🌸Salafi Sisters🌸 @kkews001 Channel on Telegram

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸


To provide authentic religious messages based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah upon the methodology of the Salaf especially fatawa from prominent Salafi scholars(Only ladies are allowed to join)
Arabic, English, Urdu, Hinglish

🌸 Salafi Sisters 🌸 (English)

🌸 Salafi Sisters 🌸 is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing authentic religious messages based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, following the methodology of the Salaf. The channel aims to share fatawa from prominent Salafi scholars, offering valuable insights and guidance for its members. It is important to note that only ladies are allowed to join the channel, creating a safe and supportive space for women to engage in discussions and learn more about their faith. The content on 🌸 Salafi Sisters 🌸 is available in multiple languages, including Arabic, English, Urdu, and Hinglish, ensuring that a diverse group of women can benefit from the knowledge and resources shared. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, looking to deepen your understanding of Islamic teachings, or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals, 🌸 Salafi Sisters 🌸 offers a welcoming community where women can come together to learn, grow, and support each other on their religious journey.

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

21 Nov, 04:37

🏷️ It Extinguishes the Fire of Protective Jealousy from the Heart:

The essence of Ghayrah stems from a feeling of anger, like the protective jealousy one feels over his family and loved ones.

In contrast, the cold-hearted "ديوث" (a man who has no protective jealousy) remains indifferent and passive, having become like a pig that feels no sense of jealousy over his women and family.

⚠️ Thus, these sins weaken the fire of Ghayrah.

🚫The core of the matter lies in this: When a person repeatedly commits sins and absorbs them into his nature,

he no longer feels any shame or discomfort if they occur within himself, his family, or others;

⬅️ because he perceives them as something natural and inevitable, impossible to avoid.



Shaykh Sami Hawsawi hafidahullah


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

21 Nov, 04:37

🟠 Among the Punishments of Sins 🟠

One of the punishments of sins is that they extinguish the flame of Ghayrah —protective jealousy—from the heart, which is essential for its life and righteousness, just as innate heat الحرارة الغريزية is essential for the life of the entire body.

📑 Ghayrah is the heat and fire that expels filth and undesirable traits from the heart,
⬅️ just as a furnace removes impurities from gold, silver, and iron.

☑️ The noblest and most ambitious people are:
◼️ Those with the strongest Ghayrah over themselves and their loved ones,
◼️ and over the general public.

📓 In an authentic hadith, it is mentioned that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

«لا أحدَ أغيرُ من الله، من أجل ذلك حرَّم الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن، ولا أحد أحبُّ إليه العذر من الله، من أجل ذلك أرسل الرسل مبشرين ومنذرين، ولا أحد أحبُّ إليه المدح من الله، من أجل ذلك أثنى على نفسه»
(صحيح مسلم)

"There is none more protective (of His honor) than Allah, and for that reason, He has forbidden shameful deeds, both apparent and hidden. And there is none who loves to excuse more than Allah, and for that reason, He sent the Messengers as bringers of glad tidings and warners. And there is none who loves praise more than Allah, and for that reason, He praised Himself." (Sahih Muslim)


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

21 Nov, 02:56

Kindly share

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

21 Nov, 02:18

النَّوْعُ الثَّالِثُ: لَذَّةٌ لَا تُعْقِبُ لَذَّةً فِي دَارِ القَرَارِ وَلَا أَلَمًا، وَلَا تَمْنَعُ أَصْلَ لَذَّةِ دَارِ القَرَارِ، وَإِنَّمَا مَنَعَتْ كَمَالَهَا، فَمَا أَعَانَ عَلَى اللَّذَّةِ المَطْلُوبَةِ لِذَاتِهَا فَهُوَ حَقٌّ، وَمَا لَمْ يُعِنْ عَلَيْهَا فَهُوَ بَاطِلٌ.

1. What Does Ibn al-Qayyim Mean by the Third Type of Pleasure?

This is a pleasure or enjoyment that:

1. Does not lead to eternal pleasure in the Hereafter (Dar al-Qarar – the Abode of Permanence).

2. Does not cause direct pain in the Hereafter.

3. Does not completely prevent the basic reward and pleasures of the Hereafter, but:

It diminishes the perfection of that eternal reward.

2. The Main Concept:

Ibn al-Qayyim is highlighting pleasures that are not sinful, yet they distract from achieving the highest levels of perfection in the Hereafter. These pleasures are neutral:

They are not haram, so they don’t incur punishment.

But they don’t directly benefit you or increase your rank in the Hereafter either.

3. The Criterion of Truth (حق) and Falsehood (باطل):

Any pleasure or action that assists you in attaining eternal and ultimate pleasure in Jannah is considered حق (truth) and worthwhile.

Any pleasure or action that does not help you achieve eternal pleasure is considered باطل (falsehood) and a waste, even if it is not sinful.

4. Examples of the Third Type of Pleasure:

a) Permissible Luxuries:

Spending hours on lawful entertainment (e.g., watching something beneficial but unnecessary or overindulging in permissible hobbies).

Example: Buying an excessively luxurious car or home that doesn’t bring you closer to Allah or serve others. It’s not haram, but it takes up time, energy, and resources that could be used for better deeds.

b) Excess in Neutral Matters:

Overeating halal food purely for taste, even when you’re not hungry. It’s not sinful but can diminish your spiritual focus and energy for ibadah.

Example: Spending a lot of time choosing and enjoying fine cuisine instead of dedicating time to worship or learning.

c) Wasting Time:

Engaging excessively in neutral, permissible conversations or activities that don’t bring any spiritual or intellectual benefit.

Example: Spending hours on social media scrolling through lawful content without any purposeful aim.

5. The Impact of Such Pleasures:

While these activities don’t lead to pain or punishment, they reduce the perfection of your eternal rewards because:

They occupy time and resources that could have been spent on seeking Allah’s pleasure, dhikr, or acts of worship.

They don’t assist in attaining كمال اللذة (the perfect pleasure of Jannah).

6. Practical Advice:

Evaluate Actions: Before indulging in any permissible pleasure, ask yourself:

Will this help me in my journey to Allah?

Could I replace this activity with something more beneficial for my Hereafter?

Balance is Key: It’s not haram to enjoy halal pleasures, but they should be moderated so they don’t distract you from higher goals.

In Summary:

This type of pleasure is not sinful, but it’s neutral and distracting.

It won’t harm your Hereafter outright, but it prevents you from achieving the highest levels of reward and closeness to Allah.

Focus on actions and pleasures that directly lead to eternal success and minimize those that merely consume your time without benefit.


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

21 Nov, 01:55

اللہ سبحانہ وتعالیٰ نے مخلوق کو پیدا کیا تاکہ انہیں دار الابد میں دائمی لذت عطا کرے۔ جب یہ بات سمجھ میں آ جائے تو آخرت کی سب سے بڑی نعمت اور لذت اللہ کے چہرے کا دیدار، اس کا کلام سننا، اور اس کے قریب ہونا ہے، جیسا کہ صحیح بخاری میں حدیث رؤیت میں مذکور ہے: "اللہ کی قسم! اللہ انہیں جو کچھ عطا فرمائے گا، اس میں ان کے لیے دیدار الہی سے بڑھ کر کوئی اور چیز محبوب نہ ہو گی۔" جب یہ بات واضح ہو جائے، تو وہ سب سے بڑا سبب جو اس لذت کو حاصل کراتا ہے، دنیا کی سب سے عظیم لذت ٹھہری، یعنی اللہ سبحانہ وتعالیٰ کی معرفت اور اس کی محبت کی لذت۔ مقصود یہ ہے کہ دنیا کی سب سے بڑی لذت ہی آخرت میں سب سے عظیم لذت تک پہنچانے کا سبب ہے۔
الداء والدواء

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

20 Nov, 16:44

Enhance Arabic Vocabulary


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

20 Nov, 16:43


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

20 Nov, 16:43

نبی کریم ﷺ پر درود بھیجنے کے 0️⃣4️⃣ فوائد


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

20 Nov, 06:51

ما أَهْونَ الدُّنيا بِجِوارِ الآخِرَةِ! فَلا يُقاسُ فانٍ بِبَاقٍ، ولا يُقارَنُ نَعيمُ الآخرةِ وعَذابُها بنَعيمِ الدُّنيا وشَدائدِها؛ فلا وَجْهَ للمُقارنةِ بيْن دارِ العملِ ودارِ الجزاءِ.

وفي هذا الحديثِ يُخْبِرُ النَّبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ أنَّه يُؤتَى يَومَ القِيامَةِ بأَكثَرِ النَّاسِ كانَ يَنْعَمُ في الدُّنيا، وأَشدِّهم نَعيمًا في بَدنِه وثِيابِه وأَهلِه وسَكنِه ومركبه وغَيرِ ذلك، ولكنَّه يَكونُ في الآخرَةِ مِن أهلِ النَّارِ، فيُغمَسُ في النَّارِ غَمسةً واحدةً كما يُغمَسُ الثَّوبُ في الصِّبغِ، ثُمَّ يُقالُ له بعْدَ هَذه الغَمْسةِ: «هَل رَأيتَ خَيرًا قَطُّ؟ هَل مَرَّ بِك نَعيمٌ قَطُّ؟» وذلك في الدُّنيا، وفي الكلامِ مُبالَغةٌ لا تَخْفى؛ حيثُ جاء الاستفهامُ على مُجرَّدِ الرُّؤيةِ والمرورِ دونَ الذَّوقِ والتَّمتُّعِ والسُّرورِ، فيَقولُ: «لا واللهِ يا رَبِّ» وهذا نفْيٌ مُؤكَّدٌ بالقسَمِ، فتُنْسِيهِ تِلك الغَمسَةُ الواحدةُ كُلَّ نَعيمٍ ذاقَه في الدُّنيا، مهْما طالَ عُمْرُه في نَعيمِ الدُّنيا، ومَهما تَمَتَّعَ بِملذَّاتِها وشَهواتِها؛ فَكيفَ بِمَنْ هُو خالدٌ مُخلَّدٌ في النار أَبدَ الآبِدينَ؟! والنِّداءُ في الجوابِ وقولُه: «يا ربِّ» تَذكُّرُ العبدِ ربَّه لَمَّا أنْسَتْه شِدَّةُ العذابِ ما مَضى عليه مِن نَعيمِ الدُّنيا، أو ما بعْدَه مِن النَّعيمِ نظَرًا إلى مآلِه وسُوءِ حالِه، فأيُّ نَعيمٍ آخِرُه الجحيمُ؟! وأيُّ شِدَّةٍ مآلُها الجنَّةُ؟!

ثمَّ أخبَرَ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ أنَّه يُؤتَى يَومَ القيامَةِ بأَشدِّ النَّاسِ بُؤسًا مِن أهلِ الدُّنيا، في بَدنِه وأَهلِه ومالِه وسَكنِه وغَيرِ ذلك، وهُو في الآخِرةِ مِن أهلِ الجنَّةِ، فيُغمَسُ في الجنَّةِ غَمسةً واحدةً في نَعيمِها، فيُقالُ له: «يا ابنَ آدمَ، هلْ رَأيتَ بُؤسًا قَطُّ؟ هَل مَرَّ بكَ شِدَّةٌ قطُّ» فيما مَضى مِن الأزمانِ؟ فيُقسِمُ أنَّه لم يَرَ بُؤسًا ولا شَقاءً في الدُّنيا؛ فنَعيمُ الجنَّةِ نَعيمٌ دائمٌ سَرْمديٌّ، وليْس له مَثيلٌ ممَّا يَتنعَّمُ به المُتْرَفون.

وفي الحديثِ: بَيانُ حَقارةِ الدُّنيا بالنِّسبةِ لِلآخِرةِ.
وفيه: إشارةٌ إلى أنَّ العاقلَ مَن نَظَر في المآلِ، لا في عاجلِ الحالِ.



🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 15:22

Enhance Arabic Vocabulary


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 15:22



BaarakAllahu feekum 💐

Kindly Share

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 15:21

نبی کریم ﷺ پر درود بھیجنے کے 0️⃣4️⃣ فوائد


🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 07:41


Purpose of life

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 05:03

🖊 Islam has encouraged noble character in dealing with people, emphasizing kindness and gentleness in interactions with them.

💎 In this hadith, the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

💎 "Shall I not inform you about the one who is forbidden for the Fire to touch, and about the one upon whom the Fire is forbidden?" That is, the person who is protected and kept away from entering the Fire, thereby saved from it.

💎 "And the one whom the Fire is forbidden to touch?" Meaning, the Fire becomes forbidden for such a person, so they do not enter it. This statement serves as an affirmation, similar in meaning to the previous one.

💎 The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم then clarified the characteristics of the person saved from the Fire, saying: "He is someone who is close to others," meaning approachable and kind to people, "gentle," characterized by tranquility, dignity, and softness in their dealings with others, and "easygoing," meaning pleasant in manners, straightforward in interactions, and facilitating matters for people.

From this hadith:
1⃣ There is an emphasis on showing kindness and gentleness when dealing with people.

Source: Dorar.net




🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 04:57

🖊 لقدْ حثَّ الإسلامُ على الأخلاقِ الحَسَنةِ في مُعامَلةِ النَّاسِ؛ فرَغَّبَ في حُسْنِ مُعاشَرتِهِمْ واللِّينِ معهم.

💎وفي هذا الحديثِ يَقولُ الرَّسولُ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم:

💎أَلَا أُخْبِرُكُمْ "بمَنْ يَحْرُمُ على النَّارِ"، أي: يُمْنَعُ ويُحْجَزُ عن دُخولِها، فيُعافى منها،

💎"وبمَنْ تَحْرُمُ عليه النَّارُ؟" أي: تُصْبِحُ النَّارُ مُحرَّمةً عليه فلا يَدْخُلُها، هي مِنْ بابِ التَّأكيدِ، فهي كالجُمْلةِ السَّابِقةِ،

💎ثُمَّ أَوْضَحَ النبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم صِفَةَ المُعافى مِنَ النَّارِ فقال: "على كُلِّ قَريبٍ"، أي: قريبٍ إلى النَّاسِ "هَيِّنٍ"، أي: يتَّصِفُ بالسُّكونِ والوَقارِ، واللِّينِ في تصرُّفاتِهِ مع النَّاسِ "سَهْلٍ"، أي: سَهْلِ المُعامَلةِ والخُلُقِ، مُيسِّرٍ على النَّاسِ.

وفي الحديثِ:1⃣ الحَثُّ على لَينِ الجانِبِ في مُعامَلةِ النَّاسِ.




🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 03:07

خطبة الجمعة

🎤د. طارق صفي الرحمن المباركفوري حفظه الله

بعنوان : قرآن دلوں کا نور ہے.

باللغة الأردية

🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 02:07

أربعون فائدة للصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.

باللغة العربية

Roman Urdu




🌸Salafi Sisters🌸

19 Nov, 02:05
