Articles in English @articles_in_english Channel on Telegram

Articles in English


📚 "Beyond Reading"
— IELTSga birgalikda poydevor quramiz!

👉 @ali21admin

Articles in English (Uzbek)

📚 "O'qishdan Tashqarisi" — IELTSga birgalikda poydevor quramiz!
Sizning ingliz tili bo'yicha yuksak darajada mahoratingizni oshirish va qowatni oshirish uchun mo'ljallangan Telegram kanalimizga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanalda siz ingliz tilida yozilgan maqolalar, hikoyalar, va darslar orqali o'z ingliz tilini oshirishingiz mumkin. IELTS sertifikatiga ega bo'lish uchun kerakli sanoat vocabulary sifatida yaratilgan bu kanalda sizning ingliz tilini yaxshilashda yordam berishimiz mumkin

Endi, o'z ingliz tilingizni ko'paytiring va xalqaro sertifikatlar olish uchun tayyorgarlik qilishdan tashqari, 'Articles in English' kanalimiz orqali o'z bilim va mahoratingizni oshiring!
Boshqalar bilan tajribalarizni ulashing va birgalikda ingliz tilini oshirishda qatnashing! 👉 @ali21admin

Articles in English

25 Jan, 14:33

"Orqada qolyapsan! Ko'proq dars qil! Kamroq uxla!"

IELTSga tayyorlanish juda stressli bo'lib ketgandek go'yo. Lekin axir ingliz tili bu sayohat, bo'lganda ham foydali va qiziqarlisi. O'sha yo'ldagi maroqli safar uchun esa kino, kitob va memlar ayni muddao.


Articles in English

25 Jan, 12:26

write ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Articles in English

25 Jan, 03:59

How Green Spaces in Cities Improve Community Well-Being↗️🍀

In Tokyo, Japan, a practice called "forest bathing" (shinrin-yoku) has become a cornerstone of preventive health care. Studies have shown that spending just 20 minutes immersed in greenery can significantly lower stress hormones and boost immune function.


Articles in English

24 Jan, 14:53

Boshqalar bunaqa speaking answerlarni pullayotgan paytda, Barno silarni paddeshka qilyapti.


Articles in English

24 Jan, 14:11

1. More than 30 speaking lessons
2. Free pronunciation course 21 lessons
3. 8+ study plan
4. Sources of articles
5. Mock tests that you must watch to get 8+ in speaking

Speaking samples:❤️❤️
✔️Part 1✔️
1. Reading
2. Morning time
3. Chocolate
4. Sports
5. Technology
6. Social media
7. Some more questions about sports
8. Dreams
9. Fixing things
10. Jewelry
11. Fish
12. Clothes

✔️Part 2✔️
1. Important event
2. Success
3. Describe a person from a different cultures
4. Describe a water sport activity
5. Traditional festival
6. Popular person
7. Describe a book you have reas many times
8. Describe a city that you want to visit in the future

✔️Part 3✔️
1. Success
2. Farming
3. Foreign languages
4. Sports, keeping fit
5. History
6. Money
7. Queues


Articles in English

24 Jan, 03:00

The Science Behind the Benefits of Reciting Affirmations Daily✍️

Actor Jim Carrey famously used affirmations during his early days of struggle. He wrote himself a $10 million check for "acting services rendered" and affirmed his success daily. Years later, he achieved that
exact milestone.


Articles in English

23 Jan, 17:31

yolg‘iz o‘tkazadigan so‘nggi qishimiz shu bo‘lsin)

Articles in English

23 Jan, 13:13


Articles in English

23 Jan, 03:07

The Truth About Late-Night Snacking: Is It Really Bad?🍩🍿

Eating before bed, especially foods high in sugar or fat, can disrupt sleep patterns. There is some truth to this. For example, heavy meals that are difficult to digest can lead to discomfort and indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep.


Articles in English

22 Jan, 15:07

sizda ham yo'qlamasang, eslamaydigan yaqinlaring bormi?

Articles in English

22 Jan, 03:39

Why Cities Are Getting Hotter🔥

Trees and plants provide shade and release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. However, as cities expand, green spaces are often the first casualties.


Articles in English

21 Jan, 13:43


Articles in English

21 Jan, 03:32

The Surprising Everyday Habits That Are Slowly Harming Your Health🍿

Snacking while watching TV or munching at your desk may seem innocent, but it often leads to overconsumption. Without realizing it, we eat more than we need, setting ourselves up for weight gain and metabolic issues.


Articles in English

20 Jan, 03:00

The Role of Water Conservation in Addressing Climate Change💧💧

Transitioning from traditional flood
irrigation to drip or sprinkler systems can reduce water use by up to 50%. In India’s Maharashtra region, farmers using drip irrigation reported higher crop yields and lower water consumption—a win-win.


Articles in English

19 Jan, 17:32

— ota-onangiz bilan gaplashganizda sizda ham vaqt teeez ótadimi?

Articles in English

19 Jan, 02:48

Is Skipping Breakfast Actually Bad? 🍳☕️

Joe Rogan, a staunch supporter of intermittent fasting, claims that skipping breakfast has improved his overall mental clarity and energy. But Rogan also emphasizes that intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone.


Articles in English

18 Jan, 15:53

— qiziq, nega folbinlar 1xbet o'ynamas ekanaa?

Articles in English

18 Jan, 03:08

How Dagestani Fighters Are Conquering the UFC🇷🇺🇷🇺🥊

In Dagestan, wrestling is more than just a pastime; it’s a tradition, deeply embedded in the social fabric. Young boys grow up wrestling, often starting at an age when most children are still playing with toys. The sport is not only encouraged but is seen as a rite of passage.


Articles in English

17 Jan, 13:03

— endi palon so'mga kurs olib óqib yurmanglar, ózim kepak puliga 1.5 soatda noldan tooo ingliz tilida valaqlashgacha órgatib qóyaman.

Just write ''loxman'' in the comment section, and we will connect with u)

Articles in English

17 Jan, 02:45

The Benefits of Reading the Quran Daily🤩

The Quran is unique in its ability to address the complexity of human emotions—joy, sorrow, hope, and despair. Whether it’s the poignant beauty of Surah Ar-Rahman, which celebrates divine mercy, or the profound warnings in Surah Al-Asr about the fleeting nature of time, the Quran doesn’t just speak to the intellect; it speaks to the soul.


Articles in English

16 Jan, 18:49

As a man, never stay at home.

Go out, make friends, and create new connections.

A man's job is to face the world, take risks, and embrace difficulties)

Articles in English

16 Jan, 13:21


Articles in English

16 Jan, 03:06

Why You Should Spend More Time in Nature🌱🏕

Being in nature doesn’t just make you healthier; it makes you happier. Why? Because nature reminds us of simplicity. There’s something profoundly liberating about realizing you don’t need much to feel whole—a clear sky, fresh air, and maybe the sound of waves crashing.


Articles in English

15 Jan, 19:02


Israel and Hamas have officially reached a ceasefire agreement in Gaza)

Praying for the restoration of joy and harmony in Gaza.🤲

Articles in English

15 Jan, 03:08

Fire in Los Angeles: A City Ablaze🔥

For people like David Chen, who lost his Malibu home in the Woolsey Fire, the trauma is more personal. “You build a life, raise a family, and then watch it all turn to ash in a matter of hours. It’s a pain you never forget.”


Articles in English

14 Jan, 15:56

— you can run tg channels without posting your gifts)

Articles in English

14 Jan, 03:09

10 of the Most Toxic Common Meals🍔🍔

Many commercial ketchup brands are loaded with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), sodium, and artificial additives. HFCS contributes to obesity and insulin resistance, while excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure.


Articles in English

13 Jan, 19:00


Articles in English

13 Jan, 03:05

Renewable vs. Non-Renewable Resources⚡️☄️

Non-renewable resources have been the backbone of human progress for centuries. From fueling cars to powering factories, they’ve driven innovation and economic growth. However, their environmental cost is undeniable.


Articles in English

12 Jan, 21:26

realchilar nima qilishni biladi)

Articles in English

12 Jan, 20:21

Imagine watching El Clasico with your wife, but she is a Barcelona fan.

Articles in English

12 Jan, 06:49

Urbanization: Challenges of Growing Cities🏙🗑

Urbanization has a profound impact on the environment. Deforestation, air pollution, and the urban heat island effect are just a few of the consequences. Cities contribute approximately 70% of global carbon dioxide emissions, making them central to the fight against climate change.


Articles in English

11 Jan, 15:54

Aslida real, barca yoki unitedga fanat bólib yurganlar endi "— men yoshligimdan cityni muxlisi bo'lganman" deyishyapti, hah

Articles in English

11 Jan, 11:59

nimani esladingiz?

Articles in English

11 Jan, 09:30

🚀Reading/Listening 8+ qilamiz

➡️Reading ballingiz 5,5/6,5?
➡️O’qisangiz tushunasiz lekin to’g’ri javob topish qiyin?
➡️Diqqat ushlab turolmaysiz?
➡️Vaqt yetmaydi?
➡️9 olgan o’qituvchi bilan 36 kun “Individual” shug’ulanmoqchisiz?

Yo’qsa bu kurs aynan siz uchun 👇👇

Articles in English

11 Jan, 08:05

Ancient Health Secrets😬🦠

The Romans, known for their public baths and focus on personal hygiene. The Roman baths weren’t just about cleaning yourself; they were a social event, a place to relax, rejuvenate, and even meditate. They understood the importance of water in health—how it could soothe muscles, cleanse the body, and promote relaxation.


Articles in English

10 Jan, 07:22

Pros and Cons of Free Public Transportation🚇🚌

Public transportation costs can be a significant burden for people living paycheck to paycheck. Imagine not having to budget for your bus or train fare every month. That’s cash that could go toward rent, groceries, or even a night out.


Articles in English

09 Jan, 16:38


Articles in English

09 Jan, 07:30

What is Blockchain and Its Role in Transforming Industries🖼📱

If you’ve heard of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), you know blockchain is making waves in the art world. But NFTs are just the tip of the iceberg.


Articles in English

08 Jan, 19:12

tungi azoblash xizmati)

Articles in English

08 Jan, 15:06

🔥 IELTS ni haqiqiy professional bilan o'rganing!

IELTS Writing’dan 5 marotaba 8.0, Speaking’dan esa 5 marotaba 8.5 ballga erishgan Shokhrukhmirzo ning kanaliga hoziroq qo'shilish orqali, siz:

📕 Bepul article'lar va ulardagi foydali so'zlardan iborat bo'lgan kitobni qo'lga kiritishingiz mumkin!

Shuningdek bizda kundalik:

📑 Mini maqolalar – qisqa va zarur,
✍️ Yuqori darajadagi writing namunalar,
🗣 Speaking sample javoblar,
🤓 va har Yakshanba bepul sifatli darslarda qatnashishingiz mumkin.

LET'S GO 👉 @aplusacademyielts👈

Articles in English

08 Jan, 14:27


Articles in English

08 Jan, 06:16

Top 15 Movies of All Time🍿📺

Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List isn’t just a movie; it’s a heart-wrenching history lesson. Based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who saved over 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust, this film is haunting and profoundly moving.


Articles in English

07 Jan, 15:00


Articles in English

07 Jan, 05:45

Women in Leadership👩‍💻

Research shows that women often excel in areas like emotional intelligence, communication, and collaboration—all critical leadership traits in today’s world. In fact, some studies suggest that companies with women in leadership perform better financially and are more innovative.


Articles in English

06 Jan, 17:14

rostanam gymda odam ko’payib ketibdi)

Articles in English

06 Jan, 13:45

🎙PODCAST eshitmang🚫

kecha 3 soat youtubedagi 10 ga yaqin uzbek podkastchilarini 2X (vaqtingizni tejaydi)da eshitib chiqdim.

bezatilgan xona, bir-ikkita mikrafon va ózidan aqlli yasagan bir nechta odamchalar. bilasilarmi? u yerda bo'layotgan 80% gaplar zig'ircha qiymatga ega emas (subektiv fikrim, balki sizga yoqar).

Hammasida bir xil savollar:

— birinchi moshinangiz qanaqa bo'lgan?

— necha yoshda uylanish kerak.

— bir kunda necha marta oynaga qaraysiz?

— qachon oxirgi marta yig'lagansiz?

— agar vaqtingizni orqaga qaytarish imkoningiz bo‘lsa, nimani o‘zgartirasiz?

— 18 yoshdagi Nayimga top 3 ta maslahatingiz?

— blah, blah...

Odamlar shu padkast madkast qilib ózini aqlli kórsatishga harakat qiladi. To'g'ri, ichida yaxshilari ham bor.

Nima demoqchiman, so choose wisely and don't squander your time listening to people with limited perspectives.

Articles in English

06 Jan, 05:56

The Psychology of Procrastination🥱

Procrastination isn’t just about laziness or a lack of discipline. It’s the act of delaying tasks despite knowing that delay will have negative consequences. Sounds irrational, right? That’s because it is.


Articles in English

05 Jan, 13:32

— darajasi beginner/elementary óquvchilar bormi shu yerda?

Articles in English

05 Jan, 06:35

How Climate Change Affects Ocean Ecosystems🏖️

The oceans cover over 70% of Earth’s surface. They regulate weather, absorb CO2, and provide a habitat for millions of species. But here’s the kicker: they’re under attack. From warming waters to acidification, the ripple effects of climate change are wreaking havoc on marine ecosystems.


Articles in English

04 Jan, 18:07

if you were the devil…

Articles in English

04 Jan, 17:39

— i watched Squid Game 2 for the sake of Lee Byung hun.

ishonmanglar 001 ga degandimaa

Articles in English

04 Jan, 15:52


Articles in English

04 Jan, 05:17

The Psychology of Cancel Culture: Impact on Society

Humans are hardwired to crave justice. When we see someone acting in a way that violates social norms, it triggers a sense of moral outrage. Cancel culture takes this natural instinct and supercharges it.


Articles in English

03 Jan, 09:41

Only men know)

Articles in English

03 Jan, 06:16

The Life of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab🤩

His early life reflected his environment: rugged, disciplined, and infused with a sense of duty. Umar was known for his physical strength, sharp intellect, and fiery temper—a mix that, before Islam, often led him down harsh paths.


Articles in English

02 Jan, 04:21

The Science of Longevity: How to Live a Longer, Healthier Life😃😊

Most people think longevity is just about genetics. “Oh, my grandparents lived into their 90s, so I’ll be fine.” Wrong. While genes play a role, they account for only about 20-30% of how long you live.


Articles in English

01 Jan, 13:59

— you just ruined a day agaaain)

Articles in English

01 Jan, 03:01

Don’t Be the Same in 2025🔄

The most dangerous thing you can do in life is nothing. Stagnation is not neutral; it’s a slow decline. Think about it: while you’re coasting, others are pushing, growing, and advancing. If you’re not learning new skills, exploring new ideas, or challenging your limits, you’re falling behind in a hypercompetitive world.


Articles in English

31 Dec, 14:32

🆕 Pro Reader – Completely Free!

🔝 30 articles with advanced vocabulary

💡 Perfect for boosting your reading skills and enhancing your language!

Start reading today! 📖


Articles in English

31 Dec, 13:47

🎁🎁🎁2024 uchun sizlarga mendan eng yaxshi sovg'a bu — KITOB deb o'yladim.

📚 Pro Reader

30 articles with advanced vocabularies

Perfect for boosting your reading skills and enhancing your language!

— if you want, comment "+"

Articles in English

31 Dec, 05:12

Sleep Paralysis: The Strange Phenomenon That Freezes Your Reality

Imagine waking up in the dead of night, your eyes darting around the room, but your body feels like it’s encased in cement. You try to scream, but no sound escapes your lips. Worse yet, there’s a shadowy figure looming in the corner, watching you. Is it a dream? A ghost?


Articles in English

30 Dec, 16:41

i have never celebrated New Year.

i have never encouraged anyone to celebrate it.

i have never blamed anyone for doing so.

not once.

just enjoy the holiday.

Articles in English

30 Dec, 13:50

kam-kam yenglaree, erta ham bor)

Articles in English

30 Dec, 02:32

New Year’s Resolutions Are a Waste Of Time📅

Statistically, about 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by mid-February. This isn’t because people don’t care; it’s because they’re set up for failure from the start. Resolutions often lack specificity, measurability, and realism.


Articles in English

29 Dec, 03:36

How to Prepare for the New Year🆕

To stay on track, utilize the SMART framework: make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, if you intend to read more, commit to finishing one book per month. Write your intentions down and revisit them periodically to ensure you remain aligned.


Articles in English

28 Dec, 09:45

mana haqiqiy PUBG)

Articles in English

28 Dec, 02:30

The Plastic Crisis: Strategies for a Cleaner Planet🌫

Plastic pollution affects ecosystems in profound ways. Marine life bears the brunt of the crisis, with over 100,000 sea creatures dying annually from entanglement or ingestion of plastic waste.


Articles in English

27 Dec, 15:08

Squid Game 2 'ni ko'rdizmi?

Articles in English

27 Dec, 11:08

— no road is as precious as the one leading me home)

Articles in English

27 Dec, 08:46

we’re at the last Friday of the year)

Articles in English

27 Dec, 03:05

The Hadith and Sunnah: Guidance for Everyday Life

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) famously said, "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." This statement is not merely philosophical but a call to action-encouraging Muslims to foster mutual respect and solidarity within their communities.


Articles in English

26 Dec, 18:59


Articles in English

26 Dec, 14:24

Thank you, Trump. Finally, you have recognized it, unlike other presidents)

Articles in English

26 Dec, 03:03

The Link Between Gut Health and Overall Wellness🤒🩺

Your gut is a direct reflection of what you eat. A diverse, nutrient-rich diet promotes a thriving microbiome, while poor dietary choices can disrupt its delicate balance. Foods rich in fiber, like whole grains, legumes, and fruits, act as prebiotics, feeding beneficial bacteria and fostering their growth.


Articles in English

25 Dec, 13:14


Articles in English

25 Dec, 02:00

The Role of Humor in Coping with Life’s Challenges😄

Humor is a valuable tool for serious
problem-solving. By shifting our perspective, it encourages lateral thinking—the ability to approach problems creatively rather than linearly. This is why some of the greatest innovators, from Albert Einstein to Steve Jobs, emphasized the importance of playfulness and humor in their creative processes.


Articles in English

24 Dec, 04:33

The Evolution of the Internet👨‍💻🖥

Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter exemplified the participatory nature of Web 2.0. Users were no longer passive consumers but active contributors, sharing opinions, photos, videos, and more.


Articles in English

23 Dec, 16:07

— o'zingiz bilan o'zingiz hech suhbat qilasizmi?

Articles in English

23 Dec, 02:30

Santa Claus: History, Language,
and Islam

For Muslims, the holiday of Eid both Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha—holds a central place in the celebration of community and generosity. These holidays focus on acts of worship, family gatherings, and charitable giving, without the inclusion of figures like Santa Claus.


Articles in English

22 Dec, 19:04


Articles in English

22 Dec, 18:27

since cold showers are a daily habit for me, i’m confident i can take one outside)

Articles in English

22 Dec, 18:04

ohh, wanna do it

Articles in English

22 Dec, 16:47

Do you know that the word 'Santa' comes from 'Satan'?

Articles in English

22 Dec, 02:51

Finding Your Passion🤔

Passion isn’t always innate; it can be cultivated. Trying new hobbies, joining workshops, or engaging in diverse activities can help you discover what resonates with you.


Articles in English

21 Dec, 17:38

nma bo’ldi

Articles in English

21 Dec, 13:23

— what are you buying

Articles in English

21 Dec, 02:52

How to Develop Charisma and Influence Others Positively🙌

Charismatic people don’t just communicate; they connect. They possess a magnetic presence that draws others in, often without saying much.


Articles in English

20 Dec, 15:26

Be selfish with your time.

A lot of people don’t deserve it.

Articles in English

20 Dec, 02:26

The Joy of Simple Living🙃🧘

When you simplify your life, you create mental space. With fewer distractions, it becomes easier to focus on what truly matters—your passions, your relationships, and your personal growth. You can devote your time and energy to what aligns with your deepest values, rather than running in circles trying to keep up with the latest trends or chasing after things you don’t really need.


Articles in English

19 Dec, 13:26


Articles in English

19 Dec, 03:00

The Science of Habits: Building Routines That Stick✍️

If you’re trying to develop a daily exercise routine, the reward
might not only be the physical benefits but also the emotional sense of accomplishment that comes from sticking to your plan. Motivation and willpower can help you push through in the short term, but it’s the intrinsic rewards that will keep you going.


Articles in English

27 Nov, 17:29

instagram ishlatadiganlar bormi?

Articles in English

27 Nov, 15:01

Siz dasturlashni o’rganib, oyiga $500-$3000 daromad qilishga ishonasizmi? Mening yuzlab shogirdlarim buni uddaladi!

Men, 6 yillik tajribaga ega sinior dasturchi Berdiyev Javohir, sizga buni qadamlarni TEKINga o’rgatmoqchiman.

❗️ 28-29-noyabr kunlari o’tkaziladigan “Dasturlashda 0 dan 1000$ gacha” deb nomlagan ochiq darsimga qo’shiling va barcha sirlarni bilib oling.

🎁 Hozir kanalimizga obuna bo’lganlarga $100 lik chek-list va darslar to’plamini bepul taqdim etamiz.

👉 Yopiq kanalga BEPUL ulanish
👉 Yopiq kanalga BEPUL ulanish
👉 Yopiq kanalga BEPUL ulanish

Articles in English

27 Nov, 12:54


Articles in English

27 Nov, 06:00

Sizda huddi shu muammolar bor:

-foydali materiallar topolmayapsiz
-overall natijangiz 5-5.5 qotib qolgan
-7+ qilib beradigan texnikalarni bilmaysiz
-kerakli vocabulary ni yodlay olmayapsiz
-vaqtingizni to’g’ri taqsimlay olmayapsiz

Agar siz o’zingizni shuyerda ko’rgan bo’lsangiz, havotirlanmang buning yechimi juda oson.

Sizga men kerakli materiallardan tortib, qisqa muddat ichida IELTS 7+ga olib chiqish sirlarini o’rgatadigan teacher topib qo’ydim.

Eng yaxshisi nima bilasizmi?

Teacher doimiy ravishda bepul darslar o’tib borarkan😱

Tezda qo’shilib oling👇🏾


Articles in English

27 Nov, 04:28

The best investment you can make?

Invest in yourself.

Read more.
Learn skills.
Take care of your body.

Your ROI will be unmatched.


Articles in English

27 Nov, 02:32

Can We Live on Mars?👩‍🚀

We need a reliable means of transportation to get there. Mars is approximately 225 million kilometers from Earth, which means any trip to the planet would take months. Even the most advanced spacecraft today are capable of sending probes and rovers to Mars, but they are far too small and too slow to transport humans.


Articles in English

26 Nov, 16:00


on the way to execute people who dont hit reactions on my posts)

Articles in English

26 Nov, 03:30

Why You Should Go To The Gym🏋️‍♂️

One of the most transformative lessons the gym teaches is the value of discipline. Motivation is fleeting, an unreliable partner in the quest for growth. Discipline, however, is steadfast. It’s what gets you to the gym on a rainy Monday morning or after a grueling day at work.


Articles in English

25 Nov, 13:01


Articles in English

25 Nov, 03:35

The Story of Clara’s Solitude😱😱

Clara grabbed her keys, her heart hammering, and fled into the night. But as she reached the edge of the property, she realized she couldn’t move forward. It was as if an invisible barrier held her back, tethering her to the house.


Articles in English

24 Nov, 17:32

what about u😂

Articles in English

24 Nov, 03:09

Why So Many People Are Doing Plastic Surgery💉

Celebrities have played a pivotal role in destigmatizing plastic surgery. From Kylie Jenner’s public acknowledgment of lip fillers to the Kardashians’ ongoing transformations, the veil of secrecy around these procedures has lifted.


Articles in English

23 Nov, 13:11

blame yourself)

Articles in English

23 Nov, 03:17

The Science Behind Healthy Eating: Nutrition Myths and Facts🍟🍔

Eating isn’t just a physical act; it’s deeply psychological. Emotional eating, for instance, is a common response to stress, sadness, or boredom. Recognizing these patterns and addressing the underlying emotions is crucial for developing a healthy relationship with food.


Articles in English

22 Nov, 14:12

have you ever read this one?

Articles in English

22 Nov, 04:37

The Psychology of Happiness😊

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, financial security matters. It’s hard to feel happy when you’re struggling to meet basic needs. However, studies show that once your income exceeds a threshold for comfort (approximately $75,000 annually in the U.S.), additional wealth contributes little to long-term happiness.


Articles in English

21 Nov, 14:25

Articles in English

21 Nov, 03:13

How Much Water You Should Drink Each Day?🥛🍶

Water is the substrate for life; it makes up around 60% of the human body. It regulates body temperature, transports nutrients, flushes out toxins, and lubricates joints.


Articles in English

20 Nov, 18:26

uxla, o'zbegim)

Articles in English

20 Nov, 17:03


Articles in English

20 Nov, 14:01

not everyone does understand this meme)

Articles in English

20 Nov, 08:17

hech shu "dollor rassysky" deydiganlarni tushinmaymandaa

Articles in English

20 Nov, 05:16

Is There Life on Other Planets?👽🛸

Some of the most exciting possibilities for alien life lie on the icy moons of our solar system. Europa (Jupiter) and Enceladus (Saturn) both have subsurface oceans beneath their frozen exteriors. These oceans are kept warm by geothermal energy, creating conditions that could support microbial life.


Articles in English

19 Nov, 15:44

f*ck your mood, follow the plan)

Articles in English

19 Nov, 04:24

Democracy 2.0: Where Are We Really Headed?📄📃

We live in a divided world, and media is one of the main reasons for that. Every channel, every platform, every news site—it feels like everyone’s got an agenda. Back in the day, news was about facts, but now, it’s about narratives.


Articles in English

18 Nov, 16:27

The best way to grow your tg channel.

put a hot girl pic on your profile and consistently advertise your link any comment section)

Articles in English

18 Nov, 15:36

vohada “bóla” deyishadi😅

Articles in English

18 Nov, 12:46

— nega bizni odamlar pora, qalloblik bilan ishini tez hal qiladiganlarni uddaburon deb bilishadi?

Articles in English

18 Nov, 03:01

Why Art Classes Deserve a Place at the Core of Education🎨👨‍🎨

Compulsory art classes in high school—painting, drawing, and other forms—can offer children more than just the ability to make beautiful things. Art cultivates skills like critical thinking, emotional resilience, and problem-solving that spill over into other subjects and areas of life.


Articles in English

17 Nov, 11:39

— once Mike's fight ended, i felt elated thanks to Jones)

Articles in English

17 Nov, 03:20

Don't Be a Follower, Be a Student🎓

Students are curious. They seek out new information and ideas and are not afraid to ask questions. They read widely, engage with people from different backgrounds and fields, and expose themselves to diverse perspectives. This openness to learning allows them to adapt to new situations and acquire a broad range of skills.


Articles in English

16 Nov, 19:16

hamma davay uyquga surayyoo

Articles in English

16 Nov, 15:25


Articles in English

16 Nov, 08:27

Iron Mike is still boxing legend)

Articles in English

16 Nov, 04:47

The Pros and Cons of Car Ownership🚘🚗

A car can save an enormous amount of time, especially for individuals with long commutes or multiple stops throughout the day. While public transportation often requires waiting and transfers, cars provide direct routes that reduce overall travel time.


Articles in English

15 Nov, 13:10

yana bir qadam!

o'zimga yoqmasa ham kitob ko'pchilikga yetib borishi uchun shu ishni qilamiz, deal?

1. Shu postni ingliz tiliga aloqador bo'lgan a'zolari 10 dan ko'p bo'lgan 2 ta guruh yoki kanalga yuboring.

2. Screenshot qilib @ali21admin ga yuboring. Admin tezda kitobni sizga yuboradi.

— agar vijdoningiz qo'yib bersa, adminni aldang. U sodda ishonuvradi😅

Articles in English

15 Nov, 04:55

The History of the Ancient Pyramids

One of the most intriguing things about pyramid construction is that they achieved it without the technology we rely on today. No cranes, no steel, and certainly no computer modeling. Instead, they relied on complex systems of levers, ramps, and an understanding of geometry that many find hard to believe.


Articles in English

14 Nov, 13:33


📚 Pro Reader – Completely Free!

30 articles with advanced vocabulary

Perfect for boosting your reading skills and enhancing your language!
Start reading today! 📖

— kitobni to'liq shaklini olishni xohlayotganlar, 1k ❤️ bosamiz)

Articles in English

14 Nov, 04:18

Why Young Men Are Four Times More Likely to Die from Suicide😱

Social media. It’s where everyone’s trying to show off the highlight reel of their lives, making it easy to forget that what you see is not always reality. For young men, it’s often a place where the societal expectations of success, fitness, wealth, and lifestyle are amplified to absurd levels.


Articles in English

13 Nov, 14:30


Articles in English

13 Nov, 08:43

rossa uxlaydigan ob-havo bo'lyaptiku)

Articles in English

13 Nov, 03:11

Healthy Habits for a Better Lifestyle

We live in a digital age, and while technology has its benefits, too much screen time can be harmful. Excessive screen exposure is linked to poor sleep, increased stress, and reduced productivity. Make it a habit to unplug regularly—take breaks from your devices, set boundaries for screen time, and avoid screens before bedtime.


Articles in English

12 Nov, 12:20

i hate spelling errors.

you mix up two letters and your whole post is urined.

Articles in English

12 Nov, 04:11

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking isn’t just good for your mental health; it’s also incredibly beneficial for your physical health. When you’re optimistic, your body operates in a more balanced state, reducing the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) and lowering your risk of stress-related illnesses.


Articles in English

11 Nov, 13:57


Articles in English

11 Nov, 04:12

How to Solve Air Pollution😶‍🌫️

Our love for personal vehicles is one of the leading causes of air pollution. Combustion engines release vast amounts of carbon dioxide and particulate matter, especially in densely populated cities. Switching to electric vehicles (EVs) is one step in the right direction, but we need to go further.


Articles in English

10 Nov, 17:13

shaptoli terish time (shtt)

Articles in English

10 Nov, 15:52


Articles in English

10 Nov, 14:44

Uylanganiga ikki yil bolgan dostimni xo'rlangan tg storieslarini korib uylangim kemay ketdi😂🤦‍♂

Articles in English

10 Nov, 03:21

The Benefits of Reading Books📚

In today’s world, attention spans are shrinking. With endless notifications, alerts, and distractions, staying focused is a challenge. But reading requires sustained attention, which helps you develop concentration. Unlike a social media scroll or a quick video, a book requires focus from start to finish.


Articles in English

09 Nov, 13:13


Articles in English

09 Nov, 03:45

Top 10 Facts About Jewish😱

The Jewish community has produced some of the greatest thinkers, scientists, and artists of our time. People like Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and Franz Kafka have left a permanent mark on world culture.


Articles in English

08 Nov, 12:48

ILM muhimmi yoki PAROSAT?

Articles in English

08 Nov, 06:36

Top Ten Business Ideas for Developing Countries That Can Change Lives💡

Electricity isn’t always reliable in many developing countries, especially in rural areas. That’s where solar energy comes in. Setting up a solar energy installation business can provide a sustainable, long-term power source for homes and small businesses.


Articles in English

07 Nov, 12:59

ohh, kayp

Articles in English

07 Nov, 03:57

How to Improve Your Memory🧠🧠

Memory is like a muscle. You don’t just wake up one day and run a marathon. It takes effort, practice, and consistency. The difference is, your brain has the ability to transform itself, and the potential to improve your memory is massive.


Articles in English

06 Nov, 13:28

Bugunning qaynoq mavzusi;👇

Who is Donald Trump?

Can Trump win?

📌shuni ham hech kimga yubormasdan o'zinglar o'qinglar, as always be selfish)

Articles in English

06 Nov, 07:39


Articles in English

06 Nov, 04:10

The Power of What We Wear on Our Mood and Confidence🤵💃

Fashion can act as a form of emotional regulation. On days when you’re feeling down, choosing an outfit that feels cheerful or powerful can be an act of defiance against negative emotions. Some people even prepare “happy clothes” — bright or bold outfits that help elevate their mood.


Articles in English

05 Nov, 14:22

Lo'liga ehson qilish kerakmi?

Articles in English

05 Nov, 06:51

Top Ten Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use An iPhone 📱📱

Let’s be honest—iPhones are not exactly known for long-lasting battery life, especially as they age. Battery replacement isn’t user-friendly, either. Apple charges a hefty fee for battery replacement after a certain warranty period, and replacing it yourself is discouraged by design.


Articles in English

04 Nov, 16:59


Articles in English

04 Nov, 04:49

Does the Election in America Really Matter to the World?🇺🇸

The U.S. has historically been one of Israel's strongest allies, and this alliance impacts diplomacy throughout the Middle East. Similarly, American attitudes toward NATO or the United Nations can alter the dynamics of global cooperation.


Articles in English

04 Nov, 02:08

— no matter what happens, get up and don't give up!

Articles in English

03 Nov, 14:12

🪑Ultimate Reading va Listening Marafoni with Norman (8,5 - R9 - L9)

✔️34 ta authentic pre-test va real imtihon testlari: Har bir passage uchun video-tahlillar chuqur qilib ketamiz.
✔️34 ta IELTS-style Article: IELTS imtihoniga mos maqolalar va maxsus tayyorlangan lug’atlarni har kuni yodlab ketasiz .
✔️34 ta jonli darslar: Har kuni kechki soat 22:00 da jonli va interaktiv darslar qilamiz.
✔️34 Real-Exam Listening Tests: Har kuni 2 tadan section-based testlar tashlanadi. Imtixonda tushish extimoli katta.

💫Boshlanish sanasi: 5-noyabr (bugun va erta vaqtingiz bor)

P.S. Imtihonini Noyabr oxiri yoki Dekabr/Yanvar oyida topshiradiganlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat 🔠

Narxi: 99,000 bugun va ertaga, kegin 150 mingdan✔️

Qo’shilish uchun: @normanielts (yagona account shu)

Savollar uchun @xojaevs

Articles in English

03 Nov, 13:54


Articles in English

03 Nov, 03:36

Halloween🎃 and Islam

Islam has provided two significant holidays, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which are centered on worship, gratitude, and community. These festivals serve as spiritual anchors, reminding us of our connection to Allah and the legacy of our faith.


Articles in English

02 Nov, 05:41

What Can We Learn From History👑

Historically, progress often came
from individuals who dared to challenge the norms of their time. Think about Galileo, who challenged the Church’s views on the solar system, or Rosa Parks, who defied segregation laws. These weren’t just acts of rebellion— They were acts of courage that expanded society’s understanding of what is possible.


Articles in English

01 Nov, 16:15

shu yerda ekansiz, demak siz bularni bilishingiz kerak!

bu kanalni men 2021 yil shunchaki article o’qish uchun ochganman.

— obunachilar yo’q joydan 60 talarga yetgandi bir yil oldin “- kel, shu kimgadir foydali bo’lar” degan maqsadda doimiy kunlik article tashlab borishni boshladim.

— 26k'gach bir tiyn sarflamadim odam ko'paytirish uchun.

— kanal — maqsadli kanal. ertalab salom berib kechki payt osmonni rasmga olib tashlamayman.

— giveaway bu meni obunachilarimga ya'ni haqiqiy bu kanalni sevadiganlarga va'da qilgan sovg'am edi. (aytgancha, g'olib bo'lgan qizlarni tanimayman)

— to'g'ri. kechki payt har-xil narsalar yozib qolaman fikr almashish uchun. kimgadir, yoqmasa ertalabki article'izni o'qing, bo'ldi. (bundan boshqa ham umumiy tg va ytda haligacha 30k obunachilik auditoriyam bor) lekin negadir shu yerda ko'proq yozishni sevaman.

— sizga hech qanday kanal egasi aytmagan gapni aytaman. " — yoqmasa eshikni sekin yopib chiqib ketavering. we will never and eveeer beg for IT"

— shu yergacha o'qigan bo'lsangiz tiktokmind emas ekansiz yoki shunaqa bo'lsangiz ham bu kanalga hurmatiz cheksiz😅

— sizni kanal haqida fikringiz qanday?

📌agar comment +1000 bo'lmasa boshqa post bo'lmaydi)

Articles in English

01 Nov, 07:15


Articles in English

01 Nov, 04:20

Why Science Might Be the Best Thing for Your Kid’s Brain—And the World🔭🧪👩‍🔬

Believe it or not, science isn’t just about logical thinking—it also fosters creativity and teamwork. When kids conduct experiments, they learn to think outside the box, to try new methods, and to accept that failure is part of the process.


Articles in English

31 Oct, 15:00

Bu mening WRITINGdan 7.0 olgan o’quvchilarim.

❗️Ularni bir narsa bog’lab turadi - men o’rgatkan eng muhim texnikalardan birini imtixonlarida qo’llashgan.

Aynan shu texnika bo’yicha
men, Shoxruxbek Olimov, O’zbekistonda hali hech kim qilmagan kinodarslik tayyorladim.

👇Dars o’chib ketmasidan ko’rishga ulgurib qoling.


Articles in English

31 Oct, 14:04

24 soat qoldibdi❗️

qatnashyapsizmi o’zi?

Articles in English

31 Oct, 13:20

bilasizmi? siz eng yomon holatingizda ham millonlab insonlar orzu qilgan hayotda yashayapsiz…

just say Alhamdulillah)

Articles in English

31 Oct, 03:50

The Rise Of Remote Work: Pros And Cons👨‍💻🧑‍💻

While working from a mountain cabin sounds incredible, the reality is that remote work can be lonely. Humans are social creatures, and without the daily interactions that office life provides—yes, even the awkward ones—people start to feel isolated. There’s a reason why cities are social hubs, and there’s a reason why people have gone to offices for decades.


Articles in English

30 Oct, 13:26

yil tugashiga necha kun qoldi?

Articles in English

30 Oct, 06:26

Stop Wasting Your Time🕔

The Pareto Principle—or the 80/20 rule—can also serve as a powerful tool in your framework. This concept suggests that 80% of our outcomes come from 20% of our efforts. Identifying that 20% and giving it our full attention maximizes the impact of our time.


Articles in English

29 Oct, 05:34

Is Six Hours of Sleep Really Enough?🥱🛌💤

When the brain is chronically sleep-deprived, it becomes challenging to maintain focus, and errors tend to creep in. While caffeine and adrenaline can offer temporary relief, they do little to remedy the deeper cognitive toll.


Articles in English

28 Oct, 14:48

Realchi va Barcachilar giveaway'da qatnashyapsilarmi?

3 kun qolibdi)

Articles in English

28 Oct, 04:51

How Big is the Universe?🪐🌏👩‍🚀

From ancient stargazers to modern-day physicists, the question of how vast the cosmos truly is remains one of the most awe-inspiring and daunting inquiries. As we continue to expand our understanding of space, propelled by cutting-edge technology and relentless curiosity, the scale of the universe becomes ever more astonishing.


Articles in English

27 Oct, 04:30

How To Find Purpose in an Uncertain World‼️

Having a purpose doesn’t prevent difficulties, but it does provide a lens through which these experiences can be understood and endured. Purpose allows individuals to frame their struggles as part of a broader narrative, lending strength and hope in the face of adversity.


Articles in English

26 Oct, 18:20

Yana bitta qonli jang🥊

— chimaev'ga🇦🇪 aytganman yutqazib qoysang tayoq yeysan deb, bacha yutushi kerak)

Articles in English

26 Oct, 17:48

Real 🇪🇸



Articles in English

26 Oct, 16:42


Articles in English

26 Oct, 16:12

kanalda tashlangan artikllarni bitta kitob shaklda o'qishga nima deysiz?

Articles in English

26 Oct, 12:52


Articles in English

26 Oct, 04:34

Is Information Overload Really Harmful?🖥ℹ️

Information overload doesn’t just affect our cognitive functions; it also has a profound impact on our emotional health. Social media platforms, while keeping us connected, often create an environment where comparison is inevitable. As we scroll through curated snapshots of other people’s lives, we are bombarded with information about their achievements, vacations, and milestones.


Articles in English

25 Oct, 13:38


Articles in English

25 Oct, 12:41

can he confidently engage in a debate with Mohammed Hijab, or is he merely apprehensive about the possibility of losing?

he frequently appears alongside young students on contentious topics, hahh.

Articles in English

25 Oct, 06:08

When Did People Start Smoking?😮‍💨

The roots of smoking are deeply entrenched in the practices of ancient civilizations. Archaeological evidence indicates that smoking tobacco can be traced back over 5,000 years, particularly among the indigenous peoples of the Americas.


Articles in English

24 Oct, 14:50


Articles in English

24 Oct, 10:53

— kfc'idagi qizlar burgeri bilan rasmga tushib olguncha, men kursdoshim bilan ikki martta qorin to'ydirib olibmiz)

Articles in English

24 Oct, 05:26

Is Fast Food Really Bad for Our Health?🍟🌭🍔

When we talk about fast food being "bad," it’s essential to break down its nutritional profile. Most fast food items are high in calories, fat, sodium, and sugar. For example, a typical burger from a popular fast-food chain can contain up to 30 grams of fat and over 1,000 milligrams of sodium — a significant portion of the recommended daily intake for an adult. Regular consumption of these foods can contribute to weight gain, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases.


Articles in English

23 Oct, 05:40

Adolf Hitler: The Rise of Tyranny and the Descent into Darkness🙁

Adolf Hitler’s legacy is one of destruction, suffering, and genocide. His reign as Führer not only led to the deaths of millions in the Holocaust but also unleashed a global conflict that claimed the lives of an estimated 70 million people. The ideological poison he spread—rooted in xenophobia, racism, and extreme nationalism—has left a lasting impact on the world.


Articles in English

22 Oct, 15:49



Articles in English

22 Oct, 15:16


Articles in English

22 Oct, 12:57

— sezyapsilarmi, qorni hidi kelyapti)

Articles in English

22 Oct, 04:27

Why Money Spent on Air Travel Should Be Diverted to Help the Poor

As the world faces rising levels of poverty, food insecurity, and social inequality, it is time to ask a provocative but essential question: Is money spent on air travel a colossal waste of resources that could be better used to help the poor?


Articles in English

21 Oct, 14:53


Articles in English

21 Oct, 14:10

Bu qizni tanidiganlar bormi?

Articles in English

21 Oct, 03:27

Top Things to Do Before You Die🔝

At the end of the day, life is about more than what we take from it; it’s also about what we give. One of the most fulfilling things you can do is contribute to a cause that transcends personal gain—whether that’s volunteering in your community, advocating for human rights, or helping to combat climate change.


Articles in English

20 Oct, 08:02

Can We Live Without Meat?🍖🥩

Meat is more than just a source of nutrition; it’s a symbol of tradition, status, and identity in many cultures. For millennia, meat has been at the center of communal gatherings, celebrations, and religious ceremonies.


Articles in English

19 Oct, 14:26


Articles in English

19 Oct, 05:11

The Evolution of Knowledge: From Books to the Internet📚🖥

Let’s be honest, the speed at which we can now access information is mind-blowing. A quick search, and you’re flooded with articles, papers, and opinions on just about anything. Want to learn quantum physics? You can find a crash course in minutes. Need to fix your sink? There’s a YouTube tutorial for that. The internet is an incredible tool for quick knowledge. But is quick always good?


Articles in English

18 Oct, 04:58

Sunni and Shia: what really happened?

Though Sunni and Shia Muslims share many religious practices, such as fasting during Ramadan, performing the Hajj pilgrimage, and praying five times a day, there are subtle differences in the way certain rituals are performed.


Articles in English

17 Oct, 16:21

— shu pishakni egasi qidirilmoqda✍️

Articles in English

17 Oct, 14:01


Articles in English

17 Oct, 04:10

Are TV and Video Games Really Stunting Kids’ Mental Abilities?📺🎮

Games often require players to think critically, solve complex problems, and make decisions in real-time. These skills, especially those related to executive function, are incredibly valuable in real life. The immersive
nature of many modern games can engage the brain in ways that traditional forms of learning sometimes fail to do.


Articles in English

16 Oct, 08:57

The Top 10 Most Demanding Jobs of the Future📊🔴

We need educators who are tech-savvy and can teach subjects like coding, robotics, and artificial intelligence. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is where the future jobs are, and we need teachers who can prepare the next generation for what’s coming.


Articles in English

15 Oct, 14:41


Articles in English

15 Oct, 13:15

Articles in English pinned «»

Articles in English

15 Oct, 07:29

Why Many Young People Do Not Enjoy Competitive Sports🏋️‍♂️🥊

Let’s talk about social media for a moment. It’s like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can connect young athletes, giving them a platform to share their achievements and engage with others. On the flip side, it also amplifies the scrutiny. Kids are constantly comparing themselves to their peers, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling inadequate.


Articles in English

14 Oct, 17:37

do you?

Articles in English

14 Oct, 14:38

Telegram premium yutib olishingiz uchun shu rasmda ko'rsatilgan ikkita kanalga a'zo bo'ling (ustiga bosib obuna bo'lsangiz bo'ladi)

1-noyabr sizni kuningiz bo'lishi mumkin.

Bunda qatnashish uchun sizda premium bo'lishi shartmas, bosavering.

G'oliblarni biz emas telegram random tanlaydi. 1-noyabrgacha kanalda active bo'lib tursangiz bo'ldi.

Aytgancha, jo'rangiz Nayim va dugonangiz Luttoga yuborib qo'ying)

Articles in English

14 Oct, 14:23

2️⃣0️⃣🔤dan oshganimizni shunaqa qilib yuvyapmiz...

Giveaway'ga qanday qatnashishni bilasizlarmi?

Articles in English

14 Oct, 10:08

— siz tomonlarda ham yomg'ir bormi?

Articles in English

14 Oct, 05:30

Why Pyramids Still Exist🏛

It’s a combination of factors. Their engineering was ahead of its time, employing precision and techniques that modern scientists are still trying to fully understand. The materials chosen for their construction were selected for durability, ensuring that the pyramids would withstand the test of time.


Articles in English

13 Oct, 15:49


Articles in English

13 Oct, 04:13

Should Young People Who Commit Serious Crimes Receive the Same Punishment as Adult Offenders?🔫

We must consider the long-term impact of subjecting young people to the same punishments as adults. Sending a teenager to an adult prison, where they are surrounded by seasoned criminals, can have a profoundly damaging effect.


Articles in English

12 Oct, 14:01
