Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale) @oceanofknowledgemakkah Channel on Telegram

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)


I only sell books I deem to be important or beneficial for Students of Knowledge with the best prints/editions.

-Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam

✈️🚚 Shipping available to all countries or pick up in Makkah.

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale) (English)

Are you a Student of Knowledge looking to expand your library with valuable resources? Look no further than 'Ocean of Knowledge'! This Telegram channel, managed by Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam, offers a curated selection of Arabic books for sale. Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam takes pride in only selling books that he deems important and beneficial for students like you, making sure to provide the best prints and editions available.

Whether you're located in Makkah or anywhere else in the world, you can benefit from this treasure trove of knowledge. Shipping is available to all countries, or if you happen to be in Makkah, you can arrange for a convenient pick up.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to enrich your academic journey with the finest Arabic books handpicked by a knowledgeable and discerning seller. Join 'Ocean of Knowledge' today and take your learning to new depths!

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

12 Feb, 09:21

A great Ramadan gift for your children.

This set includes:

1. "Color the Pearls" 60 Hadith coloring book English version
2. "Color the Pearls" Arabic version
3. Coloring pencil set
4. Kids Prayer Rug 77*33
- 6 colors to choose from: Red, Blue, Gray, Beige, Purple, Pink
-Suitable for kids under 10 and adults' head & knees or hands when traveling.
5. "Pearls Series" 60 Hadith with brief explanation to read every day. English
6. "Pearls Series" Arabic version.

Cost: $25 usd

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

29 Nov, 14:35

New Ibn Rajab collection of works
8 vols. $225 usd

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

08 Nov, 01:19

The following titles are in Birmingham, UK.
You can pick up from the brother. PM for details

1. Explanation of Muwatta by Sh. Shithree
$150 usd

2. Explanation of Muwatta by Sh. Khudayr
$175 usd

3. Large version of Mutoon Talib ilm, 4 levels in 1
Two copies $20 usd each.

Total: $365 usd

If you buy the entire set it is only $315 usd.



Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

06 Nov, 13:39

A compilation of all of Imam Ahmad's رحمه الله statements in Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith, Zuhd, Adāb, Narrators with references. A great encyclopedia.

الجامع لعلوم الإمام أحمد
تأليف خالد الرباط دار الفلاح

22 vols. $500 usd $300 usd for 1 week

#Rare #collections #hanbali

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

31 Oct, 00:18

Explanation of ibn Hajar's "Bulugh al-Maram" by Sh. Ibn Baaz رحمهم الله (new)

شرح بلوغ المرام للعلامة عبد العزيز بن باز رحمه الله

💵 16 vols., $250 usd


🌊 T.me/OceanOfKnowledgeMakkah

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

29 Oct, 09:05


Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

29 Oct, 09:05

Fahd fuhayd
30 usd

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

29 Oct, 09:05

25 usd

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

29 Oct, 09:05

Kitab tawhid in q&a format
15 usd

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

24 Oct, 21:14

A detailed book on the branches of Iman
فتح الرحمن في التأصيل والبيان لشعب الإيمان

$30 usd


Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

24 Oct, 21:11

Explanation of ibn Balbaan's Hajj Manual

🔎 Edited and checked by Abdullah b. Ali al-Sulayman Al Ghayhab
✍️ Explanation by Ahmad al-Qu'aymi

شرح منسك ابن بلبان
تعليق وشرح أحمد القعيمي

💵 $12 usd

#Fiqh #Hanbali

🌊 T.me/OceanOfKnowledgeMakkah

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

24 Oct, 21:07

8 new volumes of Tahqiq (checking and editing) of Ibn Taymiyyah's writings رحمه الله

🔎 Abdullah b. Ali al-Sulayman Āl Ghayhab

جامع الفصول المجموعة الأولى والثانية
A collection of fataawa written by ibn Taymiyyah gathered in these two volumes

قاعدة في أن كل دليل عقلي يحتج به مبتدع ففيه دليل على بطلان قوله
قاعدة فيما يفطر الصائم وما لا يفطره
أقسام القرآن ويليه أمثال القرآن

💵 8 volumes, 120 usd

🌊 T.me/OceanOfKnowledgeMakkah

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

24 Oct, 20:55

The book of religious innovations

✍️ Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Waddaah al-Qurtubi 287h رحمه الله
🔎 Abdur-Rahman b. Salih al-Hijji

كتاب البدع
صنفه أبو عبد الله محمد بن وضاح القرطبي رحمه الله
تحقيق عبد الرحمن بن صالح الحجي

💵 $25 usd

#Manhaj #Sunnah

🌊 T.me/OceanOfKnowledgeMakkah

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

24 Oct, 20:49

A concise dictionary for Hadith Terminology and brief Biographies of the most prominent scholars of this field. A great manual.

Introduction by Sh. Abdul-Qadir al-Arna'ut رحمه الله

معجم مصطلحات الحديث
تقديم الشيخ عبد القادر الأرناؤوط رحمه الله

💵 $12 usd


🌊 T.me/OceanOfKnowledgeMakkah

Ocean of Knowledge (Arabic Books for Sale)

24 Oct, 20:42

How to present Takhrij of Hadith

✍️ Dr. Ibrahim al-Laahim حفظه الله

عرض تخريج الحديث ودراسته
للشيخ إبراهيم بن عبد الله اللاحم حفظه الله

💵 2 vols., 45 usd


🌊 T.me/OceanOfKnowledgeMakkah