QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry @queenscollege1 Channel on Telegram

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry


all about queens

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry (English)

Are you a student or alumni of Queens College, interested in pursuing an MBA or Project Management degree? Look no further than the QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry channel on Telegram! The username @queenscollege1 brings you all the information you need about Queens College and the opportunities available in the field of business administration.

Who is it for? This channel is perfect for current students of Queens College who are looking to further their education in the areas of MBA or Project Management. It is also ideal for alumni who wish to stay connected to their alma mater and explore new career paths.

What is it? The QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry channel is all about providing updates, resources, and support to individuals interested in pursuing advanced degrees in business. From admissions requirements to career opportunities, this channel covers everything you need to know to make informed decisions about your academic and professional future.

Join @queenscollege1 today to connect with fellow students and alumni, receive exclusive updates on MBA and Project Management programs, and stay informed about the latest developments in the world of business education. Queens College is waiting to help you achieve your academic goals and advance your career. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - join the QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry channel on Telegram now!

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

26 Sep, 14:04

ለማስተርስ አዲስ አመልካቾች በሙሉ
የማስተርስ የመግቢያ ፈተናውን ያለፋችሁ እስከ መስከረም 30/2017 የመመዝገቢያ ክፍያ ነጻ መሆኑን አዉቃችሁ እድሉን እንድትጠቀሙ እንገልጻለን
የኮሌጁ የፋይናንስ ዳይሬክተር

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

25 Sep, 09:43

For those who pass NGAT Exam dear respected Masters Applicants, the college management body offer for interested applicate free registration until to September 30/2017 E.C. so we invite you to use this opportunities
Good luck!

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

23 Aug, 07:29

የማስተርስ ተመራቂዎች ተማሪዎች በሙሉ
የምረቃ መግቢየ ሠሰዓት: ጧት 1:00
የምረቃ ቦታ: የካ ክፍለ ከተማ አዳራሽ ልዩ ቦታዉ መገናኛ ማራቶን ህንፃ ፊት ለፊት
የምረቃ ቀን: 18/12/2016 እለተ ቅዳሜ

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

20 Aug, 11:18

Greetings dear prospective graduate students, please find attached the defense schedule for Thursday 16/12/2016 morning at 2:00 at the D'Afrique Campus, and prepare yourself based on the schedule.   we are informing you that all students should bring their presentation PPT and laptop for presentation.

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

20 Aug, 11:18

Check every thing in Detail

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

20 Aug, 08:40

የጋዋን ማስያዣ ጋዋኑ ሲመለስ ተመላሽ የሚሆን 700.00 (ሰባት መቶ ብር) ማስገቢያ አካውንት
አቢሲኒያ ባንክ ''200836405'' መሀመድ ሁሴን, ሰአዳ ይማም እና ሀይማኖት እርገጤ ገቢ እንድታደርጉ እያሳሰብን የጋዋን መመለሻ ቀን በ 20/12/2016 ዓ.ም ብቻ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን ነገር ግን ቀን አሳልፎ የሚያመጣ በቀን 150.00 ብር የሚቀጡ ይሆናል !!!

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

15 Aug, 18:22

Greetings dear prospective graduate students, please find attached the 6th round defense schedule for Saturday 11/12/2016, and Monday 13/12/2016 E.C morning at 2:00 at D'Afrique Campus, and prepare yourself based on the schedule.   we are informing you that all students should bring their presentation PPT and laptop for presentation.

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

05 Aug, 08:51

You should be check every thing in detial

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

05 Aug, 08:48

ቀን፡ 29/011/2016
በድጋሚ የወጣ ማስታዎቂያ
d afric ዲህረ-ምረቃ ካምፓስ የማስተርስ ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ
እንኳን ለምረቃ በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያልን የምረቃ ፕሮግራሙን በተለመደው መልኩ ለማሳመር ሲባል ደረጃውን የጠበቀ (መጽኄትና ፎልደር) ፣የጋዎን ክራይ፣ የአዳራሽ ክራይ፣ የምረቃ ፎቶ በጋዎንና ያለጋዎን በጥቅሉ የምረቃ ሙሉ ፓኬጅ ለማሳካት አንድ ተማሪ 1700.00 ብር በዳሽን ባንክ አካውንት ቁጥር 5075698263011 መሃመድ ሁሴን፣ሰዓዳ ይማምና እያሱ ሃጎስ ስም ገቢ አድርጋችሁ እንድትጨርሱ እናሳስባለን፡፡
ማሳሰቢያ፡ ባሁኑ ወቅት የመጨረሻ የመጽሄት ህትመት ስለደረሰ ከመታተሙ በፊት ቼክ እንድታደርጉ እናሳስባለን፡፡
የምረቃ አስተባባሪዎች!

QC D-Afric MBA&PM 2015 Entry

25 Jul, 15:17

Mekonin& Abay





