Welcome to مێخەك (meexak) - a Telegram channel dedicated to all things related to storytelling and literature in the Kurdish language. This channel is a haven for poetry lovers, book enthusiasts, and anyone who appreciates the beauty of words. With our diverse collection of stories, poems, and literary works, you will embark on a journey through the rich Kurdish culture and heritage. Discover hidden gems, explore new perspectives, and immerse yourself in the world of Kurdish literature with مێخەك. Whether you are a seasoned writer or simply enjoy reading, our channel offers something for everyone. Join us today and let the magic of words take you on a captivating adventure.
06 Feb, 19:08
04 Feb, 18:08
19 Jan, 17:23
09 Jan, 10:06
08 Jan, 17:50
07 Jan, 18:10
06 Jan, 07:27
29 Dec, 08:05
27 Dec, 14:49
27 Dec, 10:33
25 Dec, 17:16
25 Dec, 07:00
03 Dec, 17:54
30 Nov, 18:29
28 Nov, 20:01
20 Nov, 11:40
17 Nov, 10:47
13 Nov, 10:58
03 Nov, 07:14
01 Nov, 16:57
29 Oct, 07:34
28 Oct, 11:08
27 Oct, 11:55
14 Oct, 17:18
14 Oct, 12:30
12 Oct, 12:13
12 Oct, 07:10