Abd El-Rahman Shaltout @shaltoutguide Channel on Telegram

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout


We will focus practically on different aspects, including Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Research, and CV/Resume Writing.

shaltoutguide (English)

Are you looking to explore the rich culture and history of Egypt? Look no further than the Abd El-Rahman Shaltout Telegram channel, also known as @shaltoutguide. This channel is dedicated to providing insightful guides, tips, and recommendations for anyone interested in learning more about the fascinating world of Egyptian heritage. Abd El-Rahman Shaltout is a renowned expert in the field of Egyptology, with years of experience in uncovering the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Through his channel, he offers a unique perspective on the country's iconic landmarks, hidden gems, and lesser-known historical sites. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a curious novice, Shaltout's channel is the perfect resource for all things Egypt. Join the @shaltoutguide channel to discover the secrets of the pyramids, the beauty of the Nile River, and the wonders of the ancient temples. From Cairo to Luxor, Alexandria to Aswan, Shaltout's expert guidance will take you on a virtual journey through Egypt's most enchanting destinations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve into the world of Egyptian history and culture with Abd El-Rahman Shaltout. Subscribe to the channel today and start exploring the wonders of the land of the pharaohs with a knowledgeable guide by your side.

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

13 Feb, 17:17

اللهم استخدمنا ♥️

متحمس جداً أقابل كل زمايلي من صيدلة المنيا ودراية والأهلية🙏

شكراً علي الدعوة الكريمة ♥️🙏
Clinical Integrated Team "CIT Minia"


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

13 Feb, 16:00

اليوم بعد المغرب هيجتمع شرف الزمانين.....
اليوم بعد المغرب إن شاء الله هتبدأ ليلة النصف من شعبان وتوافقها ليلة الجمعة.

ليلة النصف من شعبان هي الليلة التي أرضى فيها الله رسوله ﷺ وجَبَر خاطره بالقبلة التي كان يتمناها ويرضاها....

وقد قال عطاء بن يسار عنها: ما من ليلة بعد ليلة القدر أفضل من ليلة النصف من شعبان، يتنزل الله تبارك وتعالى إلى السماء الدنيا، فيغفر لعباده كلهم، إلا لمشرك أو مشاجر أو قاطع رحم.

ادعوا كثيرًا، واستغفروا كثيرًا، وأكثروا من الصلاة على النبي وذكِّروا غيركم.. فمن دعا إلى هُدىً كان له من الأجر مثل أُجورِ من تَبِعهُ لا ينقصُ ذلك من أُجُورِهِم شيئًا

اللهم أعِنّا وبلِّغنا رمضان في عفوٍ وعافية

منقول 🙏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

13 Feb, 04:01

صديقي الجديد بلال ♥️
بعد ما راجعت علاجه وصرفتهوله لقيته بيديني بمبوني مع كلمة "شكراً" ♥️

شعور الامتنان لما ييجي من طفل 12 سنة وهو في أمس الحاجة للدعم بيكون مختلف ♥️

شكراً بلال إنك خليتني أجدد نيتي في الشغل وأنسي أي حاجة كانت مضايقاني ♥️

ادعوا لصديقي ربنا يتم عافيته علي خير يارب ♥️

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

25 Jan, 19:52

يسعدني المشاركة في أكبر مؤتمر في مصر لطلبة صيدلة للمرة التانية ♥️🙏


جامعة مدينة السادات يوم ٣ فبراير بإذن الله

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

21 Jan, 20:08

Clinical Pharmacist Job Opportunity 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

21 Jan, 17:52

Introduction to Biostatistics 📈📊

Special thanks to the video creator, Dr. Anas Z. Nourelden, MD, for shedding light on the intricacies of Biostatistics. Biostatistics is crucial in research, providing valuable insights and analysis in healthcare and life sciences.

Watch the informative video here:

#biostatistics #research #statistics

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

18 Jan, 10:53

فرصة كويسة للصيادلة في مستشفي مدينة نصر التخصصي

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

17 Jan, 08:52


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

13 Jan, 21:20

صيغة البوست من أفضل إعلانات الفرص في الصيدليات ♥️

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

13 Jan, 21:19

Another job opportunity!

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

13 Jan, 19:40

🎓 Transform Your Academic CV with a Professional Touch!


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

01 Jan, 04:10

اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان ♥️🤲🏻

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

27 Dec, 13:40

📚 Pharmacy Excellence: In-Depth Clinical Resources [Lexicomp]

Comprehensive 1-hour masterclasses on evidence-based drug information.
Each episode deep-dives into essential pharmacy tools and clinical decision-making.

🔘 Perfect for:
• Community Pharmacists
• Hospital Pharmacists
• Clinical Pharmacists
• Industrial Pharmacists
• IV Admixture Pharmacists

🔘 Explore essential features:
• Drug Monographs
• IV Compatibility
• Interaction Checking
• Clinical Calculators
• Evidence-Based Practice Tools


#PharmacyEducation #DrugInformation #ClinicalPharmacy #Lexicomp #EvidenceBasedPractice #PharmacistResources

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

23 Dec, 18:32

فرصة شغل في صيدلية 👋
مطلوب صيدلي خبرة في صيدلية بالاشمونين (ملوي المنيا)
ساعات العمل من 9 صباحاً ل 3 عصراً
سعر ساعة مجزي

للتفاصيل يرجي التواصل علي الرقم التالي

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

19 Dec, 12:30

Transform Your Clinical Practice with Evidence-Based Research Skills!

As a healthcare professional, you need to interpret the guidelines and related published research papers effectively.

📚 Key takeaways from this quick playlist:
🔍 Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) triangle:
• Patient values and preferences.
• Best research evidence.
• Clinical experience.

These three pillars combine to create personalized care approaches.
📖 Resource hierarchy breakdown:
• Primary: Original research for the most current findings.
• Secondary: Indexing platforms like PubMed & Scopus.
• Third: Condensed information in textbooks & clinical resources.

🌟 This playlist offers a solid foundation for both research consumers and contributors who want to enhance their decision-making capabilities.


#Healthcare #Research #ClinicalPractice #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ProfessionalDevelopment #PharmacyPractice

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

17 Dec, 06:07

ما شاء الله اللهم بارك ♥️

شئ يدعو للفخر شغل دكتور أبو طالب (ابن ملوي المنيا) مع دكتور عصام حجي ♥️♥️
بحث يتناول تقديم مقترح لتقليل أعباء سد النهضة علي مصر وفي نفس الوقت يحقق لأثيوبيا توليد الكهرباء المطلوبة ♥️


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

14 Dec, 20:35

Mentorship (Career Counseling)


You can share the post with your colleagues.

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

12 Dec, 20:18

Clinical Pharmacy Career: Hope or Hype?!

Most pharmacy undergraduates and graduates are confused about the actual role of the clinical pharmacist!

In this playlist, I tried to cover different aspects:
- My humble journey: the reason for working as a clinical pharmacist.
- Clinical pharmacist's daily routine: input and output.
- Required qualifications.
- Market opportunities.
- Next steps.

Enjoy learning!

#clinicalpharmacy #learninganddevelopment

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

06 Dec, 19:09

Are you struggling to land your dream job?

Many applicants miss opportunities because they use a generic resume.

It would be best to have a targeted resume highlighting your skills and experience relevant to the job you are applying for.

Here is a playlist on my YouTube channel that emphasizes the importance of:
- Thinking about your target job and audience.
- Studying job descriptions.
- Considering your value proposition.
- Sharing accomplishments you are proud of.
- Summarizing and strategizing.
- Using an ATS-friendly resume.
- Regularly updating your CV/Resume.

Enjoy learning!


#cv #resume #learninganddevelopment

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

02 Dec, 15:09

هذا من فضل ربي وكفي ♥️🙏

My second publication has been accepted as a part of the book titled "Essential Guide to Neurodegenerative Disorders: Mechanistic, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances."

Decoding Parkinson's Disease: A Multifaceted Approach to Diagnosis and Biomarker Discovery

In this chapter, we discussed the landscape of development in discovery of Parkinson's disease biomarkers.


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

12 Nov, 18:18

"Pharmacogenomics (PGx)-Guided Clinical Practice in a Pediatric Patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A Case Presentation of E.M.W."

A key part of her treatment plan, at Children's Cancer Hospital Foundation 57357, involved integrating the pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing to optimize the dosing of crucial chemotherapy medications according to the CPIC guidelines.

Beyond 6-MP, the comprehensive PGx panel will inform the management of other supportive care medications throughout her treatment journey. This data-driven, personalized approach will allow us to optimize her therapy and maintain the best possible outcomes.

Thanks to my great mentor, Dr. Mohamed Nagy, for his continuous support and establishing the first and leading PGx lab in the Middle East and Africa.

#PediatricOncology #PGx #Pharmacogenomics #PrecisionMedicine #ClinicalPharmacy #CPIC

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

11 Nov, 07:31

Outpatient Pharmacist Vacancy at Baheya Hospital (Haram branch) 👏

بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

03 Nov, 18:41

Great opportunity ♥️👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

03 Nov, 18:41


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

03 Nov, 18:28

بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

03 Nov, 05:30

For Biotech Graduates 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

01 Nov, 20:18

فرصة عمل بصيدلية المهدي في مدينة نصر 👋

مطلوب للعمل زميلة صيدلانية (خبرة سنة علي الأقل) شيفت صباحي دوام كامل بسعر ساعة مميز

برجاء إرسال ال CV مباشرة علي الواتس للرقم التالي

بالتوفيق 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

31 Oct, 13:45

فرص عمل بصيدليات بشارع فيصل و ٦ أكتوبر
للتواصل واتس آب فقط على الرقم التالي

منقول عن د. عصام شومان

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

26 Oct, 16:53

Al Moalmeen Hospital - Zamalek 🏥

Hospital pharmacists (inpatient and outpatient) are required. 👏

If you are interested, send your CV to WhatsApp of the Pharmacy Director, Ph. Enas.

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

23 Oct, 11:16

فرصة جديدة لزملائي بالتوفيق 👏👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

21 Oct, 18:09

Wadi El Neel, a Gahar-accredited hospital, is looking to hire clinical and general pharmacists for inpatient and outpatient clinics.

Location: Hadaaek El-Quoba, Cairo.

* Completion of clinical post-graduate studies or a clinical pharmacy program.
* Minimum of 1 year of experience as a dispensing or clinical pharmacist.
* Fresh graduate hospital pharmacists are also welcome to apply.

Working hours: Full-time.

Salary: Commensurate with experience.

If interested, please send your CV to: [email protected]

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

21 Oct, 17:56

فرصة في مستشفي مصر الدولي 👏
بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله ♥️

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

18 Oct, 23:11

بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

18 Oct, 10:41

استشهد القائد البطل المجاهد يحيى السنوار "أبو إبراهيم" مدافعاً عن أرضه وشعبه ودينه وعرضه ومقدساته.🇵🇸

The heroic, mujahid leader Yahya Sinwar "Abu Ibrahim" was martyred defending his land, people, religion, honor and holy sites.🇵🇸

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

18 Oct, 10:41

رحم الله الشهيد البطل

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

09 Oct, 07:10

فرصة outpatient في السلام الدولي 👏
بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

07 Oct, 08:23

British Council
بيعرض كورس مجاني إعداد ل "أيلتس" مدته 6 أسابيع سواء
✔️IELTS Academic
✔️IELTS General

الميزة بعد إنتهاء الكورس بيقدموا
Free IELTS Test
عشان تقيم نفسك تقييم فعلي،،

ملحوظة.. A good IELTS score is above 6.5


Copy rights to Dr. Mohamed A'uad.

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

07 Oct, 05:32

Free Academic IELTS Preparation by the University of Queensland.

➡️The duration of the full course is 8 weeks and you have to give 5-10 hours/week if you want to gain a Goof IELTS Band.

➡️Generally Score above 7 is considered excellent and you can apply for many scholarships with this score. But many Universities also accept less than 7 bands.

➡️About Queens Land University Free IELTS Preparation:

Host University: Queens Land, Australia
Located in: Australia
Mode: Online
Deadline: Closing Soon

➡️This course has been made and designed by Top experienced English teaching professionals from The University of Queensland.

➡️IELTS Modules
Module 1: Listening
Module 2: Speaking
Module 3: Reading
Module 4: Writing


Copy rights to Dr. Mohamed A'uad.

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

05 Oct, 22:58

فرصة في مستشفي وادي النيل 👏
بالتوفيق 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

05 Oct, 21:07

فرصة في دار الفؤاد 👏
بالتوفيق 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

03 Oct, 19:01

Astrantia is a multinational pharmaceutical company now hiring
- product especialist for
- Giza -( Dokey -Mohandesin)
- Cairo (down town)- Helioplis & new Cairo
- Delta1
- Monofeya-Gharbea and kalyoubea
With the following Criteria;
- Candidates must be resident in the same area

- Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy or Vet or science
- Experience in the same position is a must.
- Experience in orthopedic products at least 2 years is a must

We Offer:
1- Attractive Package.

- Annual incentive according to the incentive scheme.
2-Medical and Social Insurance.

Please send your CV with a recent photo to:
What's up 01066618289
Or [email protected]

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

02 Oct, 20:43

A new opportunity in Alex 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

02 Oct, 15:38

ما شاء الله اللهم بارك

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

02 Oct, 15:14

بالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله 👏

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

28 Sep, 10:54

Clinical Pharmacist is NEEDED for Royal oncology & Hematology center
Job Requirements: -
🟩Responsible for the safe and appropriate preparation of cancer therapy medications.
🟩In accordance with guidelines, national standards and local policy.
🟩Experience : at least 6 month of experience in the field of cancer therapy preparation.
🟩preferable to be flextime
🟩 Full time or part time job
📍 Address: 22 soltan hussein ST. Above el masala post office - el Raml station
🟩 If you are interested ,please send your updated CV on the following No. :01222403939.

#hiring #hiringnow #hiringimmediately #pharmacist #clinicalpharmacy #jobs #hiring2024


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

27 Sep, 18:26

Thanks for this kind invitation. 🙏♥️
Wish you all the best. ♥️
Clinical Integrated Team "CIT Minia"


Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

27 Sep, 15:40

A Clinical Pharmacist's Guide to Interoperating ECHO

Lecture Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sfyrpfjcmcajzno/A_Clinical_Pharmacist%2527s_Guide_to_Interpreting__Echocardiography_in_Patient_Care.mp4/file

PDF: https://www.mediafire.com/file/884xg0av25s6t8v/Echo_in_Focus_A_Clinical_Pharmacist%2527s_Guide_to_Interpreting__Echocardiography_in_Patient_Care.pdf/file

Ph. Amr Medhat

Abd El-Rahman Shaltout

27 Sep, 14:24

IV Nootropics on LinkedIn 🧠🔥

#nootropics #traumaticbraininjury #stroke #icu #clinicalpharmacy