JiT Students Union @jit_su Channel on Telegram

JiT Students Union


Jit SU is the voice of jit students, serving as link between student and the Institute.

JiT Students Union 2016 (English)

Are you a student at JiT looking to stay informed and connected with everything happening at your institute? Look no further than JiT Students Union 2016! This Telegram channel, with the username @jit_su, is the voice of JiT students, serving as a crucial link between the student body and the institute. JiT Students Union 2016 provides a platform for students to stay updated on important announcements, events, and opportunities at JiT. Whether you're looking for information on upcoming exams, social events, or campus news, this channel has got you covered. Not only does JiT Students Union 2016 keep students informed, but it also serves as a space for student voices to be heard. It acts as a bridge between the student community and the institute, allowing students to express their opinions and concerns. Joining JiT Students Union 2016 means becoming part of a vibrant and engaged community of JiT students who are passionate about their education and campus life. It's a place where students can come together to share experiences, support one another, and make their voices heard. Whether you're a new student looking to get acclimated to life at JiT or a seasoned student wanting to stay informed and engaged, JiT Students Union 2016 is the go-to channel for all your needs. Join today and be part of the conversation at JiT!

JiT Students Union

16 Feb, 06:31

ከኢንተርንሺፕ የተመለሳችሁ ተማሪዎች ከዛሬ ምሳ ሰአት ጀምሮ የካፌ አገልግሎት መጠቀም የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን።

JiT Students Union

11 Feb, 19:51

#Barattoota fresh man hundaaf
Application kana yeroo fayyadamtan bakka referral code jedhutti #user8551 kana galchuun kaffaltii raawwadhaa

#leFresh man temariwoch
Applicationun sititekemu referral code bota layi #user8551 bemasgebat kifiyawun fetsimu

JiT Students Union

11 Feb, 14:00


JiT Students Union

11 Feb, 09:06

#For Freshman Students

እንደሚታወቀው በሚቀጥለው ሳምንት የኦንላይን ፋይናል ፈተና ትወስዳላችሁ ስለሆነም ከሴክሽን 1 እስከ ሴክሽን 11 ድረስ እዚያው JIT የምትፈተኑ ሲሆን ከሴክሽን 12 እስከ ሴክሽን 26 ድረስ ደግሞ በዋናው ካምፓስ የምትፈተኑ ይሆናል።

🔹እስካሁን ድረስ የመፈተኛ ድረገፅ ላይ log in ለማለት ያልሰራላችሁ ተማሪዎች የተማሪዎች ህብረት ቢሮ በመምጣት በአስቸኳይ እንድትመዘገቡ ስንል እናሳውቃለን።

Akkuma beektan torbee dhufu irraa eegalee qormaata finali onlaayinii dhan  ni fudhattu, kanaaf section 1ffaa hanga section   11ffaatti, JIT keessatti qoramtu , section 12 irraa kaasee hanga section  26tti ammoo mooraa guddichaatti qoramtu .

🔹 Barattoonni hanga ammaatti login hin gonnee , gara waajjira Gamtaa Barattootaa dhuftanii hatattamaan akka galmooftan isin beeksifna.

JiT Students Union

08 Feb, 15:20

💥The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Ethiopia’s Integrated Youth Activity Kefeta, is devoted to advancing the economic and social opportunities for youth in Ethiopia.

💥It focuses on improving youth's skills and capacity development that are the key aspects for employability.

💥This is online registration form developed to identify young people with strong interest to participate in upcoming Training. And to facilitate internship and employment opportunity.

Register Now! limited spots available!

Click here👇👇👇👇

JiT Students Union

05 Feb, 21:31

Jimma University Architecture Student Association(JU-ASA) is excited to announce the winner of our logo competition! 🎉
Code 06 won with 37.13!
Congratulations to the logo designer! 👏
Thank you to all participants and voters!

for any clarity @FraolAsefa / @Miliyon2723

Thank You all for being part of our Jimma University Architecture student Association legacy!!!

Jimma University Architecture student Association
#JUASA #LogoCompetition #Winner

JiT Students Union

05 Feb, 07:00

በመጪው ሴሚስተር ኢንተርንሺፕ የምትወጡ ተማሪዎች ሁናችሁ Non cafe መሆን የምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች ዳታችሁ ስለሚፈለግ እንድትመዘገቡ ስንል በትህትና እናሳውቃለን።

JiT Students Union

02 Feb, 06:56


🔴Barattoonni semestera lammaffaa irraa eegalee tajaajila baasii nyaataa qooddannaa(non-cafe) maallaqaan argachuu barbaaddan Waajjira tajaajila barattootaa(student service) gamoo bulchiinsa JIT qaamaan argamuun galmaa'uu akka dandeessan isin beeksifna.

🔻  Waliigaltee mallatteessitan seemisteeran fooyyessuu akka dandeessan isin beeksifna.

🔺 Adeemsa galmee keessatti karaa bakka bu'aan galmaa'uun akka hin danda'amne akka beektan isin beeksifna .

✍️ Gamtaa Barattoota JIT

JiT Students Union

31 Jan, 21:33

ውድ ቤተሰቦቻችን ድጋፋችሁ ያስፈልገናል!

የኢትዬጲያ ዲያስቦረ ትረስት ፈንድ በሚያዘጋጀው Great Rift Valley Summit 2025 ውድድር ላይ በግብርና ዘርፍ (Dr.Azmeraw) ዶ/ር አዝመራው በሚባል መተግበሪያ ወይም አፕ እየተወዳደርን እንገኛለን ።

መተግበሪያው በ AI ቴክኖሎጂ በመጠቀም የሰብል በሽታዎችን ከመታየታቸው ቀናት በፊት በመለየትና በመከላከል፣ ምርትን ለማሳደግና የኬሚካል አጠቃቀምን ለመቀነስ የሚረዱ የሕክምና ምክሮችን ይሰጣል።

በውድድሩ ለመጨረሻ ዙር ከታጩት 8 ተወዳዳሪዎች ውስጥ የእኛ ድርጅት ደባል ቴክኖሎጂስ ይገኝበታል ። የማሸነፍ እድላችን ከእኛ ጥረት በተጨማሪ በህዝብ ምርጫ ስለሚወሰን ድምጽዎ እንድናሸንፍ እንዲሁም ይህ አዲስ ቴክኖሎጂ ለገበሬዎች እንዲደርስና የምግብ ዋስትናን ለማረጋገጥ ይረዳል። አሁኑኑ በ https://vote.grvsummit.com/ ድምጽ ይስጡ!


JiT Students Union

31 Jan, 14:50


የምግብ ወጪ መጋራት አገልግሎትን ከሁለተኛው ወሰነ ትምህርት ጀምሮ በጥሬ ገንዘብ መቀበል የምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች ጅ.ቴ.ኢ አስተዳደር ህንፃ የተማሪዎች አገልግሎት ቢሮ በአካል በመቅረብ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን።

🔻የፈረማችሁትን ውል በየወሰነ ትምህርቱ(በየሴሚስተሩ) ማሻሻል የምትችሉ መሆኑን ለማሳወቅ እንወዳለን።

🔺የምዝገባ ሂደቱ ላይ በወኪል ሰው ማስመዝገብ የማይቻል መሆኑን አውቃችሁ ከወዲሁ እንድትዘጋጁ ስንል እናሳስባለን።

✍️JIT Student Union

JiT Students Union

30 Jan, 15:09

This is a petition not a contract we as students are formally asking the institution.
Getting the payment has a lot of processes like terminating the contract you signed when you came fresh and signing new as nan cafe. This is a petition or kind of claiming your right.
After our petition gets positive responses you do your best knowing all terms of requirements.
After all the amount 3000birr per month, which is your budget from ministry of education.
Note, we only need those students who are not using the cafe or have no interest, we are not initiating normal students to petition.
#the petition also helps us and institutions to know the data or number of students in need.

JiT Students Union

30 Jan, 13:02


As you all know the service of the cafe is not optional in our campus and there has been no refund for non cafe students.

✍️We are writing and collecting a petition to get our cost sharing  refunded for non cafe students. So any student who is in need of being a non-cafe,  can write your full information( full Name, Id, department and year) on petition paper in your class.

🔻Note, After the petition is submitted  there is no withdrawal system. And you are never allowed to use cafeteria service after you get your cost sharing refunded, and it is a grave violation of disciplinary rule.
So be certain that you're fully responsible and interested.

🔹All students in JIT campus register through your class representatives, up to coming tomorrow morning (Friday; 23/05/2017).

JiT Students Union

28 Jan, 10:30


ሁላችሁም አንደኛ አመት ተማሪዎች በዕለተ ሀሙስ ማለትም 22/05/2017 የመለማመጃ ፈተና ስለሚኖራችሁ እስከዚያ ድረስ ባለው ጊዜ ማለትም ዛሬ እና ነገ ሁላችሁም ዩዘርኔም እና ፓስዎርድ በመውሰድ ራሳችሁን ዝግጁ እንድታደርጉ ስንል እናሳውቃለን።

JiT Students Union

27 Jan, 06:22


Tentative Final-Exam Schedule.

JiT Students Union

24 Jan, 16:52


The special tutorial session in Mathematics course is scheduled for only female freshman students tomorrow at 3:00local time in VH 5204.

🔹This session is highly beneficial for your final examination preparation.

JiT Students Union

24 Jan, 08:39

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to this process.
The next evaluation phase will be carried out by the Logo Committees includes Graphics Designers, and Architects.

For any questions or clarifications,contact us on Telegram:

Jimma University Architecture Student Association

JiT Students Union

23 Jan, 07:58

Here we attach the public vote for the last 10 competitor of our logo design for the the formation of Jimma University Architecture student Association(JU-ASA), by selecting your best logo be part of our legacy!

በመቋቋም ላይ ሚገኘው የጅማ አርኪቴክቸር ተማሪዎች ህብረት(Jimma University Architecture student Association(JU-ASA)) 10 የመጨረሻ ተወዳዳሪዎች በpublic vote እያስመረጥን ስለሆነ, ከታች ባለው ድምፅ እንድትሰጡ እንጠይቃለን::

Final poll vote(Public vote)will end after 24 hr( on January 24, Mid day at 5:00Local Time)

Logo design winner will be official on Friday Night at 3:00 Local Time

For any question and suggestion



Jimma Architecture student Association

JiT Students Union

16 Jan, 14:50


ከነገ ዐርብ ማለትም 9/5/2017 እራት ፕሮግራም ጀምሮ ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች የGC ካፌ ስራ ስለሚጀምር እዚያ በመሄድ እንድትጠቀሙ ስንል በትህትና እናሳውቃለን።

✍️ጅ.ቴ.ኢ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

JiT Students Union

15 Jan, 18:59

ለሁሉም ለጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሎጎ እና ግራፊክስ ክህሎት ላላችሁ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ!

በመቋቋም ላይ ሚገኘው የጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የአርክቴክቸር ተማሪዎች ህብረት(Jimma University Architecture student Association)ህብረቱን ሚወክል ሎጎ አወዳድሮ መጠቀም ስለሚፈልግ ክህሎቱን ያላችሁ ተማሪዎች እንድትወዳደሩ እንጠይቃለን::

የዉድድሩ አሸናፊ ሽልማት እና የእዉቅና certificate ሚቀበል ይሆናል::

መወዳደር ምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች በዚ ቴሌግራም username ስማችሁን በማስመዝገብ ተሳታፊ ይሁኑ::


📢 Calling All Creative Minds at Jimma University!
Design the future of the Jimma University Architectural Association of Students with your creative logo! Stand a chance to win recognition, prizes, and a legacy as your design represents our association.

📅 Deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025, at 6:00 local time.
📩 Interested? Contact us via Telegram:
@FraolAsefa | @MILIYON2723

JiT Students Union

15 Jan, 18:16

Payment of cost sharing for non Cafe students, have ceased for some years in Jimma university. As a Students Union, we have been discussing with top managements of our institution and officially asked the concern.
we hope in a short period of time that will be given an answer and we ask you to wait in a disciplined way as usual.

JiT Students Union

15 Jan, 12:32


Academic calendar for all freshman students has attached in the above photo.

JiT Students Union

15 Jan, 12:32

#Academic_Calander for all 3rd year and above non graduating regular students except health.

JiT Students Union

15 Jan, 12:32

#2017_Academic_Calander for all 2nd year students except health students.

JiT Students Union

15 Jan, 12:31


The above picture is academic calander of 2017 for all graduating students.

JiT Students Union

14 Jan, 07:00

💥The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Ethiopia’s Integrated Youth Activity Kefeta, is devoted to advancing the economic and social opportunities for youth in Ethiopia.

💥It focuses on improving youth's skills and capacity development that are the key aspects for employability.

💥This is online registration form developed to identify young people with strong interest to participate in upcoming Training. And to facilitate internship and employment opportunity.

Register Now! Very limited spots available!

Click here👇👇👇👇

JiT Students Union

10 Jan, 18:19

በጅማ ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲቲውት የተማሪዎች ህብረት ስር የተለያዩ ክለቦች አሉ ከነሱም ውስጥ ዛሬ ስለ ተማሪ ኔት ክለብ እንወራለን።

ተማሪ ኔት የሚባለው ክለብ ከስሙ እንደምንረዳው የተማሪ መረብ ማለት ነው ከስራወቹም መካከል ዋና ዋናወቹ👇👇👇

🔹 በብዛት አካዳሚካሊ ለሚፈጠሩ ችግሮች እንዲሁም ማሻሻያወች እንደ ተማሪ ህብረት ተማሪዎች በቀላል መንገድ ትምርታቸውን እንዲማሩ የሚያግዝ፤

🔹ከአካዳሚክ ጉዳይ በዘለለም በግቢው ላይ የሚፈጠሩ የተለያዩ ችግሮች ሲከሰቱ ከተማሪዎች መረጃ በመሰብሰብ እና በማጣራት ለሚመለከተው አካል በማድረስ መፍትሄ እንዲመጣ የሚሰራ፤

🔹የተለያዩ ቲቶሪያሎችን እና ትምህርታዊ ኢቨንቶችን የሚያዘጋጅ ፤

🔹እንዲሁም ትክክለኛ የሆኑ ኢንፎርሜሽኖችን በሶሻል ሚዲያ አማካኝነት ለተማሪዎች የሚያደርስ ክለብ ነው።

🌐ስለሆነም እዚህ ክለብ ላይ በአባልነት መመዝገብ የምትፈልጉ ከፍሬሽ እና ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች ውጭ ከልብ በመነጨ በጎ ፈቃደኝነት እና ንቁ በሆነ ተሳትፎ መስራት የምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች ብቻ ከነገ ማለትም 3/5/2017 እስከ ረቡዕ 7/5/2017 የተማሪዎች ህብረት ስፖርት ቢሮ በአካል በመምጣት መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን።

JiT Students Union

09 Jan, 18:50


ሁላችሁም የJIT ተማሪዎች ሰሞኑን ዶርም አካባቢ ስርቆት እየተበራከተ ስለመጣ በተለይ ዞን 3 አካባቢ የምትገኙ ልጆች በምተኙበት ጊዜ የሁለቱንም በር በመዝጋት የጥንቃቄ እርምጃ እንድትወስዱ ስንል በትህትና እናሳውቃለን።

barattoota JIT hundaaf  nannoo dormii hanni waan baay'ateef  keessattuu nannoo zoonii 3ffaa  Waarii jirtan yammuu raftaan balbala lamanuu cuufuun ofeeggannoo akka taasistan isin hubachiifna

JiT Students Union

08 Jan, 16:33

For all jimma institute of technology students,
Student union has many clubs, and one of the clubs is #charity club

So, Students who want to register for charity can call the phone number below. 👇👇

➽tajudin (GC civil) phone 0901336753

🌐 Selhadin (GC civil) phone 0965137967

JiT Students Union

08 Jan, 14:31

bishaan sa'atii 12:00Lt  irra jalqabee haga sa'atii 2:00Lt  tti naannoo doormii waan dhufuuf waraabbachuu dandeessu

ውሃ ዛሬ ከምሽቱ 12:00LT ሰአት ጀምሮ እስከ 2፡00LT ዶርም አከባቢ ስለሚኖር መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ።

JiT Students Union

08 Jan, 11:17

ከላይ ያለው ጥላ የጠፋበት ሰው የተማሪዎች ህብረት ቢሮ በመምጣት ካገኘው ሰው ላይ መውሰድ የምትችል መሆኑን እንገልፃለን።

JiT Students Union

06 Jan, 10:46

bishaan sa'atii 8:00Lt irra jalqabee haga sa'atii 9:30Lt tti naannoo doormii waan dhufuuf waraabbachuu dandeessu

ውሃ 8:00LT ሰኣት ጀምሮ እስከ 9፡30LT ዶርም አከባቢ ስለሚኖር መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ።

JiT Students Union

05 Jan, 14:22

#Meal Menu

ሼር የሚል የተፃፈባቸው ጊዜያት ላይ አንድ ዳቦ እና ግማሽ እንጀራ ነው ሚሰጠው።

JiT Students Union

05 Jan, 07:07

bishaan sa'atii 7:30Lt irra jalqabee haga sa'atii 9:30Lt tti naannoo doormii waan dhufuuf waraabbachuu dandeessu

ውሃ 7:30LT ሰኣት ጀምሮ እስከ 9፡30LT ዶርም አከባቢ ስለሚኖር መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ።

JiT Students Union

04 Jan, 14:51

🔹ተማሪ ኡመር ሞሀመድ የመታወቂያ ካርድህ እኛ ጋር ስላለ የተማሪዎች ህብረት ቢሮ መትህ መውሰድ የምትችል መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን።

JiT Students Union

03 Jan, 07:47

አስደሳች ዜና ለፍረሽ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ💥💥💥💥

"Career Compass" 🧭 የተሰኘ ድንቅ ስልጠና ተዘጋጅቶላችኋል!!

☀️ በዩኒቨርሲቲ ቆይታችሁ ስኬታማ የምትሆኑበትን መንገድ ማሳየት፣

🌟 ዉጤታማ ዉሳነ የመወሰን ክህሎታችሁን ማዳበር፣

🔥 ዉጤታማ የጥናት ስልትን ማዳበር፣

ከግቢ ቆይታችሁ በኋላ የምጠብቃችሁን በስራ ዓለም ያሉ እድሎችን እና የሚያስፈልጋችሁን ቅድመ ሁኔታ ማስቃኘት ከስልጠና ዋና ዋና አላማዎች የተወሰኑቱ ናቸወ!!

ቀን 📆  ነገ ቅዳሜ 26/04/2017 ከጠዋቱ 3:00 ሰዓት

ቦታ 📍በJIT ዋናዉ አደራሽ

ዉድ ተማሪዎች ይህ እድል ፈፅሞ እንዳያመልጣችሁ!!!

🌤 ስልጠናዉን ላጠናቀቁ የ Certificate ሽልማት እንደምኖረዉ እናሳዉቃለን።

ስለስልጠናዉ ሙሉ መረጃ ለማግኘት የነገዉን Orientation ይሳተፉ!!!


JiT Students Union

02 Jan, 17:37

Dear all,

This programm is essential for u and there is 30 minute orentation on starday 26/4/17 morning @ 3:00.
Share for ur classmates and avail yourself on time.

@ big hall infront of regiateral.

JiT Students Union

02 Jan, 17:36

What's up Jimma University?! Get ready for Dereja's CareerCompass!!

🧭 Dereja's CareerCompass 🧭 is here to help you unlock your potential! This program is specifically designed for first-year college students, and it offers self-awareness, career exploration, decision-making, and career planning services.

Why choose Dereja? Our tailored program empowers you and guides you toward your desired career path.

Register now! Limited space is available!


JiT Students Union

01 Jan, 15:25

bishaan sa'atii 1:00 irra jalqabee haga sa'atii 2:00 tti naannoo doormii waan dhufuuf waraabbachuu dandeessu

ውሃ 1:00 ሰኣት ጀምሮ እስከ 2፡00 ዶርም አከባቢ ስለሚኖር መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ።

JiT Students Union

31 Dec, 15:20

bishaan amma irra jalqabee haga sa'atii 2:30 tti naannoo doormii waan dhufuuf waraabbachuu dandeessu

ውሃ ከአሁን ሰኣት ጀምሮ እስከ 2፡30 ዶርም አከባቢ ስለሚኖር መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ።

JiT Students Union

31 Dec, 07:11

#1,#2,#3........... ብለን #5ተኛ ዙር ላይ ደርሰናል!

በጉጉት ሲጠበቅ የነበረው የደባል ቴክኖሎጂ ዞን #5ተኛ ዙር የቴክኖሎጂ ትምህርቶች ስልጠና ምዝገባ ጀምረናል!

ጥራት ያለው ትምህርትን ብቃት ባላቸው መምህራን መስጠታችን ያስመሰግነናል!

ባለፉት 4 ተከታታይ ዙር ስልጠናዎች በመቶዎች የሚቆጠሩ ተማሪዎችን አስተምረን ከብቃት ማረጋገጫ የምስክር ወረቀት ጋር አጭብጭበን አስመርቀን ስራም አስጅምረናል!
አሁን ደሞ በ5ተኛው ዙር አዳዲስ የቴክኖሎጂ ናፋቂ ቤተሰቦቻችንን ለመቀበል ዝግጅታችንን ጨርሰን ምዝገባ ጀምረናል!

🌐 Basic Computer Skill
🌐 Graphics Design
🌐 Video Editing
🌐 Digital Marketing
🌐 Website Development
🌐 Python Programming

እንዲሁም በሌሎች ልዪ ልዪ አጫጭር ስልጠናዎች ተሳታፊ ሆነው የሙያም የስራም ባለቤት ይሁኑ!
ያሉን ቦታዎች ውስን ስለሆኑ ፈጥነው ይመዝገቡ!

ለመመዝገብ፡ https://forms.gle/YcT4UTaQgma6niNW7
አድራሻ፡ ጅማ ፈረንጅ አራዳ፤ ከሲኒው ህንጻ ፊት ለፊት ያለው ህንፃ 4ተኛ ፎቅ
📞 ለበለጠ መረጃ፡ 0935444997 | 0941667729
ለበለጠ መረጃ፡ የቴሌግራም ግሩፕ https://t.me/debbaltech or ቻናል https://t.me/debbaltechz

JiT Students Union

30 Dec, 08:09

New Doc 2024-12-27

JiT Students Union

30 Dec, 08:09

New Doc 2024-12-30 (1)

JiT Students Union

28 Dec, 07:18

Digital Literacy Training የተመዘገባችሁ እንዲሁም መመዝገብ የምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች አሰልጣኞች መጥተዉ እየጠበቋችሁ ስለሆነ ከላይ በተገፀዉ ቦታ ቶሎ እንድትገኙ እናሳስባለን።

JiT Students Union

27 Dec, 16:40

Exciting Announcement 💥💥💥

JiT Students Union

27 Dec, 08:45

🔹በ2017 ዓ.ም የዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ስፖርት ፌስቲቫል በእግር ኳስ ማጣሪያውን ያለፉ ተማሪዎች ስም ዝርዝር👆👆👆

JiT Students Union

23 Dec, 15:39

Mooraa JIT kessatti jaldeessonni  gara dormii dubartoota senuun  rakkisaa waan  jiraniif  nyaata fi dhugatti akka hin kenineef  jechaa  isin gaaffanna

በJIT ካምፓስ ዝንጀሮወች ወደ ሴቶች ዶርም እየገቡ በማስቸገራቸው ምክንያት ምንም አይነት የሚበላም ሆነ የሚጠጡ ነገሮችን ለዝንጀሮወቹ ባለመስጠት እንዳይለምዱ እንድታደርጉልን ስንል በትህትና እንጠይቃለን።

JiT Students Union

21 Dec, 12:35

የቅርጫት ኳስ መጫወት የምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች በአስቸኳይ ምልመላ ስለሚደረግ JIT የተማሪዎች ህብረት በመምጣት መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን።

JiT Students Union

20 Dec, 13:06


Mid Term Exam Schedule

JiT Students Union

19 Dec, 06:11

What's up Jimma University?! Get ready for Dereja's CareerCompass!!

🧭 Dereja's CareerCompass 🧭 is here to help you unlock your potential! This program is specifically designed for first-year college students, and it offers self-awareness, career exploration, decision-making, and career planning services.

Why choose Dereja? Our tailored program empowers you and guides you toward your desired career path.

Register now! Limited space is available!



JiT Students Union

18 Dec, 17:29

Name : Gemeda Ware
Id : RU 0937/17
Phone Number : 0921371498

namni argitan

JiT Students Union

06 Dec, 13:53

የሀሌታ ሮትራክት ክለብ ከጅማ ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲቲውት የተማሪዎች ህብረት ጋር በመተባበር ቅዳሜ ህዳር 28 እና እሁድ ህዳር 29, 2017 ዓ.ም በጅማ ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንሰቲትዩት ለ29ኛ ጊዜ ያዘጋጀውን የደም ልገሳ ፕሮግራም አጠናቅቆ እናንተን ይጠብቃል።

ደም በመለገስ ህይወትን የማዳን ብቃት ከሁሉም የላቀ ውድ ሃብት አሎት! ይህን በዋጋ ሊተመን የማይችል ስጦታ ለተቸገረ ሰው በማካፈል ያግዙ።🩸

📞 +251942632024 Betty
+251 917 8002 16 Rym
+251 942 0550 08 Rediet


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JiT Students Union

05 Dec, 20:23

ሰላም ሁላችሁም! 👋

ከJIT ቀይ መስቀል ክበብ የቀረበ ትልቅ ዜና!  ለአዳዲስ አባላት ምዝገ የጀመርን ሲሆን  - ይህንን ግሩም worldwide vision ያለው ክበብ   በመቀላቀል እና በጋራ እንድንሰራ ፍላጎቱ ያላቹ ልጆች እኛን መቀላቀል ትችላላቹ።  እኛን መቀላቀል ለምትፈልጉ ከዚህ በታች ያለውን ሊንክ በመጫን  join እንድታደረጉ እንጋብዛቹሀለን።

በተጨማሪም!  ከነገ ወዲያ ቅዳሜ እና እሁድ የደም ልገሳ ፕሮግራም  በግቢያችን ለማዘጋጀት ዝግጅት ላይ ነን! እናም እያንዳንዱ የደም ጠብታ ዋጋ አለውና ፣ በዚህ  ሕይወት አድን ፕሮግራም ላይ በመሳተፍ  life saver ይሁኑ! ❤️💉 
ምናልባትም ምንም እንኳን  ደም መለገስ ባትችሉም ለመርዳት በበጎ ፈቃደኝነት መስራታቹ ከአስደናቂ ስራ አንዱ ነውና ይህም እድል እንዳያመልጣቹ።

[ብርሀኑ] ቀይ መስቀል ሰብሳቢ.

JiT Students Union

03 Dec, 18:41

Congratulations to Female and 2025 graduating class of Jimma University! 🎓 As you embark on the next chapter, the Jimma University Career Development and Business Innovation Center has an important message.

Navigating the job market can be daunting, but we're here to help. Our expert-led workshops cover essential employability and job search skills to set you up for success. Starting from December 14: 2024

Polish that resume until it shines. 💼 Master the art of the perfect interview. 🤝 Leverage your network to uncover hidden opportunities.

The path forward may not be linear, but with the right tools and guidance, you'll be unstoppable.

Are you a Jimma graduate ready to take your career to new heights? 🚀 Connect with our team to unlock a world of possibilities.

Empower your future. Unlock your potential. 💡 Let's get to work! To secure the training Register by following the link 👇

What aspect of the job search process are you most excited (or nervous) about?

JiT Students Union

03 Dec, 13:52

Id bade namni argitan yoo jiraattan
0953079064 tti bilbilun nubeeksisa

Yetefa id yayachihu kalachihu be 0953079064 dewilew yasawikun

Yeabsira getachew
Ru 2261/17

JiT Students Union

01 Dec, 07:25

Orranteeshini barattoota Fresh man tiif godhame
ለ Fresh man ተማሪዎች የተደረገ ኦረንቴሽን

JiT Students Union

27 Nov, 18:55

Ramaddii simannaa barattootaaf

የተማሪዎች ቅበላ ምድብ

JiT Students Union

26 Nov, 19:37

Darar asfawossen
Ru 0854/14
namni ID argitan yoo jiraattan 0924993009 tti bilbiluun nubeeksisa

Ru 0854/14 ይህን ID ያያችሁ ካላችሁ በ 0924993009 ደወላችሁ አሳውቁን

JiT Students Union

26 Nov, 19:35

Channel name was changed to «JiT Students Union»

JiT Students Union

26 Nov, 18:03

ለተማሪዎች ቅበላ የተመዘገባችሁ ተማሪዎች ነገ ጠዋት 2:30 ላይ ራማ Hall አካባቢ ኦረንቴሽን ስለሚኖር እንድትገኙልን ስንል በትህትና እናሳውቃለን።

Barattoonni qeebaltii barattootaaf galmooftan boru ganama sa'aatii 2:30tti  Ramaatti oraanteeshiniin waan kennamuuf akka argamtan  kabajaan isin gaafanna

JiT Students Union

26 Nov, 06:26

For fresh students you can now see your dormitory and section by:

🤑🤑 https://portal.ju.edu.et

JiT Students Union 2016

20 Nov, 18:14

kabajamtoota barattoota keenya sababni bishaan badeef paampii bishaan boolla keessa baasutu miidhame waan tahee haga sirraa'utti akka obsaan eeggattaniifi naannoo mana nyaataati akka fayyadamtan kabajaan isin gaafanna.

ውድ ተማሪዎች ውሃ የጠፋበት ምክንያት ከ መሬት የሚጎትት ፓፕ ስለተበላሸ እስኪሰራ በትእግስት እንድትጠብቁ እና ከካፌ አከባቢ እንድትጠቀሙ ስንል በአክብሮት እንጠይቃለን።

JiT Students Union 2016

16 Nov, 16:28

ID barataa rushdi nura RU 1247/14 yoo argitan
lakk.0909656336 tti bilbiluun nu beeksisa

የጠፋ ID ያያችሁ
ስም ሩሽዲ ኑራ RU 1247/14
በ 0909656336

JiT Students Union 2016

16 Nov, 03:42

JIT vs Main Campus Today

Don’t miss the big match! JIT takes on Main Campus at 2:00 AM at the Main Campus Stadium.

Best of luck to JIT! Play strong, stay focused, and make us proud !!

JiT Students Union 2016

14 Nov, 11:06

💥💥DAAP (Dereja Accademy Accelerator Program)

Date: Nov 16, 2024, at 3: 00 morning

Venu: Varnero Wing Five 5201

For JIT campus

JiT Students Union 2016

13 Nov, 17:00

ዞን 2 block (3 & 4) ያላቸው ተማሪዎች ወደ ዞን 4 ከነገ ጠዋት ጀምሮ እንድትገቡ እናሳስባለን ።

Barattonni zonii 2 block(3 & 4) jirtan boru ganama irraa eegalee garaa zonii 4ffaatti akka galtan isin hubbachiifna

JiT Students Union 2016

13 Nov, 08:44

ወደ ዞን 2 የሄዳቹ ተማሪዎች ከአሁን ሰኣት ጀምሮ ወደ ቀድሞው ቦታቹ መመለስ ትችላላቹ።

JiT Students Union 2016

13 Nov, 08:35

Baratootni   garaa   zonii 2ffaa  deemtan amma irra jalqabe   gara aadde duraan turtanitti debi'u  ni dandesu

JiT Students Union 2016

12 Nov, 17:58

ከእጃችን እስከ እጅዎ
በፍጥነትና ታማኝነት!!


#JimmitiDelivery #jimma #jimmadelivery #delivery

JiT Students Union 2016

12 Nov, 14:41

Have You Registered for The Dereja Academy Accelerator Program (DAAP) Yet? 🔔

The Dereja Academy Accelerator Program (DAAP) is open for registration, and we want YOU to be part of this transformative experience.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Why join DAAP?
Enhance your professional skills
Develop Soft Skill
Mentorship from industry experts

Take the first step towards a brighter future. Register nowl!

Click here 👇🏽 to apply : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx2p-iQDWsS_Uc8fBX4jLf2HJII7_7X8-96xzUQlirmixvuQ/viewform

#Dereja #DAAP2024 #RegisterNow #ProfessionalDevelopment

JiT Students Union 2016

09 Nov, 19:42


akkuma asiin dura isin beksisuuf yaalletti Wixata iraa jalqabe keemikaalaa   almaz  ballessu   waan  dibamuuf    sagantaa armaan ooliin   baka ramadamtanitti  meshaa kessan  qabatanii akka deemtan isin hubbachiifna .


ከዚህ በፊት ለማሳወቅ እንደሞከርነው የአልማዝ አጥፊ ኬሚካሎች ከሰኞ ጀምሮ መረጨት ስለሚጀምር ከላይ  ባለው  መርህ ግብር  እቃዎቻቹን  ይዛችሁ  እንድትሄድ  እናሳስባለን ።

ለ 24 ስአት  ብቻ
se'atti 24 qofaaf

JiT Students Union 2016

09 Nov, 10:14


Barataan kamuu yeroo mooraa mana barrumsa baattan waraqaa enyummaa akka qabatan  isin hubbachiifna.


ማንኛዉም ተማሪ ከግቢ በምትወጡበት ሰዐት ID ይዛችሁ እንድትወጡ እናሳስባለን!!

JiT Students Union 2016

08 Nov, 08:54


Hardha  guyyaa   29/02/17 waaree booda irra jalqabe  zonii 4 (block 1-4) fi dubartoota  biraa zonii 1(block 4-7) keemikaalaa   almaz  ballessu   waan  dibamuuf    nannoo sanatti  akka hin argamne  isin hubachiifna


ከዛሬ 29/02/17 ከሰአት በኋላ በዞን 4 (ብሎክ 1-4) እና ሴቶች ጋር  በዞን 1(ብሎክ 4-7)  የአልማዝ አጥፊ ኬሚካል ስለ ሚረጭ እዛ አከባቢ እንዳትገኙ እናሳስባለን ።

JiT Students Union 2016

07 Nov, 17:49

🔴Good news!!

Hi everyone how are you?

If you have some tournament skill this is for you. There will be tournament soon so if you want to join the futsal tournament and also fulfill the criteria come and register in sport office.

መልካም ዜና!!

የተወሰነ የፉትሳል ችሎታ ካላችሁ ይህ ለእናንተ ነው ። በቅርቡ የፉትሳል ውድድር ይካሄዳል። ስለዚህ በውድድር ለመካፈልና መስፈርቱን ሙሉ በሙሉ ምታሟሉ ከሆነ መጥታችሁ በስፖርት ቢሮ ውስጥ መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ።

Good luck!!
መልካም ዕድል!!

JiT Students Union 2016

04 Nov, 17:56

guyyaan galmee haga boru seatii 11 qofa

የምዝገባ ቀን እስከ ነገ 11 ሰአት ብቻ ነው

JiT Students Union 2016

04 Nov, 10:45

Barattoonni gara Mooraa Agaroo deemtan hardha sa'aatii 8:00 irratti kilinika fuulduratti akka argamtan .

JiT Students Union 2016

04 Nov, 10:26

ወደ አጋሮ ካምፓስ የምትሄዱ ተማሪዎች ዛሬ ከቀኑ 8 ሰአት ላይ ክሊኒኩ ፊትለፊት እንድትጠብቁን፤ ስለተፈጠረው መዘግየት ትልቅ ይቅርታ እንጠይቃለን።

JiT Students Union 2016

03 Nov, 06:43

ወደ አጋሮ ካምፓስ የተመደባችሁ ምትሄዱበት ቀን ወደ ነገ ስለተራዘመ ነገ ጠዋት እንድትገኙ ስንል እናሳስባለን።

JiT Students Union 2016

03 Nov, 05:48

2ኛ አመት Other Natural Science ተማሪዎች ዛሬ ወደየተመደባችሁበት ካምፓስ ስለምትሄዱ አሁን ከጠዋቱ እስከ 3ሰአት ባለው ጊዜ ውስጥ ክሊኒኩ ጋር ተሰባስባችሁ እንድጠብቁ ስንል እናሳስባለን።

JiT Students Union 2016

02 Nov, 11:58

Dilbata (3/11/2024 ykn 24/2/2017)
Baga Ayyaana Irreessa Hora Dungee(Jimmaa) kan bara 6418'tiin isin gahe!
Oromoon yoom akka Irreessa eegale beekamuu baatus garuu waggoota Kuma hedduu dura laga Mormor ykn Abbayya Gurraachatti akka Irreessataa ture kitaabonni tokko tokko ni dubbatu.
Irreessi Hora Dungee akka lakk Habashaatti 2012 eegalame sana dura laga Booyyee fi malkaawwan kaanitti Irreeffatamaa ture.
Irreessi gosa baayyee qaba garuu warri ijoon Irreessa Malkaa, Irreessa Tulluu fi kan maatii waliin kabajamu Abdaarii (Mijjirii) dha.
Irreessi Birraa ji'oota Fulbaanaa hanga Sadaasaa keessa kan kabajamu yoo ta'u akka waaltinaatti Fulbaana gara dhumaa Masqala booda kabajama.
Oromoon Waaqa ganna keessa isa dabarsee Birraa bariisiseef galateeffachuuf akkasumas Bona dhufu akka gogiinsa jalaa oolchu kadhatachuuf Malkaatti walarga.
Irreessi Tulluu ammoo ji'oota Bitootessa, Ebilaa fi Caamsaa keessa kabajama akka waaltinaatti Eebila gara dhumaa tulluutti bahee Waaqa bona nagaa godheef galateeffachuuf akkasumas ganna itti dhufaa jiru akka nagaan dabarsu kadhatata.
Haaluma kanaan qe'een barattootaa fi hawaasa Yunibarsiitii Jimmaa "Gumiin Dagaagina Aadaa, Seenaa fi Afaan Oromoo, GDASAO'n " barattootaa fi hawaasa Yunibarsiitii keenyaa akkasumas jiraattota magaalaa Jimmaaf waamicha jaalala Oromummaa irraa madde isiniif dhiyeessiti!
Barattoonni uffata aadaa barbaaddan karaa lakk bilbilaa 0916230806 argachuu dandeessu!
Bakki walargaa Hoteela Araamaayik fuulduratti Dilbata ganama sa'aa 12 irratti!
Irreessi milkii
Barri quufa
Gadaan gabbina, gabbisi Waaq!
Gumii Dagaagina Aadaa, Seenaa fi Afaan Oromoo Yunibarsiitii Jimmaa irraa.

JiT Students Union 2016

02 Nov, 07:49

Bakki galmee biiroo gamtaa barattootaa jit kilinika gubbaarratti

Memezgebiya bota ye jit temariwoch hibret biro

JiT Students Union 2016

02 Nov, 07:47

Zoom godhaatii dubbisaa!

JiT Students Union 2016

01 Nov, 16:07

🚀 Kickstart Your Career in Website Development with Debbal Tech Academy! 🌐

Are you thinking about becoming a Website Developer?
Here’s your chance to dive into the world of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP with our 4-month Beginner Website Development Program designed just for you!

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Don’t miss this opportunity to gain in-demand skills and take the first step towards your tech career!

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For More: Join us on telegram @debbaltech or @debbaltechz

#WebsiteDevelopment #DebbalTechAcademy #LearnCoding #CareerInTech #WebDeveloper #TechSkills #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #PHP #JoinNow

JiT Students Union 2016

01 Nov, 15:54


JiT Students Union 2016

01 Nov, 15:54

We're excited to announce that the Dereja Academy Accelerator Program (DAAP) is now live for Graduating Class Students of 2017 E.C! 🚀

This is your chance to join an exclusive program designed to boost your career with practical skills, insights, and networking opportunities.

Register now and don’t miss out!

Register here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx2p-iQDWsS_Uc8fBX4jLf2HJII7_7X8-96xzUQlirmixvuQ/viewform

JiT Students Union 2016

01 Nov, 13:20

Dear representatives, we are waiting to you, please avail yourself around varniro building right now.

JiT Students Union 2016

31 Oct, 18:24

don't forget tomorrow at 7:30 at jit big -hall

JiT Students Union 2016

31 Oct, 16:42

የሁሉም ዲፓርትመንት የክላስ ተወካዮች ነገ ከቀኑ 10 ሰአት ላይ ስለምትፈለጉ ቫርኒሮ አካባቢ እንድትገኙልን ስንል በትህትና እንጠይቃለን።

JiT Students Union 2016

29 Oct, 17:38

☀️ በ ጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የJIT Campus ተመራቂ ተማሪ ነዉት?!💥

☀️ ለወደፊት በአድስ ተመራቂነታችሁ ጊዜ ልገጥማችሁ የምችል የስራ አጥነት ችግር አሳስቧችኋል?!

☀️ ምንም አይጨነቁ! Dereja.com  አድስ ተመራቂዎች የምገጥማቸዉን የስራ አጥነት ችግር ለመፍታት እየሰራ ነዉ!!

💥💥 እንዴት የምል ጥያቄ አልተፈጠረባችሁም?
ኑ እየተጫወትን ፣ እየተሸለምን Dereja.com ለተመራቂ ተማሪዎች ይዞዋቸዉ የመጣዉን ዕልፍ እድል እንወቅ!!💥💥💥

🌻 አርብ ከቀኑ 7:30 በ JIT Big-Hall ይጠብቁን

👉 ከስር ባለዉ ማስፈንጠርያ ምዝገባ ይፈፅሙ!!


JiT Students Union 2016

29 Oct, 05:13

#Academic calander for all undergraduate regular students.

JiT Students Union 2016

26 Oct, 17:51

የ2017 ዓ.ም ተመራቂ ነዉት???!!!💥💥

Dereja Campaign ወደ ጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ እየመጣ እንደሆነ ያዉቃሉ??!! 💥💥

የ2017 ዓ.ም ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች: ምን አይነት ዕድል እንዳመቻቸላችሁስ ያዉቃሉ??

ለነዚህ እና መሰል ጥያቄዎቻችሁ መልስ ያገኙበታል!!!💥💥💥

🌼🌼 ማች ነዉ ካሉን!
ጥቅምት 20 ፣ 21 እና 22

☀️በዋናዉ ግቢ ሀጫሉ ሁንዴሳ አደራሽ

☀️ በ JIT ትልቁ አደራሽ

☀️ በግብና ግቢ ዋናዉ አደራሽ ይካሄዳል!!!


JiT Students Union 2016

25 Oct, 14:51

Dear Class Representatives of 3rd, 4th and 5th year JiT Students,
here will be general discussion tomorrow Saturday October 26, 2024 (Tikimt 16, 2017) at 9:00 A.M. (3:00 local time) in the morning at Varnero Building Wing-5. Therefore, please avail yourself on time at specified time and venue.

JiT Students Union 2016

24 Oct, 17:22

Dear Undergraduate (Regular) students
Welcome to JiT after two months of break time. This is to inform you that your online registration is active for two consecutive days (Oct 24 and 25/2024 G.C). Thus, you are requested to register ahead of the deadline. Any student who may fail to register according to the deadline, he/she take the risk i.e restricted from every service of the institute. For any help please contact physically JiT registrar office.
NB: The registration of Freshman and Internship students will be done after program selection and Internship defense or presentation respectively.

Source JIT Registrar

JiT Students Union 2016

09 Oct, 07:03


JiT Students Union 2016

09 Oct, 06:53

የ2017 ትህምርት ዘመን ምዝገባ ጥቅምት 14 እና 15 የሚካሄድ መሆኑን ዩኒቨርሲቲው አሳውቋል።

JiT Students Union 2016

14 Sep, 11:16

ለ ጂማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መደበኛ ነባር ተማሪዎች በሙሉ፡፡

ለ2017 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን መደበኛ ነባር ተማሪዎች በሙሉ ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መግብያ ቀን መስከረም 20 እና 21, 2017 ዓ.ም ስለሆነ በተጠቀሰዉ ቀናት ብቻ በዩኒቨርሲቲዉ ኮሌጅ ወይም ኢንስትቱይት ሬጅስትራር ጽ/ቤቶች በአካል በመገኘት እንድትመዝገቡ ጥሪ እያደረገን ከተገለፀዉ ቀን ቀድሞም ሆነ ዘግይተዉ የሚመጡ ተማሪ የማናስተናግድ መሆኑን በጥብቅ እናሣስባለን

JiT Students Union 2016

08 Sep, 15:15

💥💥Important News☀️☀️

For all regular students of Jimma University;
Jimma University Students' Career Development Club undergoing annual reformation for the coming academic year (2017 EC).
Therefore, the club wants to appoint an additional active executive committee member from all campuses of the university. Now Therefore, we would like to inform interested students to apply for the said positions by submitting a motivational letter according to the requirements mentioned below.

Number of Executive Board members needed from each campus;

2 students from Main Campus
2 students From BECO Collage
6 students from JIT Campus
4 Students from Agriculture Campus

💥 Criterion

1. To be an active and communicative  Student (Regular)

💥 Apply by submitting
Your Motivational letter (2 pages max):

💥Particulars to be included under a motivational letter
1. Profile info (Full name, year, department)
2. Documented work experience
3. what will you contribute if appointed?
4. Email, phone number, and Telegram Username

@application open now
@submit your motivational letter at [email protected]

Deadline: September 03, at  2:00 AM Local Time


Good Luck🫡🫡🫡


JiT Students Union 2016

17 Aug, 19:51

ፍትህ ለህፃን ሄቨን
Justice for Heaven
Haqa Heevaniif

JiT Students Union 2016

12 Aug, 13:45

በዛሬው ፈጣን አለም ባላሰለሰ ትምህርት እና የክሂሎት እድገት ውስጥ መሳተፍ ከመቼውም ጊዜ ይበልጥ እጅግ አስፈላጊ ሆኗል።

በረፍት ላይ ላላችሁ ተማሪዎች፣ ለወጣት ባለሞያዎች፣ ራሳቸሁን በእውቀት በመገንባት በሀገር ውስጥም ሆነ በውጭ በጎ ተፅዕኖ ለመፍጠር ለምትጓጉ ሁሉ የአምስት ሚሊዮን ኮደርስ ፕሮጀክት ቀዳሚ ሊያደርጋችሁ ተሰናድቶላችኋል። የትምህርት እና የእውቀት መነሻችሁ እና ያላችሁበት ደረጃ ምንም ይሁን ያላችሁን ክሂሎት ለማሳደግም ሆነ አዲስ ነገር ለማወቅ ለምትሹ ሁሉ ሰፊ የእድል በር ተከፍቶላችኋል።

በመላው ኢትዮጵያ ያላችሁ የክሂሎት አበልፃጊዎች፣ አሣዳጊዎች፣ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ይኽንን ፕሮጀክት እና እንቅስቃሴዎቹን እንዲደግፉ ጥሪ አቀርባለሁ። 

ውድ ባለተሰጥዖዎች ፣ የኢትዮጵያችን ጥንካሬ በእናንተ እድገት ላይ የተመሠረተ ነው።

ለመመዝገብ: http://www.ethiocoders.et

In today's fast-paced world, continuous learning and skills development are more important than ever.

To all students on break, young professionals, and those eager for personal growth and making a positive impact locally and beyond: the 5 Million Coders initiative has been launched to help you stay ahead, regardless of your career stage or goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your current skills, learn something new, or prepare for future opportunities, this initiative is designed for you.

I also strongly encourage everyone involved in skill-building in Ethiopia—incubators, accelerators, universities, and others—to fully embrace this initiative. Our nation's strength lies in your growth!"

Register through: http://www.ethiocoders.et

JiT Students Union 2016

10 Aug, 08:26

እልህ ፣ወኔ ፣ አልበገር ባይነት ያሸናፊነት መንፈስ ሁሉንም የያዘ የሀገራችን ምርጥ እንቁ አትሌት ታምራት ቶላ!!

እንኳን ደስ አለን!! እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ!! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🔥

JiT Students Union 2016

19 Jul, 10:37


JiT Students Union 2016

03 Jul, 18:59

Namoonni document kutaa 8ffaa irraa haga kutaa 12ffaa kan barataa getahun taklu jedhu boorsaa waliin naannoo zoonii 2 tti argitan yoo jiraattan karaa lakkoofsa bilbilaa
Akka nubeeksiftan kabajaan isin gaafanna!

በዞን 2 አካባቢ ከ8ኛ እስከ 12ኛ ክፍል የተማሪ ጌታሁን ታክሉን ዶክመንት ያየው ሰው ካለ በሚከተለው ስልክ ይደውሉ።
እባክዎ ያሳውቁን!

JiT Students Union 2016

02 Jul, 19:35

Baga Gammaddan! Baga bu'aa dhamaatii keessanii argitan! Bakka dhaxxan hundattuu Ogummaa barattaniin hawaasa keessan akka tajaajiltan abdii guddaa qabna! Eebbi kun kan gammachuu fi kan argachuu isiniif hata'u🙏

JiT Students Union 2016

01 Jul, 17:54

Hub: barattoonni boru eebbifamtan ganama sa'atii 11:30 LT irra kaasee kiliinika biratti akka walitti qabamuun konkolaata dhufuun gara mooraa guddaa akka deemtan isin hubachiifna

ማሳሰቢያ : ለተመራቂ ተማሪዎች ጠዋት 11:30 LT ጀምሮ ክሊኒክ ጋር በመሰብሰብ በሚመጠው መኪና ወደ main campus እንድትሄዱ እናሳስባለን።

JiT Students Union 2016

01 Jul, 09:31

Baga gammaddan !!
እንኳን ደስ ኣላችሁ !!

JiT Students Union 2016

01 Jul, 09:30

For all Our fellow Jimma University Students.
All students are eligible for the graduation ceremony.
Passing on exit Exam is not
Congratulations 🎉 🎉 🎉

We would like you to be disciplined as usual!!?

JiT Students Union 2016

28 Jun, 16:51

Graduation day is jul 2 , Tuesday

JiT Students Union 2016

27 Jun, 18:06

The schedule for Graduation is still not fixed, it depends on release of exit results.
It might be between jul 3, or 5. Gc

JiT Students Union 2016

24 Jun, 14:24

Dear Civil Engineering and Architecture Students who will sit for Exit Exam
Hope you are prepared well for exit exam.
This is
to inform you that the time of Exit exam for Civil Engineering and Architecture Program is changed to
Tuesday, June 25/2024 (Sene 18/2016E.C) Afternoon 7:30 Local Time.

Wish you Good Luck!
Please join JiT Registrar using the following link

JiT Students Union 2016

22 Jun, 11:27

Dear All Exit Exam Examinees (Graduating class Students)
Gentle Reminder
You have been informed yesterday to login and change your password for exit exam. Therefore, This is to remind you again to login by using  your Username and password and check it by changing your password before you come to the exit exam.