Rare Hitler Pictures©️ @rarehitty Channel on Telegram

Rare Hitler Pictures©️


Rare, rarely-seen or otherwise interesting pictures of Hitler. A non-political channel and a resource for history lovers.

Rare Hitler Pictures (English)

Are you a history buff looking to explore unique and rarely-seen images of one of the most controversial figures in modern history? Look no further than 'Rare Hitler Pictures' channel on Telegram. Dive into a captivating collection of rare photos of Adolf Hitler, offering a glimpse into his personal life, public appearances, and historical moments. Despite the channel's title, it is important to note that this is a non-political platform, focusing solely on the historical significance of these images. Whether you are a student of history, a researcher, or simply intrigued by the mysteries of the past, 'Rare Hitler Pictures' provides a valuable resource for exploring the life and times of this enigmatic figure. Gain a deeper understanding of the man behind the myths through this curated selection of rare photographs. Join our community of history enthusiasts on Telegram and embark on a visual journey through the past. Discover the untold stories behind each image and engage in discussions with like-minded individuals who share a passion for unravelling historical mysteries. Unlock a treasure trove of fascinating photographs and expand your knowledge of one of the most studied figures in history. 'Rare Hitler Pictures' is not just a channel – it is a gateway to a world of historical discovery. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore rare, rarely-seen, or otherwise interesting pictures of Hitler. Join 'Rare Hitler Pictures' on Telegram today and immerse yourself in the intriguing world of historical imagery. Let the pictures speak volumes and take you on a captivating journey through the past.

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

14 Nov, 15:58

Ein Autogramm

[ An autograph ]

3826 × 4369 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Digitized & colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

14 Nov, 15:58

Ein Autogramm

[ An autograph ]

7652 × 8736 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Digitized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

14 Nov, 15:58

Ein Autogramm

[ An autograph ]

[ original 10.2 MB 7652 × 8736 px | colorization w/o logo 6.5 MB 3826 × 4369 px 🔗 ]

Digitized & colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

10 Nov, 16:09









Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

10 Nov, 16:05

“I, however, decided to become a politician.”

Adolf Hitler

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

07 Nov, 08:12

Unser Führer

[ Our Führer ]

3368 × 4716 px

[ original | straightened & enlarged 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

07 Nov, 08:12

Unser Führer

[ Our Führer ]

3368 × 4716 px

[ original | colorization w/o logo 🔗 ]

Straightened & enlarged by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

07 Nov, 08:12

Unser Führer

[ Our Führer ]

[ original 620 KB 1355 × 1906 px | straightened & enlarged 11.8 MB 3368 × 4716 px | colorization w/o logo 12.9 MB 3368 × 4716 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

07 Nov, 08:12

Unser Führer

[ Our Führer ]

1355 × 1906 px

[ straightened & enlarged | colorization w/o logo 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

03 Nov, 10:16

Blomberg-Fritsch-Krise (1938)

„Dr. Goebbels verbrachte schlaflose Nächte, in denen er immer wieder Hitler „mit Tränen in den Augen" sah. „Hoffentlich kommen wir mit einem blauen Auge davon.““

Blomberg-Fritsch crisis (1938)

„Dr. Goebbels spent sleepless nights in which he repeatedly saw Hitler "with tears in his eyes“. "Hopefully we'll get away with just a black eye.““

David Irving - Goebbels: Macht und Magie - p. 250


Rare Hitler Pictures©️

02 Nov, 14:07

Unser Volkskanzler Adolf Hitler

[ Our People's Chancellor Adolf Hitler ]

A rare postcard portrait.

2592 × 3770 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

[ see straightened & enhanced 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

02 Nov, 14:07

Unser Volkskanzler Adolf Hitler

[ Our People's Chancellor Adolf Hitler ]

A rare postcard portrait.

500 × 500 px

[ see straightened & enhanced 🔗 ]

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

02 Nov, 14:07

Unser Volkskanzler Adolf Hitler

[ Our People's Chancellor Adolf Hitler ]

A rare postcard portrait.

2592 × 3770 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Straightened & enhanced by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

02 Nov, 14:07

Unser Volkskanzler Adolf Hitler

[ Our People's Chancellor Adolf Hitler ]

A rare postcard portrait.

[ original 56 KB 500 × 500 px 🔗 ]

[ straightened & enhanced 3.2 MB 2592 × 3770 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 8.1 MB 2592 × 3770 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

01 Nov, 00:59

Adolf Hitler in Wilhelmshaven for the launch of the Tirpitz on 1 April 1939.

3344 × 4782 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

01 Nov, 00:59

Adolf Hitler in Wilhelmshaven for the launch of the Tirpitz on 1 April 1939.

[ original 5.1 MB 1927 × 2756 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 6.8 MB 3344 × 4782 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

01 Nov, 00:59

Adolf Hitler in Wilhelmshaven for the launch of the Tirpitz on 1 April 1939.

1927 × 2756 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

18 Oct, 13:43

Vorfrühling am Chiemsee

[ Early Spring at Lake Chiemsee ]

4170 × 2988 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Digitized & colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

18 Oct, 13:43

Vorfrühling am Chiemsee

[ Early Spring at Lake Chiemsee ]

4170 × 2988 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Digitized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

18 Oct, 13:43

Vorfrühling am Chiemsee

[ Early Spring at Lake Chiemsee ]

[ original 5.9 MB 4170 × 2988 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 5.3 MB 4170 × 2988 px 🔗 ]

Digitized & colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

17 Oct, 05:46

„Autobahn“ / „Highway“

Ein etwas selteneres Foto, welches Dr. Goebbels mit Adolf Hitler zusammen zeigt. Es stammt aus dem Buch „Signale der neuen Zeit“ (1934) von Dr. Goebbels.

A somewhat rarer photo showing Dr. Goebbels together with Adolf Hitler. It comes from the book “Signals of the New Age” (1934) by Dr. Goebbels.


Rare Hitler Pictures©️

14 Oct, 13:27


You are invited to join our archive channel where we compile and share various auditory and visual materials about the National Socialists, especially Adolf Hitler.
Our page is intended for educational purposes.


(Türkçe mevcuttur)

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

12 Oct, 11:28

“Mein Volk ist alles, ich bin nichts.”

Adolf Hitler

[ My people are everything, I am nothing. ]

400 × 560 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

12 Oct, 11:28

“Mein Volk ist alles, ich bin nichts.”

Adolf Hitler

[ My people are everything, I am nothing. ]

4480 × 4480 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

12 Oct, 11:28

“Mein Volk ist alles, ich bin nichts.”

Adolf Hitler

[ My people are everything, I am nothing. ]

[ original 72.5 KB 400 × 560 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 6.3 MB 4480 × 4480 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

29 Sep, 21:32

I have not been able to confirm it, but this looks an awful lot like a waxwork of Adolf Hitler by Madame Tussaud's.

2200 × 2600 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

29 Sep, 21:32

I have not been able to confirm it, but this looks an awful lot like a waxwork of Adolf Hitler by Madame Tussaud's.

3249 × 3840 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

29 Sep, 21:32

I have not been able to confirm it, but this looks an awful lot like a waxwork of Adolf Hitler by Madame Tussaud's.

[ original 1.2 MB 2200 × 2600 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 3.2 MB 3249 × 3840 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

29 Sep, 21:20

Waxworks of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini at Madame Tussaud's wax museum in London, 1940.

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

29 Sep, 20:49

Visitors admiring a waxwork of Adolf Hitler at Madame Tussaud's wax museum in London, 1936.

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

23 Sep, 16:50

Unveröffentlichtes frühes Porträt Adolf Hitlers aus dem Nachlass Lotte Bechstein (Tochter von Helene Bechstein). Berchtesgaden, um 1926.

[ Unpublished early portrait of Adolf Hitler from the Lotte Bechstein (daughter of Helene Bechstein) estate. Berchtesgaden, circa 1926. ]

2760 × 4096 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

23 Sep, 16:50

Unveröffentlichtes frühes Porträt Adolf Hitlers aus dem Nachlass Lotte Bechstein (Tochter von Helene Bechstein). Berchtesgaden, um 1926.

[ Unpublished early portrait of Adolf Hitler from the Lotte Bechstein (daughter of Helene Bechstein) estate. Berchtesgaden, circa 1926. ]

[ original 329.7 KB 1380 × 2048 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 3.4 MB 2760 × 4096 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

23 Sep, 16:50

Unveröffentlichtes frühes Porträt Adolf Hitlers aus dem Nachlass Lotte Bechstein (Tochter von Helene Bechstein). Berchtesgaden, um 1926.

[ Unpublished early portrait of Adolf Hitler from the Lotte Bechstein (daughter of Helene Bechstein) estate. Berchtesgaden, circa 1926. ]

1380 × 2048 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

22 Sep, 21:02

Adolf Hitler in bayerischer Tracht im Urlaub 1925.

[ Adolf Hitler in Bavarian costume on vacation in 1925. ]

[ original 267.5 KB 1023 × 741 px 🔗 ]

[ colorization w/o logo 3.7 MB 4092 × 2964 px 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

22 Sep, 21:02

Adolf Hitler in bayerischer Tracht im Urlaub 1925.

[ Adolf Hitler in Bavarian costume on vacation in 1925. ]

4092 × 2964 px

[ see original 🔗 ]

Colorized by
Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

22 Sep, 21:02

Adolf Hitler in bayerischer Tracht im Urlaub 1925.

[ Adolf Hitler in Bavarian costume on vacation in 1925. ]

1023 × 741 px

[ see colorization 🔗 ]

Rare Hitler Pictures

Rare Hitler Pictures©️

21 Sep, 20:00
