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Al Islam Productions


The Official Telegram Channel Of Al Islam Productions





Al Islam Productions (English)

Welcome to the official Telegram channel of Al Islam Productions! Al Islam Productions is a multimedia platform dedicated to sharing informative and educational content about Islam. Our channel is the hub for all our latest videos, articles, and updates.

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Al Islam Productions

20 Feb, 07:55

Ramadan FAQs (2025)

Markazul Fiqh

Al Islam Productions

18 Feb, 23:10

Determining Zakāt Eligibility in the Ḥanafī Madhhab: Gold or Silver Niṣāb - By Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Al Islam Productions

15 Feb, 07:13

Al Islam Productions

15 Feb, 07:12

Al Islam Productions

14 Feb, 16:57

Deviance of Hamza Karamali ABOVE

Al Islam Productions

14 Feb, 16:57

This is how a Hadith class is held?

Al Islam Productions

14 Feb, 16:57

Karamali is mentioned here since he Co authored it with shoib malik

Al Islam Productions

14 Feb, 16:56

Al Islam Productions

14 Feb, 16:56

Al Islam Productions

14 Feb, 16:55

Al Islam Productions

13 Feb, 16:51

Al Islam Productions

11 Feb, 19:04

The virtues of the Mid-Shaʿbān Night according to Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī and al-Albānī

Al Islam Productions

10 Feb, 20:10

Ahmad Rida Khan: Allah Manifests & Speaks Through People!

Al Islam Productions

10 Feb, 12:50

Ahmad Rida Khan: “Just Praising Madrasah Deoband & Not Thinking Ill of Deobandis is Enough to Make an Educated Person Kafir!”

Al Islam Productions

10 Feb, 12:50

Yasir Qadhi/Kazi Falsely Attributes Fatwa to Mufti Taqi Usmani

Someone close to Mufti Taqi Usmani asked him about the above attribution to him by Yasir Qadhi/Kazi regarding performing the khutbah in English. The following was Mufti Taqi Usmani's very clear and succinct response:

"No, I never said that it is jaiz. My special booklet on the subject is not a secret. Please study it."

In fact, for anyone who has read Mufti Taqi Usmani's fatwa on the issue, they will know that his fatwa was specifically about America. See here:

This really exposes Yasir Qadhi/Kazi as a dishonest liar who should not be trusted when he ascribes statements to ulama.

Al Islam Productions

10 Feb, 12:50

Ahmad Rida Khan: The Prophet ﷺ Is Pure Nonexistence (Allah Forbid!)

Al Islam Productions

09 Feb, 18:24

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 18:09

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 16:40

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 10:57

Will Safar academy and Ebrahim College speak.

Or doesn't it concern them as it's only the Ummah's iman at stake.......????

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 10:41

Salah behind Ismail Y Syed is NOT valid. He must embrace Islam completely with every necessary article of faith. And must publicly disassociate, in creedal terms, from the kufr of Aga Khanis.

Let this message be presented to the committee of any masjid he is involved in.
The committee should submit the query to a madrasa of Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah and they will inform them regarding the clearcut kufr of Aga Khanis. Anyone after knowing Aga Khani kufr still calls it Islam is a Kafir. This will apply to Ismail Y Syed.

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 10:35

Clear cut kufr being spewed by Ismail. May Allah guide him to Islam.

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 10:33

Beware of this "Mufti" Ismail Y Syed. He's spreading kufr.

Aga Khanis are NOT Believers. There is agreement upon this fact.

Al Islam Productions

05 Feb, 08:24

Imam Abu Bakr al-Ṭarṭūshī al-Mālikī (d. 520 AH), the Ḥashwiyya and the issue of Istiwā'  - Darul Tahqiq

Al Islam Productions

04 Feb, 11:33

‼️OUT TOMORROW NIGHT @6PM‼️ AlIslam Productions Official YouTube Channel

Al Islam Productions

31 Jan, 22:47

Al Islam Productions

30 Jan, 23:54

This is why Barelwis don't like Afghanistan.

Al Islam Productions

30 Jan, 23:50

On Page 22 Ahmad Raza Khan the founder of the deviant Barelwi sect is discussed, along with the sect's leading scholars and their beliefs.

Al Islam Productions

30 Jan, 23:47

«مُعتَمَدُ مَاتُرِيدُ مِن مُعتَقَدِ مَاتُرِيدَ»
المؤلف: الشيخ نور أحمد إسلام جار

هذا بيانُ عقيدةِ أهلِ السُّنَّةِ والجماعة على مذهب فُقهاء المِلة: أبي حَنيفة النُّعمان بن ثابت الكوفي، وأبي يوسف يعقوب بن إبراهيم الأنصاري، وأبي عبد الله محمد بن الحَسن الشيباني، ومَن تَبِعَهُم من الفقهاء الحَنفية والمُتكلمين الماتُريدية، رضوان الله عليهم أجمعين، وما يعتقدونَ من أصول الدين، ويدينونَ به لِرب العالمين.

Al Islam Productions

30 Jan, 12:42

Al Islam Productions

30 Jan, 11:32

Al Islam Productions

29 Jan, 14:16

This is too funny

Al Islam Productions

27 Jan, 00:36

Denial of the Necessities of Religion and the Kufr of the Shi'ah - Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Al Islam Productions

26 Jan, 14:46

In their book titled "S͟harḥ Nawāqiḍ al-ʾIslām" authored by the Wahhābī K͟hālid bin ʿAlī al-G͟hāmidī, the Najdi Wahhābīs declare all the scholars of the Muslim ʾummah, both East and West, to be disbelievers and polytheists (mus͟hriks).

Among those they label as mus͟hriks are (see the link)

Al Islam Productions

26 Jan, 14:45

In the book titled S͟harḥ Nawāqiḍ al-ʾIslām authored by the Wahhābī K͟hālid bin ʿAlī al-G͟hāmidī, the Najdi Wahhābīs declare all the scholars of the Muslim ʾummah, both East and West, to be disbelievers and polytheists (mus͟hriks).

Among those they label as mus͟hriks are:—

Al Islam Productions

23 Jan, 17:09

The video you have all been waiting for. Apologies for the delay.

Al Islam Productions

22 Jan, 10:48

Al Islam Productions

21 Jan, 16:50

The First 50 Sahabah radiyallahu anhum that embraced Islam

Kindly study and share

Al Islam Productions

21 Jan, 14:14

Mohammad Yasir Khan condemning things he now defends:

Al Islam Productions

21 Jan, 14:14

Mohammad Yasir Khan correctly recognizing that his future self is influenced by liberalism:

Al Islam Productions

21 Jan, 14:14

Mohammad Yasir Khan condemning things he now defends:

Al Islam Productions

21 Jan, 07:38

Removing a Misconception:

Allamah Ibn Abidin Shami rahimahullah & Takfir of the Rawafid.

Allamah Khalid Mahmud rahimahullah, UK

Kindly share widely

Al Islam Productions

17 Jan, 17:26

Abu ‘l-‘Abbās al-Qurṭubī (578–656 AH) states: “There is no disagreement that someone who says the Ṣaḥābah were (en masse) upon disbelief or deviance is a disbeliever who is executed. (This is) because he has denied something known by necessity from the religion, given that he has belied Allāh and His Messenger in the information they gave about them. The same rule applies to those who deem any one of the four caliphs to be disbelievers or deviants. There is disagreement whether they are ruled to be an apostate, so they will be given the opportunity to repent, or are ruled to be a zindīq, so they will not be given this opportunity and will be executed in all cases.” (al-Mufhim [Dār Ibn Kathīr], 6:493)

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Al Islam Productions

14 Jan, 18:11

For sale soon Inshā’Allāh

May Allah raise the ranks of Mawlana Abdul Ghaffar Dhahabi Rahimahullah.

Tremendous work.

Al Islam Productions

12 Jan, 21:51

Al Islam Productions

12 Jan, 12:48

Did the Mushrikūn of Quraysh Affirm Tawḥīd in Rubūbiyya?

- By Mufti Zameelur Rahman

"According to Wahhābī belief, the Mushrikūn of Quraysh in the time of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) affirmed Tawḥīd al-Rubūbiyya; that is, they believed:

1. Allāh alone is the Creator, Sustainer and Bringer of benefit and harm

2. These qualities are not affirmed for any of their false gods.

It will be demonstrated below from the Qur’ān, ḥadīths & historical reports that the Mushrikūn did not affirm tawḥīd in rubūbiyya, but associated partners with Allāh in qualities of rubūbiyya. First, it will be shown that the Mushrikūn did not have a correct understanding of the attributes of Allāh to begin with. It will then be shown that the Mushrikūn ascribed independent powers to their objects of worship i.e. qualities of rubūbiyya..."

Continue reading here:

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Al Islam Productions

03 Jan, 20:39

Al Islam Productions

29 Dec, 19:56

Al Islam Productions

29 Dec, 15:02

Co-Author of the Pro freemixing piece, Maulana Muntasir teaching Islam to ladies:

Al Islam Productions

27 Dec, 19:51

Al Islam Productions

26 Dec, 20:54

Shaikhul Ḥind, Maulānā Maḥmūd Ḥasan (r.a.), was at the forefront of the movement to liberate India. It was through his sincerity, efforts, and sacrifices that this movement spread to every corner of the country. Although Muslims initially led this movement, the oppression of the British on the citizens of India caused Hindus to join forces with the Muslims in this endeavor. Since the Muslims were in full control of the movement, Ḥadhrat Shaikhul Ḥind (r.a) allowed the Hindus to participate. However, he was always concerned that this union with the Hindus should not affect the Islāmic way of life in any way or compromise the salient signs of Islām.

On one occasion, a joint gathering was held in which Hindus joined the Muslims. During this meeting, it was decided that, as a show of mutual support and commitment, Muslims would refrain from slaughtering cows on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adḥa. When Ḥadhrat Shaikhul Ḥind heard of this resolution, he was deeply perturbed. Although he did not verbally oppose it, he refuted the decision through his actions. During the course of the year, he deliberately purchased a cow for Qurbanī, whereas he would normally slaughter goats. That year, he publicly and openly slaughtered several cows for Qurbanī.

Ḥadhrat Shaikhul Ḥind (r.a) had a deep love and affection for Muslims and naturally disliked kufr and disbelievers.

(Akābir-e-Deoband kiyā the)

Al Islam Productions

20 Dec, 17:33

“Unfortunately some ‘ulamā’ have become so negligent of nahy ‘ani 'l-munkar that it’s become alien to them, such that when they actually see it occur, it seems like munkar to them!!”

– Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Al Islam Productions

20 Dec, 17:32

Al Islam Productions

19 Dec, 16:31

Sayyiduna 'Isa ('alayhissalam): A Prophet of Islam - By Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (hafizahullah)

Al Islam Productions

19 Dec, 16:31


Imam Abu Hanifah on the Necessity of Making Known a Person's Errors/Deviation in Din

Al Islam Productions

19 Dec, 16:31


Imām al-Ghazālī on the Necessity of Publicly Antagonising Those Who Call to their Misguidance

Al Islam Productions

19 Dec, 15:50

Please read and share.

Al Islam Productions

15 Dec, 20:29


Al Islam Productions

15 Dec, 20:27

A reminder about this U-Turn expert, Ml Yasir U-Turn Khan, graduate of Darul Uloom Dewsbury Markaz, but has chosen his own path since.

Also believes a non Muslim who the basics of Islam have reached will go Jannah if he didn't accept due to feeling Muslims are terrorists due to news propaganda.

Al Islam Productions

15 Dec, 20:18

Congratulating Non-Muslims On Their Religious Festivals | Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Al Islam Productions

15 Dec, 15:47

Shaikh Adham al-Asimi Al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi

Al Islam Productions

13 Dec, 22:00

In a fatwā dated Muḥarram 1240 AH (1824 CE), Ibn ‘Ābidīn states:

“From these clear texts, you are aware that the view that only one divorce occurs from three divorces that are issued to a menstruating woman is based on the view that three divorces do not take effect all at once, but rather that only one of them occurs or none of them take effect at all. Both the opinion and what it is based on are invalid (bāṭilān). Not everything found in a book is permissible to quote, rely on, issue fatwā from or issue judgements upon. Rather, fatwā is given only on what the books of the madhhab have circulated, whose authenticity is known and the one who opined it not known for error. Otherwise, the one quoting would be like a torrential flood (that consumes everything in its path) or someone who collects firewood during the night and unknowingly carries a viper. This is especially true for those who review the books of fatāwā and issue fatwās from them before fiqh has mingled with their blood and flesh and they have made it their primary aspiration and resolve. Their errors will be greater than their correctness. It is not permissible for someone aware of their condition to rely on their answers…

“‘Allāmah Shaykh Khayr al-Dīn al-Ramlī said within [the section on] ‘miscellaneous rules’ from his Fatāwā Khayriyyah: ‘There is no doubt that recognising the strong opinion from the weak in a differed matter, as well as the levels of its strength or weakness, is the pinnacle of the aspirations of those who strive diligently to acquire knowledge. It is thus necessary for the muftī and qāḍī to be cautious in answering and not be reckless therein, out of fear of fabricating against Allāh by prohibiting the lawful or vice versa. It is ḥarām to follow desires (ittibā‘ al-hawā), adhere to whims (tashahhī) and incline towards wealth [in issuing fatwā] – which is the greatest calamity. Indeed, this a grave matter, and only a wretched ignoramus will be daring in it.’” (Majmū‘ah Rasā’il Ibn ‘Ābidīn (al-Dār al-Shāmiyyah), 2:473–4)

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Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 19:24

‘Allāmah Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥalabī (ca. 860–956 AH) writes:

“As for following someone who differs in the furū‘ like a Shāfi‘ī, it is permissible provided one does not know from him something that invalidates the ṣalāh according to the belief of the muqtadī (follower). There is consensus on this. The disagreement is only over reprehensibility. It was said it is reprehensible and it was (also) said that it is not reprehensible, to the point that they said if one observed a Shāfi‘ī engaging in cupping, then went away from him and then he saw him pray, it is allowed to follow him.

“As for the situation that the muqtadī knows of him something that invalidates the ṣalāh in the belief of the imām – like if he saw a Shāfi‘ī touching his private part or (touching) a woman – and then he prays without doing wuḍū’, is it permissible to follow him? The majority hold the view that it is permissible, which is the most sound, while al-Hinduwānī and a multitude (of others), amongst them the author of al-Nihāyah, preferred the view of invalidity because the imām’s belief is that he is not in ṣalāh and nothing can be built on the non-existent (i.e. it is not possible to follow something that doesn’t exist).

“We say that the muqtadī deems it to be valid and what is considered in his respect is his own position, not the position of someone else. And Allāh knows best.” (Ghunyat al-Mutamallī, ed. Dār al-‘Ulūm Deoband, 3:47)

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Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 17:26

One of the ways that's done is by calling the narrators of the Qur'an and Sunnah (Noble Sahaba) kuffaar liars......

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 17:14

Looted livestock and food supplies.

Same militias have taken part in massacres of Sunnis in places like the Middle East.

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 17:10

Shocking video of Parachinar Shia terrorists banned Zainabiun Fatemiyoun Mehdi militias and Anjuman Hussainiya slaughtering Muslims by cutting off their hands, feet, ears, etc. Burned the bodies. Most of the Muslims were burnt alive.

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 17:05

Zaynabiyyoon Militia and others have caused a lot of bloodshed in Pakistan

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 17:04

Massacre of Sunnis in Parachinar, Pakistan, by non other than blood thirsty Shia 👇

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 15:16

Now that we have deleted the video link DH feels offended by will DH delete the hacked Al-Islam account he used to try to taint us?

Is DH ready for the debate on the kufr of Twelvers and their takfeer as per his challenge to us.

Please note, for all those contacting us saying take it easy with him, we didn't contact him about debating he contacted us and proposed a debate first.

Now this is our last message on this, either he accepts our acceptance of his debate challenge or he doesn't. Either there's a video on it or there isn't. All depends on what he chooses from here. We are ready in sha Allah. Our debater will be Maulana Usman Iqbal in sha Allah. In the case of him not being available then Maulana Abdul Haleem will debate. We will not allow the topic to be diverted. There is no compromise on the honour of Sahaba.

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 11:28

DH: 'Oh it's PROPAGANDA'' to call Twelver Shia creed clear kufr.

It is funny how DH will just focus on oh he doesn't hold this belief and she doesn't hold that belief, without allowing discussion from the books of Twelvers and their analysis.

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 00:47

Or how about we discuss the leader of the Persian pagan revolution, Khomeini. Let's show the world which state religion you are defending...... :)

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 00:36

To contact us on telegram:

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 00:35

DANIEL HAQIQATJOU defending Shia creed of ismah ie infallibility of aimmah and that 12 Aimma are greater than all prophets besides our prophet ﷺ.

Well done DH!

Al Islam Productions

24 Nov, 00:31

And he's so concerned about the takfir of the Persian pagans, why isn't he so concerned about the books stating the entire Muslim Ummah of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, past present and future, as kuffar except a handful of individuals.....

All can be made clear. Why is DH acting as a defendant for such a religion and its followers?

Al Islam Productions

20 Nov, 22:06

Mawlana Yusuf Baig educating students at a University with SEPARATE facilities for females.

Separate doors
Full parda
Between males and females.

They had screen of powerpoint on their side.

This is in a non Muslim University. Why can't Ml Ibn Adam, Ml Zaheer Mahmood and Co apply this in MUSLIM ORGANISED NON-UNIVERSITY SETTINGS? Are the Al-Buruj payments too difficult to resist?

Al Islam Productions

18 Nov, 11:26

But is it not fine according to your fatwa to discuss Bukhari with a female classmate without a niqab face to face if the (castrated) boy feels he is doing so without lust :)
And those who say it is impermissible are perverts and sick aren't they??

What was the turning point Hazrat Mufti Ibn Adam Sahib? It wasn't the platform you started sharing with Deviant Akram Nadwi was it? 👇

Al Islam Productions

18 Nov, 11:23

Al Islam Productions

18 Nov, 11:21

Ml I need Adam Pre-Pro-Freemixing 👇

Al Islam Productions

18 Nov, 00:02

Now we dare Ml Ibn Adam to post this clear text above. Rather than twisting discourses on hasad to make it seem like Allama Idris Kandehlwi rahimahullah was warning against speaking out against the freemixing crew because it will classify as hasad, post this clear text above stating freemixing causing filth of the heart. Imagine the filth caused by not only freemixing, but furthermore promoting freemixing BY INTERPOLATING SACRED TEXTS OF ISLAM!

Al Islam Productions

17 Nov, 23:52

This is from the tafseer of Allama Idris Kandehlwi rahimahullah under Verse 53 of Surah al-Ahzab.

Summary (using the same words as Allama Idris Kandehlwi rahimahullah):
The customary veil that is common among Muslims from early times is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND REALLY REQUIRES ADHERING TO. It is the best protection against whispers of the nafs. This ruling is general, although it was revealed regarding the noble Wives of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. There is NO room for doubt in this ruling as it is CLEARLY established through dalalat al-nass. Hence, not adhering to this ruling of the veil causes filth in the heart. Whilst adhering causing purity of the heart.

Al Islam Productions

17 Nov, 23:27

How about you post his words and guidance on freemixing? We dare you :)
Or even the guidance of Mufti Taqi Usmani on freemixing (who you were recently dreading being approached regarding the freemixing permissibility you have recently signed :)

Al Islam Productions

16 Nov, 20:36

Target reached. No more required. May Allah accept all donations.

Al Islam Productions

16 Nov, 18:07

Al Islam Productions

16 Nov, 12:17

Barelwis: The Prophet’s ﷺ Existence is Assumed, Imagined, Metaphorical!

Al Islam Productions

16 Nov, 11:59

Beware the Muftī Mājin (Corrupt Muftī)!

By Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Read Here:

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Al Islam Productions

15 Nov, 15:27

A Note on Ḍarūrah vs Purposefulness

By Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Read Here:

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Al Islam Productions

14 Nov, 18:44

Al Islam Productions

13 Nov, 19:31

The Fatwā ruling today *(Note: author passed away 951 Hijrī which is 495 years ago)* is that it is disliked for Women to attend any prayers due to the rampant spread of corruption. If it is disliked for them to attend the masjid for prayer, it is even more appropriate for it to be disliked for them to attend sermons or bayaan gatherings, especially among the gatherings of those ignorant individuals who have adorned themselves with the appearance of the ‘Ulamā’.

Sharḥ Mullā Miskīn (Ma‘īn al-Dīn al-Harawī) ‘ala Kanz al-Daqā’iq fī Furū‘ al-Ḥanafiyya, 1/34, ed. al-Maṭba‘a al-Ḥusaynīyya al-Miṣrīyya.

Al Islam Productions

13 Nov, 13:22

The 2 authors of the initial pro freemixing paper and the ones who endorsed it were better off not attempting to write in the first place. They've really put the world of academic scholarship into disrepute.

They still have time to become real scholars by joining the concensus of the ummah on the topic and retracting from their miserably failed attempt in furthering Satan's cause.

Al Islam Productions

13 Nov, 12:49

Inflating Shubuhāt: Response to 'Reflections' on the Above Rebuttal

By Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Read Here:

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Al Islam Productions

11 Nov, 19:44

I've finished reading it ما شاء الله. Very good. Mufti Zameel Sb did an excellent job exposing that terrible work. The arguments of these people have been dismantled very thoroughly and convincingly. He has exposed the weakness and flaws of their arguments very well. Mufti Zameel Sb has shown the truth is they only wanted to defend the Fasiqs who enjoy sitting with women and looking at women. It's not guidelines on gender interaction. This is deception and fraud from them even in the title of their work! Their document's title should be supporting Ikhtilat. Mufti Zameel Sb is very ilmi and academic so he has been a bit soft on these people and just focused on the main points and academically refuted them. There are other problems in their article. I'll write some down here so you can see. I'll start with the blunders of Zeeshan and Muntasir first إن شاء الله.

1. On page 2 they reference الهداية and they mention the exception in the Hanafi Mazhab of touching an elderly woman's hand. They described her as 'an undesirous elderly woman (العجوز التي لا تَشتَهِي)'. But, الهداية mentions 'an UNDESIRABLE elderly woman' not 'UNDESIROUS'. Its لا تُشتَهَى not لا تَشتَهِي like they wrote wrongly.

2. On page 5 they reference Mufti Taqi Sb's work as فتح الملهم but Mufti Taqi Sb's work's title is تكملة فتح الملهم and فتح الملهم is the name of the book he was completing. This is obvious from the book's title page.

3. On page 39 they write 'See al-Haytamī, ʿArāʾis al-ghurar wa-gharāʾis al-fikar' but this book is not by الهيتمي. It's by الهيتي.

This next one is from Yasir's endorsement.

4. On page 51 Yasir translates Quran 33:53 as 'And when you ask his (Prophet ﷺ) wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier.' But the verse doesn't say 'when you ask his wives'. It says 'when you ask them' and 'them' refers to the Mubarak wives of Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم. It's وَإِذَا سَأَلْتُمُوهُنَّ مَتَاعًا فَاسْأَلُوهُنَّ مِنْ وَرَاءِ حِجَابٍ. It's not وإذا سألتم أزواجه متاعا.

And this one is from Afnan's endorsement.

5. On page 43 Zeeshan and Muntasir quote الجصاص as saying that a person who believes deliberately omitting تسمية when slaughtering an animal renders it Haram (for example the Hanafiyya) and if they eat such meat they are guilty of فسق but those who don't believe it renders it Haram (for example the Shafiiyya) would not be guilty of فسق if they ate it. But on page 47 Affan writes 'One cannot declare a person ‘fāsiq’ if he commits an act which is sinful according to some scholars of fiqh and not a sin according to others … For example, consuming crab is not allowed according to Ḥanafis, while it is perfectly ḥalāl according to the majority of other fuqahāʾ. But a Ḥanafi eating a crab would not be considered a ‘fāsiq’, even though the Ḥanafi argument requires it to be so.' This endorser Affan is blatantly contradicting the authors of the article here!!! I wonder did Zeeshan and Muntasir even read this endorsement before including it? Of course الجصاص is right and Affan is wrong. But if it's a minor sin it will be فسق with persistence and with major sin it will be فسق by just once.

There's probably many more blunders but after reading Mufti Zameel Sb's solid dismantling of the article we are forced to question the motives of the authors and the competence of every single one of the endorsers. I already knew the endorsers were all problematic in some way or other. Some of them are complete Jahil in Fiqh like Haddad. No serious Alim would add his name on anything. It is a disgrace. And obviously none of them are competent in Fiqh or they wouldn't endorse it. They must be questioned why they endorse weak and flawed research like this justifying Ikhtilat. I know the document was taught in Whitethread Institute where Zeeshan teaches. They should be questioned as well why they allow weak and flawed research like this to be taught there.

یہ ان لوگوں کی اچھی مثال ہے جو نااہلی کے باوجود اپنے آپ کو بہت اہل سمجھتے ہیں

Al Islam Productions

11 Nov, 19:44


Al Islam Productions

11 Nov, 18:14

Ml Yasir U-Turn Pro-Freemixing Khan!
Is this post regarding your Peer Asrar Rashid? We understand it may have been a difficult choice between Peer Sahib and the anti-Sectarian chap from Luton but we must still say man up and be clear. Either say his name, or even 'Barelwi-Madkhalite' at least, just as you've been posting this rubbish sectarian name-calling regarding Deobandis in the past. Or is it that your bravery only comes out against your own madrasa and teachers and colleagues, and you become a mouse in front of Asrar The-Runner Rashid?

Al Islam Productions

11 Nov, 17:35

May Allah reward the author, Mufti Zameelur Rahman, for defending Islam with his pen. May this work be very weighty in his scale of good deeds.

Al Islam Productions

11 Nov, 17:22

Can the free mixing crew please read this with Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in mind, not the 'hijabis' who they're used to seeing in the first row of the auditoriums, IN-SHA-ALLAH the haqq will enter their hearts.

Al Islam Productions

11 Nov, 17:21

New Release: Guidelines for Gender Interaction in Islam: A Rebuttal by Mufti Zameelur Rahman

Al Islam Productions

09 Nov, 22:48

Daniel making excuses for Twelvers saying "the 12ers are explicit that the 12 Imams are not Prophets."

Daniel should know that they are also explicit in saying their 12 are GREATER than prophets and also in saying that the only thing stopping them from calling the 12 Imams Prophets is consideration of the respect of the Final Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassallam!

So IF (hypothetically) a Madkhali says 'MBS is not a Prophet but he's greater than Prophets and that the only thing stopping him from calling MBS a Prophet is respect for Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam', would Daniel not see that as clear kufr??

Al Islam Productions

11 Oct, 15:39

17 major Ulema councils backed a statement (September 2024) by Muslim Scholars Association against the Iranian regime for using the Palestinian cause for their own benefit, exposing their true intent and not to forget their crimes in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

Amongst the signatories include Sheikh Muhammad Hassan al-Dedew.

Ulema Councils who backed the statement:

* Association of Muslim Scholars
* Association of Syrian Scholars
* Association of Eritrean Scholars
* Yemen Scholars Council
* Organisation of Muslim Scholars in Iraq
* World Association of Fuqaha
* Sudanese Union of Imams and Preachers
* Association of Moroccan Scholars.
* The Association of the Sunnis in Iraq
* Association of Southeast Asian Scholars
* Libyan Scholars Council
* The World Organisation for the Advocacy of Palestine.
* Syrian Islamic Council

Al Islam Productions

06 Oct, 16:36


Shaykh Nidāl Ālih Rashshī mentioned the following as a proof for making Tafwīḍ of the ambiguous verses of the Qur'an that includes the Ṣifāt (attributes) of Allah in his Al-Badr al-Anwar Sharḥ al-Fiqh al-Akbar Lil-Imām al-A'ẓam Abī Ḥanīfah an-Nu'mān (p. 196):

وقول أبي بن كعب رضي الله عنه: (كتاب الله ما استبان منه فاعمل به، وما اشتبه عليك فآمن به وكله إلى عالمه)، رواه ابن أبي شيبة (1)، وهو يبطل قول أهل البدعة في إنكار تفويض المتشابه إلى الله عز وجل وجعله من شر الاقوال .
(1) (مصنف ابن أبي شيبة) (30032).

And the saying of Ubayy ibn Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him): "The Book of Allah: what is clear from it, act upon it; *and what is ambiguous to you, believe in it and entrust it to the One who knows it."* This was narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah (1). This invalidates the statement of the people of innovation who deny delegating [tafwīd] the ambiguous verses [mutashābih] to Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, and consider it one of the worst statements.
(1) (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah) (30032).

Al Islam Productions

05 Oct, 21:16

The same nation that has butchered the most Muslims throughout history and recently in Shaam.....

Al Islam Productions

05 Oct, 21:15

Is Twelver Shiaim a part of Islam according to Ml Yasir?

Al Islam Productions

05 Oct, 21:11

The Ml Yasir U-Turn Khan after the U-Turn:

Al Islam Productions

05 Oct, 21:06

Old Ml Yasir U-Turn Khan before the U-Turn: