Emuallim @emuallimm Channel on Telegram



Free IELTS Speaking assessment, ELTS Speaking Band 9.0 sample answers, tips and tricks and general English speaking tips.

Admin: @muhiddeen

Emuallim (English)

Are you looking to improve your English speaking skills and ace the IELTS Speaking test? Look no further than Emuallim! This Telegram channel is dedicated to providing free IELTS Speaking assessments, sample answers scoring Band 9.0, as well as valuable tips and tricks to help you succeed.

Led by our knowledgeable admin, @muhiddeen, Emuallim offers a wealth of resources to enhance your English fluency and boost your confidence in speaking. Whether you're a student preparing for the IELTS exam or simply looking to improve your general English speaking skills, this channel has something for everyone.

Join the Emuallim community today and take your English speaking abilities to the next level. With regular updates and interactive features, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of communication in no time. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to excel in your language skills and achieve your goals. Subscribe to Emuallim now and start your journey towards linguistic success!


20 Nov, 10:28

P.S. Telegramda rasmga nomer qoyishdan azobliroq narsa bumasa keragov. Kamida 5 yo 10 minut ketdi uziyam. Raqamni suraman disam razmeri kottalashib ketvuradi. Vashshe asabbi buzadigan narsa ekan. Uzizzi positive odam dib hisoblavotgan buseyz Sizam bir harakat qib korin, koras positivvi ;)


20 Nov, 10:11

Dastrushlashdan habari borla bilsa kk Agile Scrum metodologiyasini. Ishxonada shuni ishlatamiz Jira digan programmadan foydalangan holda.

1 Sprint (2 hafta davomida qilinadigan ishla) tugaganidan keyin Retrospective (o'tgan ishga nazar) da zoom orqali nima yaxshi / yomon ishla buganini muhokama qilamiz

Rasmda shu muhokamada man bir nechta shikoyat yozganman.

Topingchi qaysi birlari meniki :)


16 Nov, 17:16

I don't really listen to songs that
much but this... is something


16 Nov, 15:04

Vamos1969 left the comment below on The Secret to Speaking Any Language Like a Native

I started acquiring Spanish in June this year. I've listened to 1,200 hours of comprehensible input. I've been listening to 7+ hours everyday. My listening comprehension level is very advanced now. I watch a lot of native youtube content. Some movies and series are still a bit tricky in parts but I'm progressing every time.

I've done the silent period where I haven't been speaking. The reason for this is to acquire a tremendous amount of input and also acquire a good accent in Spanish. Listening comprehension is only one part, there is also the acquisition of the language where you absorb it unconsciously. If one tries speaking early they'll probably have that typical English accent while speaking in Spanish and they'll struggle to form sentences.

I started practicing speaking with conversations around 3 weeks ago. I have around 40 speaking hours. It was difficult at first but the progression happens quite fast. When you've listened to a lot of hours and start speaking, it won't be automatic and fluent though. It's the same for infants when they start speaking after a long silent period, they'll understand everything that is said to them but they'll make mistakes when they do start speaking. If you have children, you'll remember them attempting to talk. It's the same for us adults. It's actually easier for adults because they can already speak.

Every hour I do I get better. The level I'm speaking at now is around B1 - B2. Even after a long silent period, there are a lot of mistakes but that is totally normal. With more speaking practice and more input those mistakes will eventually be corrected.

We all acquired our native languages in the same way.

Language acquisition through input works without a doubt. If you're really interested in acquiring [ not learning ] a language give it a try.


08 Nov, 15:40

One of my favorite people on Earth dropped another bomb


08 Nov, 15:38

Uzbekcha kuchinskiy dasturlash tili chiqibti. kocha-lang.uz yorvoreyshen bupti lekin uziyam.


08 Nov, 01:50

Ehtiyot boling!


27 Oct, 06:10

Leave + in the comments
if you are coming. Maybe
I will see you there ;)


27 Oct, 06:04

GDG DevFest Tashkent 2024 is the premier developer conference in Uzbekistan, bringing together tech enthusiasts, developers, and industry experts for a full day of knowledge-sharing, networking, and innovation.

Attendees can participate in insightful talks, hands-on workshops, and interactive sessions led by top experts in Google technologies like Android, Flutter, Firebase, Machine Learning, Build with AI, Vertex AI, and more.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, DevFest is the perfect opportunity to enhance your skills, connect with the community, and explore the latest in tech. Donโ€™t miss out on this exciting event in the heart of Tashkent!


26 Oct, 08:56

Life is hard without a partner,
but I suppose itโ€™s even harder
with the wrong one


25 Oct, 19:35

A day in the life of a...
girl: ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜
boy: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


25 Oct, 05:31

The Greatest Myth of Knowledge ...

This the most self-destructive myth that you absolutely need to fix. If you don't, you'll transform you into an unproductive Knowledge Zombie that achieves nothing.โ€‹

โ—๏ธImagine holding a winning lottery ticket, but letting it expire in your walletโ€”uncashed. Millions lost.

โ—๏ธImagine joining a cutting-edge gym, learning all the lifts, and then never setting foot inside again.

โ—๏ธImagine possessing a map to buried treasure but ignoring it because the journey might be inconvenient, uncomfortable, or demand a few sacrifices.

โ—๏ธImagine mastering everything there is to know about the stock marketโ€”RSI, Bollingers, Stochasticsโ€” to a level that could rival a billionaire hedge fund quant, and yet never buying a single share.

โ—๏ธImagine owning a loaded gun, and when a serial killer kicks down your door, you freeze, and you get slaughtered.

โ—๏ธImagine having the blueprint to create massive wealth as an entrepreneur, but instead of building the empire, you keep reading more books, tinkering with the idea, waiting for "the right moment."...

Each of these scenarios reveals the same brutal truth that kills more dreams than a 9-5 job: the myth of knowledge as power.

Because knowledge isnโ€™t power.

Knowledge is latent, potential power.

Over the last 15 years, Iโ€™ve gotten thousands of reader testimonials.

Over time, I noticed an 80/20 pattern: two distinct types of responses...




22 Oct, 17:00

7 kun post qimaganimmi 1ta qib post qildim. Foydasi tegadi degan umiddaman.


22 Oct, 16:58


Psixologiya fanida shunday atama bor.

Stimulus - (ichki yoki tashqi) muhitda bolgan ishlar

Response - bu sizni shu ishga (ichki yoki tashqi) javobingiz.

Javobiz reactive yoki proactive bolishi mumkin.

Reactive - aybni tashqaridan, boshqalardan qidirish (negative)

Proactive - birovni ayblamasdan (positive) yechim qidirish

Uzimda bo'lgan kichkina voqeani etib beraman ko'ziz uchib turgan bo'lsa albatta.

Hullas, bir kuni kechqurun avtomoykani yonidan o'tib ketvotgandim.

Ko'p moykalardan yerni polniy beton qilib yopib tashlashadi juda ko'p suv to'kilgani uchun. Bu moykada yerga 30x30cm g'ishtlar terilgan ekan. Gishtni tagigia suv kirgandan keyin u qimirlaydigan bolib qoladi va tagida suv bo'lsa ustidan o'tayotgan odamni kiyimiga sachrashi mumkin.

Shu sabab atrofiga suv yigilgan gisht / plitalarni ustidan o'tmaslikka harakat qilaman. Bu safar majburlikdan ustidan o'tdim va aynan man hohlamagan ish boldi kelib-kelib man bosgan plitka qimirlab qoganakan tagida suv otilib chiqib deyarli oq rangdagi shalvarimni rasvo qildi.

Shaharni deyarli o'rtasidaman, odam gavjum. Hammayoqda chiroqlar va hammani kiyim top toza lekin mani kiyimim bir qismi loy bup yotipti.

Man nima qildim? G'ishtni terganni otasiniyam, onasiniyam ... hay hay hay ... notogri hayolga bormang) Hazillashdim.

Hayolimga kegan savol "Nima qilsam buladi?" Juda qattiq o'ylagandan keyin juda bir ajoyibu garoyib fikr keb qoldi.

Nima ekan deysizmi? Oylab koringichi nima bolishi mumkin? Topolmadingizmi? Ajab bopti :)

Man prosta nima bosa boldi dib hech nima qilmaslikka qaror qildim. Sabab? Peshonaga yozilgandan qatga qovhasiz? Mandan yaxshiro bilseyz kerak, Allohni iznisiz zirapcha ham kirmaydi. Alloh hohlagan ekan shu ish boldi dib ketvurdim lekin oyladim "balkim kun davomida nimadur hato ish qilgandurman? Kimnidur hafa qildimmi?" lekin javob topilmadi. Demak taqdir. Tamom.

Yuzimda tabassum bilan hotirjam yo'lda davom etdim lekin ishton realno rasvo bup yotipti. Ishni qizigi keyin buldi.

Bu loyni dog'iyam ketmasa kk dib oylagandim lekin manzilimga borganda yorug joyga o'tib qarasam loy qurib ko'zga korinmaydigan darajaga changga aylanib qopti. Shalvarni pochasini yaxshilab qoqib yashagandim yap-yangidek bup qoldi :) Hech qanday dog' ham qolmadi.

Bu arzimagan holat bulib korinishi mumkin lekin kopincha arzimagan mayda ishlardan katta muammolar kelib chiqadi.

Svetafor yashil yonganda 1-2 sekunda yurmay turing ko'rasiz va ko'p o'tmay eshitadiganizzi eshitasiz. Talpani tagida qob ketish ham hech gapmas :) Siz bunday qilmang. Boshqalarni hayoliga kelmaydigan ishlarni o'ylang.

Balkim haydovchini mazasi bulmay qolgandur? Balkim qolida turgan narsani tushirib yuborgandur? Balkim muammolari kopligidan hayoli ketib qolgandur?

Uyga charchab keldiz lekin oila azoingiz sizni ho'mrayib kutib oldi. Qisqasi havo bulut :) "Nme bula bunaqaya? pastayanniy nedavolniy? Tovbaaa!" deb o'ylamang. Vaziyatni yumshatish yoki muammo nimadaligini aniqlab unga yechim topishni oylang.

Ishda, o'qishda kimdur qopol gapirdi. Undan battar qopillik qilmang. Masalani ogir vazminlik va dostona hal qiling. Havoda 2 marta aylanib turib kallasiga teping buldi :)

"Yo nima haqqi bor bunaqa muomila qilishga? Kim o'zi u? Kallasida zarracha aqli yoq maymun busa... maymunam hapa bulardi 'manga oxshatina shu hom kallani?' dib" degan hayolga bormang!

Balkim yoshligidan otasidan so'kish eshitib qiynalib katta bulgandur. Balkim atrofidagilari hammasi bezorilardur. Balkim sizga yoliqishdan oldin kimdur asabini buzib ketgandur. Balkim siz 1000 Dan birini ham kormagan qiyinchilikar uni asabiy qilib qoygandur. Balim kecharalari qilmishidan pushaymon bo'lib Allohga yolvorib yiglar.

Biz bilmaymiz kimni ichida Nima dard borligini. Qorani qora oqni oq deyish oson lekin nima sababdan qora bolib qolganini tushunishga harakat qilish bu manimcha Juda yaxshi fazilat.

Hullas atrofingizda bolayotgan ishlarni kitobni muqovasiga qaraganday qaramang. Ichida Nima borligiga qiziqing va hayotda eng muhimi, hech qachon esingizdan chiqmasin. Doim tishingizni yuvib yuring.



15 Oct, 06:25

๐ŸŽ“ Exciting Opportunity for Central Asian Youth! ๐ŸŽ“

The U.S.-Central Asia Education Foundation (U.S.-CAEF) is offering a prestigious scholarship for students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to pursue bachelorโ€™s degrees in Business Administration, Economics, Software Engineering, or Applied Mathematics and Informatics at the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek.

๐Ÿ’ผ U.S.-CAEF Benefits Include:

โ€ข Full Tuition for 4 Years
โ€ข Monthly Stipend
โ€ข Housing Support
โ€ข Travel Allowance
โ€ข Fully Funded Summer Regional Internships
โ€ข Tutoring & Mentorship Program
โ€ข Events for Professional & Personal Growth
โ€ข Study Abroad Opportunities for a Semester
โ€ข Access to the Exclusive U.S.-CAEF Alumni Network
Donโ€™t miss this incredible opportunity! ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŽ“

๐Ÿ“… Application Deadline: January 22, 2025, at 17:00 (Bishkek Time)

For eligibility requirements and application instructions, visit uscaef.org/apply.

Follow @uscaef on Instagram for updates and questions! ๐Ÿ’ฌ


14 Oct, 17:55

A man would rather go through
hardship himself than see his loved
ones go through it. He would prefer
to endure twice the pain rather than
see his loved ones suffer. He would
rather die of hunger than see his
loved ones hungry.


14 Oct, 17:32

Whatever you are going through,
remember that you are not alone!
Whoever has been there for you is
still there for you & cares about you!


12 Oct, 04:13


I can't even imagine where we will be in 10 years.

P.S. Thanks 4 sharing this homie ;)