعاه

Time: shortly after Maghrib (6:28pm) إن شاء الله

Everyone welcome!
Masjid Al-Furqān at TROID | 874-A Weston Rd


19 Oct, 16:10

Saturday classes continue at TROID الحمد لله

Here is an introduction and word of support from the late Egyptian shaykh, Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banna’ (raḥimahullāh) back in 2018:

Shaykh Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banna’s Exclusive Introduction to Our Weekly Four Principles Class

On the 8th of Jumād al-Awwāl 1439, corresponding to the 25th of January 2018, we requested an exclusive introduction from our noble shaykh, Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banna (حفظه الله), to our new weekly Four Principles class, a class that takes place on Saturdays after Maghrib. The shaykh happily agreed and proceeded with the advice detailed below.

After praising Allāh and sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allāh (ṣallá Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam), he said:

This advice is from your brother Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banna, the Salafī Islamic caller in the Arab Republic of Egypt. I greet you with the Islamic greeting al-Salāmu ʿAlaykum wa-Raḥmatullāh wa Barakātuh.

I ask Allāh to grant you success and steadfastness. Our brother Munīb — who resides in Canada and is originally from Somalia — requests that we give a brief introduction to this new class. Allāh has granted you success in completing al-Uṣūl al-Thalāthah (The Three Fundamental Principles) by the illustrious Imām, Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, along with the explanation of various scholars. Allāh has blessed you and granted you all success in completing this treatise and now you will be starting your class in al-Qawāʿid al-ʾArbaʿ (The Four Fundamental Principles) by Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, with the explanation of Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān.

Glad tidings to you all for this effort of yours. These (treatises) are fundamental introductory books in the field of al-Tawḥīd. You began with al-Uṣūl al-Thalāthah and now you will begin al-Qawāʿid al-ʾArbaʿ, then The Six Principles, then The Removal of the Doubts, then The Book of Tawḥīd and then the various books on ʿAqīdah and Manhaj. This is the methodology of Ahl al-Sunnah, and glad tidings to you for embarking upon this methodology. I ask Allāh to grant you success and steadfastness.

You will now start with al-Qawāʿid al-ʾArbaʿ, and in reality, al-Qawāʿid al-ʾArbaʿ not only benefits you, but it likewise benefits the non-Muslims as well, because in it is a battle against the false deities and a battle against the grave worshippers who worship the graves of righteous Muslims and the graves of the rabbis and monks from amongst the Christians and Jews.

So in this Qawāʿid al-ʾArbaʿ, there is much emphasis on refuting these false beliefs of the people of the graves. Many of the Muslims establish graves in mosques like the ones we have here in Egypt, the graves of Husayn and Zaynab (raḍi Allāhu ʿanhum), and other than them from the graves we have here in Egypt, and likewise other graves that the people go to in Morocco, India, Pakistan and other than them.

So this treatise by Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb will benefit you and the Christians as well. So encourage your fellow Muslims to come out to this class and benefit so that they may call the non-Muslims to Islām. There is no issue if it is a class in a different language (English); let the people come out and listen.

It could be that someone is guided to Islām by way of you and that person who is guided ends up being a great benefit to Islām and the Muslims. So I encourage all of you to attend this class, and I ask Allāh to reward you all for your actions. I ask Allāh to make these classes of yours consistent and continuous up until we meet our Lord.

The shaykh concludes by supplicating for the brothers and sisters.

Translated by: Munīb al-Ṣumālī


19 Oct, 14:00

Who Should Be Publishing Themselves Online? - Al-ʿAllāmah Rabīʿ al-Madkhalī


18 Oct, 14:00

A Guarantee of Paradise


17 Oct, 21:16

A Timely Clarification Regarding a Common Misconception.

When we see fitnah between two groups of Muslims, it does not necessitate that we sit on the fence and do not get involved, rather its usually an oppressed and an oppressor. So aid your brother and do not be from those who are silent while the truth is apparent.


17 Oct, 14:20

The Reality of Salafi Publications - Abū ʿUkāshah ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm

Reflections from a student of knowledge on the history and trajectory of Salafi Publications and their consistent call to the Sunnah and its scholars.


17 Oct, 14:00

The Prestigious Rank of the One Who Follows the Sunnah - Imām Mālik


16 Oct, 14:00

Say No to Alcohol and Drugs!


15 Oct, 14:00

The State of the One Whose Heart Is Attached to Prayer
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim


14 Oct, 14:00

Paradise Is Forbidden for the Mushrik - Imām Ibn al-Qayyim


13 Oct, 14:00

The Traveller Is upon the Intention of the Resident Imām - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn


13 Oct, 10:27

Join us from Canada this January for our 2 week long Umrah trip with Shaikh
and Shaikh

Limited spots, still enough time to save up and book your spot in instalments.

Contact now:


12 Oct, 15:18


📕 The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allāh by Shaykh Rabī’ Bin Hādī Al-Madkhalī حفظه الله ورعاه

Time: shortly after Maghrib (6:40pm) إن شاء الله

Everyone welcome!
Masjid Al-Furqān at TROID | 874-A Weston Rd


12 Oct, 14:49

Understanding Wealth and Poverty in Islām - Imām ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Saʿdī


12 Oct, 14:00

The Meaning of: Shayṭān - Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn