TESOL International @tesolasiauz Channel on Telegram

TESOL International

TESOL International
🎓Internationally recognized and accredited qualifications
✈️Networking opportunities for professionals
📞 (99) 8145027
📞 (94) 3535020
👩‍💻 @TESOL_International
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Last Updated 02.03.2025 15:19

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Understanding TESOL International: A Gateway to Global Teaching Opportunities

TESOL International has emerged as a prominent institution in the realm of teaching English to speakers of other languages. With a focus on providing high-quality training and internationally recognized qualifications, it serves as a vital resource for aspiring educators across the globe. The organization is dedicated to promoting excellence in English language education and offers a variety of programs tailored to meet the diverse needs of its students. Through its courses, TESOL International equips teachers with essential skills and methodologies, enabling them to effectively engage with learners from varied backgrounds. The training not only enhances the educators' teaching capabilities but also significantly enriches students' learning experiences. In addition to its comprehensive training programs, TESOL International fosters a robust networking environment, allowing education professionals to connect, share experiences, and advance their careers. As the demand for qualified English teachers continues to rise globally, TESOL International stands at the forefront of this expanding field, making it an attractive option for those seeking to teach English anywhere in the world.

What are the main qualifications offered by TESOL International?

TESOL International provides a range of qualifications that cater to various levels of teaching expertise and experience. These include certificates, diplomas, and master’s degree programs focused on teaching English as a second language. Each qualification is designed to equip educators with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for effective teaching. The programs emphasize modern pedagogical strategies, classroom management, curriculum design, and assessment methods, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to enter the classroom.

In addition to these core qualifications, TESOL International also offers specialized courses that cover niche areas such as teaching young learners, business English, and online teaching. This variety allows educators to tailor their professional development according to their specific career goals and the needs of their students, making the TESOL qualifications both diverse and comprehensive.

How does TESOL International support networking among professionals?

TESOL International places a strong emphasis on networking opportunities for its members and graduates. It organizes various events, including workshops, conferences, and webinars, where educators can connect with each other, share insights, and discuss the latest trends in English language teaching. These gatherings create an invaluable platform for professionals to build relationships, exchange teaching strategies, and collaborate on projects.

Moreover, TESOL International has a vibrant online community that allows educators to interact and engage beyond traditional settings. Through forums and social media groups, members can ask questions, seek advice, and share resources. This sense of community is essential for ongoing professional development, as it fosters collaboration and support among teachers from different geographic locations and cultural backgrounds.

What benefits do TESOL International qualifications provide to educators?

Obtaining a TESOL International qualification brings numerous benefits to educators, both professionally and personally. Firstly, these qualifications are widely recognized around the world, enhancing an educator's employability and opening doors to teaching opportunities in various countries. Many employers view TESOL certification as a standard requirement for English teaching positions, making it a valuable asset for job seekers in the international education market.

Additionally, the training received through TESOL International programs instills confidence in educators, preparing them for the challenges of the classroom. Graduates report feeling more competent in lesson planning, student engagement, and classroom management, which ultimately leads to better student outcomes. This professional growth contributes not only to the educators' careers but also positively impacts their students' learning experiences.

How can prospective students enroll in TESOL International programs?

Enrolling in TESOL International programs is a straightforward process. Interested individuals can begin by visiting the official TESOL International website, where they can find detailed information about available courses, qualifications, and admission requirements. The website often hosts assessments and application forms that help simplify the enrollment experience.

After selecting a program, prospective students may need to submit necessary documentation, such as academic transcripts and a personal statement outlining their teaching aspirations. Following the review of applications, the TESOL International admissions team typically contacts candidates regarding their acceptance and the next steps. There are also options for online courses, allowing individuals to study from anywhere in the world.

What makes TESOL International unique compared to other teaching certification programs?

TESOL International distinguishes itself through its commitment to high standards and quality training. Unlike many other programs, TESOL International’s qualifications are not only recognized but also accredited by reputable educational bodies, ensuring that the training provided meets rigorous academic and professional benchmarks. This accreditation serves as a testament to the program's legitimacy and effectiveness in preparing educators for the realities of teaching.

Furthermore, the organization’s global reach and extensive alumni network offer graduates unique opportunities for career advancement and professional development. TESOL International’s programs are designed to be inclusive and diverse, catering to a wide array of teaching contexts and learner demographics, which is crucial for educators looking to operate in a multicultural teaching environment.

TESOL International Telegram Channel

Are you looking to advance your career in the field of English language teaching? Look no further than TESOL International! As an internationally recognized training center, TESOL International offers accredited qualifications that will set you apart in the competitive job market. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to expand your knowledge or someone just starting out in the field, TESOL International has a program for you.

By joining our Telegram channel @tesolasiauz, you will have access to a supportive community of fellow educators and professionals. Engage in networking opportunities, share resources, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in English language teaching. Our team of experienced instructors is dedicated to helping you succeed in your career goals.

For more information on our programs and how to get started, contact us at (99) 8145027 or (94) 3535020. You can also visit our website for details on tour programs at https://t.me/nreducational. Take the first step towards a rewarding career in English language teaching with TESOL International today!

TESOL International Latest Posts

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Hello,dear teachers!
We are happy to announce out March Calendar.We are here to help you to become the best teachers!

Calendar for March 2025

TESOL Asia International is offering these courses in March:

1. IELTS for teachers-March 5
2. TEFL in Tashkent - Starting March 8 and March 22
3. TESOL in Tashkent -Starting March 8 and March 22
4.TEFL in Nukus - Starting March 8 and March 15
5.IELTS instructor - March 15
6.TEFL in Surkhandaryo- March 15
7.IELTS preparation course for students- March 22
📞 Our contact details:
+998 99 814 50 27
+998 94 353 50 20

To register:
✉️ @TESOL_International
Join our channels:

28 Feb, 15:05
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Designing Fair and Inclusive Language Assessments: Classroom Tools and Strategies 
Presented by:  Farid Bashiri 
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2025, 4pm (UK time)
In this webinar, you will explore strategies and tools for designing fair and inclusive language assessments, addressing bias, accessibility, and equity to ensure all learners have equal opportunities to succeed while fostering learning through effective assessment practices.

Link for the seminar :

24 Feb, 16:32
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🚀 Surxondaryo viloyatidagi o‘qituvchilar uchun ajoyib yangilik! 🚀
🎓 TESOL & TEFL kurslari endi ochiq! 🎓

🌍 Xalqaro sertifikatli ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi bo‘lishni xohlaysizmi? Endi bu imkoniyat Surxondaryo viloyatida mavjud!

📌 Sizga nima beramiz?
✔️ Xalqaro darajadagi sertifikat: C1 darajasiga erishish imkoniyati bor!
✔️ Tajribali mutaxassislardan trening: Chet ellik malakali o‘qituvchilar bilan ishlash.
✔️ O‘qitish mahoratini oshirish va yangi imkoniyatlar: Ta’lim sifatini yaxshilash va karerangizni rivojlantirish.
✔️ Moslashuvchan va samarali ta’lim: Zamonaviy usullar bilan o‘qitishni o‘rganing.

📍 O‘rinlar cheklangan! O‘qituvchilik faoliyatingizni keyingi bosqichga olib chiqing!

📩 Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot olish yoki ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun bizga yozing!
Ro’yxatdan o’tish: https://forms.gle/PHYFk5zWki5KWUMt9
Aloqa uchun telefon raqamlar: 94 4977776

Tesol_Tefl Surkhandarya

🚀 Endi o‘z karerangizni yangi bosqichga olib chiqing!

24 Feb, 12:18
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Ingliz tili ustozlar uchun Attestatsiyaga tayyorlanish uchun eng ko’p BEPUL ma’lumotlar berilgan kanal!

Darslarni osonroq topishingiz uchun Kanal Mundarijasi:

Har bir concept , ya’ni mavzudan keyin, mustahkamlash mashqalari yokida quizlari berilgan!

🔣Kanal egasi haqida!


☑️1. International Phonetic Alphabet ,
☑️2. Test on IPA
☑️3. The classification of consonants according to their place of articulation and manner of articulation.
☑️4.Test on classification of consonants
☑️5. Ovoz va shovqinning o'rniga ko'ra undoshlar!
☑️6. Test on voiced and unvoiced sounds.
☑️7. Undoshlar klassifikatsiyasi uchun muhim mashq.
☑️8. 24 ta undosh tovushni hosil qiluvchi harf va harf birikmalari!
☑️9. Pronunciation of "-ed"
☑️10. Test on Pronunciation of “-ed”
☑️11. Present Simple -(e)s suffixining 3 xil talaffuzi!
☑️12. Test on Present Simple -(e)s
☑️13. C va G harflarining 2 xil talaffuzlari
☑️14. C va G harflarining 2 xil talaffuzlari uchun test
☑️15. Homophones video dars
☑️16. Homophones uchun mashq
☑️17. Homophones 100 talik ro’hyat
☑️18. Homophones yuzasidan test
☑️19. Silet letters ro’yhati
☑️20. FONETIKADAN yuqoridagi bilimlaringizni tekshirish uchun 45 ta savolli QUIZ
☑️21. /e/ qisqa monophthongi haqida
☑️22. /e/ qisqa monophthongi bo’yicha test
☑️23. Monophthonglar bo'yicha test
☑️ Monophong: /ɪ/ as in KIT
☑️/i:/ sound va unga o'xshash tovushlarning u bilan farqlari!

🔣- Reading

✔️24. Reading Comprehension- O'qib tushunish qobilyatini oshirish to'g'risida dars
✔️25. Reading test-online
✔️26. Bepul Attestatsiya MOCK testi- online ishlang, va tugatiboq natijangizni biling
💜 27.Kalit so'zlar bilan ishlash

⚡️11 sinf, Unit 1-4 Vocab and Pronunciation
⚡️11 sinf darsligidan, Unit 5 vocab and pronunciation test
⚡️11 sinf, Unit 6 vocab and pronunciation test
⚡️11 sinf Unit 7 Vocab and Pronunciation test
⚡️11 sinf Unit 8,9 Vocab and Pronunciation test
⚡️B1 Phrasal Verbs
⚡️Quiz on B1 Phrasal Verbs


➡️Pragmatik belgilar mavzusidan quiz
➡️Pragmatika: Nutqiy harakatlar mavzusidan to'liq qo'llanma
➡️Nutqiy harakatlar mavzusidan quiz


✔️Subjunctive Mood

🔣Semantics /Lexicology
✔️Advanced Level Dialogue Completion test
✔️Conjunctions Advanced Level test pdf
✔️Conjunctions Advanced quiz form
✔️Idioms Part 1
✔️Idioms Part 1 Quiz
✔️Idioms Part 2
✔️Idioms Part 2 Quiz
✔️Idioms Part 3
✔️Idioms Part 3 Quiz
✔️Proverbs Quiz
💜Language Teaching Abbreviations
💜Language Teaching Abbreviayions Quiz

💘Qiziq video darschalar: Homophones
💘Minimal Pairs

💘Nizomdagi bazi kitoblar

👥Bu kanaldagi barcha darslar pulli kursdan olingan. Self-study qilayotgan, yokida tayyorlanishni boshlab takrorlash qilayotgan ustozlarimiz, albatta ko'ring, sotib olishingiz mumkun ma'lumotlar shundaygina berilgan!

🌟Kanalda ustoz kim?
💘Natijalar gapirsin

21 Feb, 10:49