IT Park Uzbekistan @itpark_uz Channel on Telegram

IT Park Uzbekistan



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IT Park Uzbekistan (English)

Are you interested in the world of technology and innovation? Look no further than IT Park Uzbekistan! This Telegram channel is the go-to place for all things related to the IT industry in Uzbekistan. From the latest news and updates to job opportunities and events, IT Park Uzbekistan has it all. Connect with like-minded individuals, network with industry professionals, and stay informed about the rapidly evolving tech landscape in Uzbekistan. Join the conversation today by following IT Park Uzbekistan on Telegram at @itpark_uz. Don't forget to also check out their live chat at and their social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Stay ahead of the curve with IT Park Uzbekistan!

IT Park Uzbekistan

03 Dec, 14:45

#event #DigitalStartupsWeek

Plug and Play Seminarlar: Innovatsiya va Startaplar Hamkorligi

IT Park va Plug and Play sizni startaplar va korporatsiyalar o'rtasida hamkorlikni rivojlantirishga qaratilgan eksklyuziv seminarlariga taklif qiladi! Yetakchi xalqaro mutaxassislar innovatsiyani qo‘zg‘atish va biznesni kengaytirish bo‘yicha o‘z bilimlarini ulashadilar.

Seminarlarda ishtirokchilar quyidagilarni o‘rganadilar: • EIC va EIC Scaling Clubs dasturlarini samarali qo‘llash usullari; • Korporatsiyalarda innovatsiya madaniyatini yaratishning asosiy yondashuvlari; • Korporatsiya va startaplar o‘rtasidagi muvaffaqiyatli hamkorlik modellari; • Startaplar yechimlarini amalga oshirish bo‘yicha haqiqiy muvaffaqiyat hikoyalari.

🎙 Ma'ruzachilar:

Victoria Hernandez – EIC va EIC Scaling Clubs
Alfredo Gomez Soria – Korporatsiyalar innovatsiyalarni qanday joriy etishi va startaplar bilan hamkorlik qilishi mumkinligi haqida

📅 Sana: 2024-yil 4-dekabr
🕒 Vaqt: 12:30 - 16:00
📍 Manzil: IT Park Toshkent
🌐 Til: Ingliz tili

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish:

Plug and Play Workshops: Innovation and Startup Collaboration

IT Park and Plug and Play invites you to exclusive workshops focused on fostering collaboration between startups and corporations! Leading international experts will share their knowledge on driving innovation and scaling businesses.

During the workshops, participants will learn:
• How to leverage EIC and EIC Scaling Clubs programs effectively;
• Key approaches to building a culture of innovation within corporations;
• Successful models of corporate-startup collaboration;
• Real-case success stories of implementing startup solutions.

🎙 Speakers:

Victoria Hernandez – EIC & EIC Scaling Clubs
Alfredo Gomez Soria – How Corporations Can Implement Innovation and Collaborate with Startups

📅 Date: December 4, 2024
🕒 Time: 12:30 - 16:00
📍 Venue: IT Park Tashkent
🌐 Language: English

Registration here:

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IT Park Uzbekistan

03 Dec, 13:56

#event #DigitalStartupsWeek

👍 IT Park Uzbekistan launched the Digital Startups Week

🐦 The series of events began with the Demo Day President Tech Award, where 54 startup teams competed for a spot in the finals, presenting their innovative ideas, from which 15 finalists had already been selected.

The event was opened with a welcoming address by Olimjon Umarov, the First Deputy Minister of Digital Technologies and was supported by Plug and Play as the event’s partner.

🕸 Read more on our website

👍 IT Park Uzbekistan Digital Startups Week'ga start berdi

🐦 Tadbirlar ketma-ketligi “Demo Day President Tech Award” bilan ochildi, unda 54 ta startap jamoasi o‘zlarining innovatsion g‘oyalarini taqdim etib, finalga 15ta ishtiroqchi tanlab olindi.

Tadbirni Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirining birinchi o‘rinbosari Olimjon Umarov tabrik so‘zi bilan ochib berdi. Tadbir hamkori sifatida “Plug and Play” ishtirok etdi.

Batafsil veb-saytimizda

IT Park Uzbekistan

03 Dec, 11:31


🇬🇧 IT Park Uzbekistan delegatsiyasi London kompaniyalari bilan uchrashuvlar o‘tkazdi

Call & Contact Centre Expo 2024 ko‘rgazmasida ishtirok etish uchun Londonga tashrifi doirasida IT Park Uzbekistan delegatsiyasi hamkorlik istiqbollarini muhokama qilish maqsadida Buyuk Britaniyaning yetakchi texnologiya kompaniyalari bilan uchrashuvlar o‘tkazdi.

🌎 Batafsil veb-saytimizda

🇬🇧 IT Park Delegation Engages with London-Based Companies

As part of its visit to London for participation in the Call & Contact Centre Expo 2024, the delegation of IT Park Uzbekistan held meetings with prominent technology companies in the United Kingdom to discuss prospects for collaboration.

🌎 Read more on our website

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IT Park Uzbekistan

03 Dec, 07:46

#event #DigitalStartupsWeek

👍 Plug and Play Workshop: "Fondlar uchun Venchur Investitsiyalar"

Ushbu seminar venchur kapital fondlari va investitsiya menejerlari uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, ular venchur investitsiyalari va startaplarni qo‘llab-quvvatlash strategiyalari bo‘yicha bilimlarini oshirishni xohlashadi.

Plug and Play, dunyodagi eng yirik global akseleratorlar va investitsiya platformalaridan biri, innovatsion loyihalar bilan ishlash bo‘yicha isbotlangan usullar va yondashuvlarni taqdim etadi hamda butun dunyodan eng yaxshi amaliyotlarni bo‘lishadi.

🎙 Spiker: Kristofer Polligkeit, "Plug and Play" VC & Korporativ Innovatsiyalar

📅 Sana: 2024-yil 4-dekabr
🕒 Vaqt: 11:00 - 12:00
📍 Joy: IT Park Toshkent
🌐 Til: Ingliz tili

🕸 Seminarga bu yerda qo‘shiling:

Plug and Play Workshop: "Venture Investments for Funds"

This workshop is tailored for venture capital funds and investment managers looking to enhance their expertise in venture investing and startup support strategies.

Plug and Play, one of the largest global accelerators and investment platforms, will present proven methods and approaches for working with innovative projects and share best practices from around the world.

🎙 Speaker: Christopher Polligkeit, VC & Corporate Innovation Plug and Play

📅 Date: December 4, 2024
🕒 Time: 11:00 - 12:00
📍 Venue: IT Park Tashkent
🌐 Language: English

🕸 Join workshop here:

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IT Park Uzbekistan

02 Dec, 12:55


👍 IT Park Uzbekistan delegatsiyasi “Call & Contact Centre Expo 2024” koʻrgazmasida ishtirok etdi

IT Park Uzbekistan delegatsiyasi Londonda oʻtkazilgan eng yirik xalqaro koʻrgazma “Call & Contact Centre Expo 2024”da qatnashib, Oʻzbekistonda biznes yuritish va autsorsing loyihalarini rivojlantirish boʻyicha keng imkoniyatlarni taqdim etdi.

Ko'rgazma doirasida axborot texnologiyalari sohasidagi kompaniyalar uchun hamkorlik istiqbollari, shuningdek, Oʻzbekiston bozoriga kirish va mamlakatda innovatsion yechimlarni amalga oshirishdan manfaatdor boʻlgan xorijiy investorlar uchun imkoniyatlar namoyish etildi.

🌐 Batafsil veb-saytimizda

👍 IT Park Uzbekistan Delegation Participates in Call & Contact Centre Expo 2024

The delegation of IT Park Uzbekistan took part in the prestigious international exhibition Call & Contact Centre Expo 2024, held in London, where it showcased a comprehensive range of business opportunities and outsourcing project development prospects in Uzbekistan.

During the exposition, the delegation highlighted collaboration opportunities for IT companies and presented investment possibilities for foreign investors interested in entering the Uzbek market and implementing innovative solutions in the country.

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