W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US @sukhrobmurodov Channel on Telegram

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US


IELTS 9.0 holder
SAT 1520 in 2021
Standardised Tests Expert
The student at TOP-40 Business School
An incoming Audit/Assurance Associate at Deloitte

Reach out at @sukhrob_bs

SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0 📈 (English)

Are you looking to ace your IELTS exam with a score of 9.0? Look no further than SUKHROB! This Telegram channel is run by a talented individual who holds an impressive IELTS score of 9.0. SUKHROB is not only an IELTS expert but also achieved an outstanding SAT score of 1520 in 2021. With expertise in college admissions and standardized tests, SUKHROB is the go-to person for all your academic needs. Currently studying at a TOP-40 Business School, SUKHROB is well-equipped to provide valuable insights and guidance to help you succeed. Whether you're preparing for the IELTS exam, SAT, or seeking advice on college admissions, SUKHROB is here to help. Connect with SUKHROB on Telegram at @sukhrob_bs and take your academic journey to new heights!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

29 Jan, 19:03


W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

29 Jan, 14:20

Привет всем!

Замечательно видно, что «учёба за границей» стала настоящим ажиотажем в Узбекистане. У людей сложилось такое представление: учёба за границей = успех, но на самом деле это далеко не всегда так. Пользуясь стремлениями молодёжи, те, кто прошёл этот довольно простой путь, пытаются «помочь» другим.

Но за словом «помощь» скрывается множество заблуждений, дезинформации и обмана. Они говорят вам: «Не нужно прикладывать столько усилий. Просто набери определённый балл в Duolingo, и я устрою тебя с 100% стипендией. Даже визу тебе сделаю». Однако за этими заманчивыми обещаниями скрываются вещи, которые можно без проблем сделать самостоятельно от начала и до конца. А за свои «услуги» такие люди требуют минимум $2500 (я слышал, что некоторые берут до $10 тысяч, но не будем указывать пальцем – всё и так очевидно).

Я не против. Да, можно поступить даже с низкими результатами, но не стоит ожидать, что вас ждёт жизнь мечты. Вам придётся работать сверхурочно, чтобы покрыть свои расходы, а баланс между учёбой и работой, вкупе с отсутствием возможностей в слабых университетах, приведёт к застою. Иными словами, пути вперёд у вас не будет – вы загоните себя в ловушку.

Не спешите. Работайте над своим развитием. Добивайтесь высоких результатов на тестах, улучшайте свои навыки письма, разбирайтесь в процессе поступления досконально. И если хотите, наймите наставника только для дополнительной уверенности – но не ожидайте, что кто-то сделает всё за вас.

Берегите свои деньги и деньги своих родителей. Не позволяйте себя обмануть!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

29 Jan, 14:19

Salom, hammaga!

Ochiq-oydin ko‘rinib turibdi: “chet elda o‘qish” O‘zbekistonda juda katta trendga aylanib qoldi. Odamlar orasida shunday tushuncha shakllangan: chet elda o‘qish = muvaffaqiyat, lekin bu har doim ham haqiqat emas. Yoshlarning orzularidan foydalanib, bu jarayonni juda oddiy bosib o‘tgan odamlar boshqalarga “yordam” bermoqchi bo‘lishyapti.

Lekin “yordam” so‘zi ostida ko‘p noto‘g‘ri yo‘naltirishlar, yolg‘on ma’lumotlar va aldamchiliklar bor. Ular sizga shunday deyishadi: “Shunchalik ko‘p harakat qilish shart emas. Faqatgina ma’lum bir Duolingo ballini oling, men sizni 100% stipendiya bilan kiritaman. Hatto vizani ham olib beraman.” Bu jozibador tuyulgan gaplar aslida hech qanday muammo bo‘lmasdan o‘zingiz mustaqil hal qilishingiz mumkin bo‘lgan narsalar. Lekin bu odamlar bular uchun sizdan kamida $2500 so‘rashadi (hatto $10 minggacha talab qiladiganlar ham bor – kimnidir ayblash shart emas, bunday holatlar allaqachon sodir bo‘lyapti).

Men qarshilik qilayotganim yo‘q. Ha, past ko‘rsatkichlar bilan ham qabul qilinishingiz mumkin, lekin orzuingizdagi hayotni kutmang. Xarajatlaringizni qoplash uchun juda ko‘p qo‘shimcha ish qilishingizga to‘g‘ri keladi, va yomon universitetlarda imkoniyatlarning yo‘qligi natijasida o‘qish va ishlash o‘rtasidagi muvozanat yo‘qoladi. Bu esa sizni o‘rningizda qotirib qo‘yadi – oldinga siljishning iloji bo‘lmaydi. O‘zingizni tuzoqqa tushirib qo‘yasiz.

Shoshilmang. O‘z ustingizda ishlang. Yuqori test ballarini oling, yozish mahoratingizni rivojlantiring, butun jarayonning ichki va tashqi tomonlarini tushunib oling. Agar xohlasangiz, faqat qo‘shimcha ishonch uchun mentor yollang – lekin kimdir butun jarayonni siz uchun bajaradi deb umid qilmang.

O‘zingizning va ota-onangizning puliga ehtiyot bo‘ling. Hech kim sizni aldashiga yo‘l qo‘ymang!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

29 Jan, 14:17

Hello, everyone!

Noticeably, “study abroad” has become such a hype in Uzbekistan. There’s this perception: studies abroad=successful, which in fact is not the case. Taking an advantage of the desires of the youth, all these people who went thru this fairly simple journey are trying to help others.

But under the word “help”, there’s a lot of misguidance, misinformation, and deceptions. They tell you “no need to put in that much effort. Just go get a certain Duolingo score, and I’ll get you in with a 100% scholarship. I’ll even get a visa for you”. In addition to these seemingly appealing statements that are actually things that can be done independently, start to end, they try to charge you at least $2500 (I heard people charging up to $10k, but there’s no need to point fingers. It’s already being done).

I’m not objecting. Yes, you can get in easily with low stats, but don’t expect a life of your dreams. You’ll have to do a lot of additional hours of work to finance your expenses, and the trade off between work and studying in addition to the lack of opportunities in bad universities will make you stagnate. That is, there’s no way forward. You entrap yourself.

Don’t rush. Focus on your growth. Get great test scores, work on your writing skills, understand the ins and outs of the process, and if you want to, just hire a mentor for EXTRA ASSURANCE - without expecting someone will do the whole thing for you.

Be careful with your and your parents’ money. Don’t let others fool you!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

28 Jan, 05:23

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Ассаламу алейкум

Я не знаю точно, бывают ли у вас такие состояния или нет, вот просто: не знаешь что делать (это больше про одну сферу жизни, к примеру семья, друзья, при этом работа, учеба всё идет своим чередом, но вот что делать так где возникла проблема, вы не знаете). Что вы делаете в такие моменты. Как понять что ты совершаешь верный поступок. И считаете ли вы, что страдать и ощущать боль - это нормально и надо уметь добиваться успеха и с такими чувствами внутри

То о чем вы говорите происходит со всеми людьми которые двигаются вперед.

Люди которые просто забили на все, не имеют целей, играют в бессмысленные видео игры целыми днями, и вообще ничего не хотят добиться не думают. Для них, все хорошо, и они довольны своей жизнью. Они довольны потому что они слепы - человек который осознал реальность не может просто напросто, спокойно жить. Он понимает насколько жизнь сложна и насколько ответственно нужно подходить ко всему что происходит чтобы не облажаться.

А то состояние когда вы не знаете что дальше делать, как быть, какие принимать решения является совсем даже нормальным. В такие моменты, нужно понимать что вы БУДУЩЕЕ ПРЕДСКАЗАТЬ НЕ МОЖЕТЕ. Принимайте решение которое является самым оптимальным по вашему мнение, и полагайтесь на Всевышнего. Молитесь, просите чтобы он не дал вам совершать масштабные ошибки. Старания и надежда на Создавшего вас и все что вокруг является лучшей комбинацией при любой стадии жизни.

Без страданий и боли конечно же никак😂 Поэтому мы так радуемся когда добиваемся тех вещей которые придавали нам трудности. Если бы их не было, вы бы радовались так же? Конечно же нет. И поэтому наверное говорится «воистину, за каждой тягостью наступает облегчение» (94:5).

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

27 Jan, 17:51

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Насколько ,думаете, важно для образованного мужчины уровень интеллекта девушки? Как это может повлиять на качество общения между ними ? Вообще для парней какое имеет место общение и понимание друг друга ,уровень глубины в вышеперечисленном, в отношениях. На что прежде всего обратите внимание и сочтете это сильным качеством девушки.

Конечно, есть качества, которые намного важнее интеллекта. Умение поддерживать, слушать и понимать без осуждений – это одни из самых важных качеств девушки для любого умного и сильного мужчины. Лично мне не нужна та, которая будет осуждать, руководствуясь стереотипами, и говорить что-то вроде: «Ой, ты такой, ты должен делать так, это твоя обязанность». Я бы ответил: «Не тебе указывать на мои обязанности». Я всегда сам знаю и понимаю, что требуется от меня, и чего ожидаю от нее – и вообще, лучше без завышенных ожиданий.

Если у девушки есть вышеупомянутые качества, если она мудрая и принципиальная, но не совсем развита в плане интеллекта, я думаю, это не проблема. Конечно, отношения будут лучше, если она сможет понимать, о чем я говорю, и делиться своим мнением. Это станет основой для хороших диалогов. А общение в отношениях – это как фундамент в строительстве дома: без него крепких отношений не будет.

В общем, я считаю, что каждый осознанный и умный парень или мужчина хотел бы видеть рядом с собой умную девушку, но мудрость и характер всегда должны быть в приоритете.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

27 Jan, 15:47

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

сколько раз тебе признавались в любви?

Если честно даже посчитать сложно. В последнее время более менее перестали Слава Богу, но бывало что каждую неделю признавались 😂

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

27 Jan, 04:03

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Are you virgin?

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

27 Jan, 03:44

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Hi! I wanted to ask how long it took you to prepare for the ielts and sat?I am really passionate about studying abroad and i am preparing for these exams ,and can you advice me something how to get higher scores in both exams?

For IELTS, I studied for around two years before I got my 8.0, with which I applied to universities. Then, without any extra preparation, I secured my C2 from Cambridge, but didn’t have to use it anywhere. I just had it for fun.

For SAT, I started studying April 2021. I then took my first exam (paper based) in August 2021, scoring 1460 (730 in both sections). I then took the test again in October of the same year, scoring a 1520 (790 math, 730 English).

That’s how much time I spent. What I would recommend you is focus heavily on your proficiency right now. Challenge yourself beyond what’s normal. Read literature, learn new words every day, listen to podcasts, and keep taking private tutoring classes. When you have great proficiency, you can spend just two months for your IELTS preparation and still end up getting a really nice score.

The foundations you build while learning pure English will take you a long way in your SAT preparation journey, too. Approach SAT strategically. As an expert in SAT English in particular, I’d advise you to put most emphasis on enhancing your comprehension skills. Social sciences, science, and literature are primary genres coming up on SATs. Read a lot around these genres, and keep practicing every question type. I can’t recommend anything for math because that’s not my area of expertise.

But go for your SAT. Go for a high score. Your SAT score doesn’t end at getting your acceptances. This is a test that genuinely tests you on life skills - analytical thinking, recognizing patterns, and finding proof in arguments. It will take you a long way as you pursue college and beyond!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

26 Jan, 21:13

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

When are you coming back to Uzbekistan?

I’m missing home too much. I can’t wait until May

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalom alaykum Sukhrob!
I`ve been following your channel for a long time, and it`s the one where I read every new content thoroughly as soon as released. I know you are a very disciplined person as I see you manage a bunch of things like your studies, keeping your grades high, working, and also helping the people who are in need of academic advice or support.
What`s interesting for me is how can you do them all, you still have the same hours per day as everyone. I have trouble with time management so can you please tell us how your average day goes, do you always organize or plan it in advance and if so does everything usually go as planned?

My life has been like this from last year. I’ve had to sacrifice most of my social life, rest time, and relationships to be able to focus on my studies, work, projects, and business enterprise.

What I realized as time went on is you can’t do things on time and productively UNLESS YOUR SCHEDULE IS packed. That is, if you have 5-6 hours of work/studies everyday and the rest of the time you are free, you’ll most likely end up procrastinating or not following your schedule.

However, when you keep yourself busy from 8AM to 9PM, things are different. You know that if you do not do a task as planned, you won’t have time to do it the next time. That’s how you will pressure yourself into finishing all tasks in a timely manner and with a reasonable degree of care.

Yet another HOWEVER: Even if you decide to fill your schedule up, whether you’ll be motivated to do those tasks depends on their nature: are they obligatory or are they independent, self-paced? Because if those are things that are mandatory, you will be responsible even if you don’t want to, but if they are not, you’ll most likely keep procrastinating still.

SO, fill your schedule with things that are mandatory and at the same time would bring benefits. These might be courses taught by instructors, a part time or a full time job, or something you took genuine accountability for.

I hope I could explain the ideology behind staying disciplined.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

26 Jan, 19:27

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalomu alaykum, bro
I put this question in bot but seems you didn`t see it.

As a follow up question to the earlier one about the potential of student with solid economics/finance background and 4-5 papers of ACCA and solid english , what do you think about the potential of accountingfinance major at USF - I am going to go there this fall - not just pure accounting major like in your case. I am saying because it is seemingly solid to start the early career with accounting like you are doing but in the long run my passion is mainly finance and banking. Someone who has come so far like you can answer my question only. Thank you so much!

Where you go doesn’t define what you can do.

Sure, if you go to a very high-name school, you will have to put less efforts into accomplishing your career objectives. That’s because you will have better networks, access to better opportunities, and a better environment in which to thrive. All of these will accelerate your progress, and get you much faster to where you want to be at.

But if you, let’s say, went to USF, which is not a target school for most recruiters, you could have the same boost, but you would have to put in much more work. That said, you will have to build from the very scratch. Despite this, you can get to the point you want. It’s all up to you, at the end of the day.

USF’s accounting program is really strong tho - 16th in the nation. We are AACSB accredited, have some of the biggest chapters in state, and Tampa is a hub of business. TOP finance firms and banks come and recruit from the school. Well, the school is really strong in medicine and accounting, but other colleges such as Engineering aren’t that strong.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

26 Jan, 19:09

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

How to improve my communication skills? I know you are so good at it that`s why asking. Everybody says one framework based sentences when I ask. I toughly lack of communication skills, I can`t even do an eye contact with my communicator. I have discovered that I have an asperger`s syndrome but I can`t go to therapist and it`s nonsense anyways. A lot of genius people have this kinda disorders but they are now perfect at it. I cannot go to crowded places and when it’s my turn to speak my brain stops. You said do what you fear but other people may humiliate. Some people can`t even understand that there are people called "introverts", about people with speaking disorders I don`t tell anything. I know that I possess an ability to make difference and implement my ideas but communication is key in this case. Pls give some advice 🙏

Force yourself into busy places. Concerts, events, conferences…. Wherever you will be left alone when everyone is talking and feel awkward- that will force you to communicate. Start small - learn to hold conversations with 1 to 2 people. Gradually, raise those limits. Don’t get stuck too much on theory - you can’t really learn communication from books. Practice first, get some level of confidence and skills, and then you can read books and implement the advice from them into your communications or negotiations to get even better.

Just start somewhere. Your confidence will definitely crumble after a couple of attempts, but don’t let that hold you back. Trust me, you’ll get better with time. You simply need to find strength to put your fears aside and start somehow.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

26 Jan, 01:02

Doing real audit work

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

25 Jan, 18:07

Just an example of how irrational we can be:

I’m currently interning at a local insurance provider as an FP&A specialist(Financial Planning and Analysis), and it’s a little farther from my home. So I ordered Uber.

There were two options: within 6 minutes, 26.99, and wait and save within 15 minutes at 24.99. Unconsciously, I went for a cheaper option.

But, I’m losing 15 minutes? That’s quarter of an hour. If my hourly rate is $27, I’m losing 6.75 just to save $2. That’s an example of how irrational humans can be from a behavioral economics perspective….

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

25 Jan, 01:03

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalomu aleykum, Suhrob aka! i just wanted to receive some advice from u. the thing is that i’m always afraid of doing something and cannot do anything with it. i mean whenever i want to talk to someone, or when im taking an exam im always thinking of that smth will go wrong and in the end nothing good will happen. i totally cannot encourage myself to do anything. but i so much want to live this life for all 100% and get all what it gives to me, but i thing negatively about anything i encounter. and moreover, whenever smth good actually happens, i think it’s just the luck or i dont know. anyways, i dont know what to do…

Do things you fear most. Fears are normal but don’t let them stand in your way and force you to make unreasonable decisions (that happens sometimes. You need to be able to control your feelings). The best way to fight against your fears is to go face to face with them.

At the end of the day, there’s nothing to fear. Your life is so short looking at the magnitude of this world. Go fail. So what? That doesn’t really change anything. And once you do, stand up and try again. Trust me, everybody lives like this. Winners are only online. They fail too, and they fail hard, but keep it hidden and try once more.

Regarding judgement, nobody really cares. We think everyone around is judging us, but no one really cares. Fail, stand up, win, and fail again. Enjoy life this way

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

24 Jan, 16:01

Looks so good😋

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

24 Jan, 15:58

Officially a lifetime member of the most reputable honorary business organization internationally!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

22 Jan, 03:49

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

what websites for articles about finance and business world do you read on a daily basis

I am not that much into technical finance articles. I’m more interested in economic research and experiments - behavioral or political. So, I read Economist on a daily basis, and Wall Street Journal occasionally.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

22 Jan, 03:43

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Is your brother also planning to study in the USA, or will he stay with your parents?

No, my brother wants to study corporate law or criminology at Law University in Tashkent and then come to America for Law School. Not to stay here as a lawyer - most probably it’s out of reach - but just to study and get the experiences. My dad wants him to study abroad, either in the UK or the US at a certain point now or in the future. But he doesn’t want to now - he’s very comfortable in Uzbekistan. He wants to stay with my parents and just live a life. But he will surely come and do Law School 3-4 years down the road!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

22 Jan, 03:40

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

As an international student, what way of earning money for self-expenditures ?
Would you recommend any side hustle or is it better to immediately learn a serious profession ?

If you can, don’t work in your first year and focus on adapting to a new culture, making friends, and deciding with your lifetime career. Take that time to reshape to someone ready to embrace new experiences, cultures, interests, and people.

Yes, there’s a lot you can do in America. You can work on campus and cover your expenses somehow; of course don’t think you’d be rich - you’ll be making ends meet at the very least. You can offer some services in Uzbekistan and make additional money, and just live a good life.

However, remember that being broke temporarily is just fine. Don’t focus too much on short-term small amounts of money - don’t chase it too much. Focus on your skills, education, and career. America loves the patient. If you have something to bring to the table - you’ll find a way out. That is, if you become an exceptional student, you can land internships during college that pay very decent, and end up doing a job after graduation that will consistently pay you big figures and let you have the best quality of life.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

22 Jan, 01:02

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Bro don’t get this question wrong but I’m just very interested. I’m from Samarkand and most people even my parents speak a lot about your family like your dad is a very strong person and your family is rich enough. Despite that you are successful your siblings always behave in an exemplary way. I mean people from families like that usually do not know limitations.There are a lot of good words, nothing bad. Do you think that contributed to your success?

I’ve always been thankful for being dressed wholesome, eating good, and sleeping in a nice bed in a nice room.

However, I never over-exploited resources my parents have; yes, at a certain point, they invested in my education, and without that investment I might not have been where I am at right now. The fact that I am well established for my future - I.e. I don’t have to worry about getting a house or a car - let me think bigger and pursue bigger goals. But I never let my parents’ networks or money give me an edge over others. In fact, my dad himself is very much against it - he wants me to go through these struggles and build from 0, just like he did. Whatever I have so far, I achieved it with my own sweating efforts, perseverance, and desires.

That being said, I’m forever thankful to have a dad who gave me this upbringing, integrity, and qualities. He’s my lifetime mentor - someone I can turn to anytime I need advice. Coming from a very poor background and achieving all he has by himself, he definitely has had a lot to teach me.

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 18:22

I’ll answer as many questions as possible, but I’m trying to share what others would find useful too - not only my own experiences!😅 So I’m taking pauses while answering!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 18:11

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

How to choose who to marry?

It’s very subjective, but these are the qualities I personally looked for:

1) Someone who has got strong relationship with God and her parents. The girl who is God fearing, can’t lie to her parents and genuinely loves them will most probably do the same to you.

2) I always avoided those who are arrogant, speak too much, and complain too much. It’s hard to find out from the first date, so somehow arrange at least three to four dates through parents to learn about the person better before you decide. Remember, you are building a family. It’s not like dating a random girl - this is the most important decision in your life.

3) Do not ask her if she’s good at cleaning or cooking. If you need a servant, hire a servant. If she has got above mentioned qualities, but not these ones, it’s okay. You can learn together with her. If she cleans and cooks, she doesn’t do it because she is obliged to do so. She does it out of love and respect for you.

4) Do not approach marriage with Uzbek ideologies. Research what marriage is Islamically. Learn about your rights and her rights. Do not treat her as your slave, but a life partner :)

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 18:05

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

What about marriage bro?

I won’t delay my marriage. I need to continue the legacy and have someone by my side during my ups and downs. So, hopefully no later than 2026)

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 06:05

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalomu aleykum Suhrob aka. Hope you are doing well. Can you please tell a little about your future plans. Do you wanna live in the USA after graduating or will you come back to Samarkand to start ur business here , maybe ? It is interesting for me and for many of ur subscribers ig

After graduation, I want to stay in the US for some years to get 3-4 years of the U.S. corporate experience. I want to become certified CMA and a CPA. Then, I want to do my MBA in a top-10 school, either in America or the UK.

After that, I want to relocate to the Middle East to continue getting experience in managerial roles. I will probably hang around in the Middle East for 4-5 more years.

Once I gain a solid foundation financially and in terms of experience, I want to come back to Uzbekistan. I’ll do everything in my power to bring the experiences I have to Uzbek markets, where the financial ecosystem has a lot of improvements to be implemented.

Upon my return to my home country, I also want to establish a network of book cafes. It’s a small financial incentive, offices where I myself can work, and most importantly a way to encourage people to read ;)

And still, Allah knows the best!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 05:44

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Does Trump`s second term affect visa chance for int students?

From what I know, Trump is only against illegal immigration. Even before his inauguration, immediately after election outcomes,visa approval rates went up. Causation or correlation? I don’t know!

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 05:40

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Assalomu alaykum, Suhrob bro

When you were coming to USF, have you already been “someone” in your sphere like acquiring impressive skills or knowledge in accounting or is it only the matter of work in your college years? If possible, I would love to read about that. I mean it is interesting to learn whether someone with solid English and say has 3-4 papers from ACCA and pretty solid Econ background can make it to what you did. Thank you!

I am sure it’s the matter of what I have done while at college. Actually, until my sophomore year, I was jumping back and forth between majors not knowing what I’m truly interested in. When I took my principles accounting classes, my professor told me I have a knack for it, after which I declared a major in Accounting.

Someone who passed 3-4 ACCA papers and has a solid knowledge of economics, I’d say, is at a great chance of succeeding. At the end of the day, it’s not only about what you have accomplished, but how you frame and present it.

So, academic excellence and qualifications are not enough by themselves; yes, put in the work - that goes without saying - but also know how to present them. Is it better to say “I have 4 ACCA papers”, or is it better to say “I have four ACCA papers that gave me a great foundation in International Financial Reporting Standards and Compliance, one of them being Financial Reporting. And I cleared it only with a month of preparation! I’m not flexing of course, but I think if I want to, I can put in the work and remain dedicated”. At the end of the day, how you demonstrate what you have is the most important factor.

Also, being strategic is very important. Before my interview, I researched my interviewers’ background, and found that one of them was genuinely passionate about literature. Then, I somehow led the conversation to literature, and that interviewer literally said “I’ll make sure to put in a great word for you!”. People like it - discussing their interests. It’s mere psychology :))

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 04:59


Any anonymous questions…

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 01:58

No more homo jokes🇺🇸🔥

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

21 Jan, 01:57

Трамп инаугурация маросимида: «АҚШ ҳукумати фақат икки жинсни тан олади»

Вашингтонда бутун дунёга таъсир қиладиган воқеа содир бўлди, Доналд Трамп расман АҚШ президенти лавозимига киришди. Маҳаллий вақт билан соат 12:00 атрофида Трампнинг инаугурация маросими бошланди ва расман Оқ уй раҳбарлиги Жо Байдендан Трампга ўтди.

👉 https://kun.uz/kr/21768150

Kun.uz расмий канали

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

19 Jan, 06:11

Let’s goo😈

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

18 Jan, 20:48

Masterpieces to be archived forever in the “gravitational singularity”

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

18 Jan, 20:40

For the IDOC on your CSS profiles, where it asks for the proof of income and taxes filed, just go to mygov.uz and key in your parents’ details. Official incomes earned on a monthly basis, the taxes deducted, and the pensions earned are all going to come up. That’s it!

If your parents work illegally or there’s no way you can demonstrate their income in a legit way, then I don’t know. If it’s a business, I’d generate financial statements (income statement and balance sheet mainly) and get them audited by a certified auditor, and submit both the statements and their auditor’s opinion. If they are illegally employed, then consult a real financial expert :)

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

18 Jan, 19:53

If I’m not responding to random people’s messages I never saw before, don’t please start calling me arrogant, ignorant, and whatever. I’m so tired of checking my DMs already that I no longer want to, and plus my schedule is unreal. I gave a word - I’ll be active until January 1, but then don’t take offence at me if I am not responding. I have a lot going on in my own life, and will help others at my own convenience. It’s not that I don’t want to help - I’ve helped a bunch of people without charging them anything - it’s that don’t think I would prioritize your problems over my own. Sounds rude, but I hope you understand :)

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

16 Jan, 23:36

I came to my Audit class and overheard my professor saying I am a full time professor in Accountancy and a full-time PARTNER at EY (Earnst&Young). He is at least 60. Meanwhile me thinking my brain cells are already dying out :)))

W/SUKHROB| IELTS 9.0|Deloitte US

15 Jan, 23:16

The madness fleeting back again 🦿


14 Jan, 22:35

Imagine being one of the select students being recommended for tutoring one of the hardest classes in the program. What a pride!


14 Jan, 22:34

I don’t know if I can take this commitment because I already have plenty of responsibilities, but I’m genuinely glad I got remembered and noticed! 🙂


12 Jan, 06:25

"Whoever believes that great advancement and new benefits make men forget old injuries is mistaken."

Prince, Niccoló Machiavelli


11 Jan, 23:51

"Maximizing Learning with the 80/20 Rule"

The Pareto Principle, otherwise identified as the 80/20 Rule, provides a very simple yet powerful framework of learning more smartly, not harder. This means that 80% of results usually come from 20% of efforts. Alternatively, in learning, a small amount of your activities or focus areas will provide the bulk of progress. Once a learner identifies this pattern, it helps him or her in prioritizing and making real progress without feeling overwhelmed.

You do not need to memorize a dictionary to be articulate in a new language, for instance. In most languages, being familiar with the 1,000 most used words of that language covers 80 percent of everyday conversations. You are not expelling energy wide into obscure terms you almost never use; you instead focus on core vocabularies, taking you quicker toward your objective of fluency with less useless effort.

This suggests that all topics are not equal when studying for exams, either. Preparing for a math test, a student might realize that a small set of formulas or types of problems are coming up again and again on the past exams. Instead of a blind strategy of 'study chapter 1 the same as you study chapter 2,.', it will give a student dramatically better results if they focus most their energy on those few formulas and problems which they see having more impact on their score. For example, mastering the 20% of the concepts that underpin 80% of the questions could make a transformative difference to performance, while less relevant material is left to later review.

In fact, this is a principle extending even to developing better ways of studying. Active recall and practice testing lead, very generally, to disproportionately better results than passive strategies such as rereading your notes. Possibly somewhat astonishingly, if you use only 20% of your study time on these shockingly effective techniques, you could realize the lion's share of your eventual learning gains. So, in simple terms, the student studying for history gains more by practicing what happened and when, whereas a student of mathematics will more or less similarly find his grasp on those elusive formulas getting tighter by challenging himself instead of passively reading over or underlining formulae in some book.

The Pareto Principle changes your mindset: instead of trying to master everything at once, identify the areas that matter most and focus your energy there. This approach reduces burnout, builds momentum, and ensures that every minute you invest in learning counts. By embracing the 80/20 Rule, learners can unlock exponential growth with less frustration, whether preparing for exams, learning new skills, or pursuing personal development.

With Sukhrob


11 Jan, 03:53

You still have an hour to pack and go!!!!


11 Jan, 03:52

Go to Innovative Centre for an exclusive webinar on admissions to top universities in America. Hear out what you possibly can’t find online!!! If I was you I’d never miss this chance


11 Jan, 03:52

10AM!! Don’t forget


09 Jan, 19:21


Join Khayala’s channel, who got into Brown with no IELTS or SAT! Truly exceptional academically and very very helpful.


09 Jan, 06:52



08 Jan, 11:24



07 Jan, 18:37

@class2030_uz would be glad to see yall


07 Jan, 18:37

Class of 2030, join in!


07 Jan, 03:21

One of the very few people I can call genuinely successful, yet so humble and approachable


07 Jan, 03:20



07 Jan, 03:12

Just an independent opinion:

I am not very welcoming to books that have a headline in the cover proudly saying “New York Times Bestseller”. If it appealed to a mass audience, it was written for commercial purposes from the outset through customization to what people want to hear. Thus, I consider them to be generally useless.

It’s usually books unspoken that weigh a lot, carry a lot of power.


07 Jan, 02:55

Two favorite major-related books so far:

1) When McKinsey comes to Town: It talks about how consulting is actually no rocket science. It’s a way for businesses to justify relatively unethical decisions through back-up opinions of consultants from giants such as Boston Consulting Group or McKinsey.

2) Financial Shenanigans: How companies, such as Enron and Waste Management, fooled so many investors? How did they misstate their financial reports to an extent where even companies such Ernst&Young didn’t spot fraud? The schemes that led to billions of dollars in fraud.


05 Jan, 18:11

Public Speaking and Negotiations:

Be a good storyteller. Do not be mundane, and tell interesting stories in vivid details. Engage with your listener, and while he is talking, learn to look him straight in his eyes by squinting, as if you are listening to him very attentively.

When you are talking, do not rush. Record yourself and work on your the clarity of your speech. When talking to your listener, take a pause after you say something important. That will let him run the importance of you what you said through his mind, and without him realizing it, ignite a feeling of respect for you.

Focus on your tone. Do not be a monotonous speaker. Adjust your voice and tone, use body language to keep grabbing attention.

Most importantly, read, read, and read. The importance of reading cannot be stressed enough. The more you know, the wider is the circle you can captivate. Reading will enrich your lexical resource, impact your intellect, and enlarge the selection of topics you can hold conversations on.

Finally, learn to dominate the conversation. How? When you feel need for dominance, especially in negotiations, be the one asking questions. When you are asking questions and your opponent is the one making efforts to explain, you subconsciously gained dominance over him. This one is from “Кремлевская школа».

Being a good speaker and a good negotiator is half of your success, at least in my opinion.

With Sukhrob


05 Jan, 10:43

Corporate Finance?

We gotta take this chance bro…


05 Jan, 10:42

Let’s go?🤯


03 Jan, 20:47

Butterfly effect:

The butterfly effect rests on the notion that the world is deeply interconnected, such that one small occurrence can influence a much larger complex system.

Some examples of butterfly effect:

1) Hitler’s Art School Rejection. Twice rejected from art school at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Hitler’s path changed from an aspiring artist to dictator. If he got accepted, who knows, maybe there would be no WW2 and the world would’ve been different?

2) The bombing of Nagasaki. Cloud cover over the original target, Kuroko, led to Nagasaki being bombed instead.

3) The Chernobyl Disaster. Three workers prevented a second explosion that could have made half of Europe uninhabitable. Their actions limited the catastrophe.

Now, butterfly effect is applicable to big economic policies to the smallest behaviors we adopt on a daily basis.

Imagine you opened an ice cream truck, and you sell cones in different flavors. You smiled to the first customer, served him professionally, and complimented on his/her appearance. She goes and tells her friends how good the ice cream is, and she never saw anyone as friendly before. Then, her friends pay a visit, and one of them turns out to be a Mayor’s son. He goes and tells about your store to his father, who then tries out your ice cream and mentions it as a joke in his speech. Now, you have a whole block of customers around your store.

Facebook’s targets were students at first, but upon expansion, it’s now a source of information and exchange in global politics and economics.

Every decision you make - even the smallest ones - have the power to snowball into big consequences. So think wisely, at every step, big or small.

Example of a butterfly effect in my own life….
I once replaced my mentor at Innovative Centre in one of his classes. I was relatively young, and sat there for only 30 minutes to compensate for his absence. Then, it turns out that the students came up to reception and asked if I offer my own classes. I gave it a shot, opened a group, and in no time had 250 students along with $5000 monthly at the age of 17. That passion took itself along, where me and my friend founded our own academy, which is now helping around a hundred kids find their paths and apply to top universities.

With Sukhrob


01 Jan, 06:26

Let’s see what the 2025 chapter is going to be about. Whatever is predestined, I’m happy to face it honorably and proudly In Sha Allah!


01 Jan, 06:24

6) I solidified my presence in admissions, having contributed slightly to some successful cases such as Duke, Brown, Wash and Lee. This year, I believe my contribution was bigger, and I’ll impatiently wait for results.


01 Jan, 06:24

2024 Chapter Closed!!!

I can confidently say the 2024 chapter was one of the most successful chapters in my life!

1) I met my person. I am not going to make that person public because «счастье любит тишину».

2) I made so many amazing friendships, and met so many amazing people. All of them brought new lessons, memories, and experiences to my life.

3) I made a great academic comeback. On a competitive basis, enrolled into classes at college available only to top performing students, and scored 9.0 on IELTS. That was not a goal, but a childhood dream I did not want to leave behind.

4) I got an offer from Deloitte. Years three ago, even working a corporate job in America was beyond imagination, but GETTING INTO THE MOST COMPETITIVE AND PRESTIGIOUS COMPANY in my field was a plot twist. I’d never imagine that was possible.

5) I won many honorable awards, with some of them being my membership in BAP, Grant Thornton Speech Competition 1st place, KPMG/Deloitte Scholarships.


30 Dec, 02:59

This is how I’ve been setting up meetings. Most applications are submitted, and many more to go - all in two days.

When we, In Sha Allah, come back with more big results (apart from the ones last year and this year), maybe I’ll start talking more about admissions (without being a self-proclaimed expert, from my own knowledge and experience. Too many of them online). But for now, our students’ trust is enough to keep me afloat. Humbleness forever!


29 Dec, 03:39

I’m not in Uzbekistan and I didn’t cook in Uzbekistan!!!

In Uzbekistan, I’m the laziest guy not even making up my own bed. I’d never learn to cook or actually cook if I was there ig


29 Dec, 01:55

Turns out I can cook not only in life, but also in the kitchen 👌


28 Dec, 20:26

Hey I promise everybody that I’ll check my DM in 2 hours🧐


28 Dec, 07:37

Солнышко вот засветило на небе. Облака сегодня такие красивые. Улыбайся🙂

Anybody knows that guy?😂


28 Dec, 07:31

Genuinely enjoying Winter Alone:

Working, cooking, watching series, going for walks… Tampa is like an apocalypse at this point. A small student town - it got emptied once everyone left back home for the winter break. But I’m loving it - the silence around.

Did I finally discover my introverted side, the urge to be alone at times?

I guess so.


28 Dec, 01:34

Начните 2025 год как часть семьи Innovative Centre!

Присоединяйтесь к команде, где работают ведущие эксперты и самые талантливые профессионалы. Это ваш шанс стать частью коллектива, который формирует будущее образования и инноваций.

Подайте заявку через наш Карьерный центр, и наш Отдел кадров свяжется с вами, чтобы обсудить подходящие возможности и предложения.

Станьте частью нашей Dream Team уже сегодня!


28 Dec, 01:34

Old but Gold


28 Dec, 00:54

Why is this important to you, the ones who are yet about to begin their journeys?

The labor market, unfortunately, is saturated as never before. It’s getting harder and harder to break into the professional world. What is to blame? The Economy? A sudden surcharge of demand? The politics? Let’s leave to “them”.

It’s not like before anymore, when you could’ve come to college and just identified your interests somewhere around your sophomore year. Now, most renowned companies are hiring 2 years out. I heard about a sophomore kid who got an internship for after graduation! That’s crazy, no?

That’s partly a reason behind recent adjustments to degrees that are high on supply, especially Computer Science. The average GPA requirement to remain in the major got raised, posing CS majors to an academic rigor they never experienced in the past. And this situation is getting worse….

The same logic applies to high level corporate roles. Investment Banking is almost impossible now, no matter how good you are. The easiest route, which is also pretty complicated, has become to have an established network.

Why should this interest you? Decide with what you want to pursue early, and start building the base. You should really care about coming and stepping the feet on the door right from the time you are a freshman.



28 Dec, 00:45



25 Dec, 04:13

This past week has been crazy. 11AM - 14.00, non-stop talking and mental load. 14.00 - 17.00, reviewing and editing. 17.00 - 20.00, meetings. 20.00 - 22.00, eat the only food of the day (to nurture my patience and control my desires) and clean up. 22.00-23.00 plan out the curriculum for the coming day….

We got this. Let’s stay strong together and come back shiny….


24 Dec, 00:05

More to come from us🔥


24 Dec, 00:05

Full Scholarship to Washington and Lee!!

Damir Syrylbayev just got into Washington and Lee University with a full scholarship!

Damir first joined us in Ivy Bridge 3. After completing the course he was invited to join Full Support! He will
be majoring in computer science at Wash Lee.

He worked closely with Shahnoza, Sukhrob, Sulaiman, Donovan, and myself throughout his application process. He is an academic weapon!

Stats: SAT 1450,
5 - AP Physics 1
5 - AP physics Mechanics
5 - AP Calculus BC
4 - AP Computer Science

Now we have conquered. Duke (Main Campus), Brown, NYU, BU, and Washington and Lee!
We wish Damir luck on his future endeavors!


22 Dec, 16:37


All of them are my friends but it goes without saying who the most legendary is. You got this!


22 Dec, 02:48

So don’t freak out and lock yourself in your room weeping out if you got rejected from your dream universities. The payoffs are there, hidden behind the walls. Keep your head up


22 Dec, 02:25

Worth investing your time!!


22 Dec, 02:24

Why you should focus on test scores:

In the pre-admissions cycle, all of you are focused on test prep. On a basic level, it’s IELTS/TOEFL/Cambridge Qualifications and SAT/ACT. Those who are aiming genuinely high (Ivy Leagues or competitive liberal arts colleges) go extra to stand out in an academically competitive applicant pool, sitting APs or in-school A-levels and IB (International Baccalaureate).

Some people make it into their dream universities - very thankfully and fortunately. Others are left out, due to bad luck or small nuances they overlooked while crafting their applications. The ones who ultimately thug it out - congratulations. You almost have your life set after pushing a little more. The ones who did not face a harder future, probably going into a middle-ranked school and realizing they have to keep pushing to at least succeed at their careers.

For the second group, I have a piece of advice (subjective, no facts). Once you are at your new university, you might wonder: “I worked so hard, got perfect test scores, can craft valuable messages and stories, but I’m in the same place with kids who tried much less”. Nuh uh, don’t rush… the payoffs in 3-4 years will be different.

Kids who didn’t work hard from the outset, even though they have been keeping up their 4.0 GPA, will eventually start slacking. By the time they are juniors or seniors, they’ll be, in most cases, behind the kids who put in sweating efforts from the beginning. Why is that? If you sat all of those exams and tried genuinely hard, you were already hardwired to approach things the right way, and you know that you have to be acting a little differently and starting early. You will probably take that attitude with yourself, and keep succeeding down the road.

The relationship is not direct, but it still exists.

These are my personal observations, and I think they are not ungrounded. No matter what, you’ll never be at loss for the work you put in!


21 Dec, 00:53

Thank you for 3000❤️


17 Dec, 18:24

Mukhammad Sadanov - The Goat!!! 😱

ACT 36 = SAT 1600


16 Dec, 17:12

Do you struggle to achieve a high score in IELTS?

The youngest “niner” to achieve an IELTS 9.0 at just 19, Sukhrob Murodov, shares his insights on whether IELTS questions are becoming easier

Full article


14 Dec, 01:27

Getting closer to graduation, I’ve already been planning on taking my CPA (Certified Public Accountant).

It is possible to take exams right after graduation with 120 credit hours, but to get the license, I will still need to meet a 150 credit hour benchmark along with 1 year of experience under the direct supervision of a US CPA.

Auditing and Attestation, Financial Accounting and Reporting, and Taxation and Regulation are core modules I am required to pass. From the optional disciplines, I want to take Business Analysis and Reporting considering an increasingly tech-based corporate landscape.

I have ordered my study materials from Becker Review and will hopefully start my preparation.


05 Dec, 16:10

If you want to get a last-minute, intensive booster, it’s still not late to sign up!


05 Dec, 07:13

1:04 🕺


05 Dec, 07:12

Data Modeling🥴

Relational Database Design


05 Dec, 00:03

I’m happy to announce that I became a member at Beta Alpha Psi - a honorary organization for professionals in accounting, finance, and information systems.

I gave oath to serve my duties and my profession with integrity, accountability, competence and respect from this very moment on to the time I finish.

I also was awarded a “Superlative” for “the most likely to become a partner”. This is a result of votes by juries who assessed us during the Grant Thornton Speech Competition, and EY, Deloitte, and PwC respectively voted for me when it came to this award. Partner is the highest position you can get in Public Accounting.

Thank you to my friends and Beta Alpha Psi Delta Gamma Chapter for making this semester so much worth it!🔥


03 Dec, 18:04

Very proud of my friend! Kamrambek legenda 🔥


03 Dec, 00:15

It’s official. 10 Days Course!

This course is meant to cover everything in a nutshell giving insights when possible! Because it’s a 10-Day Course it is meant to be compact and informational!

No 1-1 Meetings!
—> Your PS, Supplements, and EC section will be checked and commented on by me as a part of your homework assignments!

SAT 1530+ the Course is Free! (SS Counts)
For everyone else the course will be 549,000 UZS!

Reach out to @ahmadxon_hasanov for more info! Send your SAT certificate to him if you qualify!

The deadline to register is December 5! The course will start right after your December SAT! Limited seats!


02 Dec, 05:34

The best one Ive watched so far….

Death’s game

That’s definitely gonna be a good winter break. Make it top of your list!


02 Dec, 04:58

As the year is coming to the end, I just wanted to reflect on the lessons I learned. 2024 was definitely a big game changer, making me much more mature and wiser.

1) "Kindness is weakness" is a big misconception. Yeah, life might suck sometimes. People might be unwilling to lend you a hand in difficult times. This might obviously lead you to think that you are being kind, but you are not getting it back. That is a false misconception, however. The world is filled with greedy people who do not want to see you doing well. Good communication, an ability to uplift others' spirits, and helping those around you whenever an opportunity comes up makes you stand out. You will definitely be liked, and you will create a support system of people around you who are willing to help you back. Kindness and generosity are great strengths.

2) You can't expect people to be ideal. Meeting a person, noticing his/her flaws, and walking away with "that is not the right person" won't take you a long way. It is important to realize that you can never find the most ideal people to be your companions. It is rather important to accept others' flaws and find a "golden thread" for communication based on each others' strengths and weaknesses. That will make you more valuable.

3) Stop making excuses and seeking justification from people around you. If you are going through challenges, broke down a little and that bothers people around you, do not try to repeatedly explain them how hard it is for you to get back on your feet. It is better to let such people go, hide your problems, and continuosly work on resolving them in silence. At the end of the day, no one cares. Complaining will end up making you look weak, and nothing more. Sure, reach out for help, but don't come across as misearable. Be strong and keep fighting. Those who truly deserve to be in your life will stay through ups and downs. Rely upon the one who created you and talk to him only about your struggles. Once you feel relieved, make dua and keep pushing.

4) The means do not have to justify the ends all the time. If you have to take risks or go against predetermined "laws" on your way to success, do it. Do not cross the moral lines too much, but if you have to take steps that would not harm anyone and remain uncovered, it is okay to do so at times. If you don't outsmart the system, there is no way you are getting out of it. Acting against the norms might sometimes be more rewarding.

5) Prioritizing yourself above everything and everyone is important. That works with every type of relationship or activity. If you put someone above yourself, you lose value. If you sacrifice your health to get your work done, you will not go a long way. Our bodies and our hearts were entrusted to us when we were born, and it is our duty to not shatter that trust.

What did you learn?


02 Dec, 02:03

Typical assignments of Biz Management or Marketing Majors 💀


29 Nov, 15:44

1) Challenge yourself beyond your normal capacity:
I applied this when I was studying for IELTS, SAT, and now CPA. When you keep working with questions of the same level of rigor, you are not moving anywhere and simply keeping yourself in shape. It’s like a runner who doesn’t increase his speed, and runs the same distance at the same speed everyday. Will he improve? Very little. Will his stay in shape? Most probably. Raise the difficulty of questions you are working with as you move on to keep getting stable returns.

2) Build knowledge instead of just practicing what you already know.

Learners studying for standardized tests share a common misunderstanding: they think practicing everyday is going to make them better. However, practicing not supplemented with learning is like driving a bike. If you want to drive a car, your ability to drive a bike won’t take you there no matter how much you try. The same applies to learning. Without learning new grammar, words, and structures every single day and then supplementing these with practice, you’ll stagnate at the same score range.

3) CPA gave me a fresh insight into learning. Cramming helps short-term, but it won’t take you further. If you want to retain knowledge and have it as you move you, learn over time. Learn in chunks, process the information, and make sure it remains in your memory. You crammed, passed the test, and got a good grade; so what? No one will care about your grade 2 years down the road, but the knowledge itself will serve you forever. So focus on the quality of your learning.

Good luck everybody!


27 Nov, 18:01

The concept of "Diminishing Returns" applies to every scenario I can imagine.

Let's exemplify the point with the most fundamental examples. You began running a business and operations are totally mannual. Then, you automate certain operations, and the overall productivity "boosts". When you automate more operations, you see higher operational power, but the effect is nearly not as notable as it was when you automated the processes for the first time.

This curve applies to learning as well. For IELTS and SAT learners, the ROI (Return on Investment) is fast-growing until a 7.0 and 1360 respectively (experience and observation). After this point, the results of hard work seem to diminish and the progress significantly slows down. Beng a student for the 7th year in a row, I discovered a cure to diminishing returns slowing down the progress. If you really want me to, I can share my strategy... JUST LEAVE A "+" in the comments section to see the continuation of this post!

With Sukhrob


24 Nov, 19:22

Any tech geeks?


23 Nov, 06:04

Came to visit my future home In Sha Allah 🤲


23 Nov, 00:33

Where do we go this time☠️


22 Nov, 23:06

Usha mandan xar doim 0.5 kop oladigan bolani xech topa olmadimda 😂


22 Nov, 00:59



21 Nov, 20:18

Becoming famous here too 😭


21 Nov, 20:18

I’m now at BAP (Beta Alpha Psi) directory….


21 Nov, 00:12

Генеративный искусственный интеллект, несомненно, существенно меняет сферу финансов. От базовых транзакционных операций до более широкого принятия решений — профессионалы теперь в значительной степени полагаются на инструменты искусственного интеллекта.

Каковы плюсы?

С точки зрения процесса, риски только смягчаются. Внутренний контроль всегда играл решающую роль в управлении предприятиями: такие органы, как SEC (Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам) и PCAOB (Совет по надзору за бухгалтерским учетом публичных компаний), предъявляли строгие требования к Аудиторскому комитету, как внешнему, так и внутреннему, по тестированию процессов и выявлению рисков. Эти функции теперь легче оценить; Раньше для этого требовалось протестировать одну транзакцию и посмотреть, как она передается в разные отделы, а также определить, где может возникнуть риск потери или мошенничества. Теперь нет необходимости идти и брать интервью у каждого члена, вовлеченного в эти процессы. Компании используют передовые ERP (планирование ресурсов предприятия), которые обеспечивают общее представление о компании. Перейдите и нажмите «Данные о заработной плате», внесите изменения, и все остальные затронутые организации — от сотрудников до тех, кто управляет активами — увидят происходящее обновление. Таким образом, контрольный журнал относительно легко отслеживать.

Каковы риски?

Риск заключается в людях, использующих эти технологии: в сотрудниках. Им грозит опасность оказаться в ловушке того, что мы называем «социальной инженерией». Социальные инженеры манипулируют страхами, жадностью, страстью и другими склонными человеческими чувствами, чтобы получить конфиденциальную информацию. Однако их техники не ограничиваются игрой с человеческими чувствами. Техника развивается вместе с развитием технологий. Спуфинг – один из примеров. Фишинг – это другое. Таким образом, теперь основное внимание групп внутреннего аудита сосредоточено не на надзоре за внутренними операциями с целью выявления рисков. В настоящее время они в значительной степени сосредоточены на смягчении рисков, связанных с использованием новых технологий в их организациях. К ним относятся такие действия, как анализ журналов, позволяющий отслеживать активность сотрудников. У них также есть так называемые «приманки», которые устанавливаются на устройства для поимки неавторизованных сотрудников, пытающихся получить доступ к конфиденциальной информации.

В целом, попытки смягчить риски порождают волну других различных рисков, и этот цикл никогда не прекращается.

DISCLAIMER: All ideas and insights provided in this post are subjective opinions of the author. Do not treat them as facts.


20 Nov, 23:54



20 Nov, 20:17

Got some pictures from the event!


19 Nov, 06:28

IELTS ва CEFR имтиҳонлари ёшларимизнинг билимини тўғри баҳолай оляптими?

IELTS имтиҳони мамлакатимизда 1997 йилдан буён ўтказилишига қарамай, нега айнан ҳозир кўплаб ёшларимиз юқори 9.0 балл олмоқда?

Батафсил 👉 https://yuz.uz/a/oz/112000

Batafsil 👉 https://yuz.uz/a/uz/112000

Telegram | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram


18 Nov, 01:32

This woman is a Senior Manager and Talent Acquisition Coordinator at Deloitte’s New York City Office in Rockefeller Plaza.

We got so close. She is originally from China and did her Master’s degree at Harvard Business School. The conversations started from Uyghurs, and flowed into me showing her videos from Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Samarkand where my dad’s contribution was significant. I will ask her for a referral sometime down the road 😅


17 Nov, 23:12

Came from Dallas, dropped by a plaza not far from the airport, shopped around, and finally going back home….



17 Nov, 17:45

Back home…


17 Nov, 17:39

Образование само по себе недостаточно:

Мы живем не в лучшей экономике на данный момент. Согласно данным, представленным JP Morgan, сейчас существует 35% вероятность того, что мировая экономика вступит в рецессию к концу 2024 года, и 45% вероятность того, что это произойдет к концу 2025 года.

Таким образом, затронуты многие общественные группы. Инфляция в сочетании с резким ростом безработицы может означать серьезные трудности для различных социальных групп из разных социально-экономических слоев.

Это многое значит для будущих выпускников и молодых специалистов, пытающихся сделать первый шаг. Им нужно начать пересматривать свой выбор и подходить к своей карьере немного по-другому.

Мы уже не в том веке, когда подача 10 заявок привела бы к 5 собеседованиям. В настоящее время компании ограничены в своих бюджетах, и многие из них агрессивно увольняют своих сотрудников.

По моему мнению, нетворкинг — это то, чего не хватает большинству выпускников. Недостаточно быть знающим и опытным. Недостаточно иметь идеально отполированное резюме. Из того, что я узнал вчера, рекрутеры в крупных фирмах получают около 1600 резюме всего на 3 вакансии. Резюме, поданные людьми, которых они лично не знают, выбрасываются.

Совмещайте академическую работу с вовлеченностью. Будьте активны в кампусе, будьте активны в LinkedIn и пожимайте руки как можно большему количеству людей. Поддерживайте отношения с людьми, которые вам нужны, и они вполне могут стать отправными точками и привести вас на собеседование.

With Sukhrob


17 Nov, 17:31

Не Дай Бог мои наушники отключатся и песня заиграет на динамике….

Чунган чунди 😂


17 Nov, 05:42

More about Deloitte University:

Deloitte University is a resort belonging to Deloitte where Deloitte employees get trained on site. It’s also utilized for international summits, meetups between board of directors and partners from different States.

It’s 10 square kilometers in magnitude, having hotel rooms, gym facilities, restaurants, barns, and parks all within. The university itself (the educational part) encompasses business labs, classrooms, and training areas for consultants, auditors, and taxation professionals.


17 Nov, 04:47

With kids from all schools across the States! What a good break!


16 Nov, 06:15

Dinner and last time remarks for the day…

The painting is part of Deloitte’s global impact initiatives. These paintings will be sold, and the funds will be donated to hospitals accommodating ill kids around the world.

Food was amazing!! It was my first time trying Texas Steak and it lived up to expectations….


16 Nov, 01:46

Training session….


08 Nov, 18:20

Agree to this part as well!


08 Nov, 18:20

You don’t do MBA for the education. You do it for the networking


08 Nov, 18:18

As a Business Major, doing an MBA right after graduation is a big mistake!!! I agree with that part. But as always, there are exceptions that apply.

MBA is done by people who want move up their ladder to managerial positions within firms. They usually possess 6-7 years of prior work experience, and an MBA might be a requirement to grow in a corporate setting in a certain way.

The Accounting Program is designed a little different, however. If you want to practise Public Accounting - do Audit or Tax for publicly traded companies - Big 4s or any medium-sized firm would prefer a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) qualification. To receive it, 150 credit hours with at least 70 in Accountancy are required. A 4-year bachelor's degree, unless it is a double-major, usually gives 120 credit hours.

So, Accounting is a 5 year program with a 1 year Master's in Accounting to meet 150 credit hour requirement. Unlike many other paths, Accounting is knowledge-based. If you know the concepts, standards, and the laws, your chances to succeed are higher. What I want to do is an MBA with a concentration in Accountancy!


08 Nov, 18:13

UPenn is not GMAT optional. That kinda broke my heart


08 Nov, 18:11

Started my journey to MBAs with concentration in Accountancy!


08 Nov, 03:54

Hmm, okay


05 Nov, 16:30

High School Students!!!

If you are currently in your last year of school, want to study abroad, and be in a stance to support yourself without undermining your studies, I am planning on doing an Information Session. It will cover the following topics:

1) How to research correctly?
2) How to get scholarships - both internal and external?
3) How to navigate challenges of receiving your student VISA?
4) What happens after you come for your studies? What to focus on to reach long-term success?
5) Advice on acing your tests and building applications

If you are interested, you have to send me (@sukhrob_bs) your details (name, surname, year at school, IELTS and SAT if you have them).

Once I receive this information, I will create a private group chat where I will announce the time and location of the Information Session!


04 Nov, 23:43

I am thinking about opening a Writing Only Admissions Program that goes over PS and Supps. It would only be students with 1450+ SAT currently and planning on taking it in December for 1500+. If you are interested leave a "+". (I dont want strong applicants with great STATS being rejected because they had bad essays). Because I have other obligations like LSAT it would be a small group with no more than 10 students!


03 Nov, 04:31

Bobirjon goes first!!! I will think about it only if his marriage works out well 🤣🤣


03 Nov, 04:29

This is not for anybody!!!

Stop spreading misinformation guys. I’m not planning on marriage yet!


03 Nov, 01:37

Just for fun, you know 😂


02 Nov, 15:41

Guess what I see here…


02 Nov, 00:02

On the most random trip in my life - unplanned and organized just a day in advance


31 Oct, 18:40

To everyone doing EDs - a HEARTFELT good luck! Lock in and give it all of yourself. You got this🥷


28 Oct, 05:05

I can’t forget my first Math teacher, Ирина Анатольевна, who was an old Soviet style instructor emphasizing memorization.

When I went to her apartment (that’s where she’d offer classes) and told her about my parents wanting me to go and work for National Security Service in the future, she laughed and told: “вода в передвижении никогда не стоит на месте, расплескивается и меняет направление». She was so damn right…


28 Oct, 05:00

I grew up in a military regime, where my day would be pre-scheduled for me… My dad would forcefully wake me up at 6AM everyday, make me drink water, and exercise before school. It was harsh but ultimately rewarding.

As a 7th grader, I was studying history and law to get into the Academy and eventually work for the National Security Service (that was my parents’ decision, but then they ended up changing their minds). My dad would force me to lock in after dinner, read a chapter or two, and take notes. I then would go to his room to retell the chapter, and if I could not answer the follow-up questions, I’d have to go back and prepare again…

I read these books at that time already. I was just coming back and re-reading parts I still vividly remember, and yes, they are sound.


28 Oct, 04:55

Otamdan qolgan dalalar…


27 Oct, 06:55

This is one of the questions I got asked in my interview with Deloitte!!!


27 Oct, 06:50

Talking some smart stuff over there 🥷


27 Oct, 06:49

The second question:

You are auditing the transactions of a client, and you see that they acquired another company and recorded Goodwill of $70.000 on it. However, you then realize that that new business division they acquired has got a fair value of $350,000, while its assets are valued at $300.000 and there are liabilities worth $20.000. What do you do?

First of all, let’s break down what “goodwill is”. When the companies are acquiring another company, they are willing to pay more than what the company is worth. Why? The company might have a reputation, a secret, or good recognition. Coca Cola’s secret, for example, can be a reason why acquirers would want to pay more to merge it with their business. Nike’s logo might be a reason why the acquirers would like to pay more to acquire the business. Goodwill is recorded in the “assets” section when the financial statements of a merger are consolidated (connected with) with the financial statements of a company they acquired.

Now, US GAAP (Generally accepted accounting principles) requires to conduct frequent checkups on assets to see if they should be IMPAIRED (brought down in value). Here, we are talking about the exact thing, IMPAIRMENT.

The impairment test for the assets including Goodwill is conducted in the following manner:

If the fair value > the net assets (including goodwill), no need for impairment.

If the fair value < the net assets, there should be impairment.

Net Assets= Assets (including goodwill) - Liabilities.

Impairment: Fair Value - Net Assets

So, the fair value of the division I acquired is $350,000, while the net assets (including goodwill) are $280.000 ($300.000 - $20.000). I should record an impairment of $70.000!!!

My goodwill was worth $70.000. My impairment should be $70.000. I will need to tell the client to remove the goodwill from the balance sheet, which is bad news :(.

I solved this case in only 3 minutes, and they were honestly impressed. I got the offer only 30 minutes after this interview 😭


24 Oct, 11:52

This melody on repeat and the body intoxicated by caffeine to stay alert. Where are we going?


24 Oct, 11:49

• Law Exam on Friday (have been studying for the past two weeks, endless reading)
• Quiz today on 70 pages of reading material.
• Excel Bootcamp (4 hours of work approximately) due Friday
• Information Systems Project (estimated 5 hours) due Saturday
• Beta Alpha Psi Community service this Sunday
• Admissions
• Part-time on campus
• ACCA Prep

I feel like I’m missing my whole life 🤝


23 Oct, 02:32

For those who are wondering, the reason I made it private is I’ll be sharing a lot of content that cannot be found for free!


22 Oct, 22:16



22 Oct, 22:14

I’m opening a closed Telegram channel, where I’ll be sharing useful articles and various problems from CPA/ACCA/CMA papers with solutions. I’ll accept everyone who sends a request!


Learn for free alongside with me. Get insights to shape your thinking 💡 Get inspired 💪🏻


21 Oct, 21:43

This is not just for data gathering purposes! I have some ideas that might help y’all💡


21 Oct, 05:08

One of my students is leading this initiative! Take this opportunity 🔥


21 Oct, 03:20



19 Oct, 20:31

Иметь единомышленников вокруг себя 🤝

What are your views?


18 Oct, 17:06

Get rich quick schemes are a scam. “Andrew Tate” mindset emphasizing the idea that you don’t need school is a scam…

Yes, you can get rich with fortune. Designed a product, promoted it, and it made a splash… Boom, you have 7 figures in your account. But what if that business fails? Do you have a niche skill set that will allow you to rebuild? Highly unlikely - you’ll go broke.

School gives you 4 YEARS to develop values, principles, and concrete vision for your life. This gives you a definite sense of direction, wherein you learn to think three steps ahead.

When it comes to getting rich, it shouldn’t happen overnight. Easy things are not durable. Building a niche skillset, applying it in a 9-5, and then building something of your own, I assume, is the best way to build long-lasting wealth. What is your view?

With Sukhrob


18 Oct, 16:59


Knock F1-F4 (Applied knowledge, including Financial and Management Accounting) F7 (Financial Reporting), and F5 (Performance Management) out of the way in 2025…

I could’ve got exemptions for F1-F4 (applied knowledge module) with my transcripts, but I decided not to do so for a more comprehensive curriculum…

CPA (Certified Public Accountant), ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), CMA (Certified Management Accountant), CFA (Certified Financial Analyst).

Lifelong learning…🎉


18 Oct, 15:10

We are making history today with the highest SAT scores in the country! Meet our heroes:

• Mukhammad Ali Sadanov – 1560
• Mirkhond Mamasiyorov – 1550
• Temur Mirzabayev – 1390
• Ali-Gulam Sadanov – 1540
• Saidafzal Shukurov – 1520

At the Innovative Centre, we help our students realize their full potential in academics and beyond.

We also share credit with their math teachers, Murod Khakimov and Shoxrux, for their invaluable support.

Innovative Centre

Follow us for more:
🌐Telegram 🌐Instagram 🌐Facebook


17 Oct, 03:02

Would you be interested in receiving a 1 month action plan for DSAT English? if yes, leave "+" in the comments box.


17 Oct, 02:46

My favorite here is a Ponzi Scheme with Bernie Madoff.

He founded his own Investment Securities Firm, where he was investing his clients’ money in stocks that never existed. He got a big name in Wall Street for making investment decisions that defied the status quo, with no single loss across his client base.

Gradually, he became a member in the board of directors at NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and NASDAQ. He also won trust of Securities Exchange Commission (A body in the United States overseeing the accuracy and compliance of publicly traded companies), which until the very last moment failed to spot his massive fraud.

He was exposed during the housing bubble in 2008. Understanding the state of the economy, most of his clients were coming back to withdraw their proceeds. He faced a cash crunch (not being liquid enough, or not having enough cash to pay off debts), and even the richest of his clients were not willing to lend him loans. He was caught, convicted with many criminal charges, and sentenced to 150 years in prison.

The size of the Ponzi Scheme was $65 billion!!!

There’s a series about the incident you can watch on Netflix! Highly recommended 🤝💵


17 Oct, 02:33

If you are applying as an Econ/Finance Major, or just want to learn something fun, I would definitely recommend you to go over and research all of these scandals!!!

These can be good insights to have while writing certain supplementals🔥


14 Oct, 21:24



12 Oct, 21:15

I said yes 🤣


09 Oct, 18:37

Deloitte is hosting a Leadership Conference for their newly incoming associates in November🔥

The first-class, American Airlines fare (round-trip), ground transportation,a 5-star hotel, 4 times a day meal all covered by the organization itself. It’s going to be in Dallas, Texas, where Deloitte has got its own university (Deloitte University)🫡.



09 Oct, 06:32

An extremely dangerous hurricane, Milton, is about to hit Tampa Bay Area at a wind speed of 160 miles per hour. That’s where I study, and we were mandated to evacuate the zone.

We came over to one of my Lebanese friend’s house who goes to GeorgiaTech, and we are currently in Atlanta, Georgia. Loving the atmosphere at his house so far!

We had a hurricane two weeks ago, and the school closed down. This is now repeating, and there’s one more hurricane expected to come in two weeks. The whole system is screwed. Let the adventures continue, and we’ll see how it goes🙂


08 Oct, 02:32

Who wants a consultation regarding studying abroad? Leave a plus in the comments box


28 Sep, 19:12

10 Days of Intensive Admissions lessons!

If you are planning on doing ED and need help figuring out where to start, we are launching a 10-day Admissions Course!

We will have 10 Lessons over 3 weeks! The course includes Personal Statement, Writing Supplements, CSS Walkthrough etc.

It's first come, first serve! The deadline to register for the Course is October 1st!

For details about the course text @ahmadxon_hasanov!


28 Sep, 04:08

Your 20s, you get to mold them the way you want.

You either do not work them up and become an under skilled 30 year old, or you work them up and become an under lived 30 year old.

Now, walk me through DCF)


25 Sep, 06:04

A very strong performance indeed…

The song is originally not the work of Magomayev. Mark Bernes is considered to be an original performer, with the lyrics being the work of Rasul Gamzatov.

However, I’d say Muslim Magomayev vocalized it much better, making it deeply resonate with the listener.

It touches upon the World War II and millions of people who perished in the battlefield. Favorite so far 🎶


25 Sep, 06:01
