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Introducing NPP Digital, a Telegram channel dedicated to the National People's Power (NPP) movement in Sri Lanka. This channel aims to change the thinking of Sri Lankans for a brighter future. Powered by Npp.lk, NPP Digital provides a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and engage in discussions about important socio-political issues in the country. Whether you are interested in the latest news, updates, or simply want to be part of a community that is passionate about creating positive change, NPP Digital is the place to be. Join us today and be a part of the movement towards a better future for Sri Lanka. (Please note that this service is conducted by a 3rd party)
10 Jan, 07:32
08 Jan, 03:59
08 Jan, 02:06
08 Jan, 02:06
08 Jan, 02:06
05 Jan, 14:33
04 Jan, 13:14
04 Jan, 13:14
31 Dec, 13:36
29 Dec, 06:35
28 Dec, 09:50
28 Dec, 09:25
28 Dec, 06:05
27 Dec, 14:11
27 Dec, 11:09
25 Nov, 17:54
23 Nov, 17:49
22 Nov, 16:29
21 Nov, 08:34
20 Nov, 17:42
18 Nov, 07:14
15 Nov, 14:29
15 Nov, 00:32
03 Nov, 08:31
31 Oct, 05:34
30 Oct, 22:47
30 Oct, 10:22
29 Oct, 14:29
26 Oct, 12:49
24 Oct, 23:55
23 Oct, 14:55
21 Oct, 00:23