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Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor


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Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor (Uzbek)

📚 Oxford IELTS/CEFR by Khudoyor kanaliga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanal sizga IELTS va CEFR sertifikatlari uchun eng yaxshi yordam beradi. Khudoyor tomonidan o'qituvchilik qilinadi va samarali darslar o'tkaziladi. Bu kanal orqali siz 8+ darajasiga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin. Agar siz IELTS va CEFR sertifikatlari olishni istasangiz, bu juda maqbul kanaldir. Kanalga murojaat uchun @https://t.me/oxford_bukhara_khudoyor ga yozing yoki telefon raqamiga +77 0047766 raqamiga qo'ng'iroq qiling! Sertifikatlar olishda yordam olishingizga yordam beramiz!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

22 Nov, 07:32

WHY is a word sometimes "on the tip of our tongue" but we cannot recall it?

In our brains,
various departments are responsible for memory, figurative thinking, sensation, and speech, "naming". Apparently, some times they fail to work in sync so that you remember the image, feel everything connected with it, but the speech department refuses to give out the result.

The more you wish to recall,
the less likely it is that you will succeed. Studies indicate that such "forgetting" situations occur more and more frequently as we age. Yet the cause isn't always age-related mental deterioration.

The point, as it turns out, is in the
accumulated experience — the more there is, the more complicated the work of the centers involved in thinking and the more likely there are failures and internal conflicts.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

22 Nov, 01:55

Almost 70 percent of German roads have no speed limit.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

21 Nov, 10:37

WHY do old books smell like that?

The specific aroma of time-worn books comes from the decomposition of chemical compounds. It is primarily cellulose fibers and lignin, which binds them and fills the voids.

Lignin is a natural polymeric compound found in the vascular cells of some plants. It is a highly labile substance, easily interacting with chemical reagents or the environment.

Under the influence of oxygen, lignin decomposes into acids, which break down cellulose fibers.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 04:10

One of the largest butterflies in the world is the peacock-eyed atlas.

Its coloring and size are fascinating, aren't they?

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Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:59

Internetda yoq
Real Exam 😎
Bunaqa imkoniyat kamdan kam bo’ladi!

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:59

Morning gift guys 🤩

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:59

Javoblarimizni izohlarda yozib qoldiramiz!

#realexam #listening

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

20 Nov, 02:57

Assalomu aleykum hammaga

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Nov, 08:37

WHY do ibexes stay on steep cliffs?

On a perfectly smooth wall, ibexes won't hold up.

Though, they can stand on tiny rock ledges and even run on them. Hooves of goats are narrow, hard, able to move apart widely. They have soft sensitive pads partially covering the stone the animal has stepped on and creating additional traction.

Equally vital are the animal's exceptional sense of balance, precise coordination of movements, and sharp eyesight, which allows it to see the unevenness of the wall. If the stone the goat has stepped on is too narrow, the animal immediately pushes off and jumps further.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Nov, 07:55

WHY do ibexes stay on steep cliffs?

Ibex -
a wild mountain goat with long, thick ridged horns and a beard, found in parts of central Asia and in Ethiopia.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

19 Nov, 02:23

Did you know ?

Grapes reduce inflammation and
alleviate the effects of stress: anxiety,memory decline, and hypertension.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 18:17

People who pay off their credit card balance every month are known as "deadbeats" in the financial community.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 12:02

WHY do apples turn darker when cut?

Apples contain antioxidants, which are thought to make these fruits healthy.

Antioxidants include a whole group of substances called polyphenols. Along with them, apples feature a polyphenol oxidase enzyme responsible for the oxidation of polyphenols.

Oxygen is required for these two substances to start interacting, thus the undamaged apple does not darken. So, it's the oxidation process, not of iron, but of the polyphenols, actually causes the apples to darken.

The film formed at the site of damage protects the apple from parasites and microorganisms. The substances it contains make the bitten pulp unpalatable not only for humans, but also for caterpillars.

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 09:32

WHY do apples turn darker when cut?

Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 07:06

In winter, serotonin levels drop, which causes drops in mood.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 07:00

Life finds a way.

“The Green Pearl”, a wild pistachio tree growing in the heart of a huge rock in Arsanjan, Fars Province, Iran.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

18 Nov, 04:55

🕌 The most expensive building in the world is recognized as the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, the construction of which is estimated at $100 billion.

This mosque is one of the most sacred places in Islam, as it contains the Kaaba a cubic structure that Muslims consider the direction for prayer.

The construction of the Al-Haram Mosque began in the 7th century and continued for many centuries.

Today, it is the largest mosque in the world, capable of accommodating up to 4 million people.

It also has the largest dome in the world, which was covered in gold during reconstruction in 1996.


Oxford IELTS by Khudoyor

16 Nov, 09:58

Berilgan savollarga imkon qadar javob berishga harakat qildik…Agar sizni ham qiziqtirgan savollar boʻlsa ularni izohlarda yozib qoldiring