Ivan Pernar @pernar Channel on Telegram

Ivan Pernar


Neodgovorni, sebični i zatucani antivakser Ako vas zanima naša chat grupa na telegramu, uđite https://t.me/PernarChat Ako me želite osobno kontaktirati ovo je moj profil t.me/ipernar

pernar (Croatian)

Dobrodošli u Telegram kanal ivana Pernara, poznatog kao neodgovornog, sebičnog i zatucanog antivaksera. Kanal @pernar je mjesto gdje možete pratiti kontroverzne stavove i mišljenja Ivana Pernara o cjepivima i drugim temama. Ivan Pernar je poznat po svojim kontroverznim izjavama i često izaziva rasprave svojim stavovima. Ako vas zanima više o njegovim pogledima i želite sudjelovati u raspravama s istomišljenicima, pridružite nam se u našoj chat grupi na Telegramu na linku: https://t.me/PernarChat. Tamo možete dijeliti mišljenja, informacije i razmjenjivati iskustva s drugim članovima kanala. Ako želite osobno kontaktirati Ivana Pernara, možete to učiniti na njegovom profilu na Telegramu: t.me/ipernar. Pridružite se kanalu @pernar i budite dio kontroverznih rasprava i razmjene mišljenja s Ivanom Pernarom i drugim članovima kanala.

Ivan Pernar

27 Jan, 08:38


Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 22:23

About 2.5 years ago I told the German people to let go of their guilt complex and stop being terrified of being called a “nazi” for having totally normal opinions.

The German MSM was absolutely outraged and unsurprisingly they all called me a nazi.

So I can’t say how glad I am to see the political earthquake that is unfolding in front of our eyes thanks to AfD and people like Elon Musk, and that many Germans are now finally able to say they are proud to be German again.


Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 20:05

Bangladeshis will soon work here so the Ukrainian men can do something else? Like the military

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 18:55

🔴🇺🇸 Rogan called Zuckerberg a Liar to his face last week 🔥

@FollowsTheWhiteRabbit 🐇

Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 18:41

🇺🇸The United States has not won a single military conflict in the last 40 years, while the Pentagon suffers from a personnel and technology crisis, said US Vice President J.D. Vance.

Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 17:53

🇷🇺🇺🇦Flags have been raised over all areas of the liberated Velikaya Novoselka in the DPR.

Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 16:41

A man made his way onto the roof of a military enlistment office (TCC), trying to escape.


Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 15:00

In reality, Trump does not have any "peace plans in 100 days", Yermak said.


Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 13:52

Ok, done … I’m buying a sign from Tony.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 10:24

NEW - German sports scientist and sports historian calls to make the country's national youth fit for potential war.



Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 10:23

🇧🇾 Lukashenko voted

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Ivan Pernar

26 Jan, 09:46

The only way getting a job in this economy

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

23 Jan, 13:16

Pozdrav iz Davosa, da ne kažete da ne mislim na vas!

Ivan Pernar

23 Jan, 12:18

Schatzalp Davos

Ivan Pernar

23 Jan, 10:50

The situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Velyka Novosilka is getting worse not just every day, but every hour.

At the present time, the remnants of the enemy garrison have been finally driven beyond the Kaslagach River and are localized in the territory of the inner part of the settlement, surrounded by a water barrier.

There are already reports that even the current positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been cut in two.

In the video, the Vostok assault troops inspect a building with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers from the 110th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, whose units are defending Velyka Novosilka.


Ivan Pernar

23 Jan, 10:19

NEW - Far-left group projected "Heil Tesla" onto Elon Musk's Gigafactory near Berlin, according to their own statement on X.


Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 17:42

🇺🇦🇷🇺Zelensky statements combined:

- Russia started with 250,000 people in 2022

- Ukraine killed 800,000 Russians

- Russia now has 1,250,000 people

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 17:08

🇩🇰🇺🇸"Greenland has been Danish for 800 years, twice as long as the United States has existed. It is an integral part of our country and is not for sale. Let me put it in words you understand: Mr. Trump, fu*k off," Danish MP

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 17:07

The US has massively halted arms shipments to Ukraine

Washington has withdrawn all applications for the transit of goods in the interests of Ukraine through Rzeszow, Constanta and Varna. The supply of weapons and military equipment for Kiev at NATO bases in Europe has also been stopped.

As previously reported, all Pentagon employees involved in arms supplies to Ukraine have been fired or suspended from their positions.

All this is happening as part of a large-scale investigation into the misuse of funds to help the Kiev regime.


Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 15:56

Germany: AfD and SPD tied for second place with 19% each, with CDU in the clear lead.

However, critics are mocking the YouGov poll results, which reveal 101% of voters are counted.

Other polls show AfD with higher numbers, up to 22%, while SPD scores far lower in most polls.

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 15:33

Woah-oh-oh-oh Camouflage
Things are never quite the way they seem

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 14:51

Kaže da su ih lagali da će bit u NATO-u, jadan čovjek je tek sad shvatio ono što zna svaki pratitelj mog kanala.

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 14:50

Zelensky :

The West's promises to accept Ukraine into NATO were a lie

"It was just a lie that yes, Ukraine will be in NATO. It was unfair to Ukraine and to Ukrainians."

What a surprise!

⚡️ Two Majors

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 14:08

Apparently after Tiktok was brought back online by Trump this week, users are being censored for posting “Free Palestine.”

This was clearly part of the terms negotiated by President Trump to extend Tiktok’s lifespan in the US. So far since Trump’s election we have seen increased censorship on X and Tiktok directly related to the issues of legal immigration and the war in Gaza.

This already vindicates my prediction that censorship might increase under Trump, especially due to the influence of his donors.

Ivan Pernar

22 Jan, 12:20

🇩🇪 Scholz is so interesting that literally NOONE asks him any question at Davos.

LMAO … but kinda sad

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

21 Jan, 20:56

Trump gave away the executive order pens yesterday … funny souvenir

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

21 Jan, 19:07

Čak i židovi brane Muska

Ivan Pernar

21 Jan, 11:21

Odluka Donalda Trumpa da u Americi dozvoli postojanje samo dva spola i učini ih nepromjenjivima velik je udarac za homo-trans aktiviste.

U nekim europskim zemljama su čak predviđene i kazne za one koji kažu da postoje samo dva spola ili da je spol nepromjenjiv.

Hoće li izdati nalog za Trumpovim uhićenjem u slučaju da posjeti te države?

Ivan Pernar

21 Jan, 10:36

Mišljenja sam da svatko ima pravo pozdravljati kako želi, pa tako i Elon Musk, progoniti ljude zbog načina na koji pozdravljaju smatram smiješnim. Ne mogu razumijeti odakle u Hrvatskim medijima toliko mržnje prema Američkom predsjedniku Trumpu i odakle dolazi potreba da ga se demonizira.

Podržavam slobodu govora i tražim da se ukinu zakoni u Hrvatskoj koji su doveli do brojnih kaznenih i prekršajnih postupaka samo radi "krivog" pozdrava.

Mislim da je način na koji pojedinac pozdravlja stvar njegovog osobnog izbora i ukusa i da se država ne bi trebala miješati u to.

Državno odvjetništvo je nažalost politizirano i umjesto da se bavi borbom protiv kriminala bavi se kaznenim progonom političkih disidenata. Pozivam na obustavu svih kaznenih i prekršajnih postupaka koji se vrše zbog "krivog" pozdrava, "krivog" mišljenja i "krivih" političkih uvjerenja, te puštanje na slobodu svih političkih zatvorenika u Hrvatskoj.

Ivan Pernar

19 Jan, 15:01

Kod nas daju medijski prostor ženama na hormonalnoj terapiji

Ivan Pernar

19 Jan, 15:01

🇷🇺 Russian aerobatics legend Svetlana!

Svetlana Kapanina was World Aerobatic Champion in the women's category in 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 and has won the title more times than any other pilot in the category!

I’m getting dizzy watching the video already

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

19 Jan, 14:25

Slovakian Prime Minister Fico has spoken out against further aid to Ukraine

He said that he is inclined to reduce European financial aid to Ukraine. However, he stressed that this requires a unanimous decision by the European Council.


Ivan Pernar

19 Jan, 11:01

Kad sam rekao da treba dozvoliti da Plenković zgazi narod poskupljenjima i porezima javili su se neki s obrazloženjem da oni nisu glasali za njega, pa kao šta sad s njima.

Ljudi dragi, pa ja koji sam jedini glasao protiv Beroševog stožera u doba korone, protivio se uvođenju eura i porezu na nekretnine dobio sam okruglih 1% glasova na izborima, manje od Radlera.

I tih 1% koji imaju mozga u glavi njih mi je žao, ostalih 99% nek ih Plenković i njegova družina samo cipelare i ne žale nogu jer drugo nisu ni zaslužili.

To je marva i stoka koju treba gazit, koji nemaju milosti ni prema vlastitoj djeci pa podržavaju agendu obaveznog cijepljenja.

Ivan Pernar

19 Jan, 00:34

American cops need XL handcuffs

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 20:19

Bolton ne shvaća još uvijek da je Amerika izgubila taj rat

Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 20:18

🇺🇸🇷🇺🇨🇳 Trump wants to end the wars, without caring about the outcome.

It’s bad news for Ukraine, says Bolton.

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Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 20:02

Dabro, dobro se najedi i napij na račun onih koji su ti dali glas, ne žali ih jer nisu ni oni nas kad su tebi dali glas! 😁😘

Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 17:42

Dok dobrovoljci iz cijelog svijeta ginu u Ukrajini, sinovi Petra Porošenka ne odazivaju se pozivima za mobilizaciju.

Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 17:13

I njoj je bilo stalo do Ukrajine https://bljesak.info/vijesti/svijet/maria-zaitseva-simbol-bjeloruskih-prosvjeda-poginula-u-borbi-za-ukrajinu/480095

Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 11:01

🇩🇪German Foreign Minister Baerbock left government meeting after Chancellor Scholz refused to provide assistance to Kyiv, - Bild publishes photos from the event

Earlier, it was reported that the German Chancellor was blocking a 3 billion euro aid package for Ukraine

Ivan Pernar

18 Jan, 09:53

Teachers in a Kiev school complain about children

They say they were "playing the TCC" and almost broke a classmate's nose


Ivan Pernar

17 Jan, 20:39

🇺🇦 The forcefully mobilized on the street are held in such temporary dislocation centers … looks more like a prison


➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

17 Jan, 20:16

🇺🇦 Ukrainian instructor shows how to reload an AK with one arm only

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

17 Jan, 18:19

JUST IN: CNN has been slapped with a $5 million fine for defaming Zachary Young...

CNN argued that this penalty would damage their ability to report the news. 😢

We will soon move into the discovery phase of our defamation trial against CNN...

Should we go easy on them? 😎

Ivan Pernar

17 Jan, 15:22

Jel tko od vas odvjetnik iz Zagreba? Ako da, molim vas da se javi na @ipernar

Ivan Pernar

13 Jan, 09:28

Poruka od Srbina: Izvadio sam 7 amalgama. Poslednji u februaru 2024 god.

I jedina je u bg da koristi koferdam i uredjaj koji usisava isparenja prilikom vadjenja amalgama.

Dobra je i pametna. Zna u cemu je problem i koliko je amalgam stetan. U bg Nisam mogao da nadjem zubara koji amalgam smatra problemom. Svi su mi rekli da nema potrebe da se vadi. Mada i pored velike smrtnosti od vakcina i dalje vecina ne smatra vakcinu stetnom. U mojoj porodici jedna osoba je dobila tromb a druga umrla posle bustera ali i dalje veruju tv-u
Zvao sam oko 17 zubara i pretrazivao po internetu (tako ju je našao)

Ivan Pernar

13 Jan, 08:27

‼️🚨Asian cops be like straight from Jackie Chan movies

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

13 Jan, 08:25

In Pervomaysk, Nikolaev region, passersby stood up for another "volunteer" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Moreover, military commissars are not visible in the frame, all the work is done by police officers who simply kidnap a person on the street in broad daylight.


Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 17:38

Di je onaj John Smith da kaže i njega na front!!

Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 17:38

🇺🇦🇧🇾 Military recruiters in Ukraine check a guy, but he’s from Belarus.

Wrong passport guys.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 17:37

Danas gotovo i nema žene koja nema probleme sa štitnjačom i naravno, pojavi se netko s jodom i kaže jod će riješiti sve vaše probleme!

I ljudi krenu s jodom i odjednom dio tih ljudi ima gadne probleme, ili se pak problemi ne riješe.

I onda je naravno kriv, a tko drugi nego jod, iliti oni koji su vam rekli da uzimate jod.

Međutim, tajna zdrave štitnjače nije samo u jodu i zato ja uvijek kad me netko pita kako da dozira jod pitam ga:

Ima li MRTVE ZUBE (jer gotovo da i nema žene s hašimotom bez mrtvih zuba), ima li AMALGAME (crne plombe od žive) i treće pitanje, ne manje važno, šprica li po vratu parfeme (razlog zašto parfem dugo miriši za razliku od eteričnih ulja je u tome što se u njega dodaju aromatski ugljikovodici - ftalati koji su endokrini disruptori i ometaju rad štitnjače).

Također, uvijek savjetujem ljudima da ne slikaju zube, odnosno ne rate ortopane i bitewingove, danas je to postalo tako pomodno da čim dođete kod zubara on vas slika i bez da je pogledao zube, takvo nepotrebno zračenje uvijek rade bez da prethodno zaštite štitnjaču od zračenja i ako pogledate znanstvene radove vidjet ćete povezanost učestalog slikanja zuba i štetnih promjena na štitnjači.

Nažalost, većina ljudi to ne zna, niti ih zanima, niti ih je briga, jod kao dodatak se uzima tek kad se na točan način odgovori na ranija pitanja - Nemam mrtve zube, nemam amalgame, ne špricam parfeme, izbjegavam slikanje zuba.

Međutim, oni koji reklamiraju jod kao čudotvorno rješenje za štitnjaču nikad ne postavljaju ta pitanja, onda se ljudi koji su poslušali takve savjete jave meni u panici da su uzeli jod i da im smeta, da im je bilo jako loše i da im nije jasno zašto.

Dakle, ako želite savjet za jod, počnite razmišljati o tome kako čuvati svoju štitnjaču od toksina, a ne samo idemo po jod i svi naši problemi će bit riješeni jer neće!!

Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 15:23

🇺🇦🇷🇺‼️🚨 Ukrainian soldier in Vovchansk surrendered to a drone and saved his life!

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 13:24

"If your time has come, you must accept this challenge with dignity": Kuleba on the possible reduction of the mobilization age

The age threshold will most likely be lowered not to 18 years, but only by 1-2 years, the former foreign minister said.

He also said that he "barely persuaded his 18-year-old son not to go to war, but to continue his studies."


Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 11:17

Sve njih na front!

Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 11:17

🇺🇦A black military commissar was spotted on the streets of Kiev.

Ivan Pernar

12 Jan, 09:51

A Ukrainian soldier raped a policeman in the ass who had previously mobilized him.

Ukrainian TV reports this.

A guy from Odessa, forcibly drafted into the army, deserted at the first opportunity and decided to take revenge on one of the policemen.

He gained the policeman's trust, suggested they drink together, slipped sleeping pills into his drink, and when he fell asleep, the guy raped him in the ass.


Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 20:00

Prilika za sve one koji se žele pomoći Ukrajini! ♥️

Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 19:29

🇷🇺🇺🇦A group of 16 Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered to the Russian Armed Forces in the industrial zone of the recently captured Kurakhovo .

Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 14:55

Organs from Ukraine are being sold on the Darknet black market

One such offer: a man's heart, 31 years old. Country of origin: Ukraine.


Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 13:09

🇷🇺🎖⚡️Putin awarded the title Hero of Russia to corporal Andrei Grigoriev from Yakutia, who defeated a soldier in hand-to-hand combat

Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 11:14

Na front s njim!!

Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 11:14

Odessa babushkas stood up for a guy who was caught by the police, explaining it was a search for the military commissars

Unfortunately, they failed to fight him off. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are expecting reinforcements.


Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 10:08

🇺🇸The Biden administration demanded to censor this meme!

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 09:48

🇺🇸 The fact-checking system went off the rails, it was built for the extreme stuff like “flat earth” but went into the direction of judging political opinions.

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Ivan Pernar

11 Jan, 09:08

In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, soldiers' fingers are cut off for refusing to fight Russia

Two Ukrainian soldiers who suffered at the hands of their commanders surrendered to Russian paratroopers in the Kursk region, reports @RVvoenkor. They are now safe.


Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 11:50

Mum is shocked that they found human parts in her son’s room.

Then the son shows up and clears all up.


➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 11:48

Kursk. Ukrainian Armed Forces throw out their 300s to die in an open field

The reconnaissance forces of the North Guard Forces have discovered the advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces evacuation group.

Two vehicles took several wounded and began moving towards their positions, but for some unknown reason two still living Ukrainian soldiers were thrown out of the vehicle.

The fact that the Ukrainian army does not take the wounded is not a secret, but when they are thrown out of evacuation vehicles to die in an open field, this is something that the Severyan UAV operators have seen for the first time.

⚡️ Two Majors

Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 11:07

Nije mu lako!!

Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 10:40


Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 10:05

OCU priest Yaroslav Yasenets called on TCC employees to pray to John the Warrior so that he would help them catch "draft dodgers"

"Saint John is the patron saint of warriors. He helps in the search for missing persons, slaves and fugitive servants."


Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 09:01

JUST IN - Klaus Müller, head of the German Federal Network Agency and linked to the Green party, threatens Meta with sanctions if Zuckerberg stops using biased "fact checkers" in Europe.



Ivan Pernar

08 Jan, 08:47

🇺🇸You should not call police on shoplifters because the police might kill them, says this women

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 21:47

❗️This is a war that should never have happened - Trump on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict


Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 21:47

❗️Trump said he "understands Russia's feelings" when it comes to Ukraine's inadmissibility of joining NATO


Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 20:56


Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 19:43

🇺🇦🇷🇺🚨‼️ Zelensky is a Russian speaker, according to himself.

Earlier he demanded to allow eastern Ukraine to speak Russian legally.


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Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 19:11

Kažu u školama da imaju problem s tim što roditelji dijele šifru na tipkovnici s djecom, valjda im nitko nije rekao da se može napraviti da se ulazi na otisak prsta i da se samo skenira prst i problem riješen

Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 18:12

Zelenku gubi podršku Ukrajinaca iz mjeeca u mjesec, ali na mom kanalu ima čvrstu podršku između 15 i 20% kontinuirano.

Uskoro će natpolovična većina Ukrajinaca biti protiv njega (ako se trendovi nastave).

Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 17:46

They may say we have a dictatorship or something else. Listen, having a dictatorship like Belarus’ is better than having a democracy like Ukraine’s.

Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 17:30

Four big guys try to push an equally big Ukrainian into a minibus with their kicks.

Replenishing the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces after the mass desertion.


Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 17:25

Tko kaže da sankcije ne djeluju? https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/bankroti-firmi-u-njemackoj-dosegnuli-razinu-iz-velike-financijske-krize-2009/2630629.aspx?index_ref=naslovnica_vijesti_ostalo_d_0

Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 16:44

📱 NEW: Meta has announced that it will replace its 'third-party fact-checking program' with a 'Community Notes' system, similar to X. The change, according to them, is due to perceived biases among fact-checkers and the high volume of content reviewed.


Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 15:31

🇺🇦A TCC employee, threatening with a loaded machine gun, tries to disperse a crowd protecting a beaten man from mobilization.

Ivan Pernar

07 Jan, 15:30

▪️Washington Post: Ukraine lost 400,000 soldiers killed and wounded, but even these figures are understated

The publication claims that Ukraine is losing troops at a rate that far exceeds the rate of replenishment.


Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 16:14


Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 16:10

'All of Russia's nuclear weapons are ready for use'

- Russian deserter tells BBC that the West should not relax.

🎙️ Subscribe

Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 16:09

Ukrainian military expert Krivolap complains on local TV about the treachery of Russian drone operators:

"They constantly change tactics: they launch drones in groups, alone, they unite them into "flocks", they change the altitude and direction of flight"


Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 14:23

The Economist: At least 60,000-100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in combat with Russia, and another 400,000 were seriously wounded and can no longer fight.

Earlier, Zelensky voiced the figure of 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed at the front.


Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 13:17


Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 11:27

OUCH: After work accidents, I bring you children’s accidents!

Some are useful to see for parents

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 11:09

Žena u tijelu muškarca https://www.jutarnji.hr/kultura/kazaliste/sjajan-je-marinko-les-kao-stariji-transvestit-koji-se-plasi-bora-i-kilograma-kad-zapjeva-kao-da-doista-cujes-zenu-u-tijelu-muskarca-15526778?cx_linkref=jl_home_najnovije

Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 10:01


Ivan Pernar

27 Nov, 09:50

🇰🇷As of 2024 the fertility rate in South Korea is 0.68 births per woman.

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 23:43

Pizza za 5 dolara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouG9cVhjPds

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 23:26


Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 23:17

Thyssen Krupp will cut 11,000 jobs and still wants two billion taxpayer money

German economy is dying.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 23:10

10.000 eura ljudi moji za skejtbord na kotačima https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQZgcVuKJkM

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 22:33

Lada Aura je najluksuzniji Ladin model do sada koji je debitirao prošle godine.

2021. Lada je proizvela 350.000 vozila, 2024. procjenjuje se da će ih proizvesti 480.000!

Malo manje od 30% Ruskog tržišta sada drži, ako se pitate kakvi su Ruski auti, za Razliku od Kineskih nisu toliko modernog izgleda, ali su kvalitetni i trajni, npr. kultna Lada Niva se i dalje proizvodi u Rusiji.

Uvođenjem Lade Aure u ponudu, Lada je ponudila vozilo koje ima ugodnu vanjštinu, ali i neke novije elemente poput LCD ekrana za navigaciju i automatskog mjenjača.

Ostatak tržišta drže uglavnom Kinezi, međutim, Ruska auto industrija nema problema s konkurencijom iz Kine. Čak i da se zabrani uvoz Kineskih vozila, ne bi mogla proizvesti onoliko vozila koliko Rusko tržište treba. Smisao Ruske carinske politike je omogućiti Ladi postizanje maksimalne proizvodnje.

Napomene radi, Lada Niva košta 10.000 dolara! U ovom videu vam Rus pokazuje njihov auto salon s cijenama, pogledajte! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syyxu4M6j2Q

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 21:47

Nakon uvođenja EU carina na Kineska vozila iz Kine su počele stizati vijesti o zatvaranju prodajnih centara Europskih proizvođača. Naime, da bi trgovac doveo aute do salona, treba mu kredit za kupnju auta i Kineske banke bi mu u pravilu i davale kredit. On bi potom prodavao te aute krajnjem kupcu. Međutim, sada su banke počele odbijati zahtjeve za kreditima i auto saloni koji prodaju Europska vozila su se počeli zatvarati što polagano dovodi do likvidacije distribucijske mreže. Za sada su vijesti o zatvaranju pojedinačne, govori se o racionalizaciji poslovanja, ali ne bi me čudilo da ubrzo dođe do potpunog sloma prodaje Europskih vozila.

Iznenadila me misao da mala promjena u kreditnoj politici, bez uvođenja ikakvih carina ili trošarina može slamanjem distribucijske mreže srušiti i samu proizvodnju vozila.

Imajte na umu da EU proizvođači vozila zarađuju 10 puta više novca na Kineskom tržištu, nego Kineski u EU, tako da bi trgovinski rat mogao obiti o glavi EU kao i sankcije Rusiji.

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 20:15

Ja sam mislio da vrijeme radi za Ukrajince i da se Putinu žuri?! https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/ukrajina-je-u-najtezoj-situaciji-od-pocetka-rata-spremamo-se-za-najgori-scenarij/2618894.aspx?index_ref=naslovnica_vijesti_ostalo_d_0

Ivan Pernar

26 Nov, 19:12

🇺🇦🇷🇺 Ukrainian business blogger says Ukraine is going bankrupt by sending brigades to die.

He uses an example of a brigade that fights in Kursk region, who lost 500 people in 10 days.

He calculates that 500 are worth $180 million which Zelensky (IDIOT as he says) just burned.

I assume he means that it cost $180 mil to train, equip and supply with armor these 500 people.

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Ivan Pernar

25 Nov, 11:09

I think that Volkswagen Group might go bankrupt just as heavily indebted "too big to fail" Evergrande group.

Indicators that point to such opinion are here - massive debt, falling vehicle sales, drop in profit, announced factory closures, salary cuts and mass layoffs. Most troubling is potential loss of Chinese market where BYD had already surpassed Volkswagen as number one vehicle producer.

Instead of cutting costs of energy and raw materials which is consequence of anti-Russia sanctions, EU bureaucrats resorted to implementation of tariffs on Chinese cars as if that measure could save Volkswagen.

Well, 50% of its vehicle production is not in EU at all, but in China! Does EU plan to implement tariffs on Chinese cars in China as well in order to help Volkswagen to get rid of competition?

While China profits from war in Ukraine by getting cheap resources from Russia and paying them in their local currency, EU is struggling with huge inflationary pressure due to its own sanctions (?!) sabotage of gas pipes by its "allies" and basically financing war in Ukraine.

China doesn't pay for Russian war in Ukraine, they give nothing for free to Putin, they charge everything, they make money on Ukraine war unlike EU.

The idea that tariffs against China may help is similar to equally insane idea that European petrochemical industry might be saved by tariffs on Russian fertilizers. Many were laughing when North Koreans outperformed combined EU output of artillery shells, but when news of UK closing its biggest steel factory in Port Talbot came out it became clear that rapid deindustrialization of Europe is inevitable if cost of gas and electricity doesn't go down!

The old Europe basically made itself uncompetitive on global market and price of that will be paid by ordinary workers just as those 3000 steel workers at Port Talbot.

If I could say a few words more, I would question Volkswagen sponsoring and promoting of LGBT agenda, I just don't understand why is money spent on that when its obvious that company has huge debt and is in dire need of cuts to remain afloat. Are there really no more useful ways to spend Group's money?

Also, how does closure of 2 Russian factories and ban of export to Russia help Volkswagen financially? Did manangment make wrong decision?

Ivan Pernar

25 Nov, 08:09

Korištenje antibiotika kao uzrok manjka B12 vitamina. Prije svega, simptomi manjka su vrlo ozbiljni, među ostalim, depresivno raspoloženje, smanjena kognitivna sposobnost, demencija, tremor, demijelinizacija živaca, tinitus (zvonjava u ušima), česte pojave herpesa i propadanje bijele tvari u mozgu.

Moje otkriće da sam bio u manjku s B12 vitaminom došlo je slučajno i vrlo brzo su se neurološki simptomi povukli (nakon početka uzimanja B12 u tabletama), međutim, postavilo se pitanje kako sam uopće došao do manjka B12 vitamina?

Put ka tome otkriću bio je dosta težak, najviše me zbunjivalo to što nas medicina uči da se vitamin B12 nalazi samo u životinjskim proizvodima. Logično postavlja se pitanje, kako je moguće da mnogi vegani nisu u manjku s njim?

Tajna je u tome što neke bakterije u našim crijevima imaju sposobnost da proizvode taj vitamin. Međutim, u trenutku kad uzmete antibiotik, vi te bakterije ubijete i proizvodnja B12 vitamina prestaje ili se značajno smanjuje. Vjerojatno ćete se pitat, a zašto onda netko tko jede meso ima manjak B12 vitamina, odgovor je sljedeći: U mesu ga ima relativno malo i trebalo bi ga dosta jesti svaki dan da ne bi bili u manjku s B12.

E sad, zašto se manjak B12 vitamina ne povezuje s korištenjem antibiotika? Zato jer naša jetra skladišti višak B12 vitamina i ovo me šokiralo, te rezerve mogu trajati 3-5 godina!

Tek nakon isteka tog roka kreću simtomi manjka B12 vitamina, a koje vi naravno ne povezujete s korištenjem antibiotika koje se dogodilo puno ranije.

Ovo posebno govorim zbog djece koju roditelji šopaju antibioticima nesvjesni toga da na taj način, mogu dogurati svoju djecu u manjak B12 vitamina, a da nitko toga nije svjestan.

Htio bi se ovom prilikom posebno osvrnuti na herpes, naime, kad god bi imao skraćeni san (nedovoljno spavao), značajan umor ili veći stres, znao bi mi izbiti herpes. Dakako, ja sam to povezivao s ranije navedenim faktorima, međutim, čim sam krenuo uzimat B12, herpes se više ne pojavljuje usprkos tim istim faktorima i tako je već mjesecima, što me navelo do spoznaje, a koju sam kasnije istraživajući potvrdio, da je manjak B12 vitamina jedan od glavnih uzroka ponovne pojave herpesa!

Ivan Pernar

24 Nov, 15:10

Ako kome treba apartman u ZG javite se na @ipernar

Ivan Pernar

24 Nov, 10:46

🇷🇺🇺🇦🇬🇧A British Army veteran was caught in the Kursk region, who served in the 22nd Signal Regiment as a private signalman from 2019 to 2023.

After his dismissal, he applied to the International Legion of Ukraine, arrived from London to Krakow, Poland, and then to the Ukrainian-Polish border near the village of Medyka, where the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint is located.

Overall, the footage will be useful and will be able to tell a lot of interesting things about communications and its structure in the British army.

Ivan Pernar

24 Nov, 09:30


Ivan Pernar

24 Nov, 07:40

🇷🇺🇺🇦It is reported that after the latest attacks on the Ukrainian power grid, the number of calls from telephone scammers in Russia has fallen by almost half.

Power outages also affect the work of scammers. During such periods, the number of Ukro-bots in Telegram also falls.

Also a very good reason to continue.

Ivan Pernar

23 Nov, 18:02


Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 19:21


Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 16:42

Porez na nekretnine je cijeloživotno plaćanje rente državi za vlastitu imovinu. To znači da niste vlasnici imovine koja formalno piše na vaše ime.
Nemojmo se zavaravati. Porez smo nekoliko puta platili prilikom kupnje. Od poreza i doprinosa na plaće, porez na dividendu, PDV na svaku ciglu ili komad namještaja. Traženje daljnjeg poreza je otimanje imovine.
Ako SADA DOZVOLIMO da uvedu porez na nekretnine zapečatili smo sudbinu privatnog vlasništva nama i našim pokoljenjima.
NE DOZVOLIMO i dođite sutra na prvi protest oko ove teme.
Možemo kreirati i nastavak.

Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 16:30

Men’s shoulder vs hip ratio and weight makes them tip over.

Hence, if you are not sure if someone is trans … let them do this test, LMAO

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 16:26

Residents of Khmelnitsky are dissuading another city dweller, eager to go to the front, from taking a rash step.


Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 10:06

🇺🇦🇷🇺One strike by an Oreshnik missile with a nuclear charge is enough to completely destroy Kyiv, said candidate of chemical sciences Repich on the air of a Kyiv TV channel.

Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 09:48

A resident of the Zaporozhye region was mobilized together with his dog

Both were brought to the military registration and enlistment office, locked in a basement and will soon be sent to training. At the same time, as the author of the video assures, he has a document confirming his exclusion from military registration.


Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 08:40

Tales from the front lines: Transformation of a captured Ukrainian soldier.

A Russian reconnaissance unit captured a Ukrainian soldier during a raid. They could not transport him to the rear right away due to enemy artillery and drone activity in the area. The Ukrainian prisoner had to remain with the unit in the field for several days. During the first couple of days, the prisoner was apprehensive of his captors, and was getting used to his new situation. By the fourth day, the prisoner seemed to become quite comfortable and volunteered to help the Russian soldiers with radio monitoring. On the 10th day, the prisoner took up arms, and helped to repel a drone attack by the Ukrainians. And on the 11th day, the prisoner fought alongside with members of the Russian unit that captured him to repel a Ukrainian assault on the unit position.

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Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 08:18

German social welfare system seems to be very easy to exploit … since people meme it already.

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Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 06:42

Jeste li i vi medu onima koji napuštaju Twitter?!

Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 06:13

You can punch a white person whilst shouting that you hate them, but put up a flyer saying 'it's OK to be white', and you're in real trouble.

Ivan Pernar

22 Nov, 00:20

🇮🇱🇳🇱🚨‼️ The ICC has “once against shown that it is antisemitic through and through,” declares far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

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Ivan Pernar

21 Nov, 20:39

Je li moguće?! https://express.24sata.hr/top-news/novi-express-tajni-zivot-masona-berosa-27981

Ivan Pernar

21 Nov, 12:07

JUST IN - ICC in The Hague has issued arrest warrants for Israel's Netanyahu and Gallant for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including starvation as a method of warfare in Gaza.


Ivan Pernar

21 Nov, 11:43

The body of yet another Ukrainian has surfaced in the Tisza River on the border with Romania.


Ivan Pernar

21 Nov, 09:30

Imagine a government so insane that whilst attempting to provoke Russia into a war they are also cutting military spending.

Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 23:40

🇷🇺🇺🇸🇮🇱🇵🇸🇺🇳 Russia's condemnation of the US for blocking the Gaza ceasefire!

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Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 19:57

CNN Actually aired this.
Mass deportations

Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 19:36


Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 17:14

A Ukrainian discusses forced mobilization:

"I don't have nine lives, I want to manage my life as I want. It's my choice"


Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 14:29

The 'poster boy' for the anti-deportation campaign ended up raping and impregnating a 15-year-old girl.
He should have been deported, those who stopped the deportation should also be charged.

Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 13:13

The overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forcibly mobilized

Bloomberg writes about this. The publication notes that currently about 25% of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the front lines are volunteers and 75% are forcibly mobilized.

There is a serious shortage of soldiers, as well as weapons. The mood in the Ukrainian army is "desperate", no one believes in Kyiv's victory anymore.

This is in stark contrast to the Russian army, where a unique mobilisation took place.


Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 10:38

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are sending all undesirables to the Pokrovsk direction

This was stated by a captured Ukrainian soldier from the 152nd brigade of the Ukrainian army.

He does not want to go to the exchange, as he is afraid he'll be sent to the front again.


Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 10:26

🇺🇸/🇮🇱 NEW: For the first time, a prominent Democrat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has criticized AIPAC, the American Jewish lobby in the US, admitting that the lobby has an unnatural amount of influence


Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 10:19

Good morning.
To Work!!!


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Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 08:30

🇮🇱🇵🇸❗️Israel ready to pay Palestinians $5 million for the release of each hostage from Hamas in Gaza - Netanyahu

Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 07:01

❗️ Zelensky admits they will lose the war if the American government cuts military funding.

"Our production is not enough to survive" he said.


Ivan Pernar

20 Nov, 06:44

Zelensky said he had succeeded in "defending the freedom of all European countries"

However, angry Putin is focused on winning, while some ungrateful Europeans "are thinking about some elections or something like that in the vastness of Ukraine."

◼️Earlier, he said that there would be no elections in Ukraine while martial law is in effect.


Ivan Pernar

19 Nov, 22:40


Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 19:03


Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 18:51

Gledam horor neki Američki, curica neka Kineskinja i dvoje tata. Jednog zove tata Andrew, a drugi tata Eric. Iako mi se čini da ni jedan od njih nije stvarni tata.

Mislim da će uskoro i naši filmovi tako izgledati.

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 18:35

🇷🇺🇺🇦A direct hit from an FPV drone on the driver of a Ukrainian L200, who drove his pickup truck into a crater from an aerial bomb, Kursk region.

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 18:18

Such policies influences the people’s vote … now they are surprised Trump won.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 16:40

Smatrao je da je smrt bolja od nastavka života u Trumpovoj Americi

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 16:25

🇺🇸A Minnesota man became upset over Trump's victory, killed his wife, ex-wife, two sons, and committed suicide.

Anthony Neefew, 46, believed in aliens and interstellar worlds. He was also critical of Trump and the Republicans.

Anthony finally lost his mind on Thursday, November 7, when it became clear that Trump had won in a landslide. That was the day Anthony killed his ex-wife and eldest son, then came home, where he killed his current wife and youngest son, and then shot himself.

In essence, he became a victim of the anti-Trump hysteria that the Democratic Party was whipping up. The propaganda of hatred, coupled with the character's leaky attic, produced ugly shoots.

It is also reported that Richard Gere and Tom Hanks are leaving the US due to Trump's victory.

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 15:16

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 14:27


Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 13:40

Rusi likvidiraju Ukrajinske vojnike koji se nisu na vrijeme predali ili dezertirali.

Dok ima živih Ukrajinaca Zelenko neće kapitulaciju potpisat

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 12:55

Pratite li ovu stranicu?

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 10:04


German foreign minister explains that the money they sent to Ukraine was cut from SCHOOLS AND DAYCARE centers, and also the German RAILWAYS were not modernized for example!

➡️ Now Zelensky got the money for nothing and German kids and infrastructure is not funded.

If you ask me, this is treason towards the German people.

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Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 00:53

96% međusobnih plaćanja između Rusije i Irana sada se odvija u lokalnim valutama, platni sustavi Irana i Rusije su umreženi.

Sankcije djeluju 😅😅

Ivan Pernar

10 Nov, 00:39

❗️"Elon, unsuspend me mate. We helped get you and Trump elected. We campaigned against Kamala."

Thanks to everyone on X who is campaigning for Elon to bring the Aussie Cossack back from suspension.

PS. It has now been 697 days since Aussie Cossack entered the Russian Consulate.

Ivan Pernar

09 Nov, 23:19

Kamala je potrošila duplo više od Trumpa na kampanju!

Ivan Pernar

09 Nov, 21:38

Trump planira promijenit status Krima?! https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/trump-se-ogradio-od-suradnika-koji-je-rekao-da-ce-krim-ostati-ruski/2614236.aspx?index_ref=naslovnica_vijesti_ostalo_d_0

Ivan Pernar

09 Nov, 20:09


Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 16:32


Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 13:38

◾️ TCC put Sternenko, the former head of the Odessa Right Sector, on the wanted list

As noted, he was afraid of the summons and did not show up at the military registration and enlistment office. Now they are asking to put him on the wanted list throughout the country as a draft dodger.


Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 13:26

🇪🇺🇷🇺⚡️The European Union is forced to buy Russian oil so that Putin does not earn more somewhere else (c) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 12:56

🇩🇪Ukraine became one of the reasons for the collapse of the German ruling coalition .

Chancellor Scholz announced that Finance Minister and FDP leader Christian Lindner was fired for his unwillingness to allocate money to Ukraine, Focus reports.

"We are increasing our support for Ukraine, which is facing a difficult winter. After the US elections, this is a very important signal: we can be relied upon. However, I must state once again: the Federal Finance Minister is not showing any willingness to implement this proposal in the federal government for the benefit of our country. I do not want to subject our country to such behavior any longer," Scholz said.

Ukraine is one reason. Lindner rejected Scholz's four-point budget proposal.

Meanwhile, it is questionable whether the Scholz government itself will hold on. German President Steinmeier has already stated that he is ready to approve holding early elections if a vote of no confidence is declared against the Chancellor.

"If the Bundestag withdraws confidence in the Federal Chancellor in accordance with Article 68 of the Basic Law, then I am ready to accept such a decision. In our Constitution, this decision is made under certain conditions. But our country needs a stable majority and a government that is capable of acting. This will be my criterion," the president said.

Let us recall that this vote was requested by Scholz himself after the FDP left the coalition. The vote could take place in January. If the chancellor is voted no-confidence, early elections to the Bundestag could take place as early as March.

Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 09:16

Russian soldiers stole a Leopard from the Ukrainian Armed Forces

As noted, the incident took place in the Kurakhovo direction. First, they hit the combat vehicle with FPV drones, and then took away the trophy.


Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 08:40

A man in military pants and a T-shirt with the symbols of the Azov battalion teaches Ukrainian schoolchildren that only enemies speak Russian.

This caused confusion among one of the students, whose father serves in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“My father is defending Chasov Yar. He speaks Russian. Is he an enemy now?” he asked.

The speaker was unable to give a clear answer.


Ivan Pernar

07 Nov, 07:29

🇺🇸Harris has acknowledged her defeat in the US presidential election.

She confirmed that she congratulated Trump on his victory.

And she said many of her supporters feared the coming of "dark times."

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 23:34

🇺🇸🇬🇧🚨‼️ UK’s defense secretary Lammy is asked to apologize to Trump and distance himself from his comments, but he does not do so.

UK will be in conflict with Trump.

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Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 23:25

Mislio sam da će Scholz propast na izborima idućima ali mi na kraj pameti nije bilo da će kraj njegovoj vlasti biti već dan nakon Kamalinog poraza.

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 21:36

Trump received the lowest proportion of the Jewish vote for a GOP candidate in 24 years.
Jews overwhelmingly supported Harris.

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 20:48

Pala je Njemačka vlada!

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 19:54

Scholz je smijenio ministra financija Lindnera, čini se da se bliži kraj vladavini koalicije kojoj se protivi velika većina Nijemaca

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 19:39

❗️North Korean troops took part in battles in the Kursk region for the first time in recent days

Two American officials told Reuters about this.

One of the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they took part in the fighting on November 4.
All officials kept silent about the results of the battles, from which one can conclude that they ended negatively for the Ukrainians.


Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 19:08


Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 19:03

🇺🇸 Hillary Clinton said she is coaching Kamala Harris on how to beat Donald Trump

Kamala learn losing to Trump from the best!

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 16:38

UK got so bad … immigrants want to be deported 🤣

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 16:30

Jel Joe Biden živ? Što je s Kamalom?

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 14:38

🇺🇸Remember the years of chanting the mantra "The US is ready for a female president!" All those movies and TV series on that topic.

Well, judging by the election results, it's all a scam; the US is not ready for a female president, and both times they were knocked out of the race by Trump.

Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 14:26


Ivan Pernar

06 Nov, 14:05

🇮🇱 Jerusalem in front of Netanyahu's house

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

30 Oct, 09:04

Kao dijete sam saznao da postoji životinja noj koja kad je neko veliko sranje zabije glavu u pijesak da ne vidi što se događa. Međutim, ta priča nije istinita, a kako je došla u narodnu predaju možemo samo nagađati.

Međutim, za razliku od noja koji ne bježi od stvarnosti, Zapadne vlade odlučile su se upravo za tu taktiku.

Naime, kako im se vijesti koje su plasirali Ruski mediji o tome kako sankcije više pogađaju Zapadne zemlje i kako Ukrajinska vojska gubi rat, naprosto nisu svidjele, smatrali su ih lažnima ili pak jednostavno nisu htjeli da one dođu do Zapadne javnosti, oni su odlučili provesti masovnu cenzuru.

Pristup Ruskim web stranicama je zabranjen, a njihov sadržaj na YouTubeu i Facebooku uklonjen, bannan kako se kaže na engleskom.

Vjerojatno je mišljenje bilo da ako se spriječi da Zapadna javnost vidi ono što Ruski mediji prikazuju da se događa, da se to onda ne događa, vodeći se načelom da ono što nije bilo na televiziji ili društvenim mrežama se nije ni dogodilo.

Prikrivajući stvarnost, ili bolje rečeno uvjeravajući javnost na Zapadu da Ukrajina dobiva rat stvorena je percepcija na Zapadu da je to stvarna istina i stvarno stanje na bojištu.

Ta manipulacija doživjela je "test stvarnosti" u trenutku kad su Ukrajinci pitali: "Zašto država inzistira na našoj mobilizaciji ako rat ionako dobivamo, ako u njemu pobjeđujemo?"

Službeni odgovor na to pitanje je glasio: "Da bi pobjeda došla još brže!"

Međutim, čak i da Zapadne vlade i Ukrajinska vlada potpuno cenzuriraju stvarnost na liniji kontakta, kako to mijenja situaciju u Soledaru, Bahmutu, Ugledaru, Mariupolu, Avdivci, Selidovu i svim svim drugim gradovima na istoku Ukrajine?

Ili, da budem jasniji, o čemu ovisi situacija u Pokrovsku? O načinu na koji izvještava CNN ili dostupnoj vojnoj sili i umijeću ratovanja obije strane?

Naravno, ovisi o vojnoj sili i umijeću ratovanja! Koji je onda smisao medijske cenzure na Zapadu (i u Ukrajini), osim zapravo držanja u mraku i neznanju vlastitog stanovništva?

Na to pitanje ja nemam odgovor jer ne mogu razumjeti te koji svjesno lažu i manipuliraju vlastito stanovništvo uvjeravajući ih sa Rusi imaju streljiva i hrane za još 3 dana rata, ili pak, da se Rusi bore lopatama, kradu mikročipove iz veš mašina i slične ludosti.

Ivan Pernar

30 Oct, 08:30

Wer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Brustton der Überzeugung als Demokratie (Volksherrschaft) bezeichnet, lebt entweder von ihr oder ist nicht im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen Kräfte. Diese harte Aussage ist mit Blick auf das, was wir hierzulande vorfinden richtig und wichtig: Gebrochene Gewaltenteilung, Kartellbildung der Altparteien, Parteibuchgerichte, staatliche und halbstaatliche Propagandaproduktion, Herrschaft der politischen Korrektheit, Geheimdiensteinsatz gegen friedliche Opposition, Eingriff von in- ausländischen NGOs in den Meinungsbildungsprozeß, Mediatisierung und Manipulation des Volkes, ja, letztlich Zerstörung des Demos (Volkes) durch Multikulturalisierung...
Klaus Kunze stellt zurecht die Frage, wer und in welchem Interesse Deutschland regiert wird. Sein Beitrag zeigt indirekt auf, wie groß der Reformbedarf ist, wenn wir in und für Deutschland wieder das Prinzip der Volkssouveränität umsetzen wollen. Lesenswert!


🇩🇪 Folgen Sie mir auf Telegram:

Ivan Pernar

30 Oct, 08:00

🇺🇦 "If you can hold a stick, you can hold a gun" - Zelensky regime logic


Ivan Pernar

30 Oct, 07:26

🇮🇱🇵🇸 West Bank: Israeli Settlers Demolish Home of Palestinian Christian Family in Order to Seize Their Ground

IDF troops can be seen protecting the far-right settlers grabbing the land in the West Bank.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

30 Oct, 07:26

🇬🇧🇵🇸 British Foreign Secretary David Lammy said on Monday that calling Gaza a genocide “undermines the seriousness” of the term used to describe past genocides

Is he for real?

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 22:07

Gašenje pogona i otkazi https://www.index.hr/mobile/auto/clanak/gase-se-tvornice-u-njemackoj-sindikati-panicare-umire-li-volkswagen/2611043.aspx?index_ref=naslovnica_auto_prva_m

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 21:23

I’m often interviewed by Faina Savenkova. She is a courageous young woman who has been sentenced to death by the Ukrainian government for the crime of practicing journalism. She deserves all of our support.

@ScottRitter | Substack | Donate

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 21:19

Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:

In Ukraine, more than 100 thousand cases of unauthorized abandonment of military units (desertion) have already been recorded .

And how many have not been recorded?

⚡️ Two Majors

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 21:16

Došao sam po vašeg sina!

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 21:12

Daniel Davis kaže da glavni problem Ukrajinaca nisu golemi gubici, nego rezultati tih gubitaka, to nije prodor prema granicama Ukrajine iz 1991. ili 2022., to je konstantni gubitak teritorija. Dakle, koji je smisao tih gubitaka on postavlja pitanje, i na kraju žele li se Ukrajinci uopće više boriti. To su pitanja o kojima se rasprava na Zapadu zataškava, jedino u Rusiji se o tome može slobodno govoriti u mainstream medijima.

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 20:27


Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 20:20

6:40 Igor Tabak: Čitava fronta polagano klizi na Zapad, posebno u krajevima oko većih mjesta i oko pojedinih strateških objekata

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 20:14

NEW - Doug Emhoff, possibly the future Jewish first gentlemen, wants to post a Mezuzah above the White House front-door: "when Kamala walks through the door at the end of the day, that door has a Mezuzah on it."


Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 17:32

Volyn region. TCC. Raid.


Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 13:59


Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 12:52

Treba bi pomoć oko paralelne instalacije windowsa i linuxa na komp, jel tko u Zagrebu da mi skoči u pomoć. Ako je, molim vas javite se u inbox @ipernar

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 11:35

Body part begging with the letter t?

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 10:07

🇺🇸 1 minute 22 seconds it took Biden to vote early in the US presidential election.

He was wondering who to vote for?

Harris, who dumped him, or Trump, who said he might pardon his son Hunter.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Ivan Pernar

29 Oct, 10:07

🇺🇸 Chameleon Kamala has a new shape: A preacher

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