Roots to Fruits @mirqat Channel on Telegram

Roots to Fruits


توجه النفس نحو العمل مع رغبة وتصميم على القيام به

Roots to Fruits (Arabic)

إذا كنت تبحث عن قناة تليجرام تساعدك على تحفيز نفسك وتحقيق أهدافك بتوجيه نحو العمل، فقد وجدت المكان المناسب! قناة "Roots to Fruits" هي المصدر المثالي للإلهام والتحفيز لكل من يسعى لتحقيق أحلامه وتحويل الأفكار إلى واقع. تصميم القناة يهدف إلى توجيه النفس نحو العمل برغبة وتصميم، وتقديم الدعم والمشورة للأفراد الذين يسعون لتحقيق النجاح والتطور الشخصي. يمكنك الاستفادة من الموارد المختلفة المقدمة في القناة لتعزيز قدراتك وتحسين أدائك في مختلف جوانب الحياة. سواء كنت تبحث عن تحفيز يومي، نصائح لتحقيق النجاح، أو موارد للنمو الشخصي، فإن قناة "Roots to Fruits" توفر لك كل ما تحتاجه لبناء جذورك وحصد ثمار جهودك. انضم إلينا اليوم لتبدأ رحلتك نحو التحفيز والنجاح!

Roots to Fruits

07 Jan, 10:33

Sa'īd ibn Al-Musayyab (d.94H) related that he was sitting in the Rawdah (of the Prophet ﷺ), and heard someone call upon Allāh with the words:

اللهمّ إني أسألك عملاً بارّاً
ورزقاً دارّاً وعيشاً قارّاً

"O Allāh, I beseech You for a righteous deed, an unending provision, and a steady living."

Ibn Al-Musayyab added: "I supplicated (with this same du'ā) and saw nothing but sheer goodness."

• المستطرف للأبهيشي (٢٧٨/٢)

Roots to Fruits

06 Jan, 12:50

State of the Heart 🍎

وإنما يكون الإنسان في قبره بحسب ما في قلبه، وكلما كان الإيمانُ في قلبه أعظم كان في قبره أسر وأنعم

"A person's state in his grave is pursuant to what is in his heart; the greater the faith in his heart, the more blissful his (period in the) grave will be."

• جامع المسائل لابن تيمية

Roots to Fruits

05 Jan, 09:05

تعودوا الخير فإنما الخير في العادة

"Get used to doing good, for indeed goodness becomes habitual."

• 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ūd (ر)

📖 ابن أبي شيبة (4993#)

Roots to Fruits

02 Jan, 10:35

Clear Intention 💠

Muhammad ibn Ishāq (d.150H) said:

احرص على أن لا تعمل شيئا إلا بنية فإنك تؤجر في جميع أعمالك، إذا أكلت فإنوا بذلك التقوي لطاعة الله، وكذلك في نومك وتفرجك وسائر أعمالك فإنك ترى ذلك في ميزان حسناتك

❝ Take particular care not to do anything except with wilful intent, for you'll be rewarded for every deed of yours. If you eat, then intend by it: to become more mindful in obeying Allāh... And similarly, in your sleeping and utilising of leisure time, you'll find all such deeds in the balance of your good deeds. ❞

Commenting on this piece of advice, Abu Muhammad bin Hazm (d.456H) said: "Ever since I heard it, I benefited from it and have continued to benefit from it."

• بغية الملتمس لأحمد الضبي

Roots to Fruits

01 Jan, 03:26

Prelude to Ramadān (I)  🗓️

Abū Bakr al-Warrāq (d.240H) said:

شهر رجب شهر للزرع وشعبان شهر السقي للزرع ورمضان شهر حصاد الزرع

"The month of Rajab is for sowing [good habits], the month of Sha'bān is for irrigation, and in Ramadān do you harvest the crop."

• لطائف المعارف (١٢١)


Roots to Fruits

31 Dec, 10:45

Protocol ☘️

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ūd (ر) said:

إِذا أَراد أَحدُكم أن يسأَل فليبدأ بالمِدْحَةِ وَالثَّنَاءِ عَلَى اللهِ بِمَا هُوَ أَهْلُه ثُمَّ لِيُصَلِّ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ﷺ ثم ليصَلِّ بَعْد فَإِنَّهُ أَجْدَرُ أَنْ يَنْجَحَ

"When one of you wants to ask (Allāh for something), then let him begin by extolling and praising Allāh as He warrants; thereafter, send salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ and then ask (for your need) thereafter; for then he is more likely to succeed."

• مصنف عبد الرزاق الصنعاني

Roots to Fruits

30 Dec, 10:43

احرص على أن لا تتكلم إلا حيث كان الكلام خيراً، فإن ذلك أقوى لإيمانك وأحفظ للسانك وأهيب عند إخوانك

"Take particular care not to speak except when speaking is appropriate, for that will strengthen your faith, safeguard your tongue, and be considered more awesome in the eyes of your dear ones."

• شرح الأربعين ابن عثيمين (ص٢٠٣)

Roots to Fruits

29 Dec, 11:48

Roots to Fruits

29 Dec, 07:48

Sound Heart 💖

يجب أن نهتمّ بصلاح القلب، وإزالة الشوائب عنه، فهو إذا صلح صلح البدن كله

"We must pay particular attention to rectifying the heart and removing impurities from it; for if it is fixed, the whole body will be sound."

• شرح تقريب التدمرية لابن عثيمين (٢٠)


Roots to Fruits

26 Dec, 10:32

About having presence of mind and demureness, ibn al-Qayyim (d.751H) said:

العبد متى عَلِمَ أن الرب تعالى ناظرٌ إليه؛ أورثه هذا العلمُ حياءً منه، يجذِبُه إلى احتمال اعباء الطاعة

"When a person truly realises that Allāh is watching him, this knowledge will bring about a feeling of shyness before Him; allowing him to bear any burden in his obedience to Allāh."

• مدارج السالكين (2/253)

Roots to Fruits

26 Dec, 10:28

Be Cautious ⚠️

Sulaymān ibn 'Abd Al-Malik used to value 'ilm and often sought its wisdom. He once asked Salamah ibn Dīnār (d.178H) to advise him. To which he replied:

نزَِه الله أن يراك حيث ينهاك،
أو يفقدك من حيث أمرك!

"Be far away from Allāh seeing you from whence He prohibited you from, and that He finds you missing from whence He wants you to be."


Roots to Fruits

25 Dec, 10:20

A Lasting Pleasure

Sahl ibn 'Abdillah (d.283H) said:

العلم أحد لذَّات الدنيا، فإذا عمل به صار للآخرة

“Knowledge is one of the delights of this world; if it is put into practice, it will become part of the Hereafter.”

• اقتضاء العلم العمل (٢٩)

Roots to Fruits

25 Dec, 02:10


Roots to Fruits

23 Dec, 10:15

Moderation 💠

ابن عباس قال: كل ما شئت والبس ما شئت ما أخطأتك خلتان: سرف أو مخيلة

"Wear what you wish and eat what you wish, so long as you avoid two practices: extravagance and pride."

• 'Abdullah ibn Al-Abbās (ر)

📖 المصنف لابن أبي شيبة (٢٦٦٠١)

Roots to Fruits

21 Dec, 16:10


لا يجوز للإنسان أن يتساهل في حضور مجالس العلم والسعي إليها؛ لأنه قد يستفيد فائدة تكون سبباً لدخوله الجنة

"A person mustn't become laxed in regards to attending gatherings of knowledge and making efforts towards it; for he may benefit from something [he hears] that'll be a reason for him to enter Jannah."

• المنتقى (٣٩/١)

Roots to Fruits

19 Dec, 10:18

How You Cope: It's said two things may define who you are:

صبرك عندما لا تملك مالا و أخلاقك عندما تملك مالا

"Your patience when you possess no wealth, and your character when you do."

Roots to Fruits

18 Dec, 11:48

كان عمر رضي الله عنه يهمّ بالأمر ويعزم عليه؛ فإذا قيل له: لم يفعله رسول الله ﷺ = انتهى

'Umar ibn Al-Khattāb (ر) was interested in a matter and determined to pursue it. If however, it was said to him: "The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ did not do it," then that was the end of it!

• إغاثة اللهفان (1/136)

Roots to Fruits

15 Dec, 10:43

Du'ā is a key to enliven one's heart and to attaining self interests. Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H) said:

إذا أراد الله بعبد ٍخيراً ألهمه دعاءه والاستعانة به، وجعل ذلك سبباً للخير الذي قضاه له

"Should Allāh consider a person's welfare, He inspires him to bid du'ā to Him and seek His aid; making that a reason (itself) for the goodness He has decreed for him."

• اقتضاء الصراط

Roots to Fruits

12 Dec, 12:36

Opened Hearts & Enlightened Acumen

من أحب أن يفتح الله له قلبه أو ينوّر بصره فعليه بترك كثرة الكلام فيما لا يعنيه، واجتناب المعاصي، وأن يكون له فيما بينه وبين الله خبيئة من عمل، فإنه إذا فعل ذلك فتح الله عليه من العلم ما يشغله عن غيره

"Whoever would like that Allāh opens up his heart to Him, or sharpens his insight, then let him leave out much speech that doesn't concern him. Let him avoid sin and have between himself and Allāh, cache of hidden good deeds.

If he does so, then Allāh will open up for him, beneficial knowledge that will distract him from other (useless) things."

• Imām al-Shāfi'ī (d.204H)

📖 مناقب الشافعي للبيهقي (2/171)

Roots to Fruits

11 Dec, 10:26

A Lofty Rank  🔸

وَأَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ

"...for you will have the upper hand, if you are believers." {3:139}

A person has a level of dignity and preferment according to his/her strength of faith. Ibn Al-Qayyim (d.751H) said:

العِزَّة والعُلُوُّ إنَّما هما لأهل الإيمان الذي بعث الله به رسله، وأنزل به كتبه، وهو عِلمٌ وعملٌ وحالٌ

"Glory and honour/supremacy are but for the people of faith, with which Allāh sent His Messengers; and with which He revealed His Books. They are (found in) knowledge, action, and a state of (decorous) being."

• إغاثة اللهفان (١٨١/٢)

Roots to Fruits

07 Dec, 10:32

Excelling in Character 💫

إذا حسُنت أخلاقُ الإنسانِ كثُرَ مُصَافُوه، وقلَّ مُعادُوه؛ فتسهَّلت عليهِ الصِّعاب، ولانت لهُ القُلُوب الغِضَاب

"Should a person's akhlāq excel, his quality (of friends) will increase, and his adversaries will be few. Difficulties will be eased for him, and angry hearts softened towards him."

• Abu'l Hasan, 'Alī al-Māwardī (d.450H)

📖 آداب الدُّنيا والدين (٢٣٦)

Roots to Fruits

05 Dec, 12:19

Self-Inflicted 🫥

من الآفات الخفية العامة أن يكون العبد في نعمة أنعم الله بها عليه واختارها له فيملها العبد ويطلب الانتقال منها إلى ما يزعم لجهله أنه خير له منها

"A commonly hidden rot found setting in: that a person finds himself surrounded by a blessing that Allāh has gifted him with; he then becomes bored with it and seeks to move away from it to something else he wants to claim - out of sheer ignorance - thinking it's better for him..."

• الفوائد لابن القيم (١٨٠)


Roots to Fruits

04 Dec, 08:10

سبحان الله،
ولا إله إلَّا الله،
والله أكبر

Roots to Fruits

03 Dec, 10:57

General Tawbah doesn't necessitate recalling specificities. Ibn Rajab (d.795H) said:

ومن الذنوب ما ينساه العبد ولا يذكره وقت الاستغفار، فيحتاج العبد إلى استغفار عام من جميع ذنوبه - ما علم منها وما لم يعلم - والكل قد علمه الله وأحصاه، فلهذا قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: واستغفرك لما تعلم، إنك أنت علّام الغيوب

"There are those sins that a person has forgotten and doesn't remember at the time of seeking Allah's forgiveness. Subsequently, he needs to seek forgiveness for all of his sins in general terms - what he knows of them and what he doesn't know - All of them are known and numerated by Allāh. That is why the Prophet ﷺ said in his du'ā:

واستغفرك لما تعلم، إنك أنت علّام الغيوب

"And I seek Your forgiveness for what You know. Indeed, You are the Knower of the unseen."

• مجموع الرسائل (1/392)


Roots to Fruits

02 Dec, 12:15

الله سبحانه عليمٌ يحب كلَّ عليم، وإنما يضع علمه عند من يحبّه، فمن أحبَّ العلم وأهله فقد أحبَّ ما أحبَّ الله، وذلك مما يُدانُ به

"Allāh -glorified be He- is All-Knowing and loves all those who are knowing [i.e. have knowledge]. He places his knowledge with those he loves. So, whoever loves knowledge and its people, loves what Allāh loves; and that is what he'll be considered for.”

• مفتاح دار السعادة (١/ ٣٨٥)

Roots to Fruits

30 Nov, 11:20

Error of Judgement

من استفرغ وسعه في طلب رضا الله فاتقى الله ما استطاع كان من عباد الله الصالحين، وإن كان قد أخطأ في بعض ما اجتهد فيه

"Whoever truly devotes himself to seeking Allah's satisfaction and is ever so mindful of Him, is considered one of His righteous servants, even if he erred in some of what he diligently worked to do."

• جامع المسائل لابن تيمية (١٠٥/٧)

Roots to Fruits

28 Nov, 11:59

Percipience 👈🏼

إن الحق ثقيل وهو مع ثقله مريء، وإن الباطل خفيف وهو مع خفته وبيء، وترك الخطيئة أيسر (أو قال: خيرٌ) من طلب التوبة، ورب شهوة ساعة أورثت حزناً طويلا

"Truth is heavy, and with that weight, it is bitter. Falsehood is light, and with that lightness, it is endemic... Leaving a wrongdoing is easier than seeking repentance for it, and engaging in an errrant desire momentarily will inherit a long period of grief."

• Hudayfah ibn Yamān (ر)

📖 الزهد لابن المبارك (٨٥٠)

Roots to Fruits

27 Nov, 08:13

Self-Empowered 🔋

عن بديل بن ميسرة العقيلي أو مطر الوراق أنه قال: من عرف ربه أحبه، ومن أبصر الدنيا زهد فيها، ولا يغفل المؤمن حتى يلهو، فإذا تفكر حزن

"Whoever is cognisant of Allāh Almighty, will (undoubtedly) love Him, and whoever observes the dunya, will grow indifferent to it... A believer doesn't become careless except that he falls into idle play; and becomes downcast when he reflects [on his state of affairs]."

• المصنف ابن أبي شيبة (8/315)

Roots to Fruits

24 Nov, 11:53

Unfazed 👍🏼

ووجدت العامل للآخرة إن يُنَلْ بمكروه في تلك السبيل لم يهتم؛ بل يُسَرُّ، إذ رجاؤه في عاقبة ما ينال به عون له على ما يطلب، وزائد في الغرض الذي إياه يقصد

"I've realised that the one who works for the ākhirah cares less if harmed along its way. Rather, he's pleased because his hope in the outcome of what he will attain, will help him achieve what he seeks - and even add to his intended purpose."

• 'Alī ibn Hazm al-Andalūsī (d.456H)

📖 الأخلاق والسير (ص٧٨-٧٩)

Roots to Fruits

21 Nov, 12:41

Disillusioned 🕶️

يَشَآءُ ۚ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِٱلْمُهْتَدِينَ

It is said that a person makes himself unfit for Allāh's guidance when he subjects himself to having a change of heart/mind for the worse. Ibn Ka'b Al-Quradhī (d.118H) was asked:

ما علامة الخذلان؟ قال: أن يستقبح الرجل ما كان عنده حسنا، ويستحسن ما كان عنده قبيحا

"What is a sign of (self)betrayal?" He replied, "That a person finds repulsive what he used to find good and decent, and approves of what he used to find repulsive."

• البيان والتبيين للجاحظ

Roots to Fruits

19 Nov, 10:32

Quarrelling and intrigue among friends is an opportunity for foes.

وَلاَ تَنَازَعُواْ فَتَفْشَلُواْ وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ وَاصْبِرُواْ

Roots to Fruits

18 Nov, 10:25

من ﻭُﻓِّﻖ ﻟﻠﻌﻤﻞ بكل أذكار الصباح والمساء ﻓﻬﻲ ﻧﻌﻤﺔ ﻭﻓﻀﻞ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﻃﻮﺑﻰ ﻟﻪ

"Whoever is given tawfīq to be able to offer all the morning and evening adhkār [invocations], this is an immense grace and favour from Allāh almighty; and glad tidyings will be his."

• الأذكار للنووي

Roots to Fruits

17 Nov, 10:26

Pursuing Perfection ❄️

Burhān al-Dīn al-Biqā'ī (d.885H) said:

يجب على الإنسان بعد تكميل نفسه السعي في تكميل غيره ليحصل التعاون على ما خلق العباد له

"After working to refine one's own self, one must endeavour to assist others in refining themselves. This, so as to achieve cooperation upon what His servants were actually created for [e.g. His worship and obedience]."

• نظم الدرر (١٨/ ٢٣٤)

Roots to Fruits

15 Nov, 07:32

Al-'ijābah 🗓️

It is reported that the Prophet ﷺ said:

عُرِضت عليَّ الأيَّامُ، فعرضَ عليَّ فيها يومُ الجمعةِ، فإذا هيَ كمِرآةٍ بيضاءَ، وإذا في وسطِها نُكْتةٌ سوداءُ، فقلتُ: ما هذه؟ قيلَ: السَّاعةُ

"Days were shown to me, and Friday was shown to me; lo and behold, it was like a white mirror, and in the middle of it was a black spot, so I asked: 'What is this?' It was said: 'The Hour (of response).'"

• أخرجه البزار (٧٥٢٧)، والطبراني (٢٠٨٤)
السلسلة الصحيحة (1933)

Roots to Fruits

14 Nov, 10:27

Someone asked Abū Hamzah al-Shaybanī about fraternity for the sake of Allāh - what it entails. He replied:

هم العاملون بطاعة الله المتعاونون على أمر الله وإن تفرقت دورهم وأبدانهم

"They are those who act in obedience to Allāh and love/cooperate in what Allāh has commanded, even if their physical residence and bodies are separated [by time/era and distance]."

• الإخوان لابن أبي الدنيا (ص٩٩)


Roots to Fruits

13 Nov, 10:16

‏ثلاث من علامات الإخلاص:

١- استواء المدح والذم من العامة
٢- ونسيان رؤية الأعمال في الأعمال
٣- واقتضاء ثواب العمل في الآخرة

From the signs of sincerity are three:

1. Treating praise and blame from the public equally.

2. Losing sight of one's (good) actions.

3. Being aware of the necessity of recompense for deeds in the Hereafter.

• موارد الظمآن لدروس الزمان (١/ ١٧٥)

Roots to Fruits

12 Nov, 10:18

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ بِأَنَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدَ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ الْمَنَّانُ بَدِيعُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ يَا ذَا الْجَلاَلِ وَالإِكْرَامِ يَا حَىُّ يَا قَيُّومُ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ

Roots to Fruits

11 Nov, 11:19

قراءة سورة بتدبر ومعرفة وتفهم، وجمع القلب عليها، أحب إلى الله تعالى من قراءة ختمة سردا وهذا، وإن كثر ثواب هذه القراءة

"Reciting a sūrah with (a level of) contemplation, awareness and comprehension, and with full focus of one's heart towards it, is more beloved to Allāh -the most high- than completing its recital to the end, though the reward for such recitation is aplenty."

• المنار المنيف لابن القيم (ص ١١)

Roots to Fruits

09 Nov, 10:10

If the dunya spares a person by keeping his Deen intact, then whatever else he misses from it won't be considered a lost or a missed opportunity. Ibn al-Jawzī (d.597H) said:

وأنا لا أحبُّ أن يخْدُشَ حصولُ شيءٍ من الدُّنيا وَجْهَ دِيني بسببٍ

"I would never like to receive anything of this dunya, due to which any aspect of my Deen is damaged."

• صيد الخاطر

Roots to Fruits

08 Nov, 08:34

Friday: The Hour of 'Ijābah
(A Period Before Maghrib)

Al-Hāfidh ibn Hajar (d.852H) related:

وروى سعيد بن منصور بإسناد صحيح إلى أبي سلمة بن عبد الرحمن، أن ناسا من الصحابة اجتمعوا فتذاكروا ساعة الجمعة، ثم افترقوا فلم يختلفوا أنها آخر ساعة من يوم الجمعة

"Sa'īd ibn Mansūr narrated with an authentic chain to Abī Salamah ibn 'Abd Al-Rahmān that a group of Companions [of the Prophet ﷺ] gathered, discussing the hour (of al-'ijābah) of Friday. When they parted, they did not disagree that it was the last hour of Friday."

• فتح الباري (2/489)


Roots to Fruits

06 Nov, 10:15

Persevering Patience 

Yahya ibn Khālid (d.190H) said:

احرس عقلك من شهوتك، وشيبك من عادتك، ونفسك من الآثام، وبدنك من الهموم، وصمتك من التيه، وكلامك من الزلل، ولا حراسة إلا بأناة

"Guard your mind from your (errant) desires, your grey hair from your (destructive) habits, your soul from sins, your body from worries, your silence from wandering (thoughts), and your speech from slipping. And there is no such guarding except by assuming patience."

• البصائر والذخائر

Roots to Fruits

05 Nov, 10:22

Taqwah Keeps  🛡️

Al-Mughīrah said to 'Umar ibn al-Khattāb (Allāh be pleased with them both): "We shall be fine as long as Allāh keeps you for us."

To this, 'Umar replied:

أنت بخير ما ‎اتقيتَ الله

"You'll be fine as long as you are most mindful of Allāh."

• البصائر والذخائر (١/١٥)

Roots to Fruits

04 Nov, 10:16

That Farewell Prayer 🛡️

روي عن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام:

إذا قمت في صلاتك فصل صلاة مودع، و لا تكلم بكلام تعتذر منه غدا، وأجمع الإياس مما في أيدي الناس

"When you stand for prayer, offer it as if it's your farewell prayer; and do not say something for which you'll have to apologise for tomorrow; and give up (hope) for what is in the hands of people [re: this material world]."

• ابن ماجه (٤١٧١)، وأحمد (٢٣٤٩٨ ) واللفظ له
السلسلة الصحيحة (٤٠١) 

Roots to Fruits

04 Nov, 00:51

يا حيّ يا قيّوم برحمتك أستغيث، أصلح لي شأني كلّه، ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين

Roots to Fruits

02 Nov, 09:55

Be Genuine About It 💠

{ إِذَا أَحَبَّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَخَاهُ فَلْيُعْلِمْهُ إِيَّاهُ }

فرْقٌ بين من يقول لك بلسانه: إنِّى أُحبُّك ولا شاهد عليه من حاله، وبين من هو ساكتٌ لا يتكلَّم وأنت ترى شواهد أحواله كُلُّها ناطقةٌ بِحُبِّه لك

"There is a difference between someone telling you that he loves you with his tongue, yet there's no evidence of this in his condition; and someone who is silent and doesn't inform you, yet you see every evidence of this in his condition that speaks of his love for you."

• طريق الهجرتين لابن القيم (ص ٣١٤)

Roots to Fruits

30 Oct, 10:14

His Mercy Prevails 

إنَّ لكم ربًّا ليسَ إلى عقابِ أحدِكم بسريعٍ، يُقيلُ العَثْرةَ، ويَقبَلُ التَّوبةَ، ويُقبِلُ على المُقبِلِ، ويعْطِفُ على المُدبرِ

"Verily , you have a Rabb who is not quick to punish any of you, who overlooks those who stumble, who accepts repentance and accepts those who turn to Him, and is kind to those who schemingly turn away."

• Bilāl ibn Sa'd al-Sakūnī (d.111H)

📖  حلية الأولياء (5/223)

Roots to Fruits

29 Oct, 10:33

Stay away from those who keep you away from your need for Allāh, and make you feel as if everything is within your own reach and ability.

Take the means, make the effort, seek Allāh's aid and accept His decree. Should it happen, it is not from you, it is from Him!

وَأَنَّ ٱلْفَضْلَ بِيَدِ ٱللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ ذُو ٱلْفَضْلِ ٱلْعَظِيمِ

"...All grace is in Allāh's Hands. He grants it to whoever He wills. For Allāh is the Lord of infinite bounty." {56:29}

Roots to Fruits

28 Oct, 10:31

The Formulator  🫐

﴿ إِنَّ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ تَنۡهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلۡفَحۡشَاۤءِ وَٱلۡمُنكَرِۗ ﴾

"Indeed, ˹genuine˺ prayer deters from indecency and wickedness." {29:45}

تمعّن كيف جعل الله الصلاة «تصوغ أخلاقنا»، إنها ليست مجرّد حركات وسكنات وألفاظ؛ بل إنها تربّينا، إنها تهذّب سلوكيّاتنا

"Consider how Allāh has made prayer [salāt] a "shaper of our akhlāq." It is not merely a set of movements, pauses, and words; rather, it is there to discipline us and refine our base behaviour [with those around us]."

• رقائق القرآن (صـ ٨٧)

Roots to Fruits

26 Oct, 11:51

Mind, Soul and Body ◀️

إن لفظ ‎الرياضة يستعمل في ثلاثة أنواع:

١. رياضة الأبدان بالحركة والمشي
٢. رياضة النفوس بالأخلاق الحسنة والآداب المحمودة
٣. رياضة الأذهان بمعرفة دقيق العلم والبحث

The term "sport" is used in three ways:

1. Physical exercise through movements such as walking etc.

2. Exercising the souls with excellent akhlāq and praiseworthy manners.

3. Exercising the mind with accurate (and precise) knowledge and research.

• الرد على المنطقيين لابن تيمية (صـ٢٥٥)

Roots to Fruits

25 Oct, 09:30

الشرف في التَواضع
والعز في التقوى
والحرية في القناعة

"Nobility is found in humility, honour in taqwah, and liberation in being content."

• Ibrahīm ibn Shaybān (d.330H)

(مدارج السالكين)

Roots to Fruits

24 Oct, 10:35

مَا نَهَيْتُكُمْ عَنْهُ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ، وَمَا أَمَرْتُكُمْ بِهِ فَأْتُوا مِنْهُ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ...

• متفق عليه

Roots to Fruits

23 Oct, 13:30

Faith. Action. Truth. Patience

One of our exemplars of the past said:

تعلّمت معنى [سورة العصر] من بائع الثلج، كان يصيح ويقول: ارحموا من يذوب رأس ماله، ارحموا من يذوب رأس ماله؛ فقلتُ: هذا معنى: إنّ الإنسان لفي خسر، يمرُّ به العصرُ فيمضي عمره ولا يكتسب، فإذا هو خاسر

"I learned the meaning of Sūrah Al-'Asr from a person selling ice. He used to shout out in the market place: 'Have mercy on him whose capital is melting, be merciful on him whose capital will melt.'

I came to know this is what it means: That man is in loss, for time is passing him by, and his life runs out without him gaining anything, so he ends up as a loser."

• تفسير الرازي

Roots to Fruits

21 Oct, 10:06

Be Like 'Umar

كان عمر أعقل من أن يُخدَع، وأورع من أن يَخْدَع

'Umar ibn al-Khattāb (ر) was too smart to be deceived, and he was ever so cautious (of Allāh) to deceive (others).

• كتاب الروح لابن القيم

Roots to Fruits

20 Oct, 10:25

Vantage Point 🧭

Salamah ibn Dīnār (d.144H) said:

شيئان إذا عملتَ بهما، أصبتَ بهما خير الدنيا والآخرة؛ تَحمَّلُ ما تَكره إذا أحبَّه الله، وتتركُ ما تُحب إذا كرهه الله عزَّ وجلَّ

Effectuate two things in your life and with them, you'll gain the positivities of this world and the next:

🔸 Bear with whatever you detest if it's beloved to Allāh.

🔸 Let go of what you love if it's detested by Allāh.

• سنن سعيد بن منصور (٥٥٤٩)

Roots to Fruits

17 Oct, 10:24

Be SMART  🕶️

Wahb ibn Munnabih (d.110H) said:

وإني وجدت في بعض ما أنزل الله على أنبيائه أن الشيطان لم يكابد شيئا أشد عليه من مؤمن عاقل، وأنه يكابد مائة ألف جاهل فيسخر بهم حتى يركب رقابهم فينقادون له حيث شاء، ويكابد المؤمن العاقل فيصعب عليه حتى لا ينال منه شيئا 

"I've read in some of what Allāh revealed, that indeed nothing is more painfully severe upon shaytān than a wise and intelligent believer. Yet, he's able to endure a hundred thousand ignorant people, while ridiculing and riding on them and getting them to comply however he wants. With a smart believer however, shaytān struggles because he makes things difficult for him until he ends up getting nothing from him."

• حلية الأولياء وطبقات الأصفياء

Roots to Fruits

16 Oct, 10:20

﴿ ما لَكُمْ لَا تَرْجُون لِله وَقارًا ﴾

"What is the matter with you that you are not in awe of the Majesty of Allāh." {Nūh, 13}

ومن وقاره أن تستحي منه في الخلوة، أعظم مما تستحي من أكابر الناس

"From the sheer reverence and majesty of Allāh is that you exhibit a deep sense of shyness towards Him in your privacy [as you would in public]. A shyness far exceeding the shyness you feel in the company of VIPs."

• الفوائد لابن القيم (صـ 188)

Roots to Fruits

14 Oct, 10:06

One of the wonderful things said about seizing opportunities and not wasting them: Shabīb ibn Shaybah (d.170H) said:

لا تدع الأمر إذا أقبل، ولا تطلبه إذا أدبر

"Do not miss out on something (worthy) if it comes your way, and do not chase it if departs (from you)."

• لباب الآداب لأسامة بن منقذ

Roots to Fruits

13 Oct, 07:15


Al-Muzanī narrated, "I heard Al-Shāfi'ī (d.204H) say:

من تعلم القرآن عظمت قيمته، ومن تكلم في الفقه نما قدره، ومن كتب الحديث قويت حجته، ومن نظر في اللغة رق طبعه، ومن نظر في الحساب جزل رأيه، ومن لم يصن نفسه لم ينفعه علمه

'He who learns the Qur'ān magnifies his worth, he who speaks with Fiqh elevates his standing, he who pens Hadīth strengthens his argument, he who pays attention to the (Arabic) language will refine his temperament, he who considers arithmetic [hisāb] expands his sound opinion; and whoever does not safeguard himself (from sin) will not benefit from his knowledge.'"

• سير أعلام النبلاء (10/24)

Roots to Fruits

11 Oct, 09:34

الأمة الإسلامية عندها كنز عظيم، ألا وهو
الصلاة وسلام علىٰ سيدنا النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

اللهم صل وسلم على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين

Roots to Fruits

09 Oct, 00:00

A Pressing Need 🔖

'Āmir ibn 'Abd al-Qays al-Basrī (d.60H) used to say in the mornings:

اللهم إِنَّ الناس قد انتشروا لحوائجهم، وإن حاجتي أَن تغفر لي

"O Allāh, the people have scattered (in the land) seeing to their needs. As for my need, it is that you forgive me."

• الزهد لإبن أبي عاصم (ص٢٢٥)

Roots to Fruits

08 Oct, 09:50

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (ر) used to remind his companions:

ساعة للدنيا وساعة  للْآخرة، قولوا في خلالِ الْحديث اللهم اغفر لنا

"Let there be a moment for this world and a moment for the Hereafter, and during your conversations (don't forget to) say: "O Allāh, forgive us."

• الزهد للإمام أحمد

Roots to Fruits

07 Oct, 10:49

Umar ibn al-Khattāb (ر) is reported to have said:

إنّ لهذه القلوب إقبالًا وإدبارًا، فإذا أقبلت فخذوها بالنوافل، وإن أدبرت فألزموها الفرائض

"These hearts have their ups and downs. When they yield, take to voluntary (acts of worship); and if they don't, then compel them to the obligatory (acts)."

• مدارج السالكين (2/318)

Roots to Fruits

05 Oct, 02:36

Heart Deep 💟

كلما قوي التوحيد في قلب العبد قوي إيمانه وطمأنينته وتوكله ويقينه

"When Allāh's Tawhīd is firmly rooted in the heart of the servant, the stronger his faith, tranquility, tawwakul and certitude shall be."

• مجموع فتاوى (28/35)

Roots to Fruits

04 Oct, 10:16

Falling Like leaves… 🍃🍂

روي عن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام:

إنَّ العبدَ إذا قامَ يُصلِّي أُتِي بُذُنوبِه كُلِّها فَوُضِعَتْ على رأسِه وعاتِقَيْهِ، فكُلَّما رَكعَ أو سَجدَ تَساقَطَتْ عَنْهُ

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ is reported to have said:

"When the servant (of Allāh) stands to offer salāh, all of his sins are placed on his head and shoulders. Whenever he bows or prostrates, they fall off from him."

• ابن حبان (١٧٣٤)، والبيهقي (٤٨٨٤)
صحيح الجامع (١٦٧١)
