Dawah in English @dawah_in_english Channel on Telegram

Dawah in English



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Dawah in English (English)

Are you looking for a channel that provides valuable information about Islam in English? Look no further, because 'Dawah in English' is here to fulfill all your needs. This Telegram channel, with the username @dawah_in_english, is dedicated to sharing the message of Islam in the English language. Who is it? 'Dawah in English' is a platform designed for individuals who are interested in learning more about Islam or for those who are already followers of the faith and want to deepen their understanding. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this channel offers something for everyone. What is it? This channel provides a wealth of resources related to Islam, including articles, videos, quotes, and more, all in English. From discussions about the Quran and Hadith to reflections on Islamic teachings and practices, 'Dawah in English' covers a wide range of topics to educate and inspire its audience. If you are eager to expand your knowledge of Islam or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals, 'Dawah in English' is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey of discovery and enlightenment by following the channel at www.islammessage.org or through the link https://t.me/Dawah_in_English. Let's explore the beauty and wisdom of Islam together in the universal language of English. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow spiritually and intellectually with 'Dawah in English'!

Dawah in English

23 Jan, 10:20

Arabic is a derivative language that gives a stem of the word and drives alot of words from this one stem. So in Quran you may not find the term"Tawhid" by itself but you will find other related words derived from it.

Also the meaning of Tawhid is mentioned and emphasized throughout the Quran countless times. Almighty God (Allah) says it explicitly in Quran that you must worship Him alone and that associating partners with Him is the gravest sin:

"Indeed, I am Allāh. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." (Quran 20:14)

"Worship Allāh and associate nothing with Him," (Quran 4:36)

Whereas, in the Bible, there is no single verse where God or Jesus explicitly states that one must worship the Holy Trinity or all three of them.

Dawah in English

23 Jan, 10:17



Dawah in English

14 Jan, 16:48


Dawah in English

14 Jan, 16:48

Simple Prayer.pdf

Dawah in English

01 Jan, 03:19

Q / Is it permissible to visit a Christian if he got sick?
A / Yes.

Q / Is it permissible to congratulate a Christian on the marriage of his son or daughter?
A / Yes.

Q / Is it permissible to congratulate a Christian on the birth of a child?
A / Yes.

Q / Is it permissible to give a Christian a gift for his success in his studies?
A / Yes.

Is it permissible to give charity to a poor Christian?
A / Yes.

Q / Is it permissible for me to invite a Christian to lunch or dinner?
A / Yes.

🔴 Q / Is it permissible to congratulate a Christian on Christmas?
🔵 A/ no.

Why in the first questions yes, and the last question no?!
🔶 A / Because in the first place you congratulate him and condolence him in the affairs of the worldly life matters, and this is allowed in our religion.
🔷 As for Christmas, this is a religious matter, as it celebrates the birth of the Lord Jesus from God!

“Allah begets not, nor was He begotten and there is none co‑equal or comparable to Him.”
📩 Therefore, the opinion of the respected Imams did not differ in the prohibition of congratulating them on their religious holidays that contradict the doctrine of monotheism.

Dawah in English

01 Jan, 03:19


Dawah in English

29 Dec, 07:55


The Great Difference...

Over the years,
I’ve realized that there is no real difference between
December 31st and January 1st.

The true difference lies between the 30th of Sha'bān
and the 1st of Ramadān.
A difference in mindset,
your life’s rhythm,
and a shift from your monotonous daily routine
to a dose of spirituality
that sustains you for the rest of the year.

🌿 A difference in your day, which transforms from an ordinary, busy day into an organized one.

A difference in family gatherings
around meals for thirty consecutive days,
something that rarely happens
on normal days.

A difference in affection, love, and compassion,
which emerges among people
more than at any other time of the year through helping those in need and feeding others.

A difference where the rewards of good deeds are multiplied by up to seven hundred times.

A difference where angels, along with Gabriel, descend on a night that is better than a thousand months.

A difference where the gates of Paradise are opened
and the gates of Hell are closed.

Countless differences
make the 1st of Ramadān like rain
that revives the earth after its death.

Oh Allah, allow us to reach Ramadān
in good health and well-being.
Have mercy on those who have left us and preceded us to meet our Lord,
and reunite us with them in the highest paradise of Jannah.

Dawah in English

29 Dec, 07:49




Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:51


Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:51


What we should point out here is that our prayer facing the direction of the Ka’bah has nothing to do with the structure of the Ka’bah, rather it has to do with its location. If it were to be destroyed, we would still pray in that direction, not to that structure.

The Kaaba is the direction that Muslims head to when praying.
For instance, if Muslims want to offer Prayer, it is possible that some may wish to face north, while some may wish to face south. In order to unite Muslims in their worship of the One True God, Muslims, wherever they may be, are asked to face in only one direction i.e. towards the Kaaba.

The act of circumambulating around the Kaaba is because it's an order of Almighty God not because Muslims worship it.At the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him , people even stood on the Kaaba to make the call of prayer.So which idol worshipper stands on the top of the idol he worships? Muslims do not worship the Kaaba at all, but rather they worship the Lord of the Kaaba ,the Lord of the universe, Almighty God.

Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:50

With regard to what some people think, that the purpose behind that is to seek blessing from it, there is no basis for that, so it is invalid.

With regard to what some people have said, that circumambulating the Ka‘bah is like circumambulating the graves of their saints, and that it is tantamount to idolatry, this is part of their heresy.

The believers only circumambulate it in compliance with the command of Allah, and whatever is done in compliance with the command of Allah, doing it is an act of worship of Allah, may He be exalted.

Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:49


Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:47


Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:36

All the movements in the Kaaba as walking, kissing or touching the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner, or pointing to the Black Stone – all come under the heading of remembering Allah, may He be exalted, because they are all *acts of worship, and submission to Allah.*

We follow Prophet Muhammed, and he did that as a state of remembrance and worshipping of Allah.

The prophet's companion ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) said, when he kissed the Black Stone:
I know that you are a stone and have no power to harm or benefit; were it not that I saw the Prophet (blessings and peaceful of Allah be upon him) kissing you, I would not have kissed you.

Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:36

*In the bible we find the similar thing* , let me show you ...

Isa 6:6-7: "Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Behold, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged."

Would you consider this worshipping the coal ? .. as it takes away your sins

Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:36

Is there any blessing behind kissing the Black Stone ?

With regard to what some people think, that the purpose behind that is to seek blessing (barakah) from it, there is no basis for that, so it is invalid.

Dawah in English

20 Dec, 19:36



Dawah in English

12 Dec, 18:18

نزف لكم بشرى تدشين موقع خاص بمحتوى قنوات المحاورة بجميع اللغات

الموقع تم تصميمه ببرنامج نوشن وبالتالي :

👌 يمكنك الدخول إليه على الويب واستخدامه دون تنزيل البرنامج


Good News
We are delighted to announce the launch of a website for the contents of conversation channels in all languages.

The website has been designed using Notion, which means:

👌 You can access it on the web and use it without downloading the application.

Dawah in English

10 Dec, 18:30

Women Testimony; between Truth and Misconception

In response to a woman saying:

“How does Islam make a doorman’s testimony to be as worth as twice that of mine when I am a Vice President at my university?!”

Let’s first agree that Testimony is not a skill or a job that requires a certain academic status.. but rather, it is a matter based on observation and ability to recall memory regarding rights and financial matters, which is the context of the following verse.

Allah says: "And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of them [i.e., the women] errs, then the other can remind her…" (Quran 2:282)

Men's focus on such matters is higher, especially financial matters, as they are more capable of them. This is explained in the verse in the reason for bringing two women with a man in testimony.

These are also some doubtful matters that are used by the enemies of Islam to destroy the cornerstone of society, which is the family, knowing that the key player in this family is the woman. So, they have made her forget her position and role, and leave her home out to work fields, equality, and freedom!!!!

It is necessary to accurately understand the Quran and the Islamic law (Shari’ah), so as to remove any misconception.

Islam has not differentiated between men and women as entities. Both men and women are held accountable for their actions and deeds.

Almighty God Allah says:
“Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life,” Quran (16:97)

The Messenger,(peace be upon him), has also said:
“Women are the counterparts of men”, and that is with respect to commands, prohibitions, and legislations.

As for roles; they differ.
Everyone has a role and function for which he is created…
Therefore, the rulings have been prescribed in accordance with that function and nature.

For example, the man is the one entitled to work and provision, so we find in some cases of inheritance that she gets half of what he inherits, but at the same time, she is not to provide for herself as he is responsible for her.

Back to women..

Women have the home front role in society, represented in the home and tranquility for everyone in it; the husband and the children.

God has given her the most important function and has prepared her for it... The man has the function of providing the necessities of life, even though it is a difficult role; but it is the least effective in society...

Allah says: “ Does He who created not know,[1716] while He is the Subtle, the Aware?” Quran 67:14

In some cases, women inherit more than men, and there are other issues in which women are preferred over men, like the mother over the father, women custody, adornment, and wearing gold and silver.

Many cases in which God has favored women over men according to their role!!!!

Why don't callers of equality talk about these matters then?!!!

Dawah in English

10 Dec, 18:30


Dawah in English

05 Dec, 09:28

Why Islam?

There are many reasons that cannot be limited into a few lines, but let me give it a try😊

The beautiful message of Islam is summarized in the worship of the Only one God without partners and belief in all the messengers whom God sent to call for worshipping Him alone and belief in all the original heavenly books without distortion..

Islam also calls for good morals with our brothers in Islam and even with those who differ with us in belief.

Dawah in English

05 Dec, 09:28


Dawah in English

27 Nov, 05:07

If there is a sign on the road that prohibits children and animals from passing, does this imply equating children with animals?
*Of course NOT.*

In the Hadith, women are mentioned because their presence can sometimes distract and confuse the heart of someone engaged in prayer.

Similarly, certain animals are mentioned because they are either frightening or disturbing, and this can also distract a person and affect the focus and reward of their prayer.

The similarity pointed here among them is their common impact on prayer, which is *The distraction of the worshipper from their connection with Allah*.

For this reason, it is important to establish a barrier to ensure that none or nothing passes in front of anyone praying, to maintain their concentration and devotion.

This is a straightforward concept, yet, there are ones who attempt to twist and fake the concept and meaning of the Hadith to implant doubts in the hearts of Muslims seeking to lead them astray, and to lose faith, just as they have lost theirs.

It is also very important to understand that passing in front of someone who is praying is prohibited, as the Prophet Muhammad said:

_*“When one of you prays, let him place something in front of him. If he can't find anything, let him set up a stick. If he can't find anything, let him draw a line, and then, whoever passes in front of him will not harm him"*_

Dawah in English

27 Nov, 05:02


Dawah in English

27 Nov, 02:42

📍Proof from bible that they don't get married in hereafter

Jesus said:
Mat 22:30: "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."

Dawah in English

26 Nov, 15:24

Al Hur Al'Ayn is one of the most pleasant delights for the Muslim Man in paradise as a reward for lowering his gaze and avoiding adultery in his worldly life.

And this splendid reward unfortunately does not exist for Christians in Paradise, for -according to their belief- they do not have any pleasure in Paradise.

Based on this concept, Christians tend to commit all of the prohibitions like adultery, drinking alcohols, and fulfilling all their ill- desires in their worldly life knowing that they won't be able to have all these pleasures in the Hereafter.

But since Islam is a very fair religion where any restriction is enacted with full wisdom; therefore, anything a person is prohibited from doing in this world; will be rewarded with it in Paradise in the Hereafter, but in a way that is even much better, pleasant, and delightful.

knowing the fact that men can biologically and naturally be attracted to more than one woman, Islam cannot disregard that fact or deny it like what many false voices claim, rather, it tend to regulate and tame this attraction by allowing for him polygamy in his worldy life, and rewarding him with Al Hur Al 'Ayn in paradise if he resists his lusts and desires.

Dawah in English

26 Nov, 15:23


Dawah in English

20 Nov, 20:39

يتشرف موقع رساله الاسلام ان يقدم لكم صفحه اللغات الافريقية لتعريف الاسلام


يتشرف موقع رساله الاسلام ان يقدم لكم صفحه اللغات الاوروبية لتعريف الاسلام


يتشرف موقع رساله الاسلام ان يقدم لكم صفحه اللغات الاسيوية لتعريف الاسلام


Dawah in English

04 Nov, 04:57

📌 Peace of mind and tranquility come only with the remembrance of Allah; Almighty God.

🪻 Allah, the Almighty, has granted each of our senses its own unique pleasure to bring happiness to human life. As a result ,each sense has its own joy:

🌿 For example, the pleasure of sight is found in beautiful visuals, and this pleasure belongs solely to the eye; the ear has no part in it.

- The ear enjoys the beauty of sound, which the eye does not perceive.

- The nose finds pleasure in fragrances and the smell of delicious food.

- The tongue experiences delight in tasting flavorful food.

📍 Now consider something interesting:

✏️ If you took the most expensive perfume in the world and put it in your mouth, you would find it extremely bitter and unpleasant because this is not the way to enjoy perfumes. Similarly, placing food in your nose or eye would cause discomfort, not pleasure.

Every sense has its specific source of joy.

📌 The same applies to the heart. The heart, where we feel true happiness and joy, also has its own source of pleasure that nothing else can replace.

🌿 Attempting to satisfy the heart with the pleasures of sight, hearing, or taste is like trying to enjoy a fragrance by tasting it.

So, what truly brings happiness to the heart?

The heart finds joy and contentment by connecting with its Creator, Allah.

🪻 Allah Almighty says in the Quran (interpretation of the meaning):
"Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort."
Quran 13:28

🌹 For the heart finds reassurance, tranquility, and comfort only in remembering Allah (Almighty God), the Creator.

Moreover, the heart is the "king" of the body and all its senses; if the heart is truly content, the whole body experiences joy. This is the essence of true happiness.

🤍 True happiness for humanity lies in connecting with our Creator , and we cannot establish a connection with our Lord without knowing Him well, and we can only truly know Him through the correct path—Islam.

Dawah in English

04 Nov, 04:56


Dawah in English

13 Oct, 13:29

First of all , all religions agree on the prohibition of adultery ; no religion allows it at all.

There are many reasons for forbidding adultery. Here are some wisdom behind this great ruling:

1. To avoid intermixing of blood kinship as this leads to losing track of progeny and neglecting rights. Otherwise people become like animals.

2. Adultery is a disgrace to the personality, the honor and the dignity of the person. It is also a big injustice towards the woman as it forces her to raise up children on her own.

3. Adultery causes a great number of diseases that have left doctors puzzled and the scientists unable to act.

So Islam does not forbid anything except that it is harmful, and it always gives better alternatives. To Adultery the alternative is marriage.

Dawah in English

13 Oct, 13:29

الحكمة من تحريم الزنا

Reasons for forbidding Adultery

Dawah in English

06 Oct, 12:48


🇫🇷 *قنوات الدعوة باللغة الفرنسية التابعة لجمعية تبليغ الإسلام* 🇫🇷

*🍃قناة الدعوة*

*🍃 قناة للرد على الإلحاد*

*🍃قناة سؤال و جواب*

*🍃 قناة بطاقات دعوية فرنسية*

🍃 *قناة فيديوهات دعوية فرنسية*

Dawah in English

05 Oct, 03:47

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) praying in front of a stick does not mean that he prays to idols.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, prayed only to God, and when he entered Mecca, he broke the idols and ordered people to worship Allah alone.

When we stand up to pray, we face the direction of the Kaabah 🕋 wherever we are,
But prophet Muhammed peace be upon him teaches us to take a barrier before we pray (called in Arabic Sutrah).
This barrier is placed in front of the person praying, so that no one would disturb him or interrupt his prayer.

He said: “When one of you prays, let him place something in front of him. If he can't find anything, let him set up a stick.
If he can't find anything, let him draw a line, and then whoever passes in front of him will not harm him...

P.s: Anything can be used as a barrier during prayer, such as a chair or anything about 3 cubits high.

Dawah in English

05 Oct, 03:41



Dawah in English

24 Aug, 11:05

نزف لكم بشرى فتح قناة بلغة


✍️ هذه لغة يتحدثها سكان
Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe

✍️ أسماء لنفس اللغة
Tswana = Setswana

ونذكركم باللينك الذى يضم كل القنوات

Dawah in English

21 Aug, 06:07

نزف لكم بشرى فتح قناة بلغة

هذه لغة يتحدثها سكان
Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania

✍️ أسماء لنفس اللغة
Tumbuka = Chitumbuka = Citumbuka

ومزيد من اللغات نعلن عنها قريبا بإذن الله


Dawah in English

18 Aug, 05:20

Have you ever asked yourself...

▪️What is hell⁉️
▫️Hell is the abode of torment and misery. ⛔️

🔺Allah says in the Quran:

“*Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait • For the transgressors, a place of return, • In which they will remain for ages [unending]*”
[Surah 78, An-Naba, Verses 21-23]


▪️Who are the people of Hell⁉️
▫️They are the infidels, disbelievers, and polytheists and sinners. 🚫🚫


︎ *How to be saved from Hellfire* ⁉️
▫️You can get salvation from Hellfire *by believing in God and His Messenger, and to obey their orders.*


Dawah in English

18 Aug, 05:18


Dawah in English

14 Aug, 06:10

نزف لكم بشرى فتح قناة بلغة


ومزيد من اللغات نعلن عنها قريبا بإذن الله

Dawah in English

08 Aug, 10:35

نزف لكم بشرى فتح قناة بلغة

جزى الله خيرا من قام بهذا العمل
نسأل الله تعالى أن يجعله عملا مباركا خالصا لوجهه الكريم


ونذكركم باللينك الذى يضم كل القنوات

Dawah in English

27 Jul, 15:17

So where did God or Jesus say having more than one wife is a sin in the Bible?

Dawah in English

27 Jul, 15:17

Apart from Sarah (Genesis 17:15), Hagar (Genesis 16:3), Genesis 25:1 says this

💥"Abraham had taken another wife, whose name was Keturah."





