Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor @oxford_bukhara Channel on Telegram

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor


Oxford har doimo sizga eng yaxshisini ulashadi!
🔝 Yuqori natija: 8+
📞 77 0047766
Murojaat uchun: @https://t.me/oxford_bukhara_khudoyor

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor (Uzbek)

📚 Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor kanaliga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanal sizga IELTS va CEFR sertifikatlari uchun eng yaxshi yordam beradi. Khudoyor tomonidan o'qituvchilik qilinadi va samarali darslar o'tkaziladi. Bu kanal orqali siz 8+ darajasiga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin. Agar siz IELTS va CEFR sertifikatlari olishni istasangiz, bu juda maqbul kanaldir. Kanalga murojaat uchun @https://t.me/oxford_bukhara_khudoyor ga yozing yoki telefon raqamiga +77 0047766 raqamiga qo'ng'iroq qiling! Sertifikatlar olishda yordam olishingizga yordam beramiz!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

29 Jan, 12:38

WHY you shouldn't drink water with hot pepper?

The alkaloid capsaicin adds spice to peppers. It is insoluble in water. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to "put out" a fire in the mouth with water.

Although it dissolves well in spirits and fats. Meanwhile, alcohol, milk, sour cream, and even ice cream may help.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

28 Jan, 17:28

Assalomu Aleykum Everyone!

❗️For those who are seeking Online Full Intensive IELTS Course, there are some seats left in my evening groups.

⚡️All Classes are conducted by me (Mr.Jonibek 8.5,(Writing 8.0)).

📚All classes are conducted on a live basis, no recorded classes!

⬇️To join just text my manager at @jonibeksmanager

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

27 Jan, 17:30


Guruh ochiladigan sana🔔03.02.2025

Dushanba - 16:00-18:00 ( Starter boshlang’ich daraja)

P.s : Agar siz ham guruhlarga qoʻshilmoqchi boʻlsangiz va yuqoridagi kabi natijalar qilmoqchi boʻlsangiz quydagi havola orqali biz bilan bogʻlaning.👇


📞 77 004 77 66

8:00 - 20:00

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

27 Jan, 09:21

Some birds, after leaving the nest, take a while to understand that, without their parents, food doesn't just jump into their mouth.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Jan, 15:21

WHY do cats love to rub people and things around them?

When a cat rubs its feet, it is probably trying to make contact. This behavior is one of the signs of affection. Normally, it is shown by kittens toward their mother. But the thirst for affection and making friends is not the only reason. In such an uncommon way, an animal marks objects that it considers its property.

On the cat's muzzle - on the forehead, lips, chin, between the eyes - there are special glands that secrete an odorous substance, indistinguishable to the human sense of smell. Similarly active glands are on the tail, around the anus and on the pads of the front paws.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Jan, 10:20





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Amir Rustamov

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Jan, 10:20





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Amir Rustamov

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Jan, 10:20





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:36





Prep time with us : Foundation

Teacher : Shakhnoza Sharapova

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:35





Prep time with us : Foundation

Teacher : Shakhnoza Sharapova

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:35


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:33





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

Speaking support teacher: Ikromova Sharifabonu

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:33





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

Speaking support teacher: Ikromova Sharifabonu

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:32





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

Speaking support teacher :Ikromova Sharifabonu

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:32





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

Speaking support teacher: Ikromova Sharifabonu

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:32





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:32





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 19:32





Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

Speaking support teacher: Ikromova Sharifabonu

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 18:35

Siz ham CEFR natijalaringizni qoʻlga kiritdingzimi ??

Biz oʻquvchilarimiz qoʻlga kiritgan natijalarni siz bilan boʻlishmoqchimiz.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 07:02

Please be informed that, effective from January 21st, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test fee - 2 420 000 sum
Transfer - 605 000 sum
EOR 1 510 000 sum
OSR - 1 620 000 sum

Best regards,
Edu-Action Exams Centre

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Jan, 03:46

Real Mock Test ishlab koʻrishni xoxlaganlar bormi oramizda.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

23 Jan, 19:10


Guruh ochiladigan sana🔔07.02.2025

Juma- 08:00-10:00( Starter boshlang’ich daraja)

P.s : Agar siz ham guruhlarga qoʻshilmoqchi boʻlsangiz va yuqoridagi kabi natijalar qilmoqchi boʻlsangiz quydagi havola orqali biz bilan bogʻlaning.👇


📞 77 004 77 66

8:00 - 20:00

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

23 Jan, 07:15


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

22 Jan, 02:01

WHY does the homing pigeon always find its way home?

Judging from numerous experiments, pigeons use various principles of orientation, testing one by another. Close to home, they rely mostly on landmarks - say, they may fly along familiar freeways, repeating their curves.

When returning home from an unfamiliar place, pigeons, according to most researchers, orient themselves by the celestial lights (the sun and the stars), as well as by the magnetic field of the earth, which they sense directly thanks to the small magnetic particles in the upper part of their beaks.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

21 Jan, 06:25

atigi 3 kun qoldi….. 😌😌 shoshiling

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Jan, 16:59

WHY don't people still inject themselves with endorphins (happiness hormones) intravenously?

Actually, they do.

It's called "heroin addiction". The chemical structure of opiates is totally unlike our own endorphins (otherwise they wouldn't be able to get from the blood vessels to the brain), but they act exactly the same way on the receptors.

And there is nothing good about this idea, since the brain is instantly hooked on the artificial sensation of concentrated happiness and demands repetition. And after a number of repetitions it reduces the production of its own endorphins.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Jan, 07:40


🤩 CEFR kurslari uchun rasman "DTM" bilan hamkorlikda «Oxford IELTS Center» o’quv markazida Buxoro yoshlari uchun CEFR kurslariga maxsus qabul jarayonlari yana qayta boshlandi.(ertalabgi va abeddan keyingi guruhlar uchun)

▪️1 haftada 6 kun dars ( darajangiz resource bo’lishi kerak )
▪️Haftalik imtihon hisobotlari
▪️C1 VA IELTS (8.0) óqituvchilar
▪️Kelishilgan narxlarda(700ming)

CEFR natijalar bu yerda.▶️@oxford_bukhara

PS: qisqa muddat ichida CEFR ni qo’lga kiriting🔥 (4 oy)
Qabul 8 yanvardan 31-yanvargacha davom etadi.

Kurslarga yozilish uchun quyidagi havola yoki nomer orqali murojaat qilishingiz mumkin

📞 77 004
77 66

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Jan, 07:38

atigi 6 kun qoldi shoshiling ……💡☝️

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Jan, 07:36


Guruh ochiladigan sana🔔07.02.2025

Juma- 08:00-10:00( Starter boshlang’ich daraja)

P.s : Agar siz ham guruhlarga qoʻshilmoqchi boʻlsangiz va yuqoridagi kabi natijalar qilmoqchi boʻlsangiz quydagi havola orqali biz bilan bogʻlaning.👇


📞 77 004 77 66

8:00 - 20:00

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Jan, 07:35


Guruh ochiladigan sana🔔27.01.2025

1)Dushanba 10:00-12:00( Starter boshlang’ich daraja)

2)Dushanba 18:00-20:00( starter boshlang’ich daraja )

P.s : Agar siz ham guruhlarga qoʻshilmoqchi boʻlsangiz va yuqoridagi kabi natijalar qilmoqchi boʻlsangiz quydagi havola orqali biz bilan bogʻlaning.👇


📞 77 004 7766

8:00 - 20:00

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Jan, 07:32


Guruh ochiladigan sana🔔03.02.2025

Dushanba - 16:00-18:00 ( Starter boshlang’ich daraja)

P.s : Agar siz ham guruhlarga qoʻshilmoqchi boʻlsangiz va yuqoridagi kabi natijalar qilmoqchi boʻlsangiz quydagi havola orqali biz bilan bogʻlaning.👇


📞 77 004 77 66

8:00 - 20:00

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

15 Jan, 06:58


🆓Writing Task 1 dagi Maps and Processes graphlarini o’lgudey yomon ko’radiganlar bormi? Online Webinarimizdan kegin fikringiz 180 gradusga o’zgaradi aynan shu graphlarni sevish ni boshliysiz!

⚡️Man Jonibek Taxirov, 8.5 ball ga ega IELTS Instructor, sizni online writing darsimga kutib qolaman. Va darsni oxirida writing imni qanaqa qilib 8 ga ko’targanimni ipidan ignasigacha tushuntirib beraman.

Jonli Dars: 15 Yanvar 21:00 da
Mavzu: Maps and Processes
Qayerda: Mr. Jonibek ning Telegram Kanalida

Jonli darsga qo’shilishga ulguring ⤵️⤵️⤵️




Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

13 Jan, 20:52

atigi 1 kun qoldi shoshiling…….💡❗️

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

13 Jan, 18:39

WHY does a turtle's shell consist of hexagons?

The cells of this shape make it the easiest to build up. Turtles are growing and their shell has to enlarge along with them, evenly over the whole area. That's why the turtle's shell is formed of individual plates, tightly fitted to each other like planks of parquetry, but retaining the ability to grow at the edges.

If the plates could grow evenly in all directions, they would be shaped like circles. However, the circles could not fit tightly together, there would inevitably be gaps between them.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

13 Jan, 04:07

#Alhamdulillah #roadtonine

Overall: 8.5
Writing 8.0

inshaAllah the next 8.5 holder will be Sherzod.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

12 Jan, 17:57

#alhamdulillah #eightpointfive #scoreupdate IDP CDI

Allah is the most generous! Things don't happen when you want, but when Allah wants! Therefore, I just wanna say Alhamdulillah for everything Allah gives me. Forever grateful.

⚡️Special thanks to https://t.me/oxford_bukhara team and their founder Mr. Khudoyor! Oxford IELTS Center is my second home in Bukhara, where usually I hold lessons for IELTS students during summertime!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

12 Jan, 17:49

3 kun qoldi ulgurib qoling………

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

12 Jan, 04:16

❗️Something big is coming….

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

11 Jan, 18:11

Is it Jony time ?

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

11 Jan, 03:35



Hozirgi kunda yoshlar ichida SAT testlariga qiziqish judayam oshib bormoqda va shu bilan birgalikda undagi sir-asrorlar va testdagi qiyinchiliklar qanday boʻlishi va siz aynan SAT testi uchun qancha muddat tayorgarlik koʻrishingiz kerakligi haqidagi savollarga SAT dan 1600 qoʻlga kiritgan Parviz Tuksanov javob beradilar.

📅 Qachon: 11-yanvar, shanba, soat 11:00
🙋‍♂️ Kim uchun: Barcha uchun ochiq
📍 Qayerda: «Oxford IELTS Center»
💎 Ishtirok uchun: 0 soʻm

👉 Roʻyxatdan oʻtish

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

10 Jan, 10:35




Score: 7

Teachers: Malika Zakiryayeva and Khadichabonu Olimova

⚡️ We are thrilled to be part of your journey!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

27 Dec, 02:41

WHY doesn't it tickle when you tickle yourself?

The brain decreases skin sensitivity

Tickling is caused by irritation of the tactile receptors on the skin. Their sensitivity is controlled by the spinal cord and brain. If the irritation is caused by touching another part of your own body (which the receptors in the part being touched tell the brain), the brain dulls the sensitivity of the receptors, preventing the tickle from occurring.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

26 Dec, 07:07

People read on paper 25% faster than on screen.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Dec, 02:16

WHY do Japan lack old houses?

In this country, it is believed that a house loses value from the first day it is built. In 10 years, the value of a house is halved. After 25 years it is considered far too old to live in and worthless. After that, it is demolished and a new house is built in its place. Even landmarks and major shrines are regularly rebuilt.

So Japanese people have no examples of old architecture; all the houses are modern. This has a negative effect on the appearance of Japanese cities: the architecture in them is quite monotonous and rarely decorated in any way.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Dec, 07:22

Agar bizga haqiqiy aslimizni tanitadigan tilga INGLIZ TILI kabi erkinlik berilganida edi biz hozir O'zbekiston miqiyosidagi emas dunyoga ustozlik qilayotgan bo'lar edik.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

23 Dec, 19:52

Jismonan sogʻlom,aqli raso, tafakkuri bor inson ham bir kosa ovqat bersangiz qorni toʻyadi inshaAlloh — lekin nimaga sening qorning toʻymayapti “KARLSON”

“Davlatni yedingku” kitobidan parcha

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

23 Dec, 19:25

Oʻzi nima “u”qadriyat……🤔

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

23 Dec, 19:18

Biz hech qachon qadriyat haqida gapirishdan har qanday vaziyatda ham charchamaymiz va charchamasligimiz ham kerak aslida.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

23 Dec, 01:40

WHY are sewer manholes round?

The greater ratio of the cross-sectional area of the round manhole hole to the length of the circumference of its body than in a square or rectangular. As a result, you can reduce the cost of production by reducing the consumption of materials without compromising performance.

Round shape allows you to ensure that the cover itself will not fall through the hatch during its assembly or disassembly. In principle, this problem can be solved by using a hatch, repeating the shape of any curve of constant width, but the circle of all possible such figures is the most technologically advanced.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

22 Dec, 07:20

The first and youngest in Uzb (not a superscore).

With the superscore, Bobur receives the credit.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

21 Dec, 19:16

WHY are nuclear powered spaceships not made?

Nuclear fuel contains hundreds of thousands of times more energy than chemical fuel, but it is inefficient to heat the working body with it. The limited thermal stability of the materials makes it impractical to raise the temperature higher than in chemical engines. Thus, the jet velocity cannot be boosted either.

Another thing is to use non-thermal acceleration of the working body, as in ion engines, where ions dispersed by the electric field fly an order of magnitude faster than the thermal exhaust. However, the power of such engines is still small, and they have enough energy from solar panels.

Considering the high cost and hazards of nuclear power sources, they serve so far only for power and heating of vehicles exploring the outer part of the solar system.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

21 Dec, 08:54


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Dec, 17:39

China's longest traffic jam only resolved after 11 days

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Dec, 10:40

The golden eagle is the most powerful bird of prey that belongs to the hawk and eagle family.

Its wingspan reaches two meters. It has so sharp eyesight that it can see a hare from a distance of 2,000 meters, and then fall to the earth like a stone to tear it apart with its claws.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

17 Dec, 07:21

WHY shouldn't we use the phone before going to bed?

Experts suggest that the main reason why it's
hard to fall asleep after using your phone is that you don't have time to settle down. Lots of people play right in bed, some read the news, others flip through their social media feeds. All of these activities can excite you both mentally and physically.

Curiously, many of these actions cause your body to
produce cortisol, the stress hormone. Such as if you've read the disturbing news, or if an online game has a monster chasing you. Cortisol doesn't let you sleep, on the contrary, it wakes you up, since you can't sleep under conditions of "anxiety and danger"!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

16 Dec, 09:05

WHY does jetlag emerge?

Jetlag is a disruption of the daily biological rhythms of the body due to the change of time zones. According to the practice of experienced travelers, a flight from west to east is worse than a flight from east to west.

The main cause of Jetlag is the inability of the human body to adjust to the time in another zone as soon as it lands. Our biological clock has a certain mode that begins to
conflict with the new routine, especially day/night light.

The biological clock is responsible not only for sleeping and waking times, but also for meal times, body temperature, hormone regulation and other body functions. For this reason,
the body gets "uncomfortable" after a long flight.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

16 Dec, 03:25

WHY shouldn't boiled water be used in an aquarium?

Boiling reduces the hardness of the water, eliminating oxygen and killing beneficial microorganisms.

Boiling makes the water "dead". If you immediately pour water into the aquarium, which boiled, you had time to cool it, most likely the fish will feel sick. The reason for this is that such a liquid lacks oxygen, so if the filter does not function well, it will take some time to saturate it with the vital element.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

15 Dec, 04:07

#Scholarship #Grant
Alhamdulillah!!! We have successfully completed one more journey with these brilliant students who have left unforgettable moments in our hearts. We went through funny and depressing, happy and stressfull times together. But eventually all of them led us to our aimed destination. Saying parting words was very difficult, but we have no other choice. Even if we are not together physically, we are always in each other's hearts and minds. We are so proud of you, guys. Oxford is always open to welcome each of you. May Allah give you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Amirbek and Abdulaziz teachers could not join us. But we have special thanks for them as well.

⚡️ We are thrilled to be the part of your journey.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

13 Dec, 19:12

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor pinned «»

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

13 Dec, 13:02




Band score: 6.5 🎯(0.5 lacks for 7.0)
One of the brilliant  and disciplined members of our team-family.
Congratulations Khojiakbar 🎊

TEACHERS: Amir and Gulrukhsora

⚡️Credits to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be the part of your journey


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

02 Dec, 09:57

BC fees remain unchanged for the time being ❗️

Manimcha hamma narxlar osmonga qarab uchayotgan bir davrda BC xalqni oʻylagan boʻlsa ajab emas

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

02 Dec, 09:31

IDP has increased their fees:

Test Fee: 2,400,000 UZS
Transfer: 600,000 UZS
EOR (Enquiry on Results): 1,490,000 UZS
OSR (One Skill Retake): 1,600,000 UZS


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

02 Dec, 03:29

WHY shouldn't the air conditioner be switched on when the window is open?

An enormous
amount of dust gets into a room from open window and it gets on air conditioner's filter. It is clear that you can clean it afterwards, but all this time you will breathe this unpleasant microscopic particles hardly adding to your health.

An open window increases temperature in a premise, thus a conditioner is forced to
double its efforts, and a part of its movements will be idle. In this case, conditioner will be worn out quickly and require repair.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

01 Dec, 05:18

2018 yillarda Qarovulbozor tumanida ishimni boshlaganimga 1 yil toʻlib oʻquvchilarim bilan ilk esdalik uchun tushgan rasmim. Bu yerda koʻrib turgan koʻplab oʻquvchilarim qanchadan qancha yuqori natijalarga erishganlar - IELTS 8.0 dan tortib Korea top universitetlarning grantigacha. Eski xotiralar inson qanchalar ulgʻaygani insonga eslatib turadi.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

01 Dec, 04:25


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

30 Nov, 12:33

Today's Listening answers

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

30 Nov, 12:20

Today’s Part 4
#realexam #listening

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

30 Nov, 12:20


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

30 Nov, 12:14

Bugun imtihon topshirib chiqganlar bormi oramizda ? Agar oramizda bo'lmasa buni o'ziga yuborib qoying hozir kanalga bugungi imtihon listeningni tashlab beramiz.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

30 Nov, 12:13

‼️Anyone took the exam today?

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

30 Nov, 11:48

WHY do animals molt?

Generally, molting lasts several times a year and has a specific purpose. In hares, molting is a process of camouflage. As soon as the snow falls, they turn white. And by summer, they prefer to get their gray coats back on to blend in with the soil and trees.

Birds need to molt to attract a mate. During the mating season, the plumage of males turns bright and saturated, but with the formation of the family it dims and loses its appeal.

The molting of snakes is a process of recuperation. Their scales are constantly rubbing against rocks and the skin wears off. One has to take care of getting renewed.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

29 Nov, 03:26

CEFR imtihonlaridan yuqori natijalarga erishmoqchi boʻlsangiz unda hoziroq biz bilan bogʻlaning.

+998770047766 ☎️

@oxford_bukhara_khudoyor 👨‍💻

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

27 Nov, 11:48

WHY don't birds fall off the branches while sleeping?

Most animals relax their muscles during sleep. With birds, it's different.

The tighter the muscles in birds, the stronger and healthier their sleep. During sleep, the muscles are in such a state that the feathered birds cannot straighten their legs. The fingers tightly grasp a twig or a perch and turn into a strong lock, which will open only after waking up.

By the way, some birds sleep standing up. And even in the water. Flamingos and herons like to doze in this way. It is believed that they press up one leg to keep warmth and body temperature. Storks can sleep right during their flight (although they take turns doing it), and the dark tern sleeps in flight over the sea.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

27 Nov, 06:34

11% of people on Earth are left-handed.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

26 Nov, 11:28

"Choices made in anger cannot be undone"

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

26 Nov, 08:07

Road in India.
Would anyone take the risk? 😱

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

26 Nov, 02:04

WHY does the Earth rotate on its axis?

It has been scientifically proven that if you simply connect 2 equally positively or negatively charged magnets, they repel. Therefore, based on this theory, the opposite poles of the circular Earth are always equally charged, so it is as if they repel as far as possible in relation to each other. That's considered one of the obvious explanations for why the Earth revolves around its axis.

Our planet is not only elliptical, but also represented by a kind of inner core. The resulting magnetic field almost invariably causes it to push the planet only from west to east, resulting in a faster rotation of the core itself when compared to the rest of the planet.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Nov, 11:36

WHY does the Earth rotate on its axis?

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Nov, 08:16


“Oxford IELTS Center” - bizni topolmay yurgan tanishingizga yoki endi kelmoqchi boʻlgan doʻstingizga yuborib qoying.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Nov, 06:49

WHY is hot water freezing faster than cold one?

Hot water evaporates faster, thereby reducing its volume, and a smaller volume of water at the same temperature freezes faster. In sealed containers, cold water should freeze faster.

Since cold water first freezes at the top, covering with a thin film, which prevents the further process of freezing, boiled water, on the contrary, starts to freeze from the inside. Also consider that with additional mechanical stirring of water in the containers, cold water should freeze faster.

The presence of a large number of crystals in boiled water. Since there are several times more crystals in such water than in ordinary water, hot water freezes many times faster.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

25 Nov, 03:44

There is a plant called the Skeleton Flower whose petals turn transparent when wet and then revert back to white when dry.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

24 Nov, 18:04

WHY should gasoline not be extinguished with water?

Combustion is the process of combining a substance with oxygen, and putting out any fire must limit or completely eliminate the flow of oxygen from the atmosphere to the burning material.

If you put out some kind of fire, a plastic box, or a burning shed, water would envelop the burning material, wetting it, and simultaneously lowering the temperature of that material.

Yet gasoline isn't mixed with water, and due to its smaller mass it is not enveloped or covered by it – it elementary, according to physics, floats up and keeps on burning. Besides, water and gasoline begin to spread out even more, which increases the area of combustion.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

22 Nov, 07:32

WHY is a word sometimes "on the tip of our tongue" but we cannot recall it?

In our brains,
various departments are responsible for memory, figurative thinking, sensation, and speech, "naming". Apparently, some times they fail to work in sync so that you remember the image, feel everything connected with it, but the speech department refuses to give out the result.

The more you wish to recall,
the less likely it is that you will succeed. Studies indicate that such "forgetting" situations occur more and more frequently as we age. Yet the cause isn't always age-related mental deterioration.

The point, as it turns out, is in the
accumulated experience — the more there is, the more complicated the work of the centers involved in thinking and the more likely there are failures and internal conflicts.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

22 Nov, 01:55

Almost 70 percent of German roads have no speed limit.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

21 Nov, 10:37

WHY do old books smell like that?

The specific aroma of time-worn books comes from the decomposition of chemical compounds. It is primarily cellulose fibers and lignin, which binds them and fills the voids.

Lignin is a natural polymeric compound found in the vascular cells of some plants. It is a highly labile substance, easily interacting with chemical reagents or the environment.

Under the influence of oxygen, lignin decomposes into acids, which break down cellulose fibers.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 04:10

One of the largest butterflies in the world is the peacock-eyed atlas.

Its coloring and size are fascinating, aren't they?

➡️ Join @oxford_bukhara 🔔

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:59

Internetda yoq
Real Exam 😎
Bunaqa imkoniyat kamdan kam bo’ladi!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:59

Morning gift guys 🤩

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:59

Javoblarimizni izohlarda yozib qoldiramiz!

#realexam #listening

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:57

Assalomu aleykum hammaga

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Nov, 08:37

WHY do ibexes stay on steep cliffs?

On a perfectly smooth wall, ibexes won't hold up.

Though, they can stand on tiny rock ledges and even run on them. Hooves of goats are narrow, hard, able to move apart widely. They have soft sensitive pads partially covering the stone the animal has stepped on and creating additional traction.

Equally vital are the animal's exceptional sense of balance, precise coordination of movements, and sharp eyesight, which allows it to see the unevenness of the wall. If the stone the goat has stepped on is too narrow, the animal immediately pushes off and jumps further.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Nov, 07:55

WHY do ibexes stay on steep cliffs?

Ibex -
a wild mountain goat with long, thick ridged horns and a beard, found in parts of central Asia and in Ethiopia.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Nov, 02:23

Did you know ?

Grapes reduce inflammation and
alleviate the effects of stress: anxiety,memory decline, and hypertension.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 18:17

People who pay off their credit card balance every month are known as "deadbeats" in the financial community.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 12:02

WHY do apples turn darker when cut?

Apples contain antioxidants, which are thought to make these fruits healthy.

Antioxidants include a whole group of substances called polyphenols. Along with them, apples feature a polyphenol oxidase enzyme responsible for the oxidation of polyphenols.

Oxygen is required for these two substances to start interacting, thus the undamaged apple does not darken. So, it's the oxidation process, not of iron, but of the polyphenols, actually causes the apples to darken.

The film formed at the site of damage protects the apple from parasites and microorganisms. The substances it contains make the bitten pulp unpalatable not only for humans, but also for caterpillars.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 09:32

WHY do apples turn darker when cut?

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 07:06

In winter, serotonin levels drop, which causes drops in mood.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 07:00

Life finds a way.

“The Green Pearl”, a wild pistachio tree growing in the heart of a huge rock in Arsanjan, Fars Province, Iran.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 04:55

🕌 The most expensive building in the world is recognized as the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, the construction of which is estimated at $100 billion.

This mosque is one of the most sacred places in Islam, as it contains the Kaaba a cubic structure that Muslims consider the direction for prayer.

The construction of the Al-Haram Mosque began in the 7th century and continued for many centuries.

Today, it is the largest mosque in the world, capable of accommodating up to 4 million people.

It also has the largest dome in the world, which was covered in gold during reconstruction in 1996.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

16 Nov, 09:58

Berilgan savollarga imkon qadar javob berishga harakat qildik…Agar sizni ham qiziqtirgan savollar boʻlsa ularni izohlarda yozib qoldiring

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

08 Nov, 06:33

Kecha va’da qilingan IELTS materiallarni shu kanaldan olishingiz mumkin. Undan ham qizigʻi hali oldinda

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

08 Nov, 06:32

Meet Jonibek Taxirov, an IELTS Instructor with 3 years of experience. IELTS 8.0 x2 (S:8.0 L:9.0, R:8.5). You are more than welcome to join his community, where he on a regular basis shares the following:







Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 16:10


IELTS imtihoniga tushgan va tushish ehtimoli yuqori boʻlgan savollarni bepul qoʻlga kiritib siz ham yuqoridagi kabi natijalar qilishni xohlaysizmi

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 12:31

Congratulations, Jonibek

Road to 9 inshaAlloh

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 12:22


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 12:06

#results #eight #alhamdulillah #2024 BC/ 19/Ap/2024 #twenty_four
Congratulations, Durdona
Score: 7.5 0.5 to 8
Age: 24
Attempt: 2nd
Teachers: Sherzodbek Aliyev

also, she had studied in our center for more than one months , her dedication and knowledge was worth more than this. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 12:05


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 11:58

#results #eight #alhamdulillah #2024 Bc/oct/2024 #twenty_four
Congratulations, Mashhur
Score: 7
Age: 16
Attempt: 1
Teachers: Sherzodbek Aliyev

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 11:57


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Nov, 10:55

InshaAlloh bugungi chiqaradigan natijalarimizni Alloh manfaatli qilib bersin

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 20:08

Если вы хотите изучать английский язык в русскоязычной группе, тогда обращайтесь к нам.

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:54

Natijalar haqidagi tafsilotlarni oʻquvchilarning oʻzlaridan va oʻqituvchilaridan eshitamiz..

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:52




Band score: 7 🎯

TEACHERS: Khadichabonu Olimova and Aziza Akhmedova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:50




Band score: 7 🎯

TEACHERS: Khadichabonu Olimova and Aziza Akhmedova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:48




Band score: 6.5

TEACHERS: Khadichabonu Olimova and Aziza Akhmedova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:48




Band score: 6.5

TEACHERS: Khadichabonu Olimova and Aziza Akhmedova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:48




Band score: 6.5

TEACHERS: Khadichabonu Olimova and Aziza Akhmedova

⚡️We are thrilled to be the part of your journey

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:45


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:44

Ingliz tilini rus tilida oʻrganmoqchi boʻlsangiz @https://t.me/oxford_bukhara_khudoyor murojat qilaverasiz

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:42

📌Russian group #RESULTS


Band score: 7.5


Prep time with us: foundation

Teacher: Shakhnoza Sharapova

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 18:41

📌Russian group #RESULTS #oxford_center


Band score: 7.0

Prep time with us: 8 months

Teacher: Shakhnoza Sharapova

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

23 Oct, 14:02

Assalomu aleykum barchaga ….
Bugungi natijalar bilan inshaAlloh tanishib olganimizdan soʻng yangi loyiha haqida e’lon qilmoqchiman

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

15 Oct, 16:18

One of the real hero and warriors of modern and artificial world. 🌎


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

15 Oct, 16:15

I can surely say that this place played a significant role in becoming who I’m today. It was a real blessing for me to be in such a kind, friendly, hospitable, and supportive environment. Leaving this place is not an easy job for sure, so many memories and moments that will be cherished in my heart forever. I feel really grateful to work in such place and grateful for our director ( friend, close supporter) Mr Khudoyor and Mrs Gulrux. Thanks for all of you and I’m also happy to be part of this team ❤️

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

07 Oct, 05:03

Ishlamoqchi bo’Iganlar uchun bizda ish o’rinlari majud. Faqat sharti kamida 1 yillik tajriba va IELTS balingiz 7.5 dan kam bo’Imasligi va albatta maktabni tugatgan bo’lishingiz shart agarda tugatmagan bo’Isangiz IELTS balingiz va jismoniy holatingiz talabga javob berishi kerak bo’ladi.


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

01 Oct, 07:57

Чироғингиз ҳеч қачон ўчмасин!

Ўқитувчи, устоз, муаллим, мураббий номига мушарраф бўлган барча ҳурматли инсонларни бугунги касб байрамлари билан табриклайман!

Шамчироқдек умрингиз узоқ бўлсин! Чироғингиз ҳеч қачон ўчмасин!

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

22 Sep, 10:58

Katta oʻzgarishlar menimcha endi boʻlsa kerak … Yangi Oʻzbekiston

Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

19 Sep, 05:51

Ishlamoqchi boʻlganlar uchun bizda ish oʻrinlari mavjud. Faqat sharti kamida 1 yillik tajriba va IELTS balingiz 7.5 dan kam boʻlmasligi va albatta maktabni tugatgan boʻlishingiz shart.


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

16 Sep, 15:28

77 0047766
Call Center


Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor

16 Sep, 15:27


Assalomu aleykum hammaga.

Bizda CEFR/IELTS va General English uchun qabul davom etmoqda.