نهج التقى @pathofpiety Channel on Telegram

نهج التقى


(وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ)
“…And the best outcome is for the pious.” — Al-Qasas 83

نهج التقى (Arabic)

نهج التقى هو قناة تيليجرام تقدم محتوى يهدف إلى تعزيز القيم الدينية والأخلاقية لدى المشتركين. يتميز القناة بمشاركة اقتباسات وآيات قرآنية تلهم القلوب وتعزز الروحانية للمتابعين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقدم القناة نصائح وإرشادات لتحقيق العدل والإنصاف في الحياة اليومية. من خلال تشجيع الناس على اتباع طريق الورع والتقوى، تسعى نهج التقى لبناء مجتمع أكثر تفاعلًا وتعاطفًا. إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر للإلهام والتوجيه الروحي، فإن نهج التقى هو القناة المثالية لك. انضم إلينا اليوم واستمتع بالمحتوى القيم والمفيد الذي نقدمه.

نهج التقى

16 Nov, 11:46

** طبعة مكتبة دار البيان

نهج التقى

16 Nov, 11:45

“… So if Allāh wants good for His servant, He opens for him the doors of repentance, regret, brokenness, humility, need, and seeking His help, sincerity in turning to Him, continuously turning to Him in plea, du’ā, drawing closer to Him with as many good deeds as possible— enough to make a sin a reason for his mercy, to the point that the enemy of Allāh would say: I wish I had left him and not made him fall into the sin!

This is the meaning of what one of the Salaf has said: A servant may commit a sin by which he enters Paradise and performs a good deed by which he enters Hellfire.
They said: How so?
He replied: The servant may commit the sin, and then it continues to be before his eyes with fear of it, with regret, broken, crying, shy from his Lord تعالى, bowing his head between His Hands, broken-hearted to Him, so that sin becomes the reason for the happiness of that servant and his success, until that sin becomes even more beneficial for him than many good deeds because of what comes along among the causes for the happiness and success of a servant, until that sin would be a reason that he would enter Paradise.

Meanwhile, he may perform a good deed, but considers it a favour to his Lord, becomes arrogant with it, and looks to himself with pride, becomes infatuated with himself because of it, looks down on others because of it, and says: I did this, I did that. This becomes a cause of arrogance and self-admiration, pride and a sense of superiority, which would be the cause of his destruction. So, if Allāh wants good for this poor soul, He tests him with something that would break him, humiliate his neck, and minimize his self-view to himself, and if He wants other than that for this servant, He lets him be proud and arrogant, and that is true forsaking which leads to his downfall.”

• Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله | Al-Wābil As-Sayyib p. 8

نهج التقى

11 Nov, 23:25

☁️Posting the dreams connected to the end of times
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نهج التقى

10 Nov, 19:35

Shaykh Muslim ibn ‘Abdillāh Al-Qahtānī -حفظه الله-:
قناة الشيخ مسلم القحطاني


نهج التقى

16 Jun, 13:35

#كل_عام_وأنتم_بخير ...
إِظْهَار السرُور فِي الأعياد من شَعَائِر الدّين…
(ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ)

#عيدكم_مبارك …
تقبّل الله منّا ومنكم…
أدامَ عليكم المسرَّات...
وأسعدَ بالخيرات قلوبَكم...
وغفرَ الله ذنوبَكم...
ووفَّقكم لأحسن الأعمال…
وحقَّق لكم صالحَ الآمال...

كما نسأله أن يعيد هذا العيد علينا وعليكم وعلى الأمة جَمعَاء بالخير واليُمن والسعادة، والعِزِّ والنصر والتمكين للإسلام والمُسلمين…

نهج التقى

11 Jun, 00:23

A message to one who is afflicted with a trial:

“Some pains in life cannot be alleviated by the warmth of some people, nor by their eloquence in comforting us.

For some pains were created to bring us closer to Allāh, created so we may prostrate and draw near to Him جل وعلا, created to inform us that within the heart, there are fragments that no one has the power to mend except Allāh, to whisper in our pains with the voice of certainty: ‘No one possesses the comfort but Allāh.’

He takes care of your affairs while everything around you is filled with misfortune, and when all hands around you disappear…

We only need to mend our relationship with Allāh, so that life may blossom into a spring of happiness for us.

O Allāh, draw us nearer to You, for whoever chooses Your closeness has never been let down.

As you read the Qur’ān, search for yourself. After every āyah, you will find what addresses and means you, you will find what benefits and encompasses you, you will find a cure that heals you.

— Shared

نهج التقى

06 Jun, 21:17

“The Best of the Days of the Dunyā”

It is among the great blessings of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى that He has given us life to witness these ten days once more. If you wasted these days last year, strive to use them well this year, and if you’ve done good last year, strive to do even better this year!

Useful resources:
- Article: The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
- Channel: Dhul-Hijjah Beneficials
- Post: Schedule for completing the Qur’ān
- Post: Calendar for Dhul-Hijjah
- Post: Important dates of Dhul-Hijjah
- Posts: Virtues of the Day of ‘Arafah

Read, prepare, and start taking action now! Remember, one only gets this chance once in an entire year, could anyone be sure that they will reach next year?

May Allāh assist us all in worshipping Him in the best and most complete way in these blessed days.

نهج التقى

05 Jun, 01:16

A story (The night prayer🌌)

“When night falls, there is nothing sweeter than conversing with Allah, experiencing His comfort, generosity, and responsiveness. I became addicted to performing two rak’ahs every night, reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas, even before I fully understood what night prayer (Qiyam al-Layl) was. I would ask Allah with all my being, thinking only of Him, crying before Him, and praying to Him. I swear by Allah, my whole life was filled with light, both internally and externally, and I would eagerly anticipate nightfall the next day so I could pray.

My requests were answered. In short, if Allah loves you, He will draw you to Him in the simplest ways. If He wants something for you, He will show you all the paths, even if you are blind. Do not underestimate the power of two rak’ahs at night for the sake of Allah. And my everlasting advice; keep your affairs secret.”

نهج التقى

03 Jun, 22:27

الجنّة - “تثبيتًا للعاملين وتشويقًا للمشتاقين"
• الشيخ خالد الراشد -فك الله أسره-

نهج التقى

02 Jun, 22:16


“In it is the Messenger ﷺ, in it are the Noble Companions رضي الله عنهم,

On its door, we will part with sorrows, pain, and worries,

They will leave us without return, calamities that have crushed the hearts and burned the souls for a long time,

And a single dip in it will make us forget all the distress, gloom, and hardship of life we endured in this world, as if it has never harmed us with its claws, ever..

There, we will be joyful and delighted with what Allāh has prepared for us of lasting and enduring bliss that never diminishes or disappears,

And in it are those who preceded us and whose meeting made our hearts burst with longing, our deceased, our mهrtyrs, our companions on the path, and those who preceded us in faith..

O Allāh, we ask You for Paradise, O Allāh, grant us and our brothers/sisters Al-Firdaws without reckoning..."

— Shared

نهج التقى

28 May, 01:44

ومن العجائــبِ والعجائب جمةٌ
And among the astonishing matters, and those are abundant,

قــربُ الـدواءِ ومـا إلـيهِ وصـولُ
Is how near the cure is, yet beyond our hold.

كالعِيسِ في البيداءِ يقتُلُها الظّما
Like the camel in the desert dying of thirst,

والــماءُ فوقَ ظُـهورها مَحـمـولٌ
But it’s carrying the water on its back!

نهج التقى

27 May, 04:39

Among the ad’iyah of the Messenger ﷺ:

اللَّهُمَّ أَنْجِ الْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Allāhumma anji al-mustad’afīna mina al-muminīn

“O Allāh! Save the weak and oppressed among the Believers.”

[Sahīh Al-Bukhāri 6393]

نهج التقى

18 May, 02:01

“There is no doubt that the heart gathers rust, just as copper and silver and their likes rust, and its removal is by dhikr, for it removes the rust until it’s left looking like a clear mirror. So, if one leaves dhikr, the heart becomes rusted, and if he engages in dhikr, the rust is removed.

The heart rusts is due to two matters: negligence and sin. It is polished by two matters: seeking forgiveness (istighfār) and remembrance (dhikr). If negligence prevails most of one’s time, the rust builds up on his heart, and the amount of rust is with the amount of negligence. When the heart rusts, the truth will not be visible in their true form, so one sees falsehood as truth, and truth as falsehood. This is because when the rust accumulated on the heart, it became dark, and therefore truths do not appear as they really are.

If the heart becomes covered with rust and blackens, and becomes stained, its perception and understanding becomes distorted, leading to one not accepting any truth or denying any falsehood. This is one of the biggest punishments of the heart. The root cause of this is negligence and following whims, for they dim the light of the heart and blind its sight.

Allāh تعالى said:

وَلَا تُطِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَن ذِكْرِنَا وَٱتَّبَعَ هَوَىٰهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطًا
And do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his own desires, and whose affair (deeds) has been lost.
[Sūrat Al-Kahf 28]

If one wants to take someone as their role model, they should check: are they among the people of dhikr, or are they among the negligent? Is it his whims that control him, or is it the revelation? If it is his whims that control him and he is among the people of negligence, and his state is all loss— this person should not be taken as a role model, and should not be followed, as he leads to destruction.

• Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله | Al-Wābil As-Sayyib p. 82

نهج التقى

13 May, 15:40

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نهج التقى

13 May, 15:40

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

All praise is due to Allāh.

This channel will be dedicated to the translations of the fatāwa and works of Shaykh Muslim Al-Qahtāni حفظه الله. We ask Allāh to make it beneficial for the Ummah.

نهج التقى

06 May, 23:48

لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

O Allāh, have mercy on our brothers and sisters in Rafah, let the strikes be easy on them

O Allāh, they have no power or strength except through You

O ‘Azīz, grant them victory, heal their wounded, accept their deceased as shuhadā

O Allāh, forgive us for our shortcomings towards them…