ورقــات @waraqat Channel on Telegram



قناةٌ تُعنى بالحديثِ وفوائدِه، ونمير الفقه وفرائدِه، والتَّفسير ولطائفِه؛ اجتهدت في جمعِها بغيةَ تحريك القلوب إِلى أَجلِّ مطلوب، إِذ لا بُدَّ للسَّالكِ من همَّةٍ تسيِّره وترقيِّه، وعلمٍ يُبصِّره ويَهديه.

ورقــات (Arabic)

قم بالانضمام إلى قناة "ورقــات" على تطبيق تيليجرام واكتشف عالمًا جديدًا من الحديث وفوائده. هذه القناة تعنى بنشر الحديث النبوي الشريف والاستفادة من فوائده في الحياة اليومية. بفضل جهود القائمين على القناة، ستجد نماذج من الفقه الإسلامي وفوائده، بالإضافة إلى تفسير القرآن الكريم ولطائفه. قام فريق العمل بجمع هذه المعلومات بهدف تحفيز القلوب ودفعها نحو أعلى المراتب في الطاعة والتقوى. فالسالك في طريق الله بحاجة إلى همة تدفعه قدمًا وترقيه في مراتب الإيمان والتقوى، وتحتاج إلى العلم الذي يزيل الجهل عن طريقه ويهديه إلى الصراط المستقيم. انضم اليوم واستفد من هذه المعلومات القيمة التي ستثري حياتك الدينية والروحية.


26 Jan, 08:10

وإِن ضاقت = فعند الله المتَّسع


25 Jan, 00:16

Whatever revelation We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We replace with something better or similar. Do you not know that Allah is able to do all things?

Quran 2:106


21 Jan, 19:39

إِنِّي عبد الله ولن يضيِّعني..*


17 Jan, 15:18

Al-Ḥayy al-Qayyūm is regarded as the greatest name of Allah—one that guarantees a response when invoked and provision when asked.

Al-Ḥayy refers to a perfect life that had no beginning and will never know an end.

Al-Qayyūm refers to the One who stands on His own without the need or support of His creation, yet gives support and sustenance to all His creation in return.

— Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn, Majmūʿ fatāwá wa rasāʾil al-shaykh, vi. 138


14 Jan, 19:00

Abū Bakr said, "Do not look down on any Muslim, because even the smallest of them is regarded greatly by Allah."

— Suyūṭī, Jamʿ al-jawāmīʿ no. 7521


13 Jan, 13:56

النَّفسُ ترجو والأَمانيُّ جمَّةٌ = ‏والعبدُ يدعو والكريمُ كريمُ


11 Jan, 01:43

Fifteen years ago, we would wake up at dawn to the sound of Ibn Baz’s walking stick, moments before the call to prayer was heard. He would use it to tap on every door along his path to the mosque.

— ʿUmar b. Muḥammad Saʿīd, Mawāqif muḍīʿah, p. 230


10 Jan, 16:43

Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection, "Where are those who love one another for the sake of My majesty? Today, I will shade them under My shade on a day when there is no shade but Mine."

— Muslim no. 2566


09 Jan, 13:01

Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up a bad deed with a good one, it will wipe it out, and behave well towards others.

— Tirmiḏẖi no. 1987


06 Jan, 23:01

بين القلب وبين الرِّبِّ مسافةٌ، وعليها قُطَّاعٌ تمنع وصولَ العملِ إِليه من كِبرٍ وإِعجابٍ وإِدلالٍ، ورؤيةِ العمل، ونسيانِ المنَّة، وعِلَلٍ خفيَّة لو استقصى في طلبِها لرأَى العجبَ؛ ومن رحمةِ الله تعالى سَترها على أَكثرِ العُمَّالِ، إِذ لو رأَوْها وعاينوها لوقعوا فيما هو أَشدُّ منها، من اليَأْسِ والقنوطِ والاستحسار، وتركِ العملِ، وخمودِ العزمِ، وفتورِ الهمَّةِ.

مدارج السَّالكين، لابنِ القيِّم، ١/٤٣٨.


05 Jan, 20:35

Deeds earn different levels of rewards based on the faith and sincerity in one’s heart. Two people might be praying in the same row, yet the difference between their prayers is like the distance between the earth and the heavens. Allah said, "Neither their meat nor their blood will reach Allah, but what reaches Him is taqwa from you." (Q22:37)

— Ibn Taymiyyah, Minhāj al-sunnah, vi. 222, trans. Tulayhah


02 Jan, 23:09

Turn to Allah for help and be patient: indeed the earth belongs to Allah — He gives it to whichever of His servants He chooses — and the blessed end belongs to the righteous.

Quran 7:128


02 Jan, 02:39

Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī said, "To renunciate the world is not to abstain from the permissible or to waste away your wealth, but that you rely on what is in Allah’s hands more than what is in yours, and that you are more desirous of the reward of a calamity if it strikes you than if it did not."

— Ibn al-Qayyim, Madārij al-sālikīn, ii. 14, curated by Safia H.


01 Jan, 02:04

Then there will come a year in which people will receive abundant rain and will press oil and wine.

Quran 12:49


30 Dec, 20:09

A group of people hold that if death reaches a Christian woman and the Muslim fetus in her womb, both divine favor and divine punishment will descend into the grave. The divine favor is said to be for the unborn child and the divine punishment for her. It would be as though a believer and a brazen sinner were buried side by side, causing divine favor and divine punishment to exist together in the same grave.

— Ibn al-Qayyim, Badaʾiʿ al-fawaʾid, iii. 104


27 Dec, 15:11

ʿAʿishah ra said, "I raced the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam on a journey and outran him. When I had put on weight and raced him again, he outran me and said, 'This is for outrunning me!'"

— Abū Dāwūd no. 2578


25 Dec, 23:04

Ibn Masʿūd was confronted by a man who claimed the one who does not command right and forbid wrong is damned; he replied, "Rather this is the fate of one who fails to approve of right and disapprove of wrong in his own heart."

— Ibn Abī Shaybah, Al-Muṣannaf, vii. 504


25 Dec, 02:20

ومهما عشت في الأَمصارِ عمرًا = فبُوصِلة الحنينِ إِلى الحجاز


15 Dec, 07:03

The strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, but in each there is merit. Strive for that which brings you benefit, seek Allah’s help and do not give up. If something unfortunate happens to you, do not say, "If only I had done such-and-such..," but say, "It is Allah’s decree; what He wills He does." "If only" opens the door for Satan.

— Muslim no. 2664


12 Dec, 00:17

With every hardship comes ease.

Quran 94:5


11 Dec, 07:16

Each night Allah descends to the lowest heaven when the final third part of the night remains and He says, "Who calls upon Me so that I may answer him, who asks Me so that I may give him, who seeks my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?"

— Bukhārī no. 1145


09 Dec, 03:50

Believers, turn to Allah in sincere repentance. Perhaps your Lord may forgive your sins and admit you into gardens underneath which rivers flow. On a day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet or those who have believed with him. With their lights spreading rapidly in front of them and to their right, they will say, "Our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us: You have power over everything."

Quran 66:8


03 Dec, 23:22

فقَرِّي العينَ يا ليلى وسَلِّي = فؤادكِ إِنَّما الأَيَّامُ حُبلى


03 Dec, 05:09

"It is He who created all that is on the earth for you" (2:29)

The basic principle in sharīʿah maintains that everything on earth is permissible—trees, water, fruits and animals—unless otherwise stated. If someone plucks fruit from a tree and another person claims it is forbidden, the burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. The same is true if someone hunts, kills and eats a bird and another objects; the responsibility to provide evidence rests with the one objecting. In the absence of clear evidence, everything on earth is permissible.

— Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn, Tafsīr sūrah al-baqarah, i. 110


02 Dec, 15:54

You bring disputes before me, but I am only human. Perhaps one of you will be more persuasive in presenting his proof than the other, so I rule in his favor on the basis of what I hear. Whoever I award some of the property that rightfully belongs to his brother should not take any of it. Otherwise, I will cut out for him a piece of the fire.

— Bukhārī no. 7169


01 Dec, 04:42

Ibn ʿUyaynah said, "What the servant dislikes may be better for him than what he loves, because one compels him to pray and the other to be complacent."

— Ibn Abī al-Dunya, Al-Faraj, p. 41


30 Nov, 02:55

ما أَحسنَ قولِ أَبي حنيفة، وقد سُئِل عن علقمة والأَسود: أَيُّهما أَفضل؟ فقال: واللهِ ما نحن بأَهلٍ أَن نذكرَهم، فكيف نفضل بينهم؟

فضلُ علمِ السَّلف، لابنِ رجب، صـ٩٨.


29 Nov, 02:09

In the sight of Allah, the best prayer is the dawn prayer offered in congregation on Friday.

— Ṣaḥīḥ al-jāmi no. 1119


28 Nov, 21:36

The five daily prayers and one Friday to the next constitutes an atonement for all (offences committed) in between, as long as those were not major.

— Muslim no. 233


27 Nov, 13:04

Al-Sarī al-Saqatī said, "Being thankful for a blessing is a blessing."

— Bayhaqī, Shuʿab al-imān, no. 4096


25 Nov, 20:22

Muḥammad b. ʿAlī encountered Muḥammad b. al-Munkadir and asked, "What distresses you?" Abū Ḥāzim replied, "He is burdened by debt." Muḥammad b. ʿAlī said, "Seek solace in prayer. Blessed is the servant who continuously turns to his Lord for his needs, whatever they may be."

— Ibn Abī al-Dunya, Al-Faraj, p. 39f


21 Nov, 23:18

This is in reference to the treaty of Ḥudaybiyya, a ten-year peace agreement signed by Prophet Muḥammad ʿalayhi al-salam and the Quraysh in 6/628.

— Notes on Ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī, ḥadīth vii.


20 Nov, 23:57

Those who recite the Book of Allah, keep up the prayer, give secretly and openly from what We have provided for them, can hope for a trade that will never decline: He will reward them in full, and give them more out of His bounty. He is most forgiving, most appreciative.

Quran 35:29-30


19 Nov, 23:38

No one ever utters, "La ilaha illa Allah" or "Allahu Akbar," without being given glad tidings. It was asked, "Of Paradise, Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Yes."

— Al-Muʿjam al-awṣaṭ no. 7779


19 Nov, 02:02

كان عمر بن عبد العزيز رحمه الله يقول: لو عملنا بما عَلِمنا لفتحَ الله على قلوبنا غِلَق ما لا تهتدي إِليه آمالنا.

درءُ التَّعارض، لابنِ تيميَّة، ٤/٣٥٨.


18 Nov, 06:58

Look to those beneath you, so that you may not hold Allah’s blessings in contempt.

— Tirmiḏẖi no. 2513


15 Nov, 22:03

﴿وَأَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ نُورًا مُّبِينًا﴾ الآية

هو هذا القرآن العظيم، الَّذي قد اشتمل على علوم الأَوَّلين والآخِرين، والأَخبار الصَّادقة النَّافعة، والأَمرُ بكلِّ عدلٍ وإِحسانٍ وخيرٍ والنَّهي عن كلِّ ظلمٍ وشرٍّ؛ فالنَّاسُ في ظلمةٍ إِن لم يستَضيؤا بأَنوارِه، وفي شقاءٍ عظيمٍ إِن لم يقتبسوا من خيرِه.

تيسير الكريم الرَّحمن، لابنِ السَّعدي، ٢/٣٨٨.


14 Nov, 00:34

Saʿīd b. al-Musayyab said, "Whoever sits in the mosque sits with God."

— Ibn Ḥajr, Fatḥ al-bārī, vi. 61


11 Nov, 00:59

Ibn Masʿūd said, "We would hear food glorifying Allah while it was in the hands of the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam."

— Bukhārī no. 3579


10 Nov, 06:57

The conditions most deserving of being fulfilled are those which have made intimacy permissible for you.

— Bukhārī no. 2721


09 Nov, 00:47

Then there will come a year in which people will receive abundant rain.

Quran 12:49


08 Nov, 03:04

قيلَ لسُفيانَ الثَّوري: إِلى متى تطلبُ الحديث؟ قال: وأَيُّ خيرٍ أَنا فيه خيرٌ من الحديثِ فأَصيرُ إِليه؟

سيرُ أَعلام النُّبلاءِ، للذَّهبيِّ، ٧/٢٤٣.


08 Nov, 00:39

ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭab said, "Supplications are suspended between the heavens and earth; and it is only through sending salah upon the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam that they ascend."

— Tirmiḏẖi no. 486


06 Nov, 23:56

A woman is married for four reasons, for her wealth, her noble descent, her beauty, and her religiosity, but of these four qualities aim for religiosity, may your hands cling to dust.

— Bukhārī no. 5090


05 Nov, 16:18

السَّيرُ على طريقِ الوصولِ = وصولُ


01 Nov, 02:41

Al-Awzāʿī said, "Knowledge was a noble thing when it was received and memorised from the mouths of men. But when it was recorded in books, it lost its glow and passed on to people who are unworthy of it."

— Al-Khaṭīb, Taqyīd al-ʿilm, p. 65


29 Oct, 23:00

"No calamity occurs on earth or within your own souls except that it is written in a record before We bring it into being" (57:22)

Al-Ḥasan said, "Every hardship between the heavens and the earth has been written in a record long before a single soul drew its first breath."

— Ibn Abī al-Dunya, Al-Faraj, p. 38


28 Oct, 23:02

سنخبر الطُّرقاتِ يومًا أَنَّنا قد عبرنا = برغم تيهِ الخُطى والبُعدِ والتَّعب


28 Oct, 04:47

Houses are a particularly undeniable favor from Allah, because had He wanted, He could have created humans either in a perpetual state of movement, as is the case with celestial bodies, or in a perpetual state of immobility, as is the case with the earth. However, He chose to create them in both states and provided them with abodes where they can rest.

— Qurṭubī, Al-Jāmiʿ li aḥkam al-qurān, x. 100-1


27 Oct, 00:01

Ibrāhīm al-Taymī said, "If there is no good for us in what we despise, then there can be no good for us in what we love."

— Ibn Abī al-Dunya, Al-Faraj, p. 36


26 Oct, 21:16

كَرِّر عليَّ حديثهم يا حادي = فحديثهُم يَجلو الفؤادَ الصَّادي


24 Oct, 01:12

ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭab said, "I am at peace no matter the state I wake up in, whether it’s one I welcome or one I wish to avoid. Because goodness is not found in what I love or in what I detest. It is found in what God decrees]."

— Ibn Abī al-Dunya, Al-Faraj, p. 36


22 Oct, 02:48

Be known to Allah in times of ease and He will know you in times of hardship.

— Musnad aḥmad iii. 307


21 Oct, 00:31

The female child is called ṭiflah so long as she is small; walīdah when she toddles; kāʾib, when she has swelling breasts; nāhid, with fully-swelled breasts; muʿṣir, when she enters into puberty; ānis, after puberty (in modern Arabic this term denotes a spinster); khawd, in mid-youth; muslif, as she passes forty; naṣaf, middle-aged; shahlah kahlah, when age has come upon her with some strength remaining; shahbarah, aged but holding together; ḥayzabūn, advanced in years and lacking in strength; and finally qalʿam and liṭliṭ, humpback and toothless.

— Thaʿalibī, Fiqh al-lughah, p. 97


20 Oct, 21:36

لم يبرَأ الجرحُ لكنِّي أُداهِنُه = بالصَّبرِ حينًا وبالسِّلوانِ أَحيانَا


18 Oct, 23:20

Muṭarrif b. ʿAbd Allah would say to his companions, "If you have a request for me, put it in writing so that I may spare you the shame of asking."

— Ibn ʿAsākir, Tārīkh madīnat dimashq, xxxi. 92


18 Oct, 16:46

In the heavens is your provision and all that you were promised. By the Lord of the heavens and the earth, this is the certain truth just as you are fully certain about your voices when you speak.

Quran 51:22-3


13 Oct, 00:35

Jurists disagree on whether apostasy nullifies ablution. The maḏẖẖab of Aḥmad, according to lbn Qudamah, holds the view that ablution is necessary. The remaining three Imams reject this opinion, arguing that a person who performs ablution, apostates, then returns to Islam before anything nullifies his wuḍūʾ is not required to renew it.

The former opinion is the one that is precautionary and subsequently the farthest from the scope of disagreement. As the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam says, "Leave what is doubtful for that which is not doubtful."

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 28f


13 Oct, 00:32

Jurists disagree on whether ablution is required after washing the dead. Ibn Qudāmah gives a brief account of the opposing views in Al-Mughnī and advocates the opinion that it is mustaḥḥab.

In a ḥadīth attributed to Abū Hurayrah, the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam said, "Let the one who bathes the dead take a bath, and let the one who carries them perform ablution." Al-Albāni explains that due to existing evidence from Ibn ʿAbbās and Ibn ʿUmar, the words of the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam are to be taken as a recommendation.

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 27-8


12 Oct, 00:01

A state of ḥadath can be caused by directly touching one's own private part or that of another; young or old, dead or alive.

Busrah bt. Ṣafwān heard the Messenger of Allah
ʿalayhi al-salam say, "When one of you touches his private part he should perform ablution."

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 24f


11 Oct, 05:14

There are three primary opinions regarding whether or not touching a woman nullifies a man's wuḍūʾ.

-Some argue ablution is necessary as lustful contact leads to ḥadath.

-Others believe that wuḍūʾ is required whatever the nature of the touch.

-The third opinion, and the most correct, is that wuḍūʾ is only necessary if ejaculation has taken place.

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 24


10 Oct, 02:04

Jaḏẖaʿ (جَذَع) A young man.

— Notes on Ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī, ḥadīth iii.


09 Oct, 12:14

Whoever comes to Me walking, I will come to them running.

— Bukhārī no. 7405


08 Oct, 07:58

My Lord, forgive me, my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer. Forgive all the believing men and women, and increase the wrongdoers in nothing but ruin.

Qurʾan 7:28


07 Oct, 05:06

If Allah knows any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you and He will forgive you.

Quran 8:70


06 Oct, 20:13

Namus The one entrusted with secrets. Used in Muslim tradition to mean Gabriel.

— Notes on Ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī, ḥadīth iii.


05 Oct, 14:24

Yatafaṣṣad To perspire. Derived from faṣd, the ancient practice of releasing blood through an incision made in the vein.

— Notes on Ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī, ḥadīth ii.