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University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnologies (UDEA)

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📍Boshlik street 3, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent 100022, Uzbekistan

Monday - Friday | 9:00 - 18:00

UDEA (English)

Are you looking to boost your career in the digital and agrotechnology fields? Look no further than the University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnologies (UDEA) Telegram channel! UDEA is dedicated to guiding you towards a brighter future by providing valuable insights, resources, and opportunities in these cutting-edge industries.

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For more information, you can reach out to us through the following contacts:

📞 +998 78 888 08 00
🌐 udea.uz

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📍 Boshlik street 3, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent 100022, Uzbekistan

Join us on Telegram and embark on a journey towards success with UDEA! Our team is available to assist you from Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 18:00. Don't miss out on the opportunity to shape your future with UDEA!


22 Nov, 16:15

🎓 Yirik xalqaro kompaniyalarda amaliyot  o'tashni xohlaysizmi?

🌟 28-noyabr kuni Raqamli Iqtisodiyot va Agrotexnologiyalar Universitetida amaliyot yarmarkasi bo'lib o'tadi! Yarmarkada 50 dan ortiq kompaniyalar, jumladan yirik tijorat banklari, moliya tashkilotlari va xalqaro korporatsiyalar, UDEA talabalari uchun o'zlarining eng qiziqarli amaliyot o'tash imkoniyatini taklif etadi.

⏱️ Vaqt: 14:00
📍 Manzil: UDEA, 5-qavat

🤩 Yorqin kelajak poydevorini qo'yish imkoniyatini qo'ldan boy bermang!

🎓 UDEA – Biz yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!


🎓 Do you want to participate an internship in a large international company?

🌟 On November 28 an internship fair will be held at the University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnologies!  At the fair, more than 50 companies, including major commercial banks, financial institutions and international corporations, will offer their most interesting internship opportunities for UDEA students.

⏱️ Time: 14:00
📍 Address: UDEA, 5th floor

🤩 Don't miss the opportunity to lay the foundations of a bright future!

🎓 UDEA – We guide You to the brighter future!

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21 Nov, 14:40

🎓 Raqamli iqtisodiyot va agrotexnologiyalar universitetida Doktor Ibragimova Dildora "Bank risk menejment sohasidagi soʻnggi tendensiyalar" mavzusida universitet talabalari bilan oʻz bilimlarini ulashdi.

👩🏻‍🏫 Dr. Ibragimova Dildora oʻz maruzasi davomida:
- Risk tushunchasi;
- Risk va foyda o'rtasidagi bog'liqlik;
- Risklarning asosiy toifalari;
- Bankning risklarni boshqarish jarayonlarini boshqarish bo'yicha ilg'or tajribalar;
- Risklarni samarali boshqarish bo'yicha bank ichidagi funktsional bo'linmalarning o'zaro bog'liqligi - haqida toʻliq tushunchalar taqdim etdi.

👌 Muvofaqqiyatli insonlar qatorida bo'lishni istasangiz UDEA bilan birga bo'ling!

🎓 UDEA - yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!


🎓 At the University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnologies, Dr. Ibragimova Dildora shared her knowledge with university students on the topic "Latest trends in the field of bank risk management".

👩🏻‍🏫 Dr. Ibragimova Dildora during her exposure provided comprehensive understanding of the interdependence of:
- Concept of risk;
- Relationship between risk and benefit;
- Main categories of risks;
- Best practices in managing the bank's risk management processes;
- Functional units within the bank for effective risk management.

👌 If you want to be among successful people, join UDEA!

🎓 UDEA - we lead you to the brighter future!

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19 Nov, 12:37

🎓 UDEA universiteting yana bir talabasi bilan navbatdagi suhbat!

🧑🏻‍🎓 Raqamli iqtisodiyot va agrotexnologiyalar universitetining "Moliya va moliyaviy texnologiyalar" yoʻnalishida taʼlim oluvchi talabamiz, oʻzining yorqin taassurotlarini sizlar bilan baham korish istagida! Keling, birgalikda guvohi boʻlamiz!🤩


🎓 Another conversation with student of UDEA University!

🧑🏻‍🎓 Our student studying "Finance and Financial Technologies" majors at the University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnologies wants to share his bright impressions with you! Let's witness it together!🤩

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19 Nov, 06:20

🙋‍♂️ "Yoshlarning ma'naviy-axloqiy holatiga salbiy taʼsir koʻrsatuvchi huquqbuzarlik, giyohvandlik, ahloqsizlik kabi muammolarni bartaraf etishning samarali yoʻllari" mavzusida davra suhbati o‘tkazildi.

⚡️ Joriy yilning 15-noyabr kuni Raqamli iqtisodiyot va agrotexnologiyalar universitetida "Yoshlarning ma'naviy-axloqiy holatiga salbiy taʼsir koʻrsatuvchi huquqbuzarlik, giyohvandlik, ahloqsizlik kabi muammolarni bartaraf etishning samarali yoʻllari" mavzusida davra suhbati o‘tkazildi. Davra suhbatiga Tarbiyaviy va mavkuraviy ishlar bosh boshqarmasi Ijtimoiiy-psixologik tadqiqotlar bo‘limi bosh mutaxassisi Mamataliyev Urolboy Amonovich hamda "Boshliq" MFY profilaktika inspektori  Azizbek To‘raqulovlar ishtirok etishdi.

🌟 Suhbatdan ko’zlangan maqsad, talaba-yoshlarning huquqiy ongini oshirishdan iborat bo'ldi. Zero, ularni qonunlarga hurmat ruhida tarbiyalash, huquqiy demokratik davlat qurishda oʻsib kelayotgan yosh avlodning huquqiy bilimlarni mukammal egallaganligi ham muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.

🎓 UDEA - yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!


🙋‍♂️ A roundtable discussion was held on the topic "Effective ways to eliminate problems such as crime, drug addiction, and immorality, which negatively affect the moral and moral condition of young people."

⚡️ On November 15 of this year, a roundtable discussion was held at the University of Digital Economy and Agro-Technology on the topic "Effective ways to eliminate problems such as crime, drug addiction, and immorality that negatively affect the moral and moral condition of young people."  Mamataliyev Urolboy Amonovich, Chief Specialist of the Department of Social and Psychological Research of the General Directorate of Educational and Social Affairs, and Azizbek Torakulovov, Inspector of Prevention of "Boshlyk" MFY, took part in the roundtable discussion.

🌟 The purpose of the interview was to increase the legal awareness of students.  After all, educating them in the spirit of respect for laws and building a legal democratic state is also important for the growing young generation to acquire legal knowledge perfectly.

🎓 UDEA - we guide You to the brighter future!

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18 Nov, 09:14

🇺🇿 18-noyabr O'zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat bayrog'i qabul qilingan kun! 🎉

📜 Vatanimiz Mustaqillikka erishganidan bir oz muddat o'tib, 1991-yilning 18-noyabr sanasida Davlat bayrog'ini tasdiqladi. O'z sarhadlariga ega bo'lgan davlat, ramzlariga, ayniqsa, bayrog'iga ega bo'lishi ajralmas jihatdir. Chunki bayroq bu Davlatni boshqalardan ajratib turuvchi va tanituvchi muhim vositadir. Shu paytgacha Vatanimiz bayrog'i butun dunyo bo'ylab ko'tarildi, tanildi va shohsupalarda yetakchilikni qo'ldan boy bermadi. Vatanimiz bayrog'ini yuksaklarga ko'tarishda faol bo'lgan yoshlar safi kengaymoqda va bunga sababchilardan biri bo'lib kelayotgan UDEA universiteti jamoasi 18-noyabr – O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat bayrog'i qabul qilinganligi munosabati bilan barcha yurtdoshlarimizni muborakbod etadi!

🇺🇿 O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Bayrog'i – davlatimiz mustaqilligi ramzi, xalqimizning erki va g‘ururi timsolidir!

🎓 UDEA - yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!


🇺🇿 November 18 — State flag day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!  🎉

📜 Our country approved the national flag on November 18, 1991, shortly after gaining independence.  A country with its own borders, its symbols, especially its flag, is an indispensable aspect.  Because the flag is an important tool that distinguishes and identifies this State from others.  Until now, the flag of our Motherland has been raised all over the world, recognized and did not miss the leadership on the podiums.  The number of young generation who are active in raising the flag of our country to the heights is expanding, and the team of UDEA University is happy to be one of the reasons for this. UDEA congratulates all our compatriots on the occasion of the Day of the National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

🇺🇿 The flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a symbol of the independence of our country, a symbol of the will and pride of our people!

🎓 UDEA - we guide You to the brighter future!

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15 Nov, 12:32

🤩 UDEA universitetida 14-noyabr sanasida O'zbekiston ayollarining 100 ta biznes innovatsion loyihasi laurianti Ma'mura Musulmonova tomonidan biznes seminar bo'lib o'tdi!

Lauriatimiz 20 yil davomida to'plagan bilim va tajribalaridan kelib chiqgan holda ishtirokchilar uchun qimmatli maslahatlarini ulashdi. Xususan, marketing sohasida qanday strategiyalar muhimligi va "Ambassador-M" kompaniyasi kabi muvofaqqiyat yo'llaridan yurish haqida so'z bordi.

👌 Muvofaqqiyatli insonlar qatorida bo'lishni istasangiz UDEA bilan birga bo'ling!

🎓 UDEA - yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!

🤩 On 14th of November UDEA University, a business seminar was held by Ma'mura Muslimonova, lauriant of 100 business innovation projects of women of Uzbekistan!

Our Lauriat shared valuable advice for the participants based on the knowledge and experience they have accumulated over 20 years. In particular, it was discussed what strategies are important in the field of marketing and how to follow the paths of success like "Ambassador-M" company.

👌 Join UDEA if you want to be among successful people!

🎓 UDEA - we guide You to the bright future!

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13 Nov, 07:23

😇 "Bakers' Battle 2.0" biznes strategiya simulyatsiyasida "NEOS" jamoasi gʻoliblikni qoʻlga kiritdi

🤔2024-yil 30-oktabr, UDEAda 'Biznes club' va 'Risk & Reward Simulations' hamkorligida oʻtkazilgan Bakers' Battle 2.0 biznes strategiya simulyatsiyasi o'tkazildi. Ushbu simulyatsiyada 7 ta jamoalar oʻz biznesni boshqarish mahoratlarini sinovdan oʻtkazib, strategik qarorlar qabul qilish va qabul qilingan qarorlarning biznes rivojiga ta'sirini baholash imkoniyatiga ega boʻlishdi.

🔘Ishtirokchilar haqiqiy bozor murakkabliklarini boshdan kechirdilar va narx siyosati, ishlab chiqarish va resurslarni taqsimlash borasida strategik qarorlar qabul qilishdi. 4 soat davom etgan 10 raundlardan soʻng, NEOS jamoasi oʻzining samarali strategiyasi va raqobatbardoshligi bilan gʻoliblikka erishdi hamda qimmatbaho sovrinni qoʻlga kiritdi.

Mazkur tadbir nazariy bilimlarni amaliyot bilan bogʻlashga va ishtirokchilarning strategik fikrlash hamda bozor o'zgarishlariga moslashuvchanlik qobiliyatlarini mustahkamlashga xizmat qildi.


😇 NEOS Triumphs in the Bakers' Battle 2.0 Simulation, Hosted by Business Club and Risk & Reward Simulations.

🤔October 30, 2024 — The Business Club, in collaboration with Risk & Reward Simulations, hosted the highly anticipated Bakers' Battle 2.0 at UDEA, where 7 teams faced off in an immersive, competitive environment that tested their business acumen and decision-making skills.

🔘The simulation invited participants to navigate the complexities of the baking industry, making strategic decisions on pricing, production, and resource allocation. After rounds of skilful competition, Team NEOS emerged as the ultimate victor, earning a valuable prize for their impressive market strategy and resilience.

The event emphasized the role of practical learning experiences in bridging theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, enabling students to sharpen their strategic thinking and adaptability.

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09 Nov, 06:20

UDEA Universitetidan Praga sarguzashtlari!

🎓 Bizning talabalarimiz Erasmus+ dasturi doirasida Praga shahrida ta’lim olayotgan jarayonlarini siz bilan baham ko’rmoqda.

📽️ Keling, talabalarimizning Praga sarguzashtlarini ko’raylik! Ular qiziqarli tadbirlarda ishtirok etmoqda, yangi do’stlar orttirmoqda va ajoyib tajribalar qozonmoqda.

📥 Erasmus+ dasturi haqida batafsil ma’lumot olish uchun biz bilan bog’laning!


UDEA University Adventures in Prague!

🎓 Our students are sharing their experiences studying in Prague as part of the Erasmus+ program.

📽️ Let’s take a look at our students’ adventures in Prague! They are participating in exciting events, making new friends, and gaining amazing experiences.

📥 For more information about the Erasmus+ program, feel free to contact us!

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