IELTS with Mr. Sardor @ielts_sardor Channel on Telegram

IELTS with Mr. Sardor



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IELTS with Mr. Sardor (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English language skills and prepare for the IELTS exam? Look no further than 'IELTS with Mr. Sardor'! This Telegram channel, managed by the knowledgeable and experienced Mr. Sardor, is dedicated to helping individuals achieve success in the IELTS exam.nnWho is Mr. Sardor? With years of experience in teaching English and preparing students for the IELTS exam, Mr. Sardor is a dedicated educator who is passionate about helping students improve their language skills and achieve their goals.nnWhat is 'IELTS with Mr. Sardor'? This channel provides valuable resources, tips, and tricks to help you excel in the IELTS exam. From grammar lessons to practice tests, 'IELTS with Mr. Sardor' offers everything you need to succeed.nnIn addition to the channel, Mr. Sardor also offers online courses through @ieltsadmin1, ensuring that you have access to comprehensive study materials and expert guidance.nnJoin 'IELTS with Mr. Sardor' today and take the first step towards achieving your IELTS goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a dedicated and experienced educator. Follow the channel for regular updates and stay connected with the 'IELTS with Mr. Sardor' community!

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

16 Nov, 04:57

Like forrreeeeaaal

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Nov, 18:16

🗓 Bugungi kunim haqqida qisqacha:

6.00 - 8.00 online darslarga tayyorgarlik
9.30-10.30 offline darslarga tayyorgarlik
10.30-12.00 offline dars
14.00 - 20.00 offline darslaaaaaar
21:00 - 21:30 online darsga tayyorgarlik
21:30 - 22:30 online dars

- 1 kunda 150ta o'quvchiga dars berdim 😃
- Ovozim: 😵
- Miyyam: 🤯
- Energiyam: 🪫
- Kayfiyatim esa: 📈

Shunaqa, teacher bo'lish oson emas...

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Nov, 06:31

For those who chose “NO

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Nov, 04:24


📌Read the text and answer the following questions:

The story of coffee begins in Ethiopia, where legend holds that a goat herder named Kaldi discovered its energizing effects after noticing his goats behaving unusually lively after eating berries from a certain bush. Kaldi's discovery quickly spread to nearby monasteries, where monks used coffee to stay awake during long prayers.

By the 15th century, coffee was being cultivated in Yemen, and Arabian merchants introduced it to the Islamic world, eventually bringing it to Europe. By the 17th century, coffeehouses became popular social hubs in cities like Venice and London. These establishments were not just places for drinking coffee but forums for intellectual discussion, leading them to be nicknamed "penny universities."

In modern times, coffee has grown into a global phenomenon. Beyond being a daily ritual, coffee culture has expanded to include barista competitions and specialty coffee shops that prioritize high-quality beans. Coffee remains a significant economic commodity, supporting millions worldwide.

Choose the correct option (True, False or Not given)

1. Kaldi's discovery of coffee occurred in Ethiopia.

2. Coffee was first introduced to Europe directly from Ethiopia.

3. The nickname "penny universities" reflects the social and intellectual role of coffeehouses in Europe.


IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Nov, 04:23

⚽️Kechagi o'yin o'tti ketti. Lekin bu yilni boshida qo'yilgan maqsadlarga erishilmadi hali. Shunichun shu readingga bitta javob berib miyyani charxlavolib Real Lifega qaytish kere👇

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

13 Nov, 17:45

🗓 2025-Yil uchun IELTS test sanalari

🎁 Register through my link below to get a lot of bonuses like preparation materials and free online lesson.

🖥 Register now:

➡️ Share this calendar with anyone who is preparing to take IELTS!

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

13 Nov, 15:55

- Uydan chiqib ketvotganimda kuz edi 🍁☔️

- Kelib qarasam qish ekan uje ☃️🥶

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

13 Nov, 08:15

Galleryamni biroz “titib chiqgan edim”… bitta savol keldi.

Nega man bunchali “work aesthetics”ni yaxshi ko’raman🫠?

Sizlarda ham shunaqa rasmlar bo’lsa comment’da share qilila 👇

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

12 Nov, 15:03

Let it be here

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

12 Nov, 08:04

Many young people lack discipline to achieve what they are capable of achieving…

This is one of the best speeches on discipline and its importance 💪

Listen to this every morning to become the second Goggins 😎

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

11 Nov, 16:14

We are about to start it…

➡️ @ten_day_lesson
➡️ @ten_day_lesson
➡️ @ten_day_lesson

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

07 Nov, 15:23

Soldiers, 200+ odam yig’a olamizmi Yakshanba kunga? 🤩🫠

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

07 Nov, 14:06

🎓 Academic Training 😎

Yakshanba kuni soat 14:00’da Cambridge’ning Tinchlik filialida, mana shu mavzular haqqida gaplashamiz…

Eng zo’r joyi: bu mutlaqo be’pul va hattoki siz shaxsan mendan sovg’a ham yutib olishingiz mumkin 😃

Sizni qiziqtirgan har qanday savollarga javob beraman, javob 🤫

- siz Cambridge o’quvchisi bo’lishingiz shart emas, kelib qatnashib, manfa’at olib ketsangiz bo’ldi🙌🏻

Aniq keladiganlar bitta + qoldiramiz 👇🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

07 Nov, 14:00

Dam olish kungi tadbirlarga tayyormisiz? 🔥

⚡️ Cambridge o’quvchilari uchun bu hafta dam olish kuni juda mazmunli o’tadi. Chunki siz uchun ajoyib eventlarni tayyorlab qo’yganmiz.

🗣 Academic Trainings doirasida Drujba filiali IELTS ustozi Mr.Sardor bilan «IELTS olishdagi eng katta muammolarga yechimlar» mavzusi ko’tariladi.

🗓 10-noyabr
Soat 14:00
📍 Tinchlik filiali

⭐️ O’quvchilarimizning sevimli eventlaridan biri Mafia ham kutib turibdi. So’zga ustalik mahoratingizni amalda sinovdan o’tkazish vaqt keldi.

🗓 10-noyabr
Soat 10:00
📍 Tinchlik filiali

Hoziroq Cambridge App orqali yakshanba kungi eventlarga ro’yxatdan o’tib, o’z joyingizni band qilib qo’ying.

📞 Tel: 78 777 77 74

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

06 Nov, 17:44

#Discussion 🤓

🧐How do you think elections in the US will affect the world? Is selection of D. Trump a positive or negative outcome?👇

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

06 Nov, 15:22

🌧️These are not raindrops; these are tears of students preparing for midterm exams😭

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

06 Nov, 06:15

How about not wasting time, but reading the CNN report on US election updates?👇

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

05 Nov, 13:50

Challenge’ga qo’shilib oling, Haaaaa! 👨🏻‍🦲

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

05 Nov, 10:33

Facts 💯

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

04 Nov, 17:25

Something not your average teacher shares😏

Relish + sth/Ving - to like or enjoy something.

What you would've said:

I enjoy cooking for my family on weekends.

What you'll say from now on:

I relish cooking for my family on weekends.


P.s. I'd say if we collect 100 🤩 reactions, I'll send the pronunciation of the word, but you can check it out here🤷

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

04 Nov, 12:59

Text’lardagi farq nima ekanligini challenge kanalimda to’liq aytib berdim.

Kanalga qo’shilib ko’rib olsangiz bo’ladi: 👇🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

04 Nov, 07:48

Ko’pchilik bu narsani bilmaydi… 🤫

Writing’dan bir narsa o’rgataman, faqat avval tepadegi textlarni o’qib chiqib, bir savolga javob bering👇🏻

- Which paragraph is more clear, smooth, and understandable? Why?

- Qaysi tekst tushunarliroq? Nega?

Commentlarda yozib qoldiring✍🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

03 Nov, 15:32

They are practicing body language for speaking exam

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

03 Nov, 15:28

#FunTime 😂

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

03 Nov, 15:21


Have they not reflected upon their own being? Allah only created the heavens and the earth and everything in between for a purpose and an appointed term. Yet most people are truly in denial of the meeting with their Lord!

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

03 Nov, 12:38

Butun kun telegramsiz o’tdi, antenna yoq ekan😁

Mezza 💆🏻‍♂️🍃

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

02 Nov, 14:52


Bepul online darslarni sog'inganlar bormi?

Havotir olmang, buni evaziga sizdan hech narsa so'ramayman 😏😉

Noyabr oyida 10ta bepul telegram olami hali ko'rmagan darslarni o'tib beramiz. Har darsdan kegin sizga vazifa beramiz va u vazifani tekshirib ham beramiz.

Yo'q, yo'q bu clickbait reklama yoki navbatdagi konkurs emas. Отдуши bepulga 10ta dars va 100lab foydali materiallar ulashamiz.

🤔 Sabab? Men doim o'zim ustimda ishlashni yaxshi ko'raman. Shunday bepul challenge o'tkazish orqali o'zimni kursimga yangi darslar, materiallar va metodlar qo'shib boraman. Siz esa shu orada bu imkoniyatdan foydalanib olishingiz mumkin 😉

Bu kanaldegi kontent bilar aralashib ketmasligi uchun, darslar boshqa, yopiq kanalda bo'ladi.

Nimani kutyabsan Abdullajon, qo'shil tezroq!!!! 👇🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

01 Nov, 15:14

Why do we say mankind, but we dont say womankind? — isn’t that concerning?

That was the most feminist thing Ive ever heard😂

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

01 Nov, 09:55

Many students feel as if I am sending them to a lower level when I say “you need to improve your General English, go to level 1”. However, you can see the effect 😉

- 7.0 from level 1

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

01 Nov, 01:18

💭 6am thoughts:

10/12 of 2024 is over. Have you achieved the things you wanted to achieve this year?

If not, you still have 2 month to fix it…

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

31 Oct, 13:36

Some aesthetics to your feed 💆🏻‍♂️

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

30 Oct, 13:16

May you have this task 1 if you copy your task 1 homework from the internet and show it to your teacher as if it is yours 🤲😂

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

30 Oct, 07:34

Want to have influence on others? Want to get others do what you want?

- then this is the must-read book/ must-listen audiobook for you.

The techniques covered here are real eye opener. They include:
- reciprocation
- consistency
- social proof
- liking
- authority
- scarcity

Learn these 6 simple techniques and see how you can manipulate others or how you are being manipulated by others 😁

🎧Here is full audiobook:

🤫 Here is summarized version of it for lazy people:

📕 Here is the summarized version of book to read:

Replace your meaningless scrolling with a positive habit. Thank me later 😉

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

29 Oct, 19:01

You think you work hard? Think again 💀

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

29 Oct, 12:05

📌Miyyani jingalak qilib qo'yadigan #MiniReading:

In an effort to combat rising pollution levels, many cities are adopting green infrastructure strategies. These include planting more trees, creating green rooftops, and developing urban parks. Proponents believe that green infrastructure can significantly reduce air pollution, enhance biodiversity, and improve residents' quality of life. Additionally, research indicates that cities with higher levels of greenery tend to have lower urban temperatures, which can help combat the effects of climate change. Despite these advantages, some critics argue that green infrastructure projects require substantial investment and may not provide immediate benefits.


1. Green infrastructure is believed to help lower urban temperatures.

2. The passage states that over 100 cities have adopted green infrastructure.

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

29 Oct, 08:15


Many people believe that spending more on public transport is essential for the future of urban areas. Supporters argue that improved public transport can reduce traffic congestion, decrease pollution, and make cities more accessible. Some experts, however, suggest that simply increasing funding is not enough. They claim that cities also need to encourage people to choose public transport over private vehicles by making it convenient, affordable, and reliable. Despite these views, a recent survey shows that only 30% of city dwellers use public transportation regularly.


According to the passage, experts believe that cities need to make public transport convenient, affordable, and reliable.

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

28 Oct, 05:56

There are hundreds of people asking for a place in your group and there are all those students taking it for granted

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

28 Oct, 05:37

Lifehack, how to ruin your teacher’s mood for the whole day: just dont come to the lesson

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

26 Oct, 20:57

Feels like I'll start watching football again🔥

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

26 Oct, 20:44


IELTS with Mr. Sardor

26 Oct, 20:16


IELTS with Mr. Sardor

26 Oct, 11:47

The answer: no!

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

26 Oct, 06:17

The background music from outside😁

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

25 Oct, 19:14

This was the best greeting Ive heard this week😂🐢

Have a good night 🎤

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

25 Oct, 19:04

Liked this quote so much, so let it be here too😁

if you are too lazy to read, the conclusion is “teaching=stress”, especially recently…

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

25 Oct, 05:55

Honamni oldidagi doskaga kimdir shuni chizib ketibti 😁

Is it a compliment or a criticism 💀?

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

24 Oct, 09:01


Day 2 of casually posting student results👌

Become a Hall of Famer with us

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

24 Oct, 06:37

Teachers be like 😭

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

23 Oct, 13:32

Sardor’s Success Story!

Sardor scored amazing 8.5 in his recent IELTS test with the British Council. We had to share his experience with the world.

📹 Watch the video on global TakeIELTS page on Instagram

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

23 Oct, 12:36

You know, there are levels and this is what I call THE LEVEL 😎

Imagine being a test taker, struggling with IELTS test and one day, you are featured on official global page of IELTS. You dont get better confirmation/recognition than this 🤓

This means that our efforts are becoming visible and noted, for which I am really grateful 😇

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

21 Oct, 18:46

Are you new in the channel

🤓Let me share the link to a channel where you can experience 5% of the atmosphere of my lesson.

Articles. They play a huge role in developing your general English. Reading them helps you expand your vocabulary knowledge, broaden your worldview and discipline yourself (they're slightly boring yk). Ready wordlist with definitions and practical speaking questions are just the icing on the cake.

‼️Don't waste another second and form a new habit with us for FREE.


IELTS with Mr. Sardor

21 Oct, 11:54

New group 6.30 odd days.

A few seats left. We will start on Wednesday/Friday. Run to register 🏃‍♂️

Approach drujba 1 administrators in person 🙌🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

19 Oct, 14:48

19th of October exam guys, relatable?

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

19 Oct, 12:21

Another level #Motivation

⚡️Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you had.
©Robin Sharma


IELTS with Mr. Sardor

19 Oct, 05:22

🎁IELTSga ro‘yxatdan o‘ting – bonuslarga ega bo‘ling 😃

British Council ambassadori sifatida men sizga maxsus taklif taqdim qilaman:

Mening havolam orqali IELTS’ga ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va ko‘plab BEPUL sovg‘alarga ega bo‘ling, jumladan:

• IELTS Ready Premium kursiga kirish: 40 ta onlayn mock testi 🎁
• 20+ ta 6.5/7/7.5/8.0 ballik yozilgan task 2 sample essays to‘plami ✏️
• Writing va reading bo‘yicha video darslar 🖥
• Cambridge’dan tashqari 4 ta to‘liq Listening va Reading testlari 🔖
• Task 1’ni yaxshilash uchun maxsus tayyorlangan mashqlar 📊
• Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish bo‘yicha savollarga to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri yordam

Qisqacha, British Council bilan IELTS’ga ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va imtihondan yuqori ball olish uchun kerak bo’lgan hamma narsani qo‘lga kiriting ⚡️

BEPUL BONUSLARNI olish uchun IELTS’ga to‘lov tasdig‘ini @ieltsadmin1 ga yuboring (email’ga keladi).

🌐 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish havolasi:

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

18 Oct, 16:48

Shu postni tegidigi muammolarga birma-bir online darslarda yechim bersam nima deysizlar? 😁

50+ odam qatnashsa, goooo

P.s. missed teaching online 🥲

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

18 Oct, 14:39

Student darsimda readingdan 12/40 to’g’ri javob topdi. Lekin uyda har safar 30+ chiqadi deyabti.

Nima deb o’ylaysiz u student qaysi lag’monhonada ishlaydi? 😂

Insof bilan aldela aldasela)) Or do I seem so naive?

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

17 Oct, 11:55

🆘 Yordamilar kerak 🚨

Yaqinda Cambridge’da offline training o’taman. Mavzular juda ko’p, lekin men ayanan meni auditoriyamni og’riqli nuqtalariga yechim bermoqchiman. Aniq sanasini keginroq e’lon qilaman.

IELTS/Ingliz tilidagi eng katta muammolaringiz, qo’rquvlaringiz, va og’riqlaringiz kerak. Barchasini yechamiz va davolaymiz 👨‍⚕️

Iloji boricha aniqroq javoblar kerak (Masalan, shunchaki writing emas, writingda ayanan nima?). Savol qanchalik aniq bo’lsa, javob ham shunchalik foydali bo’ladi😉

✉️ Commentlarda kutaman 👇🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

17 Oct, 05:33

Shu kunlarda kanalimga juda ko’p yangi follower’lar qo’shildi. Keling, biroz gaplashib tanishib olamiz. 🙌🏻

Ko’pchilik bilganidek, men o’zim haqqimda gapirishni yoqtirmayman😅 shuning uchun ham meni tanigan odamlardan men haqqimda faktlar etib berishlarini so’raymiz. Men esa u faktlar qanchali to’g’ri ekanligini aytaman

Qani ketdik 👇🏻

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

16 Oct, 13:33

Afsuski joylar tugadi 🥲

Eventimizda ko’rishguncha👋

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

16 Oct, 06:37

6 seats left 🏃‍♂️

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Oct, 13:06

- 37ta joy band qilindi

- 23ta qoldi. Shoshiling🏃‍♂️

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Oct, 10:49


Do you see Uzbekistan in the World Cup 2026?⚽️

Honest opinions👇

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

15 Oct, 08:54

A bonus phrasal verb🔥

Long to + V1 - to want to do something very much.

What you would've said if you hadn't been subscribed:

Many students aim to study in other countries because it gives them a chance to grow and learn from different education systems.

What you'll say from now on:

Many students long to study in other countries because it gives them a chance to grow and learn from different education systems.


P.s. it's completely formal💯

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

14 Oct, 18:12

We gotta stay loyal to our traditions huh?!😁

IELTS with Mr. Sardor

14 Oct, 17:51

We are 20% full. Hurry up 🏃🏻‍♂️