Hakim @hakimethio Channel on Telegram



Ethiopian blend of Medicine, History and Humor.

Hakim (English)

Are you intrigued by the fascinating world of Ethiopian Medicine, History, and Humor? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Hakim'! This channel, with the username @hakimethio, offers a unique blend of content that will pique your interest and keep you coming back for more. nnWho is 'Hakim'? This channel is a curated space for individuals who are curious about the traditional practices and remedies of Ethiopian medicine, as well as the rich history and culture of Ethiopia. The name 'Hakim' itself means a wise or learned person, which perfectly encapsulates the essence of this channel. Whether you are a history buff, a medical enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys a good laugh, 'Hakim' has something for everyone. nnWhat can you expect from 'Hakim'? Delve into the world of Ethiopian medicine and discover unique healing practices that have been passed down through generations. Explore the rich history of Ethiopia, from ancient civilizations to modern-day events, and gain a deeper understanding of this culturally-rich nation. And last but not least, indulge in some light-hearted humor that will bring a smile to your face. 'Hakim' combines these elements seamlessly to create a channel that is both informative and entertaining. nnSo, why wait? Join 'Hakim' today on Telegram and immerse yourself in an Ethiopian blend of Medicine, History, and Humor. Expand your knowledge, tickle your funny bone, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests. With regular updates and engaging content, 'Hakim' is the go-to destination for anyone looking to discover the hidden gems of Ethiopia. Join us now and embark on a journey of discovery and laughter with 'Hakim'!


21 Nov, 12:16

HAKIM mini-journal club: የአርቲፊሻል ስኳር ጣፋጭነት እና መራራ የጤና ስጋቶች

አርቲፊሻል ስኳር ሲባል እንደ ስኳር ጣፋጭነት ያላቸው የምግብና መጠጥ ማጣፈጫነት ጥቅም ላይ የሚዉሉ የስኳር ምትክ ናቸው። የካሎሪ መጠናቸው ዜሮ አሊያም እዚህ ግባ የማይባል እጅግ በጣም ዝቅተኛ ስለሆነ ለስኳር ታካሚዎች ስኳርን የሚተኩ ምርቶች ሆነው ያገለግላሉ።

የተለመዱ የአርቲፊሻል ስኳር አይነቶች የሚከተሉትን ያካትታሉ፤ አስፓርቴም፣ አድቫንቴም፣ ኒዮቴም፣ ሳካሪን፣ ሱክራሎዝ፣ ዛይሊቶል፣ ኢሪትሪቶል፣ ሶርቢቶል ወዘተ ናቸው። ጣፋጭነታቸው ከስኳር እኩል ወይም የበለጠ ሊሆን ይችላል።

አርቲፊሻል ስኳር ያለተጨማሪ ካሎሪ ጣዕምን ስለሚያጣፍጡ የስኳር ፍጆታን በመቀነስ ውፍረት እና ተያያዥ በሽታዎችን ለመከላከል ይረዳሉ ተብለው ቢታሰቡም በተቃራኒው የጤና እክል አደጋን ሊጨምሩ እንደሚችሉ አዳዲስ ጥናቶች ይጠቁማሉ።

በዚህ ዙሪያ ያለውን ግርታ ለማጥራት የዓለም ጤና ድርጅት እኤአ በ2019 አጥኚ ኮሚቴ አዋቅሮ ሰፊ ምርምር እንዲሰራ አድርጓል። በዋናነት ትኩረት የተሰጣቸው የጤና መለኪያዎች መካከል ክብደት፣ የሰውነት ስብ መጠን፣ የስኳር ህመም፣ የደም ግፊት፣ የኮሌስትሮል መጠን፣ የልብና ደም ስር ህመሞች፣ የኩላሊት ህመም፣ ካንሰር፣ የምግብ ፍላጎትና ረሃብ ስሜት ወዘተ ናቸው። ይህ የጥናት አማካሪ ቡድን የአርቲፊሻል ስኳር አጠቃቀም በጤና ላይ የሚያስከትለውን ጉዳት ያጠኑ 370 ወሳኝ ምርምሮችን ገምግሞ የሚከተለውን ውጤት ይፋ አድርጓል።

1️⃣ ለክብደት መቀነስ ይረዳሉ የሚለው ወሬ የተረጋገጠ እንዳልሆነ ነው በጥናቶች የታየው። በተለምዶ እንደሚታሰበው እነዚህን አርቲፊሻል ስኳር ጣፋጮችን መጠቀም ክብደትን ለመቀነስ ላይረዳ ይችላል። እንዲያዉም የምግብ ፍላጎታችንን ሊጨምሩ ስለሚችሉ ተጨማሪ ምግብ በመመገብ ክብደታችን ሊጨምር ይችላል።

2️⃣ የልብ ህመም እና የደም ቧንቧ ችግሮች ያመጣሉ። በቅርቡ የወጡ ጥናቶች እንዳሳዩት ከፍተኛ መጠን ያለው አርቲፊሻል ስኳር መጠቀም ለልብ ህመም ብሎም የሞት ስጋት ተዛማጅነት አላቸው።

3️⃣ የሆድ ህመም ሊያመጡ ይችላሉ። በአንዳንድ ሰዎች ላይ እንደ ጋዝ ወይም ተቅማጥ ያሉ የጨጓራና አንጀት ህመም ሊያስከትሉ ይችላሉ። በተጨማሪም ለምግብ መፈጨት፣ በሽታ መከላከልና አጠቃላይ ጤና ጠቃሚ የሆኑ የአንጀት ባክቴሪያዎችን በመጉዳት ስራቸውን ያስተጓጉላሉ። የጠቃሚ የአንጀት ባክቴሪያዎችን ቁጥር እንዲመናመን በማድረግ በሽታ አምጭ ጎጂ ባክቴሪያዎች እንዲነግሱ ያደርጋሉ የሚሉ በርካታ ማረጋገጫዎች በታዋቂ የህክምና መጽሄቶች ላይ እየታተሙ ነው።

✍️ በእነዚህና ሌሎችም ምክንያቶች በመመርኮዝ የአለም ጤና ድርጅት ምግብና መጠጥ ማጣፈጫ አርቲፊሻል ስኳሮችን መጠቀም አይመክርም። ከዚህ ባሻገር አርቲፊሻል ስኳሮች ለክብደት ህክምና እንደማይረዱ ብሎም የልብ ህመምን ጨምሮ ሌሎች በርካታ የረጅም ጊዜ የጤና ችግሮችን ሊያስከትሉ እንደሚችሉ አፅንዖት ሰጥቷል።

የዚህን ጽሁፍ ሙሉ መረጃ በዶ/ር መላኩ ታዬ ብሎግ https://melakutaye.com/artificial-sweeteners-and-their-health-risk/ ማንበብና ለሌሎችም ማጋራት ይችላሉ።
ቴሌግራም https://t.me/hakimmelaku
ቲክቶክ https://www.tiktok.com/@hakimmelaku
WhatsApp/Telegram consults at +251921720381

Dr. Melaku Taye (Endocrinologist, Lipidologist, Health advocate practicing at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa University)

Get social with Hakim on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/@Hakim207



21 Nov, 10:58

I often share with my friends that I’ve had a vivid imagination of what a doctor should embody, and Professor Engida just fits perfectly into that image.

He is a true humble professional who is genuine and deeply caring for his patients and students as well. His passion for teaching and mentoring shines through in everything he does.

My first memorable encounter with Professor Engida was during our first clinical year. We arrived late to a bedside session, but to our surprise, he wasn’t upset at all. Instead, he greeted us with a playful pout and asked for our names. He even came up with nicknames for some of us who shared similar names, mine was Asrar.

From that moment on, anything related to Professor Engida felt like a relief.

He was one of the few seniors we ran to with our concerns and despite his busy schedule, he was always willing to make time for each of us. He approaches every problem as if it were his own, offering unparalleled solutions whether we face academic challenges or personal life issues.

As an instructor, he never got frustrated with our mistakes instead, he guided us patiently through the complexities of medicine.

During my undergrad studies at SPHMMC, he made me feel welcomed and supported, especially in the department of surgery, which I grew to love exponentially because of him. I believe any of his students would echo this sentiment.

One of my dearest family member had the privilege to receive his treatment, not only did he perform an amazing surgery, but I also witnessed his incredible skills paired with empathy and care. It has truly been an honor to learn from such an extraordinary figure.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to him for his invaluable support. He will always be my precious mentor and role model. Thank you Professor Engida, for setting the standards so high!

Watch his life journey: http://www.youtube.com/@Hakim207?sub_confirmation=1

Your student Dr. Ekram Muhammedasrar



21 Nov, 10:11

The Wondfo Finecare platform is a fluorescence immunoassay analyzer designed for fast, accurate, and easy diagnosis of a wide range of conditions. 

From infections and diabetes to cardiovascular diseases, renal injury, and even cancers, Finecare offers reliable results you can trust.

Multiple meter options (FS-205, FS-301, FS-114, FS-113) cater to your specific needs, while offering over 59 different test parameters for comprehensive analysis.
Wondfo Finecare is ideal for various settings.

Contact Wondfo Ethiopia today to learn more!

🌐 https://en.wondfo.com/

📩 [email protected]
Telegram | Facebook | LinkedIn

#WondfoEthiopia #Finecare #DiagnosticTesting #Flouroimmunoassay



21 Nov, 06:41

🌟 Bright Side Educational Support Presents: Free Epilepsy Awareness Training for Parents, Teachers, and Communities 🌟

### What you’ll learn:
Understanding Epilepsy and its causes
How to support individuals with epilepsy in everyday situations
First aid techniques for seizures
Creating a safe, inclusive environment at home, in schools, and within the community
And much more!

### Why Participate?
It's FREE and open to everyone!
Gain practical skills to make a real difference in the lives of those affected by epilepsy.
Connect with care epilepsy Ethiopia www.careepilepsyethiopia.org
📞 9610

Register today via the Google Form link below
to secure your spot in the training!

🔗 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMnPd5GQibuel6bu0ZtU4n1lBLDusH8ItRczQGXlDoSxZXwQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

🗓 Training Dates: Nov 25 2024
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm
📍 Location: Online
Our social media https://t.me/Brigthsidedu


20 Nov, 18:53

ጤና ይስጥልኝ : እውነት ለመናገር በሀኪም ገፅ ፖድካስት የሚቀርቡት ሀገራችንን በሞያቸው ለበርካታ ዓመታት ያገለገሉ አንጋፋ የህክምና ባለሞያዎች ከህይወት ተሞክሯቸው  የሚያካፍሉን ታሪክ እጅጉን አስተማሪ ሆኖ አግኝቼዋለሁ። በተለይም ለወጣቱ የጤና ባለሞያ ትውልድ እጅጉን ጠቃሚ ምክር እና ልምድ ያስገኛል ብዬ አምናለሁ።

ነገር ግን አንድ የተረሳ ነገር ግን ወሳኝ ጉዳይ ያለ ይመስለኛል። ስለ አንጋፋዎቹ የቀድሞ የህክምና ህይወት ታሪክ እና የግል የህወት ጉዞ እንዲሁም ለሃገራቸው ስላበረከቱት አስተዋጽኦ ስንጠይቃቸው በዚያው አያይዘን ልንጠይቃቸው የሚገባን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አለ።

ዛሬ ላይ ያለው ለመግለጽ እንኳን የሚከብደው እና ቅጥ ያጣው የጤና ስርዓታችን አሁን ስላለበት ችግር የማያውቅ ሰው አለ ብዬ አላምንም። ታድያ ለዚህ አሁን የጤና ስርዓታችን ለተዘፈቀበት ችግር በቀጥታም ሆነ በተዘዋዋሪ ቀደምት በዚህ ሞያ ውስጥ በትላልቅ ተቋማዊ እና ሀገራዊ ኃላፊነት የማገልገል እድል የነበራቸው ባለሞያዎች ተጠያቂነት አለባቸው ብዬ አምናለሁ።

በእኔ አመለካከት በፖድካስቱ ላይ ለሚቀርቡት አንጋፋ ባለሞያዎች ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩት ጥያቄዎች ሊቀርቡላቸው ይገባል ብዬ አምናለሁ።

1. የጤና ስርዓታችንን ለማሻሻል ወይም አሁን ያለበት አዘቅት ውስጥ አንዳይግባ አስቀድመው ምን ጥረት ለማድረግ ሞክረው ነበር??

2. ምንስ ተግዳሮት ገጠማቸው??

3. ወደፊትስ የጤና ስርዓቱን ወደ ተሻለ መንገድ ለማምጣት ምን መደረግ አለበት ይላሉ??

የድሮውን የእነሱን አስደናቂ እና አስተማሪ ታሪክ መስማቱ እጅግ ጠቃሚ እንደሆነው ሁሉ ስለ ወደፊቱ እና ለተተኪው ትውልድ ስለሚጠቅመው ጉዳይም (ስለ ጤና ስርዓታችን) የእነርሱን ሀሳብ እና አስተያየት መስማቱ አስፈላጊ ነው እና ይህ ጉዳይ ይታሰብበት እላለሁ።

ዶ/ር ሽመልስ አበጋዝ : የቀዶ ህክምና ስፔሻሊስት



20 Nov, 18:05

ፕሮፌሠር እንግዳ የProfessionalism መገለጫ ነው!

የማውቀውን የፕሮፌሠር እንግዳ አስደናቂ የትምህርት፣ የሙያና የህይወትና ጉዞ እንደ አዲስ በተመስጦ አዳመጥኩት። ከብቁ ባለሙያነት ባሻገር የተሟላ ሁለንተናዊ ስብዕናው ያስቀናል! የተሟላ ስኬት ማለትም ይኸው ነው።
ከጅማ እስከ ጳውሎስ፣ ከቅድመ-ምረቃ እስከ ሰብ-ስፔሻሊት ባብዛኛው የተጋራሁትና የማውቀው ታሪክ በመሆኑ በትዝታ ወደ ኋላ አሰጓዘከኝ። አብሬህ በመማሬና በመስራቴ ዕድለኛ ነኝ!

ዕድሜና ጤና ሰጥቶተህ ለሀገራችን ህክምና አገልግሎት፣ ትምህርትና ምርምር እያበረከትክ ያለውን አስተዋጽዖ አጠናክረህ እንድትቀጥል ምኞቴ ነው! በረከትህ ይደርብን ፕሮፌሠር!

Hakimምም የፕሮፌሰር እንግዳን አስደማሚ የስኬት ጉዞ ስላጋራኸን እናመሠግናለን፣ ተባረክ! 🙏👏

እርስዎም ይህን ግሩም podcast እስካሁን ካላዩት እነሆ በዚህ ሊነክ ይመልከቱት፣ ያተርፉበታል!

ዶ/ር ለጃ ሀምዛ (የኩላሊት ስፔሻሊስት ሀኪም)



20 Nov, 16:58

Professor Engida: what a giant surgeon and beautiful human being.

October 2018, was the 1st time I accidently met him. As a newly assigned resident, I was late for my reporting and running here and there until I saw him and he kindly asked me what I needed. After a couple words, he smiled and pointed me to where I needed to be.

Later I came to know who he was: a well respected, referred and pillar of surgical department and SPHMMC.

Professor Engida represents the complete educator and father figure you could only imagine: he teaches, more than that he shows you how to teach yourself, he respects you, listens you and always had solutions for your troubles all the time. And the best of all and my favorite, he is direct, fair and justice. He combines rarely qualities you find single individual: the complete leader in all aspects you could ask for.

Thank you professor. You helped me grow individually and shaped my career. You helped me rise up when life threw me hurdles and I doubted myself.

Watch his life journey http://www.youtube.com/@Hakim207?sub_confirmation=1

Your student; Dr. Abdinasir Mohamed, General Surgeon
