The Very Lutheran Project @verylutheran Channel on Telegram

The Very Lutheran Project


The Very Lutheran Project (English)

Welcome to The Very Lutheran Project, where we celebrate all things Lutheran in a fun and engaging way! Our channel, @verylutheran, is dedicated to spreading the teachings and traditions of Lutheranism in a modern and relatable way. Whether you're a lifelong Lutheran looking to deepen your faith or simply curious about what Lutheranism is all about, this channel is for you. We share inspirational quotes, informative articles, and engaging discussions on topics relevant to the Lutheran community. Join us on this journey of rediscovering and embracing our Lutheran heritage. Let's connect, learn, and grow together as we explore what it means to be 'very Lutheran' in today's world.

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Feb, 04:04

Thank you for attending my stream, and remember to hug your local Frisian

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Feb, 04:00

Live stream finished (2 hours)

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Feb, 01:45

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Feb, 01:45

Starting up the stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Feb, 01:05

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «Streaming in an hour! Let's watch some goofball apologetics! Find the stream here only:»

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Feb, 01:03

Streaming in an hour! Let's watch some goofball apologetics!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 22:28

If I have to look at one more thumbnail of trent horn's anti-Sola Scriptura videos where he's making an "I have to poop" face, I'm going to drink myself into a stupor.

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 20:12

Someone asked 'no Bible study tonight?'
The Revelation Bible study stream will be Thursday. We're trying out what would happen if we switched the two weekly streams so the Godcast's editor has more time to edit and I have more time to make Bible study slides

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 20:07


After the Sturm und Drang of last week's episode, let's chill out with a nice live react to an attempted "kill shot" by a Catholic apologist against us Prots. Not gonna lie, this one left me with the same expression as these here pigeons.

Catch the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 15:33

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «We got a prayer request from a guy we'll call J: "for wisdom in the final leg of my job search, with getting involved in my old church (moving back home), and in possibly finding a wife in this new stage of my life." Our friend here is going through a total…»

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 15:33

We got a prayer request from a guy we'll call J:
"for wisdom in the final leg of my job search, with getting involved in my old church (moving back home), and in possibly finding a wife in this new stage of my life."

Our friend here is going through a total reset in life, and it seems to me that lots of people are in the same situation. Let us pray for J's wellbeing and success, as well as for all men in the same boat!

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 15:25

There are a few mottoes we have at the Very Lutheran Project. The most recognizable of them is "If your church hates you, leave."
But we've got another one borne out of all the times we have beaten the dead horses of bygone cults and movements: "Don't be a Sucker."
Turns out that bad faith argumentation is the coin that heretics trade in, and my GOODNESS is it laid out thick and sneaky with Ranters like Abiezer Coppe. Don't be a sucker...even when the other guy is a master at pulling one over on people.

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 13:42

Good morning let's start chatting about the I.Q. (incel question).

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Feb, 13:10

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

2 Corinthians 12:10

The Very Lutheran Project

17 Feb, 21:22

Not even 24 hours after we covered the Zizians the leader gets apprehended. I take full credit for these actions, as clearly we blew this case wide open and forced the systems hand in dealing with this menace.

The Very Lutheran Project

17 Feb, 21:19

Angry German physics woman would like you to know that the academic physics community is a giant grift:
I suspect all "science" is like that at this point.

The Very Lutheran Project

17 Feb, 20:52

"Ziz" has been arrested, as has his partner.

The Very Lutheran Project

17 Feb, 20:43

There's also this version

The Very Lutheran Project

17 Feb, 20:34

This is, like, all mainstream political discussion right now.

The Very Lutheran Project

17 Feb, 16:08

The Smoke Pit – Don’t Lick The Phrog

On this perfectly serviceable episode of the Smoke Pit, Rick and Super have a wide ranging talk over the Zizian cult, low intensity conflict, reasonable precautions, and why you shouldn’t give the crazies more time than they deserve.

EMAIL: [email protected]


The Very Lutheran Project

09 Feb, 00:48

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «The latest Godcast is now out! Episode 315: Debate Follow-up with George Follow-up episode to episode 313 with George, the WN who debated a normiepilled “new evangelical.” Let’s get comfy and listen to his takes on how the Church slid down the wrong path…»

The Very Lutheran Project

09 Feb, 00:48

The latest Godcast is now out!
Episode 315: Debate Follow-up with George

Follow-up episode to episode 313 with George, the WN who debated a normiepilled “new evangelical.” Let’s get comfy and listen to his takes on how the Church slid down the wrong path, how to reach Whitaker, and where he’s at with Catholicism.

Direct Download:

Check out these cool websites that you should support:

Support the show!

Here's links to more EXTREME content for your enjoyment!
Myles Poland's SCIFI PROJECT:
The Catacomb Churches Youtube channel:
Start a house church:

The Very Lutheran Project

09 Feb, 00:32

NOW SHOWING: Vinland Saga Season 1, Featuring Fjordjr

About fifteen minutes into this episode, Fjordjr RUDELY interrupts what WOULD HAVE been a VERY COMFY episode of Popcorn N’ Soda. You should SKIP that 15 or so minutes if you want a COMFY episode reviewing the Scando version of Evangelion.

Direct Download:

Hey check out these cool websites:

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 21:16

With my freedom in Christ, I choose to unevenly break the spaghetti before cooking it.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 20:03

Creator Clash but for pastors (specifically those with an online presence)

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 17:42

John 15:13-15 – "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you."

Exodus 33:11 – "Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend."

Hebrews 2:11 – "For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers."

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 17:39

What I'm getting at is this:
Failure to love God as your Father is just as bad as failing to honor Him as your Lord.
But to engage in true relationship with your Father is just as pleasing to Him as engaging in true reverence. Both are necessary.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 17:37

What the Christian Right is rejecting when they attack the notion of a personal relationship is not the notion itself. I believe they are attacking the unexpansive version of it, where all it means is a therapeutic Jesus kissing your boo-boos.
But when we look at the totalistic vision God has for each individual Christian, it is far more understandable. God wants to hear your confessions, He wants to receive honor and praise from you, He wants to hear your thoughts and opinions, He wants to hear what frustrates you. He wants to hear your requests, He wants to hear your regrets. The God of the entire universe wants *all* of you, He sees everything you are and says "Mine."
To reject this on account of anger against moral therapeutic deism is to fall into the same trap as the moral therapeutic deists. They don't want to give anything to God except their problems: the formalist doesn't want to give anything to God except praise and confession.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 17:33

God knows you. He knows everything there is to know about you, from the deepest thoughts of your mind to how many hair follicles are in your nose.
Yet God is the One who searches out and tests the hearts of men. He knows you; He also wants to *get* to know you. That means prayer and devotion on your part - that is the essence of the personal relationship with God.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 17:29

Yes, God wants a personal relationship with you. If you don't believe that, stop praying.
Seriously, the Savior of all mankind told you to address God Almighty as Father, which is about as personal as it can get; He is King, and He is to be honored as King, but He is also your Father and must be loved as your Father.
I get that we all hate the therapeutic "Jesus is my Boyfriend" vibes coming out of the USAIDvangelical world. Fine. But your Father still wants to hear from you, for He loves you.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 13:23

It's the other way around in truth, Judiasm is a later development and counterfit to deny that Jesus is the Christ.

²²Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 13:20

I'd like to add that it's also one of the reasons it seemed "get woke go broke" was false. All this slush fund nonsense kept a fake economy of leftist trash going despite extremely few people really liking it

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 13:16

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 03:42

My body is ready, I'm gonna kick Duo out of the sky if he tries to pull anything

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 03:40

At one point almost every White person knew how to speak at least two languages fluently. We're trying to get back to that in our household

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 03:39

My wife has a 97 day streak on duolingo, I started later and I'm at 37.
We're both slowly learning different languages, so as to inspire our kids to pick one out later.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Feb, 01:59

My Vinland Saga Season 1 review was interrupted by a Viking. There, I said it, that's why it's a week late.
I kept the raw audio in though so the pagans don't accuse me of trying to make him look bad. It'll be up tonight or tomorrow.

The Very Lutheran Project

29 Jan, 14:09

Good morning everyone let's start your day with some BIBLE!

The Very Lutheran Project

29 Jan, 03:47

Here is the updated prayer list for the VLP and friends of the VLP. Let us pray for one another!

The Very Lutheran Project

29 Jan, 03:46

Live stream finished (2 hours)

The Very Lutheran Project

29 Jan, 01:45

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

29 Jan, 01:45

Starting up the stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

29 Jan, 00:58

Streaming in an hour! Let's visit Laodicea!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 21:29

So the good thing about the Dissenters was that they exposed the problems with state churches.
The bad thing? Well most of them were completely inept at theology, let alone even reading their Bibles.
The *smart* thing the State Churches could have done was to do deep dives on what the Dissenters were saying, and then refute their arguments from Scripture. Most of the time that did not happen; to the contrary, they figured if they could throw enough of these loudmouths in jail then the problem would go away. It didn't - and instead it only grew, to the point where America was established and made independent by the same type of radicals that first rebelled against the crown in the 17th century.

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 21:24

A few truths that have cause me to celebrate the period of the Dissenters:
-Over a long enough time, any denomination that proclaims itself to be the "1 TRV CHurcH" will devolve into corruption and abuse.
-Dividing up the Church Catholic into a bunch of State Churches did absolutely nothing to solve that problem. The Lutheran Reformation was a reset for some abuses, but the trajectory remained.
-Denominations that have to compete with other denominations for evangelism will have more vitality and more dedication to the Word.
-State funding destroys that vitality, hence every State Church being turbo-cucked right now.
-State churches cannot compete with Free churches in debate.

We see this dynamic in America too by the way. You might think the land of the free and home of the brave WOULDN'T have state churches, but the "faith based initiatives" bit funnels money to formerly free churches through the back door. That kills their drive to be faithful and evangelize, so church bodies that are involved with that funding scheme end up decaying just as much as the German state church or the Church of Scotland.

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 19:54


Let's check out the letter to Laodicea, the LAST of the Seven Churches, and discuss the pitfalls of riches and "contentment" for congregations.

Find the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 15:38

New VLL now up!
The closest historical analogue to where the world is now? The period of the English Dissenters. We're all Dissenters now - and that's a good thing, because now we have a chance to do things right this time.

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 14:36

Average TG Religious Autism ™️ experience

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 13:18

Sex&Marriage now up for your morning commute!
Let's have a brief chat with the ladies about getting a good husband.

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 12:28

Good Possum Billy morning everyone

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Jan, 02:12

I was asked about my thoughts on this video right here:

First off, he rambles too much and should have written up a manuscript. Oh well.

Second, he's correct to say that too many of our guys are renouncing everything to go live like they're monks. One of the reasons for this is that these guys are looking for authenticity and thinking they found it in Trad (tm) denominations with monastic writers. In their minds, the more ancient sounding and profound, the more authentic; nothing could be further from the truth, as they ought to be spending lots of time with the LAITY and their irl priests instead of going down rabbit holes and arguments online.

Alas, the problem is that they want to renounce and they're looking for whatever thing will permit that renunciation. Trad (tm) denoms appeal to that by storing up writings and practices that let them do that.
Let me put it more succinctly. You want more knights instead of monks? Go to the Protestants. You want radtrads and orthobros to go in the direction of knights? Have them spend more time with laity and less time online.

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Jan, 22:25

Why is Rome so interested in seeing America drowned in migrants?

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Jan, 22:24

Catholic Charities are by far the number one human traffickers including sex trafficking of young children, Lutheran Charities is a close second, however, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are involved.

The REAL trafficking rings are enabled by NGOs that are not only funded by the U.S. government but also protected by them.

An HHS whistleblower testified to Congress that “the U.S. government has become the middleman in a large-scale, multibillion-dollar, child-trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.”


The Very Lutheran Project

27 Jan, 22:24

This CEO of Catholic Charities Houston has received more than $500,000,000 of taxpayer funds. Most of the cash went to immigrants for cars, rent, housing, food, attorneys, cash assistance.

$81,000,000 in Government Grants to Catholic Charities Houston alone in 2023.


The Very Lutheran Project

19 Jan, 19:48

I made another video on the Great Killing, or the idea that all political persuasions are relying on an assumption that mass killing is necessary:

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Jan, 19:37

Also Myles put up a new part to the Carrion story on his site, it's got me wondering what's going to happen next 👀

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Jan, 19:35

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «The latest Godcast is now out! Episode 313: A White Nationalist Debates a “New Evangelical” For today’s episode, Super reviews a debate between George, a Christian White Nationalist, and Whitaker, a libtard normie evangelical podcast guy. Let’s dive deep…»

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Jan, 19:34

The latest Godcast is now out!
Episode 313: A White Nationalist Debates a “New Evangelical”

For today’s episode, Super reviews a debate between George, a Christian White Nationalist, and Whitaker, a libtard normie evangelical podcast guy. Let’s dive deep into points of persuasion and ask some frank questions about how we frame our beliefs. Part one of two!

Direct Download:

Show notes, etc. from cool websites that host the Godcast:

Support the show!

Here's links to more EXTREME content for your enjoyment!
Myles Poland's SCIFI PROJECT:
The Catacomb Churches Youtube channel:
Start a house church:

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Jan, 16:03

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone! Remember to have service today if you can!

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Jan, 21:30

"You're laughing. Moldbug has been having a stroke for the past 17 years, and you think that's funny?"

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Jan, 16:38

Pub night at the Very Lutheran house. I've got Boddingtons ale, lectures on the English Commonwealth, and stuff to keep my hands busy while doing prep on the Ranters series.
Oh yeah, morale is going to be higher than ever.

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Jan, 15:07

"Let's settle our differences the old fashioned way."
-some headless guy idk

The Very Lutheran Project

18 Jan, 15:01

I think at some point the invisible Church collectively realized that Christians killing Christians was such a secularizing force that it wasn't worth the effort - no matter how ugly the errors on the other side. In the Pia Desideria, Spener's conspectus of deplorable conditions in the Lutheran Church paints a picture of outright apostasy (albeit with a veneer of belief) for most of Germany at the time.

Don't worry your little heads though, religious war enjoyers. Soon enough we'll reach that golden number of silly dumbasses, and we'll have at least 5 Muenster revolts within our lifetime.

The Very Lutheran Project

09 Jan, 02:48

90% of people wouldn't think to do this, and that's why they aren't ready for street self defense.
It's just as much a reminder for me as well.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 22:31

Remember that if this is happening in the British government, it is almost certainly happening in the British churches.
If you're in England you should start a house church and help further starve that beast: find everything you need at

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 22:25

I can't remember the names of any officials/judges from the British establishment off the top of my head but I do remember several names of individuals from the house of lords (or similar figures, people whose money is used to shift things in British government essentially) being within a certain Jeff's little black book.

This country is very, very sick. Pray for us please.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 22:18

Not only is the British government supportive of mass child rape by foreigners, they're also afraid of what people will find if that mass rape was investigated.
What are they hiding that they don't want this investigated further? Does that mean these MPs liked to watch as the rapes happened or something?

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 22:16

JUST IN - British MPs have just voted against a national inquiry into the horrific grooming gangs with a 364-111 vote.


The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 19:26

Ok I won't lie, it would be cool if people dressed like this in public though. Mall ninjas are an underappreciated group.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 19:23

"Yeah man I'm a REAL Christian, not like those normie fakers. I told my dad I hate him because he's going to hell. I spit on sinners in public. I've won 973 screaming matches online."
Lol ok bud

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 19:20

Our guys are quick to condemn the false gospel of "niceness," and they are correct to do so. Christianity does not consist of being vaguely nice to people.

This does not mean, however, that we need to run in the opposite direction and embrace a false gospel of bad attitudes, obsession with confrontation, or being an angry butthole to everyone.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 18:51

You may worry about your family in LA, you might worry about people's jobs and potential injuries or death to hundreds of thousands, but that PALES in comparison to a damaged synagogue, apparently.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 18:49


The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 18:36

the virgin taking a week off Telegram and losing subscribers vs the chad posting daily on Telegram and losing subscribers

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 17:49

The next time you hear some dispensationalist minister say "we must fight for Israel!!!" ask him how many fights he's been in. Ask him if he ever served in the military and if he would be willing to join up right now. Show him the knife fight video, and ask him point blank if he wants that for himself or your sons. Oh, and ask if he's been faithful to his wife, because his Jody-looking ass isn't interested in doing the manly thing himself. 2 Samuel's writer would ask the same thing.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 17:47

People who have not experienced nor risked the type of violence shown in the knife fight video should not demand it from others.

2 Samuel 11:1 opens up the shame of David, which culminates in his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, in this way.
"In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel. And they ravaged the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem."

During a time of war, the man whom God tasked with securing the borders of the land was AWOL. He had gone out with his armies before, but this time he pussed out and stayed home peeping on the local women. He was happy to let *others* fight, to get in the sort of fights like the knife battle in AJ's article, but not for himself. The author of 2 Samuel mentions this as the beginning of his sin.

You know what this makes King David? In that moment he's Jody. Jody is the guy who gets with your girl while you're at boot camp. Jody is the guy with his pick of the military wives while you're on deployment. The author of 2 Samuel connects David's unwillingness to deploy himself, his willingness to send others to war, and his adultery: that tells us a lot about the Jodys of the world.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 17:37

Zweikampf: “Two-Struggle”⁣

AJ (of “The Smoke Pit”) gives his thoughts on the recent video of a savage knife fight between two Russian and Ukrainian soldiers.

No degree of technological development or scientific calculation will diminish the human dimension in war. Any doctrine which attempts to reduce warfare to ratios of forces, weapons, and equipment neglects the impact of the human will on the conduct of war and is therefore inherently flawed.⁣

This article was submitted to by AJ (of "The Smoke Pit"). If you would like to submit your own content to the website, please email [email protected]

Editor's Note: This article is about a knife fight. The video is included, and is not safe for work. Viewer discretion is advised.⁣/

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 15:45

Thank you mister Durov are justice

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 15:45

🧐 I’m proud that Telegram has supported freedom of speech long before it became politically safe to do so. Our values don’t depend on US electoral cycles.

😂 Today, other platforms are announcing they’ll now have less censorship. But the real test of their newly discovered values will come once the political winds change again. It’s easy to say you support something when you risk nothing.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Jan, 14:09

Compromise offer:
We take Quebec, and push it south until it's contiguous with Louisiana.

-You get: no more Quebec.
-I get: the dream of New Acadia realized (I could die happy).

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 19:08

The Pope submits to Methodism. Luthercels seething over Wesleychads I guess

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 19:06

The next time a papist posts a picture of a methodist lesbian priestess saying it represents all prots - post this

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 18:55

I am PERCHED this weekend. Godcast and Popcorn N' Soda will resume NEXT week, as will the standard exorbitant amount of content that I put out every week. Have a great weekend everyone.

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 14:25

Imagine being the church to get a youth minister who doesn't speak your native tongue... or know how to read the Bible in it.

Also my goodness these salaries are exorbitant...

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 14:19

A state investing in the citizenry will always be the best option. All "high skilled immigration" will do is displace the host population and create a resentful underclass.

This foments further civil unrest, especially with the racial and cultural disconnects that happen to both populations. The host population has an influx of foreigners that don't speak their language, hate their culture, and don't respect their laws. The incoming "high skilled" people that were shoveled to these new places - often against their own will - are going to miss being home and resent being in a constant state of confusion.

By this "high skilled" immigration, one country receives massive social problems. The other country loses its brightest people, reinforcing its poverty. What a horrible thing, no nation should even consider it.

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 04:40

From what someone just told me, he's being a censorious brat about people disagreeing with him.

2025 is gonna be really interesting lol

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 04:36

So Elon is catching flak for being a 2015 style alt-lite guy. Is this a win?

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 00:24

I really, really hope this is just whatifalthist doing a nikocado type of bit here, call it a "social experiment" I guess. Mr. Avocado got super fat/wore a fat suit for a number of years to see what people would do or think about him, and I seriously hope the "I took ayahuasca and now I drink paint and talk to demons" thing is just pulling one over on his followers.
I guess we'll find out on April Fool's Day if he was being serious or not

The Very Lutheran Project

28 Dec, 00:21

Apparently, Whatifalthist projected into the astral plane, directly communicated with demons and is now starting a cult.

The stories about his childhood are identical to those from SRA survivor testimonies. His family did exactly to him what these cult members to do their children.

Of course, he admitted to taking ayahuasca, but only after unearthing these memories. That's a fast track to demonic possession. He also admitted to going to a therapist and most of those are evil monsters.

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Dec, 15:02

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «SUNDAY SERVICE RESOURCES NOW UP! Last sermon of the year! In case anyone missed the Nativity devotion, I'm pleased to say that the passage this week - the presentation of the Christchild and the Nunc Dimitis - reinforces the same message. God exalts the humble…»

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Dec, 15:01


Last sermon of the year! In case anyone missed the Nativity devotion, I'm pleased to say that the passage this week - the presentation of the Christchild and the Nunc Dimitis - reinforces the same message. God exalts the humble and humbles those who exalt themselves.


Support the VLP! We have BIG PLANS for next year, and normal content resumes next week. Though the Church may be persecuted, the Catacomb Synod is here to help us continue worship in safety all over the world.

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Dec, 14:16

India should be a place where Indians want to live, where the Gospel shines brightly and reforms the entire subcontinent. I pray that the whole country is brought to our Lord, that the persecution ends, and that the Lord calls all of the Indian diaspora back home to see the wonders He has done for it.

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Dec, 14:13

India and Indians have been the topic of conversation as of late, ever since Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswany decided to discuss immigration, H-1B visas, etc.

Something that *isn't* getting attention during this whole dustup is how Christians are treated there. This is video that anti-Christian persecutors took, where they tied up and humiliated a Christian woman solely because she loves Jesus.

Please pray for believers there. The reason India is such a dark place is that the light of Christ shines only dimly there. If that entire nation converts - and we should absolutely be praying for that - then we will not see nearly the same level of dysfunction coming from there.

Please pray for this poor woman and her congregation. Thankfully, as a pastor in Odisha has related to me, she's safe now, but her witness comes at a cost of patient healing after the whole ordeal.

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Dec, 12:25

To everyone getting worked up over what Trump's 2nd term will be like:

Relax and enjoy Christmastide. It's impossible to forecast with precision. But with all the twists and turns of his first term, I can safely assert that nearly all euphoric or catastrophizing predictions will prove wrong.

The Very Lutheran Project

27 Dec, 05:30

We finally broke him 🫥

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Dec, 03:33

Here are the notes from tonight's stream.
Remember: these are no substitute for diving in and studying the Word! A whole lot of my own notes are intended to spur further conversation!

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Dec, 03:32

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Dec, 01:45

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Dec, 01:45

Starting up the stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Dec, 01:31

Teachers be like:
"Nothing is sacred, kids. You need to push boundaries and make people uncomfortable., not like that."

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Dec, 01:01

Streaming in an hour! Let's read our Bibles together!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Dec, 22:15

I'm not a flat earther, but the flat earthers have a good point when it comes to NASA. NASA officials will show you the face on mars, the peanut asteroid, and the literal human eye nebula that they find and then tell you with a straight face that it's all ackshually just illusions and everything is just matter that's been around for hundreds of millions of years or whatever. They expect the tax payers to fork out billions and billions of dollars so they can go around saying "Hey look everyone, get excited for this thing that I say is just a meaningless accident! Maybe we'll discover aliens on other planets in the future but never now!!!"

They drip feed excitement while force feeding nihilistic materialism... and they demand funding for it. If that doesn't strike you as an evil, satanic organization, what else would?

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Dec, 20:26


Part two of Solomon's defense of seeking Wisdom. If we have so much before us in life, which shall we choose - Wisdom or foolishness?

Find the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Dec, 18:05

New Church Fathers recording now up!
Let's hear Justin Martyr's apologia for multiple Persons to the Godhead - such a flood of references and arguments that it nearly convinces Trypho.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Dec, 14:05

New Evaluating Gnosticism now up!
Let's finish up the very-brief "On the Nature of the Rulers," and behold a writer making stuff up as he goes along. What's that? You see blatant inconsistencies and obvious contradictions? Don't worry, he'll throw up some decoys so you can focus on his Mary Sue character Norea.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Dec, 13:02

Goooooood morning everyone! Let's start that day with some Dead Sea Scrolls content and look over the seeming origins of the Qumran community.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Dec, 02:05

Bible Sales Surge as Americans Seek Traditional Guidance


The Very Lutheran Project

01 Dec, 22:51

I am starting to think that the admin of Bun's Bunker is just trying to give me a stroke. Thankfully if it happens I'll stroke out while sensibly chuckling at the posts I'm seeing.

The Very Lutheran Project

23 Nov, 21:30

The wifejak meme is cute and every time I send my wife one she's all "literally me."
Except for the retarded demoralization ones, those are made by maladjusted ghouls.

The Very Lutheran Project

23 Nov, 15:57

This appears to be the absolute limit of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and power. I'm floored that it shows up in ballet of all things.

The Very Lutheran Project

23 Nov, 14:38

For 🤔 guy, ahem:

The Very Lutheran Project

23 Nov, 14:28

I just realized that Germany is probably going to be the first country to ban my Lutheran website lol

The Very Lutheran Project

23 Nov, 13:58

I invite all Lutherans in the AfD to check out
We will never excommunicate nor discipline you for being Christian and advocating for strong German borders.

The Very Lutheran Project

23 Nov, 13:56

First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you lose your job and can't go to church
Then they laugh at you again saying "the doors are still open"

The whole "then you win" bit is just plain non-applicable in Germany.

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 18:58

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «SUNDAY SERVICE RESOURCES NOW UP! I couldn't help myself with the sermon this Sunday. I decided we needed to preach on the golden calf incident a second time. Audio: Video: htt…»

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 18:57


I couldn't help myself with the sermon this Sunday. I decided we needed to preach on the golden calf incident a second time.

Then, for the REVELATION BIBLE STUDY, time for an incredibly important discussion on how exactly we read the book. What is Revelation's genre, what kind of assumptions does St. John make, and how does that affect what we're reading? Find out here!

PDF manuscripts can be found here:

Support the VLP! Changes will be made to the website soon to make it more user friendly!

God bless your weekend everyone, enjoy the last Sunday of the Church Year!

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 15:55

The Babylonian Exile is typologically connected to the Church Age.

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 14:03

Not only is the meme accurate, one of the glorious things about our Lord is that He wouldn't have it any other way.

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 04:28

TFW you hear someone say something so prosocial that you just gotta hit them with the "I killed rats and mice for 25 years" stare.

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 03:44

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 01:45

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 01:45

Starting up the stream chat! Let's talk about rats and behavioral sinks!

The Very Lutheran Project

22 Nov, 01:00

Streaming in an hour!

Let's find out just how ratlike our society is!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 17:59

Late but not forgotten, here's the latest in the Catacomb Catechesis series!
Let's examine what it means when we pray "Thy Will be Done on earth as it is in Heaven."

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 17:17

Behold, natural theology applied.

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 16:04

The Smoke Pit – Fitness, It’s Simpler Than You Think

Rick and Super have a laid back and broad conversation about fitness, athleticism, and some general means to achieve that.

EMAIL: [email protected]

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 13:29

Romans upload for this week is now up.
Start your day with some Bible my friends!

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 03:35

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 01:45

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «Starting up the stream VC!»

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 01:44

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 01:44

Starting up the stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 01:23

This but unironically.

If my room isn't at least 75F, I don't have a good night's sleep.

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 01:01

Streaming in an hour! Let's read our Bibles together!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

20 Nov, 00:26

Achtung! Amerikaner – 2024 Election Postmortem

Gordon, Magnus, and friend of the pod Presby, convene the brain trust to discuss the aftermath of the 2024 Presidential Election – who is Trump choosing for his cabinet? How mad are these libtards? Will Presby ever fulfill his dream of going on a date with Kristi Noem? Answers to these questions can be found on this episode of Achtung! Amerikaner.

This episode was released early to our generous subscribers. If you would like this kind of early access, as well as other exclusive content, please visit

Achtung! Amerikaner is proudly hosted on and

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Nov, 22:45

If you want dog temperatures go sleep outside lmao

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Nov, 20:35


Revelation teaches you how to read it. The book gives you and I interpretive methods within the very first chapter to guide our understanding. The question we ought to be asking is, how so and how do we do it faithfully?
Let's find out tonight!

Find the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Nov, 20:11

If anyone's curious about the bumper music I used, here it is:

I will take the entire dissident sphere back to 2011 musical stylings and they will LIKE IT.

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Nov, 14:24

New VLL now up!
People have expressed their fears of WWIII, riots, a new civil war, and all sorts of fears. How do we prepare for such a possibility?
Well first you should be preparing your heart.

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Nov, 13:31

Good morning everyone!
Today the Deacons and I started helping out a brother who wants to join the Catacomb Synod. He's willing to get ready to start a house church and help people out. If you're in the same boat, here's the latest from the practicals playlist!

The Very Lutheran Project

19 Nov, 03:33

From the stream tonight. Not comprehensive, as most of the study is conducted through conversation, but hopefully it helps point people in the right direction!

The Very Lutheran Project

12 Nov, 03:29

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

12 Nov, 01:45

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

12 Nov, 01:45

Starting up the stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

12 Nov, 01:00

Streaming in an hour! Let's read our Bibles together!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

11 Nov, 20:53


We will at one point hear Solomon say "Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is man's all." But tonight let's look at his argument in favor of that wisdom, instead of allowing it to be merely proclaimed and left to sit in the theological corner.

Find the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

11 Nov, 15:09

Never forget.

The Very Lutheran Project

11 Nov, 14:03

New Evaluating Gnosticism now up!
We're getting close to the finish line with the gospel of philip. Let's speed up our reading here and look at the obvious lesson that poor philip can't see: if your self-worth is derived from your IQ, God will make you unfathomably stupid.

The Very Lutheran Project

11 Nov, 13:06

Happy Monday everyone! Let's kick off this week with the latest in the Dead Sea Scrolls series.
Today we're looking at Qumran's attempt at making Bible commentaries...and how badly they failed.

The Very Lutheran Project

10 Nov, 18:04

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «The latest Godcast is now out! Episode 305: Not Agreement Capable Today, SuperLutheran is joined by Crux Invictus to discuss the “State of the Reformation,” or how Protestantism is doing worldwide. Hold on to your jimmies for this one and stick around to…»

The Very Lutheran Project

10 Nov, 18:04

The latest Godcast is now out!
Episode 305: Not Agreement Capable

Today, SuperLutheran is joined by Crux Invictus to discuss the “State of the Reformation,” or how Protestantism is doing worldwide. Hold on to your jimmies for this one and stick around to the end, it’s way more encouraging than you’d think.

Direct download:

Show notes:

If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran Project, you can do so here... which at this point in Protestantism, is most certainly worth doing:

The Very Lutheran Project

10 Nov, 17:44


Anon, are you trying hard enough? Or are you trying too much? Or are you so obsessed with your hobby that you can’t think about anything else? Well today Myles and Super talk all about that very idea as they discuss the hit 2014 Jazz odyssey Whiplash.

Direct download:

Show notes, etc.:

D'nations are open for movies and anime once more! Following Myles' guidelines, $100/movie, $200/ cour of animu. Other stuff? Negotiable, email me.

The Very Lutheran Project

10 Nov, 14:35

Food for thought:
3 entities in the Old Testament - Behemoth, Rahab, and Leviathan.
3 entities in Revelation - the beast from the ground, the beast from the sea, and the dragon

The Very Lutheran Project

09 Nov, 20:33

I don't know how accurate this is, but at least one person in their political idolatry has decided to kill themselves over Trump's victory.
For everyone else, please listen to the following and heed this advice:

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Nov, 13:42

If you want to believe in Christ, but have trouble believing in Him, continue to seek Him. Scripture attests that God rewards those who seek Him, meaning that your efforts to have faith constitute faith in the eyes of God, who shall not leave you desolate. Take courage and continue to reach to Him.

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Nov, 04:30

Live stream finished (2 hours)

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Nov, 01:46

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Nov, 01:46

Starting up the Stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Nov, 01:02

Streaming in an hour! Let's take the redpill on where Protestantism is, where it's going, and how we can survive.

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

08 Nov, 00:32

While we're going to be talking about some seriously silly nonsense coming out of Protestant circles, do not be mistaken. Nothing I'm going to point out takes away the fact that you should be Protestant. In fact, it reinforces it.

The Very Lutheran Project

07 Nov, 23:01

Get the metal out of your face, goof troop.

The Very Lutheran Project

07 Nov, 21:19


With Reformation Day finished, we can get right back to complaining. Let's have a discussion on the State of the Reformation and update everyone on why the Catacomb Synod will continue to be necessary.

Catch the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

07 Nov, 20:39

My apologies to everyone who has been benefiting from the Basic Theology series - it's been delayed due to all the extra work I had to do in October.
We will continue where we left off next week with a nice, deep conversation on the Goodness of God and the so-called "problem of evil" as we transition toward the topic of soteriology.

The Very Lutheran Project

07 Nov, 12:51

Thank you everyone for 400 subscribers!
That much feels like a lot for a channel uploading lectures and sermons every day. Video content will be coming back soon!

The Very Lutheran Project

07 Nov, 12:45

Good morning! Let's jump into Job during our morning commutes!

The Very Lutheran Project

06 Nov, 22:52
This is a video series everyone should listen to. Violence is a perennial feature of leftism, and you do well to plan accordingly if you are an American.

The Very Lutheran Project

06 Nov, 22:47

If a man with autogynephilia is gathering firearms, you have to ask why that is the case.
If you know that such men would very much like to kill your children, and you *don't* have any firearms, you should also ask why that is the case.
If these men are gathering together and training, ask why.
If you *aren't* training, you should be asking why all the more.

Never forget that the left gets violent whenever they lose. Sometimes they take a while in planning.

The Very Lutheran Project

06 Nov, 22:36

Another day, another reason to homeschool your kids. These troons aren't going to go after politicians or military targets, they're just going to try to kill more kids.

The Very Lutheran Project

06 Nov, 22:36

🇺🇸🏳️‍⚧️🔫🗳 — On r/transguns, American transexual militants are becoming increasingly militant over Donald Trump's Victory, and, afraid of a supposed "coming persecution of transgenders in United States", arming themselves to protect themselves from the "incoming Trumpist Dictatorship"

The Very Lutheran Project

05 Nov, 13:17

Good morning, let's learn a bit about the practical parts of music and hymnody:

The Very Lutheran Project

05 Nov, 03:35


The Very Lutheran Project

05 Nov, 03:34

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

05 Nov, 01:45

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

05 Nov, 01:45

Starting up the stream VC!

The Very Lutheran Project

05 Nov, 01:02

Streaming in an hour! Let's read our Bibles together!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 20:15


How much is too much? How little is too little? Wait, did Solomon say we can be too righteous? Let's discuss the "common sense" passage in Ecclesiastes tonight and find out.

Find the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 19:08

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:31-32

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 18:52

New Church Fathers recording now up!
Let's hear more of Justin Martyr dunking on the jews.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 17:19

What ought to be done about this? How do we prevent it? Well on the individual level you and I can do very little. Even if you think I'm wrong about my prognosis, it remains that it will be true for some and you should be on guard lest it happen to you. How do we go about preventing this?

First, if you are on the Dissident Right like myself, start meaning it when you talk about building up alternative institutions and intentional communities. Get plugged into an appropriate group of likeminded men who build you up instead of tearing you down. Second, any good political movement starts at home, so think smaller while not leaving the bigger picture behind. Helping shape the trajectory of your hometown should be just as important to you as knowing what's going on in the middle east.

Second, regarding politics, instantiate yourself as an individual in control of his own life. Recognize that you will never please the crowd of people no matter how much you throw your life into the meat grinder of their judgmental demands. If they have a good idea and you like the cut of what they're saying, fine. But never forget that it is your life, not theirs, to live. We all like to emphasize the collective, and this is perfectly fine! But you are still an individual in that collective, and you have your own lifestyle choices to make; if you are entirely enmeshed into their way of doing things, you will suffer and have no one to blame but yourself.

Third, especially applying to Christians, you need to realize that there is far more to Christianity than politics. It's not about being based or not, even though a Christian polity is objectively more ordered, masculine, and moral than what we have today – it's a good thing to seek! Even so, there is more to this life than banging your head on the political wall. Apply the teachings of the Word to ALL spheres of your life, rather than just this one facet, and you will find yourself standing on the Christ our solid Ground instead of the sinking sands of movementrianism.

Fourth, again applying to Christians specifically, never forget the Gospel. If you can't trust a brick and mortar congregation near you on account of their addiction to the postwar consensus, I completely understand. But instead of sticking your head in the sand and letting the internet devour your soul, go to and start up a home congregation; even if it's just you at first, that's OK, the Deacons and I created a solo liturgy for you to use while you're getting started. You need to hear the Gospel and start remembering all the promises given to you in Baptism, and when you have a group then you certainly need the Eucharist. Any neglect in that area, and you're looking at burning out.

Fifth, please keep my words in mind. Others may need to hear it. We might be a cut above, but we are not invincible; tons of people are going to need this advice, and you will be remembered for your compassion if you help a guy who's going through the tough parts.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 17:04

I make two predictions:
1. A massive chunk of what is called the Dissident Right today will no longer be a part of the Dissident Right within five years. This is because of two dynamics. First, being part of the movement means getting used to an aggravating slog of impatience, hysteria, infighting, stakesmanship, and loss. People doomscroll through rageporn, purity spiral through internicene fights, and never see good news as good news. Even when something good does happen, the expectations for the aftermath of that small victory never match up to the reality of it. If Trump wins, expect a whole lot of people to jump ship because the dead haven't risen and the New Jerusalem hasn't descended from Heaven on account of his election victory. It'll be even worse after he does a single pro-Israel action in office. Same goes for if harris wins, since that'll mean yet more years of things going south domestically, and the human psyche does not tolerate the same grind forever.

A lot of people are going to depart because the Dissident Right is really, really hard on their guys. Seriously, the moment someone says that something is degenerate everyone has to argue about it until it's taken as a given that you have to abandon it. Oh you like pop music? Degenerate. You like a food with some no-no ingredients? Poisonous hormone disrupters. Oh, you have a nerdy hobby? Soyboy. You like jogging, huh? I guess you don't lift, weakling. The catty control-freak way that the mass of angry kids seeks to police every aspect of their compatriots' lives is going to break a lot of guys. This counts doubly for every loss, with a lot of men questioning whether upbraiding their entire lives was worth it just to please a bunch of anonymous randos online; add the fact that not listening to “degenerate” music doesn't make the migrants go away, and people will inevitably fade into racist libertarianism.

2. A massive chunk of the Christian Nationalist movement will apostatize from the Christian faith within five years. The more hardcore of the membership of that movement have imbibed the viewpoint that something is worth believing only if it is based. Few of them will have studied apologetics seriously, let alone studying the Scripture outside of way to torture various Bible verses to form prooftexts for a political worldview. If someone starts teaching them certain truths from Scripture which they interpret as impacting their vision (for instance, ethnos applying to subdivisions of race more than race itself – remember that Scripture teaches that Ammon is a separate “nation” from their cousin nation Israel), then this will lead them to a decision. Do I do the reasonable thing and adjust my worldview? Or do I jump ship to swim to more based shores? Given how many have switched from theonomy to Roman Catholicism to Orthodoxy to Lutheranism and back to Evangelicalism in recent years, I don't have high hopes for that particular type of personality.

Similarly, there is a de-emphasis on matters of soteriology in Christian Nationalist circles which will lead to much apostasy. This is natural, as the movement is political. Nonetheless, many in the movement reflexively refuse to trust any clergy at all; this is also understandable, as most ministers are about as faithful as a pile of pig shit. But that means a vast amount of Christian Nationalists, who are too institutionally-minded to join the Catacomb Synod, will relegate themselves to being extremely online, where the only things they will hear are Law and doomposting. Just like the Dissident Right as a whole, promises made politically and grand gestures of a bright future, even if they come true, will not make satisfy nor make up for the loss of regularly hearing the Gospel. For such people, living the All Law No Gospel lifestyle is simply untenable; they will either burn out, become hypocrites, or ramp up their efforts until they end up dying of a heart attack at 27 years old.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 13:56

Wow, um, you know what? The worst part about this is the socioeconomic factors that drove him to shoot people.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 13:56

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Surveillance camera video captured the moment a gunman opened fire in downtown Orlando on Halloween night. Police body camera video shows the 17-year-old suspect's arrest

Follow us -> LiveLeak

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 13:11

New Evaluating Gnosticism now up!

So I've talked about how influential gnosticism was on the Church, enduring even to this day with various distinctives. How does that work? Well, let's talk about it metaphorically and hope to gain some understanding. We're seeing some rotten plants in our garden, and that's because someone's been peeing in it.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 11:36

Dead Sea Scrolls upload now out!
Let's take a look at the abominable way these people monkeyed with Scripture. Turns out the same spirit that gave us the "Queen James Bible" is nothing new.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 00:56

You shouldn't teach your kids politics (for crying out loud, let them be kids). Nonetheless, here's a great book to point them in the Right direction.
Basically teaches them that they are born as they ought to be, and that it's good to celebrate others who are like them 🥰

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 00:19

You should still vote, don't get me wrong. I'm voting for Trump myself. Nonetheless, apocalyptic projections and insane stakesmanship over this election is only going to contribute to you feeling powerless and stupid.
-Voting is not a replacement for irl community building.
-Voting is not a replacement for having your life together.
-Voting doesn't fix your problems.
All it does is help determine down the line how easy or difficult some of that is going to be on your end. Take control of your life, relying on God to set things in order.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 00:12

Nothing is so pathetic as someone who believes he is so low agency that suicide is preferable to adapting to his favored candidate losing.
This applies to both sides btw.

The Very Lutheran Project

04 Nov, 00:10

Wow, a presidential election is so important to someone that they think their life is on the line?
That's a sign of a low sense of self.

The Very Lutheran Project

03 Nov, 03:45

We're doing a special Sex&Marriage this Tuesday btw, provided I remember to do it. It's gonna be all about NonStop November and why it's good for married couples to practice.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 15:16

For reference btw:

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 13:09

On some level everyone is a monarchist, but I have noticed that the Throne & Altar Capital M Monarchists don't move to countries that have kings and queens. Curious! Must be because all the modern royals suck ass or drink blood - yet for some reason that doesn't cause the royalty enjoyers to question their current thought.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 12:54

Memes like this are fun, but if we got a powerful monarchy right now the king would be a libtard who does the state enforced homosexuality bit even worse than now.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 09:45

Shitlibs gigafry their brains by opening some sort of hell portal directly inside their frontal cortex via some nightmarish hallucinogen and somehow they see this as a win, unbelievable people.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 09:45

Ayahuasca is by far the single most dangerous drug in existence, however, it exclusively targets the most pretentious and unlikable people in existence so, justifiably, no one cares.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 09:45

Imagine being such a mess that you hallucinate for 40 days and just think "huh this is fine", if I took some hallucinogen and kept seeing shit for more than a day at most I'd head directly to the ER

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 01:19

Btw this applies doubly for the guys that are always justifying righteous anger. I predict half the guys doing that nowadays won't be Christian in five years.
Yep, there's such a thing as righteous anger. No, if you're always angry it's not always righteous.

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 01:03

If someone leaves the faith, do not get pissed off at them, but rather fear. If you are not clinging closely to Christ, you may fall in the same traps they fall into. Examine yourself!

The Very Lutheran Project

02 Nov, 01:01

Every apostasy is an opportunity for Christians to learn and grow more secure in the faith.

Paul Maxwell, when he left Christianity, said he was glad that he didn't have to be angry anymore. What's interesting is, I know plenty of people who left for the opposite reason: they hated that Scripture tells us not to let the sun go down on our wrath.
What does that tell us?
It tells us that fixation on anger, whether desired or unwanted, is a threat to faith.
Think about it! Are you pissed off all the time?

Maxwell also cited how he didn't want to hate himself anymore. Ah, abother classic symptom of the "All Law and no Gospel" type. Is that you? Are you so fixated on your failures that you forget that God has made you a new creation? That perhaps you aren't the failure you think you are, that God thinks highly of you?
Because He does, and I doubt that Maxwell considered that.

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 18:42

The guest I was gonna have on tonight couldn't make it, so unfortunately we will be skipping this week's Godcast stream. I'll upload something chill though for this week's episode.

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 16:47

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «SUNDAY CHURCH RESOURCES NOW UP! Let's start off with an All Saints' Day sermon on the war the Church wages. Audio: Video: Then, we finally have the first part…»

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 16:47


Let's start off with an All Saints' Day sermon on the war the Church wages.

Then, we finally have the first part of the REVELATION BIBLE STUDY that people have been waiting for!

PDF manuscripts can be found here:

Support the VLP! Every donation makes a huge difference in making Based Church a reality and in getting the real message out there to the world.

God bless your weekend!

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 02:31

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 00:46

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 00:46

Starting up the stream!

The Very Lutheran Project

01 Nov, 00:01

Streaming in an hour! Let's chill out and watch a movie!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 04:58

If you want a classic spooky movie to check out this weekend, this one is free on YT right now:

The Pit and the Pendulum is one of those few flicks that takes a ton of liberties with the original story, but makes a lot of gay out of it. Good, clean, White spooky fun. 9/10

The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 02:59

I have been informed that nothing ever happens.
Well is seems like some more nothing is happening rn fr fr noCAP

The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 02:58

JUST IN - Israel begins attack on Iran: Explosions in Tehran.


The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 02:16

Live stream finished (1 hour)

The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 00:44

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 00:44

Starting up the stream!

The Very Lutheran Project

26 Oct, 00:02

Streaming in an hour! Boo, scary!

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 21:59


We're covering the 2018 witchy spookfest that is Ari Aster's Hereditary, an uncomfortable little movie about finding out who your ancestors really were.

Find the stream here only at 9pm EST:

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 19:37

The Very Lutheran Project pinned «Despite a million delays and interruptions, the Sunday service resources are now up! Since the Revelation Sunday School series starts next week, I don't have a Bible study for you. HOWEVER, this week's sermon is on a passage *from* Revelation, so I hope that…»

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 19:36

Despite a million delays and interruptions, the Sunday service resources are now up!

Since the Revelation Sunday School series starts next week, I don't have a Bible study for you. HOWEVER, this week's sermon is on a passage *from* Revelation, so I hope that it helps get everyone in the mood to study it with me starting next week!


PDF manuscripts can be found here:

Support the VLP! If you want to tithe or help out with all this content production, it really makes a difference. Let's make Based Church a reality!

God bless your weekend everyone.

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 16:30

From Luther's Babylonian Captivity of the Church.
Preview for this week's sermon, sorry for the delay.

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 03:59

Part two.

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 03:29

I present to you: a Godcast Greatest Hits moment.
H/T Crux

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 03:00

Live stream finished (2 hours)

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 00:52

Live stream started

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 00:52

Starting up the stream chat!

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 00:44

Few more minutes till we start, sorry every for the slight delay

The Very Lutheran Project

25 Oct, 00:00

Streaming in an hour! Let's get into the REAL REDPILLS on DEATH.

Find the stream here only:

The Very Lutheran Project

24 Oct, 23:28

Wisdom is knowing that maaaaayyybe you should put on a harness.
GOSH I hate heights.