بۆ ناردنی هاوکاریەکانتان بە فاستپەی یان Fib یان گەیاندن
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بەرەو ئیسلام channel on Telegram is a platform dedicated to spreading the teachings of Islam and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The channel's username is @baraw_islam18 and it aims to provide valuable knowledge and guidance to its followers. The channel shares quotes from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) such as 'The most beloved of people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people' and 'The best of people are those who bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.' If you are looking to enrich your understanding of Islam and receive daily inspiration, join the بەرەو ئیسلام channel on Telegram. Stay connected with like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey of learning and growth. Click on the link below to join the channel and start your spiritual journey: https://t.me/baraw_islam18
19 Nov, 15:20
16 Nov, 19:10
11 Nov, 08:01
04 Nov, 20:09
30 Oct, 10:33
28 Oct, 07:30
11 Sep, 22:07
13 Jul, 22:35
10 Jul, 08:23
08 Jul, 10:21
11 Jun, 17:39
11 Jun, 00:16
29 May, 10:41
18 May, 07:42
08 May, 09:38
07 May, 09:35