Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan @benefitssaeedhassan Channel on Telegram

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan


بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

A collection of Questions and Answers as well as Benefits from Ustadh Saeed Hassan حفظه الله

[Faculty of Sharia Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University; Saudi Arabia & MA in Fiqh]

*Permission sought from Ustadh حفظه الله*

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan (Arabic)

مرحبًا بكم في قناة "Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan" على تطبيق تليجرام! هل تبحث عن معلومات دينية موثوقة وشاملة؟ هل ترغب في الاستفادة من أسئلة وأجوبة وفوائد من قبل أستاذ متميز؟ إذا كانت إجابتك بنعم، فإن هذه القناة هي المكان المناسب لك

تضم قناة "Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan" مجموعة من الأسئلة والأجوبة بالإضافة إلى فوائد قيمة من قبل أستاذنا المحترم أستاذ سعيد حسن. حيث يحمل الأستاذ سعيد حسن حفظه الله مؤهلًا في كلية الشريعة من جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية في المملكة العربية السعودية، بالإضافة إلى درجة الماجستير في الفقه

تم الحصول على إذن رسمي من الأستاذ سعيد حسن حفظه الله لنشر ومشاركة هذه الأسئلة والأجوبة والفوائد القيمة مع جمهورنا الكريم. فلا تتردد في الانضمام إلى هذه القناة لتستفيد وتثري معرفتك الدينية

انضم الآن إلى قناة "Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan" وكن جزءًا من مجتمع يسعى للتعلم والنمو الديني الشامل. حيث تجد هنا إجاباتًا لتساؤلاتك ومعلومات قيمة تساعدك في فهم أمور دينك بشكل أفضل. نحن هنا لنساعدك ونقدم لك خدمة فريدة من نوعها لزيادة معرفتك وتقريبك من الله تعالى. انضم اليوم وكن جزءًا من هذه الرحلة الثقافية الدينية الممتعة! بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم.

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

28 Jan, 21:28

‼️ Ustadh’s Zaad al-Mustaqni class has been cancelled tomorrow

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

28 Jan, 18:22

‼️Reminder of this upcoming lecture tomorrow!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

25 Jan, 09:08

📣 Upcoming Lecture

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Pray as you have seen me praying” [Bukhari, Muslim].

Join us for a talk on:
• Ablution
• Prayer
• Prostration of Forgetfulness

🗣️ Speaker: Ustadh Sa’eed Hassan
📆 Date: Wednesday 29th January 2025
Time: 6pm
📍 Location: Laird Hall, Ashfield Street, E1 2BL
🔗 Sign up: https://bl.isoc.link/DIW24-Prayer

Limited to 100 attendees – first come, first served! Bring your ID and equipment. 📝

🎁 Prizes to be won!

- BL ISoc – Initiatives Team

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

24 Jan, 11:00

‼️ Ustadh’s Al-Waraqat class has been cancelled today and will resume on Friday 7th February ان شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

22 Jan, 12:15

‼️ Ustadh’s Zaad al-Mustaqni class has been cancelled tomorrow

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

17 Jan, 17:50

“Can a women wear sandals outside given that she’s wearing socks or something similar to cover her feet?”

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

17 Jan, 17:47

“What’s the ruling of women wearing suits or trousers for work or school?”

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

17 Jan, 13:08

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 4 of Al-Waraqat by Imam Abu Ma’ali Abdul-Malik Al-Juwayni رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

16 Jan, 13:45

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 23 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

10 Jan, 12:26

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 3 of Al-Waraqat by Imam Abu Ma’ali Abdul-Malik Al-Juwayni رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Jan, 16:21

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 22 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Jan, 16:20

Ustadh’s Zaad class will be resuming today at Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth ان شاء الله!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

05 Jan, 13:26

✍️ A follow-up reminder (after our Manhaj & Aqeedah Conference Part 2 yesterday) by our Shaykh, Saeed Hassan (may Allah grant him success and benefit through him).

📱 Telegram: https://t.me/daarhadeeth

Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

24 Dec, 02:05

‼️ Ustadh’s Zaad al-Mustaqni’ and Al-Waraqat class have been paused until January ان شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

22 Dec, 06:57

“Isn’t it in your control to ensure your actions are correct, would this link the two ahkaam (rulings)?”

- The link between Ahkaam al-Taklifiyyah and Ahkaam al-Wadi’yyah

📚 al-Waraqat Lesson 2

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

19 Dec, 22:42

“Is it important to study Usul al-Fiqh based on a madhab?”

📚 al-Waraqat Lesson 1

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

18 Dec, 21:57

⚠️ Tomorrow’s Zad al Mustaqni lesson at Masjid Dar al-Hadeeth has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

14 Dec, 12:13

This is pdf of the 10 points (referred to as المبادئ العشرة) we went over as an introduction to Usool Al-Fiqh in yesterdays Al-Waraqat lesson

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

13 Dec, 13:39


📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 1 of Al-Waraqat by Imam Abu Ma’ali Abdul-Malik Al-Juwayni رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

12 Dec, 12:30

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 21 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Dec, 16:31

Ustadh حفظه الله will be beginning Al-Waraqat at Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth this Friday ان شاء الله!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Dec, 16:16

Homework for students that attend the Friday class:


^This is the video that Ustadh حفظه الله mentioned he’d send as a task to listen in last weeks lesson.

He’d like us to watch the video to improve our Arabic, then we will receive questions based on the video for us to answer. This will all be reviewed in class إن شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Dec, 15:10

📝 The list of books that will be covered in Level 3 of Ustadh’s knowledge programme

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Dec, 15:01

📚 Current list of the completed books under Ustadh Saeed Hassan’ حفظه الله Knowledge Programme at Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi)

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

09 Dec, 14:10


Ustadh حفظه الله will be holding lectures at the Manhaj & Aqeedah Dawrah at Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth on Saturday 4th January إن شاء الله

⬆️ Further details can be found on the poster

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

07 Dec, 12:21

Friday Student Of Knowledge Programme Under Shaykh Saeed Hassan (وفقه الله).

Completed Books In Order ⤵️

Level One
1. Ta’dheem Al-’Ilm by Shaykh Saleh al-Useymi (Contemporary) حفظه الله.
2. Al-Usool Ath-Thalathah by Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.
3. Shuroot As-Salah by Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.
4. Al-Usool As-Sittah by Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.
5. Sujood As-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness) by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen (d. 1421 AH / 2001 CE) رحمه الله.
6. Al-Qawa’id Al-Arba’ by Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.
7. Nawaqidh Al-Islam by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.

Level Two
1. Al-Arba’een An-Nawawiyyah by Shaykh Yahya ibn Sharaf An-Nawawi (d. 676 AH / 1277 CE) رحمه الله.
2. Kitab At-Tawheed by Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.
3. Kashf Ash-Shubuhat by Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab (d. 1206 AH / 1792 CE) رحمه الله.
4. Usool As-Sunnah by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 AH / 855 CE) رحمه الله.

Level Three - Commencing Next Week Friday 13th December:
1. Al-Waraqat by Shaykh AbdulMalik Al-Juwayni (d. 478 AH / 1085 CE) رحمه الله.
2. Mandhoomat Al-Qawa’id Al-Fiqhiyyah by Shaykh AbdulRahman As-Sa’di (d. 1376 AH / 1956 CE) رحمه الله.
3. Al-Manthoomah Al-Bayqooniyyah by Shaykh Taha Al-Bayqooni (d. 1080 AH / 1669 CE) رحمه الله.
4. Nukhbat Al-Fikr by Shaykh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (d. 852 AH / 1449 CE) رحمه الله.
5. Usool At-Tafseer by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen (d. 1421 AH / 2001 CE) رحمه الله.

📱 Telegram: https://t.me/daarhadeeth

Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

07 Dec, 12:21

الحمد لله رب العالمين

With the permission of Allah, we have successfully completed the explanation of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad at Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth, taught by our Shaykh Saeed Hassan (حفظه الله وبارك فيه).

All lessons have been recorded, so you can catch up on any lessons you may have missed ⤵️

This marks the conclusion of Level 2, a programme for students of knowledge that began approximately three years ago.

We are excited to announce the commencement of Level 3, titled The Most Important Foundations In The Branches Of Knowledge. This level will cover a series of foundational books in various Islamic sciences.

No prior completion of Levels 1 or 2 is required to join Level 3. Whether you are just beginning your journey as a student of knowledge or do not know when to start, this is the perfect opportunity to start fresh! Level 3 will begin next Friday, insha’Allah.

We look forward to welcoming you and supporting you on this noble path of seeking knowledge.

‏وفقكم الله جميعا لما يحبه الله ويرضاه

📱 Telegram: https://t.me/daarhadeeth

Masjid Daar Al-Hadeeth
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

06 Dec, 10:29

FINAL lesson today!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

06 Dec, 10:29

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 8 of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad رحمه الله

Time: 6:00-8:15pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

06 Dec, 10:01

Aslaamu alaykum

The Kashfu Shubuhat exam has been sent out to the students.

📍Guidelines for the exam📍

- The duration of the exam is One hour & a half.
- Students can sit the exam anytime between Friday 6th to Sunday the 8th December.
- The exam must be done in one sitting (once you open the paper)
- Please hand in your paper on the following lesson (Friday 13th December).

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

29 Nov, 09:31

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 7 of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad رحمه الله

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

28 Nov, 10:06

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 20 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Masjid Daar al-Hadeeth (previously known as Masjid an-Nawawi), 96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

21 Nov, 16:17

📣 Ustadh’s Usool as-Sunnah class has been rescheduled to resume next week ان شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

21 Nov, 11:38

📣 Zad al Mustaqni’ will resume next week, on the 28th November 2024

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

21 Nov, 11:29

An overview of the book, “Defending the Prophet ﷺ from the Mawlid,” by Ustadh Sa’eed Hassan حفظه الله

Video Credit: Kutub London

The link to buy the book:


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

08 Nov, 19:16

A publication release based on a lecture of ‘Defending the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم from Mawlid’ by Ustadh حفظه الله ⬇️


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

07 Nov, 12:12

Ustadh’s Zaad al-Mustaqni class will be resuming on Thursday 21st November at Masjid an-Nawawi ان شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

07 Nov, 12:10

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Announcement 📣

We are still pursuing the idea of looking for a new place to hold the classes. For the moment, we have been unable to find a suitable venue for the classes to resume.

Insha’allah we have decided to temporarily have our classes held at Masjid an-Nawawi. This will commence when the brothers at Masjid an-Nawawi return from their Umrah trip.

Please see the start dates below ⬇️

Thursday 21st November
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Zaad Al-Mustaqni - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

Tuesday 26th November
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Mutaqad as-saheeh - ustadh Abu Ayesha

‎بأرك الله فيكم

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

04 Nov, 23:50

‼️ Ustadh’s Zaad class has also been paused at the moment as the previous location for the class has been closed down

The class will resume once a new location is finalised ان شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

04 Nov, 23:44

📣 Ustadh’s Usool as-Sunnah class will be paused for 2 weeks and resume on Friday 22nd November إن شاء الله

The last Friday of November will be the final lesson of the class إن شاء الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

01 Nov, 17:10

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 6 of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad رحمه الله

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Location: Masjid an-Nawawi
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney,
E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

27 Oct, 22:56

PDF for tomorrow’s Dawrah ⬇️

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

27 Oct, 19:00

Reminder that this Dawrah is on tomorrow at 6pm إن شاء الله!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

24 Oct, 19:51

Upcoming Dawrah!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

19 Oct, 09:08

‼️Announcment: Today’s Zad al-Mustaqni' lesson has been cancelled.

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

18 Oct, 15:52

‼️Announcment: Today’s Usul as-Sunnah lesson has been cancelled.

Classes will resume: 1st November 2024

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

18 Oct, 10:41

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 6 of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad رحمه الله

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Location: Masjid an-Nawawi
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney,
E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

17 Oct, 17:31


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

16 Oct, 12:30


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

15 Oct, 17:05


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

14 Oct, 11:00


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

13 Oct, 08:18

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi

Notice: Key Points for Consideration After the Next Class

Ikhwaani, We kindly ask you to keep the following points in mind after the next fiqh lesson:

1. Congestion after the Lesson: It has been noted that many brothers remain standing and talking in the hall once the lesson is over, which makes it difficult to clear the area. Please be mindful and keep the space clear after the class concludes.

2. Volunteers and Responsibility: The same brothers have been volunteering to clean up each week. Let’s make sure we all share the responsibility of looking after the hall. Closing our books and putting down our pens doesn’t mean our duty to one another ends. Let’s help each other where needed.

3. Water Bottles: We’ve noticed that water bottles are often left behind, with some still containing a significant amount of water. Please ensure that we minimize waste and dispose of our bottles properly.

By addressing these points, we can make the clearing process smoother and more efficient.

Jazakum Allahu khayran.

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

05 Oct, 11:15

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 18 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 5-7pm

Location: Durning Hall Community Centre, Earlham Grove, London E7 9AB (Itisaam bi Sunnah)

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

04 Oct, 11:54

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 4 of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad رحمه الله

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Location: Masjid an-Nawawi
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney,
E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

28 Sep, 10:24

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 17 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 5-7pm

Location: Durning Hall Community Centre, Earlham Grove, London E7 9AB (Itisaam bi Sunnah)

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

27 Sep, 14:21

الحمدلله Ustadh’s Friday class is back today

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

27 Sep, 14:21

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 3 of Usool as-Sunnah by Imam Ahmad رحمه الله

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Location: Masjid an-Nawawi
96B Lower Clapton Road, Hackney,
E5 0QR

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

26 Sep, 18:30


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

26 Sep, 10:24

This lecture has been uploaded ⬇️


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

23 Sep, 07:09


Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

21 Sep, 09:00

📚CLASS TODAY: Lesson 16 of Zaad al-Mustaqni’ by Imam al-Hajjawi رحمه الله

Time: 5-7pm

Location: Durning Hall Community Centre, Earlham Grove, London E7 9AB (Itisaam bi Sunnah)

Open to both brothers and sisters

وفقكم الله

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

19 Sep, 13:15

This is on today إن شاء الله!

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

17 Sep, 11:57

Upcoming Lecture: A Treatise on the Ruling Of Celebrating the Mawlid

At Masjid an-Nawawi

See the poster above for more details

Q&A & Benefits - Ustadh Saeed Hassan

11 Sep, 17:01

‼️ Ustadh’s Zaad al-Mustaqni Saturday class is back this week إن شاء الله

Timing and location remain the same.