- يوليوس إيڤولا.، ترجمة احمد الجبوري
Welcome to EUNOIA, a Telegram channel created by the user @madness_art. EUNOIA offers a unique experience of tranquility and a personal archive of artistic creations. The title itself, EUNOIA, originates from Greek, meaning 'beautiful thinking' or 'well mind.' This channel is dedicated to providing its followers with a piece of quietude in the midst of a bustling digital world.
Who is it for? EUNOIA is perfect for individuals seeking a refuge from the chaos of everyday life. Whether you're an art enthusiast looking for inspiration or simply in need of a moment of peace, this channel offers a carefully curated selection of content to soothe your mind.
What can you expect? By joining EUNOIA, you can expect to discover a variety of artworks, photographs, and musings that will transport you to a state of serenity. The personal archive hosted on this channel serves as a sanctuary for those seeking to escape the noise and find solace in creativity.
Join EUNOIA today and immerse yourself in a world of beauty, tranquility, and artistic expression. Let your mind wander and find solace in the serene offerings of this channel. Embrace the beauty of EUNOIA and indulge in moments of quiet reflection.
21 Dec, 18:16
24 Nov, 13:51
10 Jul, 19:39
18 May, 14:03
09 May, 19:21
04 Apr, 22:41
30 Oct, 16:54
14 Oct, 17:19
06 Sep, 14:37
19 Jul, 15:43