Fernweh @fernweheimweh Channel on Telegram



Saba' 34:50

قُلْ إِن ضَلَلْتُ فَإِنَّمَآ أَضِلُّ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِىۖ وَإِنِ ٱهْتَدَيْتُ فَبِمَا يُوحِىٓ إِلَىَّ رَبِّىٓۚ إِنَّهُۥ سَمِيعٌ قَرِيبٌ

Fernweh (Arabic)

تسافر الروح بين الأماكن البعيدة، تتيه في أرجاء العالم بحثًا عن المغامرة والجمال. هذا هو ما تقدمه قناة "Fernweh" على تطبيق تيليجرام. إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر للإلهام والمعرفة بالأماكن الساحرة حول العالم، فإن قناة "Fernweh" هي المكان المثالي لك. مع تحديثات يومية تأخذك في رحلة سحرية من خلال الصور والفيديوهات والنصوص الرائعة، ستشعر وكأنك تسافر حول العالم دون الحاجة لمغادرة مكانك. تجمع قناة "Fernweh" بين الأماكن البعيدة والأحداث الثقافية والتجارب الفريدة، مما يجعلها وجهة لا غنى عنها لعشاق السفر والاستكشاف. انضم إلينا اليوم على قناة "Fernweh" على تطبيق تيليجرام لاستكشاف العالم بكل جماله وروعته.


11 Feb, 21:47

GAZA BELONGS TO THE MUSLIMS! | Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)


11 Feb, 21:47

#NEW | GAZA BELONGS TO THE MUSLIMS! | Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

X/Twitter Link



11 Feb, 21:47



11 Feb, 07:02

Sihr vs natural illnesses and injuries

—Ustadh Abu Talut (Haytham Sayfaddin) may Allah safeguard him


05 Feb, 20:59

Q. What is the ruling on using Ramadan Advent calendars, which have gained popularity in the West?

Description: A Ramadan Advent calendar is a countdown tool used to mark each day of Ramadan leading up to Eid. It often contains small treats or prizes, such as chocolates or other surprises, hidden behind daily doors or pockets, with the purpose of exciting the kids.

A. This is completely prohibited in Islam.

The practise of advent calendars stems from traditional Advent calendars used during the occasion filled with Shirk and lies against Allah - Christmas.

This matter should not be taken lightly nor tolerated. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”

— Sunan Abi Dawood

Do not allow shops and markets to exploit and commercialise on our blessed month for their own selfish gain. The Muslim is smarter than that!

To instill a love for Ramadan in your children, nurture their connection with Allah throughout the year, not isolated efforts. You cannot abandon their religious upbringing and expect a sudden love of Ramadan to emerge from them. With this calendar - an imitation of the disbelievers - you are teaching them to be reliant on materialism in Ramadan for happiness and excitement rather than Allah and His forgiveness. You are making them excited for the end of Ramadan as a countdown to Eid rather than having them yearn for the blessed month of Ramadan to stay with us. Follow Allah and His Messenger, that is your best guide. Display your own love for Allah, His Messenger, and the month of Ramadan, and your children will naturally follow your example.

ٱلْيَوْمَ يَئِسَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِن دِينِكُمْ فَلَا تَخْشَوْهُمْ وَٱخْشَوْنِ ۚ ٱلْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِى وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ ٱلْإِسْلَـٰمَ دِينًا

“Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way.”

— Surat al-Ma’idah: 3

— Shaykh Musa Jibril حفظه الله


01 Feb, 09:05

Ruling on Imposing on people without an invitation

❝ A brother asked about the ruling on attending weddings without an invitation, and also about a woman attending a wedding uninvited.

If the person knows the wedding hosts approve, their attendance is permissible, though not recommended. However, if he is unsure of their approval, his attendance is prohibited. Such a person is considered “al-ṭufaylī”, as the jurists state.

Moreover, Ḥanbalī jurists, as stated in “Al-Mughnī”, rejected the testimony of someone who attends gatherings uninvited. Imām Ibn Qudāmah (may Allah have mercy on him) adopted this opinion, considering it reprehensible ṭufaylī behavior, because such a person consumes others' food without invitation, violates their rights, and enters their homes without permission.

So he mentions the tufayliyyūn who's testimony is rejected, and this view is the dominant position in the school of Imām Aḥmad.

Therefore, one must be warned from going to the homes of people without an invitation whilst not knowing that they'll be pleased with that.

Likewise, a woman is not to be given allowance to go to weddings without an invitation whilst they are not pleased with that, these people are al-ṭufayliyyūn, and in the school of Imām Aḥmad, their testimony is rejected. ❞

~ Shaykh Sulaymān Al-ʿAlwān (audio)

— Galandān 🖋


31 Jan, 14:13

Ibn Daqīq al-ʿĪd (702 AH) in (Iḥkām al-Iḥkām sharḥ ʻUmdat al-aḥkām) said:

[1] Visiting the sick is generally considered mustaḥabb (recommended) by most scholars, and it may become obligatory if the sick person requires assistance and their condition worsens without someone to care for them. The Ẓāhirīs however, considered it an obligation in itself, without the aforementioned restrictions, due to the apparent nature of the command.

[Al-ʿAlwān the first opinion is what is rājiḥ with him]

[2] To “Follow the funeral” may mean attending the funeral prayer, (recited just before burial). If understood as attending this prayer, then according to most scholars, it is a farḍ al-kifāyah (communal obligation).

The phrase "following the prayer" is metaphorical, referring to attending most of it, since it is uncommon for someone to be prayed for and buried at the same location as their death.

"Following" may also mean accompanying the deceased to the burial site to assist with the burial. Burial is also among the communal obligations that are not waived until a member of the community completes the task.

[3] Many scholars consider “tashmīt to one who sneezes” [i.e. saying "YarhamukAllah" (May Allah have mercy on you) in response to someone who sneezes and says "Al-ḥamdu lillah" (Praise be to Allah)] — a mustaḥabb (recommended) action. This contrasts with replying to a salām (greeting), which is a communal obligation.

[Al-ʿAlwān said that there are three opinions on this issue: (i) That it is farḍ kifāyah, hence if some undertook it, the obligation is lifted from the others, and that they made it similar to responding to Salām. This is the majority view (ii) That it is a (recommended) sunnah. (iii) It is an individual obligation (farḍ ʿAyn) and that this is the view held by ibnil Qayyim.]

[4] His saying, “Help in fulfilling an oath (Al-qasm)” and in another wording "Al-M-q-sim", this word (مقسم) has two aspects:

One is: Al-Muqsim referring to the one who took the oath. The other is Al-Maqsim referring to the oath itself.

"Ibrār" means fulfilling its requirements and not breaking it. So, if it's a vow—for example, "I swear to Allah that you will do such and such"—this is more definite than saying, "By Allah, do this."

Therefore, the former requires expiation (kaffārah) from the oath-taker if they fail to fulfill it. This involves a fine levied against their wealth, which is detrimental to them. [The assistance in fulfilling the oath is relevant in this context.]


31 Jan, 14:13

[5] Supporting the oppressed is a mandatory duty for anyone aware of such oppression and able to offer assistance. It is also a communal duty, as it removes evil and protects Muslims from harm.

[6] Regarding responding to invitations, this is general (to all invitations) and the general rule is that acceptance is desirable unless there is a reason to decline (such as if the invitation involves something objectionable, like sinful activities).

Jurists differed on the aforementioned basic ruling (that it is merely mustaḥabb) in the case of wedding invitations: Is it obligatory or not?

[The majority hold that attending a wedding feast is an individual obligation. This is the view of the Mālikīs, Shāfiʿīs —according to the correct opinion, and Hanbalīs. It is also the opinion of some Hanafis. It is also the opinion of Ẓāhirīs. Some scholars have mentioned a consensus on this point, though the correct view is that it is the opinion of the majority.]

Some also saw leniency in the excuses offered for not responding to the invitation...

Some offered an exception to this general rule (i.e., that responding to invitations is desirable). They argued, "People of virtue should not rush to respond to invitations," or words to that effect. Thus, they presented this exception to the general rule, specifically for virtuous people responding to invitations. The validity of this view is debatable.

[7] "Spreading Salām” means manifesting and announcing it. The welfare of affection is connected to this, as indicated in another ḥadīth, in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

{ أَوَلاَ أَدُلُّكُمْ عَلَى شَىْءٍ إِذَا فَعَلْتُمُوهُ تَحَابَبْتُمْ أَفْشُوا السَّلاَمَ بَيْنَكُمْ }
“Shall I not guide you to something that, if you do it, will foster love amongst you? Spread Al-Salām among yourselves.”

[Regarding initiating the salām, most scholars consider it a recommended act. While some scholars consider it obligatory, this is the view of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. We previously highlighted this issue.]

~ Galandān 🖋


31 Jan, 14:13

❤️ Seven Ways to Cultivate Love for the Sake of Allah

❝ Al-Barāʾ bin ʿĀzib — May Allah be pleased with him said:

أَمَرَنَا رَسُولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم بِسَبْعٍ، وَنَهَانَا عَنْ سَبْعٍ‏:‏ أَمَرَنَا بِعِيَادَةِ الْمَرِيضِ، وَاتِّبَاعِ الْجَنَائِزِ، وَتَشْمِيتِ الْعَاطِسِ، وَإِبْرَارِ القسم أو الْمُقْسِمِ، وَنَصْرِ الْمَظْلُومِ، وَإِفْشَاءِ السَّلاَمِ، وَإِجَابَةِ الدَّاعِي‏.‏

“The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded us to do seven things and forbade us from doing seven things:

He ordered us to:
⬆️Visit the sick ⁽¹⁾
⬆️Follow funeral processions ⁽²⁾
⬆️Respond to a sneezer with Yarhamuk-Allah ⁽³⁾
⬆️Help others to fulfill their oaths⁽⁴⁾
⬆️Help the oppressed ⁽⁵⁾
⬆️Accept invitation ⁽⁶⁾ and
⬆️Promote the greeting (Salām)⁽⁷⁾ ”

The authenticity of this ḥadīth is agreed [by Al-Bukhārī and Muslim]

These matters are among the reasons for achieving Muwālāt [i.e. loyalty] for the sake of Allah and strengthening the bonds of love between Muslims.

So hurry! hurry! to apply them in real life! ❞

— Shaykh Sulaymān Al-ʿAlwān (text)

~ Galandān 🖋


31 Jan, 09:37

Sha'ban planner
Via Dear.sumayyah (IG)


31 Jan, 06:14

A bonus calendar Alhamdulillah


31 Jan, 06:00

Calendar for the 8th Hijri Month: The Month of Rehearsal (for Ramadan)—Sha'ban 1446

◽️Al-Jum'ah (Friday- 31 Jan) till Maghrib is 1st Sha'ban 1446.

◽️Rajab was 30 days as moon was not sighted Alhamdulillah.

Sha'ban is the month for striving and sincerity. The month of love and service to Allah. The month of turning away from this world. The month of expiating bad deeds. Sha'ban, the month of irrigating (what you planted in Rajab).

For those who didn't excell by starting the preparation in Rajab, this is the month for you, O whose progress is moderate. So let's strive.


31 Jan, 02:30

🔺 Dhivehi subscribers ah

ޝަޢުބާންމަހާ ގުޅިގެން ފެތުރޭ ސައްޙަ ނޫން ރިވާޔަތްތައް

[ޝެއިޚް، މުޙައްދިޘް އަބޫ ޢަލީ، އަލް ޙާރިޘް އިބްނު ޢަލީ އަލް ޙަސަނީގެ ފަރާތުން ނެގިފައިވާ ލިޔުންކޮޅެއްގެ ތަރުޖަމާ ]


31 Jan, 02:30

INAUTHENTIC NARRATIONS REGARDING SHA'BAN by Shaykh, Muhaddith Abu Ali, al-Harith ibn Ali al-Hassani (Translation posted by Ustadh Abu Ubadah Harith al-Shiraida) 3/3


31 Jan, 02:30



31 Jan, 02:30

INAUTHENTIC NARRATIONS REGARDING SHA'BAN by Shaykh, Muhaddith Abu Ali, al-Harith ibn Ali al-Hassani (Translation posted by Ustadh Abu Ubadah Harith al-Shiraida) 2/


31 Jan, 02:30

INAUTHENTIC NARRATIONS REGARDING SHA'BAN by Shaykh, Muhaddith Abu Ali, al-Harith ibn Ali al-Hassani (Translation posted by Ustadh Abu Ubadah Harith al-Shiraida) 1/


29 Jan, 10:29

This brother's hearing will begin in about an hour insha Allah. The trial may continue for three weeks or under [Monday- Friday 10:00 - 16:00 UK time]

Don't forget to supplicate for the oppressed.


14 Jan, 04:34

For years, you have been burning not only our lands but our people, Muslims have been feeling your fire for years, yet today you burn!

Yet this fire has no comparison to the Hellfire that is awaiting those who disbelieve,

"And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers" (Q3:131)

May Allah (swt) protect the Muslims in the US.


11 Jan, 11:43

New series alert! 🎙️ We’ll be sharing quick answers to commonly asked questions directed to Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril or Shaykh Musa Abdullah Jibril. Recently, some brothers and sisters expressed concerns about signing a petition, believing it would lead to a court discussion or verdict. Stay tuned for clarity! ✍️


11 Jan, 05:17

ބަންދު މީހުންގެ ތިބި ގޮޅިތަކުގެ ހާލަތު: ޤާނޫނުގައި އޮންނަ 1 ގަޑިއިރުގެ ކަސްރަތުކުރުމަށް ގޮޅިން ނެރުމަށް އޮންނަ ޙައްޤުވަނީ ކަނޑާލާފައި، ހަޅުތާލު ފެށި ސަބަބަކީ އެއީ

ޓްވިޓަރގައި ޚިޔާލު ފާޅު ކުރައްވާ


11 Jan, 05:17

ބަންދު މީހުންގެ ތިބި ގޮޅިތަކުގެ ހާލަތު: 2 މީހުން ގެ ޖާގައިގެ ގޮޅިއެއްގައި 4 މީހުން، ވާރޭވެހިއްޖެ ނަމަ ގޮޅިއަށް ފެންވަދޭ

ޓްވިޓަރގައި ޚިޔާލު ފާޅު ކުރައްވާ


11 Jan, 05:17

ބަންދު މީހުންގެ ތިބި ގޮޅިތަކުގެ ހާލަތު: ގޮޅިތަކުގެ ފާހާނާތަކުގައި ނިވާވާނެ ދޮރެއް ނެތް

ޓްވިޓަރގައި ޚިޔާލު ފާޅު ކުރައްވާ


11 Jan, 05:17

ބަންދު މީހުންގެ ތިބި ގޮޅިތަކުގެ ހާލަތު: ގޮޅިތަކަށް އެކަށެނެ އަލި ކަމެއް ނުލިބޭ, ފަންކާއެއް ބޮތްކެއް ނެތް. ރޭގަނޑު ކަނު އަނދިރީގައި

ޓްވިޓަރގައި ޚިޔާލު ފާޅު ކުރައްވާ


11 Jan, 04:07


Friday last hour (suggested) supplications.

This was the result of a collective effort of some brothers and sisters over time.

The ones who posted supplications for others to see. The ones whom Allah enabled to collect them all together in one place. The ones who translated to dhivehi. The ones who typed them out. The ones who posted everything together. The ones who checked for errors. The ones who suggested some more supplications to be added. And then finally the ones whom Allah favoured to make this link with both eng and dhivehi together, and of course the ones who keep sharing. Subhanallah.

Everyone of them gets the 'ajr and nothing diminishes from their scales bi-idhnillah.

Everytime we see the link, it's a reminder of a beautiful, joined effort of brothers and sisters who were simply supporting each other's work. Subhanallah.


10 Jan, 18:29

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون 💔


10 Jan, 15:53



10 Jan, 09:57

📣Join us tonight in our call to bring an end to unjust imprisonments!

Location: Artificial Beach
Time: 20:30
Date: 10/01/2024 (Friday)



08 Jan, 06:58



04 Jan, 10:22

”ދަރިޔަކު އުފަންވެގެން ތަހުނިޔާ ކިޔުމާއި މެދު އޮތް ޙަދީޘު «باركَ لكَ في الموهوب لك، و شكرتَ الواهبَ..»

ނަބިއްޔު ﷺ އަރިހުން ޘާބިތެއް ނޫނެވެ.
އެއީ ޙަސަނުލް ބަޞްރީގެ ބަސްފުޅުތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން ވާ އެއްޗެކެވެ.
އެ ދުޢާ ކިޔުމުގެ މައްސަލައެއް ނުވެއެވެ.“

— އައްޝެއިޚް އަލްމުޙައްދިޘް ޚާލިދުލް ޙާޔިކް (ބަސްކޮޅު)

🔸އައްޞާދިޤު އަލްޙާޝިމީ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ:

”މިމައްސަލާާގައި މިބަސްކޮޅެއްވެސް އަދި މިނޫން ބަސްކޮޅެއްވެސް، އެހެންޏާ މަރުފޫޢުކޮށް ނަބިއްޔު ﷺ އަރިހުން ނޫނީ މަޥްޤޫފުކޮށް އަޞްޙާބުބޭކަލުންގެ ގާތުންވިޔަސް ޞައްޙަވެފައި ނުވެއެވެ. އައިސްފައިވަނީ ޙަސަނުލް ބަޞްރީ رحمه الله ގެ އަރިހުންނެވެ. والله أعلم.“

🔸އައްޠަރީފީ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ:

”އަލަށް އުފަންވާ ދަރިއަކަށް އުފަންވުމާއި ވިދިގެން ކިޔުމަށް ޚާއްޞަ ދުޢާއެއް ސުންނަތުން ޘާބިތުވެފައި ނުވެއެވެ. އަދި މިކަމުގައި އަޞްޙާބު ބޭކަލުންގެ އަރިހުންވެސް ޞައްޙަ ބަސްފުޅެއް ވާރިދުވެގެން ނުވެއެވެ. މިކަމުގައި އެންމެ ގާތް ވެގެންވާ އެއްޗަކަށްވެސް އޮތީ ޙަސަނުލް ބަޞްރީ ތަހްނިޔާ ކިޔުމަށް އުނގަންނަވައިދެއްވައި މީހަކަށް ކިޔައިދެއްވި ބަސްފުޅެކެވެ: «ކިޔާށޭ: بَارَكَ اللهُ لَكَ فِي الْمَوْهُوبِ لَكَ، وَشَكَرْتَ الْوَاهِبَ، وَبَلَغَ أَشُدَّهُ، وَرُزِقْتَ بِرَّهُ»⁽¹⁾ —ރިވާކުރެއްވީ އިބްނުލް މުންޛިރު އާއި އިބްނު ޢަސާކިރެވެ.“

📝 އަހަރެން ބުނަމެވެ: އަލްޙަސަނުލް ބަޞްރީގެ އަރިހުން ވާރިދުވެފައިވާ މިބަސްކޮޅު ދެ ސަނަދަކުން އައިސްފައިވެއެވެ. އަދި އެދޭތީގައިވެސް ބަލިކަށިކަމެއް ވެއެވެ. އެހެނަސް އަޅުކަންތަކުން ބޭރުގައި ކިޔެވޭ ދުޢާގެ އަޞްލަކީ އެތަކެތި ވަކި ޚާއްޞަ ކަލިމަތަކަކަށް ހިފެހެއްޓިގެން ނުވުމެވެ. އަދި އިޚްތިޔާރު އޮތުމެވެ. ވީމާ ތިބާގެ ދުލަށް ފަސޭހަ ކޮންމެ ދުޢާއެއް ވިޔަސް އެފަދަ ޙާލެއްގައި ކިޔުން ހުއްދައެވެ. އަދި ކިއެއްތަ، މިޙާލަތުގައި އެކަން މުސްތަޙައްބު ކަމަށް ބައެއް ޢިލްމުވެރިން ވިދާޅުވެފައި ވެއެވެ. އެއީ ނަވަވީއިމާމު المجموع (8/443) ގައި، އަދި الأذكار (ص/289) ގައި ނަންގެންނެވި ފަދައިންނެވެ. އަދި އިބްނު ޤުދާމާ المغني (9/464) ގައިވެސް އެހެން ޛިކުރު ކުރެއްވިއެވެ.

⬆️ ފައިދާއެއް:

އަލްއުޞައިމީ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ: ”ތާބިޢީން ގެ އަރިހުން ދަރިޔަކު އުފަންވުމާއި ވިދިގެން ތަހުނިޔާ ކިޔުމަށް ”جعله الله مباركا عليك وعلى أمة محمد ﷺ “ — މިބަސްކޮޅު ޘާބިތެވެ. ދެންފަހެ އަލްޙަސަން އަރިހުން އޮތް ބަސްކޮޅު ”بورك لك في الموهوب وشكرت الواهب....“ އެކަލޭގެފާނު އަރިހުން އެބަސްކޮޅު ޘާބިތެއް ނޫނެވެ. “

📝 އަހަރެން ބުނަމެވެ: މި ބަސްކޮޅު ”جَعَلَهُ اللهُ مُبَارَكًا عَلَيْكَ وَعَلَى أُمَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ ، صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ “⁽²⁾ އައިސްފައިވަނީ ތާބިޢީންގެ ތެރެއިން އައްޔޫބުއް ސަޚްތިޔާނީ އަދި ޚުދު އަލްޙަސަނުލް ބަޞްރީގެ އަރިހުންނެވެ. އަދި މި ރިވާޔަތްތަކާއި މި މައްސަލާގައި އިތުރަށް ބަލައިހޯދުމަށް އިސްލާމް-ސުވާލުޖަވާބު 205068 އަށް ބަލާށެވެ.

~ ގަލަންދާނު 🖋

[1] މާނައީ: "ﷲ ތިބާއަށް ބަރަކާތް ލައްވާށިޔޭ އެއިލާހު ތިބާއަށް ދެއްވި ހަދިޔާގައި، އަދި އެދެއްވި ފަރާތަށް ތިބާ ޝުކުރުވެރިވާށިއެވެ. އަދި (އެކުއްޖާ) ފުރާފުރިހަމަ ކުރައްވާށިއެވެ. އަދި އޭނާގެ ކަމޭހިތުން ތިބާއަށް ރިޒްޤު ކުރައްވާށިއެވެ."
[2] މާނައީ: ”ތިބާއަށާއި މުޙައްމަދު ﷺ ގެ އުއްމަތަށް އޭނާ އަކީ ބަރަކާތެއް ކަމުގައި ލައްވާށިއެވެ.“


04 Jan, 05:30

Dua Request for our beloved brother Abu Usamah (UK) and his family:

His trial is to begin on 27th Jan bi-idhnillah. The brother had been remanded since close to a year now.

May Allah keep them all steadfast, keep them content and hasten his release and reunite them under the best of circumstances.


03 Jan, 20:45

By dear.sumayyah


03 Jan, 15:57



02 Jan, 02:47

When Shamsi was attacked, their community strongly responded, offering a £15,000 reward. However, this strong reaction wasn't the same when addressing what happened in Gaza. Madkhalis make fun of those who suggest boycotting, saying it won't help, and they believe you should get permission from Muslim rulers. These individuals defend the rulers' evil actions by pointing to the good things they do.

Muslims should recognize how much they worship these rulers, overlooking their disbelief by focusing on supposed kindness.

O the Muslims in the West, wake up don’t be fooled by a few good words or actions these people do. The world is being polarized and split into only two camps with no third one the camp of Iman and the camp of kuff, which is paving the way for Dajjal which is the greatest cribulation in the history of mankind. So, remember! If you can't distinguish between right and wrong now, then at the time of Dajal, it is highly unlikely that you will be able join the camp of Iman, except Allah the Almighty decrees otherwise.


02 Jan, 02:47

I remember a sister once asking, “Why does the Sheikh always talk about **Wala’ and Bara’? When will he speak about something else?”

The answer to her question was in her own actions—she shared a story from someone known for calling against Ahlus Sunnah. This is exactly why the Sheikh emphasizes this topic so much.

Wala’ and Bara’ is not just a concept; it’s the foundation of our Deen. It’s the backbone that shapes our loyalty, our love, and our disassociation for the sake of Allah. Without understanding and upholding it, we wouldn’t have leaders like Umar (RA), Salahuddin, or Sultan Mehmed, may Allah have mercy upon them.

It’s not just a topic—it’s the make-or-break of our faith.


01 Jan, 23:02

Calendar for the 7th Hijri Month: The Sacred Rajab 1446

The month of preparations for Ramadan, the month of giving up sins, the month of planting and sowing good deeds, and the key to months of goodness and blessings

Al-Arb'ia (Wednesday, Jan 1) till Maghrib was 1st Rajab 1446

Jumadul Akhir was 30 days as moon was not sighted Alhamdulillah.


01 Jan, 18:33

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî if the usage of fireworks is considered an imitation of the Kuffâr during New Years Eve and the days leading up to it, since it is well known in Australia that they use them during these times.

He answered: Yes it is imitating them and we seek refuge in Allâh.


01 Jan, 00:25

“Fireworks go up in some Arab capitals celebrating Kuffār rituals, while missiles fall on the Muslims.”

— Ash-Shaykh al-Imām Ahmad Mūsa Jibrīl (حفظه الله)


31 Dec, 04:11

Bakurube Quran dhivehi tharujama in tarteel.ai app


27 Dec, 15:44

“Follow the arrows of the enemy, and you will find the truth.” - Imam Shafi’i.

We live in times where brothers and sisters face travel bans, surveillance, and constant oppression for holding onto their faith. Yet, some individuals, despite years of opposition and warfare, are suddenly embraced by those who stand against Allah and His deen.

When the enemies of Allah are pleased with you, it’s time to question yourself. What compromises were made? What truth was abandoned? A Muslim doesn’t bend, doesn’t dilute their beliefs, and doesn’t seek validation from those who oppose Allah.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Whoever seeks Allah’s pleasure at the expense of people’s displeasure, Allah will be pleased with him and make the people pleased with him as well. But whoever seeks to please people at the expense of Allah’s displeasure, Allah will be displeased with him and make the people displeased with him as well.” (Ibn Hibban)

A believer must be firm in their Tawheed. It is the foundation of our deen, the very essence of what it means to worship Allah alone. Compromising on this leads to dangerous leniency, where the line between truth and falsehood becomes blurred.

Allah says in the Quran:
“Indeed, those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah’ and then remain steadfast—there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.” (Quran 46:13)

Be firm. Be unshakable. Hold fast to your Tawheed, no matter the cost. To stand with the truth often means standing against the crowd, but in doing so, you stand with Allah.


26 Dec, 04:40

The five journalists who were martyred in the occupation's bombing of a broadcast van in front of Al-Awda Hospital in Al-Nusairat in the central Gaza Strip:
Fadi Hassouna
Ibrahim Sheikh Ali
Mohammed Al - Lada
Faisal Abu Al Qumsan
Ayman Al - aljidy


24 Dec, 13:52

It has been said regarding Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (رحمه الله) that whenever he saw a Christian, he would close his eyes and say:

“I cannot look at the one who slandered Allah and lied upon him.”

[At-Tabaqat Al-Hanabilah 1/12]


23 Dec, 05:56

Mass execution of Ahl Sunnah in Iraq!

It has come to our attention that Iraqi government is excuting many prisoners daily. The prisoners have called their families to inform them of this and raise awareness.
This is happening coincidentally after the events in Sham.

Sources from Haya have previously confirmed that as many as 6 detainees were excuted on a daily basis before joulani "opened" Syria and took the place of the old Nidham.

May Allah not waste the blood of the believers, may Allah raise their ranks on the Day they meet Him. May Allah help Ahl Sunnah, the muwahideen in Iraq and elsewhere. May Allah punish the Rawafidh and its allies.



21 Dec, 02:06

Imām Fudayl bin Iyāad said: “I learned patience from a small boy.

On my way to the Masjid one day, I came across a woman beating her son at home. As he was yelling and screaming, he managed to open the door and flee. So his mother locked the door on him.

When I returned from the Masjid, I found the boy after having cried and wept sleeping at the door of his home longing for his mother.

So his mother’s heart softened and she opened the door for him.”

Upon witnessing that, Fudayl bin Iyād cried until his beard became wet with tears, and then he said “SubhānAllāh! If only the servant was to be patient at the door of Allāh, Allāh would surely open it!

● [مصنف ابن أبي شيبة ٢٢/٦]

Longing for Allah. The tear lines dried up on the cheeks, eyes red and swollen, mouth quivering with soft yet urgent cries and whimpers of repentance. Seeking His Mercy in the middle of the night. Yearning for His Forgiveness in the darkness. Such is the longing for Allah we must have.

Yet we forget. May Allah grant us that longing for Him and the ability to recognise it when it empties our heart with everything but that.



19 Dec, 16:00



19 Dec, 14:55

📕 NEW BOOK 📕 | The Festive Muslim | al-Shaykh Musa Jibril حفظه الله | https://t.me/LightOfTheTruth |

⚠️ Download ➟ Read ➟ Apply ➟ Share & Benefit ➟ Your reward awaits! ⚠️

Dive into the much needed and insightful book by our beloved Shaykh Musa Jibril حفظه الله wherein he delves into the important topic of how Muslims should treat and navigate themselves through the holidays and festivities of the non-believers. As many Muslims find themselves residing amongst the disbelievers, they often face confusion regarding what is Halal and Haram during these times. The Shaykh sheds light on essential issues vital to Aqeedah and the identity of a Muslim.


19 Dec, 09:04

🚨 URGENT: A Muslim family faces deportation to France, where our brothers and sisters are persecuted. We cannot stay silent!

Storm X at 21:00 tonight, with the below captions to demand Asylum Now and protect them from oppression!

For the sake of One Ummah, let’s act today. Their safety depends on us!



30 Nov, 16:55

Ya Allah


30 Nov, 16:53

A new flour massacre but this time in the southern Gaza Strip!

Israeli occupation forces have committed a massacre against Palestinians while waiting for flour in southern Gaza Strip's city of Khan Younis. About 10 people were killed in this attack.

The Israeli occupation has been deliberately targeting starving Palestinian civilians while waiting for flour, killing and injuring hundreds of them.

For Palestinians, it has been clear that the occupation uses all ways to ethnic cleanse them no matter if they are starving or not.


30 Nov, 16:52

A man identified as journalist
Mamdouh Qneita was shot in the head inside the Baptist Hospital by a quadcopter drone in a direct targeted attack.


30 Nov, 14:29

They still live on and love life.
May Allah love them and grant them ease from all their suffering.



30 Nov, 12:11

The vehicle of the world central kitchen which was bombed by the occupation forces in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip. Five were killed including the employees of the organization.

مكان استهداف الاحتلال لمركبة تابعة للمطبخ العالمي المركزي على طريق صلاح الدين وادت لارتقاء خمسة شهداء وعدد من الجرحى.


30 Nov, 09:46

Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî was asked: I was praying with my mother, and after the Salâh I remembered that I did not have Wudû’. I repeated my Salâh after I knew. Do I have tell my mother so that she can repeat the Salâh?

He answered: No, only you have to repeat it.


30 Nov, 09:46

Based on my previous post, I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî about the opinions the Madhâhib held regarding the topic.

He answered: The scholars differed in several opinions regarding the one who prays as a follower, then knows after the Salâh ends that his Imâm did not have Wudû.

The Shâfi’iyyah, Hanâbilah and a group of the Sahâbah and Tâbi’în held that the Salâh is accepted due to the Hadîth: “Your Imâms will lead you in Salâh. If they conduct it properly, you and they will be rewarded, but if they make mistakes, you will earn the reward and they will be held responsible [for the mistakes].” Narrated by Al-Bukhârî from Abû Hurayrah.

Abû Hanîfah held that the follower must repeat the Salâh.

The Mâlikiyyah held that the follower must repeat the Salâh if the Imâm intentionally prayed while knowing that he did not have Wudû’, but if the Imâm did not intentionally [pray], then the follower does not repeat.

And the most correct is the first opinion.


28 Nov, 15:49

Friday Special

⚪️Virtues of Friday & Friday Prayer

⚪️Sending salawat on Prophet ﷺ

⚪️Ayah of the day

⚪️Special Hour of Friday for Dua

⚪️Dua Lists:



⚪️Reading Kahf on Friday
(For a detailed explanation, read this and the posts below that)

⚪️Sunnah of reciting Surah Sajda and Insaan during Fajr prayer of Friday

⚪️ Friday Lunch & nap after Jumu'ah prayer

Our dhivehi subscribers, please checkout Galandhaan for Friday posts (and other beneficial ones) in dhivehi


27 Nov, 15:31

May Allah protect our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.


27 Nov, 12:54

Have we become desensitized? Have our hearts hardened and become indifferent to the calamities happening to OUR family in faith?

May Allah use us for our Ummah and not replace us.


27 Nov, 12:47

Eye On Palestine:

A massacre struck Al-Tabaeen School on Al-Nafaq Street in Gaza City during the very early hours of the morning, leaving dozens of martyrs and injuries.

People are struggling to retrieve bodies trapped under the rubble of Al-Tabaeen School using the simplest tools after an Israeli airstrike in the early morning hours. With the civil defense forces paralyzed and forcibly incapacitated by Israel, residents must rely on random volunteers to rescue the injured and recover the martyred.


26 Nov, 01:13

Indian police killed three Muslim youths

Indian police opened fire at Muslims during protest against the survey of Historic Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal. Residents were also assaulted and some properties were destroyed



25 Nov, 00:52

Our steadfast brother Abu Harun (may Allah preserve him)
Via noonpost


24 Nov, 18:23

Hadith benefit regarding naming boys


24 Nov, 16:42

Via Momen Megdadi

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون


24 Nov, 07:56


"حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ يُونُسَ، وَمُوسَى بْنُ إِسْمَاعِيلَ، قَالاَ حَدَّثَنَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ سَعْدٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ شِهَابٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيَّبِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم سُئِلَ أَىُّ الْعَمَلِ أَفْضَلُ فَقَالَ ‏"‏ إِيمَانٌ بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ‏"‌‏.‏ قِيلَ ثُمَّ مَاذَا قَالَ ‏"‏ الْجِهَادُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ‏"‌‏.‏ قِيلَ ثُمَّ مَاذَا قَالَ ‏"‏ حَجٌّ مَبْرُورٌ ‏"‌‏.‏"

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause." The questioner again asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" He replied, "To perform Hajj (Pilgrim age to Mecca) 'Mubrur, (which is accepted by Allah and is performed with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure only and not to show off and without committing a sin and in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet)."



23 Nov, 17:28

- ‏ ألفُ لا بأس!

هُناك جَنَّة ❤️‍🩹


23 Nov, 17:27

- مَاذا لو كان المقَابل الجنّة!؟
مَاذا لو كان جَزاء مُعاناتنا هُنا .. والعوَض عَن أروَاحنا الذَابلة ، وشُحوب وجُوهنا ، وتشتّتنا وتيهنَا ، وأذَانا ، وصَبرنا ، أن نَدخل الجَنّة بغيرِ حِساب!

🔸"مَا يُصيبُ المُسلم من نَصَب ، ولا وَصَب ، ولا هَم ، ولا حُزن ، ولا أذى ، ولا غمّ ، حتىٰ الشَّوكة يشاكهَا إلَّا كفّر الله بِها من خطَاياه..

🔸اللهم إنّا راضُون ؛ فارضَ عنّا 💙"!


23 Nov, 01:56

Fifteen Palestinian children were rushed to the Baptist Hospital in northern Gaza after ingesting food left behind by the Israeli occupation army following their withdrawal from parts of Al-Shujaiyah neighborhood. The children required urgent stomach pumping and hospitalization due to severe health complications. Medical teams are closely monitoring their condition as investigations into the incident continue.

-Eye on Palestine


22 Nov, 16:41

NOT A LEAF FALLS EXCEPT HE HAS KNOWLEDGE OF IT | Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa A̅l-Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

In this beautiful reminder, Shaykh Ahmad puts into perspective the benefits when one ponders over the infinite Knowledge of Allah.

May Allah reward the Shaykh, protect him, and increase him in knowledge and goodness, and unite him with his loved ones upon Khayr in this life, and in the Akhirah beneath the throne of Allah.

-Project Guiding Light


22 Nov, 16:41


#NEW | NOT A LEAF FALLS EXCEPT HE HAS KNOWLEDGE OF IT | Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa A̅l-Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

In this beautiful reminder, Shaykh Ahmad puts into perspective the benefits when one ponders over the infinite Knowledge of Allah.

May Allah reward the Shaykh, protect him, and increase him in knowledge and goodness, and unite him with his loved ones upon Khayr in this life, and in the Akhirah beneath the throne of Allah.


Instagram: Coming Soon, Insha'Allah
Rumble (4k): Coming Soon, Insha'Allah


22 Nov, 03:37

Friday Special

⚪️Virtues of Friday & Friday Prayer

⚪️Sending salawat on Prophet ﷺ

⚪️Ayah of the day

⚪️Special Hour of Friday for Dua

⚪️Dua Lists:



⚪️Reading Kahf on Friday
(For a detailed explanation, read this and the posts below that)

⚪️Sunnah of reciting Surah Sajda and Insaan during Fajr prayer of Friday

⚪️ Friday Lunch & nap after Jumu'ah prayer

Our dhivehi subscribers, please checkout Galandhaan for Friday posts (and other beneficial ones) in dhivehi


21 Nov, 23:49

Concerning āyah 55 of al-Māidah, the books of tafsīr mention a hadīth in which a beggar came to 'Ali ibn Abi Tālib while he was in rukū' and 'Ali took off his ring and gave him it, so based on that some thought that "...and they give zakāh, and they bow down" means giving zakāh while bowing and that it specifically refers to 'Ali رضي الله عنه.

Sheikh 'Abdullah as-Sa'd said "this hadith is bātil (false)."
And elsewhere he said "this hadīth is wāhī (weak)."

[Source: تأملات في سورة المائدة]


20 Nov, 06:08

Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Jazāiri رحمه الله (d. 2018 CE) in Nahr al Khayr, his commentary on his well-known tafsīr: Aysar-at-tafāsīr, said:

"The scholars have said that indeed whoever seeks other than the judgement of Allah ta'ālā, whereby he isn't pleased with it, is a kāfir; and this is the conditon of the Jews, and the condition of the majority of the Muslims today whereby they weren't pleased with the judgement of Allah ta'ālā; and they judged with the laws of falsehood, and constitutions of kufr."


20 Nov, 03:01

Hossam injured


15 Nov, 17:24

Ruling on wind chimes

Fatwa No: 115644
Fatwa Date:2-12-2008

Assalaamu alaikum, What is the ruling on hanging wind chimes. Is the noise they make considered music? Are they like bells? Moreover, in the past, they were used with the intention to ward off ill omens. Is it permissible to hang them without having that intention? Jazak Allah khair


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Wind chimes are hanging configurations of metal or glass pieces combined with pieces of other material, such as wood, that chime when pushed by the wind. Therefore, they are not real bells even if they are called bells, and they are not included in the evil bells that are forbidden. Hence, in principle, it is permissible to use them.

However, if the situation is as you mentioned in the question that in the past they are used to ward off evil as believed by some people, then it is not permissible to use them even with a good intention, because using them may be a reason for reviving that false belief again.

Allaah Knows best.



15 Nov, 08:20

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون ، توفي ليلة البارحة الاخ ابو محمد المهاجر، ‏اللهم ارحمه واغفر له واغفر خطاياه وتجاوز عنه واسكنه فسيح جناتك. اللهم تقبل هجرته واكتب له شهادة في سبيلك

~ ގަލަންދާނު


15 Nov, 08:20

🖋 ގަލަންދާނު


15 Nov, 05:35

May Allah pardon Abu Muhammad, have mercy on him, grant forgiveness from Him, save him from His Wrath and grant him Jannatul Firdaws.


13 Nov, 17:01

Little Muwahiddeen (Islamic studies and aqeeda book for children) by Al-Muttaqun

Download & share!



13 Nov, 17:01

A very young sister of ours has been arrested for publishing, distributing and teaching this books to young kids.

What she had to say after her arrest was:

“All praise is to Allah that I gave out so many not long ago, they only found a few copies at my house.”

May Allah safeguard our Ukht D.T, protect her from all harm and evil, love her, pour sakinah upon her and free her from their clutches. [Don't share articles about her as they have revealed pictures of her without shari'i libas. Have ghayrah over your sister in Deen]

How about spiting the kuffar more and spreading this book around with a bit more intensity, yeah?


13 Nov, 06:38

"A mother, Um Abdallah, lost her 8-year-old son, Abdullah Hussein Al-Zein, at an Israeli checkpoint while being forcibly displaced from northern Gaza to central Gaza. She explains that Abdullah, frightened by the sight of occupation forces, ran ahead with a group heading toward Deir el Balah. She is pleading for anyone who sees him to contact her, describing him as wearing a red jacket, jeans, and shoes."

—Eye on Palestine


13 Nov, 06:37

Israel employs a deceptive tactic called
"humanitarian aid." In reality, these so-called "aid packages" are merely symbolic, barely sufficient for a very limited number of people, lacking any real nutritional value.
Essential foods like meat, poultry, or other nutritious items are absent. Personally, I haven't eaten meat for nearly a year.
People now ironically say that Israel has imposed a forced vegetarian diet on us.


13 Nov, 06:37

This little girl has survived an Israeli air strike that targeted the tents of displaced Palestinians in Deir Al Balah, central Gaza Strip.

طفلة ناجية من قصف خيام النازحين في دير البلح وسط القطاع


12 Nov, 08:59

This is directed to every afflicted muslim and Muslimah, from those in lands of Kufr, those in Houses of Kufr, those in abusive households, abusive marriages, students of secular schools, people tested with imprisonment…

Every single muslim is tested with something, if we all sat down excusing ourselves with our test no one would be admitted in Jannah.

But this path is about patience and endurance, especially during these hard times. So be patient and steadfast and let your iman be in your heart and limbs so that you carry it with you everywhere you go no matter what your environment is.

And know that Allah is with you no matter where you are, and His relief is soon to come بإذن الله and He has a wisdom in everything, so trust His decree and never neglect asking Him or become displeased with the obstacles He puts on your way.


12 Nov, 08:59

Victim mindset will not take you anywhere, you may perhaps indeed be a victim of many things, but that is no excuse before Allah or anyone for you not to do your duties.

Start blaming yourself more often and stop blaming those around you, do not help everyone against yourself by doing that which harms you or doesn’t benefit you or by not doing that which benefits you.

If everyone has forsaken you don’t forsake yourself too by neglecting it and neglecting that which benefits it.

And believe me you’ll always regret the times you didn’t stand up for yourself leaving all excuses behind, and a day will come in which you realise having a bad environment was not enough of a reason for you to neglect yourself on dunyah and akhirah.

It will be very overwhelming I know, but regret feels much worse, choose the struggle of consistency over the pain of regret which is always much bigger and cannot be reversed.

Take all the means possible to achieve that which you want to achieve, even if the means are very little and even if you have no support, even if you find emotional and physical attacks from all sides, do not let them weaken you for the only your own future matters for you, the rest Allah will deal with them.


11 Nov, 06:53

ނަން: ބައްދަލް ވެދާނެބާ
ޅެން: އިބުނު ފަހުމީ ދީދީ،މުސާފިރު ( އަމިއްލަ ރާގް)
ރިކޯޑުކުރީ: ޣިނާޔާ (ބީޓޮލޮޖީ)
މިކްސިން އަދި މާސްޓަރިން: ޢިރުފާން
ޓެލެޖުރާމް ލިންކް: https://t.me/musafir_officials


11 Nov, 06:53

🔖 މުއައްލިފު - عفا الله عنه - ގެ ޝުޢޫރެއް:

"އަލްއުސްތާޒް ކަމާލުއް ސަނާނީރީ ފަދަ ހިތްވަރުގަދަ ޙަޔާތެއް އަހަރެންގެ ތާރީޚަކުނެތަސް، އެބޭފުޅާގެ ޙަޔާތް ކިޔާލުމީ އަހަރެންގެ ޒަވާޖީ ޙަޔާތް އަޑުއެހުންފަދައެވެ.

އެކުގައި ހޭދަކުރި ދުވަސް ތަކަށްވުރެ ވަކިން ހޭދަކުރެވުނު ދުވަސްތައް ގިނައެވެ. ﷲ އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބަށް ދެއްވިފަަދަ ކެތްތެރިކަމެއް ތިބާއަށް ދެއްވާށިއެވެ. އޭ ހިތުގެ ފިނިކަމާއެވެ!

މިހަނދުމަތަކާއި އެކު، އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބް އެކަމަނާގެ ފިރިކަލުންގެ ހަނދާނުގައި ލިޔުއްވި ޅެމާއި އެދެވެރިންގެ ޙަޔާތުގެ ކުރު ޚުލާޞާއެއް އަހަރެންގެ ވަޞިއްޔަތުގެ ތެރެއަށް ލައި ހަދިޔާ ކުރީމެވެ. އަދި އޭގެ ހަފްތާއެެއް ފަހުން އަނިޔަލުގެ ކަސްތޮޅުތަކަށް އެނބުރި ރުޖޫޢަވިއެވެ.

އެހެންކަމުން، އަހަރެމެން ދެން ބައްދަލުވާނޭ ކަމަށް ތިބާ ދެކެމުހެއްޔެވެ؟... ނުވަތަ އަވާމެންދުރުގެ މިބިމުގައި ވާނޭ ބައްދަލުވުމެއް މިނިމުނީހެއްޔެވެ؟..."

هل ترانا نلتقي ؟

ޅެން، މަދަހައެއް ގޮތުގައި ކިޔާފައި، އަދި އޭގެ ދިވެހި ތަރުޖަމާ:


އުސްތާޛް ކަމާލް އައްސަނާނީރީ އާއި އަދީބާ، އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބު ގެ ހާޔާތުގެ ވާހަކަ ގަލަންދާރުގައި ކުރިން ވާނީ ގެނެވިފައެވެ. (ބައްލަވާ)

~ ގަލަންދާރު


11 Nov, 06:53

🔻ޅެމާއި ގުޅިފައިވާ ޝުޢޫރެއް

📌އުސްތާޛް ކަމާލް އައްސަނާނީރީ އާއި އަދީބާ، އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބު ގެ ހާޔާތަށް ނަޒަރެއް

1954 ގައި މިޞްރުގެ އަނިޔާވެރި ޠާޣޫތު ޖަމާލް ޢަބްދުއް ނާޞިރު، ދީނީ ދަޢުވަތުގެ އުސްތާޛު، ކަމާލް އައްސަނާނީރީ ހައްޔަރުކުރިއެވެ. ތުހުމަތަކީ "ﷲ އަށްޓަކައި މަސައްކަތްކުރުމެވެ." އަދި ދަންޖެއްސުމަށް ޙުކުމް ކުރިއެވެ. ދެން އެ ލުއިކޮށް 25 އަހަރުގެ ޖަލު ހުކުމަކަށް ބަދަލުކުރިއެވެ!!
އަދި އަނިޔާގެ ސަބަބުން ހަށިގަނޑު އަނަރޫފަވެވަޑައިގަތެވެ. އެހެނަސް ރޫޙު އީމާންކަމުގައި ވަރުގަދަވިއެވެ. އަދި ހައްޔަރު ކުރެވުނުތާ 5 އަހަރު ތެރޭ ހޮސްޕިޓަލުގައި އެޑުމިޓުކުރެވުނެވެ.

އެތަނުގައި ސައްޔިދު ޤުޠުބު އާއި ބައްދަލުވެވަޑައިގަތެވެ!

އަދި އެބޭފުޅާ ބޮޑަށް އެގިދެނެވުމަށްފަހު، އެބޭފުޅާގެ އުޚްތު، އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބު އާއި ކައިވެނި ބައްލަވައިގަތުމަށް ޢެދި ދެންނެވިއެވެ. އެކަމަނާ ހޮސްޕިޓަލުގައި ޒިޔާރަތް ކުރެއްވުމުގެ ތެރޭ އެވާހަކަދެންނެވުމުން، އުމުރަށްޖަލަށް ލެވިފައިވާ ބޭކަލަކާއި ކައިވެނި ކުރުމަށް މި ޒުވާން، ޝާޢިރާ އަދި އަދީބާ އާނ ބަސް ދަންނަވައި ހައިރާން ކުރުވިއެވެ.

އަދި ކައިވެނީގެ ޢަޤުދުކުރެވުނެވެ.

އެކަމަނާ ޖަލަށް ކުރައްވާ ޒިޔާރަތްތަކުން މިބޭކަލުންގެ ގުޅުން އިތުރަށް ބަދަހިވިއެވެ. އޭރު ޒިޔާރަތް ކުރައްވަނީ އެކަމަނާގެ ދެ އަޚުން، މުޙައްމަދު (އައްޝެއިޚް މުޙައްމަދު ޤުޠުބު) އަދި ސައްޔިދު ޤުތުބުގެ ގާތަށެވެ. މިއާއި އެކު އެކަމަނާގެ ފިރިކަލުންނަށް ކުރައްވާ ޒިޔާރަތް އިތުރުވިއެވެ. އަދި އެކަމަނާއަކީ އެ ފަހުލަވާނު ފިރިކަލުންގެ ސަޕޯޓަރެކެވެ.

އަހަރުތައް ފާއިތުވެ، އެކަމަނާ ވަރުބަލިވެދާނޭ ކަމަށް އުސްތާޛް ކަމާލް ހީފުޅުވެވަޑައިގެން ކައިވެނި ނިންމަވާލެއްވުމަށް ހުށަހެޅުވިއެވެ. އަދި ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ: "ދުވަސްތައް ދިގުލައިފިއެވެ. އަދި ކަމަނާ މިބުރަ އުފުލުމަކަށް އަހަރެންނެއް ނޭދެމުއެވެ. މިކައިވެނި ކުރި އިރުވެސް މާދަން މިނިވަން ވާނޭ ކަމަށް އަހަރެން ނުބުނަމެވެ. އެހެނަސް 20 އަހަރު އޭގައިވިއެވެ. އަދި އަޖަލު ހަމަވަނީއެވެ. އަދި އަހަރެން މިވަނީ މިތަނުގައެވެ. އެހެނަކަމުން ކަމަނާއަށް ވަރިވުމުގެ މިނިވަންކަން ވެއެވެ. އެއީ ކަމަނާގެ އުމުރުގެ ބާކީއޮތްތަނެއް ޞާލިހުކަމާއި އެކު ދިރިއުޅުމަށެވެ. އަދި ކަމަނާގެ އުފަލަށް ވާ ހުރަހަކަށް ވުމަށް އަހަރެންނެއް ނޭދެމެވެ. އަދި ނުވެސް ރުހެމެވެ. އަހަރެމެން މިނިވަން ވުމަށްޓަކައި އެވެރިން ޝަރުތުއެކުރަނީ އަނިޔާވެރިންނަށް (ޠާޣޫތުންނަށް) ތާއީދުކުރުމަށެވެ. އެވެރިން އެ އެދޭ އެއްޗެއް - ﷲ ގެ އިޛުނަފުޅާއި އެކު - އަހަރެން ދެފަޅިކޮށްލިޔަސް ނުދޭހުށީމެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން ކަމަނާއަށް މިޔަދު އިޚްތިޔާރުކުރުން ވެއެވެ. އަދި ކަމަނާ އެދޭގޮތް އަހަންނަށް ލިޔާށެވެ. އަދި ﷲ ކަމަނާއަށް ހެޔޮގޮތް އެކަމުގައި މިންވަރު ކުރައްވާށިއެވެ."

އަނބިކަނބަލުން، އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބުގެ ޖަވާބުގައިވިއެވެ. "އަހަރެން ޚިޔާރުކުރަނީ ކަލާގެ މަގެވެ... ޖިހާދާއި ޖަންނަތުގެ މަގެވެ. ޘާބިތުކަމާއި ޤުރުބާނީގެ މަގެވެ. ޔަޤީނާއިއެކު، އެއްވެސް ގުޑުމެއް އަދި ހިތާމަޔެއްނުވާ ، އެއަކަށް އަހަރެމެން އަހުދުވެފައިވާ ޢަޤީދާގެ ވަރުގަދަ ގޮށުގެ މަތީ ދެމިހުރުމަށެވެ.!!"

އަދި އޭގެ 17 އަހަރު ފާއިތުވުމަށްފަހު، ކަމާލް އައްސަނާނީރީ، 1973 ގައި ޖަލުން މިނިވަންވެ ވަޑައިގެނެވިއެވެ.

އެ ވަފާތެރި އަނބިކަނބަލުންނާއި ބައްދަލުވެ، އުފާވެރިކަމުގެ އަހަރުތަކެއް އެކަމަނާގެ ލޯތްބާއި، ﷲ އަށްކިޔަމަންތެރިވުމާއި ތަޤުވާގައި ހޭދަކުރެއްވިއެވެ.

އަދި ވަރުބަލިކަމެއްނެތި ދީނީ ދަޢުވަތުގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރައްވަމުންގެންދެވިއެވެ. ޖަލުގައި ހޭދަކުރެއްވީ ހަނގުރާމަވެރިޔެއް އަރާމުކޮށްލުންފަދައެވެ. ނޫނީ އުޅަނދަކަށް ތެޔޮއަޅާލަން މަޑުޖައްސާލުންފަދައެވެ.

އަދި ﷲ ގެ ކަލާން ފުޅު "واعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقين" ދަސްކުރައްވައި އަމަލުކުރެއްވިއެވެ.

އަދި އަފްޣާން ޖިހާދުގެ މައިކުރިތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން ކުރިއެއް އަދި އޭގެ އުސްތާޛުންގެ ތެރެއިން ވެލެއްވިއެވެ.

ދެން އަނެއްކާވެސް، އަނިޔާވެރިކަމާއި ޢުދުވާނުގެ އަތްމައްޗަށް 1981 ރައްދުވިއެވެ. އަދި ދެވަނަފަހަރަށް، އަދި އެންމެ ފަހު ފަހަރެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ހައްޔަރުވިއެވެ.

އަދި މިޞްރުގެ އިންޓެލް ގެ އަތްދަށު އަނިޔަލުގައި، ﷲ ގެ އިޛުނަފުޅާއިއެކު ޝަހީދެއްގެ ނިޢުމަތް ޙާޞިލް ކުރެއްވިއެވެ.

އެހެންކަމުން، މިއަންނަނިވި ޅެންބައިތު ތަކަކީ، ކެތްތެރި އަނބިކަނބަލުން އަމީނާ ޤުޠުބު، އެކަމަނާގެ ފިރިކަލުން އަލް އުސްތާޛް ކަމާލް އަލްސަނާރިރީ رحمه الله އަށް ތައުޒިޔާ ވިދާޅުވެ ލިއުއްވި ބައިތުތަކެކެވެ. އަދި އޭގެ ފުރަތަމަ ބަޔަކީ ހައްޔަރުވެވަޑައިގަތުމާއި ވިދިގެންނެވެ. އަދި އޭގެ ފަހުބަޔަކީ ޝަހީދުވެވަޑައިގަތުމާއިވިދިގެންނެވެ.

~ ގަލަންދާނު


11 Nov, 06:07

Hardships are inevitable for the one who traverses the path of truth.

{أَمْ حَسِبْتُمْ أَن تَدْخُلُواْ الْجَنَّةَ وَلَمَّا يَعْلَمِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ جَـهَدُواْ مِنكُمْ وَيَعْلَمَ الصَّـبِرِينَ}

{Do you think that you will enter Paradise without Allah knowing those of you who fought (in His cause) and knowing those who are the patient.} (3:142)

The one who seeks to reach lofty heights undoubtedly will have to first go through a tiresome journey. And that's the thing - you can't go around or above or below the difficulties, you can only go through them to get to the brighter side - the side of ease. And while victory from Allah is an imminent promise, likewise is the sunnah of tamhees (distinguishing between the ranks) and istibdaal (replacement).

In every season of life, during prosperity and especially during the phases of weakness in the ummah, we will see the same tradition of history repeat. Only the characters will change, but their characteristics are already narrowed down to two camps of which there is no third:

The camp of kufr and the camp of imān.
And I say there is no third, for the munafiqin with their weak faith would be closer to the camp of kufr than that of the camp of imān. When asked to support the haq, they will scrape up any excuse not to despite all the severe reasons to do so, and Allah has already informed us of this trait of theirs:

{هُمۡ لِلۡكُفۡرِ يَوۡمَئِذٍ أَقۡرَبُ مِنۡهُمۡ لِلۡإِيمَٰنِۚ يَقُولُونَ بِأَفۡوَٰهِهِم مَّا لَيۡسَ فِى قُلُوبِهِمۡۗ وَٱللَّهُ أَعۡلَمُ بِمَا يَكۡتُمُونَ} (3:167)

{They were nearer to disbelief that day than to faith, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allāh is most knowing of what they conceal}

So from the two ayat mentioned, you can already understand what is required from you when the hardships pour down, for no doubt that sooner or later the clouds of hardships will form to release the testing rain that becomes nourishment for crops of victory to grow afterwards.

1) When trials strike, accept and be pleased with the Qadr of Allah, don't let your grief eat away at your determination to strive, rather this is the time to strive even more to prove your sincerity and trust with full conviction that there is goodness in the trials because Allah is All Wise, we cannot see better than His Wisdom for His Kingdom and its sufficient for us that He has promised to give victory to the believers. How and when is a matter that is in His control.

2) In the sea of adversities, your patience is your boat of salvation. Like AAA رحمه الله mentioned in a lecture: "what harm would a misfortune of time do to you?" .. this dunya is fleeting and will not last forever and for every trial is an appointed time. Show Allah your gratitude for all the blessings you have by being patient in this test that is in itself a blessing also, for every matter of a believer is good, and with the right intentions even what harms you will be something you are rewarded for.

3) Be truthful. Let the truth and only the truth be seen and heard from you and do not aid the shaytan against the believers by spewing doubts because of your fears of what may or may not happen in the future. Whoever is truthful to Allah, Allah will be truthful to him. Resolve to leave off sins and get closer to Allah, know who Allah is by His Names and Attributes and contemplate on His Mercy and His Miracles He bestowed upon the believing people before us to remove any pessimistic thoughts you may have.


11 Nov, 04:30

Tawheed class transcripts and summarized notes in dhivehi.

May Allah bless and accept from them ones behind the channel.


08 Nov, 07:45

Friday Special Hour Dua Suggestions for the self, against enemies and for the Ummah:


—shared by beloved brethren. May Allah accept it from them.

One of the righteous said, "I didn't ask Allāh for anything between 'Asr and Maghrib on Friday except that my Lord responded to me up until I felt shy (to ask for more)."

Al Mufadal ibn Fadalah would offer 'Asr on Friday then isolate himself in a corner of the Masjid and continue to supplicate until sunset.
[Akhbār Al Quda (3/238)]

Likewise Sa'eed ibn Jubair would offer the 'Asr prayer and would avoid speaking to others until sunset (i.e. he would busy himself with supplicating)

[Zaad Al Ma'ad (1/382)]



08 Nov, 07:45

Friday Special

⚪️Virtues of Friday & Friday Prayer

⚪️Sending salawat on Prophet ﷺ

⚪️Ayah of the day

⚪️Special Hour of Friday for Dua

⚪️Dua Lists:



⚪️Reading Kahf on Friday
(For a detailed explanation, read this and the posts below that)

⚪️Sunnah of reciting Surah Sajda and Insaan during Fajr prayer of Friday

⚪️ Friday Lunch & nap after Jumu'ah prayer

Our dhivehi subscribers, please checkout Galandhaan for Friday posts (and other beneficial ones) in dhivehi


07 Nov, 16:18

Yaqub (عليه السلام) his son, a magnanimous family, son of a magnanimous, and his children are magnanimous, like the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said in Sahih Bukhari 'great, honourable men'

And what does he say on his deathbed?

When one is on deathbed, he only says the most essential matters of his life. It's not some secondary matter you're going to mention in your deathbed. It's the most important thing because your soul is about to depart.

What is his concern on his deathbed?

Look at his concern:

(Al-Baqarah 2:133)

أَمْ كُنتُمْ شُهَدَآءَ إِذْ حَضَرَ يَعْقُوبَ ٱلْمَوْتُ إِذْ قَالَ لِبَنِيهِ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ مِنۢ بَعْدِى قَالُوا۟ نَعْبُدُ إِلَٰهَكَ وَإِلَٰهَ ءَابَآئِكَ إِبْرَٰهِۦمَ وَإِسْمَٰعِيلَ وَإِسْحَٰقَ إِلَٰهًا وَٰحِدًا وَنَحْنُ لَهُۥ مُسْلِمُونَ

Were you witnesses when Yaqub was on his deathbed and he told his sons: what will you worship after me?

They said we will worship your Lord.

نَعْبُدُ إِلَٰهَكَ وَإِلَٰهَ ءَابَآئِكَ إِبْرَٰهِۦمَ وَإِسْمَٰعِيلَ وَإِسْحَٰقَ

We will worship your God and the God of your fathers. And the lord of your forefathers Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq.

إِلَٰهًا وَٰحِدًا
One lord.

وَنَحْنُ لَهُۥ مُسْلِمُون

And we are submitted to Him.

When he got that, he was reassured and was at peace.

—Advice on Hijrah: You Be the Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 15:59

◽️Ibrahim (عليه السلام) the one who crushed, crushed (!) polytheism, the one who destroyed the statues, the one who gets the miracle of being rescued from a blazing fire — a miracle directly by Allah— yet he still feared shirk upon himself. Yet he still feared shirk upon his descendants. Still feared shirk while he's building the Ka'bah. And still feared shirk while his son is helping him build the Ka'bah.

Look at what he says in Suratul Ibrahim:


وَإِذْ قَالَ إِبْرَٰهِيمُ رَبِّ ٱجْعَلْ هَٰذَا ٱلْبَلَدَ ءَامِنًا وَٱجْنُبْنِى وَبَنِىَّ أَن نَّعْبُدَ ٱلْأَصْنَامَ

[And (remember) when Ibrahim (Abraham) said: "O my Lord! Make this city (Makkah) one of peace and security, and keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols.]

O Allah. O Allah. Make this city, Makkah, peace and security, and save me, protect me, keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols.

This is Ibrahim عليه السلام. He feared, fears the word shirk!

—Advice on Hijrah: You Be the Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 15:32

Concerning over oneself of Tawhid and their children was among the biggest concerns of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah.

They agonized and worried in fear of falling into major shirk and kufr— not for them only but for their descendants.

—Advice on Hijrah: You Be the Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 15:28

We are an Ummah of Tawhid.
We were granted the biggest blessing of Allah as Tawhid. Tawhid was our biggest blessing!

Allah says:
(Al-Ma'idah 5:3)

ٱلْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِى

[This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you.]

I have compiled My Religion. And I have granted you the Provision.

What's the Provision?
Islam. Tawhid.
The reason in core of our existence. The reason in core of our creation.

(Adh-Dhariyat 51:56)

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

[And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).]

The reason Messengers were sent. And the reason the sky and the heavens were created.

Think about your obligation and responsibilities towards this Word.

Allah says in the Qur'an:

(At-Tahrim 66:6)

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ قُوٓا۟ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا

[O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) ]

—Advice on Hijrah: You Be the Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 15:17

You answer this. I'm not going to answer for you.

You sit with conscience that Allah is going to ask you about this on Judgement Day.

Answer yourself:
Can you publicly believe in Allah?
And can you publicly disbelieve in the Taghut?

Here, we are the Ummah of Tawhid. You got to understand this. And throughout my talk, answer to yourself. Or after you listen to this talk, sit and analyze the matter to yourself.

—Advice on Hijrah: You Be the
Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 15:13

Advice on Hijrah: You Be the Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 15:13

Advice on Hijrah: You Be the Judge by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله تعالى



07 Nov, 13:53

It is said about the day of Jumu'ah:

من استقامت له جمعته، استقام له سائر أسبوعه

"Whoever sets right his Friday will have the remainder of his week set right for him."

Set right = to dignify its status and implement its sunan, to offer the prayer that acts as expiation for the week ahead, and to seek out the prized hour of ijābah etc.

فيوم الجمعة يوم عبادة، وهو في الأيام كشهر رمضان في الشهور، وساعة الإجابة فيه كليلة القدر في رمضان

• زاد المعاد (١/٣٩٨)



07 Nov, 02:28

Sahih Bukhari, 96: كتاب الاعتصام بالكتاب والسنة (Holding fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah)

Hadith: I have been sent with Jawami Kalim:

Narrated Sa`id bin Al-Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said,

بُعِثْتُ بِجَوَامِعِ الْكَلِمِ
"I have been sent with 'Jawami-al-Kalim ' (the shortest expression with the widest meaning)
وَنُصِرْتُ بِالرُّعْبِ
and have been made victorious with awe (cast in my enemy's hearts),

وَبَيْنَا أَنَا نَائِمٌ رَأَيْتُنِي أُتِيتُ بِمَفَاتِيحِ خَزَائِنِ الأَرْضِ فَوُضِعَتْ فِي يَدِي
and while I was sleeping, I saw that the keys of the treasures of the world were placed in my hand."

Abu Huraira added: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures, or digging those treasures out." or said a similar sentence.

Sahih al-Bukhari, 7273


06 Nov, 06:08

It shouldn't take a sheikh or public figure to make you stand up and support our brother. Recently, as he faced attacks from nearly every news outlet, there was a noticeable silence. Accounts like Abu Ousayd, PGL, and other dedicated dawah platforms have devoted their time and money to speak out, risking their own comfort to spread the truth. While many of us are busy with our day-to- day routines, it's important to remember that the path of dawah isn't crowded with people upon this creed. It requires collective support to stand with those who are making a difference.

— Abu Haarith



06 Nov, 00:54

Nasheeha from our Shaykh


05 Nov, 16:57

Jumadul Awwal Planner by dear.sumayyah (Instagram)


05 Nov, 01:11

•People are TEMPORARY
•Allah is INFINITE



03 Nov, 13:49

Dua requests:

-A brother's hearing tomorrow. May Allah hasten his release and free all our brothers and sisters.

- A sister's house had been raided. May Allah safeguard her from the plots of the enemies and keep her steadfast.


03 Nov, 02:04

Calendar for 5th Hijri Month: Jumadul Awwal 1446

Today, (Sunday, 3rd Nov) till Maghrib is the 1st of Jumadul Awwal 1446.

Rabiul Akhir was 30 days as moon was not sighted Alhamdulillah.

4 months to go till Ramadan bi-idhnillah.
اَللّهُمَّ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان


01 Nov, 22:37

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Via ana.sudani (IG)



01 Nov, 22:00

📰 A Palestinian man has said he buried 117 members of his family after they were killed in Israeli attacks on Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

The town has been under an Israeli siege and ground offensive for 27 days.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Mohammad Nabil Essa Baraka Abu Nasr explained that he is the sole adult survivor of his family, and that he was forced to retrieve and bury all his family members as civil defence teams could not access the area due to the intensity of Israeli bombardment.



31 Oct, 19:34

It is said about the day of Jumu'ah:

من استقامت له جمعته، استقام له سائر أسبوعه

"Whoever sets right his Friday will have the remainder of his week set right for him."

Set right = to dignify its status and implement its sunan, to offer the prayer that acts as expiation for the week ahead, and to seek out the prized hour of ijābah etc.

فيوم الجمعة يوم عبادة، وهو في الأيام كشهر رمضان في الشهور، وساعة الإجابة فيه كليلة القدر في رمضان

• زاد المعاد (١/٣٩٨)



31 Oct, 16:23

Friday Special Hour Dua Suggestions for the self, against enemies and for the Ummah:


—shared by beloved brethren. May Allah accept it from them.

One of the righteous said, "I didn't ask Allāh for anything between 'Asr and Maghrib on Friday except that my Lord responded to me up until I felt shy (to ask for more)."

Al Mufadal ibn Fadalah would offer 'Asr on Friday then isolate himself in a corner of the Masjid and continue to supplicate until sunset.
[Akhbār Al Quda (3/238)]

Likewise Sa'eed ibn Jubair would offer the 'Asr prayer and would avoid speaking to others until sunset (i.e. he would busy himself with supplicating)

[Zaad Al Ma'ad (1/382)]



31 Oct, 16:23

Friday Special

⚪️Virtues of Friday & Friday Prayer

⚪️Sending salawat on Prophet ﷺ

⚪️Ayah of the day

⚪️Special Hour of Friday for Dua

⚪️Dua Lists:



⚪️Reading Kahf on Friday
(For a detailed explanation, read this and the posts below that)

⚪️Sunnah of reciting Surah Sajda and Insaan during Fajr prayer of Friday

⚪️ Friday Lunch & nap after Jumu'ah prayer

Our dhivehi subscribers, please checkout Galandhaan for Friday posts (and other beneficial ones) in dhivehi


31 Oct, 14:21

And for the rest of the suffering Ummah as well like Sudan, Syria, Rohingya, Uyghur, Kashmir, Bangladesh etc


25 Oct, 10:20

To those of whom Allah enables to go, please don't forget to seek the special hour for Dua. May Allah bless you all


25 Oct, 10:06

"Ummah with Palestine" event is back in full force and energized.

Join us this Friday, 25th October 2024



24 Oct, 19:03

So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. [3:139]


24 Oct, 14:39

Friday Special Hour Dua Suggestions for the self, against enemies and for the Ummah:


—shared by beloved brethren. May Allah accept it from them.

One of the righteous said, "I didn't ask Allāh for anything between 'Asr and Maghrib on Friday except that my Lord responded to me up until I felt shy (to ask for more)."

Al Mufadal ibn Fadalah would offer 'Asr on Friday then isolate himself in a corner of the Masjid and continue to supplicate until sunset.
[Akhbār Al Quda (3/238)]

Likewise Sa'eed ibn Jubair would offer the 'Asr prayer and would avoid speaking to others until sunset (i.e. he would busy himself with supplicating)

[Zaad Al Ma'ad (1/382)]



24 Oct, 14:39

Friday Special

⚪️Virtues of Friday & Friday Prayer

⚪️Sending salawat on Prophet ﷺ

⚪️Ayah of the day

⚪️Special Hour of Friday for Dua

⚪️Dua Lists:



⚪️Reading Kahf on Friday
(For a detailed explanation, read this and the posts below that)

⚪️Sunnah of reciting Surah Sajda and Insaan during Fajr prayer of Friday

⚪️ Friday Lunch & nap after Jumu'ah prayer

Our dhivehi subscribers, please checkout Galandhaan for Friday posts (and other beneficial ones) in dhivehi


22 Oct, 17:27

Palestinians transport bodies of martyrs by using a cart following an Israeli air strike in Al Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.

وصول شهداء الى مستشفى المعمداني جراء
أستهدافهم في الزيتون

-Eye on Palestine


21 Oct, 11:38

A young Palestinian girl is seen carrying her younger sister, barefoot, after the younger one was hit by a car.


20 Oct, 17:42

"Ummah with Palestine" event is back in full force and energized.

Join us this Friday, 25th October 2024



19 Oct, 21:07

Breaking | In the latest toll, 73 Palestinian civilians have been reported killed and dozens injured following the Israeli massacre against civilians in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza.


19 Oct, 18:05

A beautiful quote that was shared by a beautiful brother, may Allah reward him and keep him sincere and steadfast — and it is a principle that ⁦ Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa Āl-Jibrīl (حفظه الله تعالى)⁩ teaches through his preaching and applied action, being one who is slandered as the preferred hobby and pastime of choice by the people of innovation and heresy.

‎When one experiences slander, one should not only be patient, but rejoice as well, as this is an opportunity from Allah to expiate one’s sins:

‎ويُرْوَى عَن عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بن مَهْدِيّ أَنَّه قَالَ: "لَوْلا أَنِّي أَكْرَهُ أَنْ يُعْصَى الله لسَرَّنِي أَنْ لا يَبْقَى في المِصْرِ أَحَدٌ إلَّا اغْتَابَنِي، وأَيُّ شَيْءٍ أَشْهَى مِنْ حَسَنَةٍ يَجدُهَا المَرْءُ في صَحِيْفَتِهِ لَمْ يَعْمَلْهَا".

‎It is narrated from Abdul-Rahmān bin Mahdiyy:

‎“If it were not that I disliked for Allah to be disobeyed, it would have brought me happiness that no one in this city remained, except having spoke ill of me behind my back (Gheebah), for what could be more pleasing than a good deed that a man finds in his record [on the Day of Judgment], which he never performed [nor knew about]?”

‎[Tabaqāt Al-Hanābila 3/398]

‎So be patient my brothers in the face of slander, remember to purify your intentions, make sure your pious persona you publicly display reflects your private, and remember to keep the Taqwa of Allah between your eyes at all times, and possibly the most important aspect which will aid you in performing all of the above, keep your tongue moist with the Istighfār of Allah.


18 Oct, 05:18

Friday Special Hour Dua Suggestions for the self, against enemies and for the Ummah:


—shared by beloved brethren. May Allah accept it from them.

One of the righteous said, "I didn't ask Allāh for anything between 'Asr and Maghrib on Friday except that my Lord responded to me up until I felt shy (to ask for more)."

Al Mufadal ibn Fadalah would offer 'Asr on Friday then isolate himself in a corner of the Masjid and continue to supplicate until sunset.
[Akhbār Al Quda (3/238)]

Likewise Sa'eed ibn Jubair would offer the 'Asr prayer and would avoid speaking to others until sunset (i.e. he would busy himself with supplicating)

[Zaad Al Ma'ad (1/382)]



18 Oct, 05:17

Friday Special

⚪️Virtues of Friday & Friday Prayer

⚪️Sending salawat on Prophet ﷺ

⚪️Ayah of the day

⚪️Special Hour of Friday for Dua

⚪️Dua Lists:



⚪️Reading Kahf on Friday
(For a detailed explanation, read this and the posts below that)

⚪️Sunnah of reciting Surah Sajda and Insaan during Fajr prayer of Friday

⚪️ Friday Lunch & nap after Jumu'ah prayer

Our dhivehi subscribers, please checkout Galandhaan for Friday posts (and other beneficial ones) in dhivehi


17 Oct, 06:55

🚨 The following Maldivian institutions have shown public cooperation with America, the facilitators of GENOCIDE.

In future, we plan to PUBLICIZE the names of any institution that sides with facilitators of GENOCIDE.



17 Oct, 03:44

A photo from Jabalia Camp in the northern Gaza Strip, which has been under a complete siege for the twelfth day, without food, water, or medicine. The photo shows a funeral prayer for what remains of a Palestinian’s body, wrapped in a piece of cloth.


16 Oct, 05:11

-words from the mother of the martyred little Yusuf—the white, beautiful Yusuf, with curly hair. It has been a year since she lost him. More than a year in to the genocide with undescribable loss and grief. More than a year since they lost their home. And many, many months since her husband got kidnapped, too.

An icon of steadfastness from the people of Gaza. Allahumma baarik lahaa


16 Oct, 05:02

The reality of the northern Gaza Strip governorate after the siege imposed on it for 11 days.


16 Oct, 05:01

A Palestinian was rescued after spending hours under the rubble of his home that was bombed by Israeli warplanes in Gaza city.

انقاذ فلسطيني بعد قضائه ساعات تحت ركام منزله في غزة


15 Oct, 10:15

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ said: 

Many people, when they see evil or when the Muslim ummah goes through a lot of trouble, panic, lose hope and start complaining as people who are beset by calamities do.

But this is forbidden; rather what is enjoined is to be patient, to put one’s trust in Allah, to be steadfast in adhering to the religion of Islam and to believe that Allah is with those who fear Him and those who do good, and that the best end is for those who fear Him; whatever befalls him is because of his sins, so he should be patient, for the promise of Allah is true; he should seek forgiveness for his sins and glorify and praise his Lord morning and evening.

[Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa, 18/295] 


15 Oct, 10:10

Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah [رحمه الله] said:

❝Sins and transgressions not only cause the Muslims to become weak, but they also cause the Muslims to be overpowered by their enemies.❞

[Al-Istiqamah, (1/466)]




15 Oct, 09:03

The daily life of Palestinians in Jabalia refugee camp which has been under Israeli siege and attacks for the 11th day.

من مخيم جباليا المحاصر لليوم ال ١١ على التوالي