Children Of 'Aaishah @childrenofaaishah Channel on Telegram

Children Of 'Aaishah


Children Of ‘Aaishah was founded for the children of the believers— to learn the Deen.

Children Of 'Aaishah (English)

Welcome to Children Of 'Aaishah, a Telegram channel dedicated to the young members of our community. Founded with the intention of providing a platform for the children of believers to learn about the Deen, our channel offers a range of educational resources and engaging content designed to nurture their spiritual growth.

At Children Of 'Aaishah, we believe that instilling strong Islamic values in our youth is crucial for building a strong and connected community. Through our carefully curated materials, we aim to inspire and educate the next generation of Muslims, teaching them about the teachings of Islam in a fun and interactive way.

Whether your child is just beginning their journey of faith or is already well-versed in Islamic knowledge, our channel has something to offer for everyone. From stories of the prophets to lessons on the importance of kindness and compassion, Children Of 'Aaishah provides a holistic approach to learning about Islam.

Join us on this journey of discovery and enlightenment as we guide our children to become true believers and followers of the Deen. Visit our linktree at to access our resources and stay updated on the latest content. Together, let's nurture the Children Of 'Aaishah and help them grow into strong and faithful individuals who are proud of their heritage and faith.

Children Of 'Aaishah

14 Feb, 10:34

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

14 Feb, 07:46


Assalāmu ‘alaykum warahmatuLlāhi wabarakātuH!

We invite you to bring your children to this beneficial and engaging Islamic class where they will learn:

• Aqeedah
• ⁠Akhlāq and Sulūk
• ⁠Quizzes and Games

🎙️ Presented by Abu Kawthar Lukmān

📍 Venue: Idi-Ogede Masjid, Olunlade, Ilorin, Nigeria

🕔 Time: Every Friday at 5:00 PM (GMT+1)

🎁 Gifts will be distributed, In shā Allāh!

Can’t make it in person? Join us online!

BārakAllāhu feekum!

– Tarbiyatul Awlaad

Children Of 'Aaishah

28 Jan, 01:12

🌸 Letter of Appreciation and Gratitude 🌺

In the name of Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

All praise is due to Allāh. May salutations of peace and blessings be upon Allāh's Messenger, his household, his companions, and whoever follows his guidance. To proceed:

Upon the conclusion of the third edition of the Shaykh Al-ʿAllāmah Al-Wālid ʿUbayd bn ʿAbdillāh Al-Jābirī (may Allāh be pleased with him) Conference, Nigeria, we praise Allāh whom by His favour and blessing, good deeds are completed, and may salutations of peace and blessings be upon the one sent with the seal of all messages, may Allāh extol him and his household—the best of creations.

To proceed: Allāh has bestowed His favours upon us by the conclusion of this conference: the Third (3rd) Shaykh Al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd bn ʿAbdillāh Al-Jābirī Conference, Nigeria.

We thank Allāh, the Most High, for this great favour that He has bestowed upon us, since guidance to the path of right conduct is in His hands, and never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allāh had guided us!

Then, we thank all the scholars who participated in making this salafī knowledge-based conference a success, and we specifically mention:

The Esteemed Shaykh, the Nurturing Father, Abū ʿAbdir-Raḥmān ʿAbdul-Ghaniyy ʿAwsāt Al-Jazāʾirī

The Esteemed Shaykh, the Father, Abū Anwar Sālim Bāmiḥriz Al-Yamanī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Aḥmad ʿAbdul-Ḥakīm Dahhās Al-Jazāʾirī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Al-Khaṭṭāb Ṭāriq Durmān Al-Lībī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Muṣʿab Majdī Ḥafālah Al-Lībī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Saʿd An-Nāyif Al-ʿIrāqī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Ḥamzah Muwaffaq Al-Jabbūrī Al-ʿIrāqī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Yaḥyá Zakariyyā Shuʿayb Al-ʿAdanī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Sulaymān Fuād 'Īsā Az-Zintānī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Muḥammad Ṣalāḥ Kantūsh Al-ʿAdanī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Ziyād Nadīm bn Ziyād Ash-Shāmī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Fayṣal Yūsuf Al-ʿAlamī Al-Maghribī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbdul-Khāliq Māḍī Al-Jazāʾirī

The Esteemed Shaykh, Abū Isḥāq Zuhayr bn ʿĪsá Al-Hilālī Al-Marzūqī Al-Jazāʾirī

And all the scholars of Al-Iṣlāḥ.

May Allāh preserve and safeguard them all, may He accept from us and them altogether, and may He record what they have put forth on their scales of good deeds. Āmīn.

Afterwards, we thank all those who attended the conference physically and those who followed it [online], as the expression of gratitude cannot be complete except by way of that. We were honoured by your physical and online presence. May Allāh honour you.

We ask Allāh, the Exalted and Most High, to benefit the slaves and lands with this conference and place it on the scales of good deeds of everyone. Āmīn.

Likewise, we ask Him to make us witness many more of this conference for many more years to come, while we and our country, Nigeria (may Allāh protect it with tawḥīd and sunnah) and other countries of the muslims, are in a state of goodness, safety, security, and steadfastness upon tawḥīd and sunnah. Āmīn.

May Allāh, the Most High, guide everyone to beneficial knowledge, righteous actions, calling to them both, and patience upon the harm encountered in the course of that. Indeed, our Lord is the All-Hearer of supplications.

And may Allāh extol our Prophet, Muḥammad, his household, and companions, and grant them abundant peace.

Released on the 26th of Rajab, 1446AH

Corresponding to the 26th of January, 2025CE.

Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Jan, 20:42


🎙️ The Efforts of the Two Illustrious Scholars, Shaykh Rabī’ Al-Madkhalī and Shaykh ‘Ubayd Al-Jābirī in Defending the Sunnah (May Allah reward them) and Refuting the People of Desires and Innovation – by Shaykh Abū Mus’ab Majdī Haffālah (حفظه الله)



Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Jan, 16:41


🎙️ The Position of Benevolence in Uniting the Hearts upon the Truth – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

📡 Stay tuned here


Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Jan, 13:23


Exegesis of Some Verses related to ‘Aqīdah and Tawhīd from the Tafsīr of As-Sa’dī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Listen here


Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Jan, 08:16

🌴 DAY 10 SCHEDULE (ولله الحمد)

Assalāmu ‘alaykum warahmatuLlāhi wabarakātuH!

Alhamdulillah, today marks Day 10 of the Dawrah, and In shā Allah, Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī’s lectures will begin with the Jumu’ah Khutbah.

🕌 Mogaji Idi Ogede Mosque, Olunlade, Ilorin, Kwara State

1:00PM (NG) 🇳🇬 | 3:00PM (Makkah) 🇸🇦

This will be followed by class on Tafsīr and a farewell lecture In Shaa Allah.

We encourage everyone to attend and benefit from these valuable sessions.

📡 Listen LIVE @

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

22 Jan, 15:57


🎙️ The Creed of Ibn Abī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Stay tuned @


Children Of 'Aaishah

22 Jan, 14:05


Exegesis of Some Verses related to ‘Aqīdah and Tawhīd from the Tafsīr of As-Sa’dī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Listen here


Children Of 'Aaishah

22 Jan, 07:34


🎙️ (Translations of) The Lecture of Shaykh Sa’ad An-Nāyif (حفظه الله)

🟥 English Language:

Èdè Yorùbá:

🟫 Harshen Hausa:

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Jan, 15:58


🎙️ The Creed of Ibn Abī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Stay tuned @


Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Jan, 14:55

💥 Don't Miss Out: Teach Your Children Surah Al-Fatihah Yourself!

Shaykh 'AbdulHakīm Dahhās حفظه الله

Highlight from the Shaykh's lesson of "The Creed of Ibn Abī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī"

Yesterday, 17 Rajab 1446 (17/January/2026

At the 3rd Al-‘Allāmah ‘Ubayd Al-Jābirī Conference, Ilorin, Nigeria.

Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Jan, 13:16

📡📍 الآن مباشر

📚 السلفية الحقة هي المنهج الرباني العظيم

🔹️للشيخ سعد النايف أبو عبدالرحمن -وفقه الله-


Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Jan, 13:16


🎙️ The True Salafiyyah is the Great Divine Methodology – by Shaykh Sa’ad An-Nāyi
f (حفظه الله)


Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Jan, 08:54


Exegesis of Some Verses related to ‘Aqīdah and Tawhīd from the Tafsīr of As-Sa’dī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Listen here


Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Jan, 18:32

🌴 COMING UP TONIGHT (إن شاء الله)

Points of Reflection Regarding the Statement of Imām Al-Awzā’ī: “Stick to the Narrations of the Salaf, Even if the People Shun You” – by Shaykh Fuād Az-Zintānee (حفظه الله)

📡 Stay tuned here


Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Jan, 15:58


🎙️ The Creed of Ibn Abī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Stay tuned @


Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Jan, 13:58


Exegesis of Some Verses related to ‘Aqīdah and Tawhīd from the Tafsīr of As-Sa’dī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Listen here


Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Jan, 08:54

📡📍 الآن مباشر

🎙️ تفسير بعض آيات تتعلق بالعقيدة والتوحيد من تفسير السعدي – الشيخ عبد الحكيم دهّاس الوهراني (حفظه الله تعالى)



Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Jan, 08:54


Exegesis of Some Verses related to ‘Aqīdah and Tawhīd from the Tafsīr of As-Sa’dī – by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī
(حفظه الله)

📡 Listen here


Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Jan, 07:17

📡📍 LIVE NOW (All Translations)

🎙️ (Translations of) Lecture of Shaykh Muwaffaq Al-Jabūrī (حفظه الله)

🟥 English Language:

Èdè Yorùbá:

🟫 Harshen Hausa:

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

18 Jan, 20:36


🏫 Full Address: Convolis Events Hall, Agric Center, Old Jebba Rd., Zango, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria 🇳🇬

🔗 Map link 👉🏼:

You and your family are invited to this noble sitting of knowledge of Tawheed; the only way to salvation in the hereafter.

Endeavor to attend this program for the sake of Allah only (regardless of where you are in Ilorin) and invite others to attend too.

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

12 Jan, 11:35

From what is important with regards to homeschooling is learning about homeschooling itself.

You should how to learn how to teach by studying the learning styles and techniques, record-keeping strategies, time management, progress tracking, etc.

Get “A Homeschooling Handbook For Salafi Families” to get a good start to learning what is needed.

Buy now

Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Jan, 17:27

🗓️ 6 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ A Precious Dhikr | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Jan, 07:59

🌸 Our Children Are Inviting You To The 3rd Dawrah (اللهم بارك)

📍 Live in Ilorin, Nigeria 🇳🇬.

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference.

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

08 Jan, 21:37

🗓️ 7 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Ask and Rely on Allah for Everything | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

08 Jan, 06:25

☘️ Shaykh Abū Anwar Sālim Bāmihriz (حفظه الله) Invites and Encourages You To Attend The Conference

Happening Live in Ilorin, Nigeria 🇳🇬 (إن شاء الله). Come with your family and friends. BārakAllāhu feekum!

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

06 Jan, 17:30

🚨 Translation Protocols at the Conference (بإذن الله)

Assalāmu ‘alaykum warahmatuLlāhi wabarakātuH!

We are pleased to announce that for the benefit of all attendees, translations will be provided during the 3rd Al-’Allāmah ’Ubayd al-Jābirī Salafi Conference, In shā’ Allāh.

The general lectures by the Mashaykh (originally delivered in Arabic) will be translated into the following languages:

🌍 English
🌍 Yoruba
🌍 Hausa

The translations will take place after the respective lectures have been delivered, and the schedule for these sessions will be communicated after the respective program, In shā’ Allāh.

Please note that while the general lectures will be translated for everyone’s benefit, the sessions dedicated to the books being taught by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله) will be in Arabic only.

This arrangement ensures that all participants, regardless of their linguistic background, can benefit from this blessed gathering while preserving the depth of the advanced study sessions.

📡 Follow the 3rd Al-‘Allāmah ‘Ubayd Al-Jābirī Conference Live:

🟦 (AR) لغة العربية:

🟥 English Language:

Èdè Yorùbá:

🟫 Harshen Hausa:

📅 Date: January 15–24, 2025
📍 Location: Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

For more updates, please visit:

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

05 Jan, 22:25

🚨 Important Update: The Conference Starts Earlier (إن شاء الله)

Assalāmu ‘alaykum warahmatuLlāhi wabarakātuH!

We are excited to share an important update about the 3rd Al-’Allāmah ’Ubayd al-Jābirī Salafi Conference! The conference will now begin earlier, on January 15, 2025, instead of January 17, in shā’ Allāh.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause, but we are happy and confident that the additional two days will allow for even greater benefit and connection during this blessed gathering.

Come and join us as we sit to learn from our noble Shaykh ’Abdul-Hakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله ورعاه), and other participating Mashaykh across the world.

📅 New Date: 15th — 25th of January, 2025

📍 Venue: Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

Let us gather with renewed excitement to strengthen our knowledge of Tawheed, the Greatest Obligation, and guard against Shirk, the Gravest Prohibition.

For more updates, please visit:

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

05 Jan, 08:48

🛋️ Confirmed Participating Mashaykh (May Allah preserve them)

📑 Note: The lectures will be in Arabic, followed by translations into English, Yoruba, and Hausa, In-Shaa-Allah.

For more updates, kindly join;

BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

05 Jan, 08:48

🛋️ المشايخ المشاركون (وفقهم الله وسدّدهم)

📑 ستكون المحاضرات باللغة العربية ثم الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية واليروبوية والهوساوية، إن شاء الله.


بـــــارك الله فيـــــكم!


Children Of 'Aaishah

04 Jan, 20:33

🗓️ 13 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Recitation of Sūratul Furqān: Āyah 61 – 70 | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

30 Dec, 10:26

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

29 Dec, 05:54



9:00AM (GMT+1)

📡 To be broadcasted on
📍Facebook —
📍Youtube —
📍Telegram —

Share to benefit others.

⌛️Stay Updated:

In Shaa Allah!

Children Of 'Aaishah

26 Dec, 16:51

🗓️ 22 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ The Danger of Wasting Your Time | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

25 Dec, 17:07

🗓️ 23 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Stop Wasting Your Time | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Dec, 20:16

🗓️ 24 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ The Greatest Blessing of Allah Upon a Slave | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Dec, 11:11


WINTER CONFERENCE: The Path to Cultivation of The Family in Islām.

📖 Cultivating Our Children Upon the Qur'ān

🎙— Shaykh Abdulillāh Lahmāmī حفظه الله

Join live class here⤵️

Children Of 'Aaishah

23 Dec, 19:44

🗓️ 25 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ The Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ) is Obligatory | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

22 Dec, 17:25

🗓️ 26 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Forgiveness of the Prophet (ﷺ) | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

22 Dec, 08:51

Get Beautiful Dawrah Merchandise 🌼

Suitable for personal use, family use, gifts, and more.

Kindly order via: BārakAllāhu fīkum!


Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Dec, 16:32

🗓️ 27 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Beware of Worshipping Allah with Innovations | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

20 Dec, 20:33

🗓️ 28 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Everyone Should Learn The Sunnah | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

19 Dec, 16:52

🗓️ 29 Days Left (إن شاء الله)

🎙️ Acting Upon One's Knowledge Is From The Tawfīq Of Allah Alone | Shaykh ‘AbdulHakīm Dahhās Al-Wahrānī (حفظه الله)

🔗 Join for more updates on the conference!


Children Of 'Aaishah

05 Dec, 08:18

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

05 Dec, 06:36

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦15,194,106 (≈ $9,160)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦84,805,894 (≈ $50,840)

JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!

But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola| Account number: 80934868| Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

27 Nov, 06:47

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦13,026,880 (≈ $7,713)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦86,973,120 (≈ $52,287)

JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!

But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

23 Nov, 20:23

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦10,435,546 (≈ $6,228)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦89,564,454 (≈ $53,772)

JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!

But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Nov, 08:00

🔶 Words Of Encouragement To Aid In Building A Masjid In Nigeria | By Shaykh Abu Ziyād Nadeem bn Ziyād Najjār (حفظه الله)

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Nov, 01:27

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦9,246,789 (≈ $5,502)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦90,753,211 (≈ $54,498)

JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!

But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

19 Nov, 20:16

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦5,392,838 (≈ $3,211)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦94,607,162 (≈ $56,789)

JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!

But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

18 Nov, 17:18

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦4,813,467 (≈ $2,875)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦95,186,533 (≈ $57,125)

JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!

But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

15 Nov, 17:15

🟢 Amount Obtained: ₦1,660,017 (≈ $996.84)

🔴 Amount Remaining: ₦98,339,983 (≈ $59,003.16)



Assalāmu ‘alaykum warahmatuLlāhi wabarakātuH!

We are reaching out to you with an urgent and noble cause. The Salafi brothers and students of knowledge in Ilorin, Nigeria, are in dire need of a Masjid and Markaz.

Narrated by Uthman ibn Affan, the messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Reported in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

We aim to raise 100 Million Naira (approx. $60,000) to
cover the costs of building acquisition and essential
facilities for the Masjid and Markaz.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42

Your generous contributions will go towards: Purchasing a building for the Masjid and Markaz, renovating the building, getting necessary facilities, and more.

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

14 Nov, 19:44


Assalāmu ‘alaykum warahmatuLlāhi wabarakātuH!

We are reaching out to you with an urgent and noble cause. The Salafi brothers and students of knowledge in Ilorin, Nigeria, are in dire need of a Masjid and Markaz.

Narrated by Uthman ibn Affan, the messenger of Allah ﷺ said: Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Reported in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

We aim to raise 100 Million Naira (approx. $60,000) to
cover the costs of building acquisition and essential
facilities for the Masjid and Markaz.

For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:

(Nigerian Account)
🔰 Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
🔴 Bank: UBA

For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:

🅿️ PayPal : [email protected]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868| Sort code: 30-64-42

Your generous contributions will go towards: Purchasing a
building for the Masjid and Markaz, renovating the building ,
getting necessary facilities, and more.

May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!

– Arrisaalah Publications

Children Of 'Aaishah

30 Oct, 15:04

Channel photo updated

Children Of 'Aaishah

30 Oct, 15:04

Channel photo removed

Children Of 'Aaishah

28 Oct, 07:25

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

18 Oct, 22:13

Download Beautiful Dawrah Wallpapers (اللهم بارك) 🌸

For Smartphones 📱 and PCs 💻

🔗 Download them here


Children Of 'Aaishah

16 Oct, 19:28

3rd Al-‘Allāmah ‘Ubayd Al-Jābirī Conference, Nigeria 💥🛋️

Happening Live in Ilorin, Nigeria (In shā Allah) | January, 2025.

For upcoming updates, kindly join;

🟢 WhatsApp Channel:
🔵 Telegram Channel:
🟠 WhatsApp Group: ▪️


Children Of 'Aaishah

11 Oct, 06:53

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

03 Oct, 10:27

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

02 Oct, 17:02

New Audio:

Advice to Children and Q&A - Shaykh Salim Bamihriz

Some of the advice the Shaykh gave was:
- To be good Muslim members of society
- ⁠To be mature and prepare for adulthood
- ⁠To treat others with respect

The Shaykh also answered questions of the keen young attendees covering many different topics. They were excited meeting the Shaykh, hafidhahullah.

Children Of 'Aaishah

26 Sep, 07:08

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

21 Sep, 13:56

Education is not static. There are always discoveries and new advancements in the method of facilitating education. Being open to change allows homeschooling parents to be updated in this journey, ensuring their children receive comprehensive and relevant education. So it is important that we never stop learning about homeschooling.

As a salafi parent who is homeschooling or planning to homeschool, you need to get this handbook for your family to enhance your homeschooling journey.

Children Of 'Aaishah

18 Sep, 11:17

Strengthen Your Faith With Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📖

Purify your worship of Allah and equip yourself with certainty. Join us in learning important Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadīth, Tawheed, Fiqh and Arabiyyah. For Kids and Adults.

Enroll yourself and/or kid(s) today @ ‘Aaishah’s Academy:

Children Of 'Aaishah

15 Sep, 16:18

Build Your Home Upon Islamic Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📚

Enroll in ‘Aaishah’s Academy and learn essential Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadith, Tawheed, Arabiyyah and more, from experienced teachers and educators.

Register today at NB: For Kids and Adults (Males Only)

BārakAllāhu fīkum!

Children Of 'Aaishah

28 Aug, 20:03

Build Your Home Upon Islamic Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📚

Enroll in ‘Aaishah’s Academy and learn essential Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadith, Tawheed, Arabiyyah and more, from experienced teachers and educators.

Register today at NB: For Kids and Adults (Males Only)

BārakAllāhu fīkum!

Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Aug, 11:58

Buy here

Children Of 'Aaishah

24 Aug, 09:03

Build Your Home Upon Islamic Knowledge (بإذن الله) 📚

Enroll in ‘Aaishah’s Academy and learn essential Islamic subjects like Qur’an, Hadith, Tawheed, Arabiyyah and more, from experienced teachers and educators.

Register today at NB: For Kids and Adults (Males Only)

BārakAllāhu fīkum!

Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Aug, 10:24

نسخـــة الهيئـــة - للتـــصوير العـــادي

#لمــن أراد تصويــر الكتــاب
فــي محــل تصــوير عــادي.

Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Aug, 10:24


Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Aug, 10:24

📚 كتاب رياض الكنوز الأثرية للأطفال 🎈

🖋 باللغة الإنجليزية - in English 👇👇👇

Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Aug, 10:24


Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Aug, 10:22

كتيب : رياض الكنوز الأثرية - الرياضيات 📐📏✏️

📚 لبراعم الروضة والسنة الأولى ابتدائي 🎈

Children Of 'Aaishah

09 Aug, 10:22


Children Of 'Aaishah

06 Aug, 14:54

Enroll Your Boys in the Nuraniyyah Class 📒

Your child will learn to read the Nuraniyyah fluently and master the proper pronunciation of Arabic letters, laying a strong foundation for his Quran journey (بإذن الله).

Enroll them today @!