Islamic Knowledge @ikcourses Channel on Telegram

Islamic Knowledge


Spreading the light of 'Ilm

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Islamic Knowledge (English)

Are you looking to expand your knowledge of Islam and deepen your understanding of the faith? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Islamic Knowledge' with the username @ikcourses. This channel is dedicated to spreading the light of 'Ilm, or knowledge, to all those seeking to learn more about Islam.

Islamic Knowledge offers a wealth of resources, including articles, videos, and courses designed to educate followers on various aspects of the Islamic faith. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or a more advanced student eager to delve deeper into Islamic teachings, this channel has something for everyone.

One of the highlights of Islamic Knowledge is their website, where you can access a wide range of courses that cover topics such as Quranic studies, Islamic history, and theology. These courses are carefully curated to provide followers with a comprehensive understanding of Islam and its teachings.

By joining the Islamic Knowledge Telegram channel, you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are also passionate about learning and growing in their faith. You can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share insights with a community of fellow learners who are on the same journey as you.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to expand your Islamic knowledge and deepen your understanding of the faith. Join the Islamic Knowledge Telegram channel today and start your journey towards enlightenment. Access our website and courses at

Islamic Knowledge

21 Feb, 18:59

Get Your Copy of “An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Ḥadīth Volume 1” with a 25% Discount

Coupon Code: IK25OFF

Purchase your copy here:

Islamic Knowledge

21 Feb, 15:33

Naḥw Joke Between Two Giants!

When Najm al-Dīn ʿUmar ibn Muḥammad al-Nasafī raḥimahullah (d.537 AH), the author of Al-ʿAqā'id al-Nasafiyyah (العقائد النسفية) and a prominent teacher of the author of Al-Hidāyah (الهداية), wanted to visit Al-Zamakhsharī raḥimahullah (d.538 AH) in Makkah, he came and knocked on the latter's door.

Al-Zamakhsharī asked: "Who is knocking on the door?"

Najm al-Dīn replied: "ʿUmar"

Al-Zamakhsharī said: "Turn away"

ʿUmar replied: "ʿUmar does not turn (i.e., it is ghayr munṣarif)"

Zamakhsharī shouted: "When it's unidentified (i.e., it is nakirah), it turns away!"

[Al-Jawāhir al-Muḍiyyah, 2:658]

Islamic Knowledge

20 Feb, 08:47

Please share with any friends or family living in the middle-east.

Islamic Knowledge

20 Feb, 08:46

🇶🇦🇸🇦 Islamic Knowledge Madrasah for Children Residing in the Middle East 🇦🇪🇧🇭

Alḥamdulillah, Islamic Knowledge provides Online Madrasah to children living in the middle east.

We specifically cater to the needs of UK expat children living in Qatar, Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman, with some of the lowest fees you can get!

🎓 Tutors: Our tutors are based in the UK with years of experience teaching in Madrasahs.

🕓 Class Timings: 4:00 pm to 5:30 Arabian Standard Time

Class Duration: 45 minutes of Qur’an and 45 minutes of Islamic studies

💻 Platform: ZOOM & Google Classroom

📕 Islamic Syllabus: Al-Nasihah publications

Register your interest here and we’ll arrange an interview:

Islamic Knowledge

18 Feb, 21:09

You Won’t Read Aḥādīth the Same Again! Kifāyah al-Mughtadhī fī Sharḥ Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī by Shaykh ʿAbd al-Mateen

Please don’t forget to like, share and subscribe.

Islamic Knowledge

18 Feb, 08:18

The Impact of Al-Manār (المنار) of Ḥāfiẓ al-Dīn al-Nasafī raḥimahullah (d.710 AH)

Taken from our course on the chapter of Sunnah from Al-Manār (المنار) available on-demand! Register here:

Islamic Knowledge

16 Feb, 08:11

Please feel free to use as you please and share far and wide! Session 2 repeats session 1, but goes deeper.

Islamic Knowledge

15 Feb, 18:07

An Ironic Occurrence

Al-Suyūṭī rahimahullah (d.911 AH) is famously known to have written a book about plagiarism titled Al-Bāriq fī Qaṭʿ al-Sāriq. Ironically, however, his contemporary rival Al-Sakhāwī accuses him in his Irshād al-Ghāwī, pg.572-3, of stealing many of the latter's books!

May Allah Ta'ala have mercy on them both.

Islamic Knowledge

13 Feb, 13:02

Pragmatism in Islamic Law

Alhamdulillah 1 week and 237 pages later, I've finished "Pragmatism in Islamic Law" by Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim. A really beneficial read about attitudes towards talfiq and tatabbu' in late Mamluk and Ottoman Egypt. Video incoming soon insha'Allah, subscribe here:…

Islamic Knowledge

12 Feb, 08:35

The Ultimate Ḥajj & ʿUmrah Duʿā Book - Gathered from numerous sources!

Share this with anyone going for Ḥajj or ʿUmrah:

Watch our video explaining how the book works:

Islamic Knowledge

11 Feb, 18:32

The Fiqh of Fasting - by @ikcourses

Please feel free to share and use as you wish

Islamic Knowledge

09 Feb, 17:40

Q&A Sunday on @ikcourses, feel free to send your questions through.

Islamic Knowledge

09 Feb, 08:48

That's the life!

At approximately 51 years of age, The Ḥanafī scholar Abu'l-Suʿūd Effendi raḥimahullah (d.982 AH) accompanied Sultan Suleyman the Magnificient in the Hungarian campaign of 1541 wherein the Ottomans took control of vast territories within Hungary. During the wars, he wrote a commentary upon Sūrah al-Fatḥ (The Chapter of Victory) from Tafsīr al-Kasshāf of Al-Zamakhsharī raḥimahullah (d.538 AH).

(Ebu's-Su'ud by Colin Imber, page 15)

Islamic Knowledge

07 Feb, 12:06

Pragmatism in Islamic Law by Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim

Working my way through an interesting book on the topic of talfiq and tatabbu' al-rukhas. The topic features in my book on the Hanafi madhhab; "An Introduction to the Hanafi Madhhab Volume 1". Du'as requested for its swift completion.

Islamic Knowledge

06 Feb, 12:43

Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullah (d.150 AH) & Kitāb al-Āthār

One of the members on our Ḥanafī Uṣūl al-Fiqh course sent me this video of the eminent Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAwwāmah (may Allah Taʿālā preserve him) wherein the esteemed Shaykh states that Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullah was the first to write a book on authentic aḥādīth (authentic being in a general sense):

While it definitely seems appealing, my slight feeble critique is:

1) Al-Suyūṭī did not claim that Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullah (d.150 AH) was the first to write a book on accepted aḥādīth, rather, he records a claim that Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullah (d.150 AH) was the first to write an ordered book

2) Even in regards to writing an ordered book, I wrote this in my book on page 79 (first screenshot) that the idea that Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullah (d.150 AH) was the first to write ordered writing remains to be proven. Al-Suyūṭī raḥimahullah (d.911 AH) himself is not making this claim in his Tabyīḍ al-Ṣaḥīfah, rather, he is attributing this claim to others (second screenshot) and the researcher of Al-Suyūṭī’s book is right in stating that it could be Al-Muwaffaq al-Makkī raḥimahullah (568 AH) who states the same in his Manāqib book as can be seen in the third screenshot. In any case, it’s a strong claim and remains to be proven. Not to mention, that there are many problems with it. If anything, a stronger claim could be made for Ibn Jurayj raḥimahullah (d.150 AH) as mentioned by Abu’l-Muẓaffar al-Samʿānī raḥimahullah (d.489 AH).

Just my feeble two-pence, and I may be totally wrong as the Shaykh is a giant in knowledge. And Allah Taʿālā knows best. May Allah the Almighty preserve the Shaykh and allow us to emulate him in knowledge and practice.

Islamic Knowledge

03 Feb, 20:50

Online Sanatayn Course for Women - Limited Spaces

Alhamdulillah, our online Sanatayn for women has been running for two years and is a perfect opportunity for women above the age of 18 looking to improve their Qur'anic recitation, as well as learn about Fiqh, Tafsir and Seerah. 5 pm to 6 pm from Monday to Thursday. We only have 4 spaces!

Register here:

Please also share with any female family members.

Islamic Knowledge

02 Feb, 15:51

Q&A Sunday on @ikcourses, feel free to send your questions through.

Islamic Knowledge

02 Feb, 12:40

Islamic Knowledge

01 Feb, 14:01

❗️ Muṣṭalaḥ al-Ḥadīth 4-Month Online Course Taught by Shaykh Aḥmad ʿAwwāmah

This phenomenal Muṣṭalaḥ al-Ḥadīth course wherein we will cover Sharḥ al-Manẓūmah al-Bayqūniyyah with the footnotes of Dr. Muḥy al-Dīn ʿAwwāmah will be taught by the son of the world-renowned muḥaddith Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAwwamah, Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ʿAwwāmah. The instructor is a veteran teacher who has been studying under his father Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAwwāmah for over 40 years in Madinah Munawwarah. As well as this, he has studied in Al-Azhar attaining a doctorate in Hadith sciences and has taught in Taibah University in Madinah Munawwarah in the Hadith department for over 20 years, during which time he supervised 18 PhD doctorates. This is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in Muṣṭalaḥ al-Ḥadīth. The course is aimed for beginners and intermediates. Two weekend lessons.

📜 Course Outline

The course will be a 4-month course wherein we will study Sharḥ al-Manẓūmah al-Bayqūniyyah by Shaykh ʿAbdullah Sirāj al-Dīn using the footnotes written upon the book by Dr Muḥy al-Dīn ʿAwwāmah titled Al-Ḥawāshi al-Madaniyyah. The book is an ideal place to start your Muṣṭalaḥ journey and the instructor will guide you in your reading of other books. We will cover the entire book, which includes Ṣaḥīḥ, Ḥasan, Ḍaʿīf, Mawqūf, Maqṭūʿ, Muʿḍal, Maqlūb, Muʿallal & Al-Jarḥ wa’l-Taʿdīl. With lessons taking place on the weekend, there’s no reason to miss out on these lessons!

You’ll also have direct access to ask the author any questions on more technical topics such as those found in his father (Shaykh ʿAwwāmah)’s footnotes upon Tadrīb al-Rāwī.

🎙️ Course instructor: Shaykh Dr Ahmad ibn Muhammad Awwamah (see CV below)

🔠 Language: Course will be taught in ARABIC

🏁 Start date: 13th April 2025

🎯 Frequency: Twice a week

🕰️ Timings:
Saturday 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

⌛️ Duration: 4 months

Course fee: £100 one-time payment or £55 for 2 months

Register here:

Islamic Knowledge

01 Feb, 09:17

We’re bringing this announcement forward to 2 pm GMT insha’Allah. So in just under 5 hours!

Islamic Knowledge

31 Jan, 16:51

Alhamdulillah, after 2 weeks, 222 pages and a whole chunk of notes, I've finished Suheil Laher's incredible Tawatur in Islamic Thought. What an incredible journey and what an incredible book! Replete with references to primary sources and tremendously ambitious in scope. Video incoming soon insha'Allah on

Islamic Knowledge

31 Jan, 09:35

Salawat upon the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is the key to happiness and success.

Islamic Knowledge

30 Jan, 23:06

Berke Khan and Najm al-Din al-Zahidi rahimahullah (d
658 AH), author of Qunyah al-Munyah and Al-Mujtaba Sharh al-Quduri

I came across this video on YouTube about Berke Khan's conversion at the hands of the Ḥanafī scholar, Najm al-Dīn al-Zāhidī raḥimahullah (d.658 AH):

It would have been an amazing story if only it was true. In reality, Najm al-Dīn wrote the Al-Risālah al-Nāṣiriyyah near the end of his life, perhaps even the year of his death as mentioned by Madelung. In fact, in the treatise itself, Najm al-Dīn says that he is writing for the Muslim leader. Clearly, Berke had accepted Islam before this treatise.

Islamic Knowledge

30 Jan, 08:23

The Ultimate Study of Shāfiʿī Fiqh On-Demand

Send this to your Shāfiʿī friends!

Alḥamdulillah our course “The Ultimate Study of Shāfiʿī Fiqh” is an absolutely perfect opportunity for a someone who follows the Shāfiʿī madhhab and wants to know the rulings and explanations of Shāfiʿī fiqh at a beginner or intermediate level.

Tutor: (Maulana) Nooh Riyadh

Topics covered: Ṭahārah, Ṣalāh, Zakāh, Ṣawm and Masā’il related to women.

Lessons: 33 lessons available ON-DEMAND

Detailed PowerPoints are also provided in a pdf format. Check out the curriculum below!

Register here:

Islamic Knowledge

29 Jan, 09:19

Islamic Knowledge

27 Jan, 07:37

The Memorisation of Al-Mabsut and How Not to do Parenting ;)

Muhammad ibn al-Fadl al-Kumari' (d.381 AH)'s father promised him and his brother 1000 dinars if they memorised Al-Mabsūṭ. So, Muhammad memorised it but instead, his father gave the money to his brother and said to Muhammad, "The memorisation of Al-Mabsūṭ suffices you." - ouch!

Al-Athmar al-Janiyyah, 2:613

Islamic Knowledge

26 Jan, 19:11

Q&A Sunday on @ikcourses, feel free to send your questions through.

Islamic Knowledge

26 Jan, 10:09

We have a huge announcement for Saturday 1st February 8 pm insha’Allah!

Islamic Knowledge

24 Jan, 12:04

Al-Ziyadah 'Ala'l-Qur'an bi Khabar al-Wahid

A super interesting read by Muhammad Usama al-Banarasi on the Hanafi position of adding to the Qur'an using the Sunnah. Under the supervision of Shaykh Ni'matullah al-A'zami.

This book is a build on what is discussed in Al-Fawa'id al-Muhimmah to Dirasah al-Mutoon.

May Allah Ta'ala reward Maulana Sajjad Sb who managed to procure the book.

Islamic Knowledge

22 Jan, 21:41

Controlling the Tongue

Whenever you wish to speak, ask yourself, "Is there going to be benefit in what I say? Could my comment harm my life - or more importantly - my hereafter?" If the answer to either of these two questions is 'no', then silence will be a sign of your intelligence. The ignorant man's heart is at the tip of his tongue, while the intelligent man's tongue is behind his heart.

Islamic Knowledge

20 Jan, 20:28

Are the Haram Imams making a Tajweed Mistake?

A discussion with Qari Mouhammad Dodakia.

Islamic Knowledge

19 Jan, 19:30

It’s Q&A Sunday @ikcourses on instagram! Join in!

Islamic Knowledge

18 Jan, 22:45

Tawātur in Islamic Thought by Suhel Laher

Looking forward to this, tawātur is a topic that has always fascinated me. I've been bombarded with so many questions about how to understand it from students!

If anyone wishes to order the book from doxzoo, please use the link below and you just need to click order. The rest is done for you. If you use the link below, it helps me to also save up funds for books I want to order with them too :) LINK:

Islamic Knowledge

18 Jan, 09:48

The Second Formation of Islamic Law by Guy Burak - Fihris al-Fawa'id

Islamic Knowledge

18 Jan, 09:46

The Second Formation of Islamic Law: The Hanafi School in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire

By Guy Burak

Please don't forget to like, share and subscribe!

Islamic Knowledge

15 Jan, 19:13

Our Online Course Covering the Hadith Book "An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith Volume 1" Now Contains a PDF of the Book

If you're unable to purchase the book, particularly due to the postage towards your country being high, you can now access our course on the book wherein a PDF of the book is available (though not in a downloadable manner). Along with this, a full recording of myself going through the entire book is found within the course in an organised manner. Coupled with this, is a quiz to test your knowledge of the hadith sciences.

Access the course here:

Islamic Knowledge

15 Jan, 18:43

This is now resolved. Jazakumullahu Khayra Wa Ahsanal Jaza. No longer needed.

Islamic Knowledge

15 Jan, 17:56

Role: Word to Ebook Convertor

We are currently looking for someone who can convert a Word document to an ebook (Epub). This would be paid, of course. If you think you know someone, please can they kindly message us at: +447745083017

Islamic Knowledge

15 Jan, 08:10

Cutting Hair in Iḥrām

Islamic Knowledge

14 Jan, 17:23

An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Ḥadīth - Volume 1: What the Scholars have Said

Purchase your copy here:

Islamic Knowledge

12 Jan, 18:50

It’s Q&A Sunday @ikcourses on instagram! Join in!

Islamic Knowledge

10 Jan, 17:31

I forgot to upload a pdf of Sherman Jackson’s book:

Islamic Knowledge

08 Jan, 17:24

Ibn al-Humām raḥimahullah (d.861 AH)

Al-Suyūṭī (d.911 AH) says describing Ibn al-Humām (d.861 AH):

"He would minimise his public appearances, and would keep his ṣalāh short, as is characteristic of the abdāl."

I can hear some of you wondering, "Hey, maybe I'm from the abdāl too??"

Islamic Knowledge

06 Jan, 18:19

The Shaykh al-Islam

One of the most unique features of the Shaykh al-Islam in the Ottoman Empire was that the Sultan himself could not receive the Shaykh al-Islam while seated. Rather, the Sultan would stand when the Shaykh al-Islam enters.

Tarikh al-Dawlah al-Uthmaniyyah by Yilmaz Oztuna, 2:475

Islamic Knowledge

06 Jan, 12:50

Ebu's-Su'ud by Colin Imber

After finishing reading about Ibrahim al-Halabi (d.956 AH) in Sukru Selim Has' book, I'm moving on to Colin Imber's promising book "Ebu's-Su'ud", long thought to be the first one to "harmonize" the secular law with Shari'ah.

Islamic Knowledge

05 Jan, 11:52

Islamic Knowledge

04 Jan, 10:30

ONLY 2 days left to access so many of our courses at a reduced fee!

Alhamdulillah, we’ve made the course fee for most of our courses as 50% off until January 6th 2025. Use the coupon code: WINTER50. Access the following courses and start your learning journey today! Courses also include an online course with myself covering my entire book ‘An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Ḥadīth Volume 1’ which you can access without having purchased the book.

Courses include:

A Study of Shāfiʿī Fiqh - Ṭahārah, Ṣalāh, Zakah & Ṣawm

A Study of Nukhbah al-Fikar
See a snippet of the course here:

The History and Principles of Tafsīr

A Study of Athar al-Ḥadīth al-Sharīf
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to the Shāfiʿī Madhhab

An Introduction to Ḥanafī Uṣūl al-Ḥadīth – A Study of the Chapter of the Sunnah from Al-Manār
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Ḥadīth Volume 1
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to Ḥanafī Uṣūl al-Fiqh – A Study of Mabādi’ al-Uṣūl
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to the Books of the Ḥanafī Madhhab
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to Sunan Abī Dāwūd, Sunan al-Nasā’ī, Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī and Sunan Ibn Mājah
See a snippet of the course here:

Islamic Knowledge

02 Jan, 17:55

Islamic Law and the State: The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi - Interesting points

Islamic Knowledge

02 Jan, 17:46

Islamic Law & the State: The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi by Sherman Jackson

Islamic Knowledge

31 Dec, 22:30

Islamic Knowledge

30 Dec, 16:03

Islamic Knowledge

28 Dec, 21:11

A Study of Ibrāhīm al-Ḥalabī with Special Reference to the Multaqā by Sukru Selim Ḥās

I’ve almost finished this thoroughly enjoyable book and highly recommend every Ḥanafī to read it! “A Study of Ibrāhīm al-Ḥalabī with Special Reference to the Multaqā” by Sukru Selim Hās:

Islamic Knowledge

22 Dec, 09:55

Click here to apply coupon

Islamic Knowledge

22 Dec, 09:29

A Unique Opportunity to Make Use of your Holidays!

Alhamdulillah, we’ve made the course fee for most of our courses as 50% off until January 6th 2025. Use the coupon code: WINTER50. Access the following courses and start your learning journey today! Courses also include an online course with myself covering my entire book ‘An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Ḥadīth Volume 1’ which you can access without having purchased the book.

Courses include:

A Study of Shāfiʿī Fiqh - Ṭahārah, Ṣalāh, Zakah & Ṣawm

A Study of Nukhbah al-Fikar
See a snippet of the course here:

The History and Principles of Tafsīr

A Study of Athar al-Ḥadīth al-Sharīf
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to the Shāfiʿī Madhhab

An Introduction to Ḥanafī Uṣūl al-Ḥadīth – A Study of the Chapter of the Sunnah from Al-Manār
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Ḥadīth Volume 1
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to Ḥanafī Uṣūl al-Fiqh – A Study of Mabādi’ al-Uṣūl
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to the Books of the Ḥanafī Madhhab
See a snippet of the course here:

An Introduction to Sunan Abī Dāwūd, Sunan al-Nasā’ī, Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī and Sunan Ibn Mājah
See a snippet of the course here:

Islamic Knowledge

21 Dec, 11:43

Two Unique Souls

A few days before Mufti Taha Karaan rahimahullah's passing, Mufti Ebrahim Desai rahimahullah sent a long audio to be played in front of him which was full of Du'as and expressions of love. Mufti Taha shed tears when this was played to him.

From "Mufti Ebrahim Desai - Brief Biography and Tribute, pg. 88"

Mufti Ebrahim Sb at that time probably had little idea that their noble souls would be meeting very soon.

Islamic Knowledge

20 Dec, 08:34

Islamic Knowledge

20 Dec, 08:32

If you're going for Umrah: be sure to take our book "Profound Supplications for Hajj & Umrah" with you

Order it here:

Watch the video below to learn more about it!

Islamic Knowledge

19 Dec, 22:03

Alhamdulillah I've got my copy!

I'm really looking forward to getting into reading this. Mufti Ebrahim Sahib was a beloved teacher to so many students like myself, and I doubt there is a single student of his who would not agree with me when I say that he made each and every one of us, a better human being firstly, and secondly, a better Muslim.

There have been numerous occasions in my life since his demise wherein I've told myself, "If Mufti Sahib were alive, I would have loved to have got his opinion on this." However, Allah had destined it such and we are pleased with the decree of Allah Ta'ala.

May Allah Ta'ala reward my dear friend, Maulana Adam Ahmed, who managed to get the book for me on his return from South Africa.

Islamic Knowledge

14 Dec, 08:18

The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence by Harald Motzki

Islamic Knowledge

11 Dec, 22:22

Tuhfah al-Abrar bi Sharh Muqaddimah Radd Al -Muhtar (تحفة الأبرار بشرح مقدمة رد المحتار) by Shaykh Muhammad Harun Ibn Muhibbir Rahman

The famous author of the commentary upon Mufti Taqi Sb's Usul Iftaa book, Al-Fath al-Rabbani Sharh Usul al-Ifta Wa Adabuhu has written another book which is a lot harder to access. It is a commentary upon the Muqaddimah of Radd al-Muhtar of Ibn Abidin raḥimahullah (d.1252 AH) and is filled with fawaid. Due to its rarity, I've scanned it and provide the pdf here:

Islamic Knowledge

10 Dec, 08:29

Islamic Knowledge

04 Dec, 09:06

🚨 Our Islamic History Starts Tomorrow at 8:30 pm UK Time - Please Register!

Click on this link and then choose one of these two options to ensure you have registered by this Thursday:

Jazakumullahu Khayra Wa Ahsanal Jaza to those who have registered.

Islamic Knowledge

30 Nov, 15:48

Lost Islamic History - Interesting Points

Islamic Knowledge

30 Nov, 14:21

In this week’s video, we take a look at:

Lost Islamic History by Firas Alkhateeb

Please don’t forget to like, share and subscribe!

Islamic Knowledge

28 Nov, 09:47

7 Days Until our Islamic History Course Starts Insha'Allah - Please Register Before 5th December

Click on this link and then choose one of these two options to ensure you have registered by 5th December:

Jazakumullahu Khayra to those who have already registered!

Islamic Knowledge

25 Nov, 16:35

25% off my book! Use the coupon Ismaeelbooks25 at checkout.

Islamic Knowledge

16 Nov, 22:27

Pre-Course Session - Islamic History - Saturday 23rd November 8:00 pm GMT

Insha’Allah welcomes one and all to our course on Islamic History which begins on Thursday 5th December 2024. Alhamdulillah, we have over 200 participants on this course and in order to display what we have in store for you, we’d like to invite you to our pre-course session to discuss exactly what this course will look like. This session will be on:

This coming Saturday, 23rd November at 8:00 pm GMT

The ZOOM link is:
Passcode: IH

This pre-session is OPEN TO ALL. So feel free to share the ZOOM link with others. Once the course starts, a new ZOOM link will be shared which is only for course members.

Islamic Knowledge

15 Nov, 18:55

Al-Ṣadr al-Shahīd - The Scholar Who Fulfilled His Pledge to Allah Ta’ala With His Life

It was around 29th Muharram 536 AH/9th September 1141, that ʿUmar ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz raḥimahullah, a leading scholar of Bukhārā, and teacher of great scholars such as the author of Al-Hidāyah, and the author of Al-Muḥīṭ al-Raḍawī, set off to participate in the Battle of Qatawān, just north of Samarkand. He was a well-respected scholar of the Kara-Khānid dynasty that was under Seljuk suzerainty, and the invading army was the Western Liao Dynasty. He bade farewell to his companions, perhaps even Ṣaḥib al-Hidāyah himself, as well as saying farewell to his children, as though he knew he would not be returning [Siyar Aʿlām al-Nubālā, 20:97].

He was martyred in this battle and is forever remembered as ‘Al-Ṣadr al-Shahīd’ or ‘Ḥusām al-Dīn al-Shahīd’. At this point, the Seljuk Empire lost control of the Western Kara-Khānid dynasty.

He is the author of Sharḥ al-Jāmiʿ al-Ṣaghīr and a founding father in formulating fatāwā works in the Ḥanafī madhhab.

Islamic Knowledge

14 Nov, 08:54

Meeting Mufti Taqi Sb

Alhamdulillah, I had the honour of meeting someone whom I’ve never met before but have always considered a role-model, Mufti Taqi Uthmani. I presented my ḥadīth book to him in which I’ve discussed the Al-Mudawwanah al-Jāmiʿah.

I had prepared this message for him in a copy of the book back in August with the hope of giving it to him should he ever come to the UK. Allah Taʿālā made that a reality yesterday.

You can purchase the book here:

Islamic Knowledge

12 Nov, 13:17

Only 23 days until our course on Islamic History starts!

Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners! Check out the sample student handbook below.

Register here:

Islamic Knowledge

09 Nov, 08:19

The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan & Our new Islamic History Course!

Islamic Knowledge

08 Nov, 12:25

Don’t Upset Al-Kāsānī raḥimahullah (d.587 AH)!

Another advice when it comes to Al-Kāsānī raḥimahullah (d.587 AH) - the author of Badā'iʿ al-Ṣanā'ī - don't upset him. This is a man who will take his whip out to sort you out. He literally kept a lance with him at all times and loved horse-riding. His chivalry was unmatched!

Islamic Knowledge

08 Nov, 08:52

ʿAlā’ al-Dīn al-Kāsānī raḥimahullah (d.587 AH), author of Badā’iʿ al-Ṣanā’iʿ

Ibn al-ʿAdīm (d.660 AH) writes in Bughyah al-Ṭalab fī Tārīkh Ḥalab that Al-Kāsānī (d.587 AH) often suffered from gout and would have to be taken on a stretcher to his classes. Also, his wife Fāṭimah was so talented that, at times, Al-Kāsānī would err in answering a fatwā, and she would correct him!

Islamic Knowledge

07 Nov, 15:44

If one is unable to perform ʿUmrah due to ill-health

Islamic Knowledge

06 Nov, 08:02

For those wondering what the book entails, kindly watch the video below:

The Ultimate Hadith Book: An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith Volume 1 by Muadh Chati

Islamic Knowledge

05 Nov, 17:53

Last 64 Copies

Alhamdulillah Ismaeelbooks has sent over the final batch of 64 copies of my hadith book "An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith Volume 1". They're selling out fast Alhamdulillah, so don't miss out:

Islamic Knowledge

04 Nov, 15:41

Islamic Knowledge

03 Nov, 19:46

Meeting with Shaykh Talhah Bilal Manyar

I was very pleased to meet Shaykh Talhah Bilal Manyar today with my beloved teacher, Mufti Shabbir Sb. A very jovial scholar, and completely different to what I was expecting. He spoke about his time studying with Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah, how he worked on Lisan al-Mizan under Shaykh Abdul Fattah's tutelage and other interesting topics.

He stated that his current work on Bada'i' al-Sana'i' is still at its early stages (Kitab al-Taharah) whilst Said Bakdash has almost completed his tahqeeq of the book.

Islamic Knowledge

29 Oct, 15:44

Al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah Wa Silatuha bil-'Amal wa'l-Madhahib al-Fiqhiyyah by Naji Lameen

I'm over 100 pages into Naji Lameen's incredible book and it's a unique book. Original research going back to primary sources and giving lots of his own unique insights. Definitely worth a read!

Islamic Knowledge

25 Oct, 12:10

Our Tajweed Specialisation course covering Tuhfah al-Atfal over a period of four months starts in less than 2 weeks! You will have an opportunity to privately send your recording to the Qari Mouhammad who will give feedback.

Register here:

Islamic Knowledge

24 Oct, 07:52

Islamic Knowledge

23 Oct, 08:11

Islamic Knowledge

23 Oct, 07:57

Islamic Knowledge

23 Oct, 07:56

Islamic Knowledge

23 Oct, 07:56

Islamic Knowledge

23 Oct, 07:56

Sign up for our latest courses:

Islamic Knowledge

20 Oct, 13:25

Our Islamic History ONE-YEAR course!

Register here:

Please share!

Islamic Knowledge

19 Oct, 16:58

Islamic Knowledge

15 Oct, 10:12

With regards to the version of Shaykh Zafar Ishaq Ansari’s book that I have used, the one in parts, I am struggling to find it in my drives. If anyone has it, kindly let me know. With Archive also down at the moment, it seems harder to locate. It is on Jstor if anyone has institutional access.

Islamic Knowledge

13 Oct, 14:46

Islamic Knowledge

13 Oct, 13:41

The sub-topics of this 40-minute speech were:

1. The need for respect
2. Are the Qur’an and Sunnah black and white
3. What is ‘fiqh’?
4. The importance of consistency in ‘fiqh’
5. The issue of one following their desires
6. What is a madhhab?
7. How we got to where we are