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📌 Барча актуал вакансиялар ва батафсил маълумотлар 👉 @oqqorgon_vakansiya каналида!
🔍 Оққўрғонда иш қидиряпсизми? Бизда сизга мос таклифлар бор! 🚀
OQQO'RG'ONDA NIMA GAPLAR ? is a popular Telegram channel that focuses on providing its audience with the latest news, trends, and discussions on various topics. With a large following of engaged users, this channel is the go-to place for staying updated and informed. Whether you are interested in politics, entertainment, technology, or lifestyle, OQQO'RG'ONDA NIMA GAPLAR ? has something for everyone. The channel is managed by the dedicated admin team, who are always available to address any queries, suggestions, or requests from the users. For those looking to stay connected and up-to-date with the latest information and trends, OQQO'RG'ONDA NIMA GAPLAR ? is the perfect choice. Join now and be a part of the vibrant community!
16 Feb, 16:50
16 Feb, 11:18
16 Feb, 10:11
13 Feb, 16:55
13 Feb, 12:57
13 Feb, 11:28
13 Feb, 10:10
13 Feb, 10:04
13 Feb, 07:18
07 Feb, 09:32
07 Feb, 05:46
07 Feb, 05:18
25 Jan, 05:02
25 Jan, 04:55
25 Jan, 04:27
25 Jan, 02:44
24 Jan, 20:26
24 Jan, 14:48
24 Jan, 13:09
24 Jan, 12:51
24 Jan, 11:02
24 Jan, 06:03
14 Jan, 08:48
14 Jan, 05:06
14 Jan, 05:05
14 Jan, 03:00
14 Jan, 02:53
13 Jan, 13:47
13 Jan, 13:37
13 Jan, 08:09
13 Jan, 02:43
12 Jan, 06:14
12 Jan, 04:07
11 Jan, 14:12
11 Jan, 14:09
11 Jan, 08:38
11 Jan, 07:04
11 Jan, 03:11
26 Dec, 03:01
25 Dec, 14:09
25 Dec, 13:15
25 Dec, 10:08
25 Dec, 07:16
25 Dec, 06:55
25 Dec, 02:53
24 Dec, 15:17
24 Dec, 10:34
06 Dec, 05:24
06 Dec, 05:24
06 Dec, 02:13
05 Dec, 15:55
05 Dec, 14:15
05 Dec, 05:38
yicha dual ta
lim tizimi yolga qo
yilgan. Unda kasb-hunarga oqish jarayonida stipendiya hamda amaliyotda ish haqi olib o
qish imkoniga ega bolishadi.
Markaz xodimasi Aziza Davronova tomonidan batafsil ma’lumotga ega bo
lasiz.05 Dec, 04:49
05 Dec, 04:25
25 Nov, 04:16
25 Nov, 02:23
24 Nov, 15:26
24 Nov, 09:14
24 Nov, 03:40
24 Nov, 02:53
23 Nov, 15:02
23 Nov, 10:52
21 Nov, 03:16
21 Nov, 02:41
20 Nov, 16:09
20 Nov, 12:35
16 Nov, 13:50
16 Nov, 13:45
16 Nov, 13:40
16 Nov, 13:32
16 Nov, 13:24
16 Nov, 13:16
16 Nov, 13:03
16 Nov, 13:00
16 Nov, 12:56
16 Nov, 12:50
16 Nov, 12:49
14 Nov, 13:19
14 Nov, 05:31
14 Nov, 03:58
13 Nov, 15:00
13 Nov, 14:36
13 Nov, 06:37
13 Nov, 05:34
13 Nov, 02:45
13 Nov, 02:10
12 Nov, 15:01
12 Nov, 14:55
12 Nov, 04:59
12 Nov, 03:19
12 Nov, 02:54
11 Nov, 15:02
11 Nov, 11:19
11 Nov, 06:28
24 Oct, 11:23
24 Oct, 11:08
24 Oct, 09:32
24 Oct, 02:18
23 Oct, 13:47
23 Oct, 07:57
23 Oct, 05:45
23 Oct, 05:25