Rare NDH pics @rarendhpics Channel on Telegram

Rare NDH pics


Rare NDH pics
Historical archive of rare pictures from the
Independent State of Croatia from various sources.

Rare NDH pics (English)

Are you a history buff or simply fascinated by rare photographs from the past? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Rare NDH pics'! This channel is a historical archive of rare pictures from the Independent State of Croatia, sourced from various collections. The Independent State of Croatia, also known as NDH, was a World War II-era Axis puppet state. It existed from 1941 to 1945 and encompassed present-day Croatia and parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The NDH was a controversial and complex period in history, and these rare pictures provide a unique glimpse into that time. The 'Rare NDH pics' channel is dedicated to preserving and sharing these historical images with a wider audience. From portraits of political figures to everyday life snapshots, these photos offer a window into a bygone era. Whether you are a researcher, student, or simply curious about this period in history, this channel is a valuable resource for all. Join 'Rare NDH pics' on Telegram to explore these rare photographs and immerse yourself in the visual history of the Independent State of Croatia. Gain insight into the people, events, and landscapes of this tumultuous time through the lens of these unique images. Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve into the past and uncover the stories behind each picture. Subscribe to 'Rare NDH pics' today and embark on a visual journey through a lesser-known chapter of European history. Let these rare photographs transport you to the world of the Independent State of Croatia and discover the hidden gems captured in each picture. Join this growing community of history enthusiasts and experience the past in a whole new light!

Rare NDH pics

07 Feb, 11:02

Natporučnik HOS-a, snimljen u travnju 1945. godine. Oko donjega dijela lijevog rukava ima vrpcu na kojoj piše:"P. B. RATNI IZVJESTILAC".

A Croatian Armed Forces lieutenant photographed in April 1945. He has cuff inscription "P.B. RATNI IZVJESTILAC" (War Correspondent).


Rare NDH pics

27 Jan, 21:15

Dva pripadnika Allgemeine SS-a 3. listopada 1941. godine. Obojica nose tanjurače na kojima se nalaze hrvatske šahovnice.

Two members of Allgemeine SS on October 3, 1941. Both wearing visor caps with an Croatian national emblem centrepiece.


Rare NDH pics

22 Jan, 15:50

Dolazak kompozicije s pripadnicima Crne Legije na željezničku postaju Metković.

Arrival of the formation with members of the Black Legion at the Metković railway station.


Rare NDH pics

12 Jan, 22:25

🇩🇪 Death card of the young 21 year old Gefreiter Josef Hatheier with his Croatian Medal of Pavelic for Bravery.

Gefreiter Josef Hatheier, a young German soldier, was initially stationed in Yugoslavia. However, during the Polish Ghetto Uprising, he was reassigned to Poland, where he fought in a brutal battle and was ultimately killed in action.

🏴 Neues Europa archive 🏴

Rare NDH pics

31 Dec, 23:01

Skupina pripadnika HOS-a prije točno 80 godina s natpisom ,,Sretna nova godina 1945."

A group of Croatian Armed Forces soldiers exactly 80 years ago with the inscription "Happy New Year 1945."


Rare NDH pics

23 Dec, 13:40

Proslava Antunova u Livnu, 13. lipnja 1943. Pripadnicima II. bojne Prometnog zdruga Ustaške vojnice koji su sudjelovali u borbama u istočnoj Bosni i prodoru prema Drini (Operacija Trio) tom je prigodom dodijeljen spomen-znak Crne legije.

Anthony's Day celebration in Livno, June 13, 1943. Members of the 2nd Battalion of the Ustasha Military Transport Brigade who participated in the fighting in eastern Bosnia and the breakthrough towards the Drina River (Operation Trio) were awarded the Black Legion commemorative badge on that occasion.


Rare NDH pics

13 Dec, 21:00

Slike pripadnika HOS-a.

Photos of the Croatian Armed Forces soldier.

Credit to @USK0K for the photo.


Rare NDH pics

08 Dec, 15:55

Skupina pripadnika HOS-a, snimljena u mjestu Zibela pokraj Siska u ožujku 1945.

A group of Croatian Armed Forces soldiers photographed in Zibel near Sisak in March 1945.


Rare NDH pics

03 Dec, 15:22

Hrvatsko-Njemačko SS Redarstvo.

German-Croatian SS Police and Gendarmerie.


Rare NDH pics

29 Nov, 18:02

Oklopna postrojba domobranstva 1944. godine ispred Renault R-35 tenka.

An armored unit of the Home Guard in 1944 in front of a Renault R-35 tank.


Rare NDH pics

22 Nov, 13:41

369. pojačana pješačka pukovnija.

369th Reinforced Infantry Regiment.


Rare NDH pics

16 Nov, 07:04

Postrojavanje na Markovom trgu. Satnija Hrvatskih domobrana odaje počast Anti Paveliću prilikom obilaska postrojbi.

Lineup on Mark's square. The Croatian Home Guard company pays tribute to Ante Pavelić during a tour of the units.


Rare NDH pics

11 Nov, 17:00

»Te večeri [dolaska prve njemačke oklopne divizije u Zagreb] pružio sam, kao zapovijednik vojske, koja je stigla u Zagreb ruku Vojskovodji Kvaterniku. Nas pripadnike 14. oklopljene divizije osobito veseli, što hrabri hrvatski vojnici danas stoje s nama rame uz rame na našem odsjeku bojišta, u borbi proti boljševičkog neprijatelja. Heil Hitler.«

— General Friedrich Kühn, 1942.

"That evening [of the arrival of the first German armored division in Zagreb], as the commander of the army that arrived in Zagreb, I offered my hand to Commander Kvaternik. We members of the 14th Armored Division are especially happy that today brave Croatian soldiers are standing side by side with us on our section of the battlefield, in the fight against the Bolshevik enemy. Heil Hitler.'

— General Friedrich Kühn, 1942.


Rare NDH pics

07 Nov, 13:16

Fotografija snimljena neposredno nakon uspostave NDH. Časnik Ustaške vojnice još uvijek nosi odoru Jugoslavenske vojske.

Photo taken immediately after the establishment of Independent State of Croatia. An officer of the Ustasha militia still wears the uniform of the Yugoslav army.


Rare NDH pics

28 Oct, 21:36

„Pobjeda, križarski rat protiv boljševizma”

Protukomunistički propagandni plakat Višijske Francuske

"Victory, the Crusade against Bolshevism"

Vichy French anti-Communist propaganda poster


Rare NDH pics

23 Oct, 08:15

Varaždin 1941.


Rare NDH pics

16 Oct, 17:56

Ustaška momčad s Pz.IV G tenkom.

Ustaša squad with Pz.IV G tank.


Rare NDH pics

12 Oct, 19:40


Rare NDH pics

04 Oct, 13:50

Portreti ustaške vojnice.

Portraits of Ustaše Militia.


Rare NDH pics

04 Oct, 13:50

Portreti domobrana.

Portraits of Domobrans.


Rare NDH pics

27 Sep, 15:00

Poručnik Hrvatskih oružanih snaga odlikovan Željeznim trolistom IV. stupnja i Željeznim križem II. stupnja.

The lieutenant of the Croatian Armed Forces was awarded the Iron Trefoil, 4th class and Iron Cross, 2nd class.


Rare NDH pics

21 Sep, 13:44

Na slici hrvatski dragovoljci, pripadnici Njemačko-hrvatske policije, igraju ,,Čovječe ne ljuti se" u svojoj vojarni.

Pictured, Croatian volunteers, members of the German-Croatian Police, play "Man, Don't Get Angry" in their barracks.


Rare NDH pics

17 Sep, 09:51

Crna legija


Rare NDH pics

15 Sep, 08:40

Njemački dočasnik upućuje hrvatskog domobrana kako upravljati haubicom.

A German NCO instructs a Croatian Home Guard how to operate a howitzer.


Rare NDH pics

11 Sep, 10:18

Pilot Zvonimir Planinc sa zrakoplovom SAIMAN 202 koji nosi znak 3. zrakoplovne luke Mostar - tri lava, simbol Dalmacije.

Pilot Zvonimir Planinc with the SAIMAN 202 aircraft bearing the emblem of the 3rd Mostar airport - three lions, the symbol of Dalmatia.


Rare NDH pics

09 Sep, 19:21

Divizija „Prinz Eugen"


Rare NDH pics

07 Sep, 07:00

Spomenik palim Nacional-socijalistima u Münchenskom puču 9. studenog 1923., spomenik se nalazio na trgu Münchenskih žrtava u Zagrebu.

Monument to the fallen National Socialists in the Munich Putsch on November 9, 1923, the monument was located on Munich Victims' Square in Zagreb.


Rare NDH pics

30 Aug, 10:01

Pripadnici SS-a ispred postera za regrutiranje u dragovoljačke SS postrojbe.

Members of the SS in front of posters for recruitment into volunteer SS units.


Rare NDH pics

26 Aug, 19:17
