British Council Uzbekistan @british_council_uz Channel on Telegram

British Council Uzbekistan


We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide.

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British Council Uzbekistan (English)

Welcome to the British Council Uzbekistan Telegram channel! We are dedicated to supporting peace and prosperity by fostering connections, understanding, and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. Who are we? The British Council is the UK's international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We offer a wide range of programs and initiatives aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of the UK and building lasting relationships with other nations. What do we do? Through our channel, we provide valuable information about our upcoming events, English language learning opportunities, cultural exchanges, scholarships, and much more. By joining our channel, you will stay updated on all the latest news and developments from the British Council Uzbekistan. Join us in our mission to promote cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. Connect with us on Telegram at @british_council_uz and follow us on Instagram at For more information, visit our website at Let's work together to build a brighter future for all! 🌐

British Council Uzbekistan

23 Nov, 05:05

Have you heard of General IELTS? 🤔

It's for those planning to work, train, or emigrate to an English-speaking country, with a Reading section focused on everyday topics like ads and workplace documents.

Want to see the difference? Try the reading task above and share what stood out in the comments! 👇


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

British Council Uzbekistan

23 Nov, 05:00

General IELTS haqida eshitganmisiz? 🤔

U ingliz tilida so'zlashuvchi mamlakatda ishlash, malaka oshirish yoki u yerga ko'chib o’tishni rejalashtirayotganlarga mo’ljallangan bo’lib, undagi Reading bo'limida reklamalar va ish bilan bog’liq hujjatlar kabi kundalik mavzular jamlangan.

U IELTS imtihonining boshqa turidan nimasi bilan farqlanishini bilmoqchimisiz? Yuqoridagi reading topshirig'ini bajarib ko'ring va izohlarda farqlarni yozib qoldiring!👇


🔵 | 🔵 British Council

British Council Uzbekistan

22 Nov, 05:05

🎶 Dive into the meaning behind Post Malone's ‘I Had Some Help’!

Let’s break down these powerful lyrics:

📖 Phrases:

1️⃣ ‘Make a mess’
What it means: Causing disorder or mistakes, often unintentionally, in a situation or relationship.

2️⃣ ‘Had some help’
What it means: Acknowledging the support of others in overcoming challenges, emphasizing that you didn’t go through it alone.

3️⃣ ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’
What it means: The idea that success is more achievable when people come together and support each other, emphasizing collaboration.

4️⃣ ‘Take the blame’
What it means: Accepting responsibility for something, even if it wasn’t entirely your fault, often to protect someone else or fix a situation.

What do these lyrics mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments! 🎤


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

British Council Uzbekistan

22 Nov, 05:00

🎶 Post Malonening "I Had Some Help" qo'shig'ida yashiringan chuqur ma'noni tahlil qilamiz!

Keling, ushbu qo’shiq matnini qismlarga ajratamiz:

📖 Iboralar:

1️⃣ “Make a mess”
Ma’nosi: Biror bir vaziyat yoki munosabatlarda beixtiyor ravishda tartibsizliklar yoki xatolar qilish.

2️⃣ "Had some help”
Ma’nosi: Qiyinchiliklarni yengishda boshqalar sizni qo'llab-quvvatlaganini tan olish, ulardan yolg'iz o'zingiz o'tmaganligingizni ta'kidlash.

3️⃣ "Teamwork makes the dream work”
Ma’nosi: Insonlar birlashsa va bir-birini qo’llab-quvvatlasa, hamkorlikda ishlasa, muvaffaqiyatga erishish osonroq.

4️⃣ "Take the blame”
Ma’nosi: Ayb sizda bo’lmasa ham biror narsa uchun javobgarlikni o'z zimmasiga olish, ko'pincha boshqa birovni himoya qilish yoki vaziyatni tuzatish maqsadida.

Ushbu qo'shiq matni siz uchun nimani anglatadi? Fikrlaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 🎤


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

British Council Uzbekistan

21 Nov, 05:01

End the year with a great success - book your ACCA exam today.

👉 For more information.


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

British Council Uzbekistan

20 Nov, 05:10

The diagram explains the way in which bricks are made for the building industry. Overall, there are seven stages in the process, beginning with the digging up of clay and culminating in delivery.

To begin, the clay used to make the bricks is dug up from the ground by a large digger. This clay is then placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break up the clay into smaller pieces. A roller assists in this process.

Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is turned into bricks by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these bricks are placed in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours.

In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are heated in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks are packed and delivered to their destinations.

(173 words) Source.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

British Council Uzbekistan

20 Nov, 05:05

Ready to take on a process diagram? 🤔

Though it’s less common in the test, it’s still crucial to know how to tackle it if it appears!

Check out our example below on the process of making bricks to see how to approach this type of diagram effectively.

How would you describe each step? Share your strategies in the comments 👇


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

British Council Uzbekistan

20 Nov, 05:01

Jarayon diagrammasini ta’riflashga tayyormisiz? 🤔

Bu kam tarqalgan topshiriq turi bo'lsa-da, siz unga duch kelganda, uni qanday ta’riflashni bilishingiz lozim!

Ushbu turdagi diagrammaga qanday to’g’ri yondashishni bilib olish uchun g'isht tayyorlash jarayoni berilgan quyidagi misolimizni ko'rib chiqing.

Har bir qadamni qanday ta’riflagan bo'lardingiz? Strategiyalaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan