Mirqobil style✨ @mirqobilstyle Channel on Telegram

Mirqobil style


IELTS 8.0 | Speaking 8.5

••• Your most reliable Speaking teacher ♥️ •••

~ Speakingni 1 oyda improve qilish sirlarini o'rgataman 😉 ~

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Owner: @Mark177E

Mirqobil style✨ (Uzbek)

Assalomu alaykum! Sizni IELTS 8.0 sertifikatini olishga yaqinroq qilishda yordam beradigan Mirqobil style kanali bilan tanishtirmoqchiman. Kanalda sizga IELTS 8.0 darajasini olishda yordam beradigan va istalgancha so'zlash uchun tajribali mutaxassisning maslahatlarini topishingiz mumkin. Mirqobil style kanalining egasi Mark177E, sizga so'zlashni 1 oyda qanday oshirishingiz va yolining qanday bo'lishi haqida yordam beradi. Agar siz ham IELTS 8.0 darajasini olish va so'zlashni rivojlantirishni istasangiz, Mirqobil style kanalini obuna bo'ling va savollaringizni yozing. Sizga yordam berishdan mamnun bo'lamiz!

Mirqobil style

11 Nov, 15:00

~ One of the best things about speaking English is that it removes the barrier between you and the rest of the world.

When I talk to people who only speak uzbek or only russian, I usually notice that there are so many things these people don't know about the world. And the simple reason is because they don't speak English.

If you are reading this post now and can understand it, you must be grateful for your life you reached this point so far. It is very likely that you can understand more than what 80% of average people can in Uzbekistan.

So, you are already 10-15 steps ahead of most people. And for a moment, think about the time when you didn't understand anything in English. And now, after so much time and work, here you are fully being able to read such a post and grasp the meaning.

English is not a language you must learn because people around you do so. It's an access to the world. You have the access now. Use it.

Mirqobil style

11 Nov, 04:23

Good Morning 🌄

••• ~New week — new adventures 👽

Mirqobil style

10 Nov, 08:03

Does time actually pass faster than before? 🤔

Most people say time is now passing much faster than ever before. But how true is it? Do you also experience the same thing?

Just like everything else, time is relative, which means the way I see and feel time is different than how you do. Why? Because if I don't do anything during the whole day, you can do a hundred important tasks, and because of that, time for me will feel like it passed too quickly, but for you, maybe slowly.

Using this logic, it would be correct to say that most people just don't get a lot done during the day for whatever reason. Maybe they get sick; maybe the weather affects their mood; maybe spend too much time on social media. All of this creates the illusion in people's minds that time is passing quicker than normal.

So, conclusion — just get more stuff done until you go to bed at night :)

Mirqobil style

08 Nov, 05:41

I need your advice.

What do you think is the best present for birthday? 🤔🎁

Mirqobil style

08 Nov, 03:23

Good Morning 🌄

Mirqobil style

07 Nov, 06:00


Made a badge for Top G himself 😎

Mirqobil style

07 Nov, 05:38

Your honest reaction on the new iPhone 16 😭

Mirqobil style

06 Nov, 15:37

Some art from this guy 👑

Mirqobil style

06 Nov, 09:40

You see what I mean? 😉

Mirqobil style

06 Nov, 08:28

Too innocent for this world

Mirqobil style

06 Nov, 07:05

Mr President 2024 🇺🇸

Mirqobil style

06 Nov, 03:42

Good Morning 🌧️

Mirqobil style

05 Nov, 06:42

The importance of study space 🧑‍💻📚

Yaqinda o'quvchilarni yaxshiroq bilim olishi uchun nima kerakligini ustida ishlayotganimda bir narsani tushunib qoldim. Katta hatoyim o'quvchilarni bilim olishiga ularning ko'zi bilan emas, o'zimni ko'zim bilan, ya'ni ustoz ko'zi bilan qarar ekanman.

Oldin, study space muhim emas agar uztoz yaxshi bo'lsa deb o'ylardim. Lekin bu faqat o'zim uchun shunday. Oddiy o'quvchilar uchun esa study space juda katta ro'lni o'ynaydi.

Ertalabdan kechgacha ishda, darsda yurgan odam uyda ham dars qilishga niyyati bo'lishi uchun uning birinchi navbatda o'zi uchun hech bo'lmasa bitta dars qiladigan stoli va stuli bo'lishi kerak. Agar shu ham bo'lmasa, o'sha odam charchab uxlab qolmasligiga boshqa sabab qolmaydi.

•••~ Big changes are coming. Stay tuned ❄️

Mirqobil style

05 Nov, 03:35

Business idea

Mirqobil style

05 Nov, 02:00

Good Morning 🌄

Reminder to enjoy the last few days with sun 🌞

Mirqobil style

04 Nov, 17:52

Soon ❄️

Mirqobil style

04 Nov, 14:46

I usually don't take pictures with celebrities, but this one is different.

I think taking pictures with celebrities makes you look less of a value in some way. That's why in 99% cases, I don't do it. No matter how big the person is, nationally or internationally, I prefer not to take pictures with them.

But two days ago, when I was at Zo'rTV working on a project, I met DJ King Macarella 👑, whom I actually knew personally a while ago. I personally saw him grow himself up from absolute zero to who he is today. And he is one of the very few people now in Uzbekistan who works genuinely hard for music and for work, not only for money.

So, because I'm 100% sure he deserves all the respect, I said okay, I'm gonna take a picture with him at least to make him happy before his performance on the stage.

Mirqobil style

04 Nov, 09:45

Ko'pchilik bilmagan ingliz tilidagi Grammar qoida — Question Tags. Uni Speakingda, ayniqsa IELTSda, ishlatish qiyin, lekin shu postda 25+ reaction yig'sak o'rgataman 👀

Speakingiz juda natural eshitiladi shu Grammar structure bilan 💯

Mirqobil style

04 Nov, 02:25

Good Morning 🌄

Come, your breakfast is ready 😉

Mirqobil style

03 Nov, 08:22

Is this legal?

Mirqobil style

03 Nov, 05:49

Good Morning 🌞

Never start your day with negativity.
Here's 2.8 kilograms of positivity to start your day ♥️

Mirqobil style

02 Nov, 12:12


Mirqobil style

02 Nov, 05:13

Good Morning 🌄🕊️

Any guesses why I am here from the very morning?

Mirqobil style

01 Nov, 13:04

I am actually happy people started to disagree with some of my worldviews.

When something like that happens, it's only a sign of true growth.

So, don't be afraid to say what you mean and mean what you say everybody ♥️

Mirqobil style

01 Nov, 11:44

Depressiya — bu qandaydir kasallik yoki illat emas. U shunchaki illuziya. Uni boshqarsa bo'ladi. Depressiyada bo'lish yoki bo'lmaslik tanlov holos.

Mirqobil style

01 Nov, 10:44

We all have this one friend 😭

Mirqobil style

01 Nov, 07:04

Amazing Band 7.0 for Speaking

Aziza men o'tkazgan Speaking Boost kursimning eng birinchi seasonida qatnashgan edlilar.

Yaqinda imtihon topshirdilar va ajoyib Speaking 7.0 va overall 8.0 qo'lga kirtibtilar 🥺. That's incredible!

Ohirgi mock test qilganimizda ularga 7.0 qo'yib bergan edim. Haqiqiy imtihondagi natijalari ham huddi shunday chiqibti 😃

(I give credit for her own hard work as well! Was proud to have a student like her! )

Mirqobil style

01 Nov, 03:10

"IELTS darajasidagi student" degan narsa yo'q 🤦

Ko'pchilik o'quvchilar ingliz tili haqida bir narsani haligacha tushunishmaydi. Huddi Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate degan levellar kabi, IELTSni ingliz tilini bir qismi deb o'ylashadi. Aslida esa, bu mingdan ming o'quvchilarni tilni noto'g'ri o'rganishiga sababchi bo'layotgan bo'lmagan tushuncha!

IELTS — bu aynan o'sha ingliz tili levelini ko'rsatib beradigan test holos. O'sha levellardan biri emas. Va umuman olganda faqatgina shu levellar bor ingliz tilida:
A1 — Beginner/Elementary
A2 — Pre-Intermediate
B1 — Intermediate
B2 — Upper-intermediate
C1 — Advanced
C2 — Native speaker level

Aynan shuning uchun, IELTSga tayyorgarlik ko'ryapsiz degani siz "IELTS levelidagi student"siz degani emas, chunki bunday narsani o'zi xato. Shuni o'rniga, "B1-B2 darajasidaman va horiz IELTSga tayyorgarlik ko'ryapman" desangiz to'g'ri bo'ladi.

IELTS o'qiyotgan do'stizga tashlab qo'ying shu postni. Yaxshilab o'qib chiqsin 😁🙄


Mirqobil style

01 Nov, 02:23

Good Morning 🍂♥️

Happy first day of November 🍁

Mirqobil style

31 Oct, 15:06

I love these stickers 🌝

Mirqobil style

28 Oct, 18:15

Late night motivation to work harder

Mirqobil style

28 Oct, 15:25

Bugun shunaqa chiroyli bulutli manzara bo'ldimi yoki shunchaki telefonim kamerasi ishlab ketdimi? 🤔

1 dan 10 gacha rasmlarga baho bering.

Mirqobil style

28 Oct, 13:24

Highly recommended movie 💯

I recently watched Money Heist which was produced by Netflix. The whole movie is about robbing, but in a non-traditional way.

I don't like watching stuff like Marvel and all these superheroes, but this movie taught me valuable lessons about how money and banking works.

After you finish watching it, you may even think "Maybe bank robbers are not that bad" 💀

Mirqobil style

28 Oct, 05:45

Bro looks more like Mr.Domla than Mr.Daniel

Mirqobil style

28 Oct, 02:25

Good Morning 🌧️♥️

Mirqobil style

27 Oct, 15:11

Describe a person who likes to read a lot.

- I think a nice way to start my answer would be to highlight that I am actually a very nice and a very open person, who likes to meet new people and kind of exchange my thoughts with them. And for that reason, I know many people, most of whom like to read a lot. But I wanna tell you about one of my very close and very interesting friends. His name is Sam and he is from Poland.
How did I meet Sam? Well, it was a very long story, but it was also a very awkward situation, but let me tell you the whole story. Although it's been a long time, like 7 or 8 years ago, I still remember vividly the time when he came to Uzbekistan to participate in an International Science Olympiad that was actually being held here in Tashkent. And I was there as a viewer. When he completed his final exam, he really needed to go to the bathroom, but no one could understand him, because at the time, very few people in Uzbekistan could speak English. So, I think I was very fortunate enough to have started studying English ever since I was like 7 years old, so I was the first person who could help him show the way to the bathroom. And after that, he came out relieved and we started talking, getting to know each other better. And even after he left Uzbekistan, during the next several years he visited the country just to meet with me and travel all around in holidays. And that's how I got to know him.
One thing I really like about Sam is that he is actually the kind of person who feels absolutely confident in his own skin. No matter how difficult the situation can get, he always finds a way out. And the reason why I think he has this superpower, I call it a superpower, because not everyone can feel 100% confident all the time, is because he reads a lot. But one amazing thing about his reading habits is that he can't stand reading self-improvement books that teach things that are absolutely controllable by yourself. And I agree with that. I don't think it's worth reading a book that is supposed to teach you how to, for example, be more disciplined. I mean, it's 100% controllable by yourself. So, if you really really want it, you can actually become disciplined by yourself without reading the book. So, he is one of those readers who understands what's right and what's wrong to read, because, at the end of the day, books cost you money and your time. So, you have to be very picky with what you read, which he is.

Mirqobil style

27 Oct, 15:11

Band 8+ sample 👇

Mirqobil style

27 Oct, 13:30

Yangi obunachilarimga salom! 🤩♥️

Ismim Mirqobil. Yoshim 17da. 3 yildan beri o'z obunachilarimga va o'quvchilarimga ingliz tilini, ayniqsa Speakingni rivojlantirish sirlarini o'rgatib kelaman. Shaxsiy IELTS scoreim hozircha 8.0 with Speaking 8.5 👀

Shu kanalni o'zida barcha pullik kurslarda sotiladigan materiallarni 4-5 martta yaxshiroq variantlarini joylab boraman. Misol uchun:
• Tekin Band 8.0 - 9.0lik Speaking sample answerlar
• Juda kam insonlar bilgan narsalar haqida postlar
• Speakingdan tekin darslar
• Tekin Speaking Mock testlar
And more ♥️

Nice to meet you 🤝

Nega kanalga qo'shilganingizni yozib qoldiring komentga 👀👇

Mirqobil style

27 Oct, 08:13

Everything is set up to distract you

Dunyoda 8 milliarddan ko'paydi odam. Agar hamma o'zini ustida 24/7 ishlaganida, hechqachon boy insonlar bo'lmasti, chunki kimdir boy va muvaffaqiyatli bo'lish uchun kimdir oddiy joyda ishlab yurishi kerak. Kimdir qimmat mashina haydshi va kimdir shu mashinani yuvishi kerak. Hamma faqat qimmat mashina haydashini iloji yo'q.

Aynan shuning uchun hamma o'z ustida ishlashini oldini olish uchun har hil 'distraction'lar qo'yilgan. Kechagi football shulardan biri. Millionlab odamlar ko'rgan kechagi o'yinni. Hop, misol uchun siz Realga muhlis edingiz. Real yutdi. Siz sevib kuzatgan jamoangiz g'alaba qozondi. Ular yutdi. Siz nima yutdingiz? Nothing. "Ha, lekin men dam oldim" deyishingiz mumkin. Lekin aslida o'yinni kuzatib o'tirish ham sizdan kuch olgan va sizni charchatgan. So, it was not relaxing. Don't lie to yourself

Shunga o'xshagan ohiri hech narsaga olib bormaydigan 'distraction'lar atayin millionlab odamlar yillar davomida ko'rishi uchun va umrini hech narsa uchun sarflab yuborishi uchun qilingan. Va aslida bu qaysidir ma'noda yaxshi, chunki g'oliblar bo'lishi uchun mag'lublar bo'lishi kerak. There's no light without dark.

Spend your time wisely. Improve your Speaking instead. Speaking better can get you more in life at least.

Mirqobil style

27 Oct, 07:46

This is how I learn to make unique presentations like these

Just put a little effort and your get a masterpiece. It helps to keep students focused.

Save the video 😎

Mirqobil style

26 Oct, 19:37

I'm sorry, but I don't watch football.

I don't get anything for myself even if both teams win the match.

So why watch football?

Mirqobil style

26 Oct, 12:30

A simple reason why you will never be as successful as you want

Buni juda kam odam tushunadi, lekin 90% hollarda muvaffaqiyatga erishmasligingiz sababi — to'gri, aniq va tinniq gapirishni bilmaganingiz bo'ladi, chunki siz boshqa insonlar bilan qiladigan muomala ularning siz haqingizdagi 90% fikrini belgilaydi. Va aynan shuning uchun, agar aniq va tinniq gapirishni bilmasangiz, kerakli vaqtda kerakli insonlar uchun hech qachon siz qiziqarli va kerakli odam bo'la olmaysiz.

Tasavvur qiling siz o'zingiz eng havas qiladigan inson bilan bir liftda bo'lib qoldingiz. Sizda faqatgina 10-15 soniya bor unga nimadir aytib uni e'tiborini qozonish uchun. Agar o'z fikringizni 100% to'liq yetkaza olsangiz, sizni hayotingiz butunlay o'zgarib ketishi mumkin. Agar yetkaza olmasangiz, hayotingizda bir martta keladigan omadni qo'ldan boy berasiz va butun umr afsusda o'tasiz.

Hech qachon o'z fikrini anniq tushuntura olmagan odam muvaffaqiyatli bo'lmagan. Va bu huddi video o'yinga o'hshaydi. Ko'proq natija olish uchun, o'yin qahramonini kuchaytirishingiz kerak. Huddi shunday, ko'proq muvaffaqiyatli bo'lish uchun, siz o'zingizning darajangizni ko'tarishingiz kerak. Va buni qilishni eng birinchi va kerakli yo'li, boshqalarga o'xshab 'hesitation'lar bilan gapirishni yengish.

Mirqobil style

25 Oct, 14:49

A small look at a Ferrari store from the above.

I know not everyone can get rich. It would collapse the world. But here's an interesting question for you.

What kind of qualities you think you need to be able to buy a Ferrari one day?

Mirqobil style

25 Oct, 04:29

It's funny that people think they are always free to choose.

But the modern world is set up in a way that you're still left with no choice at all.

If you want a full post about this, leave a reaction here. It's a very important life lesson for everyone.

Mirqobil style

25 Oct, 02:20

Good Morning 🌄 ♥️

Where do you think is this place in Tashkent?

Mirqobil style

23 Oct, 10:40

The easiest way to improve English — watching movies/cartoons.

Nima uchun ingliz tili darajangizni mukammallikga olib chiqishingizda kino/multfilmlarning ro'li katta? 🤔

Chunki kino/multfilm ko'rish bu Listeningni eng osson turi. Misol uchun, agar podcast eshitsangiz zerikib uxlab qolishingiz mumkin 💤. Ammo kino/multfilm sizni ancha vaqt o'ziga jalb qila oladi, va shuni hisobiga sizda til bilan bog'liqlik kuchayadi.

Va bundan tashqari, insonlarni o'zi ona tilini eng avvalo eshitib ulg'ayadi. Va oradan vaqt o'tgach, sekin-sekin so'zma so'z o'zi ham gapirishni, o'qishni va yozishni boshlab tilni mukammal darajada o'rganadi. Shuning uchun, til o'rganishning hammasi Listeningdan boshlanadi :)

Agar shu rasmdagi multfilmlarni bilsangiz, sizda juda chiroyli bolalik bo'lgan ekan ♥️

Mirqobil style

23 Oct, 07:10

Never admit a weakness.

Even when you lost something, never say you are weak.

Nobody wants weak people with them. Everyone wants to be friends with strong people.

That's the first mindset you must have about life.

Mirqobil style

23 Oct, 05:25

Shu ovozni original videosi topildi :)

Yo'qotib qo'ymaslig uchun save qib qo'ying. Bir kun IELTS osez sizam hammaga o'hshab shu ovoz bilan video qilas 🤭

Mirqobil style

23 Oct, 02:15

Good Morning

Did you know that this famous picture costs ~$85,000,000?

Mirqobil style

22 Oct, 15:12

~ Juda kam inson tushunadigan haqiqat 🥲

Rostgo'y bo'lsangiz "sodda" deyishadi — yolg'onchi bo'lsangiz "ishonchsiz" deyishadi.
Chiroyli kiyinib yursangiz "maqtanchoq" deyishadi — Oddiy kiyinib yursangiz "kambag'al" deyishadi.
Kulguli bo'lishga harakat qilsangiz "yosh bola" deyishadi — Jiddiy bo'lishga harakat qilsangiz "zerikarli" deyishadi.
O'z fikrlaringizni aytsangiz "qo'pol" deyishadi — Hammani fikriga qo'shilsangiz "sodda" deyishadi.
Biron yutuqga erishsangiz "kibrli" deyishadi — Hech narsaga erishmasangiz "dangasa" deyishadi.

Nima qilishingizni farqi yo'q. Odamlar har doim nimadir deyishadi. Insoniyatning o'zgarmas qonuni. Shuning uchun, o'zingizga nima maqul bo'lsa, shuni qiling. Baxtli hayotning oddiy siri.

Mirqobil style

22 Oct, 11:39

McLaren 650S...
Ferrari 812GTS...
Lamborghini Revuelto...
Audi RS6...
AMG G63...

I'm in heaven 😭😭😭

Mirqobil style

22 Oct, 08:50

Things you see only in Uzbekistan:

iPhone shoes 😐

Mirqobil style

22 Oct, 06:38

Describe a new law you would like to introduce in your country.

- Before I begin, I'd like to mention that it's actually a very interesting topic to talk about, because I have so many wonderful options for a new law not just in my country, but basically anywhere in the world, that could potentially fix many problems and positively influence the lives of millions of people.
Just for your information, I'm only 17. So, the law I would like to introduce in Uzbekistan may sound a bit awkward, but it's actually the decision I would want to make based on the experiences I have here in my day-to-day life. So, I would want to introduce a law that would completely ban the usage of cigarettes. And I know so many people in my country smoke, men and women. But I genuinely believe most people do not. And for non smokers like me, it's just absolutely disgusting to find ourselves near somebody who smokes. At the end of the day, the smoke coming out of cigarettes affect the people who breathe it in more negatively than the smoker himself, because as it turns out, the particles in the released smoke are so small that they can stick to the lungs of a nonsmoker pretty quickly and stay there forever.
What's interesting is, I always found it funny that on the cigarette packages, they literally show the consequences of long-term smoking through the pictures of dying human lungs or quickly aging human body. I mean, it's strange that the companies that produce cigarettes call people not to smoke at all. And government never bans the production and sales of these products.
And of course the introduction of this law definitely would cause huge disagreements among the population as well, but despite this, I believe it wouldn't difficult to handle it, as people would get used to a life without cigarettes pretty quickly.
And I also wanna add something here. Please understand me, I would want to ban cigarettes mainly because there's nothing good about them. Only harm. I do not know any person in the world who improved their life with smoking cigarettes. I've heard of the ones that destroyed their life, career and family because of cigarettes, but never heard of a single person who improved themselves as a person via smoking. So, as long as you don't benefit, why even do it?

Mirqobil style

22 Oct, 06:38

Band 8+ sample👇

Mirqobil style

22 Oct, 02:20

Good Morning
I have so much work today that I'm already tired 🥱

I prepared SOOOOO MUCH content for you for today 🍻 Enjoy!

Mirqobil style

21 Oct, 09:07

Elon Musk created a new Robot.

When that robot is used in Uzbekistan:

Mirqobil style

21 Oct, 03:28

Good Morning 🌄

Good luck surviving another week :)

Mirqobil style

20 Oct, 16:48

Stop the war 😭

Mirqobil style

20 Oct, 13:17

•••~ I will challenge your mind now. If you're smart, you will understand it. Let's go.

If we agree that the actions you take are shaped by the fear of not being different than other people, does this mean that if other people lose in life although they themselves don't realise it, you are also a loser without yourself realising it?

Mirqobil style

20 Oct, 10:01

Examiner: Good afternoon and welcome to the Speaking test.

Me: Thanks, you too.

Examiner: 😐. Ok.

Mirqobil style

20 Oct, 08:48

😒 I hate reading books 📚

Har kimni blogiga yoki Social Media akkauntiga kirmang o'zi qandaydir "o'qiyotgan" kitobini rasmini joylagan bo'ladi. Va afsuski ko'p holatlarda o'sha kitobni ohirigacha o'qib ham tugatishmaydi. Ya'ni kitob bilan tushilgan rasm post uchun holos 🙂.

Men kitob o'qishni yoqtirmayman. Juda erta hulosa qilishdan oldin, keling sababini ko'rib chiqamiz. Kitob o'qish o'zi nima va asosiy tagida yotgan mantiqi nimadan iborat? — Bilm olish, ya'ni nimadir o'rganish. Lekin kitob o'qimaydi degani hech narsani bilmaydi degani emas, chunki huddi o'sha bilim boshqa yo'llarda olinsa ham bo'ladi. Misol uchun YouTubedagi videolarda yoki qaysidir sohalarda muvaffaqiyatga erishgan insonlar bilan olingan interviewlarda.

Men ko'pchilik kitob orqali oladigan bilmni boshqa yo'lda olsa ham bo'ladi demoqchiman. Va aynan shuning uchun, kitob o'qimaslikni aqlsizlik bilan barobar ko'rmayman. Va huddi shunday, kitob o'qishni aqllilik bilan barobar ko'rmayman, chunki 100ta kitob o'qigan bo'lsangiz ham hech foydali narsa o'rganmagan bo'lishingiz mumkin 🤦

Aslida esa, siz biznes haqida 10ta eng zo'r kitob o'qishga 4-5 oy sarfalasangiz (misol uchun), huddi o'sha narsani tayyor YouTubedagi tekin videolarda 3 kunda ko'rib, o'rganib olib, xatto o'zingiz sinab ko'rsangiz bo'ladi haqiqiy hayotda.

Hozirgi davrda hamma narsa juda tez. Narxlar juda tez ko'tarilyapti, katta kompaniyalar tez rivojlanyapti, insonlar tez o'zgartapti. Va agar nimadir yangi narsani o'rganmoqchi bo'lsam, meni hozir 1 oy kitob o'qishga VAQTIM YO'Q. Yo'qsa hammadan ortda qolib ketaman. Va shunchaki ko'proq hurmat olish uchun kitob bilan rasmga tushib uni kanalga yuklashni kuzatuvchilarga bo'lgan hurmatsizlik deb bilaman :)

Mirqobil style

20 Oct, 03:34

Good Morning 🌞

And Happy Sunday!

Why is Sunday called Sunday? Because there is sun in the day? 🧐 If there is no sun, will it be Sunlessday?

Mirqobil style

19 Oct, 10:20


Yesterday we had the first mock test session with my new students at Speaking Boost 2.5.

In their opinion, I'm good at giving motivation to them. So, they made this edit with my photo. "Top G" got me.
