Azamat IELTS | 8.5 @an_ielts Channel on Telegram

Azamat IELTS | 8.5


IELTS score: 8.5 (L 9, R 9, W 8, S 8)

Owner: @Azamat_Nurmatov

Works at: @everestjahontillari

@nurmatov_writes - shaxsiy)

Does vlogging at times)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5 (English)

Are you looking to excel in your IELTS exam? Look no further than Azamat IELTS | 8.5! This Telegram channel, managed by @an_ielts, is dedicated to helping you achieve a high score on the IELTS exam. The channel owner, @Azamat_Nurmatov, has an impressive IELTS score of 8.5, with individual scores of 9 in both listening and reading, and 8 in writing and speaking. With his expertise and experience, you can trust that you are getting top-notch advice and tips to succeed in your IELTS journey.nnIn addition to running this channel, Azamat also works at @everestjahontillari, a reputable institution that specializes in IELTS preparation. As a professional in the field, Azamat is dedicated to helping students improve their English language skills and ace the IELTS exam. You can also check out @nurmatov_writes for Azamat's personal writings and follow his vlogs on occasion.nnFor more valuable insights and resources, make sure to visit Azamat's YouTube channel at Subscribe now to stay updated on the latest tips, tricks, and strategies to boost your IELTS score and achieve success in your academic and professional endeavors. Join Azamat IELTS | 8.5 today and take the first step towards reaching your IELTS goals!

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

19 Nov, 18:19

Hozir bittasi keladi aqllilik qilib birovni noto'g'ri ishini ommaga aytmaydi, qanaqa odamsiz, yaxshi odammasakansiz IELTS 'iz 8.5 bo'sayam deb

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

19 Nov, 18:12

Ota-onang senga shuncha vaqt, pul, energiyasini sani katta bo'lib tiktokda qizlarni tomosha qilishing uchun sarflagani/sarflayotgani yo'q ey, bola, ko'zingni och! San uladan umrbod qarzsan! Ulani umidini oqlashing shart!

Qizlargayam taalluqli bo'ladi bu gap! Ota-onela silani oq yuvib oq tarab, boshqaladan kam qimi katta qib, qo'lilaga telefon berishi silani Instagram yo TikTokda qo'pol bo'lsayam etaman, likillagan video olishila/qo'yishila uchunmas! Nonko'r bo'mela!

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

19 Nov, 18:08

Wanna have a life lesson?

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

18 Nov, 20:01

If you're my student and not boosting the channel



Azamat IELTS | 8.5

18 Nov, 19:52

There are 140 premium users here. With these many people, we can basically get level 8-9 for my channel. To do this, let's start with level 1, guys)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

18 Nov, 19:47

Just come home. Had a chest day after work, between 9 and 11. Gradually growing stronger and stronger

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

18 Nov, 05:05


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 08:02

This is exactly how I feel now😂

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 07:53

Any descriptions to this photo?)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 06:23

I told you

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 06:18

Stipe is going to sleep soon, imho

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 05:47

Stipe looks rather exhausted

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 05:45

Chandler still wants to fight Conor🤣🤣🤣

Sorry, he wants money)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

17 Nov, 05:38

What's Chandler doing, a real show🔥

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

16 Nov, 15:33

The table compares the male and female employment, in percentages, in retail/shops, healthcare, production, and tourism industries from 1990 to 2010.

Overall, the only increase in men employment was seen on medical grounds, whereas the rest experienced downfall trends, but retails, which stayed unchanged. Women, in contrary, got recruited in manufacturing considerably less, while showing higher interest to other fields. Males were naturally active in production sector despite having a decline, and tourism was the most female-occupied industry.

In detail, there were not any notable changes in the percentage of employed men except a staggering decrease in manufacturing. Having stood at 30% initially, the proportion of males working in the production sector had halved before ending the period at a third of their initial standing. The figures for salesmen and medical-men did not change at all; the former stayed unchanged at 13%, and the latter had a growth of 2% in 2010 from 7% in two previous years. 13% of men were recruited in tourism in 1990; however there was a reduction by 3% a decade later, and it stayed the same in 2000 as well.

Women showed an opposite tendency to that of men. It was manufacturing which had the only fall by 4% from initial 7%, with a slight rise to 8% in the middle of the span. Tourism had the most whopping shares. Starting at 23%, the rate for females employment in tourism kept increasing by 2% in the next two decades, eventually reaching the highest share of 27%. Healthcare almost followed the same pattern ( 9% versus 15%). The most negligible increase was in retail sector; the figure rose to 9% from 7% in 1990.

Word count: 279 words
#writing #task1 #report #Azamattypes #road_to_9


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

16 Nov, 15:10


💥Habitually - usually, according to someone's usual behaviour

🇺🇿 odatda, odatiy

e.g : He habitually drinks coffee in the morning

💥Retell -tell, repeat,

🇺🇿 takroran aytish

e.g : Can you retell the story in your own words ?


🇺🇿 ega bo'lmoq

e.g : She possesses great artistic talent

💥Particularly-more than normally

🇺🇿 ayniqsa, odatdagidek ko'proq

e.g : My favourite season is autumn, particularly the rainy days

💥Keen- sharp, strong, active, very aware

🇺🇿 chin dildan istagan, ishqiboz

e.g: She has a keen interest in history

💥Sense of humour- ability to see when something is amusing

🇺🇿 hazil ko'tara oladigan,tushunadigan

e.g : He has a sense of humour his every words makes everyone laugh

💥Vaguely - only to a small degree,not clearly

🇺🇿 noaniq, tushunarsiz, (elas-elas xotiraga nisbatan)

e.g : I vaguely remember meeting her at the party

💥Deficiency- shortage or lack of something

🇺🇿 yetishmovchilik, kamchilik

e.g: A deficiency of vitamins can make you weak

💥 Frequently - often

🇺🇿 tez-tez, ko'pincha

e.g: She frequently visits his grandparents on weekends

💥Go to extreme - do more than is considered reasonable or acceptable

🇺🇿 me'yoridan ortiq

e.g : She always goes to extreme when decorating for party

💥Mediocre - not very good

🇺🇿 o'rtacha,oddiy

e.g : Her attempts to enter university were mediocre, although she tried to do her best

💥Likely - to be expected

🇺🇿katta ehtimol ehtimol bilan

e,g : It is likely to rain this afternon

💥 Get a rise out of somebody - cause someone to react with laughter, anger

🇺🇿kimnidir kuldish yoki jaxlini chiqari

e.g : He loves to get a rise out of his brother by teasing him

💥Likewise - moreover, in a similar way

🇺🇿 shuningdek,xuddi shunday

e.g : She gave me a present and I did likewise for her birthday

💥Be prone - have a tendency, generally behave in a certain way

🇺🇿moyil bo'lmoq

e.g: I am prone to making mistakes when I am exhausted

💥Appreciative - feeling enjoyment, pleasure and understanding

🇺🇿 minnatdor bo'lmoq,qadrlamoq

e.g : She was very appreciative of the support from parents

💥 Discriminate - able to recognize good quality, able to see small differences between good and bad

🇺🇿 kamsitmoq, yaxshi va yomonni farqlay olish

e.g : He can easily discriminate between genuine and fake products


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

16 Nov, 15:04

It's high time to enhance your vocabulary☄️

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

16 Nov, 03:30

Dan is the man standing up for the truth. He's not there to please his overlords. Pierce, in contrary, says what he's been told to say only, and starts name-calling as soon as he realizes he's losing the argument. If this old mf got $1 per saying "October 7th", he would become a billionaire by now. What a blind, disgustingly inhumane creation he is!

Watch this interview to understand why I wrote the statement above

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

15 Nov, 19:34

Ha, keyingi oy unashtirilvotikan🥲

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

15 Nov, 19:33

💬 You have a new message!

Nima boldi tichr, qiziz tashab ketimi

↩️ Swipe to reply

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

15 Nov, 19:06

Just heart-to-heart conversation)

You can ask your questions as well)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

15 Nov, 18:16

Perfect moment for the selenophile like me)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

15 Nov, 18:13

It's past 11 p.m. Official time to let my mind wander.

The moon looks exquisitely beautiful now. You can savor its stunning view rn, just crystal clear, full elegance

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

15 Nov, 16:40

- What do you do when you're depressed?
- Push-ups!
- Fr?
- Literally!

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 18:44

Extract from a phone call between today's referee and an operator of Dubai Palm apartments:

- Hello, Dubai Palm apartments, Amanda speaking. How may I help you?

- I want to buy a villa.

- Are you that corrupt referee?

- Yes, how did you know that?

- Getta $&$&$&$&

- Okay, I'll call Hawaii Islands, thank you

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 18:28

The referee after the match:

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 18:09

Now listen to it as if it's Abbos instead of Nortoy

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 18:00

Abbos Fayzullayev is from my village. Sayxuniy guys rock😎

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 17:58

We will, we will rock you


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 06:22

#offtopic #just

It's better to get slain rather than getting your pride weakened.

Yigit kishini hamiyatini sindirgandan, uni o'ldirgan yaxshiroq.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 03:21

: Palm trees

💥Plus - more than

🇺🇿 ko'proq, ..dan ortiq

e.g : The price was plus tax

💥Yield - produce naturally

🇺🇿tabiiy ravishda yetishtirmoq, ishlab chiqarmoq

e.g : The farm yields fresh vegetables every season

💥End-product - final result after treatment or processing

🇺🇿oxirgi mahsulot

e.g : Bread is the end-product of processed wheat

💥Obtain - get

🇺🇿 qo'lga kiritmoq,olmoq

e.g : She managed to obtain a scholarship

💥Majority - more than half of the total, most

🇺🇿 ko'pchilik, katta qismi

e.g : The majority of students passed the exam

💥Benefit - something good or useful

🇺🇿 foyda, naf

e.g : Exercise has many benefits for health

💥Extract - get something from or out of something else

🇺🇿 ajratib olmoq, chiqarib olmoq

e.g : Workers extract oil from olivers

💥Nutritious - having high value as food e.g. containing vitamins .. etc

🇺🇿oziqlantiruvchi , foydali

e.g : fruits are very nutritious

💥Convert - change

🇺🇿 o'zgartirmoq

e.g : They converted the old factory into a museum

💥Arduous - tiring, a lot of energy and effort

🇺🇿og'ir ,mashaqqatli

e.g : Mountain climbing is an arduous task

💥Top - be taller ,higher or more than

🇺🇿balandroq bo'lish, oshib ketmoq

e.g : The tree tops 30 meters in height


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 03:20

Here are some words that will help enrich our vocabulary range🤓

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

14 Nov, 02:07

Qanaqadir beqiliq kinodarsmas FYI

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 17:29

My colleague has done a great job here. Make sure to check it out pals

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 17:29

💭Assalomu alaykum hammaga!

Postda dekabrgacha va 60% dan oshiq qismi aprelgacha tushadigan savollarga javoblarga link berilgan, ustiga bossangiz o`zi javobga oboradi, manfaatli bo`sa tanishlargayam share qilib qoying




P.S: Bitta file ni ichida speaking part2 va xuddi o`sha savollarga mos part3 javoblari birgalikda yozilgan, bu narsa sizga yanayam qulaylik bo`lish maqsadda qilingan)))

Join and share🔽

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 15:38

Ushbu video hozircha Chilonzorda tasvirga tushib qolgan qorni yagona hujjat/dalil bo’lib turibdi. Qor hozircha to’xtagan.

Manimcha hammani story’sida aylanib mashhur bo’gisi kemagan bratni)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 15:20

O’zim boshlab berayin dedim)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 15:16

⭕️⭕️⭕️ ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️

Yaqin 24 soat ichida hammani story'sida qor aylanadi. Ogoh bo'ling

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 09:18

Bugungi yog'ayotgan yomg'ir sizga yetisholmay yurgan qizlarning ko'z yoshlari, birodar :)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 09:12

Uni buni qo'yila, rasm qando chiqqan?)

By far the most handsome man mi?)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 09:05

You can ask your questions in the comments section of this post. Click the blue button.

Savollaringizni yuqoridagi original post tagida qoldiring, nasib batafsil to'xtalamiz. (Ko'k yozuv ustiga bosing)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

13 Nov, 09:03

🔜Navbatdagi podcast sizning og'riqlaringiz haqida bo'ladi!

"Everest Podcast" 14-soni mehmoni 4 nafar Overall 8.5 olgan ustozlarimiz bo'lishadi. Va ular IELTSning eng qiyin sectionlari bo'lgan - Writing va Speakingdagi muammo va yechimlarni muhokama qilishmoqchi.

• Azamat Nurmatov
• Shaxzod Salaydinov
• Shahboz Tog'ayev
• Abutolib Xakimjanov

Podcastda siz tomondan qoldirilgan savollarga ham javob berishadi. Izohda yozib qoldiring!

📹Instagram 📹YouTube 📍Manzillar

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

12 Nov, 20:02

Night walk vibe🔥

🎧Sway with me

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

12 Nov, 15:58

Nowadays people live longer after they retire. How does this affect individuals and society? What can be done about this?

Effects - work problems - unemployment, homeless - residential areas/nursing homes, pension, OAP, budget deficiency, healthcare needs, psychological issues

Solutions - set a higher age for pension, high pension to reduce unemployment, encourage youngsters to live with their parents, special courses to gather

With the advent of breakthroughs on medical grounds, people are living much longer even after retirement these days. While this phenomenon is bound to have fiscal strains to the government, and ageism within groups, I believe that with a proper law policy, it can effectively be tackled.

When people live longer, a number of detrimental effects may arise. In a smaller scale, senior citizens might get alienated after they reach a particular age, say, around 70. Having no children residing with them - a common practice in most western countries - their isolation can trigger severe psychological traumas for the elderly, especially when they cannot perform a day-to-day activity such as going for a shop. Working class of these elderly can face ageism at work, particularly if there are more young workers, further fueling their loneliness. In a bigger picture, it can cost a lot for the government to look after old citizens. To avoid mishaps at home, the government has to found nursing homes, recruit caretakers, expend funds for their overall well-being. Pensions, given for all OAPs, make the government’s situation even worse, potentially leading to economical problems in the long run.

To solve this ever-increasing issue, governments should introduce special laws concerning the family ties. As stated in the previous body, seniors may feel isolated, and to prevent this from happening, children must have legal obligations to cater their parents, take special care of them. As a saying says, “of all the virtues, family duty is the first”, and this genuine truth has to be taught to younger generations. When families reunion, and start to live together again, all what governments have to do will giving pensions. They need not build residential homes, direct large sums of money for their care, since all these can be done by children, at least using pensions of their parents. To allow the elderly to spend their time more meaningfully, governments can establish gathering venues for them, where they can meet up with old friends, avoiding being leftover at home.

To conclude, I reiterate that financial problems as well as age discrimination can be attributed as negative impacts of people living longer. However, teaching kids the value of a family, especially parents, by making them live together, can be an appropriate resolution.

word count: 380 words
#writing #essay #task2 #Azamattypes #road_to_9


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

12 Nov, 15:54

Exam date: October, 2024
Instructor: @Azamat_Nurmatov

📍Everest Jahon tillari
📞 +99895 144 50 80
📞 +99895 144 50 70

Join and share 🔽

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

12 Nov, 12:46


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

11 Nov, 18:34

This video is straight to the point. Always bear this in your minds, ladies and gentlemen

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

11 Nov, 18:32

It's half to midnight, and this dude is delivering the order, probably a student. Something inside me whispered, wishing him to stay strong

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

07 Nov, 17:25

Gonna make them suffer soon, especially who pressed celebration emoji🥹



Azamat IELTS | 8.5

07 Nov, 17:18

My students hearing about lesson cancellation

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

07 Nov, 08:58


: The best recruiting agents

💥 Situation - job ( a situation can sometimes be used to mean "job" in more formal or older English )

🇺🇿 ish, kasb

e.g : She found a good situation in the company

💥 Per annum - for each year
🇺🇿 har yili, yiliga

e.g : The scholarship provides $1,000 per annum for tuition

💥 Wage - money paid for work, especially unskilled work
🇺🇿 xizmat haqqi, maosh

e.g : He earns a weekly wage for his labor

💥Circulate - move from place to place or pass round
🇺🇿 aylanmoq,tarqalmoq

e.g : The news quickly circulated around the town

💥 Attic - room at the top of a house in the spce
🇺🇿chordoq, tomdagi xona

e.g : Children enjoy looking around the attic, hoping to find interesting items

💥 Recruiting - finding of new workers
🇺🇿 yangi hodimlarni yollash, ishga olish

e.g : They spent weeks recruiting the right person for the job

💥Desperately : very greatly; seriously
🇺🇿 nihoyatda, judayam

e.g : She desperately wants to pass the exam

💥 Pioneer - one of the first people to go to a new country to work or settle
🇺🇿 biror mamlakatga yangi ko'chib kelgan odam

e.g : Pioneers traveled across th country to settle in the new land

💥 Prospect - chance of success, especially in work
🇺🇿imkoniyat, ish kelajagidagi muvaffaqiyat

e.g : He moved to the city in search of better career prospects.

💥 Overseas - abroad; in a foreign country across the sea
🇺🇿 xorijda, chet elda

e.g : She plans to study overseas next year

💥Free - without payment, costing nothing
🇺🇿 bepul

e.g : Children under five can travel for free on the bus

💥 Assisted - provided with or given help with raising money for something
🇺🇿yordam bergan, yordam ko'rsatgan

e.g : They assisted in providing food for the charity

💥 Passage - journey by ship from one place to another
🇺🇿 kema sayohati, safar

e.g : The passage acoross the sea took several days

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

07 Nov, 08:58

Let's focus on expanding your lexical knowledge..

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

07 Nov, 05:37

Need help with assignments?

@Upworkinguz - this guy can help you

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

06 Nov, 07:17

I knew Trump would be selected.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

05 Nov, 17:09

The photos were great, so we had to do it twice

Ixtiyor managed to get double 7s in a week. Well-done!


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

05 Nov, 13:06

A 🆕 group coming 🔽

Level: offline Pre-IELTS

Duration: 3 months

Course fee: 550k

On Odd days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at 6.30 p.m.

Teacher: Azamat Nurmatov, 8.5

Location: Everest Jahon tillari

The first lesson is TOMORROW!

To enroll, either text @Azamat_Nurmatov
Or call: +998951445070; +998951445080 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on work days.

Share this message with others, too)


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

04 Nov, 04:18


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

03 Nov, 16:32


Guys, a guy texted me (can’t remember my reply, but can’t have been bad), blocked me, and left the channel. What did I do wrong, dunno

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

03 Nov, 13:46

Enjoyed playing golf today. That was a wholesome experience.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

03 Nov, 06:16

Quotes from a famous film "Godfather"


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

02 Nov, 17:58

FYI, I sang it 4.5 years ago, May 17, 2020. I actually recorded a video of myself. There was a contest, I gather, thus I decided to take part in it. I immediately felt a pang of nostalgia watching my own self, young, naive, with peach fuzz or stubble/whiskers (poor camera, can't identify my beard type). An enthusiastic young boy killing his time during lockdown, not to mention that he had his first IELTS exam 3 months later on August

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

02 Nov, 17:36

Anyone listened to this before?

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

02 Nov, 13:42

My colleague, brother, Islomiddin aka runs a great telegram channel. On top of that, he aced the test with an amazing 8.0 on writing, and 8.5 overall. Check the info out

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

02 Nov, 13:35

Islomiddin Ismoilov - IELTS 8.5 (W:8.0 | S:8.0)

Students results: IELTS & CEFR (Multilevel) 😎

Speaking samples ✔️

Writing samples & tips ✍️

To join the lessons ⬇️


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

02 Nov, 06:19

The first is a collage of my school-year-period photos, and the second was taken at lyceum, ALWIUT, in the dawn of second yet final year.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

02 Nov, 06:12

Just found my old photos. I was very young, naive and ambitious.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

01 Nov, 19:00

It's 00.00, me and a new day coming home together

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

01 Nov, 09:49

Ixtiyor got 7 again. 7 on writing is cherry on top here

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

01 Nov, 09:48

Overall: 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
Exam date: October 19, 2024
Instructor: @Azamat_Nurmatov

📍Everest Jahon tillari
📞 +99895 144 50 80
📞 +99895 144 50 70

Join and share 🔽

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

28 Oct, 18:24

To make the things worse, my laptop mic didn't function well, and I have had to postpone a marathon session.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

28 Oct, 18:15

You know what, I think I am exhausted

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

27 Oct, 05:29

Although it’s not his full potential, especially listening and speaking, he has had a great improvement in Reading and Writing

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

27 Oct, 05:28

Overall: 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
Exam date: October 25, 2024 CDI
Instructor: @Azamat_Nurmatov

📍Everest Jahon tillari
📞 +99895 144 50 80
📞 +99895 144 50 70

Join and share 🔽

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

27 Oct, 05:21

Ok, let’s meet today’s hero

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 21:01

Flick is a great coach🔥

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 20:59

Uxlela bolajonlarim. Realchilaga azoblash xizmati ertadan boshlanadi. Ungacha yaxshilab dam ovolila)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 20:49

Ilia turns out crazy strong. Props to him. Pity, Max got slept (

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 20:38

My prediction was 3:0 for Barcelona)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 20:22

To make it a perfect night, Holloway should finish Ilia. Lezgo

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 20:19

Realchi o'quvchilarimga sabr😂

Aytdima Barsa yutadi deb

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 20:07

I come for everybody, smash everybody

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 17:53

#pov #observation

Hijab isn't a fashion outfit, neither is manhood.

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

26 Oct, 16:04

Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Food import has been subject to a debate these days. Although some suggest that all food be produced within country itself, I would argue that it may not always be feasible due to climate and fiscal concerns.

It is true that countries can benefit a lot from producing all the food for their population. Firstly, this will certainly play a pivotal role in sustaining a long-lasting food reserve, particularly in tough times of the current turbulent world. Distinct types of severe diseases along with sudden war break-outs do not seem to stop appearing, further explaining why it is necessary for a state to have plantations of all food, since importing it during challenging periods or barriers can be prohibitively expensive. Being independent, governments can secure a much better nutritional value for their citizens. A recent tragedy in Kazakhstan can be a vivid example here; a huge water-flow from a broken damn devastated wheat plantations across a large area, restricting most countries’ wheat import from this country.

However, I believe that all foods cannot be produced in a single country due to a number of reasons. First is related to climate. Some fruits, for example, can only be grown in certain environmental conditions, so, a country not meeting these standards do not even stand a chance to succeed. Mango or cocos can simply justify this point, since these two require particularly hot and humid weather, and countries like Mongolia basically do not have such conditions. Even if there might be any chance to domesticate a certain species to a new area, it would still be challenging to get a product of the same quality and features as seen in their natural habitats.

In my opinion, it would be better to set realistic objections. What I mean by realistic goals is that countries should try to focus on producing what they can, not trying to waste invaluable resources and large budgets on bringing a new production - highly unlikely to flourish. Adaptation efforts may sound sensible to do, however, they can only be afforded by post-industrial countries, or at least emerging economies, not by developing or poor states. Instead of constantly buying food from others, affluent states can simply bring their production methods since this would cost considerably less in the long-run. In contrary, poorer countries may not be able to spend enough budgets on constructions and other purposes of plantations, further cementing my point on being realistic.

In conclusion, I reiterate that food production of all sorts within a single state can only be applicable in rich countries, while middle-income and below middle-income governments had better stay import-reliant for what they do not have as it is money that gives resolutions to most issues.

word count: 453 words
time: less than 30 minutes

#writing #task2 #essay #Azamattypes #road_to_9


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

25 Oct, 18:09

Today, we had our first session with my writing marathon participants. Talked for 73 minutes about opinion essays, showed a model on spot.

Now, I should get mentally ready to check their homework. You can still sign up for it at 250.000 UZS. The first lesson has been recorded

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

25 Oct, 05:34

Omar Suleiman says that his mother had several strokes before she died, and each stroke partially removed certain senses. She had hearing impairment, but still she was grateful for that. Can you imagine this? She said "Alhamdulillah. I can't hear people gossiping, because faces change when people start to gossip", and she could read this just by looking at them. Reminds me of this

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

24 Oct, 15:52

🖥Getting structures for essays from articles/books

Highly recommended!

⬇️Join and share➡️

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

24 Oct, 15:39

The marathon kicks off tomorrow. I'll try my best to make it of a significant value for the participants.

To get enrolled text: @Azamat_Nurmatov

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

24 Oct, 15:22

The bar graph is a comparison of government budget, in percentages, spent on infrastructural facilities in four distinct countries: Italy, Portugal, the UK, and the USA. The chart also covers data in every 5 years between 1990 and 2005.

Overall, all countries expended much lower portion of their budget on roads and transport at the end than they did in the beginning. However, the USA is the only country which expanded its share. Italy and Portugal significantly stand out with whopping figures in all years, with the latter having much larger proportion for the better part of the period and kept dominance despite consecutive declines. The UK, in contrary, was almost at the bottom of the list.

In details, European countries had the lead throughout the whole period. Portuguese government considerably reduced the percentage of its spending on roads and transportation. Before ending at 20% in 2005, the initial Portuguese figure had stood at around 27% - both being visibly higher than the rest. Unlike Portugal, Italy showed a somewhat fluctuation. From initial 22%, Italian authority decreased their spending on infrastructure by 2% in 1995. A decade later, it declined slightly, by around 1%, with a peak at 23% in 2000.

On the other hand, English-speaking countries did not have that much pronouncing government expenditures compared to what Europeans had. The only increasing figure is true for the USA, and it went to ultimate 15% from initial 11%. However, in 1995, there was a mere decrease, and this very figure hit 10%. All-the-time lowest figures can be attributed to the UK in all years. Having an initial standing of 10%, British government further shrank their spending on roads and transportation, with an exception of 2000, when approximately 12% of British budget was spent on this purpose.

word count: 296 words
#writing #report #task1 #Azamattypes #road_to_9


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

23 Oct, 16:38

Bir do'stim bor, zo'r bola. Ko'rish qobiliyatini pasayganini zo'r ne'mat deydi, va bu fikrini behuda narsalarga qaramasligini, ko'chada ochiq-sochiq kiyinganlar bo'lsa payqamasligi bilan tushuntiradi. Zo'r-a?

Demak ko'p narsalarni biz ne'mat deb tushunmasakda, ular nemat bo'lishi mumkin ekanda? Masalan soqovlik. Lag'u befoyda so'zlardan, g'iybatdan, birovni dilini og'ritishdan ko'ra, Allohga qalb yaqiynligini topishi mumkin ekanda. Yoki quloq og'irligi. Behuda narsalarni eshitgandan, eshitmagan afzal emasmi?

Shunday ekan, biron bir holatdamisiz, sizningcha mushkulotdir, balki jazodir, lekin aslida u sizga berilgan ne'mat bo'lsachi? Xulosa qilishga shoshilmang


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

23 Oct, 16:37

And now, here's an unexpected answer for this question 👇

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

23 Oct, 16:21

Baxtiyorov degan tirraqi, o'zicha bizni lox deb o'yladi shekilli. Soxta check tashlab marathonga qo'shilaman deb o'ylagandi bolapaqir, o'xshamadi. Be careful guys)

Va bunaqa mashennik bo'mayla hay, ononilar. Vaziyatilar qiyinroq bo'lsa tushuntirilar, zabon borku hay. 300 ming edi, 250 ga tushirdim. 50 ming oldindan to'lov qilib, qolganini marathon oxirigacha qisela bo'ladi deb imkon berdim qo'limdan kelgancha. Endi unaqamasda hay.

Check nima uchun fake, payqagan bormi?

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

23 Oct, 05:35

2 days left until the start of the new writing marathon.

Because of some requests, the price will still be 250k, not 300k. And you can join with 50k payment in advance, and do the rest before the end of the marathon.

So, hurry up and book your seat)

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

23 Oct, 03:34

Ko'zni yaxshi ko'rishi ne'mat bo'lsa, yomon ko'rishi unda nima?

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

22 Oct, 17:05

Only the most courageous can stand up for his enchantment, stays loyal even if its yearning

©Azamat Sayxuniy ✍️

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

22 Oct, 16:23

Hammani qorni ochmi deyman, na bir mavzu so'raysilar, na bir minde reaction bosasila

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

22 Oct, 13:42

Enough. I am gonna quit offline teaching. Instead, I will shift to fraudulence, fake my students' results, shot films about them. That's it. Gonna use money instead of soap to wash my hands☠️

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

22 Oct, 12:37


I faked another student's result...

Inspired by @ozodbek_sk

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

22 Oct, 11:59

While my students are suffering from learning English grammar for years, they haven't yet mastered it, this guy claims to have learnt it in 2 hours.

So, my advice here, don't waste years to learn English grammar, go and attend this guy's faker teacher's lessons, and learn it in 2 hours. Lol😂

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

22 Oct, 09:36

38 videos lessons have already been sent. One of the subscribers has already started watching them and benefitting at the same time.

There are also 2 files; they are my report/essay compilations

To enrol: @Azamat_Nurmatov

Azamat IELTS | 8.5

21 Oct, 08:04

And you know what, nobody has said any single word about the importance of today for the time being. Okay, lemme do it then.

21-oktabr - O'zbek tiliga Davlat tili maqomi berilgan kun barchamizga muborak bo'lsin. Ajdodlari bu qonun qabuli uchun kurashgan millat vakillari ekanligimiz doimo yodimizda tursin!


Azamat IELTS | 8.5

21 Oct, 08:00

4 days until the writing marathon kicks off.

My last writing score: 8.0