“Some of the students of knowledge, they get busy with responding to Az-Zamakhsharī in what he said in Al-Kashāf, and responding to Al-Qādī ‘Abdul-Jabbār, the Mu’tazil, who died 900 years ago, and also with responding to the doubts of Jahm ibn Safwān, who died 1200 years ago, while right next to him is an institute that spreads secularism and atheism and doubts around the Dīn and the Sharī’ah, the hijāb, erodes the ‘aqīdah of people, while he does not give weight to that at all.
You find some of them, similarly, being busy with fighting one particular bid’ah that someone in China practices, while near him there’s many institutes that spread atheism and destruction. Among the institutes that spread atheism and destruction are the schools! The schools in our time are among these institutes. One of us may be busy with responding to the people of bida’ while the children of the Muslims, perhaps 90% of them, go to these schools that teach the people disbelief in Allāh سبحانه وتعالى, obeying the laws of the land, and obeying those who rule by other than the rule of Allāh, while they do not give any weight to this at all. This is actually deviation in ‘aqīdah!
This should be in the classes of ‘aqīdah, it’s not just the Mu’tazilah and Jahm ibn Safwān, it’s not only the Ashā’irah and Māturīdiyyah, we have secularism, liberalism, atheists, those who rule by other the rule of Allāh, and modernists. Those people, we interact with and live with, while they are even harsher upon us than the others, so therefore it is upon the student of knowledge, just as he learns the ‘aqīdah in refuting those mubtadi’ah, to learn the ‘aqīdah in refuting those atheists, who are against Islām and its people!
This is not a call to take one side and leave the other, no! The ‘aqīdah should be taken fully, and the Muslim should fight all sides, just as he fights those who have bid’ah in the Names and Attributes of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى, the mushrikīn who worship idols and graves, he should also fight those who rule by other than the rule of Allāh and seek ruling to the man-made courts and legislative laws, and he should also fight the secularists and liberals, those who instil doubts and distort the ‘aqīdah of the people, and even remove the hayā and fitrah from the people!
And upon all levels. This is the student of knowledge, he is in a fierce confrontation with all of these sides, as the Messenger ﷺ said:
يوشك الأمم أن تداعى عليكم كما تداعى الأكلة إلى قصعتها
‘The nations are about to gather against you as diners gather around their dish.’
And the one who wishes to be from the saved sect, the victorious, needs to uphold the command of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى with all of those people, and should not be busy with one and not the other. If three people were to come kill you, and you were busy with only one, what would the other two do? They’d kill you. Same thing with those people, they are all plotting against Islām and Muslims. The guards of Islām, who are they? They’re the students of knowledge. If they are distracted from one side of it, Islām is attacked from that spot! This war with them is fierce and it does not end. This is war with the allies of the Shaytān, while the people of knowledge are the allies of Ar-Rahmān!
The Messenger ﷺ said:
فمن جاهدهم بيده فهو مؤمن، ومن جاهدهم بلسانه فهو مؤمن [...]
’…So whoever strives against them with his hand, then he is a Believer, and who ever strives against them with his tongue, then he is a Believer. […]’
And we see that during this time, the fight against the Muslims is extending to many different methods and levels. On the military level, the political level, economically, and even the level of knowledge. They do not leave anything but that they try to stab the Dīn of Al-Islām through it. Even in the natural sciences, like astronomy, and even physics, they try to use them to insult the Book of Allāh and the Sunnah of the Messenger ﷺ.