Ethio Job Vacancy @ethio_job_vacancy Channel on Telegram

Ethio Job Vacancy


የፈስቡክ ገጻችንን አሁኑኑ ይቀላቀሉ

ማስታወቂያ ለማሰራት

Ethio Job Vacancy (Amharic)

የፈስቡክ ገጻችንን አሁኑኑ ይቀላቀሉ! በድምጽ ከተመለከተ እስከ አቅም ያለው 'Ethio Job Vacancy' በተከታታይ ቀጥሎ ከቆዳሻ አካባቢዎች እንዴት ያቀረቡ እና ያዳምጡ ማህበረሰብ በጣም እንዴት በቀጣይ የሚያረጋጨው በሚገባ ወቅታዊ ቦታ በኩል ከሚገኙት ገጻችን ዝርዝር። ይህን ቦታዎች እና ማህበረሰብዎን ዳታ ከሆነ 'Ethio Job Vacancy' በየትኛውም እርምጃ በሚቀጥለው ጥያቄ አዘምነን። እንደ Facebook መረጃውን ለማስጠቀም የሚረጋ መንገድ ይህንን አያታችን። ከዚህ በላይ የተነሳው ስብሰባ መረጃ ከ '@oseee' የሚያመለክት መተግበን ስንት ነው? 'Ethio Job Vacancy' አገልግሎት በሚከተለው መረጃውን በጣም መረጃ እና ከተጠናቀቀ ቀናት ከዚህ ባች በሚገኙት ገጻችን የቴሌግራም የቤተሰብ፣ የፋሺዝ ፣ የመንጃ እና ሌሎች፣ ለመረጃ ተጨማሪ አገልግሎት ሊያወጣላቸው ይገባል። 'Ethio Job Vacancy' በሲቪባል ይዘት ውስጥ አይጠቀሙበትም እሱ በአስተማሪነት ያልተለቀቀ ገጻችን ነው።

Ethio Job Vacancy

19 Dec, 07:29

የስራ ማስታወቂያ - #ከሯንዳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (University of Rwanda) ህክምናና ጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ !


Ethio Job Vacancy

08 Nov, 07:25

⭐️Major የመሰብሰቢያው ቀን ዛሬ እንደሆነ አሳውቋል። ለተሳተፋቹ መልካም እድል🙏

Ethio Job Vacancy

18 Oct, 14:16


Ethio Job Vacancy

03 Oct, 14:04


Ethio Job Vacancy

24 Sep, 09:19

በጣም አጭር ጊዜ የሚቆይ ፕሮጀክት ነው ምንም Game የለውም ፤ ግቡ 3Task አለ እሱን ስሩ Wallet Connect አድርጉ ውጡ አለቀ Listing መጠበቅ ነው ።

የምትችሉ ካላችሁ BnB hold አድርጋችሀ Gra ሰብስቡ (ሊጠናቀቅ 4 ሰዓት ብቻ ነው የቀረው)

ለመሳተፍ በTelegram


Ethio Job Vacancy

24 Aug, 08:47

✈️External Vacancy Announcement
Coopbank is seeking qualified candidates for the following open positions. Thus, those who are qualified and interested to apply should use the registration link provided for each post.✈️
1. IT Auditor

2. Senior IT Auditor

3.Principal IT Auditor

4.Senior Legal Compliance Officer

5. Legal Compliance Officer

6.Web and Social Media Administrator

7.Branch Manager
For Teqwa Branch:
For Nejashi Branch:
For Ansar Branch:

Application Deadline: August 28, 2024
Interested applicants should submit their 8th grade certificate and Education credentials and relevant work experience through the above link. The document should be PDF format and each file size shall not exceed 1MB each.


Ethio Job Vacancy

14 Aug, 05:43

✉️Are you looking for a professional career? ✉️Well, Zamzam Bank is here for you!!!
We are seeking associates who dearly own our vision, earn halal income, and embark on this journey with us.
Experience a work environment where your job becomes your passion, and your ideas are highly valued and respected.
We are not just a bank but a purposeful and value-driven pioneer of full-fledged interest-free business. Dedicated in uplifting individuals and communities lives through positive economic and social changes while progressing and growing in the right direction.

We are Zamzam, a source of sustainable growth.

Join ZamZam family and be part of this journey

Apply through the application link

ZamZam Bank
Sustainable source of growth

#ZamZamBank #Bank #ZamZamEthiopia #zamzam #Ethiopia #IslamicFinance #ዘምዘም #vacancy #hiring


Ethio Job Vacancy

13 Aug, 08:15

✉️CBE Vacancy ✉️
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia would like to invite qualified and interested job seekers to apply for the following positions:

1. IS Trainee (Head Office)
2. Laboratory Service Officer (Head Office)
3. Junior Laboratory Service Officer (Head Office)
4. Graphics Designer and Video Editor (Head Office)
5. Associate Collateral Valuator –I (Shire Endasilassie District)
6. Associate Collateral Valuator –II (Shire Endasilassie District)
7. Collateral Valuator (Shire Endasilassie District)
8. District Attorney (Shire Endasilassie District)
9. Associate District Attorney (Shire Endasilassie District)
10. Bank Trainee (Mekelle and Shire Endasilassie Districts)

Interested and qualified job seekers should apply through CBE career website ( from August 12 – 18, 2024.

For requirements and other detail information, please use the following link:

NOTE: Please visit CBE Telegram page to get the guideline how to apply on CBE career website.


Ethio Job Vacancy

12 Aug, 12:40

✉️Akmon academy vacancy ✉️


Ethio Job Vacancy

12 Aug, 12:38

✉️Training and Certification Sr. Analyst (Re-advertised) is needed!✉️

Company: Ethiopian Securities Exchange
Location: Addis Ababa
Employment type: Full-time
-Bachelor's degree in Finance, Economics, Law, Business Administration, or related field;
-Minimum of 5 years of experience in financial services, with a focus on training, education, or certification programs.
-Strong understanding of securities markets, trading operations, and regulatory requirements

Deadline: August 24th 2024
Click here to learn more:

Category: #Finance, #Economics, #Law, #BusinessAdministration, #SocialScience


Ethio Job Vacancy

11 Aug, 12:13

✉️የሥራ ቅጥር ማስታወቂያ✉️
እንጅባራ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከዚህ በታች በተዘረዘሩት የሥራ መስኮች አመልካቾችን አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል።

ስለሆነም መስፈርቱን የምታሟሉ አመልካቾች ማስታወቂያው ከወጣበት ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ባሉት 10 የሥራ ቀናት ማመልከት የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን።
